HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-04-25, Page 5I culN.TOTI• NEWS-TvOORP. Vi-IIIRSDAY, APRIL 25, 1957 PAGE 14.7IV4,1 Drawn Especially for Clinton and, District Chamber of Commerce and Clinton News-Record by Ralph Tee, HOW BOUT TNT RATES No charge for announcements of Births,. Marriages. and Deaths Articles for sale, rent, etc,, Card of Thanks, Memoriam, engagements, 3c a word, Minim= 75e,' Box No. to this office 150 additional. Repeat in, Sertions 2c a word, minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNT: '4 If paid by ,Saturday fol.- lowing last insertion, Billing charge of 1.0c added each time' bill is. sent. Latest Time for Insertions 12 :aeon Wednesd ay • Mil >l1il 2-044 HEWS-RECORD I HAD TO HAVE A CAR FOR MY BUSINESS/ INOW/WI-IEN THAT BIG-TOWN FINANCE COMPANY GOT THROUGH WITH ME, I'D $1GNED AWAY EVERY- WING EXCEPT THE BI-IIRT ON MY BACId( THAT HAPPENED TC) ME ONCE /YOU'LL BE LUCKY IF YOU GET OUT NOAFMITEiWITH THE. CAR IN YOUR SOONER OR LATER YOU YOUNG FELLAH WILL LEARN THAT WHEN FINANCING A CAR OR ANYTHING ELSE, IT PAYS TO DO IT RIGHT HERE IN N TO II NT FOR QUICK RESULTS HELP WANTED,MA4E BIRTHS ADAMS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, April 22, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, John L. Adams, RR, 1, Londesboro, a daughter. BAKELAAP,— In Clinton public Hospital, on Thursday, April 18, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. William Bakelaar, Clinton, a daughter. COLGLOUGH—In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Wednes- day, April 24, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. David Colclough, Clinton, a son (Gregory Paul). DOUCETTE — In Clinton. Public Hospital, on Monday, April, 22, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, Kier Dou- cette, Clinton, a son. DRENNAN—In the Military Hos- pital, Whitehorse, Yukon, on Monday, April 15, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, William Drennan (nee Sheila Habgood) a daughter, (Victoria, granddaughter for Mrs, V. Habgood, Clinton). HERBERT — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, April 19, 19557, to Corporal and Mrs. Joseph Herbert, 29 Regina Rd., RCAF Station Clinton, a son. HOGGARTH--In Clinton Public Hospital; on Thursday, April 18, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Hoggarth, Clinton, a son. SCOTT—In Clinton Public Hos-pital, on Tuesday, April 23, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Scott, RR 2, Seaforth, a dau- ghter (stillborn). DEATHS COLCLOUGH—In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seeforth, on Wednes- day, April 24, 1957, Gregory Paul Colclough, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. David Colclough, Clinton. HASKETr—In London, on Thurs- day, April 18, 1957, James A. Haskett, formerly of West Wil- liams Township, beloved hus- band of Pearl Elliott (formerly of Clinton) in his 40th year, Funeral on Monday afternoon, April 22, at LondOn. MOORED--In Toronto, on Thurs- day, April 18, 1957, Robert Liv- ingstone Moore, beloved husband of the • late Rena Finch, in his 70th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Saturday after- noon, April 20, by the Rev. Hugh C. Wilson. MARRIAGES 6STLAND-ROSS—In Main Street United Church, Exeter, on Sat- urday, April 20, 1957, by the Rev. A. Rapson, Marlene Edna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ross, Kippen, to Eric Ostland, Aylmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ostland, Exeter. McDOUGALL-GOVIER—In Blyth United Church, on. Saturday evening, April 20, 1957, by the Rev. A. W. Watson, Joan Ellee"; daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Mur- vin Golder, Blyth, to Robert Lyle McDougall, Auburn, son of Mr. and Mrs. James . McDougall, Auburn. Board and Room Accommodation For Rent :Room FOR RENT, available May Phone HU 2-9390, 17p FURNISHED APARTMENT for *rent. Phone HU 2-6610. 17b BREAO SALESMAN, APPLY IN person to Bafrtliffs Bakery Ltd. 17b BOARD AND ROOM FOR ONE alone or two sharing. Private home. Private entrance. Phone HU 2-7093. 