HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-05-23, Page 21",� r TWO NTON NEWS-REC4:I D
` 'x'HCJ'RSIa;A.Y, MAY �3, 19"a7
Our •Earl y Fi` Ie
a. �le (13651 cAo, oar►+ ' W►�Kcy had sevsar blossoms on One stein,
YINAW A�3fQ Candidaws THE CLII�TTQN i.Y7�'�YS-,i�:CC?13.A, � g ,y Forum
• ,. t�� �rXl;O�O�I: �T�W" �'`i�'��. Sprains, as home P�exIaetweeCk�
p,w '
sp1neas ass°C`� Thursday, lrtay 2�#,. I017 end.Tizis 9a ra xrrq-electlo,i $4atilaO, ►vliicii w 11 iGe'lrtibkishesl Qach
*c. amalgamated x924 . Selective or Ca oda. ,has been
l Edward Rorke motored to ToxM yveelc from know aintai the eiection day.
announced for Canada. Details of . Aa1to ori Monday.
EV Y T R A. LINTON ONTARIO IN THE HEART OF lillUl�UlSt CpUNTX the Ian will e worked •-out by Rev, k', G, Farrill and family, Each candidate ?n Suzan :xid�g far the $Woxal -0100 Pn
iQ'1µTSIIFL , F,li _ Ii[7.. S. AY AT I1 , : p b Ali .Josie J(1 b?is bean. invited to contribute articles for the
Population .. %860 1050 Celsus of CopAda.) the Militia Council; single risen, spent the weekend and holiday
• purpose of inforniiug the, .+eiectozute an the policies of their
without dependents, will be called with Toronto friends,. 1,�a�y+
SUSS.CRiP'lTC)1`T RA'I'FS; Payable in advance--Canade and Great Britain. $3.00 a year; pin first, ^--^--
United 'States and FPreign:'100; Single Copies Seven Cents Rev, Dr, Rutledge, Rev.. J, A. 10 YVARIS AGO Message, to tiro "lectors From fiiberat Candidate A, T; McLean
Authorized as second class mail, Post.Office Department, Ottawa Agnew, W, iz, Heliyar, J. A. Irwin, I want to. discuss some of the There are .difficulties, of course,
L. Tyndall and A, Hooper, are at- XIXIQX14WS�i�CQ>C'c
tending a meeting in Yarns, Thui'gday, 220 11347 matters that are of concern in the As one who has lived his entire
Y resent election. Particularly, I life in a rural community in close
THtJ SRAY, IAP 23, 1957 Thomas Nlcliiillan, Liberal can, Norman, W, Miller, DC1VI, Iluran, would lake you to consider the re contact with the fanner and farm
- diddle of South, Duron •and 1?Vn11- County Clerk was elected district co the pr government in in problems,aware a he
iam McDonald, MPF of North commander of district "(7' Cana- tog things done; in carrying Tricco e am f t
Bruce, will address a *,meetingof y g i st rie se which the farm -
T1 ter �firi�c South Huron Liberals In,. sall `lead, Legion at a district meeting out Policies ,that have resulted in er is experiencing tPd'ay. Canadw
CHECK YOU CA � CHECK ACCIDENTS 'Town Mall, held, in Kitchener F' Sunday, an Outstanding, Canadian; growth .!an Prices for virtually al agri•.
i„ •, The Royal Bank' here has the 'Catherine F. gland was the -,greater than that of any other cultural products, with the excep-
(.Ontario Safety League) distinction of having a lady teller winner Of t e senior orato esw country in the..world, tion of wheat, are the highest in
,� now, Miss Walkinshaw, being pro- contaest t intan Collegiate yes- The success of any government the world, This, prico-cast squeeze .
