HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-05-09, Page 8News of Londesboro cotrooPoident MDS. 114 OVRNIN Phone Myth r ,9 MARE SHAPE COOKS 20% MORE --than Round [Yon Simply set the dial for CONTROLLED NEAT for perfect Cooking and frying •results. Your fa- vorite dishes are more de- licious. No guess work or constant watch i iv:Water sealectelement tetesh yoq Seer:1 /4 1 /4,, OBITUARY 1 T. W. Oates ews of Varna Correspondent: FRED McCLYMONT Phone Clinton NIT 2-321.4 Tree Planting on •Arbour Day Set Out 6,000 Seedlings It. was cold bn the hilltop last Friday after- mon, and Goderich .Township' youngsters taking part in the tree planting job had to be dressed • warmly. H;-H. DeVries, Zone Forester, left, was in charge of seeing that the '85 children were in- strutted in how to, plant the 6,000 seedlings which went into the ground at E. J. Jenkins 'farm and didn't hesitate to take up a shovel himself. The youngsterS are Lois MacMillan and John Howard, both of Grade 7, at SS 2, Reeve John. Deeves is at right, (News-Record Photo) ••• • I • (By our Bayfield correspondent) Thomas William Oates, M.A., B.Comm, B.Paed, 66, director of Hamilton secondary schools for ten years prior to his retirement in 1954, died suddenly in Hamil- ton on Thursday, May 2, 1957. He taught at London Central Collegiate from 1915 to 1921. and prior to that was a teacher at St. Thomas Collegiate, He is survived by his widow, formerly Miss Alberta Anderson, and two sons; John, Kitchener and Donald, London. The deceased man was well- known in Bayfield, where he had maintained a summer ,home for over 30 years. Although forced to retire owing to ill-health, he had seemed so much better last summer that his sudden passing came as a shock to friends here. He had been looking forward to returning to the cottage the end of this month. WMS Thankoffering Varna United Church WMS held an Easter Thaiikoffering ser- vice in the church on May 2, with Goshen WMS, r Varna Anglican ladies and former members as- guests. The meeting was opened by the president Mrs, Anson Coleman and the West group took charge of the devotional part of the meeting. This was followed by a musical duet by Mrs. George Stephenson and Mrs. William Taylor. Mrs. Ernest Epps gave a recitation. Mrs. Elmore Keyes, Mrs. Elmer Hayter and Mr's, C. McBride gave a vocal selection, accompanied by Mrs. Bruce Keys. ••••••••••••••••••••amommom Mrs. Fred Reid gave a Mother's Day reading. Miss Clara Mark was the guest speaker, She stated that every Christian was called upon to be a 'missionary. The secret of suc- cess in Chrstian service is, "Not my will, but Thine be done." The influence of „missionaries contin- ues, Only eternity will reveal results. Miss Clark then spoke of the life of Amy Carmichael, an Irish Missionary who spent 55 years in South India without a fur- lough, During this time she Wrote 35 books, 13 of them after an 'accident which disabled her. Mrs. E. MeClinchey thanked all those who had taken part in the program. Lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Small are vacationing in Toronto for the pest three weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Fothergill, newlyweds, have taken up, resi- dence in the village. Miss Muriel Shobbrook and Joyce Purdue spent last week at Sault Ste Marie, visiting friends, We are pleased to welcome Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Howett, to Lon. STANLEY Ladies •Meeting Wednesday, May 1 found 16 members of the Stanley Ladies' Community Club assembled at the home of Mrs. A. Verhoef for their monthly meeting. Pour visitors and 12 children attended also, A report was brought in on the information• obtained about buying new card tables and plastic table covers. This was left over for the present time, An unusual contest, was enjoyed by all. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs, Robert Glen. Roll call will be "What is requir- ed to be a good farmer's wife?" AUBURN Correspondent-'MRS.' FRED ROSS Phone Dungannon D'r 15 Mr. and Mrs. M. Allison, Park- hill visited Mr: and Mrs. D. W, Hamilton, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Simcoe, visited with the lady's parents, Mr. 'and Hembly. Mr. and Mrs. Larrf Glasgow, Alan and Dennis, Brussels, called on friends here Satutel'aye Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Rathwell and Michael, Dresden, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Taylor. Mrs. Donald Fowler who frac- tured her hip some time ago; and has since been confined to Gocter- ich hospital, returned home last Thursday, Mrs, Edgar Lawson, Mrs. C. M. Straughan, Miss M. R. Jackson and Mrs. Fred Ross, attended the Huron County Library Conven- tion held in the Assembly room of Knox Presbyterian Church Friday, when Rev, Col. Karl Krug, Bel- grave, was guest' speaker. Quite a number from here at- tended the Ordination Service of Peter Walter and Brown Milne, at Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, on Monday evening. Both were students at Knox Pres- byterian Church here. Mr. Milne the summer of 1953 and Mr. yVal- ter in 1954, Mr. Milne is going to Whitehorse, Yukon, and Mr. Wal- ter to Eckville, Alta. desboro, They have leased part. of Mr, EWan's residence, Mr. and Mrs. glister Broadfoot. 