HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-04-25, Page 4PERS
Off Duty In Egypt
The angled deck of Canada's new aircraft carrier is clearly
illustrated in this aerial photo, taken from astern as tugs tow
HMOS Bonaventure out of Belfast. The Bonaventure begins
flying trials April 2, (National Defence Photo)
Christian Reformed
• • Church
REV. G. J. HOYTEMA, Minister
10.00 a.m.-Service in Dutch
11.30 a.m.-Sunday School
2.30 p.m.-Service in English
Everyone Welcome
REV. D. 3. LANE, B.A., Minister
MRS. M. J. AGNEW, Organist
„, and Choir Leader 1
Sunday, April 28, 1957
10.00 a.m.-Church School for all
11,00 am.-Divine Worship:
"Sacrament of Baptism will be
If you do not worship elsewhere,
you are invited to do so with
St. Andrew's Congregation.
Joseph Street
Christians gathered in the name
of the Lord' Jesus Christ (Matt.
18: 20) meeting in the above hall
invite you to 'come and hear the
Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus
and His Love.
Order of meetings on Lord's
day as follows:
11.00 a.m.-Breaking Bread
3.00 p.m.-Sunday School
7.00 p.m.-Preaching the Gospel
8.00 pm.-Wednesday-,Prayer
Meeting and Bible Reading.
come and hear how you can be
saved and sure of Heaven. We
preach Christ and Him crucified.
t. tODENRAM, Pastor
10.00 a.m.-Sunday School
11,00 ant-IVforning Worship
7.30 p.m.-Evening Service
You are cordially invited to theMe
Maple Street
Sunday School 9.45 a,m,
Breaking of Bread ,,,, 11.00 ann.
Gospel Service 8.00' p.hi.
TUESDAY, .8 p.m. -- Prayer and
Bible Study.
'A Hearty Weleoine Awaits You"
SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 1957
(All Services on Daylight Saving Time)
Victoria Street, Clinton
K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor
Friday, April 26-
8.00 Ambassadors:
Sunday, April 28-
10.00 a.m.-Sunday School
11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship
Local Gideon representatives will
be presenting a summary of their
work, also giving a message from
the Word of God,
.4.n offering will be lifted on be-
half of the work of the Gideons.
7.30 p.m.-Gospel Service
Tuesday, April 30-
8.00 p.m.-Regular Prayer and
Bible Study-Service.
A Special Welcome Awaits You
St. Paul's - Clinton
REV. C. S. INDER, Rector
Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist
• First Sunday After Easter
8.30 am.--,Holy Communion
(W.A, Corporate Communion)
11.00 am.-Morning Prayer
(Lent Mite Boxes will be pre-
sented at this service).
4.30 p.m.-,Evening Prayer,
All. Services on Daylight Time
Wed., May 1-8,15 p.m.--Friend-
ship Club will, meet in the
Parish Hall.
MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist
M. R, RENNIE. Chow Director
10.30 a.m.-Catechumen Class.
10.45 a.m.-The Session will meet
11.00 rnm.-4/1Orning Worship
Reception of Members
"Decision Day"
11.20 a.m.--Primary School
12.15 prn,-Church Scheel
7.00 pain-Evening Praise
Rev. Peter Renner, Bayfield.
Servkt Mtg.
Sunday Sehool.
The engagement is. announ-
ced of Jane Arlene, daughter
of Mrs. Hartley, -Clinton, and
the late Mr, John Hartley, tO
Frederick, John, son of Mrs,
Radley, Singhainton, and the
late Igr,/john Radley, The
marriage will take place on
Saturday, May 11, 1957, ..at
12 o'clock, in St, Paul's Ang-
lican Church, 17-x
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Harris,
Goderich Township, announce
the engagement of their dau-
ghter, Yvonne Jessie, to Gor-
don Alfred Dougherty, son of
Mr. George Dougherty of
Sheppardton. Marriage to take
place Saturday, May 11, at 12
o'clock noon in Grace United
Church, Porter's Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear,
Londesboro, announce the en-
gagement of their youngest
daughter, June, to Mr. Stan-
ley Crawford, of Toronto, son
of Mr, and Mrs. Marcus
'Crawford, of Bobcaygen. The
wedding to take place . in
Londesboro United Church on
Saturday, May 11, 17b
Very, Very High
"Guilty of manslaughter". This
Was the verdict in a case tried in
Brampton recently.
The charge arose from a car
collision. A man was killed. The
guilty driver was drunk. Professor
Jocelyn Rogers told the court that
a blood sample from the accused
man after the accident Contained
3.2 parts per 1,000 of alcohol. Such
an alcoholic content would cause
a "very, very high degree of in-
toxication in the average man and
terribly affect his ability to drive.