y Ontario roads and highways> This ss reckless looted last weep; Harald Rill.com• t d y afternoon. Her subject was is measured by what it does for f5 due to the increased cost of
TaEIIi; PUBLIC'S demand .far Safety clam "L,awxenee of Arabia." Marie
s increasinglyfor recd recognition. Perhaps :one squandering of human life :and national strength; n?enced duties as Junior and Mr, its people; by its accomplishments the things which the farmer must
our_ g Gliddon, Grace Lohb, Irma Watt, in providing a better life for all; by buy, In a sense, It is a paradox
da soon Safety v�rili sweep the country by and if the present trend continues the statistics , Flynn has been promoted to the 1nld Brigham Margaret Marshall .,
y this summer wall b6 even more shocking", ledger. + its foresight in planning the fit- that the .very conditions which
storm, to take Its rightful glace of importance ,During the storm on Thursday were the other contestants.*ure, $y any standard, the achieve- are creating higher operating
w f e. The Highway Traffic Act condemns unsafe morning the house of Morton E1- . Miss Carolina Wendorf won the ments of the Liberal Government .costs --•that is, the demand. of new
In our thinking, and our way o lif vehicles, but there are not enough police avail- Nott .east of Varna, was struck 1:Iuron County Trophy placing of Canada have been great indeed. production, new developments for
.Certain it is that everything: -possible is, able to .enforce the law' fully in that respect, a' first in the Huron County Music a relatively limited labour and,
by l htning. The chimney was Take, for example, the . Liberal
'being done on an International -basis to promote The purpose of the .M4y "CHOCK YOUR OAR- thrown dawn and other damage Festival for the church solo class. record in the field of- Social Se- material supply—will, as the de-
one important phase of safety during this month CHECK ACCIDENTS)' campaign is to encourage done, Miss Barbara Middleton won the curity. It was the Importance 'velopments 'are completed', create
of May, .A .campaign to "Check Your Car-- everyone to have his car safety=�cheeked volun- which the Liberal party places on t demands for the,
���_ junior piano scholarship, additional new
Check Accidents" is nowunder way, to bring to tarily, regardless of its age or .apparent mesh- 25 YEARS AGO Clarence J, "Shim' Livermore the welfare of every Canadian in- ,farmers products and thereby, in
the attention of the motoring public the import- anfcal condition. has ,beeli appointed manager of dividual, regardless of his station the end, remove the problem, It
rsonal edict of a properly maintained Thousands of garages throughout Ontario Clinton News -Record, ,. the Clinton 'Colts. Baseball team. In life, that resulted in the "es. IS a 'complex question which cast
ance to pe Y P P Y g g g
Vehicle. and .across Canada have been .asked to encourage Thursday, May 26, 1982 Andy Steep is assistant manager tablishment of family • allowances, be solved .by souAd- basic policies
a s Mr. W. B. G. Reynolds, General Man- this drive on: unsafe cars. As on mechanic " Joe Dandier won second place and Ted Sanderson was named Since family allowances were Which recognize the place agricul-
`S y R Y , „ in. senior high jumping at WOSSA coach, first introduced, $10,318,000 has ture and those engaged in it must
ager of the Ontario Safety Le'a'gue, We. are said, We would touch prefer to repair a defer- been paid to families in Huron
occupy in our economy, It can't
at London on .Saturda . Joe tried The campaign to raise funds for promises
frankly alarmed at -the increasing death and tine steering:assem'bly than take apart a wreck. out his new glider On Victoria Goderich . proposed artificial ice riding by the Federal Government. be solved overnight by
destruction :being perpetrated on our. highways. for scrap", lay at Norman Hollari&s' field for arena gets underway Way 2,4. Since old age security was in. of Protection, of controls.
We anticipate that •this 'summer- will see more. A brake adjustment may 'cost a dollar .... its trial trip, in which .Tae` succeed- A Goderich Township old boy troduced .by a Liberal government That, then°, • is ;the situation,
ears of all ages travelling more miles than ever and save a life; ,perhaps your own. So ed in making an altitude of about Archdeacon Wiiliain A. Town- in 195th, senior Citizens in Duron There are no Liberal promises ex
sept those that are unspoken, but .
before in our history". Mr. R,eygolds goes, on to. -CHECK YOUR CAR — CHMOK AGCI7�MTr.% 300 feet'. sherd, is the •new' secretary -areas- riding have received $6,373,000 implied in the lateral record:
point out that last year, 1,180 persons died on ,'That's just common sense. The "Radio Boys" George Car urer• of the Diocese of Huron, from; - tt a Federal further expansion 4f social bene,
ter and Robert Bale, , will . be, Ebxcav'ating, is now con, plete for From these two prograpmS alone, fats up t the amount that We, as
broadcasting; over- station CTGC, the new wing of Clinton •Pubic approximately $2rn•
,500,000 flows i-
LpAdon, on June 13. Hospital. The job was"finished by to Huron homes, every year. a nation, can afford; continuing
°° �r r�ry tax -reduction as income n�ntS,
_-WELL, WHY 1 11 Q L , Miss Nara Livermore .picked up the big clam excavator in about Then, too, there is the matter , A, Y. MGL'E,AN
a dandelion the other clay which three days. of trade. .Canada in 1956 enjoyed
SHOULD NOT radio and television pay the term "the fourth estate." the highest ;per capita trade of
their awn way? We should not be so forward as to suggest any .country in the world. In
;Radio and television are ;great modern in- that the radio and television industries are up- terms of ,total trade, Canada stood Letter' to the Editor
ventions which cannot .be underestimated when starts in the world of businessar fear of "being ti in fourth place• Trade is a two-
_,. p .
