HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-04-11, Page 7APX.lX4 1957 XINTON NVWStRAOORP PAQV $VSTENt Accommodation For Rent ClintonCANADIAN a :S,MALL 1101-1,SE, all conveniences, -Available April 15. Phone HU 2,3880. if 14h-ttn ,ssenanCONTAINED Apartment — ,Apply to Boy l'yndall. Phone HU 2-9928. 10tfb POUR ROONI, GROUND MOOR apartment. Private bath, Avail.' able now. Phone HU 2-9508 / 15b VHF= ROOM SECOND FLOOR apartment for rent, with bale -011Y. Share bath. Phene HU 2-9770. - 15-6-b "THREE ROOM FURNISHED, heated apartment. Central loca- tion. Available now, Phone ,HLT 2-9005. 15p MODERN FOUR ROOM -A-PART- went, with bath. Available im- mediately. W. N. Counter, phone 'HIJ 2-9649, 15p 'THREE BEDEtnanan brick house, -close to schools. Available inuned- iately, Apply K. W. Colquhoun, plies* 1 -IU 2-9747. 15b •UNFURNI,SHED, HEATED apart-, smut, one ;bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, large livingroom. Phone Clinton IIU 2-7057. Lloyd Batkin. 1.4.-5-h MUSE FOR RENT in Bayfield— four rooms, hydro, newly decorat- ed. Good garden. Reasonable rent. Immediate possession. Phone HU 2-9214. 14-5-b #COMFORTABLY FIJRNISIIED, *team heated, well located three room apartment. Suitable for couple. _Available ' now. Phone BO 2-9728. 13betfb UNFURNISHED APARZWIENT, three rooms. Share bath. Cent- rally 1O.cated. Available immed- iately. Apply Herman's Men's Wear, phone HU 2-9351. 12.b4fb COMFORTABLYFURNISHED, , 'heated, 3 fair-sized rooms, running water in apt., heated thermostat- , Ically. Shared bathroom, laundry D. S. Cantelon, privileges. phone Clinton HU 2-9483. 14tfb Articles For Sale 1 TWO WHEEL TRAILER, 4 ft. x : 6 ft.; 650/16 tires. With racks. Phone HU 2-7445. • 1.51) ; SINGER SEWING MACHINE, paddle model, in good working or- der. $10. Phone Clinton HU 2-3865. , 15p i I ONE PAIR 6 -PLY DOMINION ! Royal Tires. Size 750x16. White walls. Best offer accepted. Phone ' HU 2-7076. 15b ] CEMENT: Any quan- tity, for immediate delivery. A. ) G. Grigg and Son, phone , Clinton J 'HU 2-9411. 13-tfb ' 1 RENFREW CREAM SEPARA- tar, complete with motor. Also grinder. P. Westerhout, Phone ( HU 2-9842. 14-p 1 EASTER BUNNIES. Lovely col- ours. All sizes. Can be seen any 'evening. Call Gerald Baird. Phone 'HU 2-7551, 15-6-p BEFORE You Buy a Refrigerator :see the 1957 RCA WHIRLPOOL, now on display at Dutton's, Bruce - field, phone IIU 2-3232. 15b RUBBER STAMPS, SIGNATUR- es, maps, marking devices of all -kinds. Call at News -Record Of- fice, Albert Street, Clinton 14-tfb ROYAL ALBERT BONE CHINA Dinnerware in open stock or sets. See the new patterns in this fine dinnerware at COUNTERS Jewel- ry Store. 15p -GOLDEN BARK WEEPING Wil- low Trees, 5 to 10 feet high, novv selling at half price. Fred Gilbert, corner of Huron and Mill Road, •Goderich. Phone 1483.11. 15-6-7-p InELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR in excellent condition, Priced right • for quick sale. Call anytime at RCAF Station. Clinton Married ,Quarters, 51 Winnipeg Road, 151) 'SIX FOOT OLIVER COIVIBINZ with motor; glee balloon tired -bike; two boy's bicycles; chrome kitchen. set; day.:lighter tootich; studio coudh; rangette, Phone TIU '2-9934. 15p Aosta.....•••••*.ma•mwripm... Accommodation Wanted -UNFURNISHED ACCOIVRVIDDA. tier: required for RCAF 'Officer' fahiilyand of four girls. Prefer easy a.cess tc: elementary school. .0eettpancy early May. Ilox 150, Clinton News -Record. 15-6-b Automobiles For Sole 3949 CHEVROLET COACH — good mechanical condition, Black, Sun visor. Priced for quiek salt, cafl XU 2-0525. 