HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-06-06, Page 5PAGE, REPEAT PINRFORYLANCIFI• BALLET- RECITAL Sponsored by Scout azjd Guide Auxiliaries Wednesday, June 12 — 8 p.m. CLINTON LEGION HALL Polling Booths In Town of Clinton FOR FEDERAL FJ:F1CTION ' Monday, June 10 St. Andrew's Ward, Town Hall St. James' Ward, Legion Hall St. John's Wasl, Ball-Macaulay Ltd. •showrooms St. George's Ward, K. W. Cot- quhoun's office, in Royal Bank building. (Published by Clinton Liberal Association) 23-b TARGfr 117ttOOM II NEWS-RECORD Kiseh-Thompson A. pretty wedding was; solemn- ized in North Street United chur- chi Goderich, last Saturday, June 1, when, Sandra day Thompson became the Wide of Wallace Wal- ter Kisch, RCAF Station Clinton. The bride, who is a daUghter of Mr, and Mrs, Alex Thompson, GUderich, has been employed with. the Clinton. Community Credit Un- ion. Her husband is the son of Mrs. Cecil Hansen and the late Walter Kisch, Sangudo, Alta. 'Rev, A. D. Dustace. officiated. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a ballerina length gown of net dyer satin with Chantilly lace jacket and inserts conditions and will if given a chance, work for the betterment of Canadians and Canadian com- panies. When a firm goes on spending more than it makes it is heading for bankruptcy and that can happen to a nation. In 1956 the value of the Canadian goods sold abroad was $4,862,- 000,000; in the seine year Canada purchased goods from foreign countries worth $5,712,000,000. The foreign debt was thus $850,- 000,000, In fact each year for the past three years Canada's trade deficit has been almost • double that of the previous year. Of course exports have gone up also. In 1956 exports were 11.2 percent up from 1955. But over the same period our imports were up 'by 21.2 percent, The largest trade deficite was with the U.S.A. In 1954 the value of goods we pur- chased from the U.,S. was 594 Million more than the value of the goods sold to them. In 1955, the figure was up to 840 Million. Last year it was up to 1,288 mill- ion. To my mind this is serious business. Regardless of the fact it has been drawn to their atteri- tion many times, the Liberal Gov- ernment is doing nothing about The other day the Hon. Lester Pearson said in a speech that he thought ,* something should be done about it. C. D. Howe was asked what he planned to do about it. He said as far as the Department oft Trade and Com- merce is concerned, we plan to take no steps. Finance Minister Walter Harris, when asked, rep- lied that his Department wasn't planning to do any more than that of Mr. Howe, The fact is as a nation We are mortgaging our- selves. We are,importing Foreign Capital which is steadily buying up our assets, our mines, our oil wells, our manufacturing plants. The U.S. interests are assuming more and more control over Can- ada's wealth both present and future. The Liberal Government is tax- ing our people out of world trade and heading the country into bankruptcy. The• Canadian 21/2 percent Vic- tory Loan tBonds are • now only worth $84.60; the 9th Victory Loan Bond is now worth $88.25, your dollar only 50 cents. I hope on the 10th of June the Canadian people will come to life, realizing what is going on. • Now, a word about Agriculture, the forgotten people of Canada by the Liberal Government. Diefen- baker Policy is a fair share for the farmer. Agriculutre and its welfare is a basic cornerstone. We will endeavor to develop wherever possible effective trade agreements with other countries. The 'Conservatives if elected on June 10th will ease the Palm Credit situation. We recognize the need for a complete investig- ation into the spread between pro- ducers and consumer prices of various farm products. We will appoint a Royal Com- mission to study this inequality and disclose to the consuming public full and complete, inform- ation 'on this very important mat- ter and on the basis of its rec- ommendations enact Legistlation accordingly. These are a few of the things that .can be done by a change of Government without any increase in Taxation. Vote Cardiff, for Huron, ea, GIN makes the difference in K 1 ST Take genuine ginger from the land of the Calypso for authentic gingery snap. Add the thirst quenching goodness of West Indian limes, California lemons plus the subtle flavor of eastern spices. Blend them and age them to bring out their best qualities. This painstaking insistence on perfection makes KIST Dry Ginger Ale everyone's favourite. Try it soon — you'll love it too. ,z:40000:. tG refreSh yog EAS11 Kt-5.16:.% IF IT'S A GOOD USED CAR YOU WANT BUY ONE OF THESE 1955 FORD MAINLINE TUDOR $1,495 1953 FORD. MAINLINE FORDOR .... 995 1952 CHEVROLET STANDARD (4 Door) $ 895 • 1949. PONTIAC SEDAN $ 595 MOTORCADE STORES LTD. ASSOCIATE DEALER McPhersonBros.Garage Bear Wheel Alignment and Balancing Service Phone HU 2-9363 : : Clinton, Ont. MOTORCADE STORES BE READY FOR HOLIDAYS WITH A Guaranteed Used Car 1955 PLYMOUTH CLUB SEDAN ONLY...