HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-12-07, Page 3ilrl"': �A'�1tiY1 1*, . L,4' x•.. -.. '.!'JIL,:',CC,1:h7CS: `Ip4,:YaK$i, FU'l�'a ST11,2ffG121 DISHES, k1QVJ 6,1NU31! 3L MA i gRIA1,' Ao Fe RIZ* Z* PARC) f' -'0i1 "l FIS TA1:'U , Tim I°oor of "-dt:plea 3)c11„ dot ' !E Ir. - ,r i:7c.d>r'wlletz (vo'4evd Iu aA PSu:{;,.../ vcrn•AAUSala V, S jIteable ilii: Vt::•-a1(yti a 4)iineu.t t?:Je,4o)a. nJl the whole, popular cookery has strong. likeness s to papular poetry -it i full of good ideas imperfectly wor'rat ottt Who coo say, for e,tample, what mos t artl,r, utlgitt become if the fruits were ' •treated with a little more care and per- conal couelderatiou before they were placed in the, mustard': Aa• it is, there is a Mot of a new flavor about it which human ingenuity 1 ^.s not hltllcrto brought fully out Ripe grapes pieileel b vinegar, though their merits aro well known s it? Southern Russia, have nover revolved due zeeo 1itioa in Eng- land, hat these aro delicacies rather an food. The fisherman all flan; the coast from Cada to Naples hwo va- riou:3 ways of cooking; fish which aro. un- known la the groat hotels. Many of them are interesting and might bo attractive '. bat futile p:t•doul:natzng flavorofgarlic. Fresh sardines, es, crisply fried in oil, ash quite admirable e3ti,lg, but the /teller - men Iowa dizeovored a more =client Away of cicalia(; with them. They plats them in a {shallow tin, embed them in bezel ch talus, told a few savory herbs, pour a little. gocl olive oil, e':ueoz, a lenzou o. tiro ;rvor them, and then bake - them. over a elm') Cleo. Tito reoult la nn - expected but not t.i. aoreenblo, Iu sohno n towns and v illtlgcs of Northam Italy ; e omit bird, aro treated with the t. trihu hap- i fi • prociativo kindncsu. They aro roasted oh), : G spit before a sharp fire, and them laid in t pickle fora day or two and served cold. ff t UNUSUAL et motraL9, an No ono will suggest n t11r„t there is :ins - thin common, or uucleau in such food as t hos been mentioned; it doss not ovon bor. d dor en impropriety, but may bo freely ea- f joyed by men of all pools and nations. t hero, As soon as once turnls to unusual materials • national prejudice asserts itself aid tho )r ground becomes unser.^-e. In central and t to couoides {talo past Da northern Gorr any ° tho man -who oats a rabbit becomes (a : m England ,, « E,! a, -,41I, Llai other d1. y,- "t It 4. Fb i txn ;c; 111= : •.11. k C,.1E=14 ,aV .�.f`ni.ata, f1aema 11'tlti t,ht o o c C.., r woo: :.timeinien. 4. Paoli, who neve; for wnuo tial{ itl , �1°:•, thoro i t Chao, a 1.10 bard C 'I . Croon region !Wool :,1 { 9 (t5 to>%1C3 • of tufao, one of ;lei E h ••I qtr ,G to ifr a oo as i Y;:lly i r es.s- it u=:'hn rit ti i�;•bts; dila floor; 3 Ian %1'o Gallo by {Liltsmedred, :matt itt 14 Wlain al+;o In t ho A o)na teihre tholes tn=1., and lrsys In tltt) Fia tot ottr(4va., , ,t. • •k. - e•r.. aih , a4J fa that v1 t, , a= t>• en ,o - gout , zn cu4 t 41 `.l nr� I,_nS �' 1 1 � � for w fact that for ui.liJnoualyassert thein in smog° lauds, year pa'lt ho has made it a rnno to sell ., as well as elucwhrro, they are e, great short on wheat ovvey spring uadsell big, { power in the community. In that be. too. But he, never eke ynges fr(t:u the bear, , nh4;hted region women. are not reap; os' i to the boll etch. (mail bo se's a eertein to Have any rlt:;lits. Mei ass &girt iri 1: ca. Iliac bush ont on