HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-04-04, Page 6The Clinton Ministerial Assoc- iation has arranged for, a. series Of Worshipful hours durings Holy. Week in which the minds of all attending the .services will be foe- Used -on the Christian doctrine Qf . • the CroSs. • The meditations will be led by F/1.. the Rev,„ Ben Garrett, prht- estant Chaplain. ,at RCAF Station Clinton, with the resident elPrgY-hien conducting the devotional Worship., Mr. :Garrett's subjects have been well chosen and will follow' %each evening in the following or- der; Monday, April 15, "The Sentiment of the Cross"; Tuesday, April 16, "The Sentence of the Crose; Wednesday, April 17,-,"The Strategy of the Cross"; Thursday, April 18, "The Sacrainent of the • Cross". The services will be conducted at RAW Notes Friendship night, Saturday, Ap- ril 6, will be an important occas- ion in the life of Clinton Lodge IOOF No, 83. Lodges from the entire area will be represented. The meeting will be held in. the Christian Education hall of On- tario Street United Church, Out- standing drillwork of the Cantons front Niagara Falls will be pres- ented. Grandmaster W. O. Jef- fery, Kitchener, will be present and address the gathering. All Oddfellows and their wives and Rebekahs and their husbands and friends of the order will be wel- comed. Completes Course CHARLES ERIC 'CLEAVE son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Patti Cleave, Bayfield, will graduate next Friday, April 12, front the Prairie Bible Institute, Three Hills, Alberta, wnere he has been taking a five year theological course, specializing in Bible and Missions, Don't wait until Easter And Expect a Large Selection of Suits and Coats from which you might choose Your Outfit. THE MERCHANDISE IS ARRIVING DAILY AND GOING OUT DAILY NOW i's the Time to Choose-- A SUIT-DRESS or ALL-PURPOSE COAT -- BLOUSE or SWEATER PURSES -- GLOVES and SCARVES are also in demand. Our Advice Is To •Shop Now! Spring Drapery Samples Have Arrived. Visit' Our New Department on the Ground Floor OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS LADIES WEAR OOQO •WrI41r-, ,V.X4111$ WIT40. NAVW ON ARM The Good Will club of WealeY- Willis. United Church, will meet in the ,churph parlor Qh Tliesclay .evening, Apra 9. Mrs. Stewart Middleton, 134 3, Clinton, will re- view the 'Wok, ""Archibald the Am, tic," by Archibald Fleming, "The Plying Bishop," Bargaiin Week at JILL'S To Clear Men's DRESS SHIRTS Reg, $3.95 ' 9 17 Your Choice ...•.....,. Gel Penman's UNDERWEAR, DRAWERS and e OQ SHIRTS each •P 2. • COMBS. "95" Now $5.90 Flannelette SHIRTS Reg. $3,25 Now each $1.99 BUY NOW AND SAVE. $$$ AT Till•i Clothing 8t jiff S„, Footwear "The Family Store" ALBERT ST. — CLINTON PHONE MILT 2-9641 MINTON NN.1741S,AVC041? PERSONAL in Varna. SPORTS For'..'PLAY GYM , Men's .. 6-12 Boys' 1-5 Youth's ,„ 10.18 out, Now Spring Shim-dents Have )1rUst Artivedi CHOOSE NOW:— WHILE SE'L)E,CTION Is COMPLETE AIKEN'S Lugg'age kCiothing Ministerial Arranges Pre-Easter Service in Wesley-Willis Church eight o'cloat each, evening in Wes- ley-Willis United Church, and they are intended to strengthen the faith of men and women attend- ing, in the- central truth of the Christian gospel, , namely, the death of Christ as related to the salvation of sinfid man, It is the hope of the members of 'the Ministerial Association that as many Christian people of the com- munity as possible will avail them-, selves of this opportunity to "leng- then their cords", and "strengthen their stakes," A cordial invitation is extended to the whole- community to par- ticipate in these Holy Week ser- vices, Monday, -April 15 to ,Thurs- day, April 18. k. o ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mi. and Mrs. Victor Taylor wish to announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter Leola -Bernice, to Charles-Don- ald Proctor, youngest son of •-the late Mr, and Mrs, William Proctor, Goderich. `The wed- ding to take place in Bruce- field United Church, on Satur- day, April 27. 14-b Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J, Hudie, Clinton, announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Irene, to Mr. pines Gor- don Camerpn, -London, son , of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred A, Cam- eron, -Sea-forth. The marriage will take .place on April 27, in St. Paul's Anglican Church, at three o'clock. 14-x Ontario St. 