HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-05-30, Page 9Marks 40th WeddingDay REV, AND MRS. j. T. •WIIITE, Londesboro, have served in that community for the past four years. They came from. Sask- atchewan to London Conference 13 years -ago; They were mare ried at Wapella, Sasle„ 40 years ago on May. 30. Mr, White ,graduated from Toronto University in 1911, and from Victoria. College in '1915. His birthplace was Birr, Ont. Mrs, White spent her earlier years at Wapella, Sask„ and taught school prior to her marriage. They have five children: Dr. W. S. White„ Springfield, Ill,; Mrs, leaYenonci Butcher, Sarnia; Mrs. Fred Charlton,, Springfield, Ill,; Edward M. White, Ingersoll and Norman J, White, Sarnia. 93 Years Old Mrs. W. J. Stinson In 'Hospital (By our Hayfield correspondent) Congratulations to Mrs, W. j. Stinson, who on May 23, marked her 93rd bitrhday. Mrs. Stinson,, hag been a patient in Clinton Public Hospital for several years, but her interest in Bayfield is still keen. Among those who were with her on the occasion of her birthday were a daughter, Mrs. A. F. Fur- ter; London, a son, H. A. Stinson, Hayfield, and a sister-in-law Mrs. John Gemeinhardt, Douglas, Wy- oming. Canada Needs. In 1956 You Were Overtaxed $500 Minion (Amount Of The Liberal Govt's Surplus) THAT'S . . . $30 Per Person OR . . $120 Per Family IEFENBAKE TE Published By The Pro ressive 'Conservative Association, Huron aiding Diefenbaker and Cardiff Pledge To REDUCE this OVERTAXATION By More Efficient Administration, Economy of Government And LESS FRILLS It's YOUR Money DOLL UP YOUR PRINTING Let us plan attractive, eye-catching printed material for you! LOW cost, Clinton News-Record Phone 4 — Clinton Jack SCRUTO YOUR Cities Service Distributor Phone HU 2.9653 Budget Plan Available At No Extra Cost "The Home of Good Clean Puels" The May meeting of the Hay- field Dairy Calf Club was held at the County Home on Friday, May 24. 19 answered the roll call. Aft- er a type demonstration a class of Holstein Cows were judged. The senior members gave reasons on their plaeings. The official placing and reasons were• given by Arthur Holton. Ross, Heniger, manager of the Seafeeth Co-op and a graduate of OAC spoke on feed and feedings. He has spoken to many of the other calf clubs. On behalf of himself and the club, Don Mac- Kenzie thanked Harvey Johnston for the use of the• cattle, and Bruce Lobb thanked the guest speaker for his -talk. It was decid- ed that the nextmeeting would be on Tuesday, June 25. • 0 Huron. County Farming Report (By D. H. MILES, Agriculture Representative for Huron. County) "Continued rains are holding back corn and bean sowing. Corn that was in two weeks ago has sprouted but has shown no grow- th. Grass is making slow growth and is not keeping ahead of the cattle. Fall wheat is making good growth." derokmrriermlormosonorommiramero~*rarsornowomootelorpro. `41 IF IT'S A GOOD USED CAR YOU WANT BUY ONE- OF THESE j 1955 FORD MAINLINE TUDOR $1,495 1953 FORD MAINLINE FORDOR: $ 995 1952 CHEVROLET STANDARD (4 Door) $ 845 1949 PONTIAC SEDAN $ 595 MOTORCADE STORES LTD. ASSOCIATE DEALER McPherson ross.Garage, s7 Bear Wheel Alignment and Balancing Service Phone RU 2-9363 : : Clinton, Ont., Read•ileithliods.11014 Hayfield Dairy Calf Club MY IDEA OF wAsTED ENERGY IS TELLING. A . MIR-RAISING STORY TO;, A SAW-HEADED MAN 4,4 44 + 4441. 401444 44 444444 44 4:4-041 44 41 itt, 4' 44 4,14 1.4,,t. 4:44 4, , 4.* FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Saturday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit. your patronage. We will pick them up ,at your farm. • Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Friday nights, Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Manager Phone—Day 9, Evenings 481w 39-tti3 r ..40 .4.