HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-04-11, Page 12• eietee, eeeere MERRILLi RADIO & ELECTRIC cSatzi. and Jszvice. Everything For EASTER By COUTTS-HALLMARK . and RUST CRAFT —1/---- EASTER GIFTS BIBLES RABBITS EASTER BASKETS Accessories. SERVIETTES CANDLES TABLE CLOTHS EGG CUPS (Plastic and China) MeEWAN'S SPRING TONIC — the unbottled variety — that's what you'll get behind the wheel of these Spring Specials! "55 CHEVROLIU COACH Two-toned and power packed! $1695 '55 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON Smartly two-toned, Broken in—not broken down 2050 '54 CHEVROLET SEDAN You'll appreciate the value '53 CHEVROLET SEDAN A lovely family car '52 PONTIAC SEDAN Very sharp in every way' '52 CHEVROLET Deluxe SEDAN 1050 All it needs is a driver' 850 '47 FORD COUPE Much better than average 375 Others Ro mg ln. Keep An Eye On Our Lot TRUCK SPECIALS 'M FARGO % TON PANEL„, „,—.,„ Only $895 '50 CIIEVROIAIT 1/2 TON Pie-it)” P ,,,,, $550 Lorne Brown Motors Limited CLINTON Phatie HU 2-9321 ONTARIO 1450 1295 995 '51 MONARCH SEDAN Try it-- you'll buy it MINTON' NEWS.R=0,tta ' vAqg ...rwnyz TuURSPAY, APRIL, 11, /947. Clinton Lions Hear Two Speakers: Public Speaking Winner, Radar Man Clinton Lions bad two guest speaker at their regular fleeting Tuesday evening. The 'first was ten-year-old, Borden, McRae, son of past president Ken McRae, who repeated his prise-winning • speech- in the recent Legion public speak- ing contest held here'. The other speaker was George Bedchamber, a. civilian, electronice instructor at RCAF Station Clinton. Borden's.. talk was "My Life's Ambition", and he gave it in a very forceful manner, His tion is to become a proSessional hockey player, The first step to- ward this ambition is evidenced by his being picked on the Clinton Kinsmen all-star peewee team which plays in the Goderich Lions Young Canada Week next week- end. Mr. Bellehamber's talk was on "The Electronic Age." He review- ed electronics from the time Thom- as Edison invented , the electric EXPERT Be Wise Always Call An Expert DIAL Jill 2-7021 light bulb in issa until, the pres- ent time. He spoke about all the inventions—both for warfare pur- poses and domestic. use—tbat are the outgrowth of electronics and radar, Mr. Bellehamber xs a native of England, coining to Canada in 1955. He presently resides in Beyfield., First vice-president, Ross Mid- dleton, was in charge of the meet- ing.. • Some discussion took place on a 'report on arena, operations this past winter. To date the arena has a deficit of over $800 on the winter's operations, The Lions were reminded that Easter Seats have been mailed to everyone in the Clinton area, This is an annual project of the Clinton Lions. One-half of the money, from Easter Seals sales is used by the Lions welfare committee for.crippled and handicapped child- ren in this area, o. $500 Damage Done In Two Mishaps Two car accidents occurred in Clinton during the past week. On Monday, Mrs. Lillian Jew- ett, Bayfield, was coming into Clinton on King Street, when her car side-swiped one owned by John W. Nediger' parked on the east side of the street across from Clinton Farm Supply. Damage was estimated at $200 to each ve- hicle, Chief H. R. Thompson in- vestigated, Charges are pending. A rear end collision occurred on Highway 4, near the Fina Service Station on Sunday night, when a car driven by Kenneth Farquhar, 18, RR 2, Clinton, collided with the rear of a car driven by Donald An- derson, 18, RCAF Station. Dam- age was estimated at $100 to the Farquhar car. Constables Shad- dick and Perdue investigated. Charges have been laid. -o CLINTON 1-11f GRAIN CLUB MEETING NEXT WEDNESDAY The first meeting of the Clinton 4-H Grain Club will be 'held next Wednesday night, April 17, when the distribution of seed for the year will be carried out. This will' be the last chance for anyone wishing to join , the Club. New Bridge And Drains Contracts Are Awarded Tuekersrnith Municipal Council .net in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on April 2, with all members