HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-12-07, Page 5Aenting am t FPr,1;DA. ,. DEO. 7, 1885, Glen Lan: Mrs. McKim , trolls Pt r la. Prairie, is visiti her brothers, years, James and Wi m Ferguson She reports things boom g iu the rairio province,---TMlr, Jei i Scott, of the 10 the con. of Turnber y, has a Newfound - }:and dog, eight oaths old, weighing 141 pounds. ti 'e doubt if this can be beaten iu the. rovince.--Mr. Robert Muir left Glen nnan on Monday for Louisiana, inter lg to see the country and if his obsery itionr are favorable to settle there. The following is. a correct report o 'the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 3, Turnborry, for the month of . ovember : 4th class— list Abraham itken, 2nd Kate Ander. son, 3rd ivIin; iie. Clarke, Sr, 3rd class. • —1s>t Willie V, mpbelJ, 2nd James 1'. Scott, 3rd Wi 'e. Dunkin, Jr. 3rd, class -1st Archi:• Clarke, 2nd. Ellen Oampbell,'8rd : achel Dunkin. 2nd class—lst Mary Aitkens, 2nd George, Breen, 3rd Da d Breen. Sr.Pt. 2nd_ class --1st Ma +y Anderson, 2nd Agner Minden., 3rd ' ffio Clarke, Jr 'Pt. 2nd, last Bella Ca„pbell,{ 2nd, Bartle Poctor,, 3rd George fres. • co 0 firm fat 444* Our 1,50. Havana ais , newels. Mr, W. Smith, woo* $8,000 ip the $.60, OF 000•DS• • GIVEN: AWAY Louisiana/ letter —Rev: "J, Aall., of ' nlii�erst'on, 't + lecture on' the even- ing,of the 17t.' inst. on “Inventions and DiscoVsrie.," Mr. Aull is a clever'- . lecloarer,..-Th lever' - ..lecturer, --Th: re died at this place on Thursday last. John Stewart, bairistor,. . id his 82nd y :ar.. A native of North Easthope, •hi eareas removed • to ,'Morria.many 'yea ago. • The deceased finished his law- +aurae' in' 18134 and tillen •• received employment with Messrs. Bell & Biggar, of "Belleville. .His illness: b•oan in February last, siriee which nue he gradually sank, ' For: six or se ' u •months • 11e has been residing in Br seta' Ile was a talents ed,'• scholarly',• e, tive and • promising young man, a don:istent and esteemed Tnember••of the'. + resbyterian • church and. his death ere: ted wide sympathy for his bereaved idow and his sorrow- • ifig' parents.' • e' was buried.. on Thursday, the funeral being largely attended, , Every person buying Tsvo, Five or Ten Do Cash, will have a chance to get the following : 64 0 ' <d ''.,ss orth of Goods for • 1\'O. 1. • The person baying two dollars' worth,. and guessing nearest the number of beana in alar, will receive. Ten Dollars' worth of Goods.' U SON Give all classes a ohanee to invest their means to the best advantage in Lamps, Lamp Goods, Cutlery and 1•0 § `auvAu.u n s OY N13,1 SOS Qz Woodenware. P Q n, 4,nieriesn and Canadian Coal Oil, wholesale and retail, Eavetroughing a►, specialty, Repairing neatly and promptly' done, Don't Make any mistake bat call and 'inslaeet our stock and gat our prices. NO. 2. Bnyinf;•five dollars' wor,,a and guessing, nearest,tbo: number of�,beane, 1011. •receive'Twenty Dollars' worth b€ Goods.' alert), tar. David Fe . uson and, wife of Brandon, Manitoba • are at ' present. -:visiting friends in t is neighborhood. —Will: Gemmiil, w o has been teach- ing in Dakotas has turned home and, will soon take his d parture: f Qr,Lydid, Louisiana, where a"'has "secured a situation.