'rackets/nail, spent Sunday with. the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .John Scott, The fourth annual meeting .of the Huron Presbytery WA, was held in Londesboro United Chur- chi On Wednesday of this week, aVfiss Vera T.:5,4 who for the' past year has been nursing, in Wrinch Memorial Hospital, Haze elton, B.C„ has returned and is visiting under the parental roof together with Miss Francis Lyon), Toronto; Miss Phyllis Ohr, Ed- monton; Miss Joan Bartlett, Bow- manville, and Anne Bowden, Or-- HOLMESVILLE Correspondent MILS, V, MeMITLLOTJGII Phone MY 2-141.8 On Friday, May 3, the pupils of grades 6, 7 and 8 had a lesson in tree planting at the farm• of Ed-• ward Jenkins. Guest Minister Mrs. C. Tavener, wife of Rev, C. Tavener, a former minister of Holmesville United Church, was the guest speaker at the WMS, service held in the church on Sun- day, April 28. At this service,. Cathie Potter, Bonita Williams,. Charles Haughten and Alvin Jones were received into full member- ship in the church by profession of faith. Rev. H. C. Wilson con- ducted the membership service. te1/4411,0411/,01/40,04414r441.01/4.4.4,1/40 Jack SCRUTON YOUR Cities Service MOM Distributor Phone HU 2-9653 0 Budget Plan Available At No Extra Cost "The Home of Good Clean Fuels" of 30, The Study Book chapter on South East Asia was read by Mrs. Gladwin Westlake. The country discussed was Korea. The Poplars Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Cook, Nancy and Donald, who have recently returned from• Florida, were at their cottage over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. George Peter and Bev., Stratford, spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Peter, Mary and Douglas, Stratford, oc' cupied their cottage for the week- end, Mr. and Mrs. Cree Cook, Clin- ton, spent the weekend at "Wee Loch. Hame." Who drank all the KIST _Ginger Ale? Nstive, sporkly KIST Ginger Ale is the life of every party. So keep lots on hand. You'll 'find KIST Ginger Ale is the perfect partner for family fun too I Thates a kW flavaar.for every ei tattler .1/4 a /kr thole. In carton perfect "pick- ,.. .. . ... '4 PIECE KANISTER SET to match your kitchen 5e0mless 00 Rustproof S Enduringly Beautiful Terrific savings on Nationally Aciver. Ned Kramee Pantry Partnett, Smart, tu• ton* aluminum with irour choice of pink, p is Turquoise, Yellow or klisek nun. Order now whilr IltieS 16:511 $12.95 All 6 Pieces ELECTRIC HAIR DRYER STEAM IRONS AUTOMATIC COFFEE PERCOLATOR ELECTRIC MIXETTE STAINLESS STEEL UTENSILS STAINLESS STEEL COOKWARE STEAK KNIFE SET SALAD BOWL SET LAZY SUSAN PYREX CASSEROLE BONE CIHNA CUPS and SAIJICERS COFFEE CARAFE INSULATED TEAPOTS PRESSURE COOI4ER CAKE SAVER, DISHES Limited Time Only! "tour )Frigidaire Dealer"' Clinton Plion UV' 2,-/4gZ - MATCHING SALT and PEPPER SET $3,00 3 Games--$100 10 Games-450. 1 Game--$1,000 3 Games—$200 DUTTON .<jI. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE'S' UNOC RCA VICTOR-WESTINGHOUSE BRUCEFIELD HU-2-3232 lifilliThilliMMIMINMINIMM11111111111111111111111111111111MINMIIIHNOMM BilIG CASH BINGO TOTAL PRIZE VALI7 FRIDAY, tzY 17, 9 P.M. STRATFORD ARENA 25 EROEHLER CHAIRS AS DOOR, PRIZES, ADMISSION: 13.00 for 2 Cards Good Vor All Games. Extra Cards 50c, 3 for $1.00 FREE PARKING Sponsored by CANADIAN LEGION 'BUILDING FUND (Branch No. 8 Stratford) TIMIIIIM/ININIMMININIMMOMNINilinnifinNIMMIIMiliiM11111111111a-:. 11 11 11 1 11 11 1 t1 1 1 11 PERCE STRINCO A!Z1"11 DUTTON tioY, Oo You leNoW HOW AY v`6600 IN SPANISH 0 ttl.' ,•it'' .Y „,, , 0.. To ' NI4HT" ? (co S rO • • . , ( weLL, ifs ' ' ABOUT TIME, ro IP "THE YOU WARY' -4t DUTTON'S '0" 1 it 1,1,1 elt: ' BUENAS NOCHE6. 0 te F ' I 0. : .,..., / 71 //'',1/4 1/4 1. '. R¢4e •BEST. 10114 o THoUANT NEVER Go. 1 .., .. " . ,..,..... - tt ig,46/iii ...• .. 