HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-04-11, Page 11VARNA Gerald Clarke spent theiwe.okelt4 rat his borne in the village. A reception Of new members wilt 1;e held in the United Church next Sunday afternoon, Special services will be held in the United Church neXt Week on. 'Tuesday and Thursday evenings :and in Goshen United. Church on Wednesday and Friday evenings,.• 'The pastor, Rev, T. J. Pitt will• :have charge an services. WMS Meets Varna United Church 11.1Desien- ;ary Society met at the home of Mrs. -Mervin Hayter on April 4. Mrs. George Stephenson had char- ge of the worship service, with an .Easter presentation by Mrs. Glad- ys Coleman, Mrs. Gordon . John-. • sten and Mrs. G. StephenSon. Mrs. Anson Coleman, president, took charge of the business part iOf the meeting. The roll call was ;answered 'by an Easter thought. A bell for the 'oelety was don- ated by Mrs. E, Webster. It 'was decided to entertain :Goshen and 'former members "at a meeting on .:May 2. _Ladies 'were 'appointed, to pin- chase :five ,gifts for Indian girls, :requested ',by .Miss Saunders, (Clothing for 'the tale, to be paek, • ted in :May, is to be left in the cchureh basement. 'There were 29 calls to shut-ins, 'Reports' of • the Presbyterial at Clinton, were given by Mrs. Harvey Hayter and Mrs. Robert The Study Boak, '"East from 'Burnie was taken by '1VIrs; George Protect Your CAR A ear is one of the largest investments made by the :average family . protect 'it ;with. a Car Wash at our 'station. OUR AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC Wash.Wax is 'the very latest in car .washing equip- 'ment — We guarantee results. CANTELOWS Service Station Corner Mary & King Sts. Carl Cantelon, Proprietor Phone HU 2-9032 CLINTON — ONTARIO spin SPECIAL AT — GAL RADIO and TV SAVE 65.00 1 Only- 1956 KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR 10 cu, ft. Reg. $365.00 NORGE DRYER TIME LINE CONTROL 21-Inch Pan 14x18 Lint' Screen Only $249 Safety Thermostats. 495 SAVE $50.00 Regular $299.95 SAVE $35.00 RCA 21" TELEVISION O TOWNSMAN MODEL nly $255.00 Regular $290 SAVE ELECTROHOME RADIO. $60.00 PHONOGRAPh List Speed $299 — 6 Tube Special. 09.95 44.4444- CALL,US FOR TV.RADIO SERVICE ALL WORK drid PARTS FULLY 6UARANTEED Call HUnter 2-3841 Galbraith Radio-Tit BRUCEFIELD Rev, and Mrs. E. R. Stanway, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. 13. Baird, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Snelling, Port .Colborne, and Miss Thelma Snelling, Kitchener, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snelling over the weekend. Mrs. Walter McBeath was or- ganist in Brucefield United Chur- ch during the absence of Mrs. J. R. Murdoch, in Florida, Mrs, Mur- doch resumed her duties Sunday. Mrs. H. Berry attended the fun- eral of Mrs. A. Fitzpatrick, Exe- ter. Mrs. Fitzpatrick was former- ly Annie Berry, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Berry, Hensall. - Mr. and Mrs. John R. Murdoch have returned to their home CM Concession 2, Stanley Township, after a three week vacation with their son-in-Iaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Duncan, in Miami, Florida, On their way home they spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. William Murdoch, and Miss Beth Murdoch, Hamilton; and with Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Humble in To- ronto. While in Toronto, they were guests at a' dinner party in honour of the Rubles 12th wed- ding anniversary. right, Mr, and