HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-04-04, Page 9,44 of '1.feron County was .deeief ..nated a supervised area under .the 43rncellOSia. Act 1956 on April 1,- 19M, 'Thereafter all female calves' roust be vaccinated within the - .ages ,prescribed in the Act, and the cost of .vaizeinatiOn will. be .11,orne by the Province of Ontate do, • Inasmuch as the service of town- =ship inspectors have been dispen- sed with it becomes the responsi- Etrility of.each cattle owner to. make $arrangerreents for the vaccination. -of his calves, and those who fail to carry out this requirement may 'be charged with an offence under Insofar as possible every cat- 'tie will have the privilege of having his calves vaccinated by a veterinarian Of his own choos- ing. Consequently' every practi- tioner has been given an opportun- ity of participating in the pro- gram. In order to qualify for re. muneration it Will be necessary for the veterinarian to enter into an aggreement with the ;VI-Mister of Agriculture, and each one who signs such agreement will re- ceive a certificate of his appoint- ment. Under the circumstances cattle owners should make cer- tain that a veterinarian has an agreement with the Minister be- fore placing a request,for vaccin- ation services. Calves may be vaccinated after reaching four months of age but We have a complete line of Bulk Garden Seeds and Packages. If there is anything we haven't got, we can get it in three days. LAWN SEED—either in packages or we can make any mixture for you that you desire. Fertilizers We carry VIGORO, SHEEP FERTILIZ- ER, SHUR-GAIN and MILORGANTTE. National Fertilizers FOR FARM USE FOR RICH OREM LAWNS AND. BEAUTIFUL TREES use NATIONAL PLANT FOOD MASTER LAWN' -GRASS MIXTURE In 1 pound boxes . Your Headquarters for RENNIE'S . SEEDS H. F. WETTLAUFER BINDS and SEEDS MARY STREET VLINTON ' PHONE HU 2-9792 MILK and CREAM, PRODUCERS OF THIS AREA ARE INVITED TO ATTEND Open House BLYTH CO OP Wednesday, April iOth . p.m. to 5 1;.m. J.? See .hOw Quality BLYTH BRAND CHEESE and BUTTER are made in a plant co- operatively owned and controlled by 250 farmers in this area. REFRESHMENTS DOOR PRIZES 14-b • le tY '4*43 W. THOMPSON • 14ENSALL and Sain*„%jank ited, • ,Plgone 32 THRuirPos Plymouth' Smartest 'looking new beauty that ever dressed up a driveway or caused a flurry of excite- ment in your neighbourhood! .rOlks scorn to agree that Plymouth's really a honey this 'year—tor looks, perfortnance,, riding comfort, roominess, safety! And who are we to deny it? After all, Plymouth does have the highest standard horsepower of the low-price field. It does happen to be the lowest priced car with modern proved-in-use push- button driving . . . revolutionary Torsion-Aire Ride . . and new Super-Safe Total-Contatt brakes. Don't accept less fat your money than this fresh, frisky new Thrill4Jowet Plyinouth has to 'offer. 'Coble see us soon . . and learn how easily you tau own one! Chrysler Corporation Of Canada, Limited . You're ,alwatys a step ahead in cars of The forward Look See us about getting your new Thrill-Power Plymouth today, it's the lowest priced car in Canada with: • Flight-Sweep 157 styling • V-8 dr 6 thrill-Power 60 • Total-Contact brakes Torsion-Aire Ride • Advanced Chrysler quality engineering • ...and push-button Torque-Flits cuitoniatic transmission MURPHY BROS. Shiro**, Street Clinton, .0titatio------ -Phone 111U 24 • CLOVER and GRASS SEEDS We have a complete stock of ALFALFA,' RED CLOVER, ALSIKE, YELLOW and WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER, WHITE DUTCH and LADINA CLOVERS BROME GRASS, Etc. Permanent Pasture Mixtures . . . . Place Orders While Stock Is Available. We are quoting very attractive prices and replacement orders would require nigher retail prices. SEED GRAIN AU varieties available in, Registered No. 1; Certified No. 1 and Commercial No. 1. Treated and Packed in New date OAT VARIETIES—Garry, Rodney, Simcoe and Beaver. Registered and Commercial !blank and Montcalm Barley. High quality seeds will be in short supply this spring, To be sure of your requirements ORDER NOW! FERTILIZER We'll Deliver To Yfflir Farm AMMONIUM NITRATE IN STOCK We are contracting for Malting Barley 2. Registered Seed Oats. HAVE YOUR SEEDS CLEANED AND TREATED AT OUR MODERN CLEANING PLANT Your seed can be delivered and cleaned without being bagged Phone us and arrange a date to clean and treat your requirements, W. G. THOMPSON and Sons .Limited PHONE 8Z liONSALL • Compulsory CaIf Vaccinations for BruteOasis) Free OE Charge Hay and Pasture Mixture We can make up a 20 lb. per acre mixture at from $8.50 to $9,00 per acre. PHONE IlUnter 2-7041 , 3. If the veterinarian chosen has an agreement with the Minis- ter (and every practitioner has had an opportunity of en: tering into such aggreement) the cost of vaccination will be borne by the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. 