HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-04-04, Page 5DECORATING. PROBLEMS? If you have decorating problems , bring them to us. We put our years of experience at your disposal and we feel certain that we can help YOU!!! This is the time to buy your /all- papers and Paint for that Sp ng Clean-up Campaign you are plan- ning . . . take advantage of our SPECIAL SALE OAC Students Win Philharmonic Awards 77111)A$PAN, APRIL 0, 1957 t7LiNTON NgAisrs,Ttaconp PAGE Flys All Sale Items Strictly. CaSh—No Refunds or Exchanges ALL PAINTS GUARANTEED PAINTS - VARMSHES = BRUSHES 15% OFF All Other Lines of PAINTERS and DECORATORS HURON STREET — CLINTON Paints -- Wallpapers -- Venetian Blinds -- Floor Sanding D. A. Kay & Son FLAT WALL Reg. $2.35 SEMI-GLOSS Reg. $2.60 SEMI-GLOSS WHITE ENAMELS—Reg. $9.50 $650 gal. ENAMELS Reg. $3.10 SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL (White) Reg. $3.10 Commencing FRIDAY, APRIL '5 to SATURDAY, APRIL 13 • • "!#7.1e-yerlser-nror.sr,-me-lere.nrr.tervir-nr..smrir-se.,. Anglicans Say. Their Farewells To Rev. \,. S. Outerbridge On Sunday Prizes were presented for outstanding achievement in student activities at a 'banquet held recently at the Ontario Agricultural and Veterinary Colleges, Guelph. Shown here are members of the OAC Degree Course who have won Philharmonic awards for outstanding and faithful work in connection with College Musical activities, left to right; Farrell Anderson of Jamaica, British West Indies; D. Bruce McDonald of Clinton; John Ketching, Guelph and Lloyd J. Holland, Clinton. (Dept. of P.R. 0.A.C., Guelph) We Like To Take Better Care Of Your Car LuBEL Let us protect your ear from the wear of friction with an expert point-by- point lubrication. GAS— For faster, easier starts in all kinds of weather, be sure 'to keep your tank filled with CITIES SER- VICE GASOLINE. CAR WASH— Ask any of our regular customers . . . youl caul get a, better wax-wash job in town—it costs so little to give your car a better appearance, and besides . . .7- the finish is pro- tected. BETTER CARE— If you want better care for your car—drive in t,44 our station. Corner Mary & King Sts. Carl Cantelon, Proprietor Phone HU 2-9032 CLINTON — ONTARIO CANTELON'S Service Station CHECK YOUR St. James' Church, Middleton was almost filled on Sunday last when a joint service was held with St. ,Tohn's, Varna, and Trinity Church, Bayfield. The occasion Was the farewell of the rector, the Rev. Warren S. Outerbridge, who has accepted a charge' in St. Mark's Episcopal Church Venice, Florida, after two and one half years in this Canadian parish. Mr. Outerbridge expressed his pleasure at seeing the three con- gregations gathered: together in friendship and good-will. His text was from Acts 2: 42 "and they continued steadfastly in the Apost- les, doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayer." IWe must preserve our precious Anglican heritage at all costs and not become just another protes- tant sect," he stated "it does matter what you believe. The tragedy of modern times is the lack of a firm foundation in Christian.: The order • of Bishops, priests and deacons is basecron our Lord's own instructions; Baptism and Holy Communion are the two sacra- ments necessary for salvation. To be outside a church is to be outside Christianity. Believe the Apostles` creed firstly and then put it into practice. Finally I urge you to hang on for dear life to your Ang- lican heritage." Following the service, James Caineron, Bayfield, addressed Mr. Outhrbridge. on behalf of the' as- sembled congregations, and read an address of regret at their par- ting and best wishes, for their fut- ure- endeavours. .Wardens Wilmer Reid, Varna, Donaltl'mitidleton, St. James, and Alfred Scotchmer of Trinity Church, Bay-field, presen- ted Mr. Outerbridge with parting gifts, a pair of lovely blue wool blankets and a ;large silver tray enscribed to Mr. ,and Mrs. Outer- bridge froth the three parishes. Mr. Outerbridge thanked his friends for their gifts and issued an invitation to all present to vis- it them in their new home if they are ever down to, Venice, Florida. The best wishes of all go with Mr. and Mrs. Qpterbridge and Peter, as they begin in another field of service. 