HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-05-02, Page 10Heaasali s Peewee 'IV Young Canada Clialnpions
We are shipping cattle every Saturday for United
Co-operative of Ontario and itolicit your patronage. We will
pick them up at yoiar farm.
Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Friday nights.
;'Seaforth „Farmers Co-operative ,H. S. Hunt, Manager
Phone—Day 9, Evenings 481w
"Wes"' Hallam! "Dory" Rutledge
Phone 24056
ill P Y, MA. Z vor
News ,of Hensall
• garresPondent..XIMPIPICN
Mule lieEisa0. 5
'Mr. And 1VA.r.s. Carl .Mcclinchey,
spent last weekend in'aosben,
Gerald Sheddick, -Clinton, spent
Easter .holidays with Billy Shad-
Mr, and Mrs, John Henderson
Spent Sunday 'with, Mr. and Mrs,
Keith .Lindsay,
Miss Dora Ala:ir is spending a
few weeks with her sister in .Gotie-
rich, enjoying a few weeks (rest.
lVf Nelson oClinchey spent part
of his Easter holidays with his.
grandmother, Mrs. Edna Oswald,
Mrs. Horny Faber is confined to
her boine. with illness, her many
friends , wish her a speedy recov-
ery . back to health.
Miss 'Elvera Churcbill, Toronto,
was a visitor with her brother-in-
law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. E.
Shaddick and Billy
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Sararas and
family, Toronto; visited over Ea--
ter weekend with the former's
mother, Mrs. Sararas.
Mr. and . Mrs, Louis Wilbur,
Hamilton, - Merlin. McLean and
Miss Ruth McLean, Exeter, spent
Sunday with, John. Passmore,
Mrs. Annie Saundercock return-
ed home on Thursday, after spen-
ding some weeks in South Huron
Hospital, and with her daughter,
Mrs. M. Willert, Exeter.
Robert and Margaret Louise
Evans, Kitchener), returned home
on Sunday, after spending their
Easter vacation with their grand-
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Mc-
In a recent Red Cross CanvasS
sponsored by the Legion Ladies'
gktudliary, the sum -of $220;20 was
realized. Members of the Aindl-
ialy volunteered to assist in the
drive of the village. • ,
Mrs, Donald- Thomas). San Jose,
'California, who has been visiting
her aunt and uncle, Mr, and, Mrs,
James A. Paterson. for the past'
several weeks, returned to her
home on Monday; April 29.
During, an .electrical storm
which passed over here on Thurs-
day afternoon a bolt of lightning'
passed through an open door of
the kitchen' in the home of K. K.
Christian, manager of the ',Bank
of Montreal, and went out through
the kitchen light, melting the bulb
to nothing. The light in the ceil-
ing was covered with a glass
shade but the shade was not dam-
aged in 'any way, only the bulb
melted. Mrs. Christian. in a room
adjoining the kitchen said she saw
the -bolt of fire and thought the
house was on fire. No other dam-
age was reported,
.clarling Club
A Meeting of Hensall Curling
Club Executive, to wind up the
Club's activities for 1957 was held
in the town hall. The General
Coach foursome, skipped by E.
'Chipchase won the Club trophy
for 1956-57. C, Wilkinson, . • H.
Parker, William Smith and E.
,Chipchase, skip, were members..
The IViathew, the small sailing
ship in which John Cabot made his
voyage of 'discovery to Canada,
carr;ed a craw of only 18.
Local. Markets
LI:W.000K WA APRIL ..g0
-our lionsalt vorrespondent)
Weanling pigs; $1.25 to $18,60;
chunks, .$1.8,20 to $22; feeders,
S26:7$ to $25; sows, $77 to -$100;.
Holstein ow% $150 to $160; Pur-
barn cows, $140 to $17.5 Hdistein
calves, $12 to. $17; Durham cal-
ves, $14 to ;33.
'Fat cows sold to $14.10 a
•Peund; 240 :pigs and 169 head of
cattle and calves were sold,
Hobby Fair At
Hensall Village
Termed A. Success
(By our Henault correspondent)
The first Hobby Fair to be
staged in flensall was a successful
affair on- April 24, when with 82
entries, keen competition was no-
ted in most classes, Sponsored 'by
the Recreation Committee of the
-village, the fair practically paid
for itself, and will be repeated
next year. Reeve Norman Jones
officially opened the fair.
Winners included; metaleraft,
Mrs. R. M. Peck; leatherwork,
Mrs. E, Chipchase; shellwork,
Mrs, C. Smillie; woodwork, Ron
Broderick; stamps, Charles Mick
le and Ron Christian; hooked
rugs, Mrs. T. Lavender; needle-
point, petit point and knitting,
Mrs, Juttner, Zurich; crocheting,
Mrs. Aobert Baker, Sr.; embroid-
ery, Mrs. K. R, Davis; model
planes, boats or cars, Russ Moore;
water colours, Samuel Lorraine;
oil paintings, F. Buehler and Mrs.
