HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-03-28, Page 6• .„ews of ayfield.. By MISS WO 4, WOODS 1955 00019 chwvion iturol Correspondent pmg,,Tg!: 13.4vrimp 45 r 0,41M01\7 Nzws,Rocoav News of Londesborcv D'LJRNIN Phone Iil,yth $70.9 Your 1957 Sugar. Beet Contract Is Ready Now With the Same Attractive Terms as in 1956. 1. GUARANTEED MINIMUM For 17 percent sugar beets, the guaranteed min, imum is $12,00 per ton factory delivered, $11.25 per ton weigh station delivered, . GUARANTEED MINIMUM PAW IN FALL Guaranteed minimum all paid as initial payment next Fall. GIROWINUS MILL CONTINUE TO PARTICIPATE receiving one-half of any increase in net returns from sales of sugar, dried beet pulp and molasses. Refined sugar prices have increased substantially in recent months. SEE YOT.In PIELDMAN NOW Canada & Dominion Sugar Cow Ltd. CHATHAM WALLACEdUR4 Phone EL 24104 Phone MA 74221 b Gravel and Trucking Busihess With Large Turnover , FOR SALE IN TOWN OF GODERICH Equipment includes: TRUCKS GRAVEL LOADERS SCREENING PLANT GOOD GRAVEL PIT—half mile from town STOCK OF /GRAVEL, . SAND and. STONE LARGE YARD for Stockpiling of Materials in Town OrriCE and GARAGE EQUIPMENT Owing to circumstances, owner must sell reasonable for quick sale. B. H. Goldthorpe Phone Goderich '795—P.O. Box 673 Goderich 13-b E! Be. Piefiated For Sluing Seed and Fertilizer prices are.at their lowest now. Oidet your SEED OATS while supplies are good and oices .reasdnable. • GARRY, RODNEY, SIMCOE, AJAX and BEAVER SEED OATS IN STOCK. Bctrley Contracts • are now available with Fertilizer Suppled [ No. 1 COMMERCIAL GRANT BARLEY We also have a limited amount of rot Sale Cook Bros. Mill Co. Ltd. PHONE 24 HENSALL 7-10-13-14-15-16-b momr.siormosikm ALWAYS HAVE OUR MJE.t. bIL READY — FOR HEAT NAT'S UNIFORM AND STEADY 1.00A4 .nototmARI4a. YPa HARRY WILLIAMS FUEL OIL to' GASOLINE MOTOR OIL. ,N,Q41.1.113111(ANTS (111+11014..nut -Z-600 FARMER S We are shipping cattle every, Satirday for tinged Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage, We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later. than Friday nighis: Seaford' Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Manager Phone—Day 9, Evenings 481w 39-tit! Be Ready For SPRING WITII A GUARANTEED USED CAR ALL T7:C8,01:r COT'S Wheel In And Doal ~urphy Eros. Chrysler Plyinouth Parph, Sales and, Service Huron St Olin ton PERCE STRINGS 'ART' PUTTON Sted.lAt VOWS PARACE STRAISOTIta _DUTTON'S THEIR VALUES CAN'T BE EQUALED. SEE THE RCA LINE OF WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES A. DUTTON HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES RCA VICTOR-WESTINGHOUSE BRUCEFIELD HU-2-3232 114104$ FUNNY. JONES HISHMATTED I'M- aueSs HI MOWS •war noseistuAL. YOU CORTAiNLY ABE, OFAR.1464S14UTIL616 BUT A COWERED BRAINLESS icsarr 44,4‘..iNtwo.m.4.4 Keep up CONDITION and you Keep up MILK To ger more milk per year, and more milking years, keep up BODY CONDITION. You may get short-term pro- duction while ignoring condition, but for long-term pro- duction good condition is a i'must". You con SEE good condition in smooth hair, loose hide, good fleshing. 8ut true condition goes much deeper than you can see. it includes the cow's innerhealth, sound- ness of vital organs, her reserve of minerals, vitamins, body, You BUILD this true condition by good dry cow feeding. You HOLD it by good milking cow feeding. You do not see the difference between good feeding and "just ordinary" feeding right away. it takes time. The cow has to put into her body the things the needs before she starts putting extra milk in the pail. You do not see the big difference right after freshening, either. Natural instinct Will ,cause her to produce near her capacity for 3 or 4 months. i8ut if her ration does not furnish everything she requires, she actually draws milk-making materials from her bones, flesh and organs; runs down her inner condition; and then tails off. THEN is when you see the difference!! Clinton Farm Supply and Machine Shop dories Nelson Jock Nediger • • - • •••, HAY and PASTURE GRASSES HAY and PASTURE for Cattle and Different Grasses to the old Timothy and Alfalfa of years gone by. We have in stock: TEN DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF GRASSES and EIGHT VARIETIES OP CLOVER. Out of this stock we eau make atixteres best suited to your land and for your reqnirements. We have FRED FORD as Manager. Ills years of ,experience in ,grass seeds and his knowledge of characteristics of different grasses Is at your service. All our seeds are Number One Government Standard, having government guar, antee as to purity and germination. Seed is not too plentiful this year. Let us know your requirements so 'we Will be sure to have your seed .when you need it. CLINTON SEED STORE PHONE *Inter 2-7041 13-4-b Just Arrived THE WORLD'S MOST POPULAR TRACTOR' The'Britith4ade MeCorthick B250 With 30 H.P. DIESEL ENGINE' that has outstanding fuel economy; disc