—Wood es, willow bees, paring bees •and oth kind of bees have been the order the day lately. Wm Moffat, o this place, died, suddenly on• Satard y last.—Mossra. Wm. and Jno, G nimiil, who left' for Lousiana a co ple of weeks ago,. have returned with a very favorable report of that cou ry, Harriet n. Reese Darroch, of , Minto, was seriously injured on Tuesday by a run- away horse.—Afterltwo years' illness .Mro Thos. Munta, f Minto died last. week. ' He had so a reputation as a poet and was poss sed of fine social qualities. -Rev. 0, Whitecombe, of Hamilton, is holding special services at St. George's chute this week. God" ch. 141r, Fred Price assed the recent Pharmacy exami ation at Lansing, Mich., with a score of 96 740 per cent.—Hr. M. M. illivray, who has received a positio a5 missionary in the Northwest in c•nnection with the Presbyterian Home , Mission Board, left on Wednesday f e r Elkhorn, Maui-, toba. NO. 3. Buying, ten dollars' worth ,and guessing, nearest thenrn4er of beans;"wi1J eceive Thirty Dollars' worth; of Goods. •' c NO. 4.. Every person trying for the above and not suecesoful, will; get five per ent. of their money back• in goods. DUFFIELD .& SON, As the stook is complete in every Department, ad'+•ma 'ked in .'plain figures at prices tliat' cannot be undersold, we aro giving thus. very drier tai nffor t' advertise our goods reot;e widely Will commence Satur- day, Nov. 3rd, and as there is only a, limited number of tickets, we hope' to have an early call from you. Lbwer V maul= William AleMull,n, ono of the men employe] in tho Paet,)ry, had the misfortune get his hitud is contact with tho aw and had the ends out off two of his ilget s and will be kid idle for a tithe.—. "iss Lizzie C 1lnoro to yo•Itig girl, of this place, has lately died of typhoid ft+ve i^t the S;,ateo, Whore she went to isit her sista'. Yours very respectfully, S•T' 17 BLOOK,. DINtirifFEVIBLIZE ISTIOLISTANT Has a most complete assortment of the LATEST, CnoroEsT, and. MOST ' CH Ali 11±NG ARTICLES in • Watches , Cipcks, Jewellery and Silver Goods TO TIDE RATEPAYERS OF . NORM : LADIES AND'GENTI,ESIEN,— L's,''..to'v I. n 'two Salvf'etknilcts wcrd ill'Lme'isso �i in the pond ou San' ay week.—A tent of the i 11i ht1 of aceabooa has been, t organized with 2'1 ' 1lnenat re. —A now in3ursa:co C formed in \V'atnrloa wit P., Stratford, an pre:,id will bo known pry "The --The•b ullany has been <lal.lee Trew, M- ut, 1J' - ut "Y'he a r.,mn h1;dr.`s f' 8 tt e• .fto.e iilvns .b'a• I t94+7,1.+:1; ((IY61Ilt1:'.T having' ht1 a lcnj11 P,tt I have been requested by a Dumber of the citizens to offer myself as can• dilate for the Reoveship for the en- suing year, 1859. Having served as Deputy Reese to the interest of the town, four years a^• , and no com- plaints made agai st me, I ask .you to elect mo as our Ramie for the coming year. . Tr yours, JOHN HANNA. MSS NDLLO Mc .RD IT.• tiLA SES For, INSTRUCTION ON PIANO AND (,,,ra t, t;) Voion Culture and Ilexmony. Music I of a: t, lia4trn DOM. • d.�JLy AYE fliJJL� 31OS.y 'autos, bought the Dus'.uon of ,1. I:L11iG, known 3a the DO z. ;XON r .xa ratt Purpose carrying' on BAGth'4G AND COlydnr,vi-lOCtit` v in an their departments. TO y 1RQP'' • ' T�Z F ' R SAL • p j1IILr ENDERS °N1ED IIAS 'DE + MED to offer A for sale sev ral loud jtrope fes in the Town. Plot, (Lower Wing a u )Compbae..as follows: PARCEL, I ; Lots `o . 