A man with such an alcoholic con-
tent would not khow where he
was going or what he was doing."
This convicted driver may or
may not be one of the 76,000 al-
coholics we have in Ontario, But
scientific research has lately come
up with the finding that an al-
coholic runs three times the nor-
mal risk of death, not alone as a
driver on the highway, but also in
the. natural, course of events.
oliox .FOTJA
71:11,1R,S.A.A.Yr 25., 157
Auburn Church
Says Farewell.
To Ostrom. Family
A farewell party honouring the
pastor of Auburn Baptist Church,
the Rev. John E. Ostrom, and his
family, was held by the congreg-
ation ,there last Friday evening.
Friends from Goderich, Toronto,
London and Windsor joined in
the evening.,,
Following devotional exercises
conducted by the pastor, coloured
pictures were shown by Earl Rai-
thby, Goderich, which had been
taken 'by his son William on • a
recent visit to Whitehorse, Yukon.
A •poem especially written for
9.45 a,m.-Sunday School,
11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship.
7.00 p.m.-Evening Worship in Wesley-Willis.
2.00 p.m.-Divine Worship.
3.00 p.m.-Sunday School:
the occasion was read by Mr.
Raithby, expreising ;the regret of
the congregation over the depart-
ure of the Ostrom family and
Frank Raithby spoke feelingly of
the affection and respect felt for
them in Auburn. A table lamp
was presented by Mrs. R. J. Phil-
lips in behalf of the' Auburn
church. Lunch was served.
St,: Andrew's WMS.
Rears Speaker
From Seaforth
The Women's Missionary
iety of St, Andrew's Presbyterian
0inrch, met at the borne of Mrs,
J. K. Makins., on Tuesday, Fol-
lowing. the Easter service of ,wor,
'Ship, introduced by the president,
Mrs. K W. McKenzie, Mrs, John
Snider gave the Scripture read-
ing and meditation on St, Matt-
hew's Gospel, Chapter 2S, follow-
ed by prayer by Mrs, Ed. Far-
quhar, The secretary,' Mrs. Rob-
ert Scott and treasurer, Mrs. J. R.
Mekins read their reports,
Mrs.• John. Cook stated that the
quilt for the bale to Indian Birtle
School. was completed.
A very fine address on "The
Cross" was given by Mrs. Glenn
Campbell, Seaforth. Mrs. Mc-
Kenzie thanked the speaker. Cur-
rent events were selected by
Mrs. Norman Bell, entitled "The
Triumph of Easter." •
The meeting closed by singing
"Saidor "Thy Dying Love" and
prayer by Mrs. D. J. Lane, Mrs,
John Snider assisted :the hostess
• over the tea cups.
Ontario. Street Woman's Assoc-
iation will meet on Tuesday, April
30. Note change of - date on ac•-•
count of banquet, Program is in
charge of -Mrs. 0, Stanley and ,
Mrs. B. Olde. Picnic lunch.
At the end of World War II the
average weekly -wage in Canadian
manufacturing plants was .$30 per
week,' is now $65 per week.
Asa Deetes was ,an Easter visit-
or in Sarnia,
Mr, and Mrs, G. Evans, Toron-
to, spent Easter with Edgar Arm-
Miss Berva Switzer is holiday-
ing with her friend, Joyce Hood,
Mrs. II, L, Wiser London, spent
Easter With members of her fam-
ily- around town.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson
spent Easter with the former's
parents in °Tillie.
Lloyd carter, Toronto, spent
Easter with his parents, Mr. land
Mrs, Derwin Carter.
Mr, and Mrs. A. J. McMurray,
spent the holiday weekend in
Toronto and Oshawa.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Rathbun and
family spent the Easter weekend
with relatives in Galt.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Caning-
hame, enjoyed a quiet weekend
at Cedar Nest, Bayfield.
Miss Bertha Webster, Toronto,
15' spending the Easter vacation
With relatives in this area.
Don Bissett and 'Patsy,
d'Oderich, visited this, week with
her sister, Mrs. W. Burton, •
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Herman
and family, spent Eaker with Mr.
and Mrs. W. Woods, Glencoe. 4
Miss Edith Paterson, Hamilton,
was renewing acquaintances in
town over the Easter weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Craig and
family, Walkerton, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Grealis on the holiday.
Miss Dorothy and Donald Gar-
nish, Toronto, were Easter visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Cornish.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grealis,
London, were recent visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Greens. •
Miss Mary Jamieson, Toronto,
was an Easter visitor with her
sisters, Misses Esther and Flossie
Easter visitors with Mrs. W. M.
