Clinton News-Record, 1957-03-21, Page 10� ,,
... .;
-,held: �t the � ��(� Q#. 'ilsllll�
" Mire' on arch 2r., cor,rwn�ni• `
muni + artSedes
fin Monday evpning in Seaforth presldent,""'Edith Boyd, .' 2', WW president enia th roultes vis eM
.. �t e > �'e�"��; sold. grafting' �irpcaciuress• wS�l befid.B ,Clube net �n the hid on, is s. cri rY-treasllaP.r� lCYe� president and Poreen HQWItt as ...exaalaln�d,. 'l�i;is.tkirfle, kt�U� � .nos t�witt, �:liii�tQn, Presseerotary, rani will:be postponed to the fol•
Orsanized , : n Sahool, to Plan for the 1957 year. � > dxtha Sinn is press' �
{cp,�tlnued from page uaie) . T,,m were organised, vvrth foal ,err retorter, headers al ►� Trete secretary. Tkle e are �9 enrolled, lowing day weather a•a c t atilt*
w0th+a and W4111ia.m 09SId'. here, in, .a club Whloh last- year, saw stories, and: r- filed. bis ..-,eaters aldle,
The annual one-week cemmun,. in :past years; ' a :member- ecutives elected, witiifia Song,
t e mezru : rshi camPaa n stiles may 'be aCcelate af,�ter the Tho other o1w'bs m9pting' In Sea 25 coir pletions,
1.y cant. rt me be P $ o e c i n on Satur t` eafai~tla d Swine Club. A sing sing was ted by B. ..
those f 4th.. am S forth were tine Wkilsop Grain :on March 12. them Ntai'th �. ..
dor C,oderich and district iKQt un da March 23., president els Jahn' a0w tt, nil 1, Teskey, hpi t cultu�l de rtrr}.ernt,.
y, . Clluta, Sea'fartla BeefC'.4Club and Huron Swiney (flub *RMvilled '12 . Fliillx , Chipman .
der,WaY' Monday night :at :an en en 've par •. s, Clintoia;. vice-president,, Francis Sea or h :.:e. bets oXi -,nate h le• C, .iliid R. ( las.['� j��j LION'st
Cliiitan repres. tali. s e. Mi f .. t PoutlrY t'lu1, tan ooalkp �V
s ' e eetin lieltl at: r. Fan land lr?Gunt, Seaforth; secaetary-treasui4 tom , e che40 A. coi>ipaaal xePreseiUtative"
thusia tic dlnn i' g farx mall, Una Frank g , e Bruce : lema north` ted last year) and, the Blyth Dairy .
Loi Gr b Benson Sutter, .-r, u e Go .. n, ,Vis. On, March. 11, at Gorrae, "17 �uxing this 0f15 1W Birthday` was.
int. Georges Anglican Qliurch' in. 'Mass _ s ae y, r Alex Townsend Seaton i Calf Club enrolled 15 �nezrilxers - �, sung -to • Mrs, ' Milani McGuire, {i UIDLEI
this 'Miss Clare XcGonvan, Mass reporter, enrolled as Toombers of tl e Tux n the same numlbe as there were . w i . ARENA SCU14��
elle coca V toival. �' rth.. Leaders are Kennet)-, Stewart berry Calf Clwb. (two riipre than hone birthday iaaevltably falls the
workeas' team-
Norma, T?aer, Mrs. Garfield Aoh4 and �. E Ido on. The Sea=. completions in 1955, si a date as the Fruit Growers
r 50 , o cQ ' —ted last ear), 17 , in the
�,. group of
exV BayAold: Mr. and Mrs, 1✓i-
ins' and asspciat on'eisecut ve b. b- forth..Juniar, Faraxiexs sponsor r tlae Howick Calif .Glib (same as cols-,, ^" � annual. meeting, I ID 7� 1GT.29,
n We H�rveyy, Mrs, Helen Clot , Au 7,00 pxn;-- nsrracn t' .ecce Trrl
ca�pta club.
attended and heard guest speaker urn; Miss Me, ,la4soai, pleted in 1'3SG), and 12 in the •� Q e The :afte?�noAn meeting in the mag, ey canals
Powick Grain, Club ( more than , ' "Qwll i� . ricultural office board room feeit
dge k'ran'lir' Fiiiglaiid, Clinton, I.endesborla: Miss: Marg orite. LY= The :Seaforth . d -1I Wry Calf S30 pm.— iW0A . 1Tkte>i"nled
ep. pleted. last .year), ured a panel discussion withltusseli
and Stuart )viii, New Xo lc rep Qn, If membefssh&p Is mmuir'. Club is sPgnsaxed by the Seafoxth Mx, and. Mrs, How2� d Pypn,. layetawtas; Wiarton Ar Win,.