'VARNA WA Meeting The March meeting of the Var- na United Church Woman's Assoc- iation was held in the church, with Mrs. Lee McConnell presiding. Mrs. Wilfred Chuter led the de- votional period with Mrs. Harvey Boyce and.,Mrs. Lyle Hill assisting. There were 24 members and four visitors present. The highlight of the afternoon was the presentation to Mrs. Har- vey Boyce who is leaving to make her home in Clinton. The address was given, by Mrs. Ralph Stephenson and the presen- tation made by Mrs. Gordon Cole- man. After a little business dis- cussion, the ladies took part in a very interesting musical contest, and a lively game arranged by Mrs. Eleanor McAsh and her group. The usual very delicious lunch was served and thoroughly enjoyed by all. • News of Goderkh Township ture for Ontario, Following the Angus meeting, those present at, tended the Home and Garden. Show in the Manufacturers Build- ing, London, Church Services Services in St. James Church, Middleton will be conducted 'by the Rev. William Craven, Goder- ich, on Sundays, April 7, April 14, at three p.m, Easter Sunday Ser- vice will be conducted in St. Jam- es' Church, by the Rt, Rev. W, A. Townshenci, Suffrages Bishop of Huron, at 9.30 a.m. 0 BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs, Robert Barr, Patsy and Jeanne, Burlington, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W, V. Dinnin. NOTICE OF MEETING Huron County Trappers Association ,Wednesday, April 10, 8.30 p.m.. Agricultural Office Board Room, Clinton • All Interested Parties Cordially Invited 14-b CLINTON PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION . MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBER FRIDAY, APRIL 5 8.00 p.m. Everybody Welcome 14-b ALUMINUM KING SIZE • TWO BURNER GRIDD LE only INTRODUCING The New SQUARE ANGEL FOOD° CAKE PAN Reg. $2.50 Special Paint Sale Prices On Some Lines $1.00. qt. $1.50 qt. $2.25 qt. $2.00 qt. WESLEY-WILLIS WMS TO MEET ON APRIL 11 The April meeting of Wesley- Willis Woman's Missionary Society will be held on Thursday, April 11, at 8.00 p.m., in the lecture room of the church, This is the Thank- offering meeting with Rev. D. Bruce Suitar, missionary on tem- porary forlough from Korea as guest speaker. This will be an open meeting. • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hotist2,p, God- erten, visited with Mrs. Frank Pic- ot on (.114p s clay The early birds are planting a few of the Irish "lemons" on the light land out in this area, Grant Stirling purchased a poll- ed angus hull at Doig's sale on Tuesday, out of the herd of Toni Patrick, Ilderten. Erlin Betties, Toronto, spent the weekend with his mother, who is in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Godericb.-• Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Middle- ton and Mr. and ' Mrs, Herbert Klom Zurich, attended the West- I) ern Ontario Aberdeen-Angus As- sociation banquet - and annual meeting in London 'last Saturday,. The speaker was the Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, minister of agricul- Work Clothing Needs ..at your fingertips The first aid kit and insurance both have important roles to play in the event of accidents. •• Each year, the companies writing accident and sickness insurance in Canada pay out more than ninety million dollars (not including auto• mobile accident costs) to policy holders—a mighty bulwark against unusual financial strain. It is far better, though, to prevent accidents and mishaps, rather than to deal with the treatment of their ser- ious—and :>ften, tragic—after-effects. That is why insurance companies are constantly seeking ways to stein Canada's mounting accident toll. Safety pays dividends . . . saves lives, helps to lower yOur insurance costs: Be Careful. NOW! Make Our Store Your Headquarters for Better Work Clothing G.W.G. Red Strap STR40 WORK PANTS and and Cowboy King 4 JEANS Navy, Khaki, Faded Slue REG'D 'TRADE MARK Sizes 28 to 44 Work Shirts Socks Underwear %% / / yc , /•(, BOYS' JEANS - Just like Dad's. Some 'with double knees. From SAVE $1.00 on a Regular $3.9S ONLY , , „ ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, , „ $2.95 ALL CANADA INSURANCE FEDERATION AU. CANADA' INSURANCE. FEDERATION on ,behali of more ihon 200 teinpoting Oompantes *Ming Attleffibblle and Casualty Insurance. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS Pickett & Campbell Limited Phone HU 2-9732 Main Corner Clinton