HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-05-02, Page 11'What •Is the matter with the young baseball players in Clinton? SCRUM' Y O Cities Service tazz3 Distributor Phone HU 2.9653 , Budget Plan Available At No Extra Cost "The ,Home of Good Clean Fuels" 0 .0. .0.- .ir• .0. .0 The Only English Broadcloth Shirt That Needs Absolutely No ironing 11) ‘1,40 :um Rom IT IN Row sues it's laundered in less than a Minute..It's got the quality and comfort of fine cotton—plus the care-free talents Of synthetics. I NANO T TO DRIP DRY dust slip Don a hanger, button up front-- smooth out collar, cuffs and shirt front with your fingers--arid your !obis done! riternipdiate Baseball Assured For Over 40. • Players Out ItoStar Bowling • Lenue .ChampjOns: Receive Individual Trophies at :Banquet ,the winner go the,spoils," This was no . exception on Saturday night when the Londes- boro Bowling team, champions of the All Star Bowling League, at the-Clinton Bowling Alleys, received their trophies, Proudly displaying their awards are: seated, left to right, Harry Tebbutt team captain, holding the Lorne Brown Motors Limited trophy in his right hand and George Cowan with the award for the highest average of all players in the league. • Standing, - left to right, Jack Armstrong, Cliff Saundercock, Glen 'Carter, Gordon McGregor. Each man is holding a replica of the championship trophy. Missing from the picture is Ben Riley. • (NeWs-Record, Photo) IT !IRONS ITSRLN AS IT DRIPS The fabulous No-Ircie finish Is built right In by a patented secret process—and it's exclusive with Forsyth! 1111Alt IT WITH CONFiDINCII You 'can be sus* your No-Iron shirt by Forsyth shows you at your best. tails twice as long is on Ordinary broadcloth shirt I hilt by LOOK SMART be smart feel smart . uSe our OAR WASH SEE.- VIOE ' . reghlatir • 4 4 many drivers do ltal CANTELON'S' W. C. Newcombe, Phm. B. Chemist and Druggist PHONE HU. 2-951 1 — CLINTON ••, Radio, Automatic' Trans. Has to be seen to be appreciated $3,095.00 ALE SALE $2,195.00 SALE $1,645.00 SALE • SALE $ 795.00 SALE $1,195.00 Tenth ANNIVERSARY Sale Big Parade Of Valu.es A FEW OF OUR MANY SELECTIONS 1956 CHRYSLER SEDAN • Radio, Power Steering. Low Mileage 1956 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Only 3,000 Miles. RA'clio. ' New Car Guarantee ...... „.... 1955 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN $3,295.00 005111100 001000 $4460 00•000 0•00.0e, WAS $1,775.00 1954 STUDEBAKER Starlight Coupe WAS Real Sharp Automatic Transmission 4 1952 METEOR 2-DOORSEDAIN.T_ New Tires; Very Clean .. 1952 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN' WAS $1,295.00 SPECIALS! SPECIALS! 1949 DODGE SEDAN WAS Radio; Good rotor $ 395.00 1947 MERCURY COACH New Tires; Good Motor arid Body, Radio SALE BMW. 000000 $ 295.00 WAS SALE $ 250.00 0.0•••• ••••0•0 $ 195.00 MANY MORE BIG VALUES TO ClIOOSE FROM Phone HU. 2-9475 PHY B a CILINTONi ONT. .ewe Clinton seems assured of an Intergnediate baseball team in the Horan-Perth Baseball League, Nudging from the first two prac, etices there should be no lack of .talent as over two dozen player* !including several, from • nearby ,BC.PA" Station Clinton have been ,On hand for the preliminary work- ,outs. A committee "set up at the orig. meeting last Thursday night 'named the '1957 officers for the .club on Tuesday. Plans were made to hold a raffle and to sell seasons `tickets, These tickets will go on sale the latter part of this week with 'all players and many of the Stores to have.books - Uniforms Needed . the grounds committee consists of Bill Craig, Harold Giblaings and Stewart Schoenhals, The manager and coach will be named as soon as possible. Battle to be Held At the meeting on Tuesday night the need for funds to oper- ate the' team was diSeussed, It Viras decided to hold a raffle with the suggested prizes being a host- ess chair, pop-up toaster and car rug. The draw was set to take place at the first home game in June. Seasons tickets will