e ` e, •Comniuru Coii- , nt ct one of these, 2 Charfl. as inoderatox and panel
ntatav of eo a any Agricultural Society, Glorit� Boyd, Qii: lvtarcli 1 , the $lytli-: k,;linvalle,, slsent Tuesday afternoon ,m a s` e r H. lr e over at Cliliton Colts
ClWs introduced by John WOss eanb r , Pry, sip W> Go _1 ,
Belgrave Beef Calf Clul? was or- at the home of the )otter's parents . SATUTtOAT,. Mtl�MM 2,A•
t•an -�-- -- -- 2, Walton, is presiders,; Mer, d to B ty provincial eaitomologlst, OAC, 9,30-10.30
-,resident of the )pial asstroia i .. vin Pepper, I R 4,. Walton, vlce ganize•_, with Glen Coin . s named Mr. and Mrs,.. ere l _ bb, p,lic Free Skhil n
lin Penal 8uest L'
�_ a rofessor B. Kelly, .$'atony De for Public School Children
judge > q s . e AthletxC A wa id Y __ . ... :.. t, GACA J. Johnston; 11,00:12.o+s a;rtl: - Adastral Fork
speakor for Mie eveni�g eamm n par,meri
supervising inspector, 'fruit and 1,30.5,30 .m: Figure Skating,
ded the Goderiiih Coxiiir�unity Con fes; n REPORT .PARLIAMENT HIt�L ,r . vegetable°division.,:.Canada IDepart- 8,15.10.00• P.m.. Public $luic.
ociatio, for the vltQ part k ,
text ASS �? ;> _
�, : -,'tient of Agriculture, Loudon: an+d MONDAY, lillAE•4j>� 2ti•-••:
that 411 concerned in the organiz s
,anon were doing for the cultural F p Q B; J. Teskey, 0 p.m TUGker mith
irn 0n rm anQ�r described the ad $0-2.3
benefit of the community, esPec Cardif FComm :_ .. a , .. o '• tar
Mr. Teskey 0 ipp e ni s e 4�11�5
vantages of thinning fruit on the 3 „ eWee f?raetc
tally in this day and age wlien so k trees when at small stage;' so that . S, p.rn--�Landesttaru. And, Aub•,, !
much of our time was taken up l y , e £'tee w6uid� not .be drained of ,,,urn Hockey
with the struggle fpr- materi'al - th
Gordon Report;.Miltionsdor culture-..ain and the t�Corraes of doanes+tie < •by n Y�i ry essentkal elexrierits an- refit -
al e fruit. He `also outlined the 9.$0._11.30 a.m,---A/V/M Hu g.%
economy. ,: l , bl
• .� ;. ,;. •.i - (By L,. I7. (1AR•DFF) . Millions for Arts -great changes th-at Have taken principle of cl}emicdl thinning, Campbell Public School
Stunt all announced the I notice + h s eeches place 1n. Canadian agriculture since iwblbh is done preferably ab t en 4:15 -5.15 P,rn• = `reo Slag -,
N not c by some of t o p R y ou t
s al f ements +.had beery w ' �W e ,had the Canadian Farm made b Cabinet Ministers the the end of Iasi war, which has :
pen . ang �s.,;<,:>�. .:.. vi last. y r _ days after calyx, i l'.a., children (grades �r6• ;,.
l� x ,.: Loan Board under . review Governmen Member •are going to meant a steady decline in the num A pruning e g) sponsored by Aiken Brix,
made to ring to. Goderich in 0 t ,. s g g a i rico)- , P u g d mosistraticxi will be ,
K'' w s,k " 8 bet pf.pepple eng ged n ag and .Glinhon News -)-,ecoid,
week, The Minister brow ht in a
tuber, for the first concert of next �4 a w capitalize pn the fact that the.
