HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-04-11, Page 10FOR RENT PORTABLE AIR COMPRESSOR New 125 OFM Machine with all Tools HOURLY OR CONTRACT WORK H. T. YOUNG CLINTON — Phone. HUnter. 2-9496 15p W. G. "HOMPSON • HENSALL and Sons Limited • Phone 32 -•••;;; ••< • CLOVER and GRASS SEEDS We have a complete stock of •ALFALFA, RED CLOVER, ALSIKE, YELLOW and WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER, WHITE DUTCH and LADINA CLOVERS BROME GRASS, Etc. Permanent Pasture Mixtures . . . . . Place Orders While Stock Is_ Available. We are quoting very attractive prices and, replacement orders would require nigher retail prices. SEED GRAIN All varieties available in Registered No. 1; Certified No, 1 and Commercial No. 1. • Treated and Packed in New Jute I OAT VARIETIES—Garry, Rodney, Simcoe and Beaver. Registered and Commercial Brant and Montcalm Barley. • High quality seeds will be in Short supply this spring. • To be sure of your requirements ORDER NOW! FERTILIZER We'll Deliver To Your Farm AMMONIUM NITRATE IN STOCK 1. We are contracting for ,Malting Barley 2. Registered Seed Oats. HAVEi YOUR SEEDS CLEANED AND TREATED AT OUR MODERN CLEANING PLANT Your seed can be delivered and cleaned without being bagged Phone Us and arrange a date to clean and treat your requirement's. W. G. THOMPSON and Sons Limited PHONE 32 HENSALL 14-5-b Fieldmo's icws Poultry The. Poultry Producers held their annual *meeting in the King Ed- Ward; Toronto; Wednesday„. 'April a.,, The attendance was fair but I Was surprised that there weren't more at the meeting, It Wins to artp that the poultry industry is not in ..a healtby condition, and I thought there would have been -More interest in making an .attern— Pt at least to stabilize it, Poul- try is an important industry both In dollars to the producers and in supplying a high quality food to the consumer. The - worst feature of the Indus- try is its speculative character. In his report Dr. Hope, Dominion ec- onomist, stated that, over the years, the poultry industry has ex- perienced.' extreme fluctuation.% particularly in eggs, where in re; cent. years the price has gone from a low of 28 cents to a high of 74 cents a dozen to the producer, 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Summerhill Community. Hall Friday,. April 12 CLINTON JUNIOR FARMERS PLAY & DANCE (By J. Oaxi ItemingW.4)1. - Statistics seem to show a. pat- tern which the gambling souls in agriculture - or big business .can follow if they wish, In the past the price oycleg have been one year losS one year profit then one year loss and two years profit. On this !basis we can say 1957 loss, 1958 profit, .1959 loss, 1960 profit, 1961 more profit, Halwever I must remind you speculative peo- ple that this forecast is not guar: anteed. Figgures show what hap- pened in the past but the future is still a guess.. Anyone who in- vests his all in poultry in 1961 expecting to make his fortune may end up without a shirt, I think we must all agree that a situation of this kind is not good enough for such an important in-. clustry, Are poultry producers 'content with this 'situation? That is the question that confronts the Poultry Committee of the Feder- ation of Agriculture. If the pro- ducers are satisfied then the com- mittee .rill let the matter rest. If they are not satisfied the commit- ee• will ask the FederatiOn. of Ag- riculture to conduct an informa- tion program designed to formu- late a plan 'to improve this situa- tion. Please remember that the Gov- ernment and organization are help- less without the support Of the in- dividual producers. • Please let us have your 'opinion. a Oil is the dynamic force in the currently expanding economy of Saskatchewan, once known solely for its reputation as Canada's "wheat province." 0 Saskatchewan has a. total area of 251,700 square miles. 8.30 p.m. LUNCH COUNTER Popular Orchestra - ADMISSION: 50c and 25c Includes Both Events 15b 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 • ••••••-••••:4••••:.::,:;*:iiiiiii*'ii'iiiiMiIiNiAiMiii*3:0:., The new '57 Chevrolet Be! Air Sport Sedan, all the reason in fhe world to 'hold your head higher! Wild Life Farm Begun Near Bervie Village (By C-. X .11(arris, Conservatloo Meer, $QatinurtPtO4) • If you 'happen to be in the vier, inity of Bervie, a small village about five miles east of Kincar- dine on Highway 9, take time out to call at the newly organized Wild. Game Farm owned and oper- ated by F,J.ton •MC.Lelland , and Sons. Fenced in, right beside the highway, you may see four or 'five different species of deer, including pure Black Europeans and small .Asiatics that have fawn-like spots at all times. In the next pen there are five large shaggy buffaloes (like those in our Western Provinces many years ago.) In the same Pen there are two stately elk. Also of interest to the visitor is a llama from South America, Brahma Cattle from -Scotland, Ponies 'from the Shetland Isles arid donkeys and mules- from