HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-12-07, Page 6t, A 4 , ; ;..! -;,,,, „,. ,•,•,, ., ,, :.,-,,.:'. , ti, .,.1, ,. .,-1.,.', r,,c, : .!; ;2„ .;:1,,,;,../0.2., ...Y.,:-.'::?.;.J'k'k. Lai; VS1i r.,.11*110 :11r,'1 ;.1* .:17.,*, i',..4 ::: ,,11' 1.1, .J.11,11'in ,-,',1, *,f ...•,, ‘.." k , ..4„,,,,00.7., 'c' . ,f ., , r . '. . ' ,.. L ,-, -,'.. , , .. 1 '.•'...' e;,, '' .„, ? /1/.1e,']1'1, 1,7,11,144:-.. WI 6110 . A q- * t' .. • i t, '-x' v., '.%5 t c,..,., - it,1,-1, . i ' : . -,, ''',, p-",. ie j- ,Z,,,,:4,4,1,••„, ,,,', • . ° t t'"* g )1' ')//1 ''' II/ICS '.1,i,,V.1 :*•••q• V• • :t e•1). )14 - 1 0 . 1 ' . e • • eh 4 1 9e410 1 Anat. toy bilovulaid.v,-... fie earnto the me', ta! tate situation, 11,1 i1 ; wint A atter ;ktot, in every esett as it was iki the caw of citeese ,ata bust a. 07. ot Sht:Wi0 ...A t;1,oi Dominion, ut ery prodaction. 'nut tho people 6110161 ,cth:Ianc inotta, as, Intro, netualit likely la every couatry, moat'. or lesa sei thenrielvtas at once and hearthy —°"""as IarrEssaX,PT iar 04..lits • ADA, •••••••.-r•,• aettera Addressed tel Vick raaite or .oassada, taaaa atta »,racatstaso11 (ireat, ritazis clad ratta ..o.sart a Fear Itosistase Vaat •. • , a atrairitr ocaustay. ern:awn .)f4,titur.) " .1,43 resourees., develop. d slyest, the field, the fotest, • he line, niaiorfacturers . :•*1, all oceapy nmn o oa :It however, no deprrciatiou .t asources to say that botit and iu furore pro- .. assr. mimed stunto hia heat in ; , • - Oar exports art la f this) fact. 17 ...otpot U1 2212.4»t to the total exports. "L. t • lky sue latof ea. • itoptaaance is 'that ' , and tite A.-attain:1 the ft . half those of the aiiitiono of riollkatt cat'srta Li lati7, wore at, a 1 000,000 .ot . 2,0,000,000 7,000,000 • .. 4,000,00G 3,000,000 2,000.000 . 1,000,000 ..78000,000 L. city.,,iliontion I have tirade a as:took:a:. krow taut .the trade awl Lot-it...a:al: tables. ln the "field" have hachaded "animals ottat iaosie product, except "furs," claosilled oaparately. 'fatos• 4tateS, stricking as they are, . rat express the relative im- saattotte of agriculture. Among the whjcli empbasize that t,r▪ 7: okastsi.a., tote the following The fasasa. products exported are mare seotrat sa. a raw state, like deals, otita stet, and do itot represent the eatt. 'a...trasto. affh orded that field pro- atato tit., the latter including buch oo.....ioeio Lis cattle, cheesie, butter, roreet products • • i,...7. -stat foot. to the new paraso of the • must waue with it:a dea • ao! otottiats., while the falai is the pre- -..at tots:Attar: and tbe t'ature .promise tao ry ; and oar highest pros - fatal() will be contingent tto lost aud continuous expan- • . at .1 taaprovement, which both are 1..a. analysis of the exports of haportant and valuable agri- t to.„Lste; ,urcee will show there is. apats".,.a. ormteli of the industry t1 ot,..tto-Ta the other isranha ce, Loy:atilt:are itself stands sato, eat soo....er tesourets, Vkai z rouud taildon dollars :— tato ta tad batter .. 8,000,600 -too"; ...• • to, atooStab..0 15,000,000 4.000,000 • 2,000,000 a,000.,(10a 7 oats ... 2,000,000 2,000,000 10,000,000 ",1:*. .. 