'USA= OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT 1 SPECIAL THIS WEEK: i at $2499 gal4 * 1/4 PAOV =GM MINTON NEWS-RECORD TfILTRODAY,. *.4.7r g, 197 E. A, Featherston) London, was Mine aver the weekend, William Parker, Jr., London) Was home over the weekend Miss Adele Fernette, Detroit, is at her cottage on Delevan Street. Mr. and. Mrs. C. R. Moore, De- troit, were in the village = Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bannister and Siratford, °copied their cottage for the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. H, Bauer and Tommy, Waterloo, spent t 11 e weekend at their cottage, Orville Weston, Seaforth, visit- ed his sisters, Mrs. R, Blair and Miss E. Weston, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis' Bisbacke Clinton, visited her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon on Sunday. LAC James Harrington; wife and family are. occupying' Mrs. J. DesJardines' cottage on Colina Street. Mr, and Mrs. Alan Syclenham and • two children, Cardiff, Wales, are Staying with Henry May, Blue Water Highway. Mr. and Mrs. David Baird, Lone don, Mrs, Matilda Peifer, Dash- wood, spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Kirkham. and Eber Kirkham, London, were with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Eemerson Heard on, Sunday. Miss. M. Roddick, London, was the guest of her brother and sis- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Roddick, over the weekend. Mr. and ' Mrs. E. R. Weston, Goderich, came last week and are occupying the Toms apartment at the telephone office for the sum- mer. Mr. and' Mrs. 3. M. Atlkinson, St. Moir' Shores, Mich,,. were at their home in the village for a couple of days the first of ' the week. Mrs. J. W. Jowett, returned to her home at Jowett's Grove, last week after having occupied her house on Main Street for the winter. - The Rev. and Mrs. H. B. Scud- amore, who have spent a couple of days with Mrs. R. H. F. Gaird- ner, left this. week to motor to Hope, B.C. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter, Sal- ly Beth, accompanied by Mrs, C. F. Rogers, Toronto, were at their home' in the• village from Friday to Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay, Mrs, Charles Bell and George Heard, visited their uncle, John Lindsay, in Beck Memorial Sana- torium on Sunday. Mrs. R. J. Larson returned home from London on Friday. She is confined to the house with a sprained ankle which she sus- tained in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Castle, Simcoe, arrived on Friday to spend the summer • at their home on Main Street. Sidney is con- valescing following a critical ill- ness last winter. The Rev, E. J. B. Harrison at- tended the Centennial Synod of the Diocese of Huron In London, this week. Art Turlancl, Lay Delegate tp Synod from Trinity Church also attended. Mrs. W. H. Robinson, is at her cottage on Tuyll Street. Her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schafeitlin and three children motored with her from Niagara Falls, to spend the week- end here. A preschool age clinic for ad- ministration of polio vaccine was held at 13ayfielci Public School on. Wednesday, by members of Huron County Health Unit, Some pupils who had missed the last clinic also received their third "shots." Glenn Brandon; Toronto, Was home last week.' He has received possession of the house on the corner of Colina and Catherine Streets, which he purchased re- cently from Mrs. William A. Balk- will, and has commenced improv- ing the 'property, The young lady owns her Own, farm and attends the same chur- ch in which Robert Burns wor- shipped, She had been in Lamb- ton County, and her hosts in Mit- chell were s showing her something of Huron, too, as well as adjac- ent spate of interest. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Parker were Mr. and Mrs. M. Liebler, Mr. and Mrs. J. r. French and their guest, Miss Dbrothy Black, Manchline, Ayrshire, 9cotland. Miss Black is one of the Junior Farmers on exchange to Ontario, from the United Kingdom. ," Occupying Jowett c o t tag es are: F/0 C. M. Madson, wife and three children, from Trenton; F/0 R. J. Lacey, Wife and five child- ren, Cold Lake, Alta.; F/0 and Mrs. 3, L. Beatch and four child- ren, Fontainbleau, Prance; Corp- oral and-Mrs. J. F. Reid and babe, Moise, Que., (near Seven Islands). H. H. Ormond who has been visiting his, daughter and family, Ashtabula, Ohio, returned to his home in the village last week. He was ' accompanied by George Speers, .Jersey City, N.J., who is his guest. Also visiting him over the weekend was George Hunni- cutt, Sao Paula, Brazil, who is spending some time in Detroit. Card Party • Winners at the card party held in Trinity Parish Hall, on Thurs- day evening last were; euchre, Mr. and Mrs, A. McMichael, Clinton, (high); Fred Telford and Ellen MacKay (low). Lone hands, Mrs. Fred Telford; bridge, James A. Cameron (high) and Mrs. 3. W. Jowett (low). Ladies of the Guild under whose auspices it was held served lunch. WMS Meeting The United Church Woman's Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs, Gordon Scotchmer, Blue Water Highway, on Thurs- day 'evening, with an attendance News of Bayfield By MISS 14XICY 0, WOODS 1.905 Ontarie Champion Rural Correepoulent PHONE; BAYFIELID 45 r 3