it comes to the matter of. speedy dissemination termed. brash. But. - they are upstarts, and UGAR S1 ICE way street disci 4n a acontinue4l e3i�
of ideas, entertainment; and public education, usixrpers, in that they are riot honest oar largement of Canadian trade de- SIMOI�'S LAiVWXT
Bu,they are usurpers in that fieldx straight -forward about their method of opera- ;" '' (By W (gilt) B. T+ Smiley) _.. _ pends,, to a great extent, Canada The Editor,
ian prosperity, in principal 7�ib-: Clanton News -Record
Throughout the progress of man through tion, ` , r f _, ; I'm not much of a one for spec- easter and the :looney s0 much ilii ftls believe in freedom, Hence Up to now I have not heard of
the more recent centuries, with machines, has They, have been eager to accept an un- is weeks, It's- not that .I don't ap- ter. Naturally, there'll, be a lot of they- think men should be free to any change for the old timers in
come the 'business of publishing books, and natural position under the beano of "the tees'' prove wholeheartedly of . National executive vacancies, because all sell their goods where they choose Clinton. I •guess we will wait un-
rA Cat Week .or National Sauerkraut the bosses -are sick of the tension
newspapers. Those early publishers fought hard and to -gain the accord awardedto their senior Week. Though I'd just as soon and responsibility and all they and buy what they choose where tel some of them are buried iii• the
and long, arid, at sometimes a bloody battle to cousin... But they have never' (.in Canada at
tickle a snake'•s belly,- I'll -scratch want to -do, is have a little farm they choose, subject only to safe- ground, It's too bad for your old
establish their worth to mankind, and, to the least) been self-supporting, nor (in that instance a cat's ear if I have to, and I'Ii of their awn, where they can get. guards against dumping. • tuners, who should be able to
need for "freedom -of the press." at leastj" worth of the esteem hich a e choke down a �fork(ul of sauer- back to the..sfmple life, sleep nigh- In no field has this policy been spend a few hours a day in your
Y , -w has been kraut, though I'd enjoy a mouth- is, without sedatives, and conquer more successful than in agricul- town hall—the one they no doubt
' In order to survive at all, it was 'necessary, earned by he true `"press ful of mouldy moss equally well. their ulcers. Lure. In 1956, for instance, Cana- helped to build years ago.,
for these publications to be self-sustaining, and "Ta nine oat :of ten rhdio, listeners and fele- " da sold abroad dairy products vat- However, they' will have to wait,
to have competent and hard-working individuals vision viewers," reports the Fort Enc Times- Pt's just that I don't become a- Farms? 'There'll be lots of ued at $15,321,000 and bought I guess. ' r
ware of them. katll they re allover. there, The farmers will all be take
to continue -the struggle, - Reyiew, "broadcasting is showbusiness." By the time 1 realize it's National ing over stores, so they can sit a-
• ,ick about a quarter as much You all know there are bingos;
As a result, the ,business of printing. the Shoald the taxpayers be taxed a substantial Fireworks Week, and have*TItten round on their fat butts all day valued at only $4,590,000. Simil- elubs and, such like being carried
nation's news; and opinion, has " become known annual total to bring back vaudeville? Or a hot editorial about it, we're right like the merchants, and watch the arly, cattle, beef and pork exports out for swimming pools, sports to
Into -National Fire Prevention bank balance grow. The stores totalled- $45,355,004 with imwrts no end for the young, but nothing
as the press, and been awarded the'dignity. of should radio and , televfsian pay their own way?' Week, and there I am, telling will, be avallable, of course, be- being but one-sixth, or $7,755,000. being done for your mothers or
everybody to run around with a cause all the merchants will be -Then there is the industrial fathers, who were here long bfore
match in his hand, sending off away sailing on the Great'Lakes growth and development of Can- you. young people,
' SMALL FRY WIN .A. POANT rockets. where the REAL easy money is.
