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The Wingham Times, 1888-12-07, Page 7
ooree roam. •,. GGss l4lr. Win 0 11 "s 1, of !3'a'tsn & Roes, livers -oleo, dint ell a4'ednitsday in his filed. Vt.;,tr, Mr. V, ti It lrwrl, of alio 9th ra►tl 2;Me, bee... le of ars li -1e, of ibind tftir•, fell Tor..ineveo1• Aboutl o,tet 1worth of sheet:» nhippe•ti lit 1 L ; weel. ----• °hoist's i ()introit Sun 1ov Bolton!, will gives a 1 ellriet•olae tree e!)'tertaillnient on the t evening of the '21st inst.—Attwood boat Listowel at in shooting snatch on d edittesdfll lav Col to 40 points. Tho toeignifi dot new editi,ce erecto'I :by the (gou;ie '!;days. n of E UOX eii'wch, Listowel, wilt list opened on Sunday, 17th Decennitar. rw"ete sllieto. & debating seeiety Ilea been organ. 3:1 aulorlg, Ju' f'Il'irtor l of this vide sty, Meeting?, v ill ba held every two weeks nn 1+"ricl.ty richt, in the Town- •ahip LInti, :11nerts, Tile next meeting will Wife pl a,"e on Friday the Stith hast , when this foifewitig subjF'ot will he • diseased : °'ktoselved that it is -bettor to emigrate to a forest country than a prairie (Pie." The affirmation will bo held by kir. Charles Hagen and • the negative by O'nrastopher iiollio. - A Christi -nee tete and `3oei"a1 will be field in tile ohtll'oie hero on the evrniuc a Tho yeti ay, Decent her;20th,beginning at 0 o'clock A t;Or)d tithe is expected. .--Tile hill and faerory of this place wilt sbbort1y be ineved to Southampton, where -Mr. Vallst ne• has been granted •et bonus of $5000 for the removal of the seine. The Caledonian Society have clouted • the followlug critters.: Chief, John Oaml)bill, M. D. ; 1st chieftain, J. R. • Lyond; floes. ol..tfeain, George.Patter. son ; erd Pllit:16;in, W. • 11t,Kay ; secretary, • 4. Dewier ; assistant secre- tary, W. J. Tear ; treasurer, J. S. `?baborts-; ch:tplido, Rev. A. D. Mo• Donald ; Bard, R. Carmichael ; Marshall, Charles Strong ; pipors, 1+. Beaton and W. lelo stay. --The ltov. WIn. Drigg;•, of the Methodist Beek Room,. Toronto; 'viU preach anniver- sary sermons in the Methodist church on Deo, 9th,-- ne ratepayers defeated the bylaww li grant as bonus to the Hendry fourn sly Ly a majority of nice. —On the 'nee- of his departure for 'i.'i•'ittuipeg, Mr. R. M. Counter. was 'tendered a supper on Friday evening by the citizens. Ornie The widow o€ the late George 'Dane died in this viiieeW on Sunday week. The P ileite says :—Deceased was born in the county of 1:'ortnandangb, Ire- land, in•the year 1.b10 and married And emigrated to Canada in 1832 and nettled in Sherrington, • then moved to Toronto -hi 18.1. thence to Brantford ,andto flowinl. in 1854, being among 'the first •settlers in the tow,'nship.. Mr. Dane- was the first township clerk, "Which position Len fled up to the time 'of his death, l`obeuary 513, 1874. He 'was treasurer Of the township for 11 years when the present i:xc,asnrtlr, Me.. 'Geo. Strong, was appointed. Deceased •through all the hardship of pioneer life was a true end 1.'601(111 helpmate to her life parts or, a kind and obliging 'mithboi: and na loving parent, She leaves behind her a grown-up family of sevens children. The a+.ineral which 'took place cid Tuesday tifte enoon was ;attended by a lore to COncouree of people from all parts of the townships as well fig irony from a distance, The be- reaved have the sympathy of the entire 4oulunity, West W€evereaes rig. The regular nieeting *au held on the lith nit, Apetition wits presented praying the eonnoil to aesitit in eoll- strueting a avow faneo on side line opposite lot 2a, con. 2. The treasur- er's report for October t'ai:s read, showing receipts Elitel3.C5, miles the: ozienditures ;111 52. The award of the arbitrators appointed to sottlo between the municipality and Alex. Rose, regarding the value of gravel taken front the pit of the baster, was presented. By it Mr. Rose hi awarded 04 compensation fl•)i damage to land, 7 cents per yard for Inv gravel taken out, instead of £fty dollar 7. al demanded by tv1r. Rose, and the cost of arbitration to bo paid as folly. we ::".lux. Rose, (37.50, by the municipality 339.15, each party to pay its own wkt 1,0SC!