present and Reeve Ivan Forsyth pesidieg Council considered tenders for the construction of a new bridge over the Broacifoot Creek Drain at Lot 26, Con. 4 Lill'., and awarded the tender, subject to the approval of the Department of HighWays of Ontario, to Seaforth Concrete Coe- tracting at tender price of $4,010. Other bidders were: Roger Mac- Eacbern, Mount Forest, $4,770 H. T. Young, Clinton, $4,860; G, A, Gibson & Sans, Wroxeter, $4,900; Ontario Bridge, Toronto, $11,250; Gaffney Construction, Stratford, $9,105; Looby Construction, Dub- lin, $5,850. A grant of $80 was made to the Ilensall Spring Show with the stipulation that $4 was to go to each boy or girl from Tuckersrnith showing a calf. Insurance on the Township Grader was renewed, premium of $250; General Accident Policy was also renewed; premium $225.82. As no appeals had been entered on the Big and the McGregor Mun- icipal Drains, Court of Revision was cloeed and the by-laws were passed, signed and sealed. Adver- tisements for construction will ap- pear elsewhere in this paper. Frank Falconer and Arthur Varley werernained as a committee to pur- chase. tile for the McGregor Drain. Sidney Gemmell was appointed Weed Insp6etor for the township at a 'l'ate of 90 cents per hour and an allowance of 10 cents per mile for .use of his car. At. a special meeting of council held on. March 29, council accepted the bid from Frank Kling, Sea- earth, $6,131.14 for installation of piping, pumps, etc. for Eginond- ville Water System. Other bid- ders were; George A. Sills & Sons, Seaforth, $6,888.30 to $8,347.66 ac- cording to type of pipe used; John nie Blue, Egenondville, $7,793.80. Contract for construction of pump house and reservoir was awarded to Joseph Hugill, Sea- forth, $1,536.70. Other bidder was Seaford,' Concrete General Con- tracting, $1,276.75. The bid of Joseph Hugill included cement and footings under pump house; town- ship being required to supply cem- ent for Seaforth Concrete bid, Council will meet on May 7, at 7.30 p.m. Fish and Game L_ Club n News (By Don EPPa) A warning to a few would be anglers—it is unlawful to take or attempt to take fish (of any kind) wth ari unbaited hook. Persons caught taking fish in this man- ner can expect to have an extrem- ely dim view taken of their ef- forts. It is however, legal to spear or net suckers in the months of April and May in the hours be- tween sunrise and sunset, —o-- A few of the mink trappers in this district may he interested it/ know sthat 27,510 mink, worth ap- proximately $550,200 were trapped in Ontario during the 1955-56 sae- son. Tularemia Muskrats have been the only re- ported source of this disease in this area although rabbits are also known to be carriers. If a musk- rat is found dead from an un- known cause it would be apprec- iated if the animal were turned over to• your local- conservation of- ficer. Tularemia is highly infec- tious to man through the blood stream. If possible the animal should be handled with gloves. Two cases were reported in 1956 in the Listowel area and . these were known to have contracted the disease through the handling of muskrats. Smelt The smelt report to date in our area is negative. In 'Lake Ontario smelt were caught as early a's March, 24. However the differ- ence in temperatures between this area and 'Lake Ontario is expected to delay the smelt run here for another week or ten days, Tree Planting More than a million and a quar- ter trees were planted last year in the Lake Huron Forest District by the Ontario government, by far the most of them by the De- partment of Lands and Forests on A triple combination proved too much for the hard trying Clinton Colts as they bowed out of the WOAA round-robin playoffs on Monday eight. Philipsburg Chew drove the last nail into the coffin with a 5-3 win. It was the third loss for the Colts and although they have one game left their last hope is gone. "Dan": C,olquhoun and Tom Col- quhoun were pressed into service for the final game to bolster the Colt defence and even without practice both players turned in