the west rid) burst into 11 y:ears oil oho is sold to a,lyl;caky who bloom The very first day he Ecol allover has property enough to pay tho poled her cot on that particular bush he goo onto fader asks for her, and thereafter tato the floor and reeks right red left, a'1;1 worlct, like a slave fie. her hoard and keeps it up. '1'kiis he has done „u reptt- latlging and is subject to e,11 the caprices lardy for some years past that it b u coot - of her lord and Iltast''n.. Evert the hoods- titbit rc..a^rk on 'th;su c' at taerio tions moo in the cornrtnuity llavo more 1,riv- that 'Charlie's lilac brisk to is b1oc n.' alet;•es than the free women, a:ad so -:lo of What is mom curious, too, is that bo them-iu tune aro ahle to support rather h en't zhl3 a3 a mistake for years past. Itao e :tezle lvo ls(trems of thoir own. , boon a orfect mascot far biro. No,I It h ppenedthat there were some strong ,won't tell you where tiro bush 16, but he minded women arson, the Alco.'a people, passes by it every day an his 'sou d0w3 and thoy lifted up their voice:4 in public town, and I tell you Ito watcher{ It closely, place: la favor of soma r dical reocial re- too, Lots of the boys have tried to find forms that would make tho lot of woman- out where ib to lot ited, but Cray oro /moo kbzd rattler more eudurabl>a. They wero deeds of lilac bushes moor; the s'trent, and jeered at, as women reformer's have been he isn't fool enough to give it away. ut some other lands, and won) advised by ; "And I know' of another queer case, the superior res to keep on digging in the too,,' continued the speculator. "sly f"olds and pounding manioc root and typewriter, a woman of about 40 years of thank fortrllo that their lot wits not lees ago, has . omo particular thing that sho tolerable. I.^_forzn teas evidently not to watches on her way down town in the bo secured by any amount of feminine morning, and, its a, curious matter of fact, protest, noel r. -.o these strong minded that woman will walk into the oLace, sit women put tliofr fon;; head, tooother and down at her desk, write out a prediction decided upon radical and far reaelaiu of the eourss of the day's markets, end measures. then put it away. It cons trw:', ten - tribe b a small one. • Nearly all the that's the curious part of It. t ho will adult fezizalea h it enlisted under the ben. not tell. how the does it, but for weeks onr of enormous cotmmotionOno in thattherlittle as accurately, ast Lamed l)o I ever trade t's sgatio course o. her pre. oiurnuuity, It was almost wholly con- diction? \,'Veil, not often, You know I ned to tho male population, Otto fact don't holievo in tilos° thing's,. Ent it's ing that there was -hardly a woman there mighty curious, to say the least, isa't it?" e share tho a :citc..nient, Tho urothors ---Chicago Herald, d wives, in a • most unexpected and • e•artless inventor, had suddezlly dropped Grit os won ns Moo:. htheirlir ilople nems s f drudgery, ry, tarn ;cable �with It is desirable that wo should bravo grit r:ad ters had hied therm tli'ougir the a, well as he blows power to endure, ra- and orests to the tor,itorp.of another tribe, press take forward. blow; ]Ind stili permit{ and at a (l srancn0 of eight or ten. males ppit'�uin• it lis ltho gquality ofnotfrom their own garden patches, they were bac inrtl out, Now aro clo not expect epared to opens negotiations with. the pet r1ly chapel they had loft behind thein. bbeveryony to havo coo ought toshaaio and ri the 1iowit's a h oro ehand reception Would other.; slid so the community, or the so- eet with which they they t nan e may, oz', tai we have habit 07:.cwyf.lgr? .I a ly 011 am on of to Do X40 vet er rad ho ut nen a 1VS is lira to (ter st 41d4 '.O'O -N'Y',.k''7 Ito --Xis• ..::43'.'