•:t's._._, The report was adnpta'& 2r. Rose, sr., was allowed est for right of way to the above ;ray. spit, awl for the use of her Mona° during, the arbitr't':;i'ott. Aceounte arnomitinr to ahous $1,00 were issued. Tlio oiinoii rtcijonriled to on 1)edenlber 15;h. J , Allen Entb e . pri .a''npel of the1 ;levied' I',nitl"io Sc'aonls, lout mit ;+wets tine tt1Ae1>r;IIt eteot ('f Liepeetor Public pt(It,uik for tote 0 Milt;' of k l., 1'e+, 11r. Orliit.,lten, :,,f Now 1a'eek, wild leeterdi it) Knox cl.Iarela on the text nits.; of lhaeetel)er the 20th.---. aie beee. Mall chub g;ave a ver, f [ neceee. fern tteleti buy in the hall oda Friday de:reline; ;need. ^^--At this Comity ;lodge's Criinin"tl Wert before IIir3 Honor Judge Tom's, on Tintrrsday list. Henry Mass pleaded guilty to burning the brume, heeret's and ether contents of Mr I). 1). Wilson's barn in Se:tforth, on Oet. 6th, 1887, and was remanded until Doe. dial, for sent:once. Win. Hodgins, who was charged with brim, an access dry to Hass, the incendiary, pleaded not guiley, and was remanded until Deo, 4th, for trial, -•-henry k' Rotnp, cl.Iargo'l with placing obstruo- tia)it:i on the track, pieeded. not guilty "Ind was renlande'I until 'Wednesday, Deo, lith, for trial. 'floe prisoner has been avoided by the jail surgeon in reference to sanity, and tido report returned states that Ramp, although of low mental calibre, is perfectly sane. 2aio1esWortb. b1. I:lastie, carriage builddr, received an order about two weeks ago from 1 lanitoha for 7 new cutters. Since that time the order has been filled and the cutters were shipped from Gorrie, Tuesday 29th inst. 11r. Ilastie in. tends building some 25 or 80 to supply the loud demand and anyone wanting a good article in the nutter line should not fail to see his stock before pur- chasing elsowhern,—A, M. Patterson, the leading merchant of Molesworth, has a first class bupply of 'winter roods on band. --Allan Mitchell, son of Robert Mitchell, who has been confined to his bed since the middle of July with inflammation in the knee joint and which, owing to the severity of the trouble, has affected the shin bone as far down as the ankle, is showing signs of slow recovery. ele was almost reduced to a skeleton and doubts were entertained of his re- covew, but for the'last month be hes been gaining strength ai,d flesh and his recovery in looked to as a hatter of time andperhaps s slight operation by way of removing parts of the shits bone that have become dead. Allan is quite contented and is developing eeine latent talents. Druce County Items. The Kincardine teaching staff have been re-engaged: 'Samuel Mo'iiionemy, formerly of Kincardine, was stabbed to death at Port Arthur on the 28ri ult. The Uounty Treasurer's sale of lands in arrears for taxes will be held on Tuesday,. 11th. December, at Walker- ton. The Ilolyrood Mechanics' Institute are having a series of lectures on .England, Scotland and Canada by Members, Mr. J. Arlington Cook, of New Orleans, lectured in Kincardine last week on 'Out of the valley of death," Walter M Deck, I41, P. P., is de- livering political addresses in' various parts of the riding. Mr. A. McNeill, AL P., lectured on Imperial Federation in Walkerton last week. The Telescope says be failed' to ;:ivo a comprehensive view of the argu- ments in its favor. The Kincardine Curling Club arraineed playing for the season and selected skips as follows : J. H, Scott, Capt. Rowan, L. Rightmyer, J, W. Donahoe, A. 1. Darker and Harry Hurdon, Rinks : 1, J. 0. Cooke, Geo. Bissett, G. C. Tyre, L. Right- myer, skip ; 2, W. Mura'ay, A. H. Smith, J. W. Ripley, II. I-.urdon, Jr., skip ; 3, F. W. Beckett, J. P. Brown lee, :Tobin South, A. Campbell, 3, W Donahoe, slip; 4, W.Hay, Dr, IIartyn, John Collins, J. 11. Bengali, 3. 