15p 1054 PLY1VLOUTH SEDAN, Fees scellent conclitien, Good tires, set new snow tires. Electric screen '•wipere and automatic washers. Spare seat eevers. $1,295 of near offer. Phone Goderich 1311, after ''6 P -M. 14-5-p Board and 'Room *BOARD and 11.00M for One alone ••or two sharing. Mrs. Rattly, across Irdol RCAF Statieb• ahlten,14.5.0 'Boy chicks HOW LATE IS °TOO LATE" for Chicks. April is a gceicl chick month, Bigni Chicks will be pre - clueing eggs when prices are on the up. Prompt shiPmeat, pullets, in- cluding started, Low prices, Broil- ers, Buy the chick bred for the market that pays best. Ask us for list. Charles Scott, Auburn, phone Blyth 43r23, 15b --,..--,,-....------,-----e-----a-, BABY SITTING RaMiltattE Nimmai. will Baby sit by the day or hourly. Reasen, able rates. Phone HU 2-9765. 7-titt Business Opportunities ' OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton, Phone Cliza ton HU 2-6692- 13-tfa DUE TO ILL HEIALTH of Prop- rietor, Dale Produce Egg Grading business and equipment is for sale. Apply at residence, North Main Street, Seaforth, after 7 pm. 14-5-6-b CUSTOM WORK LAIWNS ROLLED. Done by heavy roller. Please phone orders now. Phone HU 2-9536, Albert Bond. 14-5-p CLINTON WINDOW and House- cleaning Service for a your spring cleaning: Les Nice; Dial HU 2-9215, . ' 15-6ep AUTOMA,TIC SAW Sharpening. Saws jointed and filed retoothed, for $1,25. Or just filed and set 75 cents. Automatic butcher knife and scissor sharpener, scissors 15 cents, knives 10 cents. W: E. "Bill" Jervis, Fulton Street, Cin - ton. 11 -tab. . ry FIT FOR A "KING" -- We Rent — Move — Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed., Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. 23-tfb SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL 1 Septic tanks, Cess Pools, etc., ] pumped and cleaned with Sanitary equipment. All work guaranteed Estimates given without obligat- ion. J Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels. i Phone Brussels 42r6. 6 to 32-p 1 1 ' HAY FOR SALE 1 BALED HAY FOR SALE. 1,000 4 bales. Irvine Telalsutt, phone HU ! 2-7474. 15b ' TEN TONS OF BALED HAY„ Reasonable. Joe Postill. Phone • CHU 2-7436. 15-6-p ' HAY FOR. SALE. 1,000 BALES Alfalfa and Sweet Clover mix. .. Well cured. • 4Gc per bale. Phone HU 2-7596. Lyle Hill, • Varna. ., 15b .' QUANTITY of BALED HAY; also i number of hydro poles cut, ready i Reid, Varna, phone Hensall 676r25. 14-5-b RATES m. No charge for annetinceMenta. of Birthe, Marriages and Deaths Articles for Alle, nt, nte., Card of ThanISS, Meg:prim,engagementse, ,3c werd, MMitOPM 75c, liQX No, to this Office tae .additierial. Repeat le, eertiena"2c a werd, •TnininItiM V00, CASH IXSCOUNI": .% if paid by Saturday loving last ineertiele. 8iflirg charge of 1,0e added each time bill le sent. . Latest lime for Insertions.,,, 12 )1904 Weaneeday 'WATCH REPAIR IS •A JOB FOR experts, Our work assures yr satisfaction; Cuter' s Jewellery, Huron Cooney's Oldest Establish- ed Jewellery Store, • 151> =SOL NOW. A.ccordian and gui, tars supplied while 3r414, learn, 'Les- sons taught in Clinton. For infor- mation write Charles Pounder, 196 Wedder Street, Goderich, Phone 604 until 3 nan. 13-4-5-p LET US REPAIR AND MAU your rings and jewellery like new, Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chan- ces, Expert work clone reasonably to your satisfaetion. Watch re- pairs and Pearl, restringing. W. N Counter, 15p - 4 PASTURE FOR RENT PASTURE FOR RENT. Can past- ure, a number of young cattle by the month. Plenty of grass, water and shade. Phone HU 2-9836. Lloyd Medd, RR 1, Clinton. 15b PASTURE TO ,RENT. Apply Mrs, T. Booth, phone HU 2-9949. 15b CATTLE TO PASTURE, Have room for ten head of yearlings. L. M. Jervis, phone HU 2-9208. 15-6-b PERSONAL OFFERING from BACKACHES, heumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lum- ago is over if you let RUIVIACAPS elp you to relief. Ask your drug- st. 15b Poultry For Sale i0SjNGS—There is still a limit - d quantity ofeclay-old and started, eavy breed gosling, available for pril. Also goose hatching eggs. rder yours nqw. M. Brunsdon, ondesboro, phone Blyth 25r19. 