Aiken, were Mrs. A. H. Aiken,
Owen Sound, and Mrs. T. J. Aik-
en, 'Allenford.
Mrand Mrs. W. L. Johnson cel-
ebrated their 43rd wedding an-
niversary on Easter Sunday with
their family.
Miss Joan McLaren, London,
visited with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James McLaren Over the
Easter weekend,
Miss Violet Phillips of Toronto,
spent the Easter vacation at the
home of Mr., and. Mrs. Ira Merrill
and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs.. L. A. Stephen and
family, Toronto, were Easter visit-
ors with the lady's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Cree Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H, Carter and
family, Toronto, were Easter vis-
itors with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs.- Norman Carter.
Dr. and Mrs. Spene Jackson
and family, Toronto, were Easter
visitors with the former's brother,
Mr. and Mrs: Stanley Jackson.
Miss .EcIna, Ball, and Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Fisher, all of London,
spent Easter With the ladies' par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs; Leslie Ball.
Mrs, Grace Bracey, Hamilton;
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Bodies
Sexsmith, Alta., spent the week-
end with Mrs. Joseph Webster.
Anne Marie Taterczynski, Lon-
don, is spending the Easter holi-
days at the home of her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Per-
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Lobb and
two sons, Chatham, spent the
Easter weekend with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dawson and
little son John, B'eaurepaire, Que.
spent last weekend with the lat
ter's mother, Mrs. W. S. R
Miss Marilyn Shaddick, nurse
in-training in Stratford Genera
Hospital, spent Easter with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alber
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Townsend
Elizabeth and. Billy, Toronto vis
ited over the weekend with Mr
and Mrs. George Colclough, Prin
cess Street.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Miller and
family, Windsor, spent the Easter
holiday with their parents, Mayor
W. J. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. C
D. Connell.
Mrs. Ray Cockburn, Hamilton
and Mrs. Harold Lucas, with two
little daughters, Dundas, spen
Sunday afternoon, with Mr. and
A. T. Lucas.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cook and
family, Ingersoll, are visiting dur
ing the vacation period with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs
Charles Cook.
Mr. and, Mrs., Fred Lawrence
Hamilton, are spending the Easter'
vacation with the latter's brother
in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs
Fletcher Townsend.
E. J. Symons, Mr. and Mrs
John Connelly and son Harold
Port Hope, spent the Easter
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don
Symons and family.
Mr. and Mrs. A: E. Garrioch and
family, Windsor, and ,Miss Lee
Nott, Detroit, were Easter visit-
ors. with the ladies' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Nott
Mr, and Mrs. M. T. Carless at-
tended the Easter Sunday even-
ing cantata service, at Zurich and
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. K.
M. Breakey, on Monday.
Mrs. Norman Sayers, North
Battleford; Mrs Ralph Cavers, Pi-
lot Mound, Man„ are spending
Easter week with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ball.
Easter visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. George B. Beattie and Mrs,
Olive C. Hellyar included Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Beattie, Toronto, and
Mrs. Nora Moffatt, Bluevale.
Frank Fingland, Jr., Ottawa,
and Dr. and. Mrs. C. K. McKnight
and. family, Hamilton, spent the
Easter season with their Derails,
Judge and Mrs, Frank Fingland.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams,
Toronto, and Mrs Whitcroft and
daughter Miss Whitcraft, London,
spent the Easter holiday with Mrs.
Adams and Miss Brigham, Albert
Mr, and Mrs. Kelso Streets at-
tended the wedding in Dashwood
on Saturday, of their niece, Nancy
Anne Tieman, who became the
bride of Robert Allen Stormes,
St.. Thomai.,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A, McGill, are
in Ferndale, Mich., attending the
funeral of Mr, McGill's Sister, Mrs.
P. W. Robinson, whose death took
place in Mann's Choice, Pennsyl-
vania, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyall Hanes, Don-
na, Bobbie and Laurie., Ottawa,
visited with Mr, and. Mrs, Charles
Lockwood over the Easter week-
end. They were accompanied by
MIS-seg. Gertrtide Baker arid Jill
Ross, both. Of Ottawa.
Me: and Mrs. G. W. Million, Gil-
mat Crescent, London; Mt. and.
Mrs. David Dennis, Landon; Mr.'
and Mrs. Alan Mbon and daughter,
Ingersoll, and Neil IVIillseri, Lon-
den, spent Easter Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. W. E, Perdue, Huron
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sutter
and Mr. and Mrs. Benson Sutter
spent Good Friday With the for-
Trier's son4n-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. R, P. Robbins• and
family, Richmond Hill, On their
return they were accompanied by
Ronald and Miss Linda Robbing
Who are spending this week here.