Y ti y ` f ;.•<: xesaluti n asking Parliament to.. Government a ded down $7.00,- ture, along with a steady increase WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27.••-.
season, Boyd eel and his cele ., ,� p
N Y raise the capital amount from 000,000 to et p'a Canada Coon- 8,30 p.m 'W'�OA.X intemediate:•
baKated Halt House,'orchestra, a r g in the physical volume of output
�� ? n a F n h .tbree-million dollars to four4 .cil fpr the encouragement of the Per farm, and .peF roan hour. The
$string of hestza of 13 musicians t a X01; , f�:,uw'..; .. milion, arts lion ties and ..s oci al report refers to the considerable HanoverHcpatyClinton -,Colts.
drawn from the cream of the Tor x; z� �i A5 the Minister. explained, this sciences. Na oneldbjected•to this improveinexvt in real earnings arid 1
. v>� >
:.:? v �. N,. , _ ARENA UT,.OSING FOR
"''" ' y but the fact remains had it not
onto SymiphpnyOrchestra. In ad- ,., '~�'•�.,..•c ;��� Was necessar because of the ac- , the litre se i�n farm zncome, ex-
dition, anyone joining the associa- z ::::. �? v- celerated rate of lending in .the been for the fact that the Gov- perienre during the post-warNWMM
,.s: ears,
tion as a 'new member this week •`''` ;� ' +Past year or so, There was no ob ;ernment had collected four -hon& Y .
n3' red million dollops in takes- more $ut no mention, is made of the 4a aw word, minimum 755
Would be entitled to attend the : " .:.,.>�: lection to this increase from a dollars, •
is ;tis sourse, but much complaint was; than was eeded, they wouldn't fact that a portion of this increase ,- .��
final, concert of the 'current seas = < � t. P � � 9 X P '�' RT
on without char e. �'ThaS program w. - r �' � made frown nearly, all quartgxs of halve had $100,000,000 tp hand is, in effect a, 'return oil capital Thurs., Marcia 21Bingo, Leg
g P the House with .,respect to the down, True it isn t wasted, bu:t invested in modern agricultural ion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street,
wall .feature one of North ?,mer- t,IERALD TEBIIUTT�
f e rte a very limited way i which, the Act nevertheless its your money . en- machinery, .and ma; I add, in the Clinton, commiencing at 8.30 p.m.;
16Ws inest mal quartets, the r . e a th (Oi1ta was being administered. trusted to the Government. greater use ..of „fertilizers, heroic- 15 regular games for $5,00; three i
Rondolaers. ,The date, for this third year stud .tit t e It was pointed ou,t to the Min- The, Council will consist. of a ides, fox'.weed control so necessary special share -the -wealth: ames•
tario Agricultural College, P in .this da and age, These greater g .a
concert is set for Friday, .,April 12+ aster and the Government that chairman avice-chairman, and 19 , ' Y $56 jackpot poen 56 numbers, inclixd-.
Guelph, was awarded the year ,fanners were not getting the con other members., The chairman _outlays have not been; mentioned
ed in all share -the -wealth games;
g ,
Mr. Nall, referred to the, l?rnvil- 145 -award. for the individual sideration they deserved with re shall :be appointed for a term hot in, ; the Gordan report, nor, has it pope special game for -$25.00. Ad= ,
age of �reoip* ty� :Por mernlbers of showing outs,and'iiag participda ct to loans. The Act reads that exceeding five years. The remajn referred' to the,fact that the dollar, mission: 15 regular games for 50c•
the ass6didon'by which the prey- tion, in the inter athletic pro- afarmer is entitled to receive u Ing members will be !appointed for earned by the farmer in recent s tial ames 15 for 25c• 5 %x
en�tation :of a member's card at any ' ram, .as well as. having eMlibb- tp 65 percent i of value, but as I a term .of,•two years, .sixpfor a term years, ,has declined in value and. 5064 g 12-b a
C o" rri�nuni " �oiicert' in Ontfirxo g' urel asin e
ty , . lied fine qualities pf character, myself., pointed out, farmers were of three years, and' Seven for a P g power. - Friday, March 22 - 800 p.m.,
would peaimit,.admission at no ex- lead'ersship; and academic° abR- "not able to get anywhere near that term of four years. dVly cant4ndan 1s that 1f em- Euchre PeArty, in ,Agriculture O.f- •
'tra charge. Three particularly out- ity, ' The ,award was made. at. amount, Some waayyted tfie ceiling The Bill provides for the Minist--p'hasis is to be .placed on the fi a Board Rooms. -Sponsored by "!
