HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-04-04, Page 10B# 7.4iO4 'GM M '.(11tinicn Speed and accuracy are criterions that all ggraduates of the Clerk Administration- School, RCAIF Station Aylmer, must devel- op prior -to completing the "Clerk. Admin" course. AW1 Vivian Thompson (seated), Point Edward, 19, is demonstrating the' correct typing method. Standing left to right are: AC1 Warren Findley, 18, Tecumseh and AW1 Joan IVIcLeod, 19, whose mother, Mrs. Mae McLeod, resides at 'Bayfield. These students have graduated as "Clerk ,Typists" and are transferred to RCAF units throughout Canada and overseas. Miss McLeod received a transfer to RCAF Station Clinton. , (RCAF Aylmer photo) New. Scale-Resistant 'Huron' Potato Issued No* To Some Seed Growers O DEBENTURES and GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES HURON & ERIE ill(T,,A( ( RP OR %II (I Head Office London, 04 Distriet Representative IL C, LAWSOM Clinton, COMPI,JMEATS,aF Greek) cards - Ltd. 469 KING T. WEST' - • TORONTO • ONTARIO 4-40*+*-41("7,44-.--•-•4-f- Makers of one. Greeting Cards Sold Exclusively hi• Clinton, at Newcombe's Drug Store Congratulations , And Best Wishes to "Walt" Newcombe It has been, our pleasure to do the. Electrical and Lighting • Instaltations- for this Beautiful New Store. A. Fe SCOTCHMER POWER AND, LIGHTING SEVICE • `PHONE:;:.!6 BAYF1ELDt f 4 4 PERCE STRINGS' 'ART' PUT TON YoUN6 FELL'OW, WE TURN Our THE 1.1614T5 AROUND HERE AT EXAM*? TEN-THIRTY., ....„,"..„, _, IL . 4/4 ' ti tli 40E1THAt.5 SiNELL- 1 Z ."-. • ff o., 1 *7 You AND HAVE YOU EXACTLY WANT. DUTTON'S. i•MI6NTAIDo WANT WHAT WHEN 1 It ....,--t SEE THE RCA LINE OF WHIRLPOOL, APPLIANCES . A. DUTTON UNOC tuA"vIcti Do RA. PwPELs /TA, tfaugs E BRUCEEIELD HU -2 -3232 4,4 WA '.14 41 U ,Buy Amuck* I ' TRACTQRS,.P4RTS.and ACCESSORIES P.T.O. and ENGINE DRIVE BALERS, BALE ELEVATORS, PNEUMATIC and STEEL WHEEL SIDERAKES; is UNTyERSAL and FAST. BITCH POWER, MOWERS, R. • FIELD. HARVESTERS; ENSILAGE and FORAGE BLOWERS; HARVESTER -THRESIDARJ COMBINES; 'WINDROWERS; BEAN HARVESTERS; HYDRAULIC-FAST xurox and POWER LIPF PLOWS on Steel or Rubber; WHEEL CONTROLLED and REGULAR DISC HARROWS, SMOOTHING HARROWS; GRAIN and FERTILIZER DRILLS with: Fluted reed or Double Run, Steel or Pneumatic Tires; t STEEL and PNEUMATIC WHEEL CULTIVATORS; with. Hydraulic or Power Lift; Iv ROW-CROP .CULTIVATORS; 'GRADER BLADES;. PLATFORM CARRIERS; POWER-LOADER,.witk,Hydraulic or 'Trip Bucket; MANURE SPREADERS; WHEEL BARROWS; FARM WAGONS; CREAM SEPARATORS; ELECTRIC WASHERS and DRYERS; ELECTRIC DRILLS; BITS, WRENCHES, TOOLS; ; ELECTRIC WIRING-SUPPLIES; BROODER TAMPS, PAINTS, BRILTSIIIIIIIAnd OILS; WASHING MACHINE OILS and LUBRICANTS; HEAVY DUTY and PREMIUM MOTOR OILS; IlypOID LUBRICANTS, GREASES, Etc. TORQUE and TRANSMISSION LUBRICANTS; • ANTI-FREEZE; RISLONE; SPARK PLUGS; OIL FILTERS; JACK-ALL JACKS; CALCIUM CHLORIDE; BALER and BINDER TWINE; ROLLER and REG. CHAIN; TRACTOR CHAINS; . REGULAR and HIGH-GRADE STEEL BOLTS, CAPSCREWS, NUTS, PINS, WASHERS, Etc. PLASTIC and .STEEL PIPE and FITTINGS; •; COPPER TUBING; WEATHERHE,AD PITIINGS; V-BELTS and PULLEYS; GOODYEAR TRACTOR, TRUCK and AUTO TIRES, TUBES, HOSE, Etc. JOHN BACH Your I.H. Truck, Tractor and Farm Equipment Dealer PHONE 17 SEAFORTH Ete.