16-7-8-13 Liveitock Wanted OLD HORSES WANTED at 3ih cents lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, phone Goderich collect 1483J4 or 1,483J1. 14 to 26-p Baby Chicks FURNLSHED APARTMENT, sep- ,arate entrance, Phone HU 2,-97 1 90 7b , 'SMALL HOUSE, all conveniences. "Available now. Phone HU 2,3880. 14b-tfb ASH BIG-4 HATCHERY AGENT here. for May pricelist effective next week. Special prices you'll find Attractive. Wide choice. Prompt shipment, Pullets, some started. Broilers. Or mixed. You'll find May Big-4 chicks moneymakers. Chas. Scott, Au- burn, Phone 43r23, myth., .1.7-b ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides, Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd: 5-p-tfb -RMTF-CONTAINED Apartment — Apply to Roy Tyndall. Phone 0t HU 2-9928. 1fb THREE ROOM APAR,TIVIENT, furnished. Private bath: Central location. Phone HU 2-6665: 17-8-p WE HAVE SAID IT BEFORE and we will say it again, ira you keep records you will keepTweddle layers. We buy foundation stock each year (not once• in a while) from the top breeders in United States and Canada; 'to give our customers chicks that will lay more eggs on less feed. Our best for eggs, Ames In-Cross Series 400,. Shaver Cross Strain White Leg- horn, Warren Rhode Island Red, White Leghorn X Rhode Island Red, California Gray X White Leg- horn. We challenge you to com- pare any, of these with any of the leading egg strains. If you do you will 'be back ,to Tweddle each year. We have tops in broiler chicks, 1st generation Indian Riv- er Cross, 1st generation Arbor Acres White Rocks. Turkeys; ex- tremely Broad Breasted Bronze, Thompson Large Whites, A. 0. Smith Broad Whites, special strain Beltsville. August DeGroof, RR 1, Clinton, agent for Tweddle Chide Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontar- io, 17-b Miscellaneous THREE ROOM FURNISHED, heated apartment. Central loca- tion. Available now. Phone HU "2:9005. 1713 WATCH,REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your Satisfaction. Counter's' Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Establish- ed Jewellery Store. 1.7p MODERN FOUR ROOM AP'ART- -..ment, with bath. Available mediately. W.'N. Counter, phone IHU 2-9649. 17p PARK THEATRE • GODERICH LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely 'secured—don't take chan- cos. Expert work: done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. 17p ROXY THEATRE Clinton Now Playing; Ingrid Bergman "ANASTASIA" Yul Brynner (In Cinemascope) Academy Award Winner TWo Shows Nightly Wide Screen , HEATED apart- ment, one bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, large livingroom. Phone 'Clinton HU 2-7057. Lloyd Batkin. 16-7-p NOW Thursday, Friday and Saturday "THE TALL MEN" MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY (Adult Entertainment) Humphrey Bogart -- Jan Sterling with Rod Steigger Sersy Joe Walcott and Max- Baer 'A sporting story of the prize ring and an expose of some of its frauds. 'TWO BEDROOM, FURNISHED apartment on Huron Street. Pri- 'vate entrance, garage. Available 'May 1 or' May 15. Phone HU 17b PASTURE FOR RENT (Cinema,seolle) Pulse-stirring frontier drama, one of the greatest ever made. Clarke Gable at his all-time best. Clark Gable -- Jane Russell -- Robert Ryan HAVE ROOM FOR EIGHT 'Head of cattle, 400 to 600 lbs, Peter Harriso; Goderich Township, phone Goderich 105J3. 17b 'FOR 'RENT FOR SIX MONTHS. 71-louse in village of Londesboro. Hydro, water, 5/2 acre lot. Also 'for rent 1Y2 acre ,field in village. :Telephone HU 2-9812. 17-13 CAN ACCOMMODATE 25 HEAD of cattle for pasture. Lots of grass, water and shade. Willis VanEgmond, Phone HU 2-9231. 17-b PASTURE FOR RENT. Can past- ure a number of young cattle by the month. Plenty of grass, water and shade. Also 200'bales of good oat straw for sale. -Phone HU 2-9836. Lloyd Medd, RR 1, Clinton. 1713 MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "THE HARDER THEY 'FALL" BABY SITTING "FLAME OF THE ISLAND" UNFURNISHED AP,ARTMENT, three rooms. Share bath. Cent- :rally located. Available immed- Kintely. Apply Herman's Men's 'Wear, phone HU 2-9351. 