be Sold for the ten home 'games that the team will play. The pribe for the season tickets was set at 82.00, a saving of $1,50 for anyone who at- tends all the games, Getting. Diamond in Shape Work is being completed on the diamond so that it will be in top shape when the team gets down to serious •practice. Levis Con- tracting Co, have donated their heavy roller and this is expected to take all the rough spots out of the outfield, A pitching mound is to be built to replace the one that was graded off last Season The team, also plans 'to" erect a fence around the outfield. First Game Soon It is expected that the schedule will get underway around the 20th of the month. Plan to attend' the opening game and help bring baseball .back to Clinton. More than 90 percent of British Columbia's vast soft fruit grow- ing industry is concentrated in the Okanagan Valley. ,Loodeshoro Bowler,s Wirt Lorne Brown Trophy TWO advertised Rexall products for regular pieta OF ONC-fiV ',47 There Are 20 members. Pawl-, dent to Carol Pepper; vice-presi- dent, Ralph Holland; secretary, Barbara Watkins; and press re- porter, Bud The leader outlined the year's activities and judging charts were. studied. This promises to be an interesting year for the club, 1 Londesboro, the champions of, the All-Star Bowling League, were dined and feted in Hotel Clinton last Saturday evening. ,Chairrhan for the evening was the league president, Jack Arm- strong, who welcomed all present and commented on the successful season just completed. He lauded the sportsmanship of all the play- ers and remarked on the keen competition that prevailed in all games. Clinton's Mixed Bowling League reached the end of its long 84 game game schedule last Wednesday evening with a dramatic. finish. Stars needing three points came up with a driving finish • to grab the top position edging Cleaners by two points. Budgies. and Hearts finished third and fourth respectively with the remaining teams close behind. It was the best race for the championship in the league's his- tory, with' just 20. points separa- ting the top team from the, last place Drivers. Trophies' Won. With the close of the schedule seven trophies have been claimed by various bowlers.in the league. Terry Oxborrow has' proved him- self the best of the men as he won the high single (391), high triple (887) and he had the best average for the season with 220,6. Terry will only be able to take one tro- phy home according to. a league rule which permits only one cup per person,, Loy May will also•havelo set- tle for one of the silver' cups al- though she .was. the Winner of the ladies high single (351)' and high triple (796). 1, 11.11111111111111111111111111111111 YOUR CAR 'NEEDS A BREATHER TOO . Give your ear a break this summer. Use the petroleum products that insure effort- less, economical perform- ance 4 • • Trophies Presented Percy Brown Attended the ban- wet and presented the Lorne Brown Motors Limited trophy to Harry Tebbutt, captain of the champion Londeaboto team. Per- sonally engraved trophies were also presented to each member of the winning team. George Cowan, member of the Londesboro team, received an ad- ditional trophy for his average of 232, high for the league. Eldie Glidden of the Chevs. was the winner Of -the high single and Budgies,. the third place team captured the team high single with a 1259 and the team high triple, 3511. Clinton Mixed Bowling League Final .Standing WLTHP Stars 49 38 0 17 109 Cleners 44 40 0 19 1U7 Budgies '46 38 0 12 104 Hearts 41 42 1 14 97 Imps 40 43 1 15 96 Dabbers 40 43 1 12 93 Club . $9 45 0 12, 90 Drivers 38 45 1 12 89 Top Bowlers .Ladies; high single, Loy May 351; high -triple, Loy May 796. Men: high single, Terry Oxbor- row 391; high triple, Terry Oxbor- row 887, Team: high single, Budgies 1259; high triple, Budgies 3511. High average: Terry Oxborrow Out of League Bowling Ladies: high single, Betty Arch- ambault; high triple, Lil Nelson, Men: high single, Terry Oxbor- rew. 391; high triple, Howie Grea- lis, 916. 