11. Seat, skip) ; C, T. U. Scott, 3. Moffat, J.. S. 'Greenhill, J. P. Falls, Captain Duncan Rowan, skip ; 0, George Newooinbe, F. E. Coombe, P. R. l"o11iIIs, 11• T. Hurdon, A. E. Barkor, trip. --I.'aic,ley ministers have decided not to attend Sunday funerals in future. Came, wnoorr;G coven and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. E'er sale by` G, 1). Williams, —A motion in the Exeter council to the effect that the deputy -returning o;iaors at the rnnnieipaal elections receive 52.50 instead of l;i found no ono to second. it. Wrrr. yon stoma with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Sltiloll'K Vitalizer in gu+Irauteed to euro you. Item sale by 0. B. aViltiams, ---Tho Bre Preseing •Company, of St. Cathariuoa, was fined for unlawfully em- ploying young girds and women before six o'clock in Ow morning Ana after Bine o'clock at night. 1 '411.1y 7:: rfi. 41114, , ' rim"O,,.0 '..41GNOtrf70 1,.,:}F ', laY�.A } r":.;Bei Y!.i'?il�;i.N{JG Xi'Fl,'.+riF7,R.i:iar>µiiKiG::i'SiKJ,i:,.. 'J'bo t-at);i' ct,me3Hful 1aaII at I.gy,•.orra is the po'tmaa. The flower trade of Lorelei' le esti mated to mount to :ttu,00O it clay. Seirr.on's \ r'i isi e ti what you nt c'( for f'h , , i.,tiprttle I, Lou*of Appetite. ?)sir s• aa,l ail a'n,ptnnntt of ?syr rent i,t. P'h 'n 1+; awl 75 e'nts per botile. I'or safe; by U. 11. �Vlllirauaia+, A Landon, England, pnb'iallier wan tinned teal)(? for iasutzlg trenslittions of Ilar)xilo % alas' novels. He wail also forced to withdraw therm from cireuia- tion. —III, laertenstein, President of Switzerland, who underwent the amputation of his right leg last week because of disease of the arteries, aid. on Tuesday, --Tete duchess of Sutherland died on Monday. —The foolish moll foldetll his hands and saath ; "There is no trade, silly should 1 advertise," but the wise man is not r,o, he availoth himself of the newspapers and verily he drawoth trade front afar. CA'rumnn evlis;n, health and sweet breath ^eured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by 0. E, Vdillfams. --Geo, M. Gibbs, of Guelph, who leas run a mile in 4.271, ie out with a °LaMond© to mu any amateur fu the world one mile for 51,O00. Mr, Gibbs is the amateur cham- pion one mile runner of timerioa, having won that title at Detroit in September last. Sutton's Conon and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee, It cures Con- sumption, For sale by C. R. Williams. A gentleman should Hever take a lady's hand unless she otters it,' says a book of etiquette. This knocks our old fahioned. ideas about proposing completely askew. Ttlnx =OEM concur can bo so quiolkly cured by Shiloh's Care.Weguarantee it. For sale by 0. E. Williams. Some one who is not well informed in English polities wanted to know the other day -how much the Parnell Commission, about which they were talking so much, really a vas. —Adisastrous fire occurred at the Provinoiel Model Farm at Guelph, on Monday night.. A barn, recently erected, was destroyed, and the loss is estimated at about $30,000. Szlsrrzr•,ss Mens, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the Remedy for you. For sale by C. E. Williams. 'UL 3:03:1Y15c1 150T205.1. Any of the following metropolitan weeklies can be obtained with the win„ham Toms at the figures here given. Balance of '83 free : Tr is and Globs, i $1 75 Toms, Mall, and Farm and Fireside, 1 75 Timm, Globo and Rural Canadian, 2 00 Trams and London Advertiser, ' 1 75 TIMOR and Montreal Witness, 1 75 Trams, and Toronto 1Sews, 1 70 TIMr and aaih' World 27r TIRES, and weekly Nems with premium, "Christ before Pilate,” 1 75 Also, "Fathers of Confederation." 