brakes, -differential Itick,'hour meter, p.t.o. dual category 3-point hitch, tip-toe •pressure clutch, adjustable wheeLthread,,and many other exclusive features too 2465 numerous to, mention--All the above fat ''ONLY 9 Plus over '50 tons of Other Merchandise inch/ditty:, P.T.O. and ENGINE DRIVE BALERS 7,, 81/2 ' and 10 FT. CULTIVATORS FIELD HARVESTERS —HAMMER MILLS, GRAIN find FERTILIZER DRILLS SPRING TOOTH HARROWS PEG TOOTH HARROWS REGULAR and WHEEL TYPE DISC HARROWS: UNIVERSAL and FAST-HITCH MOWERS HYDRAULIC and POWER LIFT PLOWS. PNEUMATIC ifed STEEL WHEEL SIDE. RAKES ELECTRIC-WASHING MACHINES koivEn WASHING CREAM SEPARATORS WIRING SUPPLIES — PAINTS — MOTOR OILS and GREASES TRACTOR and IMPLEMENT TIRES and: TUBES V BELTS and PULLEYS BINDER and BALER TWINES PARTS and ACCESSORIES • JOHN BACH • Your I.H. Truck, Tractor and Farm Equipment Dealer PHONE 17 • SEAFORTH 13-b ti TrIntly WA The Women Auxiliary of sty antra, met at. the home of the president, Miss Lucy .4. Woods On Thursday last. The meeting was opened with the Litany, .followed by the WA prayer. The. Seripture' was read by Mrs. Emerson Heard, Mrs, C. Knueleey read the min- UteS of last meeting which. were adopted, The repeft. of the treasurer, Mrs. R. J. '',Larson, showed that the pancake supper had been suc- cessful. 'Mrs, Percy Weston, DorcaS sec- The monthly meeting of the „ retery; geve the requirements for Wining Workers was held at the the shipment to St. Paul's Scheel, home of Mrs. Reg. Francis on Cordston, Alta. Instead pf pur- Wednesday, March 13, chasing clothing, it was decided to The meeting was opened by the send a sum of money to the Dio- president, Mrs. Grant Stirling, cesan Dorcas Secretary for tbat with the Willing Worker's 'prayer. purpose, . Mernbers were reminded She chose "Faith" as her topic. to bring their Thank-offering box- The roll call showed 16 members. es to April meeting, present. Mrs. J. B. Higgins ,gave .A,, very favourable report was GOSHEN LINE corrospooextt Ams, mooMpz. ono neman .601n3 Ronald Armstrong, Brentford, spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Armstrong, The Woman's Association. of -GeSben Church met at the home of Mrs. Robert Peck, on Monday evening, with ,10 present, Quite a, number of ladies from Goshen .attended the Birthday Party in. Hensall United Church on Friday evening March 22. The guest speaker was Mrs. Arnaeher„ Zurich. A number of hockey fans tray,. elled to Gravenhurst on 'Wednes- day night for the second game be- tween Znrieh Bantams and Bala. Zurich, won the first game 6-4 in Hensall last Saturday .night. given by the treasurer, Also heard by the meeting was a. card and flower report„ and thank-you notes and cards were read. The gift of the month, brought by Mrs, Robert Welsh was won by Mrs. Grant Stirling. After a lengthy business period, the meeting was closed with the Mizpah benediction. The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Arnold Mak- ins. Mr, and Mrs. Ross McGregor visited relatives; in Guelph on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter, visited Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dex- ter, tlytte on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt visited:" Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Verne Pinkharn, Exeter. Reeve William Jewitt and Geor- ge Carter were in Goderich on Tuesday attending a municipal a8- sessors meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt, Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson attended the Co-op banquet held in Egmond- vibe United Church on Thursday night, Mrs, Borden Brown held a very successful penny sale on Wednes- day afternoon at her home, in aid of the WA, During the afternoon there was a program and the draws, A social tittle, was held, during lunch, served Mrs. Brown. $17:60 was realized for the WA. Silver Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley cele- brated their 25th wedding anniver- sary at their home on Saturday, March 23. They have a family of one daughter (Grace) Mrs. Rob- 'Goderich township Mr. and Mrs. William Tebbutt, Goderich, Mrs, 0. L. Paisley, Clin- ton, and Mr. and Mrs. John H. MeEwen and Stuart IVIcEwen, Stanley Township, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mid- dleton. The Woinen's Auxiliary of St. James 'Church, Middleton, will hold its regular meeting on Wed- nesday afternoon, April 3, at the 'home of Mrs. Alfred Hudie. The roll, call will be a Scripture verse on Easter, St. John's Varna, and Trinity Church Bayfield will hold a joint service with St. James Church, Middleton, in St, James Church on Sunday, March 31, at three p.m. At this service the rector, the Rev. Warren S. Outerbridge will preach his farewell sermon in this parish, before leaving for his new charge in Venice, Florida. r 0 (ADDITIONAL BAYFIELD ON PAGE EIGHT) ''I MEINIMMINIESIONIGISO Mrs, Kate 'Bremner is visiting with her sister, Mrs, Mary Beac- om, Mrs, J, H. ShobbroOk entertain- ed some of the village ladies one afternoon last week, Cpl, and *Mrs, Gordon 'Garrow and daughter, Trenton, spent the- weekend -with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbroolc. Mrs. Robert Townsend is spend- ing e few days in Oshawa and at- tending the funeral of her broth, er-in-law, Delbert Bentham. Mrs. Charles Vodden has return- ed to her home here after spend- ing a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Jack Pipe, at BruSsels. Mrs. Beacom, Harold .and Edy- the, Mrs. Bremner, ' rs. Laura Lyon and Marguerite; spent Sun, day with. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cardiff, Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. William Stephen- Son and. Brenda, moved to Kincar- dine last week where he has a pos- ition. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Burns and family, from. Xineardine mov- ed here and have taken over the White Rose service station. LOL Party The final card- party was held in the Orange hall on Friday even- ing, March 22, Winners were, ent Woods, Toronto, and one son, Douglas, a fourth year 'student in Seaforth District High School. A turkey dinner was served in the evening to the immediate family. During the .evening an address was read by Mrs. Joseph. Riley and a chest of silver presented to the bride and groom of 25 years, as welt as other gifts Of silver from neighbours and friends. Mary and Frank thanked them all for their gifts. high, Mrs. John Scott, Robert Fairserviee; low, Mrs. R. Fairser- viee, David rani lone hands,, Mrs. John Scott, John BremleY; lucky chair, Jimmy Johnston, WI Baguet The Sunshine Sisters banquet will be held in the church base- ment on. April Z Supper to start at 6.45. The Londresboro Women's Msociation will cater, The mem- bers of the Women's Institute please get their tickets as soon as possible frem Mrs, G. Radford, Mrs. W. -Tyndall or Mrs, J, Arm- strong, .Beets and Duds The Father and Son Banquet held in the church basement on Friday evening, March 15, was well attended. Around 114 fath- ers and their sons sat down to a bounteous supper. Those who had no-sons borrowed a neighbour's son for the evening. After the supper there was a short program and Rev, Dr. J. Semple, Egmondville United Chur- ch gave the address, WA Meeting The ladies of the Woman's As- sociation held their regblar meet- ing in the Sunday School room with 22 members and six visitors present. Mrs. Durnin, president, opened the' meeting with the theme followed by a hymn read in un- ison. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Lorne Hunking, Hebrews 11: 1-10. Mrs. Bert Allen read the story on it, The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and two thank you notes. Mrs, A, Clark, treasurer, gave her re- port. The roll call was answered with an Irish joke. The WA will cater to the Sun- shine Sister's banquet of the Wo- men's Institute, Program: Mrs. Josling gave a piano solo and Mrs, Robert Fair service introduced Mr, and Mrs, Livermore from near Clinton. Mr. Livermore showed pictures he took- while on a trip to England and Germany last summer. He which were *Aiwa, The meeting closed with the benediction. Mrs, Fairservice con- 4400 the auction basket and bje- ch Was served, " Aimwel2.4:1 4c1c The regular meeting of the Aim- well Mission, Circle was held March 18, at the home of Nona Pipe. The president, Ruth cent,. opened the meeting. Edith Wright read, a stewardship report. 11,011 call was answered by 14 members, • Helen Lee volunteered to send. 11.0' parcel of pillow Slipsto Vera I-Y.9n, R.I., at T•laeltpn, B,C. Mrs. liOry Lear reported that it was too late 'to get new cantata books for this year, It was decided to THURSDAY, MARCH 28, Mr 'Mrs, N. Forbes gave .the first two chapters of the study book. Birthday pennies and offering were. received. Edith Wright and Mrs.. Forbes led the worship service' with the theme, "Lenten Medita- tions." Jane MeCeol .favoured: with a solo, Lunch was served by - 3etty Millen and Doreen Carter. prehensive and interesting report of the meeting of Deanery presle. dents and secretarys, =veiled in London last month. She _elao con, tinned with -the study book, in the closing prayers by the president, one was said for the sick, thinking especially of' the rector's Mother, Mrs. Outerbridge, Bermuda, and Mrs. F. Q. Getrieln- .bardt who is a patient in North, western Hospital, Toronto, and all ip the church family who are ill, The hostess, Mrs. J, B. Higgins served tea, Willing Workers Dews of Constance Correspondent; MRS. FRANK RILEY Phone Seaforth 841r32 also `had some local scenes, all of 'order 18 books ter next year,. ;Nona. Pollee is the delegate to the rally in Clinton, on March 27, The ladles ,of the 13.urns and. Loudesb.oro congregations are in, vited to the .Easter thankoffering meeting to be held in the church. on April 15, at 8 p.m, Two blai hats are to be purchased for the bale and articles for this bale are to be brought in at the .April meeting.