.x,. +. ;'4: iC..,R�'''eur- -'744 :.'.=.=�.,,,, ,.`iXJ:•'7=,1 ]:il°�1'yi I MI i 6 rd1l. All lif !1, h d><v^1' tition of R f Xte0d $+ r, • e -•"It's v('w;, ((tri0u'a•, 1t:1Y.a,1 old •, If a?N (2a the Tribe!, �l' '" • � j t 'l�''� " eoeial Dirt...«,t, ul Ilattzly r°- tr • opeetablo citizens indulge 3 uune.essly i h in this mild fora of dissipation. Tho . ?•I•eapolitar poor are not as a unite dainty, vee but while delighting in sera urchin they ; se "look dowit with scorn upon the Calabrese ' su • becauso they eat sea slugs, which, if prop. erly cooked, 020 riot very tasty. Nay, s t evon In our own country ti] 10 was a tune d .when persona scoffed at fifes; uow most ; t Englishmen who havo.been to Pedis know , a> that, if properly treated, they add g now l gest to dottier, if not to life. I th Tito old prejudieo against. snails 'still . wn continues, yet thero aro at least two edible kinds which aro worthy of all ro- 7h Sped.. They must bo kept andfoil cleauly, preferably on vine leaves, for' eorao time boron) being* used, but when tliia ha(bec,1. : Bono both sorts tad p aculiar an(1 a -eo- tJbla flavor to several elcar soups, ax=.d one ha of them when -boiled, chopped small and ' den allowed to cool, grea t•ly improves any • soi green salad.' Do not tot the hasty 'cider • to imagino that drew have any res°:nblaure , to the common p0liwinkle. 'Then CO03Z G A I*,SI)3I;itOCu. h cdgoho; is. good, at Ietiot foracllange, ` t nd it used to bo well cooked in a small iln taver's. in the Ghetto of Burne, to which :‘,.‘,'"1 artists • frequently resorte I when their • 1t spirits were high and their funds low. e According to an aged Month Italian sports- a� roan, they should- he killed in the woods if and immediately skinned, and then al- lowed to hang for a few hours, and, after tho being trussed with thole own quills, bo die roasted before a share) fire. The stu ins ot should bo made of their it own fat, finely d ee chopped with. breath -Tombs a d eural sea- comm, as suits the cook's taste, Of cors° e no one with • a sone of decency would th think of eating a hedgehog .wl(ich had ' sin been employed for months in hunting , black beetles in a eller and was oily staughtered because ho showed signs of failing strength. • Snakes aro a di' ionit. quootion, Tho a t force ox civilization 10 agai�a.ot the: I iu and every way, though la a few north Italian - tinvnti they aro considered delieaeh's, and has • those who have eaten of them declare that twi they aro superior to cols, as they aro lees th rich and lzay° a more clone(: o flavor. Ono poo . I'� would pot like to give ]:n opi.'don without get • sotto practicak,e perirtee azhd oo one calx Gra be expected to travel to the.neighborhood for of Geaoa ill the early antunm for • the pc mere purpose of eating stewed eerT ent. mot Many other animals occupy a si a iir-'ly fit 1 dubious position. Jays and eros 1•o tati . • send to melee excollont soup, even v.hc.t bank they aro well stricken in scene, tkou:'h and 'thele fiessis is ot,tcrwioo worthle,:I. Dat • tae' whydo we aeeopt the calf and roject tho able foal? Why do wo regard d b�+ ir'ci paws on a is , , dainty and roasted eat as amine? Tortes, two " 4lf course, differ; but this 1s not a mottoe the of 'taste, but of i!Lagin�atiou. There wee In persons who cannot. eat du _tr e>)ti t;h ((,t ton pets, and others who pro tnnfru to r..tts_ • enough to f'nd ito eihn.l';t3 ill oy, t rej 4>t 1t, 1C eav,'iare-they oro to to pitied, not to ,d {teamed.