$1675 Radio; Overdrive 1955 PLYMOUTH Sedan $1650 Real Clean! ONLY 1952 PLYMOUTH Sedan A real family car ONLY 1950 PLYMOUTH Sedan Radio! Real Nice! ONLY $845 $575 A._ urphy Bros. Ph A VISIT YOUR NEAREST RCAF STATION SATURDAY, JUNE 8 TARGET FREEDOM Chrysler Plymouth Fargo Sales and Service Huron St. Clinton MESSAGE TO THE n;mq-solT,s. VIROLIVI ANDREW Y. MCLEAN, L.liBMAL ..0ANPIPATEZ The few days remaining before Huron riding citizens will east • their ,ballots provide an Opporturi, ity to arrive at a decision as to Which of the two candidates .can ;best serve the interests of Huron riding, The decision; must take in- to, consideration not only the quali- fications of the candidates thear- Selves, but also the records and promises of the parties they re- present. The.Conservative, or as it is now called, the Diefenbaker, par- ty record is plain, There are Many who recall the complete col- lapse of trade of the agricultural economy the last time .Censerva- tiVe policies were in operation. The Diefenbaker prograni, as of- fered to you this election, has, as its main feature, high protection, 'the very same feature that proved so distastrous in the past. In ad- dition, 'of course, there is offered to the farmer what is termed "ad- equate. parity," This can only mean bureaucratic control of farm operations—something the Liberal. party believes to be not only un- desirable, but something the ay:- .erage Canadian farmer wishes to' avoid at all costs. The .only other feature of the Diefenbaker program we need. Mention is the extent to which promises 'have entered into the appeal being made by Mr. Diefen- baker and those who support him. Promises now made total at least one billion, five hundred mil- lion dollars, your dollars, of cour- se, because from where else can. money come with, which to carry out these prorniseS? These prom- ises of vastly increased expendi- tures proposed by the Conserve- tives, if kept, can only result in you, the taxpayer, being called on 'to pay additional income tax. But that is not all, The Conservatives say, at the 'same time, they will alSo reduce taxes. Now we all know eitpenditures can be Increas- ed, or taxes can be lowered, but you can't do both at the same time, The Liberal record, oil the other hand, is one of progress. Liberal policies have resulted in an in- creased trade, until today Cana- da's per capita trade is the high- est of any country in the world. Canada's trade with the United Kingdom is the greatest in his- tory, Canada's standard of living is the equal et any in the world, There is a problem, of course, The great development that is occurr- ing in Canada has resulted in a temporary price cost spread which is affecting the farmer. This is a situation which the Liberal party recognizes and which it is pledged to correct. As your Liberal candi- date, I am concerned about the situation, but am satisfied that the very conditions that are causing the squeeze will, as the develop- ment is completed, be the means of eliminating the problem. Cer- tainly the Huron farmer must be assured of a return the equal to that received by any other' ele- ment in the community. This can and is being done by creating con- ditions whereby there'is a continu- ing market .,for Canadian farm products within Canada. The Liberal party makes no promises other than to say it will continue to administer the affairs of the country in such a way that individual initiation continues to be encouraged, that Canada con- linues to development, and that the standard of living all Cana- dians enjoy continue ..to be im- proved. Expenditures will not be increased, except as national de- velopment requires, and taxes will continue to be lowered as produc- tivity rises. For instance, in the past four years, taxes have been lowered by $485,000,000, or ap- proximately $30.00 for each man, woman and child in the country. The interests of Huron riding can best be served by a member who thinks constructively, who leaks to the future; a member who gets things done; who can present your problems in an effective man- ner to the end that they may be solved. I suggest you want some- one to represent you who is sin- cerely interested in assisting the people of Huron riding with their problems, no matter what their politics may be. Someone who can speak to and is listened to by the Government of the day. It is of no assistance to criticize, to tear down, unless a constructive al- ternative is presented. Blaming it on the government does not help the people of Huron. It is for these reasons, then, that I suggest to the voters of Huron 'riding that their interests may best be served by voting Lib- eral on Monday. Why take a chance? MESSAGE TO THD ELECTORS ZROIV.r DISTON 171ROGIIDSSTM CONSERVATIVE CAM:1MA= FOR THE HURON RIDING: During this election campaign Canadian unity has been mention- ed many times, The Prime Min- ister has taken the role of the Great Mediator of national unity. Let us look at the facts as they exist today, Uncle Louis, as he is so often called, no longer can make claim to National Unity. Even Quebec, the one Province which through the years