1,000,1AU 41%/*CrtS licre stead ti tara oil, they exoteded our • • stot aaparau ts of Lep, fruit, - iota, oats', hides, potatoes aral ).raw nearly 20 per coot. staattts oalieate, so far as ex- ouy iteataiag, that tae atattos in our ° italuatriel • ski is seeond to no othor. --:oasts. ni tiOnSf.1 11,it illdi • ' milk production • jog Unduly eximustitt. • .. 71 Auralde to a stateni of , .. , will lit ip to rettew • r. • . all t •kal,„ys turpover •. It is the Ottaa- that t11( ite1lieut 12:11:ti at.d tile skilful of produots, brig, , agriculturahat. t ad .2nd OZ dairy- • [1.2432. 17p !ii -.ill 011' , r ig,,:104.a,k a ova- •! to; takraa. to tho futon- " . '• ila',441',•:44 of 1!- iartiO'r 11110 .,11-1 ctn. 1,2 io tit a , ostal ox.kaiesion and. rapia. 2222-, lair aroa 111114,11:.4/t. IMO* 1.6.4 ±0.1A, 4-lIr tater' ko; slimy tyro:loots La - ;7,4 ill' a .1 t sl or as cat ant s 011a. 121a0, t t3tas hut has bef, n done lionto oi 1ii1i011 doll.tri, or no less 1 which matadd be considered fine XL auy than 73 per cent. It, eourse, fill marhec. It is unlikely.thatiu Ireland loves ant the exports. of cheese met itself better butter tan be made than have bad an altuoat ph2non's:11A ex- in ou: ova Prince Edward Wand— paasion, roomier to have giveu the'qoally greet., and beautiful, "Gilt- eombiaed exposte so good a almwitat . edged" butter a.ui Lo made almost as they 1222.13 made. stud the ataual anywhere ha maritime Nos a Sootia ineramze of our ciastato exports have, and Now ifrinalmiok, with then. imbed, taken 9u2x1ethipg strickiog nett marshes and grassy alope$, kisatal From loss than two million dollars in. by saltando sea:meows. Quabati lam 1a.72., dicta have graWil tt). over seven its Eastern Towitshipe, the very name ntillteau tiollara 1$87, an expaueion of which is synonykoour, with the best of about ttSli per cent. butter of the country. It has, too, The autnal reputation abroad of its Kamouraska dilitri0t, whieh though it has shipped enough bad butter to spoil the llest reputation, did it m site of cattle, grasses and atmosphere which have produced aeons, and might Wive produced more, of the linea( milk and butter in the world. On- Catoullan eheese, compared with what it, was boron the trade began to asa same notieerthio prelim:thaw', ia2.1. gat - tering coafirmation of the oonciusione which naaurally follow from. 8, study 4 the above .fie,ures„Aa one time Canadian oheeso was exported under au American brand, to give it a better hold ape., ciao market ; tualaa it is to UC toared that shrewd sa11.s, Itinav too sled that Amoriean cheese will soll sail better in England tf put opt.21 the market as Cattadiata 'like reputatioo. a Canadian (lease is aew seeotal to noire, and the auCceks tho Dominion. in Cheese production has already awakened coresiderable eh- quiry as to our methods oolong our competitor& Both in Denwark, the present butter country par excellence, zaid in Holland, the premier cunutry for milk products and dairy exports, 1 saw indications of a dispesition to study the reasons of Canada's suceess. Ineidentally I might r mark that for four years the aouthwestern counties of Scotland have been steadily ini- provulg the quality of their cheese under the personal inetructioes of Canadian cheetiemakers, svho are in- trodueing the ()attach:an system. The first setuton the county Soots were con- tent with the:importation of one in- structor; but now they are not aatis- fiedwith less than two of our best men, whom they secure in the most practical, buainesslike way, by liberal remumaratiou for what they find to be exceedingly valuable service. On the .other hand, the actual repu- tation abroad of Canadian butter to. day, compared to what it was at one time, is of a less flattering charactor. 