Mrs. Archie Mary Ann Newcombe; Mrs. Newcombe. Townsend; Mrs. L. Newman; Miss Newcombe; and the owner, W. C, (News-Recoid Photo) A busy staff at the W. C, Newcombe drug store last week,' waited on crowds of people Who thronged the new business to share in over 100 draw prizes, and take a look at what is termed the most modern drug store in Canada. From left to Staff at Newcom bes Stands Ready To Serve You I ans, Hugh Hawkins, Bill McCall, Anne Jervis, Larene Langford, Mrs:" William Flynn, RR 1, ton; Gayle Murray, Mabel Harvey, Clinton. Dr. G,F. Elliott, R. B. Holmes; Mrs. Mrs. Wilbur Welsh, Mrs. Harold Adams, Mrs. Marian Asquith, RR 2, Clinton; Clarence Potter, Mrs. Kenneth Harris, Leslie. Pearson, 13R, 2, Clinton; Mrs. Vera Dupee, Box 151, Seaforth. OPENING SEASON Saturday, April 13 SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE 11Ai Miles East of GoderiCh — On Highway 8 — FREE GIFT For Every Lady On Opening Night Goderich Township Mr. and Mrs, Fred Middleton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,. KqPiwth Taylor, Blyth. The Qoderieh Township .councll purchased a new grader on Mon- BANG, t V im_ Don't ririvo'em until, it's TOO LATE! Get their HIGHEST TRADE IN VALUE NOW ON A NEW $ET Cif C,B.F.Goodrich,1 Lloyd Butler White Rose Produets PHONE CLINTON 1411 2-9021 Vol 0 ONT. we now have the NO-IRON SHIRT BY FORSY111 --,-tht ally tngli$11 broad. tioth shirt that needs ttbtolutely no fretting. IVItN'S WEAR Phone Iltr 249351 car NT,0 4-ST ,4 from all of usl.!! —for helping to make the opening of our new store a huge success. We want to give you the kind, of service you deserve —fast and dependable with pleasant friendly people who take a real interest in you, our customers. Sincerely, W Q. Newcombe MEN'S* TWEED TOPCOATS ivavEliol from $/9,95 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS ERMAN'S MEN'S WE PHONE HU 2.9151 CLINTON, oNT. BE Sill TO SEE OUR Cotnplete Range of New SPRING SUITS • Styled For You! PRICED FROM .. .... , ........ .9905 1TRUA$PATA Al:JM 7 y X957 CLINTON NVWS-RVCOAD l'ACOE FLRY Until „ SPECIALS Closing Time — Wednesday, ,-,' - t , ,,..-,qt.0 ,,,-/ FOOD MARKET April 16 ,- • y i - , MAXWELL COFFEE HOUSE 6 OZ. JAR INSTANT KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES GIANT 16 OZ. PING. 29c PREMIUM SOCKEYE SALMON mmucT °F CANADA. Only 45c HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP' 11 OZ. BOrr.ruES 2 for 43c (R. BRUBACHER) Phone HU 2-3813 Free Delivery day, and turned In their old One- on a, trade, Harney Williantson and son Nel+- son, Porter'S. MIL have been work- ing for Fred Kalbfleiseh in the bush all winter at Anterley, Part ,of a tree fell on .Harney on 'Friday, and be suffered several broken ribs and possibly a broken back, He is in lincardine Hospital. , New Society At St. Joseph's Church The St. Vincent DePaul • Society. whose main objective is assisting the poor, has been organize'd at St, JOseph's Roman Catholic parish here in Clinton, The executive has formed, a "200" a month Cub" to raise funds for this purpose! A second project of the society is the coming of Christopher Lyn6h and his concert group to the Legion Hall, on Friday, June 7. Further information regarding this event is forthcoming.— CONSTANCE Correspondent ',MRS, F. RILEY Phone Seaforth' 841r32 Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lee and fam- ily, : spent the weekend visit-Mg re- latives in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Guy','unningham, Auburn, visited Mr, and Mrs. Char- les Dexter on Tuesday.' 