HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-04-04, Page 3April 1, to 6 BAYER, ASPIRIN 100 -I- 8 Children's Aspirin 790 BEEF, IRON & WINE 79c BRYLCREEM with Free Comb 690 COLGATE DENTAL CREAM 3 x 33c 66c 2 x '59c 89c DRENE SHAMPOO Reg. 65c 55c EPSOM SALTS Reg.. 25c , 19c IPANA TOOTH PASTE 2 x 59c 89e' MINERAL OIL 16 oz. 43c 40 oz: 87c • ro 2 oz, Creme Set Ogilvie Sisters 2 oz. Creme Sqt regularly $1.50; avail- able for a limited time zit $1.00. This famous wave setting preparation gives the hair a new natural wavy gloss'. Especially suited to control dry or brittle 'enris and hold Wave longer. SALE HALO SHAMPOO Regular $1.50 , Reg, 98c 79e $1.00 AYER DRY DEODORANT NOW Stick or ,Cream •Reg. $1.25 ,..I..". 75e " ' Quick-Action Answers , NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM to,Hair COre Problems? 2 x 65c 99c .,. HEALTH SAI/JCS . , 59e. BUFFERIN TABS. 39e - 79c - $1.23 - $1.89 D3 'S, CAPSULES 8195 NIVEA• CREME 25c - 63c - $1.10' T R - C's 79c •- 81.50 - $5.00 LYSOL 43e - 79e'- $1.50 UNIQUE PHOTO B. PENNEBAKER, 21- sae SERVICE F. C DRUGGIST HAIR PREPARATION S DOROTHY GRAY SPECIALS for A 4 pril , 5,,6 at T, AHD'. Super Market TOMATOJUICE . 48 OZ. TIN TOMATO 20 OZ. TINS ....2 1oR'25c }HEINZ CATSUP 1.PEAS 15 OZ. TINS ROAST BEEF-- ROUND or FLAT . ......... LB. Phone HUnter 2.-9316 FREE DELIVERY 25C 49c BurThE 25c 8$1 FOR' Your Chance To Aid Crippled Kids Little Brown Book Listing: Courses Available To Women Young and Old A little brown book has,just, county in Ontario are offered a cOme off the press, containing a syllabus of courses in homeMaking ,available to groups• of Women— WaMen's Institutes and others-- froM the Hortie Economics eSten-- Sion service of the Ontario DePart- ment of Agriculture, The prograna is broad — some thirty different services are offer- ed, The Women deeide what they want, arrange for a meeting place and an instructor comes to them in their own community, There are courses in getting the most for your money in food, a lot of instruction in cooking, food for entertaining from the casual guest to parties of all descriptions, how to make salads, lessons in food storing, freezing and canning, and food in relation to diet pro- blems, but whatever the instruc- tor is demonstrating or talking about she never gets far from the impOrtant business of feeding peo- ple to keep them healthy. This year the women of each 1.0 A SPECIALS training school for local lea de .who will take back to their g'r'oups what they' learn at the sehOol. Schools on Food. arid Nutrition will deal with Third Near—limo clies and suppers; Clothing schools with tricks and techniques of sew- ing to make articles suitable for 'bazaars, gifts or family use; Home Furnishing schools will teach how to make lampshades;the Herne Crafts course will be on rug mak- ing and the Health Education on hints for the home nurse. The brown book also lists the Junior Extension services available to Tura). girls in their Home- making Clubs, through the County or Dst'rict Home Economist work- ing with loCal leaders. The girls are offered, clubs to teach some- thing about nutrition and prepar-. ing meals, .how to be a good hos, tess, good manners, good dressing, good grooming, gardening, improv- ing and caring for their own rooms and how to keep physically and mentally fit, Doctors from this province's leading medical centres visited 20 clinics throtighout Ontario last year and eXamined 1,200 crippled children. These Annual or BioAnnual Clinics are sponsored locally by the Ontario Society for Crippled Children in co-operation with the Clinton Lions Club. The Annual Easter Seal Campaign will run til April 21st and ,has a provincial objective of $700,000. In