HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-05-09, Page 11Tree Planting Planned Plans for a large tree planting bee for next spring are underway under the supervision of the chairman Alvin Sharp. At „least 1,000 trees are expected to be in by the middle of next spring, 'There are also definite plans far :the construction of a dam at the "faun with the help and co-opera- lien of the members. . Want To Raise Pheasants? Anyone interested in raising Theriefents or obtaining eggs for - .this purpose le asked to contact Sharp. Al has a very large !Miinber. Of these eggs and has (e#'erisive knowledge- and seeces0- 01 raising background on 'these 'birds. Junior Conservation mem; l'ers, BO Scouts, etc are favour- led for this job. Pike' and :Piekerel Pickerel and Pike season opens 'May 15, and they will close Dee- cembei; al and March 31 respec- tively, Creel limit for pike and yellow pickerel is six per day and rio minimum length. Semi-Finals ' The big clash in the semi-final round was between the first and second place teams Stars and Cleaners. It was a battle right dawn till the last few frames with Cleaners coming °et on top with two wins and an 151 point edge irrthe three games played. Scores by games were 1027-978, 943- 1102, 922-1053. Bert Harris really gave the Cleaners a booit in the second game with a total of 316, Murray Johnson came up with three games over 200 to help his team In their winning effort. The other half of the semi-fin- als was cepielly as close as the first and the scores were at least 100 points higher for each team per game. Clubs took the open- ing, game by three points 1109- 1106, second game was taken by Dobbers 11764.139 with the de- ciding, third contest 11,1.9-924 for the series winning clubs. The stage is set,' Soon the quest- ion will be answered. Can the Cubs maintain their present form and complete their; march? Hensall Legion Peewees, who captured the "D" series champf• lonship at the Young Canada Week hockey tournament in God- er,teh, were honored at a banquet held in Hensall Monday evening. Jack McIntyre of the NHL Chi- cago Black Hawks was guest spea- ker. McIntyre conducted a quest- ion and answer period following his address with most questions fired at him by the youngsters. He elicc•uraged Peewees itt of the game, saying hockey has been "very good to. me." He al- so told the youngsters that no matter what team they are play- ing for, always play clean and good. Earl Wagner, 12, captain of the Peewees expressed thanks on behalf of his team to the Legion for its backing in the past year. Appreciation was also ,expressed to the people of Hensall and dis- trict who encouraged the boys by attending the games at Goderich and giving them moral support. Sam Rannie, president of the Leg- ion, acted ,as master of Ceremon- ies. Photo To Players The boys were each presented with a photo of the team 8" X 10", gift of General Coach Worke of Canada, aid the Legion also was presented With a photo. Donations Made At the regular meeting which followed the banquet the Legion &mated $10 ,to the Veterans Camp Fund; $5 to the Legion University Scholarship program and the us- ual donation of $25 to the Hensall School Fair Board. Ron Mock was the winner of the monthly draw amounting to $6: Fish and Game Club News (By Don PM) The May meeting, of the ',fah and Game Conservation .43,. .sociation was held in the club Iiouse, Alma Grove, on Monday .evening. President Harold -Mew Was in the chair, The club's support of the $5,000 bingo which will be held in the ,,airerta on Friday night was stressed at the meeting. A. list of names 'was taken of the men who will as, ,sist in the many duties at the arena on bingo night. Clinton Lions Club president Joseph Murphy attended the meeting and reminded the club members just 'how important it is ,tia the community that this bingo be a success. riSllirig" Trip Last Saturday, May 4, Andy Calder and Louis Forest took the- Junior Conservation members on a trout fishing trip. The boy who caught the largest trout will re- fceive a casting outfit along with many other prizes which -will. be presented to the children at the mod Junior Conservation meeting. Clinton Mixed Bowling League. Reach...Finals After a week ,of beetle playoff games., all the teams from the, Minton Mixed Bowling League' have been eliminated with the Pcr,. 