112215(1(1, 121 is a queatiou which has fallen off_ the most, our exports of bet- ter (which we have seen has guue dowu 73 per cent.), or our reputation for snaking it 1 So much for the past of our dairy industry. 1"Vlia.t is its possible anti probable future? To wyeolf. in spire of the discouraging expecte of oms branch of our eoquiry, tho :outlook is hopeful. First—the country is remarkably well adapted fur dairying.. The 611001.225 of the cheese inans.ry is abundant proof Of adaptation for tho production or milk, anti of one at least of the produeta. Oar failure in but ter eapurtarion is not necessarily proof that the country is not adapted for butter production. The quality of butter which we export is small 121 proportion to what we consume. tit home. 'like Canattiau people are light co:Imo:ere of cheete, but navy cam - smilers Of but -ter. Oar butter con. sadeption is to a very considerable exttat of au exacting oh:truster, and it absort,s n larc..1: proportion, if net nearly la, (..f the very best portion, of our whole make. Local prices. for the Loot 03 our butter are usually stoic:ion t- ly (A) forec tau exporter to &voile quantities of cheaper aml iufeaior button One butter maker midi- iti 21 mile cf my Writin.! has suLd ;Jo batter for years at loos than 110 asets per pound. He always litai "oh; price," mid a few yeeri to) his already in axis coenection will 014: -At Vint the temper of the p..o91e is fill impr.ivetnetit and profaess, lizit not sktiongli 12113 been done and not cnongli attenipte4. 1. do not claim that tie, twsk is light ono ; 1. claim, only that. the ;senior; of the people ia equal to taw need, 12 12. will aesort, itsolf here v bas done elsewhere. What itetioo -must needs be taken, it is not withio the scope of the present writing to disetoio. The agencies whieh art ulready wok king fel' iwprovetuolit 0i clairyiug in Cauada are,' t12. , thot tc !lowing :— The Western and Eastern Dairy - alert's itssooiati.u. of Outario, and the .r.)airyinon'a assoeiation of Queliae, have been inort. than. all else instru mantel ha building up our preat clteesto trio being more of a whmat-growiug industry, and making it what, it is. country, bats had less of- the advautage Tlie Ontario Creameries asaociatioo of of having made buttetarnaking iu recent organization, i 2. s promising of some degree a specialty, but it is not much help to the butter indust ty. to be doubted 211222.21 112. every one of its Thu Nova coria Dairymen's 52.SU8l2.l- iili countlea eataknout butter Itaa been tion Is a live organization, and for made, though tons of it have been about five years has done t,00rl pionear spoiled by lad mixing stud store work. There is an assay:lotion ilk packing. As for our glorious Western lklauitoba, cf whose practical work aeritago—the prairies—there may be canuot speak from personal knowledge, ;tome parts of it lacking the abundance of pure water essential to the produc- tion