this area cheques may be sent % Mel Crich, Clinton. WMS AT. Hensall. Stages Birthday Party With Over 160 Guests, (By -our Henson correspondent) Mrs. A. M. Amacher, Zurich, was guest speaker at the annual birthday party of the Woman's Missionary Society of the, United Church,' held on March 22. The affair was attended by some 160 members and guests in the church auditorium. Mrs. Amacher for her theme• spoke on "Home and Home Life", and stated that 'home is the God given gift, and a blessing, nothing can take , the place of Christian home training. "It is a wonderful privilege to train children in a Christian life, reap God's richest blessing and much happiness is de- rived from living a Christian life and having God the head of the home. The speaker was introduced by Mrs. G. Armstrong and thanked by Miss M. Ellis. Guests at this af- fair were the societies from Kip- pen,Chiselhurst, Goshen churches, an Cannel Church, St. Paul's, Hensall, and Evening Auxiliary of the church, President Mrs. Armstrong chair- ed the meeting. Sacred passages were read by Mrs. W„ Henry and prayer offered by Mrs. C. D. Dan- iel. Contributing to the program were Mrs. Kenneth Breakey and. Mrs. H. Rader, Zurich, with a vocal duet; cornet solo, Mrs. Claire McBride, the Goshen; vocal solo, Mrs, William Fuss, and violin sel-. Watson-Cox ection, Miss Greta Larnmie, Hen- son. Accompanists. were Mrs. A. Shirray, Mrs. Pearl assmore, Mrs. Amacher and Mrs. Keys. ' • Luncheon'WaS served in the church schoolroOrn, a bower of beauty in Easter inotif, the pillars in yellow and pink streamers, in- terwoven with sprays of spring blessoms, while white baskets of blossoms, twigs and pussy willows formed the window decoration. Responsible for this work were Mrs. R. J. Paterson and Mrs. Ar- chie Roweliffe. A lace tablecloth covered the tea table centred with a vase of spring flowers. Candelabra com- pleted the decorations. Pouring tea were Mrs. Daniel and Mrs. Armstrong. Mrs. Amacher was presented a gift of spring flowers. Courtesy rema'rk's were expressed by the presidents of the visiting societies. Program conveners • were Mrs. George Hess and Miss M. Ellis; decorating, Mrs. Peterson and'Mrs. Rioweliffe; reception,. Mrs. T. C. Coates, Mrs. A. Clark, 'Mrs. Dan- iel, Mts. N. E. Cook; lunch, Mrs:, T. Slierritt, Mrs. E. Rowe, Mrs. N. Jones, Mrs.. W. R. Stephenson. The lovely birthday cake was cut by Mrs. Daniel. South Huron Lay Visitations Plan Getting Underway • Hundreds of lay people from 13 Churches in South Huron will be- gin an every-house visitation• this November as a result of the Crus- ade for Christ evangelistic services in that area. Nineteen ministers meeting ''at Henson United Church voted Un- animously to take part ' in the Campaign, which aims at bringing non-members into the church to take a greater interest in church activities. (Similar "visitation" campaigns have been carried oUt Goderich and. Wingham areas.) Rev. C: D. Daniel, Hensall, was elected president of the.. group which is organizing the campaign, and which is to be known As South Huron ,Ministerial Association. The vioe-president is Rev. Samuel Kerr, Eketer. Rev. G. R. Strome, Cred- iton is secretary, and his.assistant is Rev. H. J. Snell, Exeter. Organizational.meetings will be- gin in April, the first to be at Exe- ter on April 11, when a speaker who has had experience with simi- lar programs. will outline details of the forthcoming project. A pretty ceremony took place in the manse of the United Church at Millhank last Wednesday, Mar- ch, 27, when Eleanor Frances Cox, daughter of Mrs. Wilfred J. Cox, GOderich Township, and the late Wilfred' J. Cox, became the bride of John