ex- cellent games. Anstett Scores The first period produced very close checking with Clinton hav- ing a definite edge in territorial play. Haunn was tested many times but always kept the rubber out. Ray Anstett finally found an opening with a screened shot from the blueline. Dan ColquMun duplicated An- stett's goal half way through the second period, Dan let his shot go from 25 feet out and the rising drive caught the top corner of the net before Haunn could make his move. Hugill and Anstett set up the play. Hartley and Garon were hurt a few minutes later and then the Chevs really started to roll. Arnold got into the clear at 13.53 for their first goal, Cal Hon- derich tied the score 42 seconds later and Ron Honderich gave the visitors the lead at 17.10. Colts Try Hard With elimination staring them iri the face the Colts made a de- termined bid to tie the score. Ehrat and Arnold combined to set- up. Phillips with the Colts caught in the Chevs zone. Denomme stop- ped the first drive but the puck dropped into the clear and the alert Philipsburg forward flipped the disc over Denomme into the twine. 1VIcEevan revived Clinton hopes with a rising shot that caught the top corner over Haun- n's elbow, but fate stepped in again when a pass-out from, be- hind the- Clinton net hit a Clinton player arid rebounded into the net, Philipsburg—goal, Haunt); def- ence, A. Shantz, Poetker, e M. Shantz, Heldman; forwards, C. Honderlch, Steffler, R, Bonder- ichi Ehrat, Arnold, Phillips. Clinton--goal, Denornriee; defen- ce, Cartel., Beitnae, Anstett, T. Colquhethe X. Colquhonn; for- wards, Hartley, Garon, Holmes, INeeDwale M. Cokiehetin, PIM Period 1—Clinton, Anstett (Hartley, Hug- ill). 12.25 Penalties; Garon (roughing) 3.051 Garen (roughing) 8.35; Poet- her (roughing) .835; Ctirter, (ie- terferenee) 19.30. Seenrel Period 2--Clinton, 14. ColquOhtin (141101, AGitaCtiluftltZ COMMIctitgt. TO Iiittit 1J TttriStbAit Members of the Agriculture committee of the Cattribt 0,enneij ate .Sehedttled the Meet he the agilettitilit "(Wine beard rabbi neitt TuesdAZ Atitil 164 Londeshoro Wins‘ Lorin Brown Bowling Trophy The bawling team from Londes- boro have won the All-Star bow- ling league crown for this season. They defeated Blue Bombers on Teesday night in the finals after downing Bakers one week ago. The playoff win completes a terrific season for the Londesboro team as they took the league championship and the Lorne Brown Motors tro- phy that goes to the team that finishes in first place at the end of the schedule, They recorded the high team triple for the year with 3552 and George Cowan, one of the teams members had the high average with 232. Members of the winning Londes bora team are T. Armstrong, Geor- ge Cowan, Glen Carter, Ben Riley, Gordon McGregor, Harry Tebbuit. Blue Bombers who, made a de- termined drive to take the title finished in third place and ousted the second place Chew in the semi-final round. Eldie Glidden took home two trophies with the top score for high triple 852 and high single 386, High team single went to Chevs with 1346 Londesboro 22. 14 9 53 Chews 20 16 6 46 Blue Bombers 16 20 5 37 Bakers 14 22 4 32 lands purchased by counties or authorities as, part of conservation programs. The Department of Highways planted 64,000 to beaut- ify roads and the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Reform Institutions also plan- ted trees on their lands. In closing I wonder if anyone heard of the fellow who lost his arm while duck hunting and as a result had a great deal of troub- le while fishing to put a worm on his hook. He soon solved this pro- blem though—all he does is hold the worm in his teeth until he hooks it. Anstett) 10.15 3—Philipsburg, Arnold (Heldman, Phillips) 13.53 4—Philipsburg, C. Honderich (un- assisted) 1135 5—Philipsburg, R. Honderich (Steffler) 17.10 Penalties: A. Shantz (hooking) Third Period 6—Philipsburg, Phillips (Ehrat, Arnold) 2.15 7--Clinton, MeEKvan (M Coign- houn) 7.05 8—Philipsburg, Phillips 17,07 Penalties: Steffler (tripping) 6.05; Hugill (cross-checking) 15.