12-b-,tfb RELIABLE MOTHER will Baby sit by the day or hourly. Reason- able .rates. Phone HU 2-9765. 7-tfb (Adult Entertainment) Pursued by' four handsome men—she had eyes for only one. Actually filmed in that tropical paradise—the Bahamas Yvonne de Carlo -- Howard Duff -- Zachary Scott THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Bob Hope -- Eva Marie Saint and Pearl Bailey Strictly for laughs, a top-flight comedy cast presents a complica- ted comedy romance Business Opportunities 'OeMPORfrABLY FURNISHED, 'heated, 3 fair-sized rooms, running 'water in apt., heated thermostat- ically. Shared bathroom, laundry privileges. D. S." Cantelon, phone 'Clinton HU 2-9483. 14tfb OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton HU 2-6692. 13-tfb COMING: "ROCK PRETTY BABY" PERSONAL "THAT CERTAIN FEELING" PAIN OF RHEUMATISM, Scia- tica, Lumbago, can be helped by taking "RUMACAPS. Recommen- ded by thousands of thankful us- ers. Ask your Druggist. 17-b jSal Mineo — John Saxon — Luana Patten :4 ROOM FURNISHED APART- 'ment, down town location. 1 or '2 small children welcome. Large living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, ahare bath. Reasonable rent. :Phone HU 2-9641, Clinton. 17-b CLOTHING FOR SALE LADY'S SUMMER COAT. Size 16. Black tweed with white col- lar. Phone HU 2-7472. 17-p NOTICE TO CREDITORS AUCTION SALE OF • -HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE at Trinity Church Rectory, Sayfield, on Saturday, April 27, at 2 o'clock Consisting of Chesterfield, suite; occasional chairs, dining room chairs, daybeds, 3 bedroom suites (spring Ailed mattresses) rug, bar room chair, kitchen utensils., dish- es, quart jars, etc., also a good washing me.chine, Terms Cash Alf Scotcluner, 3. M. Stewart, Churchwardens Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 17-b (In Color—Vistavision) Coming: "I'LL CRY TOMORROW" 4 Days / Adult Entertainment IN THE ESTATE OF SADIE FALCONER, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full partic- ulars of such claims to the under- signed Executor on or before the 13th day of May, A.D. 1957, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been re- ceived. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 22nd day of April, A.D. 1957. THE CANADA TRUST COM- PANY, London, Ontario, Admin- istrator, By E. B. MENZIES, Solicitor, Clinton, Ontario. 17-8-9-b CORN INSTANTLY RELIEVED with Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve and Pads. Don't Suffer any longer. Salve 50c—Pads 25c —at Pennebaker's Drug Store. 17-b ROSE, WOOL SHORTIE COAT, size 20; girl's blue coat and hat, size 1.. Phone B.lyth 26 r 7. 17-8-p Accommodation Wanted ;UNFURNISHED HOUSE to Rent. Adults. Civilians. Reply by letter :to Box .161. Clinton News-Record. 16-7-8-p CUSTOM WORK REAL ESTATE GARDENS PLOUGHED AND worked with mulcher. Phon Clin- ton HU 2-6613. , 17-p MODERN, 2 OR 3 BEDROOM liouse, wanted .by couple with no children. Required for 15 mon- th, Phone HU 2-9282. 17-p .61,E Income profierty — four apart- ment brick dwelling, three fur- nished, one unfurnished. Oil heating. Three bathrooms. Cen- trally located. Gross income, $175 monthly. Price $10,000, 11/2 Storey Six Room Dwelling, ex- cellent condition, bath . down. Hot water heating with oil. Garage. Workshop. ',Lot 117x250. Good lo- cation. FLOWERS TELEGRAPHED ANYWHERE GARDENS Ploughed and worked by power plough and disc. James Edwards, phone HU 2-3830. 17-18-p LANDSCAPING, sidewalks, 'all kinds of cement work; pruning fruit trees. Phone Clinton HU 2-9101; 16-7-8,13 WANTED BY AIRMAN and fam- ily, unfurnished house or two bed- room apartment. Apply to Box No, 162, Clinton News-Record. 16-7-b Articles For Sale 1 Storey, Six Room Stone Cot- tage, furnished. Water pressure. Fireplace. Lot 120x120. Ten miles north of 'Clinton on Maitland River. Ideal summer home. Lot, 116x100, on Highway 8, near public school. Lot, 80x130, on Rattenbury St. East, half block from Albert St. IL C. LAWSOIN CUSTOM ROTO-TILLING. Gar- dens left ready to plant, reason- able rates, John Wise. Phone HU 2-7062. 