14-5-b • Property For Sale ESIRABLE LOT FOR SALE on aglan Street, near two schools, s Cantelon, phone HU 2-9483. • 15-6b SMALL STORE in the Village f Auburn. Would make into a ouse or summer cottage, Apply o Box 35, Auburn Ont. 15b RAME BARN, 36x50. This 'liarn 'mild be used for remodelling, Ap- ly Ross C. Trewartha, RR 4, linton, phone HU 2-9147., 15-6-p I-IREE BEDROOM SEVEN -Room ottages 3 -piece bath, oil heated, ew sunporch. Close to uptown n Highway 4. Available May 1. pply Harvey Ashton. Phone HU -3880. ' 12-b-tfb 30 ACRE ratalVD-44, mile from ghway 4, neanschobl and village, n Hullett Tciwnship; 8 -room brick ouse; L-shaped barn with silo; arge 'implement shed; 35 acres plowed; 30 acres hay; rest pasture and bush. Mrs. Fern . Kennedy. 15p HELP WANTED—MALE . . RELIABLE MAN TO OPERATE power lawn roller. Must have car. Ray Potter, Clinton. Phone ,Clin- ton HU 2-9997. 15b Livestock For Sale TWO HOLSTEIN COWS, due next month. Phone HU 2-3283. 15p HOLSTEIN CALIF, suitable for vealing. Apply to Ross Trewartha, RR 4, Clinton. Phone HU 2,9147. 1.5p Livestock Wanted OLD HORSES WANTED at 3% cents lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at one, • Gilbert Bros. Mink Raneh, phone Goderich collect 148334 or 1483J1. 14 to 25..p ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt, courteotis collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co, of Canada Ltd. 5-p-tfb LOST and FOUND LOST—OUTSIDE LEGION Hall, or near Boiding Alley, on the evening of April 8, lady's wrist waten, geld with black cord strap. Valued as keepsake. Reward. Phone HU 2-9268. 15b LOST — LARGE COLLIE DOG, brown, with white eollar, answers tc "Laddie," Strayed from home rriclay—has been seen on 6th. con- cession Goderich ToWnship. Call Wilmer Harrison collect, Gode- rich 815J1. 1.5p, MONEY WANTED $2,100 required, Pay back $2,500 at $125 a Meath. Box 14.1 Clinton Notices 1-1ELP KEEP CLINTON CLEAN. All newapapers, Magaziees, and haSee paper Must be tied Or put in telltale. Art rtilford,garbage col- lector.. 15-6-7-p Pet Stock White-Giarit RABBITS, Phone Mr 2-9117, after 5 p.M. 15p Salesmen Wanted SPLENDID RAWLEIGH Business available in Huron County. Pro- ducts well known. Opportunity un- limited for big sales and good pro- fits. Start Your business on credit without experience. Write today for full information. Rawleigh's, Dept, D-169-224, Montreal, Que, 15&17b START A PERMANENT YEAR - round business. You begin earning good money the first day. Strictly your own boss. Famiiex's excep- tional quality assures quick, easy sales with plenty of repeat orders, Your hometown and surroundings —your territory. All families are customers and users of products such as ours. Write for details. Fashilex, Dept. 55, Station C, Montreal, 15b SEED FOR SALE QUANTITY OF TIMOTHY SEED. Tom Carhert, RR 1, Clinton, Phone HU 2-9902. 14-5-p RODNEY OATS, POWER Clean- ed. Apply to James Landsborough. Phone Seaforth 665r16, 13-4-5-p POTATOES. Suitable for seed, Sebagos. , Grown from registered seed. Percy Gibbirigs, phone HU 2-9925. 15-6-p TIMOTHY SEED and ORCHARD Grass. 100 bushel of Beaver oats grown ie. 1955, suitable for seed. Also quantity of baled hay. J. Arnold Jamieson, phone HU 2-9828, ThR 4, Clinton. 