HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-05-23, Page 1017'.‘.,1rmM 1. Tandem Tractor, Model W1953 2 Tandem Truck, Model W1963 3. Tank Truck, Model W1953 4. Dump Truck, Model 1643 5. Pick-Up, Model 1314. 44V. Malain A GENERAL MOTMZS VALUE LARGE I SA Of Excellent Household 'Furnishings AT THE Hotel Clinton Parking Lot, Clinton ON' SATURDAY, MAY 25 100 P.M,, SHARP We hove received instructions to sell without reserve a very large quantity of above-average household furnishings in good condition, This sale will include not only furniture for every room, but also a large quantity of quality smallwares including bedding, china and similar lots, Also Pontiac Sedan, hydramotic and turn signals,. etc, If the weather proves to be unsuitable for an outside auction this sale will take place in the Clinton Lions Arena, Mary Stteet, Clinton. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer JOE COREY, Clerk 204, b ipAG TEN PLINTON NEWS-RE•.. THURSDAY, MAX 23, News .or. Holmesville Correspondent MIRE, V. lgeOULT.OVOB Vitone HU 2-741.8 Perth-Huron Junior Farmers Picnic Planned for Mitchell, Saturday, June 8 Looking over the problem at first hand during the Livestock Judging Competition at Seaforth on SatUeday, are' Miss Laurel Dale, RR I, Clinton, and Archie Van Dongea, RR 3, Clinton, (Photo by Phillips) Two Youthful Judges G. W. Montgomery Visits Fiehiman's Office With News of Farm Helpers (Py cARI, gronNowAy) Ninian, heard is a patient in Clinton Public Ninian Heard underwent siirg- ery in Clinton Public Hospital last Friday morning. Mrs. Ewan Ross was in Toronto for a few days attending a CAS -convention there. Mr, and Mrs. S, Brown, Willow- dale spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. Cudmore, ' • Mr. and, Mrs. Frank McCullough spent the weekend in. Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. H, lvi. Bezeau. Master --David McCullough, -On of Mr, and Mrs, Frank McCull- ough is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Master David McCullough has returned to his borne from London where he was a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital following eye surgery Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lawson and family, London, and Mr, and Mrs, Nelsen Brown, Detroit were • weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. D, E. Congratulations to Jack Nor- man, eldest son of Mr, and 'Mrs. William Norman, on winning a Carnation Scholarship, There were only 2 from Canada in this year's list of winners, Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Bond were Mr. and Mrs, Albert Bond and Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Naughton and farn- By, all of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Woodcock and family, London and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Trewartha ,end family, Goderich Township. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ward, Waterloo, were recent guests of aVIr. and Mrs. Harry Cudmore, having hreught Mrs. John CO- more 'back to her home in the village. Mrs. J. Cudmore has spent the winter with Mr, and Mrs. S. Brown in Willowdale and Mr. and Mrs. Ward in Waterloo, Family Day Family "Day was celebrated at Holmesville United Church, on Mother's Day, May 12, Rev, H. C. Wilecin, minister of the church was assisted' in the service by Carman Tebbutt, Paul Cudmore, Stewart Grigg, Jim McCullough, Jack Norman, Kenneth Farquhar and Misses Helen Potter arid Bar- bara Yeo. At this service Brian Douglas Lawson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawson of London was baptized by Rev. H. C. Wil- son. Mission Band The Wilhelmine Mission Band met in the school for their Mgy meeting with Charles Haugliton as leader. The Scripture lesson was read by Cathie Potter, and Marilyn Yea gave the prayer. The president, Paul Cudmore conduct? ed. the business, Freddy Tyndall read a temperance' poem and 1%11- ton McClinchey read a poem on peace. A contes6vis enjoyed. The study book chapters were review- ed by Mrs. J. Yeo and Miss A. Shaddock. WA Meeting The Woinan's Association meet- ing followed, with -the president, Mrs. Stewart Farquhar, in the Plans for the Perth-Huron Jun- ior Farmers Field Day at the Mitchell Agricultural Grounds on June 8 were completed at a com- mittee