standing'"concerts`in' er"centres' tial Athletic Ban uet raised to 80 pereeht, but my con er of Finance to ay, the Council overall increase in farm .income, WI ;Come. and brih: a friend. ill �9�a�' 0'� i'
oth the ann q , gge in its 8
tendon is that it j doesn't matter this year ane h . dr d million dal- then it should be viewed
worth watching for in South Wt4 at. the Ontario Agricultural Y un . 12-b
tern Ontario next -season were.'the ... and VeterinaryCalle es.. g P 1' Which shall cpnitr;bole Proper Perspective,arel and take into " �,�ay, March 22• --Euchre and
so much raison of the percentage, ars half of w
g. if the +farmer was, able to realize an Endowment Fund, for the fol- account -all a l,a t e d factoS. Dance. `
Vienna ,; Choir Bays'. in Woodstock, Gerry is a 1955 :graduate of up to. 65 percent., 1 lowin . u : es: o foster.. and Strange to say, the report goes on Sponsored by Brucefield .
Ing P rocs , to'ission 50c. Lunch coon- i
e to say that 'the owth in Canada s
:hlie Lpngines• Sym�plionexte in Sad- " G'UCT. ; In his final t'e'ar,. here, - � .The trouble is tth�t the appli- promote the .s�t��y ;of,; enjoyment growth .. ter. � 126
' iiia;• an Alec•»�T'empleton, pianist he was selected leader of the cant is up against the judgment of af, and the" prociuetaon at works. Population, coupled rising
un .S rat rcl. In act eea, rn iq; •spool -fad the L�,ondcin Free. a riser • H doesn't alwaysin" the arts humarut ea .nd. social costs and incomes,_, will have : a ' Gocierich Pavilion -Dancing ev-
: th appraiser.. e a
ber, could. attend'14 conoerts for P're`ss anniial,e+vent, `Tie is the agree...with::the applicant, but sciences .and•,- irr "particular, but decided impact on• the pattern of erY Saturday , Night, Paul Cross
46 if tile attended the seine fn all son of. 1Vfi•, and Mx . Trv_6rie g the: generalit of a'griculturAl •production. and has Orchestra. 6t>fb ry
s' places his own .valuation on the without hmitin ' y
four, tovu^t1s1 Teblbutt, RR 2, ``Clinton, farm. the foregoing .the Council may, in Butt • asido from this, increased Sat., Mareh_28 Bake Sale.
furth, rine 'of its,. objects: domestic demand,, at ; forsees little Town, Hall, Clinton, 3 p.m. Spoil- .
I suggested to. the Minister 'to -
Set up a tribunal -to work in• some ( lssist, co-operate with, and for .Canadian agricultural pr1oduc5 Sots•. Varna United church. WA.
enlist the aid., of .organazatians, the likelihood that ricultu T d � -12ab
cases:' This would give the appli- tion will incrd"as ' mat4ri ll e i 11
cant "at leas a fair "estimate of objects of which are similar to any g u Y n the Friday, March 30-Phiper Collec.
of the objects of the Council, next 25 years:, In, other words, this tion, in' Brucefield area. Brucefield `
,' • • e value • of his• farm. Farmers j
t- Gb)_provide, through appropriate Canada is going to, change from Young People.- Have papers- `tied St WOW
nd° themselves in, a° tough P Pe
spot with respect to money in the organizations . or, •othenwase, ..for; an exporting country to an dbr securely for pick-up. 11;2.3-b
• ruts, scha{ars dr ' loans to Porting "coututry. As .growth der
�: -• � last. three or four years, and it: is � ��" velops, farmers •will receive' ,less Saturday, March: 80--�Ruinmage
getting: -worse. As the resolution persons i'n Gonitis 'for• study or re= Sale, 'town hall, Clinton, 1.30 p.m. Always Call' An EacpBr :
' . roves, they.need more money. Be- search in .the oris,• humanities .or and S ors: liQQ Women's Auxil-. {
less , consiiderataon
p In fact it :has already happened. ;
cause, the'.'Ggvernment have, got, social sciences in Canada or e]se* Eggs, for instance. Last ;ear we la� 12-3»b �.
a., themselves 'in• the lending field, where, ar• to persons in . other i g rt Y Goad: Friday, April 21-=Twil':
imported ed 3,500;000 cases of eggs,
countries far study or, res&arc,. an ! 1
f�rmexs are no longer alble. to bor- Musicale it} Wesley -Willis 'United `
�� .; • ' , such fields. in Canada. 1�n 11 months at a value of $261,-• , •
i ow` money Rfrom private lenders. 469 at a tiT*ne wheii our; a ora- �'m'eh: 3 p:m-, Silver collection.. �• `l'
tc) make aw , ; ta: persons in d gg :y..