could be counted on' to stand behind the Prime Minister have now kicked over the traces and according to reports will not any longer be a solid block for the Liberal Party. In this election, when the Prime Minister made his official visit to Manitoba, the Prime Minister of that Province was not among the Prime Minister's welcomers. The Prime Minister has brand- ed a new firm in Ontario, "Feast- Diefenbaker," a better deal for Ontario, at •the expense of the other nine Provinces. Not much hope for unity in those remarks. At one time Quebec was protect- ed against the rest of Canada, But now the tide has turned and the rest of Canada are to be pro- tected against Ontario. Sir John A. MacDonald, the founder of 'Confederation, was a man of wide experience and vis- ion and did more to unite Canada than any other man. The present Prime Minister has done more to dis-unite Canada than any other man. If this trend is allowed to continue for another one or two Parliaments Canada will be the hot bed for Communism ,grehter by far than has any European State. The Emergency Powers Act, when is came up for revision a year ago, was another example of the attitude of the Liberal Gover- nment when they fought to make the Act permanent. They have all the powers that were granted them in war time. The only con- sideration the Opposition got out of the debate was, the Bill must come ,back •to Parliament every three years for revision. The C. D. Howe statement that Canada is bursting at the seams, simply means the seams are leak- ing so badly our wealth and birth- right are leaking into the United States at a fast clip. We have now over 3000 U.S. owned subsid- iaries operating in Canada and only 2% Of the executive man- agement in the hands of Canad- ians. These subsidiares are do- ing so well that our trade bal- ance with the United States is over 1900 Million Dollars deficit, Heavy taxesand succession duties are breaking down Canad- ian estates and businesses. U.S. capital walks in and, picks up the bargains as the stock is thrown on the market in order to pay succession duties.' With the U.S. laws making capital losses deduc- tible U.S. capital can buy out a Canadian company and run it at a loss to beat Canadian business. The Progressive Conservatives under Diefenbaker can see,,these Clinton Electric Shop — D. W. Cornish — Your WESTINGHOUSE Dealer HU 2-6646 — CLINTON "You can be sure if it's Westinghouse" in the skirt, lily point sleeves and• a boat neckline. Her fingertip veil was caught to a crown of pearls and iridescents. She. car- Tied .a crescent ,bouquet of Am- erican 13eauty roses. Mrs. Thomas Thompson, Gocier- lob, (sister-in-Jaw of the bride) was matron of honour and; Miss- .,oytce Glazier, Gederich was brid- esmaid, They were dressed in green and, coral net dresses res- pectively with .matching net stoles and flower headdresses. They both carried yellow and white 'mum nosegays, Groomsman was AC1 Peter Qherkwa, =AP Station! Clinton, and usherS were David Marlin, Kincardine and Thomas Thomp- son, Goderiph, Douglas nosa, auer, Clinton,, sang "The Wedding Prayer" and "Because," For the reception held at Ile home of the bride's parents, Mrs, Thompson wore brown taffeta with white accessories and a con, sage of yellow roseS. After, a sbort wedding trip the young couple will live in Clinton. Citizens get the kind of govern- ment they deserve . . . Vote on June 10. . , LISTEN MEN! Let us dry clean your suits, sport slacks a, a d jackets. Quality work, efficient ser- vice and courteous attention assure your satisfaction al- ways at Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning. This Week 'the Lucky is No. 1249 Check your Calen0ar. If the number snatches, take the Calendar to our office and claim your $3.00 credit. .-0-1÷40-4-0-0-•^9^•^0-11-4,-4.4.-104.14-0-0 For Your Convenience Use Our - Down Town Office on King Street (formerly Simpsons-Sears) •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-.4-.4-•-•-.44-4.4•-•-•-•-• CLINTON • get, HU 2.70b4 Furniture Bargains Almost everything made in Lawn Aluminum Furniture at Beattie's: CHAIRS -- RECLINERS -- CHAISE LOUNGES -- ROCKERS UMBRELLAS and TABLES PRICES MOST REASONABLE by ylitg LitcPdeMAT SPECIAL: from- le8ndsincifs Axmin- ster rugs—SPECIAL at $1.95 ea. ICZVIVAI4FHAEGSS OF $1.25 per bag SPRING FILLED MATTRESS 190 Coil -- Special at .,....„ .............. ,..2 1.95 COMPLETE BED— Cable Spring Steel, Bed with Panel, Spring Mattresses, Single Size FULL PANEL BED 3 Regular Sizes. Slat Spring Visit RCAF Station CLINTON—Sat , June 8 BEATTIE FURNITURE THi.MSDAY, NNE- 6, .1-957 The Candidates Forum $39.00 $54.50 MAKE HIM GLAD HE'S YOUR DAD Choose Your Father's Day Gifts From Our Complete Selection of: SHIRTS — SOCKS -- TIES SPORT SHIRTS T-SHIRTS -- BELTS JEWELLERY SPORT COATS -- SLACKS and many othersuitable GIFT BOXES - - GIFT CERTIFICATES AIR FORCE DAY SAT., JUNE 8 Visit RCAF Station 'Clinton Pickett & Campbell Limited ARROW SHIRTS STETSON HATS ' Phone HU 2-9732 — Clinton, Ont. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS