HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-06-06, Page 3•
The man next door is saving to
enlarge his summer cottage
The skin-diver is saving regularly
to*buy a new boat
Ta)URSPAY, ,)1,)1\14 19K muTrolT .nsivs.nwmp. PAW viRgio
National /omen's President Here
Supporting Andy McLean's Cause
for the St. Laurent Perty". but
rather stood on the principles ,Of
the _Liberal Party the best good
for every man, womene and child.
"It is bein said" went on Mrs,
Caldwell, "that farmers are in
worse shape than they've 'ever
been, But, 7ou .and know that
this is not so. I've known the
West,,wben we cooked porridge in
the morning, fried what was left
over for noon, and had pancakes
for supper, Diefenbaker says he
is for "flexible parity prices'. This
is just talk which can't be pinned
down. What does it mean?"
Concerning "dignity of -parlia-
ment" which the Conservatives
claim -they work for, Mrs. Cald-
well said that in the last session
of the house, only two men had to
be disciplined and they were
Fleming and Vanilorne, both Con-
servative members.
She ended' with a list of social
securities which the Liberals had
brought in, plus work to help wo-•
men into positions on boards, in
the senate, job opportunities . and
help for the arts, etc.
Mrs. Caldwell was thanked by
Mrs, Carmen Rewcliffe, president
of the Liberal Association of Sea-
-forth. A bouquet of red roses was
presented to her by little Miss
Audrey Denomme, six-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Denomme, and after retaining one
rose for a corsage, Mrs. Caldwell
called on Mrs. May Dorrance,
Seaforth, to accept those remain-
ing .for her mother, Mrs. John
Govenlock, 82 years old.
Other women on the platform
were Mrs. A. Y. McLean, Seaforth,
and Mrs. 3. A. Addison and Mrs.
E. Radford, pianist, both of Clin-
Hen.sall Bantams
Feted By Kinsmen
(By our Hensall Correspondent)
Hensall Kinsmen Club ' hosted
the bantam hockey team recently
and featured 0. M. (Mike)
Weichel, Elmira, least president of
the OHA, as guest speaker. Other
speakers were NiHL referee Frank
Udavari and Hugh Hawkins, Clin-
ton, representing the Weetern On-
tario Athletic Association. Coaches
Robert Reaburn, William Mickle
and. Harold Knight and 22 mem-
bers of the team topped off the
evening watching hockey films.
men. He appealed to those pres-
in getting out the vote for their
dation, was chairman of the meet-
ent to work for the Liberal cause
ing, and he noted that 52 percent
of the voters in -Canada are Wo-
Liberal Candidate,
dent of the Huron Liberal Assoe-
Women of Canada, addressed
about 100 ladies in the interests
of Andrew Y. McLean, Seaforth,
we appealed to laet Thursday
afternon, when in the Legion
National Federation of Liberal
Memorial Hall, Mrs, A. L, CaId-
"Andy" McLean addressed the
Ilugh Hawkins, Clinton, presi-
Women of the riding of Huron emently .OPpOSed to the payments
Saskatoen, president of the
touch of humour had her audience
haired, was full of life and with a
has been the prairie representative
able" speaker, and though grey-
graduate of that college, She
on the board of goyernors of the
National Film Board, and a -dele-
gate to the United Nations in
1953. •
marking that she was a graduate
introduced the guest speaker, re-
1923, and has one son also a
in this."
of the University of Saskatoon in
men% "they are in no way sincere.
that now though they say they
would have made like -arrange,
at the time they were begun, and
Mrs. Caldwell was a "comfort-
Nirs, Margaret White, Seaforth,
gathering, and said that the large at ease in short order, - She spoke
turn-out indicated a larger vote firmly without a • microphone, and
this time, and a favourable vote was easily heard to the back of
for the Liberal party in Huron, As the hall.
accomplishments for his party, Mr.
McLean' noted that Canada has
become a member of the United
Nations, and the premier L. St.
