Clinton News-Record, 1957-05-02, Page 7Itff DTi 'IX =moil TO 'N W$ - ."MES ,!P$' NEWS -RECORD WANT POR QUICK RESULTS R, T.Es . No charge fp r,ainaouncenlents of firths. Marriages and Deaths Articles for sale, rent, etc., Card of Thanks, in Memoriam, engagements, 8e .a word, ininienum 75e. 13ox No. to this office 150 additional. Repeat aertions 2e a word, minimum 50c, - CASH DISCOUNT: 146 if paid by Saturday fol- lowing last insertion, Billing cbarge of 10e •added each tune bill is sent, Latest Title for,Insertions ,-. 12 noon Wednesday Dial HU 2-3844 Accommodation For Rent WAIL HOUSE, all conveniences. Available ,now. Phone HU 2-3880. 1.40 -tib SELF-CONTAINED Apartment PhonHU Apply to Roy Tyndall'. 2-9928. 10tflb vrEEJRER BOOM APARTMENT, furnished. Private bath. Central location, Phone gU 2-6665, 17 to 20p 3 ROOM APARTIVIE4Vr, ONE bedroom. Furnished. Heated, Frig. Very Central, Phone HU ,x•3434. 18-b THREE ROOM . FURNISHED, heated apartment. Central loca- tion. Available now. Phone HU 2-9005. 18-h -NICELY FURNISHED 4 ROOM apartment. Private bath. Ground floor, Available at once. Phone TIU 2-9455, • 18-p MODERN FOUR ROOM APART/ - anent, with bath. Available im- mediately. W. N. Counter, phone HJU 2-9649. 18-p APARTMENT FOR RENT, FUR- _ nislhed or unfurnished. 15 cu. ft. Deep Freeze, less than a year old, .Phone HU 2-9682. 18-p BEDROOM CO'TTAG'E!, ON the lakefront for rent, by month or 'season. Would sell. Fred Wal- lis, Bayfield. Phone HU 2-9898. 18-b 'UNFURNISHED,'HEATED apart- ment, one bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, large livingroom. Phone Clinton HU 2-7057. Lloyd Batkin. 18-b ;DESIRABLE FARM HOME FOR Tent, unfurnished, 3 bedrooms, near Holmesville, immediate pos- session. Bert Lobb, phone Clin- ton HU 2-7506. 18-b 'FOR RENT FOR. SIX MONTHS. House in village of Londesboro. :Hydro, water, '1h acre lot. Also 'for rent 1% acre field in village. ' Teephone HU 2-9812. 17-8-b ZTNL'URNISH'E APARTMENT, ENT, three rooms. Share bath. Cent- rally located. Available immed- iately. Apply Herman's Men's Wear, phone HU 2-9351. 12-b-tfb 'TRAI'LER PARK — across the 'road from married quarters, close -to the grocery store, and P,M.Q. Public School. 'Hydro, water,'' sew- age provided. Box 183, Clinton. -News-Record. 18-9-20-1-p Accommodation Wanted `UNFUIRNISHEr17 HOUSE to Rent. Adults. Civilians. Reply by letter 'to Box 161. Clinton News -Record. 16-7-8-p "MODERN, 2 OR 3 BEDROOM 'house, wanted by couple with no -children. `Required for 15 mon- ts. Phone HU 2-9282. 18-p Articles For Sale :ENGLISH STYLE BABY CAR- riage, clean condition. Phone 'HU 2-7586. 18-b PLAYPEN AND FOLDING gate, also trombone. Apply Williams Apartments, ground floor. Mrs. Wilson, 18-p CANADIAN CEMENT: Any quan- tity, for immediate delivery. A. sG. Grigg and Son, phone Clinton TIU 2-9411. 13-tfb PAINT FOR SPRING Discontinued lines as low as $4.50 .aper gallon. Clayt Dixon's• Auto Supply, phone HU 2-7034. 17-8-b MIXED GLADIOLUS BULBS. 50 large, $2.50; 50 medium, $1.50. Not less than 50, at these prices. Murray Tyndall, Brucefield. 17-8.b O+T;i OWAY SINGLE BED AND mattress,, perfect condition. Also girl's clothing, coats, hats and dresses, size 6 to 7 years. Phone Clanton, HU 2=3484. ,. 18-b "GOLDEN BARK WEEPING Wil- low Trees, 5 to 10 feet high, now :selling at half price. Fred Gilbert, •corner of Huron and Mill Road, Goderich. Phone 148331. 18-9-20-p Automobiles For Sale 1950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, excel- . lent condition. Built-in radio, Theater, five tires. Phone IIU 2- ':9597. Jim Graham. 18-p-19-tfb '1949 PLYMOUTT3 SEAN, Spec- ial Deluxe. Radio, heater. Good -running condition, Priced for quick sale, Phone HU 2-6627. 18-p 1956 (WICK Automatic White wall tires, 12,000 owner "driven. Miles, Priced to sell, Phone FIU 2-3427, after 5 p.m. 18-b Articles Wanted G,+IIRL'S BICYCLE, D. iruinsma. Phone TIL; 2-7540. 18-p ".sHAM) BABY STROL: ler, phone RU 2.7586. 18-0 GOOD USED PL.AIPtM, MRS. Robert Wright, Becker's Trailer Ca3np, phone AU 2.0509. 