14-5-b GARY SEED OATS FOla SALE, cleaned and treated. Also New Idea spreaders and mowers; and one 3 hp. Wagner electric motor. George Wraith, phone 1285, Gode- rich, Ont. 10b-tfb ItElitiCtitg TO latOtivE FOR. SPRING ViSI , The regular Meetihg of the liar - obi° Rebekahs will be held on IVIMiclay, April 15. The District Deputy President Mrs, Jessie Lit - tie Is making' her spring . visit. Brussels Itde will 66 guests, A penny sale will be held arid Iunth served, • . • • BIRTHS BAG,NAtu.,--On SundaY, April 7, 1957, to Sergeant and Mrs. Don- ald ' Bagoall, Lawrence Town, Nova Scotia, (formerly of Clin- ton) a son (brother for Kim and ' Janis). Royal Conpribian Hospital, N e w Westminster, B.C., on Wednesday, April a 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Betties (nee Helen Rogerson) Haney, B.C„ a daughter, (June Elizabeth), Brenrenn—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on TtlesdaY, April 9, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Butler, Clinton, a son. CAMPBELL-aIn Clinton, Public Hospital, on Saturday, April 6, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Campbell, Clinton, a son, CANIVET—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, April 6, 1957, to Sgt, and Mrs. Dennis Canivet, RCAF Station Clinton, a daugh- ter. CLEAVE ---In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, April 7, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. James Cleave, RR 3, Bayfield, a dauehter. lanCON—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, April 10, 1957, to Sgt. and Mrs. Chris. Dixon, RCIAT Station Clinton, a son. enapF_In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, April 9, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hopf, Clin- ton a daughter. pARkEan-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, April .5, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, George Parker, RR 1, Hensel', a daughter. PICKARD—la Clinton. Public -Hos- pital, on Saturday, April 6, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pick- ard, Clinton, a daughter. RAYMOND—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, April 5, 1957, to AC1 and Mrs. Marcel Raymond, R.R. 5, Clinton, a daughter. RILEY—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Thursday, April 4, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, Archie Riley, RR 4, Clinton, a -daughter. SPEIDEL—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, April 7, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Speidel, Clinton, .a daughter, TAYLOR -1a the Military Hospi tal, at Whitehorse, Yukon, on Tuesday, April 2, 1957, to LAC and Mrs. R. A. Taylor (nee Margaret Porter) a son (Rich- ard. William, brother for Mich- ael). • TWENTY1VI4N—In Lake Forest Hospital, on March 30, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Twenty - man, Waukegan, Ill.,' a son, Cleave Edward. • DEATHS GEMEINIIARDT—In Toronto, on Saturday, April 6, 1957, Mary Frances Dupee, widow of the late Frederick Christian Gemein- hardt, in her 77th year. Rested at the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, and funeral service from Trinity Church, Bayfield, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, April 8, by the Rev. C. S. Inder, GINGRICH—In Bad Axe General Hospital, Mich., on Thursday, April 4, 1957, Edith Jean Cleave, formerly of the Blue Water Highway near Bayfield, beloved wife of Joseph Gingrich, in her 70th year. Funeral from the First Methodist Church, Bad Axe, to Colfax Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, April 8. STANBURY--Suddenly in Tors onto, on Monday, April 1, 1957, Kenneth Charles Eastwood Stan - bury, Agincourt, beloved hus- band of Lena Reeve, dear father of Paul, Donald and James; sec- ond son of the late Judge J. C. Star:bury, St. Catherines, form- erly of Exeter and grandson of the late Dr. and Mrs, Richard Steamy, Bayfield. Service from Knox Presbyterian Church, Agincourt, to Pine Hills Ceme- tery, on Thursday afternoon, April 4. 0 'IN MEMORIAM HENRY—In loving memory of Harry Leslie Henry, a dear hus- band and father, who passed way on April 14, 1956, Ever remembered by his wife and daughter. 