,n dildo resources that have resulted It's time to think of the old
' l this preamble, as any idiot See haw simple it is? It works from Liberal policies. I thinly of folks, Let's get awake, and do
GENERATIONS of small boys have persist- - apple pie, they should know that opinion on this child could guess with. one hand for women, foo. All the house- bee St. Lawrence Seaway, various something about his matter.
ently advised- their parents that it isdesirable question is., divided: While one Toronto dentist tied behindd his back, is merely a ;wives would 'became models, all pipe lines and atomic development Cheer the old timers, you may
to begin a meal by eating the dessert first, But agrees than there nosy , be substance to this crafty way of leading up to my the models actresses, and all the to name a few. The Canadian ac- get old some day, and then you
nomination for a special, week.. I'm actresses would be able to revert onomy today is growing more may think of what I've said.
to no avail, The response has always been, the theory, the Head of the Faculty of Dentistry in fed„ up with everybody .being fed to being, the simple little house- rapidly than even that of the Un- S, J. SWMTZER,
same: If the scup is 'not eaten, if every bit of the University of Toronto has little faith in it. up with. his job, and wishing, he, wives they are at heart; with ited States. Exeter,
carrot and spinach is not carefully masticated, At any rate it would seem from the point or she, could do something else, eighty -dollar .aprons tied become
that. looks twice as rosy, fngly over their bullfighter's pants,
Yno dessert at all, From -time immemorial, child- of view of small fry, that the position of parents a. i ;, ,
ren have submitted to this threat. Now they has 'been somewhat undermined and that the For example, a butcher wants to personally, I'm going to put in U Six1G$S C111C Professional
• have adult allies. customary routine which has seen dessert ap, be a surgeon, because he believes .for a preachers job during the
An American, "dentist asserts that b all he was cut out to cut up, there's grand switch. 'Work one day and
y pear last, a the table may be. challenged' on the more. money in it, and anyhow, ales spend, the rest of the week drink- """ Direc]: Y"jT '"•
means• dessert should be eaten first and lege- ground that there is nothing so, .good far the easier. A dentist think's he'd make Ing tea and shooting the breeze
tables last. This..procedure; he claims, reduces teeth than to fill up with cake first. a dandy politician, but he hasn't with jolly old ladies who are only DENTISTRY INSURANCE.
tooth decay. The vegetables help to remove But every advance in human affairs -brings got the pull. A street cleaner too grad to help you run the ch.
sugar from the. -teeth which othervylse carry new problems. If a small ,boy, fills up on 'cake wants to join the air force, be- arch. You can't beat that for an DR. N. W. )1AYNES J. V. (EDDIE) DALE
cause he knows how to pilot. If easyliven
particles of sugar, When dessert is eaten ,last, first, how can he be made to keep. some space g' Dentist ,, District Representative
for the you are.. now whimpering for mer- � � e�
Before small .boys lay down the law and spinach that is, still to come? --- Toronto cy, I'll tell you: about National Well, how does it strike you? Across From Royal Bank The (Confederation Life Assurance
demand an introductory serving of ice cream or Telegram, Switch Jobs. Week. UAW, I think .it's the greatest phone HU. 2-0671 company
* * idea since psychiatry was invented. Phone Cliinton HU 2-9405
. 29-tflb
+Here's how it works. Once a One week's dose of the other fel- 14 -tib
year, for a full week, each of us lows lob, once a year, would sweep INVESTMENTS
A SATISFYING CEREMONY has a chance to tackle that. job away all the etwy, malice and
we know we should be, doing If .boredom that afflicts the human ;Got The V"to IL C. 'SON
Call Vit? Di1�T1�TIN Bank of Montreal Building
AA BEAUTIFUL, satisfying and distinctly while custom one by which an evil fate hadn't tossed t lista race, g