of fined 'butter, but they are probably only a small proportion tf the whoa., and where there is water there are the advantages of seperb dairy cattle, rich, sweet prairie grasses, nature's purest air, cool summer nights, and, let it be added, a people of enterprise aud intelligence, the pick of everywhere. If Canada does not take firat rank as at, dairy tconutry, it will not bo because alio is nut favored by nature with all the essen dal eenditions of grasses, water, cli- mate, etc. Doubtless there aro districts in Canada., bacause of natural eanditions or circumstances, not so well adapted for butter as for cheeso production. This may be true of aome of our. Itself.- is keenly alive to its own power wheat growing water scant Ontario to reach and ikupaess the mabatk3 in counties,' or aome of our rich low clay the direetiou of improvetueut. The Dominion and some of the provincitd governments have made a be,ginuing by circulating dairy literature specially prepared, As the writer of some of the pamphlets issued, I am glad to have substanoial evidence that it bas ohne good work. Second—The gonius of the people .10 view of our Lateral advantage% of Canaan, is equal to the special needs the genius of our poop:0, what hes of successful dairying. Here 1. have alrcndy been attained, and an awaken - touched upon an important factor of ed disposition throughout the country success. Natural adva,atages, though to tualto greater progress, there is necessity to completaat success, are surely reason to hope for the dairy almost less than bal3 the battle. 'We industry in Canada are coming more and more into days A CatAi.cD FUTURE. • rho Outario Agricultural college, at Guelph, has made a good beginning With ite) WOrkitlg creamery, but 11 daubt;e5shas its best work yet to do. It is 13Ay doing good experimental work, and perhaps better locaure Work outside tuoung the farltltirS, 21.11d the hoed of this. departweat bas (..kf the highest 0001, whion itt 12120 well to- do at great work for genet al Cams i au dairy i Ns. The D otti exporitnentrl farm at Ottawa has not yet put itsolaon ale record of things ttectatiplislied, lint it may be made to do a limn important and much oceded service in *aline of es:Peril:rent aed education. Canada has ea excelleut agrieratural press, which baS done, aud is doing, a grand work educatieg its .readara. The oadivary newspaper lands of our Quebec parishes ; bat these districts will coufirto themselves more closely ta cheese production, as a. profitable specialty, niaking butter only 121 a supplementary syfiy, and thain]y for comumpti,n. wore or kss of sae- competition, in which. • • W. H. LTN011. gence enterprise, awl skill will play Danville, P. Q. the f 2111422821ps.rt. Scientific investiga. Nov. 2.4, tion, to diseover naturo's eacrets; • C. la It. TIME TABLE. experinicaital work, len-ding to perfec tion of method ; hag/minus iuvontions. 1.0 perfact noceaaary .appliancea ; originality 1121:1 posh in eutarprises-.- aroneeessitry to success in the nutmeg corapetitical already upon 1121 Trains arrive aua deport as follows r::ir 2° 10. „ —For Torouto.. 