15-p 0 CARDS OF THANKS 'I wish to thank 'all My friends who sent earth, treats and visited me, while I was a patient in hos- pital, Special thanks to nurses and doctors,—BERT CLIFFORD. 15-b would like to express tny sit -s- pore thanks to all these who so Witty sent cards and flowers while we were in Seaforth HoSpi- tal. Special thanks to Dr. Gore will and the nursing Staff for be. Ing so kind.-- DORVIN BAIRD AND BA33Y. 1.5-p We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciatiort to mu' relatives, neighbours tald Moods and various organizations; special thanks to Dr, Oakes 'arid Rev. C. Wilson and the Hall and affutth ftineral home for their many acts �f kihdriess, dards, ineesagee and floral tributee extended to us in the loss of a dear loving Mother. THE FAMILY OF MRS, COOP- ER. 15-p PARK • THEATRE • GODERICH NOW -Playing; "MAN.IN ,GRAT LNE SUIT" (Scope .10Iolour). Gregory Peek7,OStriaKer. Olones MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "THE CATERED AFFAIR" Mother insisted on a BR wedding and father went broke trying— Good Comedy Ernest Borgnine, Debbie Reynolds THURSDAY, FRIDAY . • and SATURDAY "SEVEN MEN FROM NOW" (Teehnicolor) The sheriff vowed by his murdered wife that seven men would die -- COW he Win against such words -- Outstanding Western, Randolph Scott, Gall Russell Corning "WRITTEN ON THE WIND" Award Winner Rock Hudson -- Lauren Hacall NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Agnes Hamilton, late of the Town of Clinton In the County of Hum* Spinster, deceased. All persons havingclaims again- st the Estate of the above deceas- ed are required to file the same with the undersigned ,Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the. 15th day of April, A.D. 1957, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed amongst the panties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 26th day of March, AD 195'1. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate 13-4-5.6 Executor's AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS of the Estate of the late Agnes Hamilton, from her former.resi- dence on Mill Street, Clinton, on Saturday, April 13 at 1.30 1).m., the following 3 piece chesterfield suite, dining room table and chairs; studio couch.; 2 piece bedroom suite; wal- nut writing desk; 6 antique chairs; cherry glass top cupboard; book; case; 3 small tables; 3 rocking chairs; walnut chest of drawers; Raymond drop head sewing mach- ine; Sunshine Rangette; Astral re- frigerator; Beatty washing mach- ine; floor -tri-light; arm chair; kit chert table and chairs; kitchen stool; lawn mower; Chesterfield vacuum cleaner; garden tpols; pic- tures; dishes; cooking untensils and numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH William Hamilton, joint Leiper, Executors of the Estate Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 14-5:b Clearing ' AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, MACHINERY AND HOUSEHOLD EIVECTS At lot 31, Con. 3, East Wa,wanosh Township, 11/2 miles east and 2 mites west of Auburn, on Wednesday, April 17 at 1 p.m. Cattle: 10 milking cows; 7 fresh Holstein cows, one Holstein cow due time of sale; 4 Holstein cows ctue May and June; one Jersey cow due in. June; 1 Holstein heifer just bred; 3 yearling Holstein heifers; 4 bull calves; 3 heifer calves, all of artificial bred; (all young stock). Pigs: 3 sows with litters 6 weeks old at time -of sale; 3 sows with litters 2 weeks old at time of sale; one sow due at time of sale. All straight York. Implements: one McCormick Deering binder; 1 Deering mower; a 9 ft. trailer like new with stock rack; pig troughs; electric fence equipment; a garden sprayer; milk pails and, strainer; turnip slicer; forks; shovels and other articles, Also a quantity of lumber 2 x 2, 2x 4, and 2 x 6. Also 