001)tioll of Chiba and Cleaners, These two teams are meeting fop the championship as we go to press. Clubs are the Cinderella team of the playoffs as they finished kn seventh .place in the eight team league. They have ousted Imps and Dobbers in their march and will now face their toughest task in Cleaners the conquerors of Hearts and the league champion Stars. Quarter-Finals, Dobbers and Drivers met in the firet round of the playoffs last Wednesday evening with Dobbers taking the series two games to none. Snores of the games were 960-846 and 1137-957. Clubs dup- fleeted the pobbers' ..performance with 966-878 and 1057.903 wins. Top game bowled for the evening was by L. Cox 283. What To Do WWI $100 Cheque! With a cheque for the •biggest prize he's ever Won, Gordon Cudmore (right) proPrietor of the Clinton Locker Service, beams a big smile, as he thinks ,of ways' to make use of $100. The money was presented last week by John Wake, president of the recently organized St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church. Mr. Cudnaore was chosen for the award as the result of the first month's operation of the 200 a Month Club. (News-Record Photo) Hensalrs Peewee Champions Hear Black Hawk- Forward At Banquet (By our Hensel' correspondent) Commencing June 3rd next • 411 'MY BAN li V ii k TO 2 NIIIION CANAOIANS 1111'11 RMilpitv • /(16.w Agway 9etewe-e' REME• MBER MOTHER • on MOTHER'S DAY NEXT SUNDAY SEE OUR sriEcTioN OF MOTHER'S. DAY CARDS ?Newest Designs lieeasOnably Priced 5'c to $1.00 LET US SUGGEST A GIFT FOR HER ON MOTHER'S DAY COTY MUGUET TOILET WATER & 41) SOLID COLOGNE ,. &aline TALC.and 175 COLOGNE _ 'WATER 1 .11. T • I v7 4r 3• and 2.75 TIFFANY SOAPS Boxed 50e to 1.50, YARDLEY SOAPS Box of 3 1.50 SPECIAL! Tussy Deodorant Stick Reg. $1.25 for , 85c TUSSY COLOGNES 1.2.5 BUBBLE BATH 70c DUSTING POWDER Mits 1.25 OLD SPICE BATH POWDER and COLOGNE—Special' 1275 YARDLEY BEAUTY CREAM & HAND CREAM both 1.50 SPECIAL! Bouriois Summer Colognes New - Cool - Crisp.- Gay Three Fragrances Reg. ,$2.00 for $1.25 Give Her CHOCQLATES for Mother's Day SMILES 'N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES ALWAYS FRESH All Boxes have Mother's Way Wrap $1.00 to $5.00 W. C. Newcombe Phm. B. Chemist and Druggist PHONE HU 2-9511 — CLINTON MAKE US YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR 4 ' er Let Us Help You With-7 • CHOREMASTER GARDEN TILLERS 13/1 and 3 h.p. O LAWN BOY 18" and 21" cut ROTARY MOWERS • TORO REEL MOWERS 18" cut • STEELE BRIGGS DELUXE MIX GRASS SEED-5 lb. bag $4.69 Royal Purple-5 lb. bag $399 • TORGANIC and VIGORO Fertilizers We will loan you ,it, distributor to fertilize )or seed your lawn:, also a roller if needed. If you Cali HU 2-9505 we are prepared to demonstrate any power equipment in stock, or better still, you try a machine yourself on your lawn or garden. Our "SPECIAL PAINT SALE" is still on . . so come in for these "SPRING PAINT NEEDS" 25% Off All S.W.P. Stocks RUMIDAY, MA' 9, 1957 -01.11s1ToN KAITS-nagu, An additional service for everybody — especially covenient for husband and wife — a B of M Personal Chequing, Account is the ideal way to pay household and personal expenses by cheque. With this streamlined account, the Bank is able to reduce costly book-keeping, and to pass the saving on to you. Here's why you should have a B of M Personal •Chequing Account: • You are charged a flat rate of Only 10 cents lot each cheque or counter withdrawal paid through your account. Your service charges appear, in total, id yout account every three