persons are af- our present rut, it ;night he a, * Phone 168 Zurich Clinton
worthwhile summer custonn is that of Decora- forded a special opportunity to think fondly of mite confusing, but look at the I can just see them: at the end PHONEsS: Office HU 2-9644,
' the departed and to _dedicate themselves anew Investors Mutual
tfbn: Sunday; which..is observed by a number of fun we'll. have. Of their week. The hydro lines�nnan Res,, HU 2-9787
to a life that does credit to loved ones now gone. N. 0 c` * would be scrambling frantically. up Managed ors Syndicate by Insurance SAM Estate
- churches' and: ministerial associations as' an oc� Say you're a hydro linesman, the highest pole he could find. The Canada, Ltd. Agent., Mutual Lite Assumum Civ. "
Although no speciCfe date ' is traditionally and you think teachers have it so teacher would be ready to adopt
rasion .for christfans-to kionadrr their dead loved- and with this• observance, the second Sunday much better. Nice` warm class- that tippy teen-ager he.couldn't a-
ones. , in. June is a popular choice.' It is late enough to room, widen you're out in . a piers- bide. The truck driver would be in$uro the "Co-op" Way
ing wind: 'Snug dpi bed at night, hurtling down the highway with'a W. V. Igor
The Observance originated in, the days When ensure fine weather and yet early enough' to > GF. H. CII.ANCIY
06metery care rested on the plot -holders. All serve as an annual day of beautification fPllaw- when you re Called out t0 fuml3le sang fn his heart and. his foot hard district Representative
with a broken; line after .the sleet clown on the gas .pedal. Optometrist -�- Opticism Roz 310 Clinton, Ontsdo
the preceding week they la'bou'red, clearing the Ing the winter snow and the spring. rainfall. storm. Hours nfhe to four, and two * �` * successor to the late ,fir L.
cemete Of litter trimming pr. p months' holidays. Well, all you do The factory hand would ' be oro- ( Phone Collect .
rJr g .grass and � ear- It would seem •a �goPd idea: for all Christians � Cale, optometrist) C}ffice HU 2.9642—:Res. Iii]` 2-9357
'ung graves and memorials 7'or the special. day. to" gather on the same day to honor and ray fs take over a•• classroom during ening over his Imthe. Tine executive 1+'br a i�ntinent hone 8S'
Tis n0merom country cemeterfos, fncludfng for theft dead: p National Swatch Jobs Week. 'Mere would .be tossing down bis tran l'� erich - ,
Clinton congregations have will be, no trouble getting a class.. quillizer pills hilariously. ' The Be ;Sure 2;e insured
kept the custom of Perhaps ministers and congregations of all room, because. all the teachers will ,farmer Would kiss the first cow. R. W. CO UROUN
have Switched job's with truck dra he saw w GF=1T=AL INSURANCE
elecoratirig their faznfly graves, and then remain- denomilnatfons would consider it wOrth'wlhile to Irxen. he got here. The �'. ,E. LONGfS3'A.�'' e
wig for a special afternoon. service, maintain this beautiful old custom in their writ. vers, because the ratter make merchant would hum a merry tune Houma'.l2.oi►"' Outative
Tints' would seem to be a distinctly Worth. nines o more money, according for ,the as: he gaily p0hplied out the ac• BeAfortti: Daily except Monday & 8utn Life Assurance Co. of (Canada
Y th • mu n a special clay that all may share. teachers, eompanitneaxt on ,the cash register, {WWneSday� 9 a.m. to .5;30 .% Office. ,Royal Bank Building.
And there'll be no shortage of �'k1orid housewife would ,be so 7+la�ursd�.y vermin by appoint2.30 mekrt Office YrW 2 PHONESfit 4 es: 2.75%
r �^, truck driving jabs, because all the glad to ;get out Of that girdle she only.
J I-A� ^� ES CAN 13E SUE. I .1 truck drivers will be working. in had to dots as a. model, she'd sail (Ilihtou.. Above 14t0kins Hard
factories, as they're, sick of beingit, and rodecora X X HOWARD ria eld
.. T
'(Peterborough .ii<xslaYRfungr) ,'way from home so much. .AliAnd yours trulte the whole house:. �y'a�e.,,-NCondaya orliy-;-9 a.m. to P]kofier IYay�tRe�d GSr?1
y 'would. be just as 5.30 p.m.."