50 bales of hay and 120 bushels of Rodney oats. Furniture; Tables; chairs; 4 beds with springs; a baby crib and child's bed; a double door book- case; dressers; Dutch dressoir; one organ; china cabinet; wall pictur- es; curtain rods; drapery; some chinaware; linoleum rug; couch; a Westinghouse vacuum cleaner, like new; bicycle; sealers; and a Que- bec heater, etc. Terms: Cash / Casey de iFroan, Proprietor Harold Jackson Auctioneer George Powell, Melt 15-b ASHTON'S TAXI Operate,d by Lit' ASHVON DAY or NIGHT CALL HU- 209036 ROXY THEATRE Clinton Two Shows Nightly ' Wide Screen NOW -,Thursday, Friday and Saturday "WALK THE PROUD LAND" colorful action drama based on the story of a real Apache agent, John Own, Filmed in the Arizona Desert. Audio Murphy -- Anne :Baheroft „Charles Drake - MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY 'BOTrolVi OF THE BOTTLE' (Adult Entertainment) Dramatic tale of bitter coneliet between two brothers, one black sheep and a drunkard, the other a successful, attorney, Van Johnson , Joseph Cotten Ruth Roman Coming: "SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS" John Wayne Betty Field Sports Rally In Clinton.For Girls For the second Year, the Girls Auxiliary of St. Paul's Anglican Church will hold: a Sports Rally, and are inviting neighbouring Girls' Auxiliaries, members of the First Clinton, Guide Company; the Second Clinton RCAF Guide Com- pany and the Clinton Bluebells. The date has been set for Sat- urday afternoon, June 22, on the old Public School grounds: now the property of the Commercial Hotel. Clearing AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, MACHINERY AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS At Lot 32, Con. 4, L.R.S., Tuck- ersmith Township 21/2 railes east of Brueefield, or 21/2 west of Eg- mon4ville, on Min Road Thursday, April 18 at 12 o'clock sharp Cattle; Registered Hereford bull, 4 years old; Registered Holstein cow 6 years old, fresh January 1 (heifer calf); 1 Holstein cow 5 years old fresh 1 month (twin cal- ves); 1 Holstein cow 4 years old, fresh; 1. Holstein cow 3 years old, to freshen May 20; 1 blue cow 6 years old, to freshen in June; 1 Registered Dual -Purpose, 3 years old, milking; 1 Durham cow 5 years old, fresh in December and rebred; 2 Durham cows 6 years old, fresh 1 month; 1 Durham cow 6 years old, due time of sale; 1 Jersey cow 3 years old, fresh 1 month; 1 Jersey cow 7 years told, fresh 2 months; 1 Registered Here- ford caw 6 years old, fresh 1 mon- th (heifer calf); 1 Registered Hereford heifer 3 years old; 1 Hereford cow 4 years old, due time of sale; 3 Hereford cows 4 years old, fresh 2 months, rased March 5 and February 2.7; 7 two-year-old steers, 900 Ibs.; 4 2 -year-old heif- ers, 700-800 lbs.; 10 Hereford year- lings; 4 Fall calves; number young calves. Pigs: 2 York saws, 3 litters, bred January 30; 2 York sows, 1 litter, bred February 1 and 18; 1 York hog 1 year old; 13 chunks. Machinery: McCormick - Deer- ing "H" tractor, scuffler and bean puller (new hi '51); McCormick - Deering "A" • tractor; New Holl- and baler 76; Case 6 -ft. combine with motor and all attachments; 1.947 Studebaker 3 -ton truck, eq- uipped for beets; new all -steel wagon with 16 -ft. rack; truck tire wagon, steel box; bale elevator; 8% ft. McCormick -Deering stiff tooth cultivator; Massey -Harris drill; 7 -ft. McCormick - Deering ower mower; ,Cockshutt 4 -bar side rake; 7 -ft Case binder; 4 -section harrows; 3 -section drag lever har- rows; 9 -ft 3 -drum steel roller; Me - Deering 3-turrow ace bottom plow; McCormick -Deering manure sprea- der; Case 10 -inch hammer mill; fanning mill; aluminum wheel- barrow.'root pulper; 12 milk cans and strainer; two -wheel trailer with racks; May Rath- grain aug- er; bean cooker; electric