months. • Your cancelled cheques are held, as an added corn venience for you,- in safe-keeping by the B of M for .20 years. Should you requite a cancelled cheque as proof • Of payment, it will be available upon request. • You are provided with a quarterly statement of :your aCcelint, Which Situplifies your book-keeping and charged to your account . helps you keep your records straight. You can we your statement at the Bank whenever you need to do so. WHY NOT ENQUIRE at your neigh. bourhood branch about this new B of M service today? Our staff will be glad to give you a folder on the subject and to answer any questions your may have on the opening of a B of M Personal Chequing Account. tai: coit# toddy... Clearing AUCTION SALE QF :IfOUSEHOLD 10EMOTS. Of tne 'state of the late William Proctor, from 1$S former xesidenee on the cornvr of Olbhon* and Rage Itut Streets, Goderich, (near Vie, twee, School), on SATURDAY, MAY 11 at 1,30 eonsisting ofi Duncan Fife glass top coffee table; Duncan Fife drum table; walnut console table; 2 piece red frieze Chesterfield (nearly new); blue frieze chesterfield drum chair (nearly new); cherry frieze broad loom rug 9' x 12' with felt pad; Axminster rug 9'x 12' with felt pad; 2 pair living room drapes; Kroehler Lazy Boy rocker, occas--. sional chair; 2-piece chesterfield; Walla 17" television; television aerial; television lamp; Rogers console radio and record player; 100 records; oak dining .rorn tab- le and chairs; Royal floor polish- er; Crosby Shelvador (9cu. ft.) re- frigerator; Hot Point electric range; Sea Breeze electric man- gle; Oriental rug 5' x 7'! 24" oval mirror; metal single bed; inner spring mattresses; dresser; 2, beds; 2 inner spring mattresses; walnut bedroom suite; inner spring mattress; 2 linoleum rugs 10' x 10'; cedar chest;' drop head CO 1811' AUCTION- SALE P'14;NITt7f4a from tho ScriOl>hits 4300 StOre (a0- Joining the Commercial Hotel) on Wednesday, May 1$ Beatty 1„:Cirici4e waligh7nr; mach- the; 4-burner electric range; chesterfield and 2 chesterfield chairs;. 4 spepl beds; 2 metal tub- ular beds; 2 modern beds, 2 inner spring mattresses; 2 wash stan- ds; child's bed; beciroent dresser; 2 ,buffets; occasional chairs; kit- chen chairs; 2 electric beaters; cherry glass top cupboard (anti- que); mohair couch . (antique); walnut 4 drawer chest (antique) ; walnut oval coffee table; dishes; garden tools, Terms Cash Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 1.9eb ESTATE AUCTION SALE OF lefACiliNERY AND HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS At Lot 3, Con, 1, LRS 1/2 mile south of Henson on No. 4 ' Highway WEDNESDAY, MAY 15 at 12.30 p.m. 2 Grand Pianos; settee and chairs; 2 cherry tables; cherry glass cupboard; oceasional chairs; rocking chairs; small cupboard; old, fashioned lamps (some cran- berry); fire place irons; small safe , ' writing desk; china cabinet and buffet; studio coach; day bed; 2 sewing machines; 3 spool beds; 1 single spdol bed; rope bed; wal- nut antique bedroom suite; 4. chest of drawers; antique rockers; spring filled mattresses; antique clocks; kitchen chairs; kitchen utensils; dishes; radio; toilet sets 'heolca; sealers; hooked mats; ,cruet stands. • Machinery: 10. cord slab wood; 1947 Plymouth coupe car; cream Separator; model- "B" Allis Chal- mers tractor and mower (used very little); circular saw;• steel frame; drive belt; wheel barrow; bag truck; steel fence posts; dump rake; 5 ft. Massey-Hereis, mower; well windless; grain drill'; cutter, buggy; light wagon; an- tique buggyr harness; horse col- lars; qUantity littfiber plank; tools; tap and die set; .saws; bits; carpenter tools in excellent shape; anvil; vice; emery; screw jack; fen- ce stretcher; slush scraper; exten- sion ladder; drag saw; sleighs; quantity 11/2 " . iron pipe; wagons; hay loader; fanning mill; 150 bus. grain; pig crate; 'door frames ;. win- dew frames; cultivator; road 'cart; 7-section harrows; quantity loose hay. Other articles too numerous ous to mention. Terms Cash ' Estate of late William Bell. Executors, Laird Mickle, Roy Bell. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson' Clerk, E. P. Chesney 18-9-b Clearing AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS FEED AND GRAIN at lots No. 26 and 27, on the Cut Line, Goderich Township, 1 mile west of Porter's Hill, on Thursday, May 16 at 1.2.30 noon Horses: Team of geldings (ag- ed); set of breeching harness, hor- se collars. Cattle: 43 head: P.B. registered Hereford bull, 2 yrs. old; 5 Dur- ham cows, 5 yrs. old, with calf at foot; Durham cow, 7 yrs. old, re- cently freshened, r calf at foot; Durham. cow, 7 yrs. old, milking, bred again; Durham cow, 7 yrs. old, recently freshened, with calf at foots; 3 Hereford cows, 7 Yrs. old, milking with calves at foot; 3 steers rising 2 years old; 7 steers rising 1 year old; 4 heifers rising 2 yrs, old (fat); 3 baby yearling heifers; 2 yearling heif- ers; 5 young calves. Pigs: Yorkshire sow with litter 6 weeks old; Yorkshire sow carry- ing second litter, due time of sale. Sheep: 20 Oxford X Shropshire ewes with lambs 3 weeks old; Suffock ram 2 years old. Poultry: 120 hens 1 year old, Implemente: Ferguson 1952, 85 tractor and tractor plow; Fleury Bissell tandem disc; Deering, stiff tooth cultivator; 1.949 Mercury Ye ton truck; M.H. 1.1 disc fertilizer drill; New Idea manure srpead- er; M.11, binder, 6 ft. cut; Deer- ing drop head hay loader; steel tire wagon; gravel box; 3 drum steel roller; 5-section drag har- rows; single row scuffler; stone boat; fanning mill; 40 rod of fen- ce; roll of poultry wire; 1,000 lb. scale; buggy; cutter; logging chains; forks; shovels and num- erous other articles. Feed. Etc.: Approxirnatele. 700 bushels of oats; approximately 100 bushels of barley; approximately 20 ton Mixed, hay; 8 bushels of timothy seed; 11/2 bushels of clov- er seed, Terms Cash No reserve as the farm is sad. 1st weather is unfirvorable sale Will be under cover. Alex L. Young,• Proprietor Edieard W. Elliott, Atietiomier 19-b Community Sales At Hensall Barn itrx5Att simt MAY Z Weanling pigs, $11.60 to $15.15; chunks, $16,50 to $181 feeders, 011 to $30.25; soles $80 to $96; stein cows, $140 to $160; plirlialh &Ws, $134 to $154; Holatein cal- ves, $9 to $15.50; Durham calves, $18 to $30.50. Fat cows sold 'up to $143.5 a pound. 1.3l, pigs atid 130 head at e and calves Were Sold. sewing machine; Electrolux VW, a= cleaner; bathroom hamper; bathroom scales; 2 floor tri-lamps;. 2 table lamps; Hoover vacuum cleaner; bathroom scales; bath- room hamper; blanket box; Oro": me kitchen suite; Coleman since' heater; automatic toaster; electric clock; Simplicity washing maCh- ine; lawn chairs; 4-cycle power lawn mower; rubber tire lawn, mower; Lintoge China consisting of 13 dinner plates, 12 tea plates, 2 vegetable bowls, 12 cups and saucers, cream and sugar; 8 corn- flower crystal goblets;• silver, tea, service; radio; 50 feet garden hose; Vanguard 1949 sedan with tires nearly new; other dishes; cooking utensils etc.; garden and carpenters' tools. Terms Cash Mrs. Sybil Palmer, Mi's. dean Mathicson, Executors of the Estate 4, Edward W.. Elliott, Aletioneer 18-9-b "Old at 4050 607" f — Man, You're- You re Crazy • Forget your ago) Thousands are peppy at 70. Try "pep_ping up" with Ostrer. Contains tonic for weak, rundown feelingdue solely to body's leek of iron which many men and woinen call "old."" Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for pep, younger feeling, this very day. New "get acquainted" size only 60e. For sale at all drug stores everywhere, • You pay only 10 cents for each cheque or withdrawal BANK Or MONTREAL ‘01;seidea 944( Sud, Clinton Branch: WillIAM MORI,Olet Manages Loedeshoceligh (Sub-Agency): Open Mon. & time District Auction Sales eeieM IIARDWARIM CLINTON Phone 1W. 2-9505 Try our PARKING LOT at Rear of Store (INeo Entreatee Irene 1 i411064S $t eel) 'PA-0X =AVM