HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-05-09, Page 10, W. R, Dougall, County weed in- spector, Was admitted to Victoria Hospital, .London, on B4,1144Y.. • Mrs. J, W. Bonthron returned borne last . Wednesday from St, Petersburg, Florida, where she vacationed for the winter months. Carol .Brown, Ur- Captured two :firsts in the open piano class and a $25 scholarship at Huron Coun- ty Music Festival at Goderich, .earol who is the daughter of Mr, Anti Mrs. William Brown, is a pupil of Nh4s, Nixon, .xeter, Bob and: Jean Laramie, Central, , Entertained the vocation.. class at Tweedsmuir Halt, London, each :contributing two vocal solos and two duets. Miss Greta Laramie accompanied them at the piano. Miss Amy Lammie is teacher of this class. At Huron County Music Festi- val at Goderich, Nelson IVfeClin- they received two firsts and one second in, piano solos, in the piano class, and a $25 scholarship. Jane Horton and Nelson MeClinehey received second prize in a piano duet. They are pupils of Miss Greta Laramie. ' - Rebekah's Party Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hensel, met May 1, with Mrs, S. Rannie; (ny P. 1.1. Miles) W. P. Watson, Live Stock Com- missioner for the \Province of On- tario, advises that the Province of Ontario has now been designated a Supervised Area wider the pro- visions of the firlaceliois Act, 1956, this designation being retroactive to April 1, This announcement does not change the situation of the Cat- tle Owners in the County of Hur- nn as the County was previously designated a Supervised Area. It now becomes obligatory for all Cattle Owners in all Ontario to have their female calves vaccina- ted after reaching the age of four months but before becoming 11 Months old, with the cost of vacs cination being assumed by the Province. Inasmuch as the Act provides for the unrestricted movement of cattle from one supervised area to another, female cattle may now be moved from any part of On- tario to any other part without a permit or blood test. However the blopd testing requirements still apply to female cattle brought into the Province from Western Canada. er's Day , were given by Mrs. Coates and Mrs. McMurtrie. An invitation was accepted from the W1VIS of James Street United Church in. Exeter, for the after- noon of May 7. The visiting com- mittee, Mrs. M. Drysdale and Mrs. W. R. Stephenson reported mak- ing 18 calls. An interesting letter was read from Mrs. William Pep- per, who is in Kincardine. Mrs. G. Thompson reported on COM- xnunity friendship, Mrs. W. Dilling, delegate to the presbyterial held in Clinton; was requested to give her report for the second time. Bales for overseas relief will be packed at the church on May 16. Children's clothing is needed too. Donations will be gratefully ac- cepted. 0 Hog Producers In Huron Send 13% To Open Market Despite the fact there has been no producer campaign in Middle- sex, farmers in that county are shipping more hogs to the open market than are Huron produc- ers, according to statistics reveal- ed last week by the Ontario Hog Producers' Co-operative, During the week of April 1-5, one in every four Middlesex hogs (24.8 percent) was marketed in a co-op yard. Only 15 percent of Huron hogs were delivered to the open market. Perth, which vies with Huron as the top hog-producing county in the province, sells about 13 per- cent the co-op way. Top co-op area in the province is Victoria whose percentage is over the 75 percent mark. Grey- Bruce is marketing 71 percent co-op. Huron officials hope to boost their percentage ,considerably. Hu- ron President Bert Lobb says over 70 percent of the farmers signed directives asking„ that their hogs be delivered to cslanp yards.—Exe- ter Times-Advocate. TENDERS Township of Stanley TENDERS will be received by the undersigned, for Supplying of Brush Kill and Weed Spray for the township roads in 1957. 'renders to be in the hands of the clerk by 12 o'clock noon on May 21, 1957, Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. More informa- tion can be obtained from the undersigned. FRED WATSON, Clerk, Township of Stanley. 