„, 2480 Dundas- Street TORONTO, ONTARIO .Manufacturers and Designers Of Your STORE FIXTURES WISH TO CONGRATULATE W. C. NEWCOMBE on the pening of his ew, Modern, Self-Serve Drug Store rOVSPRECIP41? TMASDAY.,, Ae0•44 -o Turaips.Deiicious,. Oil, Early Su r At tills' season of the ',year., whew some fresh,- home-grOwn'!.vegetables are in short supply,: homemakers might do well :to Make use- of the. turnip which is• a nutritious food ' and .delicious addition: te•the fain ,..ily. diet as well. The. Nutrition :Division, Home Economies Service,- 'of the Ontario Department of.Ag- ...riculture advises that. turnips con- ' tain, an abundance of Vitaniin C, 'as well as other vitamins and min- erals, whiCh are essential toltealth. Turnips may be . served in many ways and when properly. prepare4 ,have. both eye appeal and flavor, 'interest. The most popular way. of serving turnips is also the most simple -plain boiled and seasoned JO- the: family taste. There are !however! Many additions and !bina.tions. that point up flavor and ProVide interesting variety. Brown stiger is a popular addition• to the seagdoing.arid honey is a good al- ternative: A little grated' onion mixed with a bit of bacon fat adds interet, dOes chopped parsley, a"bit of • grated lemon rind -and a generous squeeze of lemon juice. A Meeting of the Huron County Junior-'Farmers and junior insti tute was held WednesdaY evening, March zr, in the Agricultural (317. flee Board Roorae with the new, president, Boyd Taylor in charge, There were 30 in attendance., The Annual Junior Farmer Church .Service for Huron County will be held on June in James •Street ..Church, Exeter, with the Rev, Harold 'Snell as guest speak. et The committee in charge eon., eista of Boyd Taylor, Shirley Michael, Maurice Love, Catherine Campbell and Earl 1VieSpadden. The H. lt. ,Baker Meeting Im- provement Trophy will be given to the Winning club at the Junior Farmer At Home, on April 26. During the Year twe sets of judges visited two a the meetings of each club and, judged them. The re- minder of the meetings were judged by the notices and reports which were sent into the agrieul- tural office reach, month. These judges were Mr.• and'Mrs. George Robertson SS 5," Goderich,' and Kr. and. Robertson, Pymi SS 1, Cen- tralia. , From May 1 :ta MaY 9, Ronald A hew Scab-resistant variety of potato will be planted this Yearly about 75 Ontario potato growers, reports the Field Crops Branch of the Ontario Department of Agri- culture. The hew. variety named "Huron',',..„was licensed.. under • the. Canadian -Seed:s`;'AOCIDOember -19 .'4 It originated••at.,the ,EVIPeri- Metittjt.: Fedefie.tOti; ineludine'thei6:of:thitarie.• Regional and the Ontario Scab, Rel. search Committee. The "Hurdri" variety. has • been grovoi and Multiplied - under .Cer- tification, in:sped-0o* for the past two years; —APPreIdiliately 1,000 75 lb. bags of Certified Foundation Seed are available and have been allocated by a Foundation Seed Committee to Certified Seed Growers in the province. • CharacteriStics of the new Hui., on variety are as follows: High yeilding (35 percent higher than Katandin in Ontario trials over .a three year 'period). Higher in -to- tal solids than Katandin-49.5 per cent versus 18.5 percent over a three year 'period. Moderately re- sistant solids to comnieri,Cab- pecially the pitted type:" Immune in the field to virus B, resistant to virus A and Y; suscep- tible to leaf roll and verticillium wilt; highly resistant to early blight but moderately susceptible to late blight, Under dry condi- tions exhibits a curling of the leav- es which is diffictilt to distinguish from the virus 'leaf roll. Very late maturing—later than Sebago. Tubers resist skinning during harvesting. Tubers not as smooth as Katandin; apical eyes medium deep under certain growing condi- tions. Has superior