meeting held in Mitchell recently. ...EVeryand will bring a box lunch for the noon meal, at which drinks will be provided„by the Perth Jun- iors. The supper will Cost 75 cents. •Ear1. McSpadden, Seaforth, is chairman for the track and field events which begin at ten o'clock, and include girls 75-yard dash, running relay, softball throw, needle and thread race and sack. race; boys 100-yard dash, running relay, shot put, needle and thread race and sack race. Catherine Campbell, Seaforth, is in charge of needles and thread; Larry Wheat- ley, of sacks and Bruce Eisler of shot put and timer. At 10.30 a.m. the first game of softball will begin. There will be inter-club and inter-county com- petitions. Huron Juniors to help draw up schedules for this are Shirley McMichael, Verde. Watson and Murray Gaunt.. Jean Smith is Huron's' chairman for the basketball inter-county competitions at 3.30 o'clock. The rifle competition is schedul- ed to start at one o'clock in the afternoon, and committee in char- ge is William Dougall arid Earl Paulen. A ten-cent fee, and pro- vincial range regulations and scor- ing to be used. The tug-of-war competition is chaired by Bill Nethercott and Ron McMichael; with inter-club and inter-county competitions. Friday last b r o u. g h t to the County Federation Office a very welcome visitor in the person of G. W. Montgomery, former agri- cultural representative and now, agricultural agent for the 'ONR, I am glad to report that Gerry is in fine health and is finding his new work quite interesting. As agricultural a nt a large Part of his work is in immigra- tion and colonization, This in- volves the placement of those new Canadians who wish to farm. He advised me that there is a good supply of farm help available if couples with or without families can be accommodated. All farm help is experienced, most are highly recommended and many are specialists in some branch of farming, Immigrants of English, Irish, Scotch or Danish origin are readily ,avallable. In the past years the farm pop- ulation has resented the regula- tions requiring New Canadians to locate on •farms for three years. I was informed that this is no longer the case. Only those re- ceiving passage assistance are re- quired to locate on the farm and only for one year, Statistics re- Veal that 53 percent of all im- migrants of the past year have settled' in Toronto. When we consider that immi- grants settle in many other cities it is probable that only some five to 10 percent really settle on the farm. These new Canadians are providing 'an ever expanding home market for farm produce, Any farmer in need of help should contact G. W. Montgomery, Agricultural Agent Room C-31, Union Station, Toronto, The Huron County Federation of Agricultural directors met on May 16, and approved a resolution brought in by the Resolutions Committee as follows; "Whereas Hydro now requires three consumers to the mile in rural areas, and "Whereas some farmers, due to the type of survey in their town- ship, are more widely separated; "Therefore be it resolved that Huron County Federation of Ag- riculture recommend that Hydro revert to the former requirement of 'two consumers to the mile, 'he directors also approved a farm accident survey for the 0' OW as suggested by man, preVided two is no Itnoml. lal obligation. Plans for the annual' Field Pax and picnic were deferred ovorig to the stress of Eo many activit- ies planned for June. The fielaman was instructed 1,0, accept an invitation to attend thtlt annual conference of Fla/diner' at GAG on June 3 to 5, CITIES OYU 'Distributor Phone HO 24653 0 Budget Plan Available At No Extra Cost "The Home of Good Clebn Fuels" rolravmor.mminAsnoodromo#,...) High School Graduates rou will find exceptional employment opportunities in the • Royal Bank' FACTS THAT WELL eeorpowrummo, YOUNG \MEN WITH AMBITION L The "Royal" is North America's fourth largest bank. More than 870 branches are in operation and new one& are being opened all the time, During the past four years we have opened 94 new branches, each one creat- ing new managerial positions . . . and resulting promo. lions for young Royal Bankers. 2. "Influence" pISys nopart in advancement at the. Royal Bank, Our senior officers from the Chairman and President on down started as juniors in small branches and advanced on merit alone. 