other .parts. of the World, A visit-lo this farm is an edu- cational experience for' the whole family from grampa to baby. WAS held in Toronto on . March 22 and , 2r3, The automobile section has had a very _difficult year due to the inereased. number of accidents. and the greatly increase°, cost of repairing ears. However by equal- izing previous income . tax pay- ments and due to reasonable pro- fits in- other branches of the com- pany the final -results showed a small profit for the whole organ- ization. ' ° The automobile section is the largest and CIA now has the in- surance on one car'in 30 in Ontar- with the percentage rising steadily This growth has allowed CIA to extend its activities to other fields. One branch that is growing rap- idly is the Farm Liability Insur- ance. This may seem unimportant to many farmers because they haven't suffered losses in the past. Times are a little different new • because people are 'much more conscious of their . ability to col- lect damages. Did your dog ever taste a salesman calling at your place? Did a visitor ever slip on an icy doorstep? You • could be held responsible: Did any of your cattle ever get on the ,road? In this case you could lose the anim- al and have heavy damages to pay. CIA will .cover•-this; enquire for the detailS,; the rates are low.. - Sickness and Accident is also available and gives wonderful, Federation of Agricultuke FW.c(man Reports on •CIA Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Co- Operators Insurance Association Attention Poultry Farmers We are in the market for Fowl HIGHEST , CASH PRICES PAID WILL PICK UP FREE OF CHARGE PHONE OR WRITE FOR PRICES anada Packers Limited CLINTON OtiTARIO PHONE HUnter 2-9565 14-15b erage per dollar, OM doesn't spend huge sums on advertising and this saving Is passed on to customers. Wheat Prrodueers. • The Ontario Wheat Producers leld, their annual meeting la Tor- onto, March 27, This is a' small group but one that has large pro- blems,. As the crop Is grown over a large area and used for feed for livestoelc as well as for' flour and ceieals it is difficult to arrive at a fair price for the product, The' price is also affected seriously by' the export market regardless the fact that only a very small percentage of the wheat or- flour' is exported,- Due to the uncertainty .of Leg. islation pending in both provincial. and Federal. Governments. Is 4e0411, ed. to be generally agreed that the executive should take steps to form, a negotiating board railer, than a marketing agency, —Us--B — 4 U Buy I. H. TRUCKS TRACTORS, PARTS and ACCESSORIES rm.°, and ENGINE. DRIVE BALERS, BALE ELEVATORS, PNEUMATIC and ..STEEL WHEEL .SIDERAKES; vNrvg4sitx, and FAST HITCH POWER, MOWERS, fralLI) HARVESTERS; ENSILAGE and FORAGE BLOWERS; HARVESTER THRESHER COMBINES; WYNDROWERS; BEAN HARVESTERS; Ii(YDRAULIC-FAST HITCH -and POWER LIFT PLOWS on Steel or Rubbe!I • WHEEL CONTROLLED and REGULAR DISC HARROWS, , SMOOTIIING. HARROWS; GRAIN and FERTILIZER DRILLS with Fluted Feed or Double Run, Steel or Pneumatic Tires; STEEL and PNEUMATIC WHEEL. CULTIVATORS, with Hydraulic or Power''Lift; ROW-CROP CULTIVATORS; GRADER BLADES; PLATFORM CARRIERS; • POWER LOADER, with Hydraulic or Trip Bucket; MANURE' SPREADERS; WHEEL BARROWS; FARM WAGONS; CREAM SEPARATORS; • ELECTRIC WASHERS and DRYERS; ELECTRIC' DRILLS, BITS, WRENCHES, TOOLS; • ELECTRIC WIRING 'SUPPLIES; BROODER LAMPS, Etc. ,PAINTS, BRUSHES and OILS; WASHING MACHINE OILS. and LUBRICANTS; HEAVY DUTY and ieREM1Um MOTOR Olf14; HYPOID LUBRICANTS, GREASES. Etc. TORQUE and. TRANSIVIISSI(*. LUBRICANTS; ANTI-FREEZE; RISLONE; SPARK PLUGS; OIL FILTERS; JACK-ALL JACKS; CALCIUM CHLORIDE; BALER awl BINDER TWINE; ROLLER and REG. CHAIN; TRACTOR CHAINS; • REGULAR and HIGH-GRADE STEEL BOLTS, CAPSCREWS, NUTS, PINS, WASHERS, Etc. PLASTIC and STEEL PIPE and FITTINGS; COPPER TUBING; WEATHERHEAD FITTINGS; V-BELTS and PULLEYS; GOODYEAR TRACTOR, TRUCK and AUTO TIRES, TUBES, HOSE, Etc. JOHN BACH ••••••••• •II/OOMO '57 CHEVROLET know, won the famous Manufacturer's Trophy as the best performing car at .Daytona Beach competitive trials. There's more luxury, too, more to be just plain proud of. For there's more attention to detail. In Chevrolet, body panels fit snugly. The chrome trim is on to stay. In- teriors have the smartness of the custom touch. Everywhere you look in a Chevy, you find the obvious marks of extra care, even to h quiet limousine "click" when you closelhose big solid doors! Come on in! Get a clOse-up of all th'Are is to enjoy in this exciting Chevrolet! *Optional at extra cost. 270 lt.p. highperformance V8 clients aho auditalde at extra cost. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE "Month after month, since its intro- duction, Canadians have bought more, '57 Chevrolets than any other car!" cLANT0N NAN14.1WCOgp TkILIRSDAY, APRIL 3.1., Huron. County Crop Report (P.)! 