When a farmer goes to. a. private ucers were getting enough .for Auspices: Good Will Club, 126' • • •
lender he is told why ilon',t you Canada far ouCaiding •aceomp- E 'Saturday, May 4 �Hame Bak -
Ing }n the, arts, humanities
eggs to pay,.for the• feed _Every- Sa ng
- go ,to ?the Canadian. 1+arm Loan or social sciences,;. Booth, Council , C56kIZA A�;cPE'llTlC'£ i
Board one wandered what was wrong Sale and Apron
+ • (d) arrange for,'and sponsor. ex- with the egg' market. The some CUhwnber. Sponsor: Ciln, _ Ki¢a- I
Tei result is that if you are hibations, " rformances and ptuK11- thing happens 'in a great many ette Club. 124'6
Fine, ° Ini orted, Bone. China, White Teapots. Pe
furne .:down Eby the Board you..are cation of vvarks �n the arts, hu more things the farmers produce.
4 fancy .floral designs. stuck, and. in some"cases this is or or social. sciences. ,Farm income has gone dawn and
really a hardship, because if you (e)' Exchange ,with other coon- dawn in the past four Years and
' have' a small mortgage on yon, tries or or no diction was taken by the .Gov
Regularly priced to sell at $1.10. gainizations or persons
_ farm, borrowed from some person t to co the Situation.
therein `knowied a and anforma- N trete
Who finds they can no longer 'live Now, however, just before an elee-
F OUR tape .respecting t e .arts, humatnit-
r aon the, interest, on the mortgage, Its and social sraenees and , . tion is called, we hear'hints with / / SPECIAL . _ r- r ardless of the interest • being (,f) arrange for• representation respect to assistance to sagging /
Pl��•CE, paid up,. they close the mortgage. and: interp'retatian of •Canadian farm income. Four years late. but '
••.... .........•. �......••• You are given, in most cases, a arts, humanities an'dsocial sciences 'nevertheless it will have the effectis
month to :get the money. You go in other Countries. with some a't any rate, o again
to the Farm Loan Board; and- if The Tetliaining fifty -million dol- vote the Government back into
you are turned down you are sold lain• is known as. the U iversity p0�'er „ YOUR CAR
" out and believe me you don't need Farmers have been the forgot
Capital Grants F:urid. From .this n
Ilii'e M ' to have a mortgage nearly' as high we find the CCodnell, may make tete .man In fact . they are, the
N as' 65 .percent to be,1n this position. ,grants to universities -and similar only``people who have not shared t
in the buoyant prosperity of the
I talk from experience, Mere institutions it }nigher learning by country as a whole, and if it had
an applicant was asking for a loan way of cafrital 'assistance in re-
af $2,500 on a hundred acres, of spect of building construction re- been any other group except the
Waste Paptr Bas eta p pAR
land with buildings and stock. In jects, but the total strut paid to farmers, something would' have
this case, not one-third the value, any institution shall not exceed 50 .been' dope about it long ago. O O
and was turned down,- the excuse percent of t1fe total expenditure (,lift: With a Clateh
Metal bottom and . top rim. being the intake on the farm didn't on the project, and such grants The other day there was an -
floral design. r' 39(
justify the loan, are distributed ' among provinces other very interestingresolution �
Re J9C ,- 31T0'VV The real reas6rl fife farmer need- on'a per capita-Mltsis. broug4it before the Hose, It was
••••• •••• ed the loan was to .increase the
g ••••••.•• It would appeal: with the infor- brought in by the Pinance Minist- ,
productivity of his farina In this mation I have :'at hand, such er to introduce a measure to pay
ease, however, this man was only scholarships and grants as may be full tax rates on all Government / a
asking for enough money to paY set up .by the Council, will not properties.' This, I am sure; will IF IT IS—UNLOAD IT ON US FOR ONE OF THEE
EW,• - off 'a $2,500 mortgage $o keep him apply tolor be available to those be good news for many munlel-
from being .sold out. The 'Farm ine, ng ,award a degree in medic- palities. " GG » D � �1 Beauties
•c an Loan Board are much. too careful, fine, law, or ordinary arts and The catch is that the Govern- O• • rj-eeon oned Beau es
and if they intend to -stray in the sciences; 'nor to university croon- Ment reserves the right to set
a lending ;field, they will to be, Sion; for such objects. aluation • on the propbrties.