--�•Lc:{don h`atarlay i'_eviow. kin debt Prihlic:ty of i r"tretr. Aftla , • ; .; There welch norer t o, iul y- books in t.;o i ecce world as there oto now, 03(1 nOve,.' Were $.LLt- mankliel 30 fir j; 1 ioII0, Iii J-(;1, now, l thing of privacy 1,3 :burls° t 1a''P 110V.1i, at11(1 d; t:•1 llar tly (,ollcoiyable; %t iit,J levo nadt.i' (t_,a ev.-1et11ti ;i n01('0, (tail 1.,til+l.t1(9 (dont' e a.:"h4)titer'o tie: oats, Tho 11046,414)04J t; it VII that, i�.,en(1 �-t•E1t )1 ott(nlSg0 , 1 mor(,' f000etinitie. 'lir 1Y•iloeao C t of our bedrt,ou c tare ot, the )Ol r'i: 0; , .,( Two. hi the r l(v, (11 1.x 3:. 11°:--.t1„1 man an I t 111��,a*r't') I Oita (1:1j3 did 1 0 i1t , ' 1,,. V+ ' `iiia bad is , n1 v it1., furl r', 4J of r Y I13p,1V:1'eti(1 L1';(1 ..cert;(<)Fl; h t ., le••Ss"•), pens a war i t tiiO t•+t's of thea e ra.1, i,• : tilt? ht a.0 Gi ' 0,:,'l 1 ( hot{ t+ io t "act I Mop of tl ^ I t t, of ( 3 e twit t i, r` ut ,J 'ev-t on 013'011 t-'. , yl> (' 't'L•nt(. },. tiercr tl, a Fr i'! 1 e 1 ' (, r iou,andaver= aA 1"rhY 11Cl n O,at u ' cl ue I l.a.. e s�t XI:701;i a Y 1 •i,.;. ibeapponed that this tribe was larger than t inclined cilncommd to lth; think that, have t the tll;cna, and did not litre theist very m decidedly lacking iu h locpersonally I a ll, and it tickled ,,hent half to death to natural coward. I have theppluck shop o the pickle in which tho •Akana moil to own up my pincl:les os. `Tli ddeO.y found themselves. Tho women you sot bef • , e themselves to work carnia theiralwaysu:( mo a now en k in 11, Bat I ally bread, and waited without corning of in, I havorl grit. id, to I can rsfiekito au job mpatience for an embassy from homiln a1 work; and when 1 fight I always intend vas not long before the embaas swill. But .c wish I were also plucky. • pearancu. we not =enorelly admire what we h Tho A)tona tribe was of the opinion that ' not, and rather deprociato what wo lla oy • could not continue int business ,I admire pluck, and don't know w�k(eth 'tho(zt the femalo raombors thereof, and I adn,ho grit or not. I have a little Sri: ey wanted the women to coma horse. who is a little ov or four feet trill, and man particularlyho �hrefustrong t she was sped to - has a littlo head and little feat urea, b IID bristles up at a touch, or a word, cr learn at last that the women DI their imagination. If he fancies a site er{, in to, were regarded as a desirable ole- mohnelf' ho ena:ris, aia`ld jumps, and rho went of the Altana, people, As the women ho isn't afraid of all ere tie• ' ho d taken caro of all tie moat, it. was e'vi- t they were able to take euro of thein- not. rri is lip tnccin and int yes, and they hadn't the slightest id_ lacks grit.Ho generals in and then anew tion of going ionise except 09 certain out. Of two gonexads you will Ito sure porilant conditions, which also specified. find ono sic atan assault, the 0`1 the embassy wont home to consult gaol' ata siege. Sometimes Ono is lac: ao chief men, who, as their harems were useful, 11, in G10 elle other. -M. Matt- o largest, wero tho greatest sufferers by ' tee" M. D"= in Globe-DeinDcr;t. o high{ of rho fair 13.0K. The women stipulated that they would rn9 L°ezeaioht Cozzt ainisia:torts �ronr*"ca. once back if a eonsiderablo part of •Lhe Cue woman in the best faith addresses 'cultural duties of the commulhity tho CDmmzssionai' and asks that l o eco re 13 future turned over -to the slaves, that the school ktause In her zleif:'izl c;ho ,1 the mothers were permitted to heave be establisle.cd in the • center of tho dis• omethin;• to say about the disposal of tide{. Araotller iaY'or tis him Qat her it daug later s, -and if several other eon• husband has long been absent. oho has tons w ez'o compried with. It (lid not wandered over the fico of the country iu ce lon7,;1c the rrantic3)cn of Aiccna to search of hila, and sho would now like to ide what to do. A day ox two later lava liim teko Op the scorch. tfruysoli women went book in high feather, osesocou . Lotter:, contoiniugsouvenirs ting achlove^d a corzpleto victory, and dear to tho sander,, but uttrriy vi:lueless the have boon treated vory well ever to any ono else, ore received; letters of co. -Now York tun. advice detailing whole pension schemes to be sub,Ititutod for the prt:s,;nt system of laws; letters of extravagant comunenc a- a r t to arren &e1Ehg(Eotat. tion, of venture, of Linger, of colli. l t, ho little kingdom of Greece embraces of wrath, of un:nitlgnlslo kootllity ; lettere> eroitory of (t=out 23,C,tX) s:luae° miles;, of. insane writers th r atenleg vilenessand has a population of a little mora than violence; iotkns4 escz;ea b•• tho .^antion 00,000 txrct3ka and Albanians. Scotland of tensions and asking bonisono upon the about tho ea'ale terz'ituiy and r,llnost hce'1s of all coneerued; letters of bitterest co as x33217 poop e. flwitzrrland h . s o rspro .°a forpelisions tickled, calling down ird less ,territory and a third mora the e cath of Cod and mon upon these ole. Belgium and lfolland taken to- who lnwe been trying to do their simple lc,. h n e about the sane territory as duty -all these anei multitudes of others, Gra and five tines as many propIio. As fantastic, sobor, rational and wild, potty wealth, Greece is proverbially tho by the hnndeede and thouteands into the orest coant ry in Europe.Iter rugged mail of the bureau; tad from tho charity stains rind barren shores aro hurdle/ tool patience whi h forbears to reopond, n many places for tho seantiost vette- mid the sense of duty which cornp;dls the on; she has no floor3 "with fertilo negl°ot of idle inquiries, ext: u zany of i; her commeroo 1s mill undeveloped, the comp'laine'd and `d ntlneiatiu3:i of trio SAO is cut oft from Europe by tho wilco for its allogo l neglect.-I'csl; ion acherou cAdriatic and by the ithhnoplt. Ce3misz1olaur's Ilrjzort. Bail) of s dritioli territory thatrom- t.> keep lar for a'. iudo:litite f�uturo 1 operable; hoe railway connection with north. Crete' te(iay it 1s the univereal ens- :• f "going to Europe" just .,a., ( with floe utorluy ntleiltia x111 ve York owl Liverpool Add II Clio the .: t�thaat this littl bor°rerl (lona of oi1,000,000 soul.] bets as public of t,63,1,4'.0,C00, and supports an army e as that of the United 1 t8tes, t,:i(e.; ere t,o h1, 1'Lt that 1110 :Oland:Olandof 11(1117 11111isr 1.rlsl tih rule, would ' t' ,u1s1( its ratio of tov.atbxzi should of t:1( kilo:oh n of Gtrc *so. 13'at ;'yJ 0f Olt. tie.; lis t'r2 • e,nth'i Athens to. aao , t is �sy 1,1' 11 o1 ttil.,:atj(e i oI hairdo. - Ltd in itil tr: ; oot,ntry villages there 0. y -; I_ 5'i2, a olio:I tl:mry law a ( i f ° ''ant t si.a 311)13 Vi:,0tr year s2.' • rotes to ;•o the a:2.tti3tie.,1 hoe -1''1 ylu.afte '•.'