18-b USED TRICYCLE, 16" FRONT heel.p`bk' child, 3 to5 years, Mrs, :Cecil Elliott, phone I• TU 2-6621. 1S -b Board and Room BOARD AND ROOM FOR ONE alone or t4vo sharing. Private home, Private entrance. Phone HU 2-7093. 16-7-8-+b Baby Chicks WANT PULLETS? KITCHEN- er Big -4 Hatchery can give im- mediate delivery, some started. Or mixed chicks, Broilers. Same high quality. Wide choice. You just can't afford to pass these up, at the special May prices now in. effect., Ask agent for particulars. Chas ,Scott, Auburn, Phone 43r23 Blyth. • 1$-b BROILER GROWERS —. Get on the T,weddle programme. When you purchase 1st generation broil- er chicks from us, you buy a stake in the future and a better product the next year and' the next, You buy a stake in a programme which will strengthen the meat industry through improved breeding. All Tweddle broiler chicks are lst generation Indian River Cross (Lancaster Cockerel X Nichols No. 12 pullets); Arbor Acres White Rocks; Nichols No. 12 cock- erels. We do' not hatch '2nd, 3rd or 4th generation stock, we re- place our breeding stock each year from the top breeders in Un- ited States—Nichols' Incorporated, Indian River Poutry Farm, Arbor Acres Farm, Low prices on a yearly I programme, August De Groof, RR , 1, Cltint, agent for TWEDDLE CH7>CK 'HATCHER- IES LIMITED, FE RG U1S, ONT- AIaIO. 184b BABY SITTING - RELIABLE E MO'I'`F]ER. will Baby sit by the day or hourly. Reason- able rates. Phone HU 2-9765. 7-tfb Business Opportunities OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton) HU 2-6692. 13-tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE ROSE, WOOL SHORTIE COAT, size 20; girl's blue coat and hat, size 1. • Phone Blyth 26 r 7. 17-8-p LIKE NEW, BO`Y'S AIRFORCE blue gabardine spring coat and cap, size 3. Also boy's green gab- ardine winter coat, ski pants and cap, size 3. Phone HIT 2-7024. 18ab CUSTOM. WORK GARDENS Ploughed and worked by power plough and disc. James Ednvards, phone HU 2-3830. 17-18-p *GARDENS PLOUGHED AND Worked up, also Strawberry plants for sale. Phone HU 2-9763. 18-9-20-b CLINTON WINDOW and House- cleaning Service for all . ,your spring cleaning. Les Nice, dial HU 2-9215. 18-9-b LANDSCAPING, sidewalks, all kinds of cement work; pruning fruit trees. Phone Clinton HU 2-9101. 16-7-8-b AUTOMATIC SAW Sharpening. Saws retoothed, jointed and filed for $1.25. Or just filed and set 75 cents. Automatic butcher knife and scissor sharpener, scissors 15 cents, knives 10 cents. W. E. "Bill" Jervis, Fulton Street, Clin- ton. 11-tfb, SANITARY SEWAGE DISPO SAL Septic tanks, Cess Pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with Sanitary equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligat- ion. Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels. Phone Brussels 42r6. 6 to 32 -ii • Employment Wanted STENOGRAPHER, EXPERIEN- ced, would like summef' employ- ment, starting immediately, Phone HU 2-9728. 18-p PRODUCE FOR SALE CHOICE IRISH COBBLER PO- tatoes for sale. Excellent for seed or table use. Lloyd Stewart, RR 1, Clinton, phone HU, 2-9910. 18-p HELP WANTED—EEMALE WOMAN TO DO SPRING house- cleaning inmodern home. Phone Clinton HU 2-9559. 18.9-b HIGH SCHOOL GIRL, WHO de- sires summer work, Apply at Ruby and Bill's Snack Bar. 18-b Miscellaneous MOTORING TO WINNIPEG, May 19, probably away 2 weeks. Seeking company to share trip, Information at News -Record, Box 181,' 18-b WATCH REPAfR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your Satisfaetiori, Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's OIdest EStablish- ed Jewellery Store. 18,p LET US REPAIR AND MADE your rings and .jewellery 'into new. Diamond rings renewed and stones Safely secured—don't fake Chan- cos. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction, Watoh re- pairs Arid Pearl restringing. W- N. Counter, 18-1y Livestock For Sale THREE REGISTERED HERE- ford ERE-ford bulls, 13 months old. Fred Rathwell, phone Hensel]. 686r3. 18-p ONE HEIFER, AND ONE COW due May 1. Two cows fresh about 8 weeks, Leen Rehorst, RR 5, Clinton, Phone HU 2-996/. 