4. Certain restrictions apply fto the movement of female cat- tle aver 11 months. of age from non-supervised, areas into sup; erelsed areas; so consult your veterinarian before• moving cattle across county botindar- ieS. 5. Every cattle owner who fails to have his` calves vaccinated, or who contravenes any other provisions of the Act may be charged with an offense. NAP Neimee. , Must lre vaccinated before WIMP, ing 11 months of age. Thus a calf born on January 1 .may be vaeeIn- nteci any time between May 1 and November 30 of the year of birth. Ineideatally,' notice to. the vetein- Allan that a calf is available for vaccination, . may be. given after, it is four months old but .must be given before it is tee months old., • In, addition -to notifying a veter- inarian that calves are available. for vaccination the -cattle owner must 45014 the veterinarian, quested, by res'taining each calf while it is being vaccinated. • - Under the Act certain restric- tions apply to the movement of female cattle into supervised areas. Full partic.t.tlars.. with regard to the nature of these restrictions may be obtained from your veterinar- ian or Agricultural Representative. Notice To Cattle Owners All of the County of Huron has been designated aesupervised area as of April 1,1957, under the pro- visions of the Brucellosis Act, 1956. As a result; 1. Every female calf, except those in listed herds, must be vac- Mated after reaching the age of four months but before at- taining the age of 11 months. 2. Cattle owners may have their calves vaccinated by the veter- inarian of their own choice. • Huron Farm Forums Rally Attracts 200 To.. OM Auditorium; Social. Held Huron County Farm Forum, 445414 nation. In agriculture, Norman J, Thomas give his lecture Rally was held in Clinton Dlotriet. goodly number out to hear Prof. Collegiate Institute on Wedne4day. evening, March 27, There was a make a reasonable living by re- estic requireinents. New Zealand is dependent on wor- Id trade while Canadian fanners' Costs are such that they can only stricting their production to dom- on his trip to New Zealand and 'Carl Hemingway was called on Australia. His pictures were ed.. as representative of the Federa- ticational as well as entertaining ties of Agriculture and expressed and his philosophy refreshing. The appreciation to the Forums for the best way to overcome our own part they are playing in solving difficulties is to res117,e that other the problems confronting rttral countries have obstacles to contend. communities and alSo hoped that with also!' there would be a large increase in The big difference in the two the number of Forems next year, countries, is that New Zealand's Harry Lear with Mrs. Lear at economy is entirely dependent the piano favoured with a vocal on 4grienitural production while solo and Miss Greig entertained Canada is fast becoming an in- with a piano solo, Varna Local OFU Preparing Union's Policy Resolutions mittee was formed to take care of in the Varna Township Hail, on any resolutions the members wish to send in to head office. Tuesday, March 26, During the business period a resolution com- Farm Union/ Local 131 met MP's. Western farmers felt that arises in parts serviced by the CN1R because they help subsidize the way of bringing pressure to get 'them. When this probleni box cars and they have no they get results through their OPR inspite of its showing a net As these resolutions form the profit of over $41,000,000 in 1956, Farm Union policy this is very im- it should be nationalized. portant, Because farmers' have Mr. Hill emphasized the need for not contributed to present infla- efficient marketing and legislation tion, but are victims of high inter- He said he was very disappointed est rates and