- 35; Carter (tripping) 16.05; Hug- ill (cross-checking) 18.05 plus 10 minute misconduct. New Suit Won Br. Mrs, Evans At1OOF Draw Mrs. jack Evans, Ratteribtiry Street, Clinton, was the Winner of the draw held in 'Varna gall on Friday night; This was the Annual party sponsored. by the 0,p, and T; .committee of the Clinton Re- bekah and 10014". Lodges, Her prize was a tailor made suit. Progressive euchre was played and prizes went to; ladies, Miss IVIcClinchey arid Mrs. Aitlington; tentlemeti, Wilfred Glazier and George Beattie, Harold Tyndall won .the door prize, 0 RCAF HOWLERS COMPLETE YEAR; READY FOR navomrs Friday evening was the last week of bowling in the RCAF.' Lady's Bowling League, before the playoffs. Bulldozers maintained the' lead, with the Fireballs and Kingpins close behind. Whiners of weekly prizes for the past three weeks were:. High prose, Mrs. L. Smith 567; Mrs. 3, Stamm 556; Mrs, 'M, The- ell 570. High single, Mrs, H. Mullen 233; Mrs. Pleasance 263; Mrs. M Leclerc 232, 4e a word,minimumeee Thurs., April 11 — BINGO, Leg- ion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street, Clinton, commencing at 8.30 p.m.; 15 regular games for $5.00; three special share-the-wealth games: $54 jackpot on 54 numbers, includ- ed in all share-the-wealth games; one special game for $25.00. Ad- mission: 15 regular games for 50e; special games 15c, 2 for 25c; 5 for 50c. , 15b Friday, April 12-7.00 p.m., St. Paul's Parish Hall. Films. Silver collection, Sponsored by Junior Auxiliary. Everyone welcome. 15-b Fri., April 12—Turkey Bingo, Bayfield Town Hall, 9.00 p.m., 26 games for $2.00. Extra cards 25c. Sponsored by Bayfield Lions Club, 14-5-b Friday, April 12 — Clinton Jr. Farmers Play and Dance, Summer- hill Community Hall, 8.30 p.m. Lunch Counter, Admission 50c and 25c. 15-x Sat., April 13—Go-Getters Spring Sale of used clothing and miscel- laneous items. St. Paul's Church parish hall, 10 a.m. 13-4-5-b Mon, April 29—Musical Treat, The Harbouraires and assisting artists, Legion Hall, auspices Clin- ton Lodge IOOF No. 83. Admis- sion; 75e and 25c. 15-b Wed., May 1 — Legion Paper Drive. 15-6-b Goderich Pavilion — Cabaret dancing every Saturday Night. Don Dawns and his orchestra through April. Easter teen-age record hap, Friday, April 26 with Johnny Brent, disc jockey and M.C. of CKNX-TV. 14-5-6-7-b Two 44)1N WESLEY-WILMS Waft yak RTIF1CATE Corpora josepti, Calvert all' Maitland Falconer, joined the con- gregation of. Wesley-Willis unites Ohurch on Sunday, by certificate, The Rev, B. C. Wilson, minister of the ehurbb, conducted the service, Kinettes: Learn. Art of Cancer' Dressings Members of the Kinette Club of' Clinton were instructed in the art of making cancer dressings by Mrs Alex Reddy at their reguleie meeting on Tuesday evening, I .was the first attempt at this ser- vice for the Kinettee and they in- tend to help the Cancer Society in this manner at some of their fie- tine meetings,.. During the business period plans were made to attend an interelub, meeting to be held in Wingham on Wednesday, April 17, Mrs. Donald Kay was presented with a silver baby cup in honour of her new daughter. President Mrs, Gordon' Grigg made the presentation, BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN LIMITED RE-OPENING THURSDAY, APRIL 18 DOUBLE FEATURE (One Dollar Admits a Carload) "FURY AT GUNSIGIEr PASS" David Brian -- Lisa Davis "NEW ORLEANS" Arthur Franz -- B. Garland CARTOON FRIDAY, APRIL 19 "ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK" Bill Haley and The Comets Pius Two Added Features SATURDAY, APRIL 20 "LAWLESS STREET"' (Colour) Randolph Scott TWO ADDED FEATURES SUNDAY M1DNITE, APR.. 2V and MONDAY, APRIL 22 DOUBLE FEATURE "MAD at the WORLD" Frank Lovejoy -- Cathy O'Donneit "NIGHT HOLDS TERROR" Jack Kelly -- Hildy Parks CARTOON • TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY' April 23 and 24 "PRIZE OF GOLD" (Colour) Richard Widinark - May Zetterling: TWO CARTOONS please ask for your programme of Coming Events at Box Office Colts Lose Final Home Game 5-3 To Philipsburg-New Hamburg Crew