•," I NI Kir* • SEED POTATOES Just received a stock of IRISH COBBLER, KATADHIN and SEBAGO CERTIFIED FOUNDATION STOCK POTATOES. Seed potatoes are quife scarce. We expect this shipment is the last we will get. FERTILIZE YOUR LAWN MILARGANITE. Far ORDINARY VIGOR° First warm day -. .. • get those dandelions with 2-4-D 0 Weed Spray. Still carry a complete stock of CLOVERS and GRASSES for Hay,, Pasture or Lawns. For good silage, increase your Sugar Content of Corn with Sorghum. CLINTON SEED STORE FRED FORD, Manager Phones: HU 2-7041; Evenings HU 2-3852 eteee+ eeeee'lKieteeet4eeeeeetteeeeteeelee+eeeee.lgtet:eeeeeeeeeeee fef ,. eeteleieeelegeeeeeete:eloeeei se 't+4 Waterloo Cattle Breeding 4 Association Are Used" An Example• of the horned Hereford ).4 'bulls, that is the ;el' sire ee thousands of 44, calves...-in our mem- leers' herds, is the 1", bull pictured, • IP Rupert C. grd 212101 He Was born Oct. 27, 1945, and was in Sj service Until his re- he-eget cent death, asset to our Organization end its :te the kind that earn extra dollars X 414 414 "4 1,t 4+ #,4, r,,;+ • 414 414 414 ;4 with GOLDEN VIGORO or gardens we have SHEEPO, and GARDEN SPECIAL, "Where Better Bulls .eeereeee:e'e 4-4 44 4+ 414 41+ 4-4 414 +;t4 4444.44+ mipert hes been a real Members. His offspring are for their owners. We have all breeds available. Help yourself while helping your Organization, The cost is modest and the seqice efficient. For service to our well proven bulls or carefully selected young bulls, call collect to: CLINTON HU 2-3441 . tiotwoon 7t30 and 9t30 tun, BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING Y, .MAC 3O,3.,%7 Mr. and Mrs. jaenee Ferguse London, spent the weekend at ell7 cottage, Mr, and Mrs. L. M. Sprague, etroit, spent the weekend at the tter's cottage, "He/ley Ledge," Mrs. Sidney Castle returned to home h the village on Thurs- y, after having been in Siencoe r a few days. Mr. and Mre..Peter •Stilortionson, alifax, visited with Mr, and Mrs.' S. Roddick, "Century House"' er the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. William j, Ham- 11, Mr. and Mrs, C, Cook, De- oit, were the guests of Mr, and rs, J. IVIAcKenzie over the week-, Mr. and Mrs. Art Turland. and mily visited Mrs, Turiand's par- ts, Mr. and Mrs. S. Farrell, neardine, from Friday until unda.Y. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dunn, Jan, e, and Mrs. Dunn's sister, Miss ace Vessey, of the ljON, Lon- on, occupied their cottage for 0. weekend. ,A 'joint junior Red Cross meet- g was- held in Bayfield Public onool on -Friday, when the june Reforn entertained the Senior oqm and visa 'Versa, with music- al numbers. 'lying Officer eind Mtee.. Pat Dawns and small daughter from, ,Ohathatt, Na, and Mr, and Mrs, Heal and two children, Fredericton, Ma,: are occupying Jewett eettages. Miss. Emily Thompson and Mrs. Gertrude McDougall, Toronto, spent a night with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Westlake and also visited their sister, Miss Elsie Thompson, overe the recent holiday weekend. e - • Congratulattons go to Ronald Poth, who received his 'Bachelor of Arts (Honours Business .Admin- istration) degree at University of Western Ontario. His parents, Mr, and Mrs; LeRoy Poth Attend- ed Convocation oneSaturday, Mr. and Mrs. William C, Par- ker returned to the village on Sunday, after a honeymoon trip through Kentucky, Smoky Moun- tains, North -Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and back through Ken- tucky and Illinois. They escaped the eternise only running into heavy . rainfall at Chatanooga„ Tenn., for about three .hours -on this delightful motor trip, -The country, they describe as being most beautiful. They return to takeup residence in London, on Question Asked About Election .