Laurent had suggested the forma-
tion of NATO. Mr, McLean said
that membership' of Canada in
these two, and th? work these or-
ganizations had done has helped to
keep the world from a major out-
break of war,
He mentioned social securities,
both old age pensions and family
allowances, which had come into
being under the Liberal govern-
ment, which had recently promis-
ed an increase in both. He said
theit the Opposition had been veh-
Rob your Rest..
Many people never seem to get a good
night's rest. They turn and toss—blame it
on 'nerves'—when it may be their kidneys.
Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess
acids from the blood. If they fail and
impurities stay in the system—disturbed
rest often follows. If you don't rest well
get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's
help the kidneys so that you can rest
better—and feel better,. 136
Dodd's Kidney Pills
Parents are requested to registerall children eligible to
attend KINDERGARTEN CLASSES, commencing
September, 1957.
Children will be admitted on basis of age until accom-
modation is filled. Register by letter not later
than June 19, 1957.
On day of enrolment in September, definite proof of age
must be submitted to the Principal of the Public
(Signed) on behalf of
H. C. Lawson, Secretary
Clinton Officials Attend Ont. Meeting
Among convention delegates to- the 1957 annual convention
of Ontario Mayors and Reeves in Chatham last week, were (from
left) John Koning, alderman in Chatham; Mayor M. E. Dickenson,
North Bay; John Livermore, clerk, and Mayor W, J. Miller, Clin-
ton; Mayor F. W. Cox, Stratford. (Courtesy the Windsor Star)
Clinton Cub Pack Wins
Trophy For Second Year
Scouts Too
Though Clinton Scouts did not
enter competition at the Rally,
there were some present. The
Eketer Troop won the challenge
Three long service medals were
presented to Ernest Demster,
Cubmaster at RCAF Station Cen-
tralia; John u Cory, Cubmaster at
RCAF Station Clinton, and L. R.
Riley, Scoutmaster at Goderich.
These were for -'ten years work in
Miss E. Beacom.
Heads Unit of
Women Teachers
The Clinton Unit of the Women
Teachers' Federation met on May
28 with Miss Johnston presid-
ing. The slate of officers for the
coming year was accepted.
Officers are: president, Miss
Edythe Beacom, Londesboro; first
vice-president, Miss Winnie Gray;
second vice-president, Miss L.
Johnston; secretary - treasurer,
Miss Olive Johnson; press secre-
tary, Mrs. J. Douglas Thorhdike.
Social committee: Miss E. Jam-
ieson, Mrs. William Livingston,
Mrs. J. D. Thorndike; program
committee, Mrs. J. Willis VanEg-
mond, SS 5, Hulett Township;
Miss Agnes Mulrooney and Miss
Grace Goodfellow, .A./V/M Hugh
Campbell Public School; Mrs. A.
Shaddick, Londesboro; Miss L.
Johnston, Mrs. G. H. Jefferson,
Mrs. Beatrice Taylor, Mrs. Ken-
neth Williams.
Meetings will be held on the
fourth Tuesday of each month,
with the next one on October 22.
Four young winners at the Hur-
on County Music Festival, Judy
Brown, Ann Shives, Cary Dark
and Ronnie Maltby, sang during
the evening. Mrs. Mary Nott
showed pictures and told of her
trip to Bela Coale., B.C.
o -
Five Persons Hurt
In Head-on Crash
South of Clinton
Five persons, three of them air
force personnel from RCAF
Station Clinton, were injured in
a head-on collision about three
miles south of here on Highway 4,
Sunday night.
Howard Grealis, 26, Clinton was
released from Clinton Public Hos-
pital eerily this week.
Two airmen, an airwoman and
the wife of one of the airmen,
were taken to, hospital at the air
station. Names are being with-
held Until next-of-kin are notified.
Driver, of the civilian south-
bound car, Donald Cooper, Clin-
ton, and a passenger, Kenneth
Taylor, also of Clinton, were not
hurt. Third passenger was Gree-
ns. /
Goderich provineial police de-
tachment officers investigated as-
sisted by at least one officer from
Seaforth detachment.