Mothers' Group
Meet At . Home
Of Mrs. G. Steepe
The Mothers' Study Group of
Wesley-Willis United Church 'held
their regular meeting on Tuesday
evening at the home of Mrs. Gord,
On Steepe. Mrs. Clayton Keys was
in .charge. and opened the meet,
ing with short poem entitled
"Just a Little".
The Scripture lesson was read •
by Mrs. Howard Currie and Mrs.
W, . Jervis offered prayer, Roll
call was answered by naming a
spring flower, Mrs, Alvin Wise
read a poem entitled "Spring is
Mrs. W, A. Oakes gave a most
interesting' account of her recent
cruise to 'the • West Indies and
showed some beautifully coloured
Lunch was served by the host-
ess Mrs. Gordon Steepe, assisted
by Mrs. James Cox.
Hay Baler Makes
Neat Slices Like
Loavcs of Bread
A new baler that measures hay
with almost the same care farmers
use in measuring feed for their
livestock is now in production and
will soon be available to area far-
mers at Exeter Farm Equipment,
in Exeter, New Holland dealer.
The hayliner, according to Dick
Jermyn, produces bales with even
slices-just like in loaves of bread.
The dealer explained the new
baler's action this way:
As the hay is picked up in the
field, it's fed into a baling cham-
ber by six forks. The. forks, tra-
vellingdin a ferris-wheel motion,
take a "bite" each time they come
down on the hay. "This moves
just enough hay into the chamber-
to make one slice of the bale.
If more hay than is needed for
one slice is fed to the forks at
one time, they simply retract be-
fore traveling their usual "feed-
ing" distance. Just how much hay
goes into each slice is decided by
the farmer when he adjusts the
The result of years of planning
A Scout or Cub will call at your home
Size: 15" x 20"
50c ,each
Special Offer
Present 10 Wrappers from
At Our Store And Receive
• (Good for driver and car)
to •
Brownies Drive-In Theatre
Good any Monday, Tuesday or, Wednesday
during the season.
Our Saturday Special:
From Our Store only-
Reg. 35c for
Bartliffs Bakery Ltd
HUnter 24727
Wesley-Willis Woman's Assoc-
iation will meet next Thursday
afternoon in the church at 2.30
o'clock. Mrs. Leslie Ball's group
will•be in charge.
en Lite
st aremeal s
"You've got lo
show me:"...
Dial HU 2-9336
We subscribe to the theory that if you ask a man to
buy your product, your customer has a right to know
what he's getting for his money.
As a customer for our advertising space, you have
a right to know, for example, what circulation your
sales message will get; how many people, where they
buy their copies, and how this audience was obtained.
Our A.B.C.* report gives you the.
•1 e n A facts you need as a sound basis for
• your advertising investments. It shows
you what you get for your money when
,z you advertise in this newspaper.
%I) Ask us for a copy of our latest
cut, kl A.B.C. report.
*This newspaper is a member of the Audit
Bureau of Circulations, a cooperative, non-
profit assotiation of publishers, advertisers,
and advertising agencies. Our circulation Is
audited by experienced Al.C. circulation
auditors. Out A.fi.C, report shows how
much circulation we have, where- it goes,
how obtained, and other facts that tell ad.
Verifiers what they get for their money
When they use Alt paper. Am/
Clinton News-Record
Mrs. Jennie Wise, Goderich, Mt.
and Mrs, F. Lawrence, Hamilton
were holiday visitors With Mr
and Mrs, F. Townsend.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred. Townsend
and family, Toronto, visited over
Easter weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. George Colelough.
Miss Minnie Easom, London;
Mrs, IVIerga.ret Erown, Stratford,
visited on Good Friday with Mr,
and Mrs. David. Easom.
Mr, and Mrs. John Gibbings and
family, Stratford, visited with Mr.
and. Mrs. B, J, Gibbings, for a
couple of days last week.
Mr, and Mrs, John Gould and
family, Toronto, spent the Easter
holiday with the lady's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Innes
and field testing, the machine
brings to average-size farms. great-
er baling capacity in the small
baler class. It can drop its bales
to the side or rear, or send them
sliding back a chute for direct load-
And, by a simple adjustment,
Mr. Jermyric says, it can spit out
its 'bales in lengths anywhere be-
tween one foot and 4% feet. The
farmer can choose for himself the
length' he likes best to handle.
The dealer says the new baler
treats the hay so gently that most
of the protein-filled leaves so im-
portant to livestock diet now go
into the bale; they're not lost, in
he field And in legume hay,
about three-fourth of the protein
content is in the leaves. adv.
When A
Rubber Stamp
will do it faster, easier,
and who knows? may-
be neater, too.
Order one at the
Clinton News-Record
Delivery, Within
10 days.