1:11 p.121 8:21.17.122 ... .. Tam:water- 10:20p. to • `; • • • . :2.121 14..711 '• In pushing to the faont in C114'2.2.)2. A. A..ii. S3112.AT1111113S, A -1:115T, WINU11.1, Making Canada has 81102.521 herselfTh-on-'h Th -on -'h tick..at; to (211 31.21111.2 1st AtnoricA—North• peopled' with a race possessed of the svo,t, Name costa ete., vio. the short,:::1Z. artd oll popuhr 1.2522tt,4. Iir4m1ge clic:eked tIrongb to neeeasary qualiiicatioas for anocess destheition. Lowe:.t, i'roijlit r.ttes to os11 pcilal. '1110 growth of the cheese industry, if carefully studied, will . be aeon to he not an accident nor a sputa, but a real growth, clue to the intelligent enterprise of the people ' meetly ikitimately connected with that growth. It i::4 the united action of the pioneer.; of the industry in. Ontario, in associatium assisted, in a – c. Teac3LE.— r.., too T1713,3 CMCO. PUBT M4E4— ' laltartaa. • ..2` VIE • 1 ail l'alCV,,trastiaahitNESTNEET. An.tau.•:.:;?t!. mrnleo.$ip%-r3cariinadvaaaaa.., •A1I'.7112.11T2.2..1.':.:(1 11AT.7.:3:: ....--- .... ,in!t':,i(,i.,1..;:.:•0 , 3 1. v -r,. ';Ii-,io1110. II 2.' too, :.1 1 1 in - o. ::4tiJ)2(1) (30 as to ' 41 r 1: ,.: ': 1;1 33 N. : 11(13) .:;I31.. ::'1::.ci;!.:..:;;1!4 I . »214,, .:,1 ;1 .41:2).. ,1llth,No. lr 32116 2. ...i,,,.lo....:(74:111,1.:.3.o: '110111‘1,in notpv•cl type410 . 303111t1:':';.-'!';'.'h'l"E;h1"1cIunb18Tti1 .';,,;i.., i:,111f,7,,„,:kn 2c. .f •,:':., ,,. ,,....' ,2 „1...,..:f:' 't...2.c:,4,1‘,,,7•ityetlttito :11%, :a11"1'42'.';:,,104cLlaic12 12:, 2. ., 1:, - .5 :,o.,.,' Ie.pot ('121.2811112.etInf, 5 1211422,;:. 7..o..:.,}:il,1. 7.7 1i:4,,iont month. , , 111,A2 ,Ct:i,,.,'.,1• „,..... 1..i ".':1','..tlY,''(1hVtat0. ::,.,.2 , 1 1 4,‘1:A,2.rZ;Itli‘1it11, Cl it.:;..,.1:, ': . .. 1' •,:::1122f ,:1,te1fIc :liqltiops, ‘4 11 ftOi ,)3,i,.„i3O '''::'".41..',"(,'.:':iUtg11rr2141- :42'':-.2'12.I;:.;2i11/a:V;i;(C A "7::,4 „:., •:/;;S11;i,:;!!,•111elt1111;i511). '! . 11111,1'S 1.1s, :8 Otlerto 1412..r:1,46;4,11 ,,, ":.‘,...... , .', .*%;':',..12A!!1:,,r2w,r,;1'.`,* t!„ t-'7.1,TAIrr, 5 to. rosanostoto, '' '. 1 4 . 7,,,,,,.. .1,01:1 3.11:C::: 67.'unia, : . .., ;2: 16.13!,- • (15115121(50o . . . .... . . ._. — ------ .. • 7i, „N:in41..1'....1..,72.7.';ili:- .!2;1...4'c'T0E-5140 X rilii:CtSitY: Witt 13. 1,55....,2.-..',13.. All .'ortoerly ooev -.1 2,- .,2.1..2-,... ,77,....112.0, r,::: tat. eorner of Centro aud ,:i V21..rif.,,n, • • - • ' • Ore, 71 .11 ii1.721,2 nr.t...V.LNSCN. .2.221 raaottistoul'o•too Commi.gaion oro. ptivatt-. now,. 1.1 25112 "r• ::,t 115--,st rate.. Otlicet.— Moot., 1.27(1. 13011.351. . 71'. 45. 1,. 111(1121.11114C/14. A. 2.1:!2131701.1.7, odario. IS il.:0. • ZA;47,744.r2011, liorrAnY Etc. oFr,-tc.7.1--eer.ver ONT., GN.14 C,:yrt .-::y 'to loan at low ates,..3 411.-•re•••1.' hropL'25porly -• c,..:leetione 0, speeksiV, Wmonalt. I am 'beautiful setts er, for :;':8.00 per „, !•1.,1 i• ' • T.-• • t' het ';',” 00 , 7512.2, 1,211.11.11 111151115542, 0 (12241-121, trrio Vege!•,.:,;111 1 51,1,4-7,1..2711.e21 for the • "..f 21'» 2.1,, .;21 ,2420:1t124.tio 1(1202221. ,t..o 111301, Opp01)110 the 2..1.,1C43.;.(1';'J2.LD, MINORA)). • ri Alle • '` 1 • ;: , ‘• 1 Eite.4, i•s,no 1232; 1 5 OS tu..,willtep tiot, Teta ex. - 12-0122:11the 1,1171.1 of Vital. 21.1 12.17. 13: 11,1,11.on, Ade eutre,ece op- :, (Fiutel,tylkixeept- •1:4 ▪ p W9..1 :el 121. 1112.tll ewe*. • 1)125'.11q.f.,•1 Gorrle: 124t and 12.4.1 5ti•:;;iNi; ot 2..4.12 a: Ar.dou : :•.2A1 and 'feu thisn of •,,, 14, WIlac.:!.U,", Ilt/tt11. • EXtfatning, ottliX sal 1112,1•Int.'