• 44 there'll be no lack of factory yobs, overjoyed to get out of that dog- Imoine•�Tinter 2-7014 Clinton Oar * Firo � Y.ife � ACotde�a;(
C9r M 6V THE f,6* newspapers vtnW6. ,can The Importance of a press, free to :report as all the ordinary hands *ill be collar and;�re able to. swear, look pl=3iONE 791 SEAVORT14 Wind ����
claim to have suWessfui]y sued a trmtxfcfpal and conimer t Oatnno g Z e tnavarig ,Cup rota the executive,, Of- over the dames, and have a beer If ott need Insurance S have
t possibly ib y be and rrated. y ,
` for libel rAust be Le Progress of Chathbly ' floes, where the work is so much main. PUSLIC ACCOUNUNT a poudy
(15,1), l~ialja`witug L& series Of Oriticsl arbicleS On
nese townies iray6ty Charter'bl;y Council ordered the IN HIS NA AO111'ALO #. 11todAiVA1 THIS MC ILL$P MUTUAL
" paper "to explain :itself to the satiafacI .a NEVER 1N OU#t l Ours of TV wat4t8fngg, I � . • / / , i "' / ♦ Public Accountant PXit#i5 I[�7St7#tAl�t{71E. (7+AMi'AN lC
Office and `EiesiOnce 116ad Office: Se:uf6irth
the Council" and vrraii'fied that, if such ail explen� have we spent a more eWS dyable Yaibr more , iris officers 1.456; President, W.
l3atteiLbury Street East A.
atfon were not given, Cho Counncf.I woad Ordor ormative hour Chart that On' Sunday afternoon, _... _ Alokander, 'futon; vi�4presfdenat�
all groups and Individuals with Vvhich, 1t was ,heti the history of 140 years tit the Ariglicari ' * / Vhomo 1l1fuU t -98b
i CLlkNTON', fily'hr?ANAO Robert Archibald, Setiforth, sec=
asaoCiatedf to Stop advottising lit t'he paper. Church, Diocese of guron, was told over CPP,Ls 50 -lino A tary� treasur r and manager, .M'
$04h, akh order, .. ''ti '"u"�"" r"r' `iD sd�uaf�rt
lCesacles being Out O1 the and Y ,CCTV, �,, - ci H. MdAwing
�irovintc� vi~ a ltnunfcipal council, was a ;�t'anit Here was drazrna, .;history, lnttitnaur, religion, - �,:.�..,�.• We part gnn35N #1tiCICt ecru%e zz'i sun t til
..:.. .... .. ....---�..:�.. .w�... tip If g I;tttTiert Archibald,- Chris. S�+oka;
attempt ri;d cbtntrdl:• coritYxaeiht, 11n IC,e Progt'ess, character sketches wind, tither things, an a closely � ."�-- crtstot►Y»t'ti��rrtb�t'stti►iibs�;.+�tb#clg�E L'�OI�":iUgri C�."�CF1�
hardf, Bbi�noTizx V, J. TreIwartha,
rt . -- - htoh . W m. a. Alexander, Weal;
It, is heartening that such slaw attempt Sia not knit 7t' pial age t�vinlCh did credit tO the Writers, - , - P
that ,. ... . ,.... tiritxs� Ut�tl tis: ttlz� fete us tiitstit ytltt i lgbtlutis �giil lMru►itness $rotil�r .toff; �'. L, 1V[alorie, Seafo>+tls; Har«
two-essu,eri and that the court uphold loot only the cast, and the. ,producers, �-- �-
W41I nett have it ready fol vott tott%; High 8060 r-- omt6d voy rduor+ Goderfcht 3' V. Pe t,
rogress' right to aohftotit, fro6lyr lint the Lot 'us Male& xtiew# or this' origiiiiax, locally- ]�itditt4 H1d! x- � grudefieid, �ilister Br6awd6O . aed�
hewspatpeir's, while pu�rsultig sin. honest fundtio#t based '1''t�'�-ands the iso=oalled, "cultur " which ` " " i» a eotrjble of t ctya, forth. .
ttidr a e»t carte t►b , rOtected from �v lasve f;t ern o { iotas Wilt. freil r Jx`.,nct;
of critld a oi'rntki , p e , po n food oa#t, go, We meed nmre 8
.. ... . � ��� 5am�f�s dwtd ��� pwiCcs �ti : �'�'��` �� R��t�.� iboto; ..�'. •T'. Pi�cteter, l�rodhager�,
+c'�fattft ,'tion +Moder tho 016s k of Mubld* pt'ivi.- of this Ideal dulture—tho true Cahadfaii oulture � � BalKer brussels; Erie
tsrhitrh oaeryOne keeps looT r g for, ` �NTON N> W'SyI� Ot�t� x rod Mme, Seo , .