credit restrictions that the result of the Supreme it was decided that some action Court decision was so vague. With should be taken concerning this. eight of Ontario's most learned The secretary was instructed to judges working on this problem it write to the Minister of Municipal is disheartening that a more eone Affairs to find out the proper and crete decision had not been reach- legal steps necessary for those who ed. He said members of Parlia- do not wish to contribute to the ment when discussing this decision Federation of Agriculture levy. referred to it in their own inter- Gordon Hill, county director, pretation and everyone seemed to spoke on the annual brief presen- have a •different one. ted in Ottawa, February 19. He Mr. Hill spoke on organizational said they were well received by Work being carried on by Bob the Cabinet, , all political parties Taylor and' himself.. He said re-and the Price Support Board. -He sponse his been great and indica-outlined the brief and said the de- tes the need•• of such an organiza-sire to have the CIPIR nationalized tion for farmers. New locals have came from Western farmers. been formed in St. Marys, Gran- "In some loealities where farm- ton, Greenway, Thedford, Wyozn-, ers are serviced only by CPR they ing and Alvinaton. He said this is have great difficulty in obtaining typical of what is happening all - wroth Ontario. • a Ernie TalbOt, who sat in on the presentation of the brief to 'the ag• ricultur al committee of the prov- incial go vernment, .commented on the interest Shawn by Mr. Frost and his -government. :He said it Was noteworthy that .94 percent of food' produced in Canada is con- sumed here. Bob' Taylor who was a delegate to the annual Meeting of the On- tario Concentrated Milk Producers Ottawa spoke. He expres- sed diaaPpoiritment' at lack of act- ion at this meeting' and 'stated that the request for a 16 cent support n skim 'milk- powder was price o not high enough because' the 'goy: gave them 17 cents 'which ernment still doe s' not meet cost of pr6duc- ton. • Mr. T aylier in referring' to a de- House of Commons, on the bate in egg, situatiOn, stated, that. Mr. Gardner said it was up to each province to see the producer gets fleor price. At- the present time t. price is a protection to the flee processor not the fariner-e, the ,proc James Scott, prominent Seaforth farmer entertaieedlhe group with pictures --,taken in Scotland,, Xiag- land and France. These. were very educational and portrayed the beautiful country side and ancient architecture found in these Old s. Also of interest were the breeds of cattle found in the Scottish Highlands. 0 4-H Clubs Name 1957. Executive Further elections in 441 Clubs have resulted in the following ex- ecutives: Hayfield 4-H Beef Calf Club, president, Carol Pepper; vice-pres- ident,* Ralph Holland; secretary, Barbara Watkins; press reporter, Bud Yeo, Bayfield 441 Dairy Calf Club, president, Murray Lobb; vice-pres- ident, Jim Harrison; secretary, Donald Lobb; press reporter, Jam-4 es Storey. Lucknow-Dungannon 4-H Trac- tor •Maintenance Club, president, Kenneth Alton; vice-president, Crawford MacNeil; secretary, Dav- id Kirkland; press reporter, liam Andrew. One hew club, the Lucknow Lions 4-H Grain Club has been, far- med With 12 members. The Luck- now 4-H Calf Club with 20 mem- bers; the Dungannon Beef Calf Club with 18 and the Dungannon Swine Club, all have been organ- ized, but no election of officers have yet been held, The federal unemployMent surance fend is supported by eon- tribations from insured workers and their employers plus payments front the government's general tax revenues. Second largest itt eastern Canada, second only to the St. Lawrence, Is the Ottawa, hearlY 7Oli miles lit length, 44$*;s1pnot Ifni •ott of A. Enjoys Entetiroratty ReidIn. Londe bozo Co unity Halt The Mullett Township Federa- • Winners. at Cards were; Weeneen'S um of .Agriculture held a Para. high, Mts. Robert Fairservige; lone party and flame, in the Lonclesboro hands, Mrs. Robert FairaerVice; Community Haii on Friday loW, Mrs. Petleickl men's high, Ed. ing, March ..29, Norris's Orchestra YonnghlUtt; lone hand; Mr.. Pet. supplied the 'muse fOr the dance. hick; 'low, Barry Pipe.. TIMM)" APRIX; 1907 GUNTON IslEWS-RIKORP ads what e 'best- dressed."driveways a -wear g this year... re 4