'CMS Meeting Led By Mrs. Lavis Mrs. J. B. Lavis conducted the) Woman's' Association meeting at Ontario Street United Church on Tuesday evening, when Mrs. W. B. Olde was in charge of the devo- tional service based on the subject, "Self-sacrifice." The assistant secretary read the minutes. Canvassers were named to assist with the Cancer Society fund drive. Miss Sybil Courtice gave a read- ing on the "Crucifixion, of Christ," and six members of the WA sang, "He Arose." They were accom- panied by Miss E. Wiltse at the piano. Miss E. Phun„steel gave 'the reading, "The one who was Faithful," and after a hymn and the benediction, a lunch was ser- ved by the ladies from St. John's ward, BUDGIES — — CANARIES — 11•11111.Mili GOLD FISH Hartz Mounyain Bird and Fish Food, etc, CAGES -- ST/kW:0S and ACCESSORIES K. ,C, COOKE Florist HU 2-7012 Clinton MIS CP ONTARIO STREET WILL MEET APRIL 9 The Woman's Missionary Soc- iety of Ontario -Street United Church will hold its April meet- ing. on Tuesday, April 9, at 2,30 p.m. Roll call.,"An Easter Verse." CLINTONIAN CLUB TO' MEET ON WEDNESDAy The Clintonian Club will hold their meeting on Wednesday, April 10, in the Council Chamber, at 2 p.m. There will be a sale of bulbs, plants and slips, WEDDINGS 1 Elliott-Forrester. (By our Hayfield correspondent) Trinity Church, Bayfield, beaut- ifully decorated with spring flow- ers, was the scene of a very pret- ty wedding on Saturday afternoon, March 30, at 2 o'clock. The- Rev. W. S. Outerbridge joined in holy matrimony, Miss Helen Edith Forrester, daughter of Mrs. James A. Cameron, Bayfield and Robert Roy Elliott, son of Morton Elliott, Varna, The dainty bride, given in mare ria.ge by her stepfather James A. Cameron, was beautiful in a street length dress of iris blue silk, fash- ioned with a fitted bodice. and flar- ing skirt. In contrast she *ore a handeau of rosebuds in, shades of pink in her hair, and pink glov- es. She carried an old-fashioned nosegay. of pink roses and white 'mums. Mrs. Robert MacVean was her sister's matron. of honour. She wore a street-length frock in navy and white, with navy hat and car- ried a nosegay of red..roses and white, 'mums. ANin Elliott, Collingwood, bro- ther of the groom was grooms- man. The ushers were Alvin Keys and Robert MacVean. Mrs. Willard Sturgeon presided at the organ, and Mrs. 3. B. Hig- gins sang "0 Perfect Love" before the ceremony and "0 Promise, Me" during the signing of the register. Mrs. James A. Cameron chose a navy lace gown, navy hat, and corsage of red roses for the recep- tion. in the Parish Hall. Mrs. • J. Ferguson, Gerson, sister of the &torn, assisted the bride's moth- er in receiving the guests, She wore a two piece frock of green and white paisley print- silk with plain green jacket and white ac- cessories. The bridal table was done in white linen. The three-tiered wedding cake topped with pink rosebuds, was flanked by white tapers in crystal holders. The Liar- al decorations were carried out with spring flowers. For a wed-ding trip to the United States, .the bride- donned a navy blue dress, light blue coat, white hat and accessories. On their return they will reside ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist Christian Reformed Church REV. G. J. HOYTEMA, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Service in Dutch 11.30 a.m.—Sunday School 2.30 p.m.—Service in English Everyone Welcome 41. John F. Park, Toronto, was a recent visitor with Mr, and Mrs. Clifford E•pps. Mr, and Mrs. W, A, Willard, Buffalo, were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shobbrook. on the weekend, „. Miss. Mae Coleman, „stenoprapher at the Department of Agriculture office, Clinthn, returned last week frOM a three weeks visit in Flor- ida, and re-commenced work on Monday morning. Among those attending the fun- eral of the late Mrs. B. P. Will, ISMS in Stratford, on Tuesday, were Mr. and Mrs. John A, _Sutter and Mrs, L, W. Lavis, Clinton, Mr, and Mrs. John Cooper, Kippen. Mrs, W. 5. R: Holmes 'returned on Tuesday after spending several weeks with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Daw- son, Montreal and with Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Holmes and family, Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Oakes re- turned on Sunday following an 18 day holiday, during which they en- joyed ,a 6,000 mile cruise in the Caribbean Sea aboard the "Etnp- ress of Scotland." The cruise touched on Puerto Rico, Venezuela, the Dutch West Indies, Panama City,' Cuba and New York. The travellers report a delightful trip, though at times temperatures were rather high—up to 110 degrees, with humidity of 98. 0 The Mother Motive Liquor manufacturers) are defin- itely out to' capture the home, In beautiful full-page advertisements one sees the mother motive used skilfully to break down sales re- sistance. Not as yet do they have mother drinking. But she, the gracious hostess, serves her guests, —beer, wine, hard liquor per- chance. She probably gives kind- ly advice to youthful guests. "You had better be content with 1 light wine. This sherry now. You can't get drunk on sherry." How wrong she is! Even natur- al sherry is high in alcoholic con- tent., But "fortified" sherry ,is something else again, Sherry (na- ural) has 16 degrees of alcoholic content, (fortified) has 20. Claret has 10.5, champagne 11, port (na- tural) 16, (fortified) 22. Youth CAN get drunk on sherry. Few people do, perhaps, for it is us- ually taken in small quantities. It would seem to be an ideal "first drink" wine for young people in that type of home where mother serves beverages to her guests. HURON COUNTY TEMPERANC-E FEDERATION 14-b zianiteti Omit REV, HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS, M. R. RENNIE, Organist M, R. RENNIE. Choir Director 10.30 a.m.-L-Catechumen Class. 10.45 a.m.---The Session will meet. 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship The ;Holy Conununion. 