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley and Douglas, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Godkin. Mr:• and Mrs. Ross Mann and Connie, Wingham, Spent Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Grim-, oldby, Congratulations to the pupils and teacher, Mrs. Weber, of SS No. 3, for their prizes with the rythm band and vocal classes at the music festival. Mrs. Sarah Glazibr, Hensall, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie'Johnston, Lon- don, visited -Sunday with Mrs. Bertha Pollard and Mr. and Mrs. Dave MillSon and family„ Over 100 Winners At Newcombe's New Store Opening Over 100 lucky persons Won prizes in the Grand Opening draws conducted by W. C. Newcombe, last week, and they can pick them up by calling at the store as soon as possible. • Winner of the 35 mm Camera and Case, was Mrs. Caroline Thor- dyke, Clinton. James Cox won the larger toilet set ,and winners of 12 other toilet sets were Eileen Wright, Londeshoro; Bob *at, RR 3, Clinton; Leonard Lobb, RR 2, Clinton; Douglas Jamieson, RR 4, Clinton;• Mrs.' Clifford ,Ashton, Betty Switzer, Mrs. Garnet Corn- ish, John Slavin, Lloyd Moore, Mrs. Ada Adams, Jeanne :Ashton and Ms's. jaines -Graham, all of Clinton, Other -miscellancons rues were won 'by Geert van der Heide, Clin- ton; W. Vaysom,, Goderich; Olive Aikenhead, Brucefield; Betty Switzer, Clinton; Mrs. H. Johnston, Mrs. Harry Cochrane, E. C. Nickle and Bruce. Holland, all pf Clinton, Helen McLeod, Bayfield, Betty Stevens, P. McPherson, Mrs, Gor- don NivinS; Adrian de Coo, Mrs. B. Greydanus, Mrs, Albert Steepe, all of Clinton; Mrs. George Har- row, Wingham; Mrs. P. G. Avery, fiR, 3, Clinton; Penny Bateman- arid Harold Adams, Clinton; Mrs. R. J. Wilson, 36 Edmonton Road, RCAF Station. Hattie B. Courtice' (2) and Mar- ion taleS, Clinton; John Harris, RR 2, Bayfield; Mrs. J. K Wise, Mary Street; Muriel Dunn, Rat- tenbury. Street; Bruce Cooper, 'Clayton Hodgins, RR 3, Clinton; "Cap" Cook, Mrs.• W. Pinning, Nora MacDonald, F. G. Avery, RR 3, Clinton; P. L. Cattle, % Miss Lovett, Clinton; R. J. Cantelon, Doris CartWright, Mrs. George Cutler, Mrs. 0. Jones, all of Clin- ton; Stan Collins, RR 5, Clinton; A. Stryker, Brucefield. Mrs. Jean Andrews, Auburn; Mrs. W.• Gould, % Earl Cooper, Goderich; Mrs. Florence Wood and Mrs. 0. J. Stanley, Clinton; Kenneth Tyndall, RR 5, Clinton; Pat Cudmore (2); W. J. Biggart• and Rev. D. 3, Lane, Clinton; Gor- don Stewart % County Home; Mrs. Theo Flynn, Clarence Ball and.Robert Freeman, Clinton; Mrs. Joan Fitzgerald, RCAF Station; Mrs. L, Rathbun, Clinton. Robert Malwain, Goderich; Mrs. G. Lawson, Clinton; Mrs. Donald FerbeS, RR 2, Clinton Mrs. Charles Nelson, Joyce Perdue, Kelvin Jer- vis, Mrs. Ed Miller, 3. Charbon- neau„ Mrs. Terry Oxborrow, Lynda Cooke, Mrs. Douglas Ball, Mrs. Jim Lovett, Lewis Ling, Joyce Eros Billy Ling, Randy Glow, Mrs, Mary Hendricks. Nancy Scruton, Mrs. A. R., Bat- es, Clinton; W. H. Sterling, RR 2, Bayfield; Florence Evans, Clinton; R. McDonnell, 12 Quebec Road, RCAF Station Clinton; Frank Ey- Saturday and Monday APRIL 13 and 15 "THE RAID" Richard. Boon and Van Heflin CARTOONS COMEDY FREE GIFT for Every- Lady • Saturday Night Tues., Wed. and Thurs. APRIL 10-1748 The Country Girl' Bing Crosby — Grace Kelly CARTOON — COMEDY • BOX OFFICE OPENS '7.00 P.M. First Show At Dusk Two Shows Each Night Children under 12 in cars FREE Playground — Refreshments 4