pail; 32 - ft. extension ladder; electric fen- cer; Jackal' jack; water trough; iron kettle; poultry equipment, feeders, water, drinkers; 2,000-11). scales; 200 -gallon gas drum with pump; work bench; 75 -ft, drive belt; Stewart electric clippers with bush attachment. Hay, Straw and Grain: Quantity of baled straw and hay; Rodney and Garry oats, suitable for seed. Household Effects: Medium size Quebec heater; enamel Beach ran- ge; enamel topped table with drawers and bins; enamel utility cabinet; hot plate; kitchen chairs; studio couch. Terms: Cash. No reserve; faxen sold. Wilson Droadfoot, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk i5 -b Clearing AUCTION SALE OF FARM, IMPLEMENTS AND Of the Estate of the late John R. Middleton, from bis former rest - dance, lot No. 42, concession lera Goderich Township; half way be- tween Clinton ami Hayfield (near Middleton's Church), ca Saturday, April 20 at 1.30 p.m. Implements Etc.: M.E. No. 33 1953 tractor with L,P.T.On M.H. 15 disc fertilizer drill with power lift; M.H. manure spfeader on ribber; M.H. 7 foot power mower; M.H. 4 bar side delivery rake; M.H. 6 ft Clipper combine with attachments; Fleury Bissel 32 pia- te tandem disc; Spraymotorspray- er with 150 gel tank & booms; Case 2 furrow tractor plow; Marvel grain blower; LH. binder, 7 ft. cut; Otaco wagon and flat rack; drop head hay loader; buzz saw; 5 -sec- tion harrows; 3 -section tractor drag harrows; steel land roller; set of sleighs; dump rake; 2 range shelters; DeLaval 2 unit milking machine (nearly new); 30 gals. el- ectric hot water heater; maple syrup equipment; fruit growing equipment of ladders, hampers, boxes, etc.; quantity of steel posts; quantity of cedar posts; 40 rod of Page fence (new); electric brood- er (300 chick capacity); colony house 8' x 10'; tools; shovels; forks; carpenter's toOrs; 2 bench vices; 2 'rolls of snow fence and numerous other articles. Feed: 100 bales of second cut alfalfa; 150 bales of straw. Poultry: 80 Forman Leghorn pullets (laying). Farm: of 150 acres (more or less) of choice clay loam with. acres of a' young. bearing orchard, 70 acres under cultivation and a farm pond. Situated on this farm are the following buildings: a 10 - room 2 storey brick house with slate roof, full basement, a drilled well, pressure system and a 3 -piece bath; a 1% storey frame house with insul brick siding; an L-shap- ed barn (size 30' x 100' and 80' x 30); silo (35' x 16') with a milking parlour and loafing barns with steel feed racks and pressure sys- tem; an implement shed nearly new (size 30' x 50'); a pig pen (size 50' x 25') with water under pressure; a poultry house; a one car garage. This is a very desirable farm close to church and school with all modern tonvenience.s.• Terms: On implements, feed, etc., cash. Terms on Farm: 10 percent down and balance in 30 days. Farrn to be offered at 3 p.m. and to sell subject to a reasonable reserve bid. Mrs. Leila Middleton, Ross Middleton, Mrs, Lois MacKenzie, - Executors of the Estate Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 15-6-b Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY at 1430 p.m. TERM 8 CASH Y. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT', Auctioneer K. W. COLQUROUN, Clerk GIFT of LOVE! From man to' Woman, from heart to heart, a diam- ond speaks in ten- der terms of happie news and love. • Such an import- ant gift as a dia- mond, should be chosen, with spec- ial dare. Take Time To Choose Your Olaf/1011d in PrivOcy--- Phone Collect for an Evening Appointment legRMS OA BE Alixtorma Anstett Jewellers OPEN' EVERY ritiDAY lockint CLINTON (Phone Ii[U„- 24525) and WALKERTON ;Expert Watch Repairs and Engraving EilLOVA mai& and 61,111.114al WATCHES BLUE rum)* nto ELITE BIRD DIAMONDS SPODE DIEWERWARE .4