(tet) (:(:e.;..i of ,1 v t„_' y, told t_nt 1 t _t lye :'s roee,4,.!!looloo:1 t" t 0 .th.3. l drfal'+IFS L." in ::;cW York root. L°-1 f::iitt(O'rl1a. •ao f .f-,1-111 t.) u,. - td' i t: 1'•,1Y1 to .4> as native '5, ; ollooIryv.. VS.• 'Oho tl"i cyte{ oo Ando:1nr a. In Andalusia tho aero.:a ca' 2.10 ooisli wells aro our.) to eatch your c y r. They aro worth coaroiniog by the coxien: lir ouch matters; tho e0ztsti action is very 3irlplo, but they do effective work. A brood wheol i•s turned r 'find bt, an old role, sot u ;.0 haat ether work, :tit'. tat' a :iz(•d to this wiled ora 43rth(I1 Jae:. e:. 0,11 i'.;E clvv;a the Oral iy j - ' 1 s 140 tiile water' (31(1 colpo up ft't 11011 (a tlts'y turn over -Limy empty their (1 'itt `tl"(3 into (, riot"1) a etre S 1 0)100 a trough ore itghu Helot Lenioi ample had l,r(1\'i(F 3 fete I v3 ,t''i.1,l 1t„ 0, CI:111/ y0 the mot of tho water iota ilia Malt. oe ve(etohIo union. Led it l';,.t 1 it 'e- meats of chenno".-s (:,: 111 towsi'l 1110 oath. For (111141:its•; •pt.:'r ktkesil tiny 1:'1,1, iz i,'efloi.11' ell rift{ it ti ° 'i;it 3 * •, f- - t 1;) AfS'',patty srdo thougYal t9.( yi la o a`;c':c 1.,41 (Ley a' etltheir (,1an Ile tli .,a <.0 vuy 11aorli•Meta altll t1, i ire .^ 11i!f t`i• ti1^i t311', 'T0tOl 24 41'11 tov1 li:,In1 3 i'..(- 4 yj tt 1t aten, ,at l'at1 is t ,• 11 :il tPt..a , I t0111,:3 1 01..1 !ai ( + 1k.v . .1 a .:t 411 .,..:71iwMMipbplAa�1K"J�pt, .. . CFIRISTMAS GOODS . toputor loolOtore We have Every Department felled with die Labs{, Choieest. Goody M tr'koi at Lowest Poasibl( Prices. HOLIDAY GIFTS n' ALMOST 'COUNT-,: LESS VARIETY, "`"`i�"T��I`I .�� �J .181 [�f 1�, Pretty-, t'�;al b "+ i t � e . A tt�r'.-'�rii, , oY:1: cheap and Oharming r4-,• o,i mss, Look in i'-nd examine our supply of Fancy Goods. You will see just wheat you want. 1 YOU OUGHT TO GO TO Q Where is to be found the FINEST, BEET SELECTED and CHEAPEST &.. SoI1TME. , T of all the Latest Patterns and Most Reliable makes in "1O0TOH, EXCUSE, , IRIE PI and CANADIAN Made Goods. Fvench planting, lilertstedg evecailigge A ST.CC OF �`:r1 t' I P>±ISIif S, !ANSI' l.l�irt'r'rSI' Pt;iGES FfiS GSi3 FOR R ABLE GOODS AND Gr1AR .NTS- ED FITS, r OS27,Entx.; rk,,`2, EAST; ----GO TO FTS LESLIE 9. ixra1AEM, ONT. a•fa t' t -Kr f I �` I Of •Unfaislif1,1l, Sluggish, Slumbering or Napping Watches 0 Ls 0 c, f >+ LgD IN FRAME .4i,N ) DISPtiSy,e IO , BY ; GTE R.S ..E R Besides, be keeps the Aloe; Var'iod, Select, Elegant and CheapStock of '77 11 t 4 4L 511,i M ,sc,N :€l oo1: trzt ..7 �9,bre,�,xcJy`J mt ` ' aye IN WANGfLLtlyL r qr e 11 P °y 'Fr" �t4�sju �jjt 'j- 9 &C0.9 1;a1v°Ili" €eld.;(.'L' ;t Doll very Waggon to ,1'48Cf•1't CrYld i' v,y.1. 1- es ;,Y+t'.r 'a , :y' . ,i 11n(1>i x riot t,>, d't'1 liO 000 Y), 233t.t 13i:. 4(1;Itam. (.t Thi:; trill 1111 ci'(a11t OI'ttCIlti3l:)C ': i t t tor t,` repto, 1.11('1.' paal•tit!:h iiey not Brite $Oit3iik' (",rite( l• 116( tial' h.'tr ,wait{. a'i'r,: It(Utwti.t11('., f.n l' l Nl teal, elfi L•::' _f';•' 10y:pt tiff*.( di'livt'i'ctl with o1°t1e.�•, ' :�r•'•'1u k�-, .,d.. Fru., �..-a,,,�,.:aG4.,:...,.rf1 ' a .,. ,.L \'l1 :°rJ '0 oo