cooking qual. Blyth Co=op To Stage Open House Everyone Invited Milk and cream producers in the area and their wives are invited to an Open House, at myth Co-op Cheese Factory and Creamery. The Blyth plant is one' of the most modern in Western Ontario and was built in 1952 to replaCe the previous plant that was destroyed by fire. Proof that quality is the .key- word at the myth plant is borne out by the fact in the recent On- tario Creamery Association con- test, Blyth was fifth in the provin- ce and first in Huron County for high score butter, During the past year over 99 percent of the cheese produced at myth graded number one. Open HouSe will be held Wed- nesday, April. 10, from 2 to 5 pm. Producers will have the opportun- ity of seeing the cheese and butter made. Tours of the plant will be featured •and representatives of the Department of Agrictilture will he in attendance Refresh., meets will be served. Zvery milk and eream producers is invited to attend this important event, FRIENDLY FEW (By our ConStatito correspondent)' The Friendly Few Farm. Forum held their last meeting of the year at the home of Mr, and' Mrs. Ross McGregor. Progressive eu- chre was V.-tyed and the pris Went to, high, It/frs, William;, Jew- itt Mid Deuglas Riley; low, It -Mastertnart• and Earl "LaWSait A 'delicious littich of sandwiches, pie' and lee trearn was .sexed. , Tlici vote by 'secret ballot ,was first used in a national election in. Canada, in won Junior Fir For CauntyRwide ers# ay Plans h s hurt: ervice Farquarson a •Scottish Young Farmer, Will visit Huron. County. Ronald will be •staying with ',Inn- for- :Farmers from the Clinton and Seaterth. Clubs. • it was 'brought to the secretar. ies' attention of each club that the deadline for the Junior Farmer Membership fees to be sent into the, Department of Agrieulture Of- fice is. Thursday, April. la Larry. Wheatley; " SS • 1,' DUlatio, $eafOrth Junior Farmers, -Wes''ap-- pointed Assistant County Director. for the Provincial Junior' Farmer Board of Direeters. Tickets were distributed to the different clubs for the Inter-Coun- ty Drama Festival, being held in the War Memorial Hall,•Guelph, on Tuesday, April 9, at 7.30. Com- peting are Halton, Huron, Peel, Waterloo and Wellington Counties. A Field Day committee Was el- ected as follows; Harry Bridges, North-Huron; Boyd Taylor, Nor- th-Huron; Joyce Little, Colwan- ash; Shirley McMichael,. Wroxeter; Bill Dougall, South-Huron; Bert Pepper, Clinton and • Catherine Campbell, Seaforth. This. ebnimit- tee will meet with the Perth Jun- ior Farmers to plan the Perth- Huron Field Day which will be held in Perth sometime in Rule. It was .decided to have a one or -two day bus trip some time in the summer or fall Months. A cern.- mittee of A. S.,13.Olton,,Boyd.TaY-. Jar, Shirley MolVlichael, Murray Gaunt, Kenneth Campbell and Catherine Cimpbell, is in charge of lining up the. trip 'and setting 'the date: The next Huron County EXecu- tive meeting will be. held in the 'Board Rooms on the lest Wednes- day In May. 'We now have the NO-IRON SHIRT BY FoRSYTH l'—the only English broad- cloth shirt that needs absolutely no ironing. E RI‘i A N.'S MEN'S WEAR Phone 1113 2-9351 CLINTON ity to Katandin and resists after- cooking darkening, The introduction of this- new variety could mean that many sections , of the province which no longer, grow potatoes because of the high incidence of • scab or or- ganiirn in their, alkali ,soils, may. again be, ,able .t6 piodUce a :top -,qual,ti,tyAzOdUct and help meet the demands "of, vir,.groWine popula