11.20 a.m.—Primary School 12.15 p.m.—Church School ' Union EVening Service in the On- tario Street Church. HOLMESVILLE 1.30 p.m.—Holy C6mMunion Sunday School. Maple Street. GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday School 9,45 a.tn. Breaking of Bread 11,00 a.m. Gospel Service...„ ... 8,00 p.m. an TUESDAY, 8 p. —'Prayer and Bible Study. 'A Hearty Welcome Awaits You' ANGLICAN CHURCH • OF CANADA St, Paul's — Clinton REV, C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Vrernlin, Organist 5th Sniulay In Lent 8.30 azn.—Holy Cornmunion 11.00 a.m.—Choral Communion, 4,30 p.m.—Evening Prayer Wednesday — Lenten Devotions and Sermon, 7,30 p.m.. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Vietoria, Street, Clinton 1C, L. SWEIGARD, Pastor. 'rtday, April 5-'- 8.00 p.m.—Christ's Ambassadors: Sunday, April 7,-. 10.00 A.M.—Sunday School 11.00 min,—Morriing Worship 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Tubsdan Aprit 8.00 p.m.---Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service, A Special Welcome Awaits Iteti Mrs. Percy a Town, spent last week in Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. C, Sturdy, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Sturdy and Barbara., Mrs. Mervyn Batkin, spent Sunday 'in Sarnia, Miss Dorothy And Donald Cor- ish, spent the weekend with their. parents, Mr,. and Mrs, Garnet •Cornish, Mrs. Emma Sutter is al present with her- daughter-in-law, Mrs. S. H, Sutter, Stratford, and expects to return here shortly, Dr. A .F. Cooper, Toronto, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs, Sarah Cooper and Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Bond, East Street, Mr. arid Mrs. Albert Leibold and. family, BR 2, Clinton, Spent thQ- week , with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson and family, London. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Wiltse, Elyth, formerly of the London Road, are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on April 9. Mr, and Mrs: W. E. Raab:4d and Frank, attended the funeral of Mrs. Radford's brother-in-law, Mr. Cliff Hobbs, Monkton, on Monday last, 71JUVADAY, APRIL 4, 'Mt ,.„ Hobby Croft HEADQUA TERS COMPLETE LINE OF HOBBY ,SUPPLIES 'GAS and, DIESEL MOTORS CONTROL LINE, RADIO CONTROL and FREE FLIGHT AIRCRAFT KITS- V PLASTIC KITS, BOATS, CARS, PISTOLS, Etc. V GLIDERS and KITES , V LATEST BOOK on 'RADIO CONTROL for AIR. - CRAFT and BOATS—now in stock-41.2S. Now Is The Time to Get That Model Ready To Go — Drop In And See Our Display NEW! Oil Painting by Numbers Sets Just Arrived - Priced at $2.50 & $3.95 BALL & MUTCH HARDWARE CLINTON Phone lit. 2-9505 — Parking at Rear of Stote: Mothers Club At Regular Meeting: Theme Is "Spring" The Mothers' Study group of Wesley Willis Church held their March meeting at the manse on Tuesday, March 26. Mrs. James Cox was in charge and opened with a short poem. "How to be Happy." The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. McCall, after which Mrs. Percy Livermore offered prayer. Roll call was answered by some- thing symbolic of spring. Mrs. Wilson gave some interesting readings on child care, such as "don't be afraid of don't." "spare the discipline and spare the child," and "every child has a gift." A short discussion period was held followed by a, contest conducted by Mrs, Clayton 'Steep. A delicious lunch was then ser- ved by the hostesses Mrs. W. Jer- vis and Mrs. Bill Manly, assisted by Mrs. Wilson. 0 ST. ANDREW'S GIRLS CLUB WILL MEET ON TUESDAY The regular meeting of the Girls Club of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will be held in the Sunday School rooms an Tuesday, April 9, at 8.15 p.m. Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON` Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18! 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love, Order of meetings on Lord's day as follows: 11.00 aan.—Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.—Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m.—Wednesday— Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. Come and hear how yoU can be saved and sure of Heaven, We preath Christ and Him crucified. Sunday, April 7 10.00 a.m.—The Church School Hour 11.00 a.m.--Our Divine Worship • together Children's Period E you are not regular worshippers elsewhere you are welcome to attend with us Everyone Welcome BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH BObgNIIAM, Pastor 10.00 a.m.—Sunday Scheol 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 P.M. —Baptismal Service You are cordially invited to these services. SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1957 ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE IsitIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR—REV, A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A..1.1.1). 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.—Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship TURNER'S CHURCH '2,00 p.m.—Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School, Choose from Our Wide Selection of Chocolate Easter Novelties 4, Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS HUnter 2-9727 CLINTON