18-b Livestock Wanted OLD -HORSES WANTED at 31/4 cents lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at pnce. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, phone Goderich. collect 14$33'4 or 148331. 14 to 26-p ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect 'Ed. Andrews, '851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd.' s5-p-tfb LOST and FOUND STRAYED—To farm of Harry Watkins, Base Line, Rdi, 1, Lon- desboro. 'Yellow and white collie dog, lame front foot, acts like pet, Phone Clinton HU 2-3213. 18-b -MONEY • WANTED ANYONE W1LS+HING TO TAKE small mortgage ($1,000) on rural property. near Clinton, write to Box 182, Clinton News -Record. 18-b Notices I HAVE BOUGHT ourr GOR - don Nivins truck business and will be going to open market one day a week and packers one day a week,, I would appreciate your patronage. Herb Pocock, Truck- er, HU 2-9112, Clinton: 18-9-20-p PASTURE FOR RENT PASTURE FOR 8, OR 10 HEAD small cattle. Fred Arkell, phone Bayfield 47r5. 18-9-b 100 ACRES OF PASTURE, good water supply. Contact Adam Stewart, Clinton, Phone HU 2- 7510. 18-b CAN ACCOMMODATE , 25 HEAD of cattle for pasture. Lots of grass, water and shade. Willis VanEgmond, 4'hone„HU 2-9231. 17-8-b WANita,D. FIVE OR SIX PLEAD of cattle for pasture. Good shade, plenty of water, excellent pasture. Also one acre of choice garden land for rent, already plowed. Charles Stewart,' RR 4, Clinton, phone HU 2-7504. 18-p Property For Sale 4 -ROOM WAR -TIME HOUSE, James Street, Phone HU 2-9371. 18-9-b THREE BEDROOM SEVEN -Room cottage, 3 -piece bath, oil heated, new sunporch. Close tQ uptown on .Highway 4. Available May 1. Apply Harvey Ashton, Phone HU 2-3880. • • 12ab-tfb, COMFORTABLE STOREY AND half 5 -room house, one” bedroom and bath on ground floor. Cen- trally located, good basement. Price reasonable- for ,quick. sale. Apply 113 Park Street, Goderich. Phone 626M. 17-8-p REAL ESTATE Income property .-•- four apart- ment brick dwelling, three fur- nished, one unfurnished. Oil heating. Three bathrooms. Cen- trally located. Gross ineome, $175 monthly. Price $10,000. 11/2 Storey Six Room Dwelling, ex- cellent condition, bath down. Hot water heating with oil. Garage. Workshop. Lot 117x250. Good lo- cation. 1 Storey, Sb,z Room Stone Cot- tage, furnished. Water pressure. Fireplace. Lot 120x120. Ten miles north of Clinton on Maitland River. Ideal summer home. Lot, 116x100, on Highway 8, near public school. Lot, 80x130, on Ratteribury. St. East, half block from Albert St. Ho C. LAWSON REALTOR Bank= of Montreal Building Phone HU 2-9644 — Clinton Salesmen Wanted MONEY MAG• ,OPPORTLYNI- -TIES. Offer our Well . known products beeked:byyears .of ser- vice and join in the profits. Line used everyday, ' everywhere, so this means interesting profits. Complete information by writing to 1800 Delerimier, Dept. 59, Station C, .Montreal.. -18-,b SEED. FOR SALE: GAMY OATS, FROM CEt.TI- fied seed," $1.40 a'. -bushel; at the barn, also N1'ichelite 'heains, blight free, $5.00 per bushel. Ralph Hol- land, ol- lar HU 2.7084. 18•b GAMY SEED OATS FOR, SALE',' cleaned and treated, Also New' Idea spreaders and mowers; and one 3 h,(). Wegner eleoti-ic' motor;; George Wraith, phone 12185, Code•;I rich, 'Ont. ' 100-tfb BIRTHS • B/.%TER--In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, May 1, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs, Harold Bauer, RE 1, Bornholm, .a son. CONSITT In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, A.pri1 29, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Con- sitt, RR 3, Kippen, a son. HARGREA ' —In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Tuesday, April 30, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Vic- tor Hargreaves, Brucefield, a son (Gregory John Russel, bro- ther for Brenda Ann and Brad- ley). LAKING --=In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, April 25, 1957, to Corporal and Mrs, Dav- - id Laking, Clinton, a son. MacKENZIE---In East General Hospital, Toronto, on Wednes- day, April 24, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, John Clark MacKenzie (nee Lois Middleton) a daugh- ter (Margo Ellen), MaaEA..tR,LANE--In Victoria Hos- pital, London, on Monday, April 29; 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. John MacFarlane, '(n e e • Margaret Sangster) Forest, a son (James Scott, grandson for Mrs. Minnie Sangster, Hensall). McKENZIE In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, April 27, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs Glen Mc- Kenzie, RR 3, Kippen, a son. SMITH—In Clinton Public Hospi.