0 Fish and Game Club News (BY Don Epps) The trout season opened on Wednesday with fine weather. A high percentage of anglers have been successful. Steady growth in the popularity of angling is seen in the contin- ued .,increase in the number of non-resident` licences' sold, al- though 1956 figures, not yet corn- pleted„ are not expected to• be much above the 1955 total of 377,200 because of last year's late spring and wet summer. Inis felt that the increase Is an indication not only of the growing interest in the spprt but also of the favourable angling conditions to be found in the lakes and streams of this province, Don't forget the limits of catch are: Speckled trout, one and an additional 14 in one day, provided the additidnal 14 in the aggregate weigh. not more than 10 noundS; not 16ss than seven inches in length, inrovvri trout, five in one day, not lbss than seven inches in length. Rainbow trent, five in one day, not less than Seven in- ches in length. Tourists Do not forget the ever present danger of forest fire In Ontario. A cigarette from a car window or a careless fire in the bush or around your cottage could Cost the province many thousands of dollars , possibly your life, 'Uniforms pose as a major prob- . hems for the newly formed club. liowbver it is hoped that the most 'of the .old ones will be located so ;that *a*minimuna of 'new, uniforms 'will have to be purchased. Any former player who has a. uniform is asked to contact Bill Craig and have it picked up. New Rxeoutiv0 • Named as president for the year its Ken lyleltae, he will be ably supported by: vice-president, J. ""Doug"" Thorndike. 'Secretary- treasurer is Doug Walton and the finarrOe comnuf Utee consists of Fussell ,..Holmes, Hugh Hawkins, (Carl Cox and' C. J. Livermore. 'Transportation, for the team will be 'handled by Harry 1VIcElwari and What's Wrong With Clinton's Kids? Do Peewees Want Baseball League? tfrauRsatss, .4rxr`z -1957 GUNTON, INVINS-BacQAD That is the question that Doug Walton, chairman of the Kinsmen Peewee Baseball League, is ask- ing these days. TWo weeks ago all interested players were asked to fill in an application form that 'was printed in that issue of the News-Record. It seems that there are very few boys interested 'in, baseballnthis season as only" 'appliCations have been received. There is one thing that is ceiL- tain. If the 'players aren't in- lerestecl enough to fill out a sim- ple application they shouldn't ex- pect too much in the way of as- sistance' froth the men who devote their time to the organization of the league. The peewee ball players will be given just a few more days to get their applications into the hands of Doug Walton. the response is not satisfactory, then there can be no league as there Will not be enough players," to fill out the teams, Plans will be made for those who have shown interest. RATVIELP (0y •Bud Yea) On Thursday, 25, the /34Y' ifeld .Reef held its ganizational meeting in the -hoard rooms of the agriculture office. Leaders are , John Deeves and Howard 11/W04119110., and junior leader, Bert Pepper, 1' Your peonies buy *tot dodos the tow value. potkod days at Tour REXALL STORE. Totfories, Rewires, Household Nooit—.4011 et two for the prise of ono—plus one tent. Dee'( 4101•1 oire YOUR shore of dim assings. V40g Va4Mrgft SEE IT TODAY AY Service Station Herman's Men's Wear Phone HU 2-9351 Clinton' Ontario Corner May King Vs. Carl Cantelon, Proprietor Phone HU 24032 CLINTON oNTAitto CITIES SERVICE and, REGULAR GASOLINES Clinton Mixed Bowling League Completes 84-Game Schedule high triple with scores of 386 and 892. alerribers of the winning Lon- dbsboro team who defeated Blue Bombers in the finals are; Harry Tebbutt, captain; Gordon McGreg- or, Cliff Satfriciercock, Glen Car- ter, George Cowan, Jack Arm- strong and Ben Riley. New President A short election was held to close the meeting with Len Arn- ston chosen as president' for the 19$7-58 season.