.1, 1153,171:2..7g0)i: AGE:NT, POI3Z..2 I'.11;1!! (12.31,4. 1220 . . F,icemetl ,1171.31 and Bruce. At comlueted 111 12.43' Portoz. (.1.3, 21. 11.10• 1.11.51711 71415(11(1215. A72141712 WINTOI/AM, 1114./ A.n4rorol.to,012:1p12,P(2lmor.,,ton, Ste. 3:3D p.m, onN IA g ti 1-":.10 pau. Clinton. 7:22 " .. ...,n0315:";t011, Aii7:841.. — ..r:21) A.115, 7:': 3 17,,,M LCati01i, so 11:00 " :::13 P.M. tr ,. 7:.0 13.815. nas sal.. .... ..taneasaine, tse.. .. sat' a.m. sos ttai 1100 " tom) " G::50 NIL I 1714\ GO .0.- • r 44, moderate degree °toy, I)y governineot, ti 0 ata itats4 whith gave the first inipetos to wikat • io now 0411' great factory tooteni of 1i4 ()F.Erkliti.NCr cheese - makinia. Queoec piiee 5'2.L1, `2.5 conta Par pound. Thiu 2.2,21,'Vuoon Ontario, and now other ir AN t.t.' has to -11,111y bassto(1 directly tura tat the inotat, ----at) to -AIL/1U Mir 11F 55*_Itit011101.* 1112:212.%„1 c32eef,,,0 indwitiv lon.,r SC) Wel I !Wild 2111. titC1 lookout for good butter at Lay is aloof:able price. Doubtless not; a oinale tub ot it ever foutal ita way iitte ¥hr aarotts, 1(13' too reason that, it vtaa al \vat tt spoken of, awl usually to; lotuses whom fothal ext,ort. The. tapir isotaytt tio. qt.:cation of the that thole can be little doubt, of anal' t -t' A:rioajs s --az otf nOy that file Dalai:LA) • AT V7;11Y LOW ILA:ITS. will lead idl.competitom tho rum,. T2), juui,Eacnt tho Caleoliaa cluaste omaara inleated 3.1.1 'EU EL lf.C. p 2'. .223 reterstd ,:it.,11t, ono ,,,tottnta.12 etei,m.,. All Tim= LIAR tat, ti) 21 1.1.1,11tr2111 1a1301237, whtm' plao.ible ;tegument:, to tryifilly ro..;ort " • 3"2.1t02 thAt it 2 "vial: foie buttar.- ti 221 2,‘ 1.703ilt..., rettl;nng 1.t.0) 2.')' -'to 1'.i3.,.5110 2:9 Oa!,; koala of i s (ma'am vabatitutiaa r ; ;ta, 1.11:7 21241,13i t.o 12321Seer'22, Writ 21242' 12.4,14411),455011121t13(..'eist.upf.„., 0311. ai,,,ny„, st aka.21 for by a 2; 1.1.1 124.4i1;1*. ri.,14111111021.., tvesi 222)7.0 4.2431)4 1 113211:44; 1'.;.'5.'1,11":1.4.1 ilk otte a oeua ad LizA!( im'A)atist° a TM% .i.'.11101. tais daaiatatiata , sta sot atotta.4-': stattati- sat:tat attt A. ja ataortotairta UlaDltAtTalalat. c I t ath(1ll k)0,•") ; 110012 I.: ta21210. /11014, 1642:2 1=41.21.: 3,12.1.1513,211 122 t62)1 itios atada ef oth: Co. ava.sizartsovnat 1,21 22 °dr Nit,,(..• 3+01:,#.1." 0.2:7'262122 12. AO' ,•,' io 27. -v -at 1.a132,33ot, 11, 31210.424, ;•!.', falCit,Y a: iot! otliaLtiot. 1tids, atora,1 hr - . e.014E111. 2. 7.. 010:aptly .11.142,53421. tet aTDttli d T ':F` 21143` C the Co. Cherg Atfoicath. 121 A1IL .O M.ior.roc : r r:•A T,o 521.41152113 17:651TI758 tioAsi • an:tie3 1;ly .1:41 on the Shortst Guarantetl. oti Al 110 14121,14) 12.2. a • 017. I4,.1ll 021 Note. - 11..1W.P°1 o . .22 r1 M-.114:1 411 423402-1501141. with 3. ..1137)(154513ere. t.1 Ch,1VCINOC, 111,./11, 10' 17. 131. (551t. t .'tto 0 ron oatNI• Y 1'hill; E. E' lassons ?:• : 14.4"1'1* 111 '1 1A+111'....,%1 1.3 1402 (1,7-1 2.4* 2,, 01.4,k(As.,,c,„i,_1i,2.2, "hva,vtl 031 142217,1„ „ s, . 12i2..31Icy Wiltql 2.2..,. 1130134:„, 4••0• CLAV:1 11.1:A1.4312 ift)7.Z •. ,ats, 134- 33 11s3qui f12,,,1;l-i' F:-13,1111 O0/1,. ALst tLt. • • 1 . A 1,7,r1. ,11.1c. • Lop. r • . 1,4,I •`• • I •, t; 7,7Il