19-20-b TENDERS Township of Stanley TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for Applying Brush Kill and Weed Spray on the township roads in 1937 Sprayer must be equipped with an OaaC Bootn. Tenders to be in the hands Of the clerk by 12 o'clock noon on May 21, 1957 Lovaest or any tender not 'nen- essarily accepted. More informa- tion can be obtained from the underSigned. Noble Grand Presiding, Miss Mabelle Whiteman presented a re- port of the district meeting held at Brussela, The group were in- formed, that Mrs. Ada Fritzley,‘ Goderich, is the new District De- puty President for the coming year. Plans were outlined for the bake sale to be held on May 11. A euchre party celebrating the birthday of Schyler Colfex, one of the founders of thp lodge was held with 31 tables in play. Winners Were: ladies, Mrs. Alice Ferg, Mrs. R. Taylor, Sr.; gentleman, Glen Bell, Milton Lavery; lone hands, Mrs. Wesley Vernier. In the draw for the angel Cake made by Mrs. William Fuss, Glenn Bell was the winner, Lucky cup was won by Mrs. Dickert, Kippen, VMS Meeting Mrs, Coates presided for the May meeting of the United Chur- ch Woman's Missionary Society. Mrs. H, 1VICIVIurtie read from Mat- thews 25. The topic on Burma and Thailand was ably presented by Mrs. W. Dougall, Mrs. E. Sproat and 1Vrrs. Coates. Mrs. C. Cook received the offering. 'Miss Marion Pepper offered a piano selection. Poems on Moth- , FRED WATSON, Clerk l , ' Township of 'Stanley. 19-',2ckh p WARWICK SEED CORN Golden Acres (Hybrid) CAN ItE SOWN FOR GRAIN OR ENSILAGE Grass Seeds -- Fertilizers — Garden Seeds H. F. WETTLAUFER FEEDS and SEEDS MARY, STREET — CLINTON — PHONE HU -.9792 • The ideal family and fishing motor. Quiet — Smooth — Fast. Silent dual internal valves. Shockproof power clutch. Magic Wand one-hand control of speed, shift. Light and powerful. Now 8n dis- play. Clayt Dixon's Auto Supply Rattenbury Street East Phone. HU 24034 CLINTON — ONTARIO t.4,11NINININI.,"""04,4r~,0•414.41#4.0 GARDEN SEEDS Have a complete stock of GARDEN SEEDS in bulk. These are all No. 1 Government grad- ed for purity and germination . . much more economical than package seeds. LAWN SEEDS We Specialize in Lawn GrasS Mixtures; also have it in packages. We have FERTILIZER for Lawn or Gar6u FRUIT TREE 'SPRAT Complete for all ,sntaying. Contains Captain, DDT, Malatidon Seed Potatoes -- Peat Moss — 'Etc. DAVE isTna, A COMPLETE LINE ,OF CLOVER and GRASS 'WEDS von BOTH HAY AND PASTIME CLINTON SEED STORE 14"102) FORD, Manager Phone Muter 2.4041 HEAVY DUTY BATTERIES $7.95 exchange 18 Months Guarantee 0 MUFFLERS MEV. $4.45 FORD ' $7.10 Guaranteed Blow-out Proof Brand New Fuel Pumps Reconditioned fuel Pumps with h FULL year war- ranty $2,25 up plus exchange SEAT COVERS $12.50 up —0— For the Home Martin Senour Paints ss OBITUARY OBITUARY a,C7:1 Plymouth Savoy 4-door Sudan SPRING SPECIALS 1955 Plymouth Belvedere V-8 Hardtop, Radio, Whitewall Tires. Real Sharp! ONLY $29045 11 I 1951 BuiCk Hardtop Radio. Just made for $1095 I summer driving!ONLY' Many More To choose From urphy Bros. Chrysler — Plymouth — Fargo Sales and Service Huron St. Clinton It's downright wonderful . what a difference it makes when you get out of the ordinary and into a new ThriV-Power Plymouth with 'Torsion-Aire suspension. Just take 'a beautiful ?lymouth few miles down one of those old ;bunapety-bump side roads and you'll see what we mean. It is an 'entirely new ride experience, be- ,cause of Plymouth's remarkable Torsion-Aire suspension. It's like coasting along on a thick, velvety carpet. Ana your turning and braking feel' entirely different, too. For Plymouth's Torsion-Aire suspen- ssion keeps it, from "heeling over" when you round a corner . . and keeps the nose of the ear from 'Idiving" when you' top, Zut why not •get the test of the story while you're flashing along in the lowest, sleekest Plymouth ever built? You'll love it—every bit of it. Just dial for a demonstration in its new Thrill-Power Plymouth! low about tomorrow? Phone ma and - we'llbring a fresh, friskynewPiymouth to your door. Try its new V-S or 6 Thrill-Power GO . Push-button Torque-Elite automatic drive . Total-Contact brakes ... and all its other exciting advanees! °FIRMER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED Even-if you can only spare a few minutes out of a busy day, take a demonstration ride in a •new Plymouth with Torsion-Aire suspension }nib- at Plymouth VOLPRE •ALWAY. A STEP AREAt) IN CAkB OF 1-1-M FORWARD L.4OOK fIr ei9475 MURPHY BROS• CLINTON' AU of Ontario Now Supervised; ti I Brucellosis Ad rho. liensall News of ensall Correspondent-- MRS, M, InraPPOT Man involved in Varna Theft Remanded in custody Until To-day No deciaien has yet been reach- with assault, car theft and Mega ed by the court concerning one of possession of an offenSiVe weapon. the two men who plead guilty to WelbUrn was committed to ()titer-three charges in connection with iq. Hospital for observation. an attack on Murray Grainger, Last Thursday, Weaver was re- Varna, last month. mended for one week by Ma,g1g- On April 18, Thomas Welburn, trate D. F. Holmes, who asked to, 4, Halifax, plad guilty to those be provided with results of the. admitted by Douglas Weaver, 18, observation of WElburn in hospi, also of Halifax—armed robbery tal by that time. Amotz.:4:760.MsfltgfrES ,N, asaassassafearesaaassasasaa Centennial This. year meris:: the Centennial of the Contance 'Cemetery and . a Decoration pay is being planned. for June. On Monday, May 13, at 7..80 Work bee will be held at. the Cemetery to improve the . grounds, AtterwardS business will be discussed and plans made for the Decoration Day, All who are interested in any way are invited to help with this community pro- ject. Mr. and Mrs, William Jewitt, Janice and Mrs. Stella Jewitt, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Andy Reekie, Brantford and Mr. and Mrs. Max Parr, Ancestor, also visited Niagara. The Woman's Association haa postponed the regular meeting till tonight in the SS rooms, at 8 o'clock. All ladies are invited. Master Donald Jewitt spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Har- vey Coleman, Stanley Township. 1 Ross Taylor Funeral service was conduCted Sunday afternoon in the Beattie funeral home, Clinton, for Keith Ross Taylor, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. HarveyTaylor ' Bruce- field, by the Rev: Sidney Davison. He passed away at his home on Friday, in his 11th year. Pall-bearers were four brothers, Jack, William, Varna; Morris and Douglas, Flower-bearers were four cousins, Elaine and Irene Taylor,' Robert and Kenneth Cald- well. Born on Concession 2, Stanley Township, Edith Taylor had spent his life there, and with his family in Brucefield.' Surviving besides his parents and four broqiers, are six sisters, Mrs. J. (Cora) McFarlane, Ed- monton, Alta.; Mrs. Joe -(June) Potter, Clinton: Mrs. Ross (Don- na) Corbett, Hensel's; Ina, Orono, Ontario; Barbara, and Mary Lou at home, e Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Bedard and family, Goderich, visited Sun,. day with Mr, and Mrs. George Mc- Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Riley visi„ ted Mr. and Mrs. Bert Riley, Cromarty, on. Sunday, Mn and Mrs. Borden Brown, Joyce and Blaine, spent Sunday in Hanover, visiting Joseph Brown who is a patient in Hanover Hoa- pitsd, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Riley and Douglas, spent Sunday in Guelph, Visiting' Mr, and Mrs. C. Norris and family. Heather came back with Mr. and Mrs, Riley and is staying for some holidays, SUNSET DRIVEAN THEATRE 1% Miles East of Goderich On Highway S THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 9-10 "NIGHT AND THE CITY" Richard Widmark -- Gene Tierney 2 CARTOONS —COMEDY SATURDAY and MONDAY May 11-13 "REPRISAL" Guy Madison -- Felicia Farr 2 CARTOONS — COMEDY TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 14-15 "FLAME . OF THE ..ISLAND" Howard Duff -- Yvonne DeCarlo (Adult Entertainment) COMEDY.— CARTOON BOX OFFICE OPENS 8.00 P.M. First Show At Dusk Two Shows Each Night Children under 12 in cars FREE Playground --- — Refreshments News or Constance orrespondent; MRS, .FR• NA RILEY Phoge Seaforth 841113 gk;itittg' • ;Oele 41:'• a • sa -,7-74-Tantror" sasa aStare 1955 Dodge Regent Sedan Just like new. ONLY 1950 Studebaker Starlight COUPE. New Tires, ONLY $1,695 !A $ 485 4P sa.ssa a• ave you tried the ride that put ps out of business ? CraTNT , N THIMDAYk MAY 9, Is