Laird Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watson, Hayfield. The bride wore blue dacron with white accessories and a cor- sage of pink roses, The Rev. Charles D. Cox offic- iated. On their return from their wed- ding trip the couple will reside on the groom's farm in Stanley Town- ship. EXPANSION For centuries that hard-working animal the beaver has been a sym- bol representing Canada, but the animal does not appear anywhere in the Canadian coat of arias. I 11111, 105111111111111111111111111M119111118101511111311111111111111 IN recent years, the Canadian steel industry has • expanded more rapidly than the steel industry of any other major nation. • HARRY WILLIAMS ?eta 9,4;56: HOT WATER. EVERYBODY WISHES,, FOR BATHING, CLEANING; WASHING- DISHES Between, 1946 and the end- of. 1956, the increase in capacity in Canada was 62 per cent, or about. 2,140,;,000' tons. Stelca is the- largest Canadian pro- , ducer, and, in the same period-invested $195,000,090• in new plant and new material sources. s. Model CD 100 LOCAL TRADEMARKS. No more guessing or uncertainty . with your Westinghouse Dryer you can dry ALL fabrics safely. Dries clothes faster . . . uses less current with the exclusive advantage of DIRECT 'AIRFLOW ... air and heat passes directly into the clothes not through the basket, HARRY tV W I -- AMS i FUELOIL. iitetk4* GASOLINE MOTOR OIL 0,Z1BLUBRI(MiTS 1:11.2, (LINTON qPitoot ; • . T HE STEEL COMPANW CANACW Lz mloo' MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMMON BRANTFORD( TORONTO "Your Westinghouse Dealer" ALBERT'. ST. D. W. cahrii; 4INTON WI 24638 ?SFr 7P, 71!!, 7,1.". • 70" 71r" Clinton Chapter No, 260' CorflOr of the Aasteria Star BAZAAR Saturdpty, April 6 TOWN HALL, CLINTON HOME BAkENG, CANDY,APRON BOOTH, GOOD USED CLOTHING, Etc, Proceeds for Community Project •• 144 88 Years Young And Ern oying Hockey Broadcasts -1Yfzcs, Elizabeth. Walker,. 'Ontario Street, Clinton, who was F.S Sunday, was the guest of honor at birthday party. Saturday after- noon held at the home of .her son . and. daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs; George Walker, Battenbury Street, NanY friends' and neighbours at- tended and Mrs!: Walker was the recipient of numerous gifts, flow- ers and greeting cards. Born in Mitchell, Perth county, she is the former Elizabeth Hillen. When one year old she moved to. Clinton with her parents, Following the death of her hus- band, John Walker, ,1930, she moved to Kitchener where she lived until three years ago, • Since then she has made her 'home with an old friend of long standing, Mrs, Helen Dalrymple, who will be 90 years of age on Noveniber 1 Mrs. Walker has one son, Georo ge, with the ONE, Ekpress, Clinton; and one sister, Mrs, H. P. Ober, Lethbridge,. Alta„ and one brother, Robert Hillen, Coldwater, Mich. Enjoying excellent health, both she and."Mrs. Dalrymple rise each morning at seven. Breakfast and dishes are over by eight o'clock, and household chores are done "on the dot." Washing, ironing and cleaning are juit part of each week's routine, Their main entertainment, how- ever, comes each 'evening,. when their 21-inch TV set is turned on. Me NHL gancies are their favorite viewing, and both expressed dis- appointment at the impending close of the hockey season. "FLEET STREET" Clothes— world's finest fabrics superbly tailored Throughout.. "Fleet Street" ClotheS by Tip Tap Taildrs gives you the pert' feet combination of fine tailor- ing, distinguished styling, -to- gether with your choice of the world's finest fabrids. You just can't make a better clothing investment. Collie in and be measured today! TAILORED.T010OR.MEASURE "Fleet Street° Clothes $74.50 ' 2-ac. Exclusive with Pickett Campbell D.I76/37 TIP TOP TAILORS