Peck; other hobbies, Margie Elg-
ie, Kippen.
Rev. C. D. Daniel is chairman
of the hobby committee; Frank
Ellwood is chariman •of the rec-
reation committee made -up of
Mrs. S, Rennie, Mrs. Bert Horton,
Gordon Schwalm and Jim Taylor,
40 Relatives At
25th Anniversary,
Mr; and Mrs. Smale
(By our "Hensall Correspondent)
Over 40 relatives, ,neighbours
and friends from London, "PAilsa
Craig, Seaforth, Exeter, Clinton,
Zurich and Hensall, attended the
25th wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. William Smale, Hensall,
held at their home Saturday even-
ing, April 27.
Mr. and Mrs. Smale received
many lovely gifts including a tri-
light lamp, electric fry pan, elec-
tric coffee percolator, a TV chair,
rest,- rocker, a, pair of, wool blan-
kets, two brass wall plaques and
silverware. The presentations
were made by Mrs. Milton Willert,
Exeter, and Mrs. Frank Cousins,
London, assisted by Mrs. Fred
Peters, Hensall, Progressive eu-
chre rounded out a delightful
e Right Gasoline for
the .Right job!
Hensall Legion peewee hockey team were entitled to smile
after capturing the "D" Championship at the eighth annual God-
erich Lions Young Canada Week hockey tournament, which con-
cluded Saturday night, The Hensel], team (above) front row
(left to right); Otto, Smale, Gregory Willard, Dennis Mock, Bur, Harburn, Jerry Chapman; middle row: Ron Beaton, Earl Wagner,
Garry Jones, Jack Chipchase, Larry Jones, Sam Ronnie (man-
ager); rear row: Russel Elopp, Jerry Johnston, Bob MeNaughtort,
Eric Mousseau, Billy Noakes, Bab Smale,
Westlake Furniture
Bargains! Bargains!
Sat., 461 27 to Sat., May 4
Open All Day and Every Evening until 10 p.m.
As in Previous Years we are Giving Away
FREE—Three Valuable Door
Draw will be made May 4, at 10 p.m.
Every Article In Store Reduced
During Sale.
•--- Remember the Dates —
Saturddy, April:27 to May 4
Westlake Furniture
We Have In Stock:
CERTIFIED RANGER $30.00 per bus.
bus ALFALFA and RED CLOVER 828 00 Kr :
Grade Na.
Still Have a Complete Stock of
to make up mixtures for either hay or pasture; these are
liable to become scarce if demand is heavy. Let us
help you to pick out types best suited to your land.
We have LAWN MIXTURES available from 50c per lb.
to 75c per lb.
Have a Complete Stock of GARDEN SEEDS, SEED
Irish Cobbler Potatoes are going to be scarce.
Grade No. 1 $27.00 per bus. ALFALFA with 5% SWEET
ALFALFA with 5% SWEET in Ontario Grown Seed—
only a limited quantity available. -
Phone Minter 2-7041
FRED FORD, Manager
it • sn~o = eIL.E
setattikaggnt ,troPA
"You'll like it
even better when
you buy it!"
Super 88-2-Door Holiday Coupe'
See Your Neighbourhood
Dialer .Now
teccorriend which .grade you should use—
Cities Setiiite Regular or titles Service yreottium
each refined, tested and proved for, today's
high-compression engines. Drop in today!
You can See lei a mighty Impressive car. But wait.
Wait 4.61 you feel what it means to oWtl this finest
of all Oltlinnobiles.
Sure* it's sensational in the showroom--laere's the
rich, the brighter Idea of elegance that makes any
mates heart beat a little faster. But wait 'tit you.
Pei thipride who/ al! that flateless grace and ghernour
become part of your way of life!
Sure, it's spectacular on a demonstration drive--- -
here's the faitt011g big-car ride, the flashing Itoeket
power that b 'reap' a sudden joyful light to any
man's eyes, Bat wait 'til y6ott feel the thrill when all
that incredible comfort and response are yours to enjoy
daily! And watch how the lady in your life takes to
Oldsmobile's celebrated fashion, Oldsmobile's lox.
weir, Oldsmobile's, sheer sense of style. Her excite*
tier)* catching—,adds a big bonus to your pride.
Give in to that urge. Make the important move up
to Olds, You like it now—but just wait 'til you
start living with it ... It's easier to arrange than
you think. Come on in, price the finest off all