2 00 Strayed nn the premises of the subslriber, Lot 37, Con. 2, Kinloss about the let of Ootooer. a one- year -old red and white heifer. The owner is re- quested to prove property, pay charges and take 1t away. CEORCI) ROSS, Whitechurch P. 0. ttLEDONIA:I HALL_ LJ This commodious hail can ho secured for enter- tainments of every kind at a very low figure. For terms &o., apply to JAMES LOi1TIT, ar, Cline G Co's store. MONEY TO LEND. HE CORPORATION OF THE T.OW11$11IP OF Turnberry has about 33,800 to loan an Mort- gages. For terms apply to, P. SfoLAR1:N, or Wal. IdcpIIERSON, Te. TarAtararg, Wingbam. Rouyn, Glanfarrow3 Winghant, May BANK OF HAMILTON ver r - CF: - .a. Stooling Exo'l:ti, a f rofts Eifid SOUGHT AND SOLD.; pr`s+ace Munn : 10 a. m, to 3 p. m. Saturdays, from 1) 5.tn. to1p.in E. WILLSON, Aaxnrr. 14111(11: & Dlczasr{ON, Soli.itor.n M, .t..l.a_.ne..5.y i'=.4.i•..a .,o.,o:e,e..qty, tit k17: Men $ s ;g Gars :1 c";o net ,5 • to t egglht'til fru c:. ante, 0115t110 h luxe mt28" �1 lave laic 7211411 d a els a e o [W w j t� z.rza 1417hI'mg 4tc(bt y tri sw tr v. "Rlav 1,6 bt a 1l the. utsr ti $i1 el sae' ettu>o r Iiia ir3 a e-1', tic r dart' _nonfv 110t ••el,); • el, •% Pnelatr..et?eor:ti•r lis1 oohs" t r 8e? barm.rantD 1 r S „. cue., l 1"l1-4 Asa+l) - :. ttt , 1b ' -alb imrg fa ''. t °lwl, elnt'd+1t a' •"c a . s 1t ("f'. r00Sli'e i1 7 !'a: i;J a tp ?tis', J L�e{1.,_s fi,. PA .,LO: UHO a" o-ro 4. IT Vija . `i. . In opening a new TailorSllo;l in Winghsnn, reenl'n'f:lly r=olieitr n• elle c.f p'iblit' patronage. 1't will he his endeavor to give n tiefoe•tion to el entrli,,tinee 11ialz with their ortitns. A Ladiesrequiring tailor-Inad(e ET A.ND 1014f3T "RS Can secure a good fitting garment by patronizing the new Tailor Shop. E. C. CLA1 KE. Win ;Latxl, Sept. 2 tb,1888. TWO r,oa r„. 3N b BEING FINISHED , AT ”„14.49. via.; Lt J DO 0j. ,Sa These articles are of LATEST DESIGN, SUPERIOR 141ATERIAL aired, SPLENDIDLY FINISHED. Intending purchasers ought to see them. t!lJ .�..a,.g , EJgr gad, LV” BE SURE AND CALL AT THEIR SHOPS ON VICTORIA ST. VVINGHAM, - - - - ONTARIO. THE BES`' --TO GET Ot l ,173 A a aii L 'ter a ed* --IS PT Ev l?e HE HAS CHOICE LINES OF WINTER SUITINGS AND OVER- COATINGS, VER- COATINGS, FINE' § PERSIAN § LAMB § GOODS § AND § IM1TATIONS GENTS' FURNISHINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION VER?' CHEAP FOR CASA. GOODS M'ADE TO ORDER ALL GUARANTEED. OUT OF mor - TITRE HAVING FULLY AS3ORTED THEIR STOCK, MESS S. McINNES tet TALBOT. HAVE OPENED OUT IN HelidersoT19s ,01d. Stas d.4 AND OFFER IN READY -1V ADE CLO GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, AND GLASSWARE. GgIogod gad do aldecr6 ,l a .1 .J :1�:'��•�ti11-u:, GREAT BIG- BARE AI.I- S, WHICH EVERYBODY OUCT1T TO OBSERVE AND PROITI- ` DY. fa {��IlClta, a:4� 1Y�¢ 7e 7 t L .. _-_ ae.% :. " %w Wa n,§ • 0 0 NC E: Having purchased the tock of I ll.'.nts'ediet & CIN ti, vee 'are offeritlte for the next 00 MA's. C .&l•., :ants V.,'001) i)) equeeroe in Good Variety, anti at GREATLY 1Lf.l)lk.lE D PRICES, ,ex::. ccaar.'•'—,. •,-----..a a;.y._ xs,_t3 —sz.a. tea., Owing to the number of Fntetacee put hi this yea.', 4t;O haNet sorn0 SECOND-HAND sIov1wt„nol 11ls now, at ;ES:a THAN HALF Y'1 . B STOOK' 9: 'v 7, pv :!.:�JGs. i�,,I:ui) OF t, .lt.ltt 'a �.��.'',+.'.' COM.2. CrC. BEST PROGTJRPJ3LE GOAL OIL. READY -XI A.DE 'TINWARE, A HEAVY leT0Cia. AT VE? \ LeAle 'PRICES. PNYL.C.�a.,t+-..u,Kroa i2" ORDERED WOJU , A SPLCL'aTA , WART, LOOMS ave StIOIN ; lnan dein e 1J O'i:an rap; rf tA, 'coma Josephir k> and t iet0ria bitten,.