- 'tal, on Wednesday, May 1, 1957, to Corporal and Mrs. Ronald Smith, Clinton, a 'daughter. WF.STLA1 ..-+In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, April 29, 1957, to Mr. and, Mrs. Gordon Westlake, RtR .3, Bayfield, a daughter (Barbara Mae). - MARRIAGES CAMERON --- HUDIE -- In St. Paul's Anglican Church, on Sat- urday afternoon, April;'27, 1957, by the Rev. C. S. bider, Mary Irene,: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Hudie, and James Gordon Cameron, London, son of Mr, and. Mrs. Wilford A. Cameron, Seaforth. PROCTOR—TAYLOR—In Bruce - field United Church, on Satur- day afternoon;r. April 27, 1957, by the Rev. 'Sidney Davison, Leola Bernice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Victor Taylor, Bruce - field, to Charles Donald Proc.: tor, Clinton, soh of the, late Mr. and Mrs. William Proctor God- erich. ' , DEATHS GREER—At the home of his son, Orval Greer, Tuckersinith Town ship, on =Sunday, April 28, 1957, Joseph B. Greer, widower of the late Annie Jane Johnston, for- merly •of Bayfield, in his 87th year. Funeral from the G. A. Whitney funeral home, Seafor- th, by the Rev. H. Kendrick, ,Seaforth, . to `Bayfield Cemetery, on Wednesday afternoon, May 1. HAYNEIS—In Scarboro General Hospital, Toronto, on Friday, April 26, 1957, Mrs. Elizabeth Sterling Haynes, beloved wife of Dr. Nelson W. Haynes, Clinton. Memorial service in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, Sun- day morning at'8 o'clock. Fun- eral servide from the Morley S. Bedford chapel, Toronto, on Menday. afternoon, April 29. McMANAMY In Dundas, on Fri- day, April 26, 1957, Mrs. Leo McManamy, 132 Hatt Street, Dundas, dear •mother of Mrs. John Anstett, Clinton, in. her 56th year. Funeral from St. Augustine's Roman Catholic Church, Dundas, to the Dundas Cemetery, on Monday morning, April 29. THOMPSON--In Macklin, Sask., on Sunday, April 7, 1957, Robert A.. Thompson, son of the late Mr;. and Mrs. John Thompson, (formerly of Goderich Town- ship) in his 67th year. Funeral from GraceUnited Church, Macklin, to Lakeview Cemetery, there, on Thursday afternoon, April 11. Teachers Wanted PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR SS. 6, Hullett, Huron County. Dut- ies to commence in September, approximately 15 pupils. Appli- cants .to state experience, qualifi cations and salary expected. John IT. McEwing, secretary -treasurer, RR 1, Blyth, Ontario. 18-9-b Drawn Especially for Clinton and i OW BO UT TNRT District Chamber of Commerce and Clinton News -Record by Ralph Tee. AMY REMEMBER LAST SPRING YIP 11'8 JUST LIFE ZEKE TOLD ME , rp NAVE ENOUGH HERE TQ PAINT THE BARN AND ,MAYBE THE FENCE TOO/ rrr= WHEN WE PANTED THIS EARN AND WE NADDA' CHASE BACK TONE . .BIG TOWN FOR MORE. PAINT WELL,IM GLAD NCO GOYS FINALLY REAUZED TWA' WNATEvE.R BUT/–YOUR BEST DEAL 1$ RIGHT HERE IN CU 0 111111 SA• f ✓ e PARK THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing: Bob Hope in "THAT CERTAIN FEELING" with Eva Marie Saint—In Vista - vision and Deluxe Color MONDAY -- TUESDAY WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY 4 Days (Adult Entertainment) "I'LL CRY TOMORROW" The appealing and startling story of Lillian Roth, her rise to singing fame - - her gradual degradation - and her eventual comeback to a new usefulness. • Susan Hayward -- Richard Conte and Jo Van Fleet FRIDAY and SATURDAY Alan Ladd -- :Bassam, Podesta and Lloyd Nolan An adventure drama based on Cuba's revolt against Spain; and of the American gun -runners who fomented the revolution, ."SANTIAGO" — In