The speaker praised the Liberal
candidate and the national leader
in glowing terms, saying, "We
need such men of vision, bold and
adventurous, and with great in-
tegrity," to lead Canada.
Mrs. Caldwell urged her hear-
ers to do more than just vote
themselves, but also to urge their
neighbours to go to the polls, and
if necessary do . some education
work, to 'tell them what . the Lib-
eral party had • done for Canada,
and so influence them in Mr. Mc-
Lean's favour,
She said, "It is not toe logical to
claim that the Liberals are all
right, but it would be all right to
have a change. After all, some
marriages are rather long, too,
but that is not a good enough
reason to change!" '
Mrs. Caldwell was not compli-
mentary of the Conservative par-
ty's national leader, stating that
she hadrknown him in the west for
some time, and that he was an
"interminable speaker." "When
the people of Canada have heard
him talk as long as I have, in his
pompous manner," said she, "Then
they will be as tired of that style
as I have become."
She commented on the fact that
the Conservatives' slogan Was
"Vote for the Diefenbaker Party"
and remarked that the Liberals
would not consider saying "Vote
Huron County Council)
The Clinton RCAF "A" Pack
came second in this competition.
The awards were made by Bob
Taylor, Hanover, field commiss-
ioner for the region.
There were over 200 cubs in
attendance, including one pack
from Clinton; two from RCAF
Station Clinton; two from RCAF
Station ,Centralia; two from Ex-
eter and two from Goderich.
Competition included signalling,
first aid and lashing relays.
Clinton Lions Cub Pack on Sat-
urday earned for the second year
the A,dastral Park Challenge
shield, offered for the Cub pack
earning the most points at the
annual Huron District rally held
in Exeter.
The first such rally was held in
the Clinton Community Park,
here, and the Clinton Cub Pack
won the shield for the first' time.
Cubmaster is Tom Darling, and
his assistants are Reg Smith and
Tom. Oliver.
The ICubmaster and his assis-
tants were honoured as well as
their pack, when they received
certificates • for completing the
preliminary course for pack scout-
will meet in the
Wednesday, June 12
1957, at 10.00 a.m.
All accounts and notices of deputations should be in the
hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 8th,
A. H. ERSKINE, Clerk,
County of Huron
Canada Packers
At • Harriswn. Wins
Ice Cream Award . ...„,
F. R., Chittick, manager of Can-
ada Peckers at Tiarriston has ra-
ceived an "A" award for ice
cream, This .award' is presented
by the Dairy Manufacture and
Research Bureau, Cincinnati, -Qh, io, only to ice opera menufactur-
-era who have diet the high stan-
dards of quality set forth by the
This is the first time that a
Canadian ice cream manufacturer
has been presented with 'this high
award, This is the ice cream be-
big sold. throughout this area 141,
cler the "York" name. M. 4R,- Maltby, brother of D. M. Maltkhy, is sales manager at Herriston.
o —
Rights and. privileges can wither
and die unless they are exercis,
ed, 'be sure to Vote on Awe
10: .„
LOOK! the fabulous hew
Gleaming Cap, with matching Pencil. Pen from $22.50 to $27.50.
, Set from $30.00 to $40.00.
The only pen in the
world that fills itself
by itself
... no moving parts!
It's worth a special trip to our
store to see this sensational
new Parker 611 in ten seconds,
the 61 fills itself—from the
end opposite the point! Wide
choice of colours. Pencils
to match. Parker 61s, from
$22.50 to S27.50. Sets
from $30 to $40.
See the
Parker 61
today at
"It's Time For A Diefenbaker Government"
On Monday, June 10
Phone HU 2-9382
For Convenience of Clinton and District Electors,
Progressive Conservative Headquarters are located on
(Formerly Newcombe's Drug Store—Next to the
Bank of Montreal)
Inserted by Huron PC Association, Federal Riding
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