3. Home study banking courses are available to all staff members. Supteessful Candidates advance quickly, Braees tical experience plus the banking course is, equivalent to,. a university course in gorrunerce; 4. For young men interested in gaining international• banking experience, the Royal Bank has 75 branches. abroad . in New York, London, Paris, Central and, South America, Cuba and the West Indies. 5. We have generous pension, plans that compare with, the best, as well as group, health and hospital insurance,„ at low cost to employees. Get our booklet "Your Future.in Banking" at your, local branch or Head Office for a copy. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Canada's Largest Bank. Clinton Branch: 0. L, Engelstad, Manager. Goclerich Branch: H. G. Spring, Manager .4/41,0041,041,41#4,1 Just received a stock of IRISH COBBLER, KATADHIN and SEBAGO CERTIFIED FOUNDATION STOCK POTATOES. Seed potatoes are quite scarce. We expect this shipment is the last we will get. FERTILIZE YOUR LAWN with GOLDEN VIGORO or- MILARGANITE. For gardens we nave SHEEPO, ORDINARY VIGORO and GARDEN SPECIAL. First warm day . . . get those dandelions with 2-4-D Weed Spray, Still carry a complete stock of CLOVERS and GRASSES for Hay, Pasture or Lawns. For good silage, increase your Sugar Content of Corn with Sorghum. CLINTON SEED STORE SEED POTATOES eie,ED FORD, Manager Phones: HU 2-70411; Evenings HU 2-3852 chair. The president read the Scripture lesson, and gave the comments. Mrs. Ed. Grigg gave the treasurer's eepart. A report of the morning session of the WA Presbytery meeting held. at Lend- eshara was given by Mrs. E. Grigg. The meeting elosed with the hymn After Thy Loving Kindness, Lord' and prayer by Mrs. Farquhar. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. S. Farquhar, Mrs. C. Tebbutt and Mrs. K. Trewartha, WMS Meeting The- Woman's Misilonary Society of Holmesville United Church met on May 12, with Mrs. Elmer Pot- ter in charge, Scripture lesson was' read by Mrs. E. Potter Who gave a prayer letter by Betty Miller. A Study on Home Missions was given, with Mr& E'. J. Trewartha, Mrs. F. Mulholland, Mrs. L. Jer- vis, Mrs. K. Harris and Mrs. J. Huller taking the different topics. A duet "How Great Thou Art" was sung by Mrs. L. Jervis and Mrs. B. Potter. The business was conducted by the president, Mrs. L, Jervis. A report was given on a parcel that was sent direct to Korea. It was decided to pack- and send a bale of used clothing in June., Mrs. H. C. Wilson gave a few comments on Temperance. Mrs. E. Potter read a few notes on Korea, Wherever big lobs are being done, Chevrolet trucks are there, putting their mightier kind of muscle to work. Chevrolets are Canada's bus- iest trucks by a wide margin . . because they're the unbeatable champs of every weight class! Next time yon're mit, check the trucks you see at work, It won't be long before you get the message . , truck after truck, from lively pick-up to giant load hauler, is a Chevrolet. And that's not hard to understand. Be- cause truck buyers who know their business, know that Chevrolet trucks give more on-the-job hours, more operating economy, more hauling effici- ency than any other trucks, bar none, Look at the facts. Engines .6. . thrifty 6's or mighty V8's, every great depend- able Chevy engine delivers the right. horsepower, the usable horsepower for your job , .. gets the most out of every gallon of gas: Transmissions „*. only Chevrolet has revolutionary new Powertnatic that gives you easy, efficient automatic shift- ing through 6 forward speeds with direct-drive cruising economy. Or take your pick of Hydra-Matic, Powerglide, or Chevrolet's famous synchromesh transmissions, Styling—Chevy has modern Work Styl-. ing that fits .the job, gives you more. efficient loading, longer life. Handsome Work-Styled cabs bring you *panor- amic visibility, concealed Safety Steps, High-Level ventilation and other big, advantages. Get the whole impressive story from, your Chevrolet dealer right now. Have him show you why no truck can meet your needs half as well as Chevrolet . . or give you more for your dollar!. CHEVROLE RUCKS LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITED HU 24095210 CLINTON, ONT4