17-p CARDS OF THANKS We would' like to thank our friends and neighbours for their many kindnesses and the loan of cars at the time of our recent bereavement. Special thanks to the organist of the church, and to Rev. C. S. Inder.—The GEMEIN- HARDT FAMILY, 17b `BABY'S STROLLER, in good con- ..dition. Call HU 2-3895. 17b K. C. Cooke NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF William Idsinga, late ,of the Township, of Goderich in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased All person having claims again- st the Estate of the above de- ceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solic- itor for the said Estate, on or be- fore the 13th day of May, A.D. 1957, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 22nd day of April, A.D. 1957. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate 17-8-9-b ANYONE WITHIN CLINTON 'Town Limits desiring ice deliver- ies, phone HU 2-7072. 17p GARDENS WORKED. Alio for sale, Dahlia Tubers, Chry,santhe- mum Roots, Loganberry Canes, Strawberry Plants. Phone HU 2-9652. 17p FLORIST Phone HU 2-7012—Clinton • 'CANADIAN CEMENT: Any quan- tity, for immediate delivery. A. 'G. Grigg and Son, phone Clinton HU 2-9411. 13-tfb GARDENS PLOUGHED and Worked. Lawns rolled by heavy roller. Also do excavating, land- seeping and post hole digging. Ken McKenzie. Phone HU 2-9457. 17b REALTOR Bank of Montreal Building Phone HU 2-9644 — Clinton I wish to thank all my friends for their kind wishes, flowers, treats and cards. Special thanks to Dr, Oakes and nurses of Clin- ton Hospital.—HOWARD TAIT. 17-b Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY at 1.30 p.m. FJ,EOTRIC WASHING Machine, '25; four-piece silver tea service, $12; 50-pound ice-box, $5. Phone HU 2-6667. 17p 400 ACRE FARM with private lake; 218 acres of bush, nine- room house, barn, driving shed, $15,000. On Highway 8, close to Clinton, 200' acre farm, buildings in good state of repair. Reasonable price. Very Good 120 Acre Farm, extra large barn. Good horne. Ten acres of hardwood bush. Down payment $3,000. Completely furnished summer cottage on Lake Huron, $2,200. BUYING or SELLING , Contact SEE THE NEW OLIVEI 1`.1. portable typewriter, now on dis- play at McEwan's Gift and Stat- ionary. Only $94.50. 17-b PAINT FOR SPRING Discontinued lines as low as $4.50 :per gallon. Clayt Dixon's. Auto Supply, phone HU 2-7034. 1713 AUTOMATIC SAW Sharpening. Saws retoothed, jointed and 'filed for $1.25. Or just filed and set 75 cents. Automatic butcher knife and scissor sharpener, scissors 15 cents, knives 10 cents. W. E. "Bill" Jervis, Fulton Street, Clin- ton. 11-tfb. I wish to thank all my friends who sent cards, treats and flowers and visited me while I was a pat- ient in" Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to nurses and doctors. —IVY JOHNSTON . ' 17-b TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk orna AQ . — YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FUTURE . . . BUT if you haVe plans— if you want the best for your family then INSURANCE is your ansWer. Provide today for the to-morrow that is sure to arrive. Call soon. 'MIXED GLADIOLUS BULBS. 50 large, $2.50; 50 medium, $1.50. Not less than 50, at these ,prices. Murray Tyndall, Brucefield.% 17-b SANITARY SEWAGE. DISPOSAL Septic tanks, Cess Pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with Sanitary equip/tent. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligat- ion, Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels. Phone Brussels 42r6. 6 to 32-p Property For Sale MacLaren's Studio THREE. BEDROOM SEVEN-Room cottage, 3-piece bath, oil heated, new sunporch. Close to uptown on Highway 4. Available May 1. Apply Harvey Ashton, Phone HU 2-3880. 12-ib-t'fb Telephone 401 — Goderich Portraits -- Wedd_inmsgs 0--_Children's Groups Artist Supplies -- Religious Articles Picture Framing -- Framed Prints Studio Located At Our Residence 196 St. David Street — Goderich (Near the High Water Tower) ANYTIME—DAYS or EVENINGS UNDERWOOD PORTABLE type- writer, in good condition, com- plete with carrying case. $50.00. "MetWan's Gift 'and Stationery .Store. '17-b • JOHN BOSVELD REALTOR 40 Wellesley Street Goderich — — Phone 1108 16-7-b Employment Wanted HOUSECLEANING WORK want- ed by Dutch• girl, by the hour. Phone Goderich 442J3. 17p COMFORTABLE STOREY AND half 5-room house, one bedroom and bath on ground floor. Cen- trally located, good basement. Price reasonable for quick sale: Apply 113 Park Street, Goderich. Phone 626M, 17-8-p H. E. Hartley ROYAL ALBERT BONE CHINA Dinnerware in open stock or sets. See the new patterns in this fine dinnerware at COUNTER'S Jewel- ',ery Store. 17p CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE Co. Phone HU 2-6693 — Clinton Salesmen Wanted FURNITURE FOR SALE 8tilb 'GOLDEN BARK WEEPING Wil- low Trees, 5 to 10 feet high,, now 'selling at half price, • Fred Gilbert, corner of Huron and Mill Road, 'eGoderich. Phone 1483J1. 15-6-7-p SPLENDID RAWLEIGH BUSI- ness available in. Huron Cou'nty. Products well known, Opportuni-ty unlimited for big sales, and good profits. Start your business on cre- dit without experience. Write to- day for full information Rawleigh's Dept. D-169-224, Montreal Que. 17-b ROUND, OAK DINING ROOM table, three leaves, just like new. Too large for our room, Will sell reasonable. Mrs. James Liver- more, King Street. 17-b TWO BAY GARAGE', including small store, tow truck, all equip- ment and stock. Modern house, Approximately 3 acres of land, Located in prosperous farming community on Highway near Woodstock. Selling for, reasons of health. $25,000 cash, Phone HU 2.3364. 17b GIFT of LOVE! 0N7/0e. WARTS :,-At""mle-. )e11111111bk 'GREY RUG 9 x 12, LIKE'NEW; piano "Gerhard Heintzman" good condition; deep freeze "Amapa" '12 cu. ft., Upright, one year old; dinette suite of 'buffet, table, four 'chairs; size bed and mattress, Archie Mustard, l3rucefied. 17-p PRODUCE FOR SALE From man to woman, from heart to heart, a diam- ond speaks in ten- der terms of happi- ness and love. Such an import- ant gift as a dia- mond, should be chosen with spec- ial Care. IRISH COBBLER SAITO & Table Potatoes, first quality. L. Idsinga, RR 2, Clinton, phone Goderich 442J3.. 17p 'AN ANSWER TO YOUR WISH— a quick and easy way to make more money enabling you to get at last that "special something" you want so much, Don't wait. Now's the time to enquire about it, Free information on request, 1600 Delormier, Dept, 57, Station C. Montreal, 11-b PROPERTY FOR,` SALE, home on Goderich Street, Seaforth, Ontario. Comfortable storey' and half stue-, co, 6 rooms including 3 bedrooms, glassed in front porch. Large open veranda. Attached garage, over- head door, Heavy wiring, roomy 3 piece bath with cupboards. Liv- mg room and dining room newly decorated interior and exterior in excellent repair. Corner lot ap- proximately 160' x 70' with estab- lished garden _and fruit trees, 2 outbuildings. Contact B, M. Fran- die, Box 103, ,Exeter, Ofitarie. Phone office 24; residence 164. 16-7-8-b ASHTON'S TAXI HELP WANTED—FEMALE Take Time To Choose Yot5r Diamond In Privacy— Phone Collect for an Evening Appointment TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED Automobiles For Sale FEMALE HELP WANTED — for clean factory work.. Steady em- ployment. Apply in person to Par- Knit Hosiery, Albert Street, Clin- ton. 17b HAVE TO SELL TO SETELE 'estate, my 1956 Chevrolet De- luxe, Like new. Radio, whitewall tires. May be seen Saturday, April 27. Phone Clinton HU '2-9304, after 6 P.M. 17-iR Anstett Jewellers Operated by CLIT ASHVOT DAY or NIGHT SEED FOR SALE OPEN EVERY IMIDAY moire CLINTON (Phone HU, 2-9525) and WALKERTON rkoini, Witch kepales and Engraving . ' 13ULOVA OVMA orturm WAteptiES BLUE A/WU Anil,iturt DIAMONDS SPODE DINN'ERWARE Notices GARRY SEED OATS FOR SALE, cleaned and treated. Also- New Idea spreaders and mowers; and one 3 h.p, Wagner electric motor. George Wraith, phone 1285, Gode- rich, Ont. 10b-tfb CALL HU. 2.4930 'HELP KEEP CLINTON CLEAN'. All newspapers, magazines, and loose paper must be tied or pat in cartons, Art Fulford, garbage col- lector. 15-6-7-p ' Anklet Wanted • 'TRICYCLE, 12" PRONT 'WHEEL, Itsone Myth MI5, 17,p