70010fOIST, assistant ag; riettitural representative for Huron, County) "The unseasonably cold and wet weather, which we experienced during the past. week has delayed seeding operations for 7at least another week. A warm, rain could do a lot of good to bring the soil into proper condition for seeding and, also help the growth of pas- tu,r and . hay fields and fall sown crops. "The monthly climatological re port fa this district shows . that 2,04 inches of precipitation occur- red for this district, which is slightly below average for March,. The monthly mean temperature for this district was 33.5° F,, which is 5° higher than normal for this ,area. This is possibly one ex- planation for the 'anticipation of an early' seeding this spring." Parr Line Forum Ends Season With Banquet Nig•ht (By our Hensall correspondent) Parr Line Farm Forum brought to a close another interesting' and informatiye year of work in the improvements of farming 'industry last Wednesday evening. With 100 percent attendance, 26 adults and ten children net at the spac- ious home of Mr. and Mrs, John Soldan for a turkey banquet. ' Mrs. John Soldan read an address to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Love, who recently moved to their new home in Hensall. Gordon Coleman, pres- ident, presented them with a tele- vision-lamp and cup and saucer on behalf of the'' forum. Mr. Love made a suitable reply and assured the forum that they would contin= ue to be members of the Parr Line Fortim. Parr Line Forum has merited recognitibn among the forums of, Canada. Out of some '21 broad- casts on the OBC across Canada farm programs on Monday night, Parr Line Forum was recognized on five occasions for their find- ings by ekpert authorities on the topic under discussion. Following the banquet the gen- tlemen retired to the living room for television and to the games room until the ladies dispatched with the dishes. ProgreSsive euch- re completed the evening. Mrs. Gordon Coleman was high lady and Mrs. Ross Love high gentle- man. Miss Marie Jarott and Mr. John Soldan 'scored low. A lunch- eon, cafeteria style brought the evening to a close. Parr Line Forum now has com-q. pleted its fourth successful. year 'and feel they have much to offer in the future. County OFU Hears Walter Miller Tell How To Get Action Walter Miller, guest speaker at the Huron County branch of the Ontario Farmers Union urged his hearers tb take action for them- selves at the legislative level, He said, ' "Farmers will never be in a bet.: ter position, as long as we have an agricultural minister in office, who made a statement recently that 'farmers have just had •the best two years they've ever had,' when all farmers will tell you they are finding it increasingly difficult to come out on top, no matter how efficient they are, or how hard they work," Mr. Miller stated that the •OM is being recognized and listened to, because of the accomplishments already for the farmer. Gordon Hill; Varna, leader at county level, was in charge of the meeting, and told of his recent' visit to Ottawa, when the OFU brief was presented to the feder- al government. The treasurer's report showed the Barn Dance and draw had been a decided success. Jack Arm- strong gave a report on the adver- tising committee, and Carl Dalton (president of the newly formed Seaforth local) was added to that committee, County meetings will be held quarterly, on the third Tuesday of each month. The next one will be on June 18. Lunch will be provid- ed by the Holmesville Local. The Huron OM will hold a pic- nic again, in the Lions Park, Sea- forth, on July 16. Mrs. J. Arm- strong, lady director for the coun- ty, spoke 'briefly, and Gordon Hill gave an account of some of the new locals that had been set tm. Cars Collide On Highway 4 Drivers of two cars escaped with cuts and bruises and a shaking 'up Saturday, March 23, when their vehicles collided on Highway 4, three miles north of Clinton, Dam- age was estimated at $1,100 to the cars. I Drivers were William. Gerrith, R.11 1, Clinton, and J. B, Moore, London. OPP Constable Donald Hobbs, Goderich, investigated, Your I.H. Truck, Tractor and Farm Equipment Dealer PHONE 17 SEAFORTH 14-5-b • 't eves you more to be prowl o Not just the way it looks, but the way it's Put together the finer materials, work- manship and finishing touches. Not'just its friskier, smoother performance, but' the deep-down soundness that's special to Chevrolet in the low-price field, Try it out and you'll see it's Sweet, Smooth and Sassy. You name it. The new '57 Chevrolet has more of it . . . inside, outside and under- neath that Body by Fisher. There's, a finer ride, smoother performance and a sweeter way of going. For there's a finer balance, a more solid construction, so that great Chevrolet 6 or V8 engine can "get with it" more efficiently, delivering up to 245* h.p. (and so quietly). Chevrolet, ,you Only authorized Chevrolet dealers display this famous trademark C-2457D. LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITED HU 24321 CLINTON, ONT. t-