(Her• one Wayfield ooreeepeenlent) Questione.Now is Beyfield going to benefit in the coming election? Is any . one political party going to see that a retaining wall is built between the present fisher- men's dock and the 934 iron brid- ge? Or do we have- to wait until the river current undermines the River Hill Road completely, and the village starts slipping away? If some automobile en route to .or from the south pier inadvertently slipped into the river some night with loss of life, would the pow- ersethat-be move to prevent a sec- ond tragedy? Or to use a slang expression., would it be a matter of "passing the buck" agaih? Friday. Mr. and Mrs; J. Fraser, accorn- pained by her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Cooper, Clinton, were in London oven the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Fraser visited their son, Jack Fraser and his wife; and also celebrated the birthday of Mrs. Fraser and her twin brother, Har- vey Cooper, at the latter's home on Sunday, They attended Coevocation at U.W.O. on Saturday, at which Harvey's son, Keith Cooper, gold medalist in maths and science, re- ceived his B.A, (honours Business Administration). He seas prefect of the University Student Council in his last year. Mr. and. Mrs, Orrin DOWSOn and family 'visited over the wekeud at Midland, Mr, and Mrs. Fred hands, Woodbridge and Miss Margaret McClymont, Toronto, visited last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs.. Fred MoClymont... The regular meeting of the Un- ited Church Wornan'e Missionary Society will be held on Thursday evening 'of this week in the chur- ch. The official board orthe Varna Charge, • met in the United Char- #ch on Wednesday evening last for their quarterly meeting. Ward. Forrest was appointed as delegate • to Presbytery and Certferenee with George Reid as alternate, It was also decided to again hold a vacation school this year in July.. WA In Clinton The Varna Woman's Associat- ion met at the home of a former member Mrs. Fred Reid, Peincem Street, Clinton. Well-laden tables at one o'clock, greeted the ladies as theyeat down to a' pot luck dinner. 'For the Clinton Man. Is 'Fined $75 William D. Rozp, 31, Mary Street, Clinton, was fined $75 and costs by Magistrate A. F. Cook in Stratford on Monday after plead- ing guilty to a charge of driving On Huron• Street, May 25, while his ability was impaired by alcohol. Rozell was., arrested about 1.05 a.m. Saturday after Constables of the Stratford police force followed his car on Huron Street, Strat- ford. He was driving on the wrong side of the road when the officers first observed the car, Crown At- torney W. E. Goodwin, Q.C., told the court. PA,G4 1111111 meeting, Mrs. Harold, Dowson and Mrs. Louis Taylor conducted the, worship .service. Mrs, Lee Me-' Connell conducted the business period. Items discussed included some re-decorating at the manse, and cleaning and re-varnishing the church floor. ,A. committee was appointed to put 'flowers in the church, and another to look after arrangements for a wedding dine ner in. June, A reading by Mrs, Gordon Hill and a contest by Mrs. Robert Stir, ling, 'brought an enjoyable after-noon to a close, CANTELON'S Service Station Corner Mary St King Sts. Carl Cantelon, Proprietor Phone HU 2-9032 CLINTON — ONTARIO• News of, Bayfield By MISS LICIOX R. WOODS 1055 On,tarbe PhamPion Rural Coreespondent PlIONEt SAM :MD 45x3 =ON IsIZAr$41,0X>13.0 tea ma km moo wow Noma ...Imo s • raft •• •• • mown • t Ea. .10, • 1, t LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING SATURDAYS The New BENTLEY-GARDINER ORCHESTRA' featuring TRUMPETS, OBOE and Dalt. Walpole on the Hammond Organ VARNA