more generous .in some cases. In view of some of the inform -a- Strange how much consideration X54
tion' disclosed to date at any rate ' is being given to the munici alities. a
. �^• • g p CHEVROLET C:o eh
" it would appear some of the ob - at this articular Mime by the
• P R
3 jests and purposes for which the Goverii+inent> Tome it looks like a This rthw ves ent ........ 142
� s a ivo hile.�in tm ,,,.,. :,... � '�� '
money is to be spent are not as guilty conscience, _
broad as was fi"rst anticipated. In " Just to prove my point In 1939: 95 •
other words, it is another Govern- the municipalities were getting 39 5 CHEVROLET Station Wagon
tient Board set -up with high sal- percent of the tax dollar, ;province c)
araes. 26 percent, federal 35 -percent, In Bides like a. oar yet has many other use$ •......... e�4����
188,000 civil Servants the year 1949 -ten years later, the ;
In order that imay not 0 rills- Can � Municipalities were•getting,30 per -
understood, art the year 1939 'cent of the tax dollar, province 25 53 CHEVROLET -Deluxe Sedan
' oda had 44 ()00 civil Servants but percent and the federal 48 perceryt. '•
• • + Last ,year In -1956, the munici 1- For tine .man who hasn't time for repairs ............ �'��
in 1956 Canada •had 188,000 Civil
)ties were only getting 11 percennt
Servants _ on the =payroll four province 12 percent and the l+'ed`
times as Manny. • As a matter of . eral Government 17 percent of '52 PON` IAC Coach -
_:.. fact we have got to the place now every tag dollar,
where the •tail is Wagging the flog-, New we find the Government Broken in --,•not broken dower.
a With the exception of the Social ip00
f bragging about being so generous The Yciddieg will be safe ..............•............... 44,44
.. 4,:444 � � 4
F:• credit grodo, all -the other parties with the tnunhidipalities by giving
in the .-,louse supported the 13111, them .back what really was their 9 6G �� J
" h ed Opposition. however, 51 RVI O . Sedan A
The Official Opiiosi ,own money 1n the first lace. T
amended hi the, nil] whereby the ora placed these figures on Hans- , es, Automa;tte trans-
Council mast repot, back to Parl_ a little over a week ago, when rnissio -
gin one the F nor e g lucti�,. err
Snow white �l�o5d
. n. 'Sldri 11 'loop as important As ybrr •
} i ' lament one& a year, Th15 only i e 1121nister was directing feel bah)ritl the whe'e1
a resolution through the douse to
o, r seemed logical, bring in a Bill to increase grants BONA' Setlant ` ' 4,:
y After all ane-bundred million
' A 1 money, and if oo chenedhe the
Uad t they
dollars is of of. mo
x Parliament was good enough to not municipalities,
_ ie' challenged them, d they Radio., Overdrive, etc,
3 ` '� • A t n t be&n true someoaie would have Brin our film) and tr it for sh
sti 1 th th f. g 3' y Y
All steel, complete with cellulose fibre, felt pad.,, and sill one-
aluminum: sebreh--,resistant corer.
Regular $10.95 Value .
W ate
Our Supply .18 Limited — Shop Today i
I'Voidr V i igida.iro Dealer" — Cllitk> ri
Pis y e itianey in a first place,
Sorely Parliament wag entitled to
a yearly report as to how the
Money Wag 'being',` Spent, It might
Won be neeessafT to change the
liersonnel elf the•"Cbunell as years:
go by, and ttnleg5 Parliament lie=
deived a yearly 'report it would
be difficult ;to know .just how phis
Counell was Vetting along,
.in '.iso
------ .,. - ..t,.... _
How many of You have read the ceiving
06tdan• report, Flits was s. toe. I sti
inittee set up by the Government this tr
to .ntia++lee a study of Canada's ' fu- ten or
ture- progress, 'tfp till riew this hard ft
committee has spent over one mil-. of Can
lion dollarg, grid •all we have ire-. And th
delved thus far is areliiilinary come t
roort. '1;be•final reporlis to dome, beforeter. In til
I am going to, Mate gdtrie' of its Into, a..
hi ditsgs dealing' 'eut''reiitly with MAY Y
agtieulture, and refdrrltbg to 'the 4onimt
est week, at a con-
iriunicipalities, the
ter,. who was the
tried. to talk around
used, but by and
dhailgo •th&tri to any
ly difference being
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