Technicolor -- Coming: "BATTLE HYMN" Rock Hudson—'Scope and Color IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and daughter, Irene Mary Elizabeth VanHorne, who passed away, May 3rd, 1956. No one knew the pain she bore Beneath the smile she always wore; From hospital bed to Heavenly rest, God took her home to be His guest. We lived in hope and prayed in vain That she would soon get well again, But God decided we must part, He eased her pain but broke our hearts. And while she sleeps in peace- ful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep. —Sadly missed by husband, daugh- ter, parents and brother. 18-b ASHTON' S TAXI Operated by CLIFF ASHTON DAY or NIGHT CALL HU. 2-9036 YOU DON'T NEED INSURANCE Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SAES EVE1t'Y FRIDAY at 1,30 p.m. TERMS CASH /» txii .EY, Saes Manager El K. W. COLQUHbUN CI kr YOU NEVER COME 'DOWN TO EARTH' A BUT you can invest inthe future ` with. complete confidence With LII3E IN StJ.ItANCE protection See me todaty for an adequatept'ograna H. E. Hartley . OANA.DA LIVE ASSURANCE Co. Phone TIC 2-6693 ("Linton • ROXY THEATRE Clinton Two Shows Nightly Wide Screen NOW :Thursday, Friday and Saturday' "ROCK PRETTY ' BABY" When a hot combo get into a cool situation, it's crazy, man, crazy! Teenage romantic musical with a host of promising young stars. Sat Mineo -- John Saxon -- Luana Patton MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "THE MAN WHO N.JVER WAS" . (Cinemascope) ' A true story, one of the strangest in the annals of British Naval espionage. Read by millions as a best-selling novel and condensed in Reader's Digest. Clifton Webb -- Gloria Grahame -- Robert Flemyng COMING—Award-Winning "ANASTASIA (In .Cinemascope) Ingrid Bergman -- YuI Brynner -- Helen Hayes NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF SADIE FALCONER, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased Creditors and others . having claims against the above estate are required to send full partic- ulars of such claims to the under signed Executor on or before the 13th day of May, A.D. 1957, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to `claims' that have then been re- ceived. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 22nd day of April, A.D. 1957. THE CANADA TRUST' COM- PANY, London, Ontario, Admin- istrator, By E. B. MENZIES, Solicitor, Clinton, Ontario. 17-8-9-b NOTICE. TO..CREDITORS IN THII1 ESTATE OF William Idsiiiga, late of the Township of Goderich in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased All person having claims again- st the Estate of the above de- ceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solic- itor for the said Estate, on or be- fore the 13th day of May, A.D. 1957, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given, DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 22nd day of April, A.D. 1957. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor ,for the said Estate 17-8-9-b Labour income in Canada .in. 1956 exceeded $14 billion, compar- ed to $9.6 billion in 1951 and $2.5 billion in 1939. For the best .. . SERVICE PARTS AND LABOUR GUARANTEED Call .. Galbraith HU 2-3841 MacLaren's Studio Telephone 401-- Goderich Portraits -- Weddings -- Children's Groups — ALSO Artist Supplies -- Religious Articles Picture Framing -- Framed Prints Stinlio Located At Our Residence 196 St. David Street -- Goderich (Near the Nigh Water Tower) ANYTIME—DAYS or EVENINGS 8tfb GIFT of LOVE From, mart to woman, from heart to heart, adiam- ond speaks in ten- der terms of happi, ness and love. Such an import- antgift asadia- mond, should be chosen with sped- ial care. Take Time To Choose Your Diamond In Privacy— Phone Collect for art Evening Appointment' TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED Anstett Jewellers OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT CLINTON (Phone HU. 2-9525) and WALKERTON Expert Watch Repairs and Engraving BIJLOVA -- ELITEYMA, and 'GRVE WATCHES MATE RIVER aTh'd WILD 17IAMGiN S . SI ODE DINNERWARE