134 an 135 .on the North sido of water. St. and •tsN.•, 137 and 138 on, the South side of Victoria : '. T ose lots aro all together and compose a splen d 1I • ere park lot, ..Excellent value, PARCEL II: • Fon» 3S on the East sido of 11 Fisher's Surv. W PARCEL III : In th Fisher's surrey, Lo Helena St., about o house and stenlod Parties vishiu terms can do TUTS: GAN $ BUT 1: i:. CLOSE ATTENTION '' GIVEN TO REPAIRING, AND WORK ALL WARRANTED., • GO RIGHT .TO GREEN'S BLOCK FOR YOUR JEWELLERY, GOLDSMITHS,' .. HALL: Is the place where all can be supplied with • ` atewga lilac e$ 3ewellory, 8,11,verw •ro • :Of ; the'BEST QUALITY and at the LOWEST PRICES. Ilaving just returned from the Wholesale Markets, where I have bought a very••heavy stock of above articles for. 'Spot Cash, I am in a position to offer then1 to my: C>istomers and the Public generally at • - ROCMC�EHT0i/S PIR, - Caltand see uiy Fine Assorted Stook of Ladies' an4 Gents' Gold Watcher, Ladle? and Gents' Gold Chains, the finest and cheapest lot of Ladies' 'Brooeh- es,'EarringS,•Cuff-buttons, &c:, in the Town; ' ' 11 have tile, finest and largest stock of Gold .Rings ever kept in Wiligham; `consisting of Plain Ring, -s, Stone Set Rings, Diamond Rings and Scarf Pine, In Watch Movements I have thein in stock from all the leading manufac- turers of,' 'tlie United States : The Elgin, Waltham, Hampden, Illinois,. Rockford, Columbus and Aurora Watches., ` I have also a very large stock of Cloclts,, from. $1.20. upwards. If yon want a,Christnlas or New Years, present, VANSTQNE'S' is whoa; you ban get it either in gold or silver at Rock Botto..prices.,.: As I have bought for spot trill, that is just the reason that loan offer goods so cheap. Call end inspect my stock:. I •do all kinds of repairing in watches, clocks, jewellery, &c., at reasonable prices anti all warranted. • . .Thanking my numerous customers for the very liberal patronage bestowed on me since•coming to Windham, and soliciting a continuance of the same, • 1 remain, yoiirs truly, . tion i! ` 04idOnCe Oi; , jUtXgO:i, ):i9t1CCd, CityDe;Cu.3,.9, illi :t..t Cd)ifit.e)1L tits: • winghsm P, umbers_ 35, 36, 37 and t St., in the Town Plot, overhment Mill Reserve, 8 oil the East side of ah o an acre, with 4 6 uma o see the.pr pertics and ascertain pp151241 to S. T. PRICE Lower wing)ara. Oat Neal KiKillOsmole The undersigned dosiro to inform farm- ers and tho people generally that they havo reopened' their Oat Meal 11111 iq Winghl , And.are now prepared to purchase Oats ip unlimited quantities and at the Btarlket -+ b Thoy will supply customers with the Bnsr (i,;i• idles in Vat Moat„ ELDER & CLE1GG,. SUCCESSOR TO Id. PARK. IgCr' Rnmembor tho stand: Next door to the Post Office. \r1:LL nal) ,t+ESTI 21 lr :edit b f -r. lis. ..) •.° t ..,• t " c ' . of ;5 t iwwyt dcclergyment;yclergymennu c ya that i;) tier 1 •,._r�i..aeut ua,efa e�ur l:us:o)ucrs in every for t,1.1,•19un ,ct, u:, 11014, },,,; ° C 1 0 iii 'oreetl woman marry inside t 1 1 ciluo 407.a� = , a ani year, 'lilt 5 per +crit, aro dovoleil •°�.' �' ` i`1` oto aelibae •� . 1 ti„+1b a x;, „ .:' $ttr:tu of suufcct: , a: r; rt•ad to kept. Wino • A.S. W. I N GLIS9 f...IF. b'.CTA..:_...A.:1i)F"ALI.I:Th. C{ `l'.1. 'l:C l f r b 110'.01i:ing k7.5.".. c.: -.tended to. . ` FRY:i"a,S 4+.i Y Ileo e1TE. G1i712, ME t".ShI:;, •