HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-11-30, Page 51 •4 „ '111-• -t* 01 11 41 NOV. 80, 1688, • riciafortla. Rev. B. Austin,. of the Aline, Ladies' College, preached in the Meth - ()dist oin eh last: idunday.---Mr. D, D. Wi1• :hipped to. Victoria, 'British Coltun a car loadof eggs and 4.tteittlic)freight. on wiiichamounted to over ,siandred1o1-it'.Thornw3 Kidd has been appointed salt inep- t • by the Government.. • • Mr. A. 11. Manning, of Clinton, lectured in.t•he Methodist church here last week on W'estininszer Abbey,—. The Preilbyteriln church,. Sunday solloal contribution boxes vrere stela: . one night last week. They contained three or four dollars. 'What a tardly trick, • • • Carrick. A turnip contest for it prize given 11,3. S. Guinn:N:1 was won by 3. Weil - or 291bs, 2 oz. The other contestants wore Geo. Lobringer 27 lbs, Geo. Hay FA?' lbs 4 oz, R. Harper 25. Ms, The to heaviest potatoes were shown by D. Wilton (3 lbs. 2 02. Where's the township that can beat Carrick? Let's hoar from yeti. Toczwator. Arrangements have been, made for the giving of five lectures in the Methodist Churoli this winter. The speakers an topics are as follows ; "Lights and Shadows,,, by Rev, Rogers ; "The Vkdding Ring," by Rev, W. F. Can:obeli ; "The 'Mower n the Human Voice," by Rev. James: Livingstone; 'British Coltnhia, its Olimate, Rosoerces, ete.," by Rev. Coverdale Watson. ; "Walks through Eainhoro'," by Iv. 'W. W. Sperling. Olkatma. Dr. Rose, of Lendesboro, has sold nut his practice to Dr. Reeves, jr., of Clinton. i (t..:q Lem: 1,Cgt LOT 't3)11E.) The torn refuscd to entodain the prepositions for lighting the town by electric liAllt.--Tlitenliogiving. day MS genendo" ubrier634 p.<: a holtday,, all business places being clotted. The principal feature of the clay was a foot -ball match between Seafortli and crinton Collegiate ji.tuts teams. ;The game was closely contested, but :ft:inflect the Clinton boy4. were out of lu , Sea foal/ betacc • victorious by fo . goals to ono. This raoltes the th ' match ear, hteliscni Intween these • te: us. The flt.'it was a draw, the 30 nd decided in favor of Clinton and 0; the third, won lav Seafonli. The • h ne. team Vitte at ef.41Si6L1'2.141.0 • di.2311 ✓ :toga as threo cif the men were u ,ble to attend atirl It i'olirth strained ankle (luring tire fore part of the me and had to leave: the field.. The iys do not feel so baiby over. their •efeat, folly expee.ting 60.as Boon as !Ii• can qt the fell team together to lore than redeem titch, fortunes. '•---The thanksgiving conll given by l• tha junior 'erickot club was a grand success. The programme, consisting of both vocal end insfroractital music , and.reeitations,was ex. Among • the many good things oJ; which it was , composed tho cnoiuses and fancy drill l' of the cricket boy, the recitations of 11. Miss G. Thkertwt), tho singing of . i Miss Ilearn, Mrs. Rewiford, and of Messrs. Shane and Tanner, .of Myth, deserve special mention ; the latter in their condo and character singing being encored again and again. The programme, ceded with a tchleatt, rep- resenting kitchen life io. br.,w England which if not a very trwt r.iiettire was certainly a highly amusing one,—A munber of nor sports took in •151•0' shooting ntiatch at Svat; hAtil, Holtnesvillo, on Thankr.:glein; ciay, and though they may have n.ci 3 victty dear for their turkeys na doubt got eonsiderable fon ag with client. -- The many Wends of Miss Alargaret 3. Shepherd, daughter tni. 'Art, Janieg Shepherd, of this town, wen,: painfully surprised Satinday to 1.0ear of her decease, She had been unwell for it few days, but nothing sc:rions was ap- prehended till a day or two beioro her death. The frernvol took plod Mon' day afternoon and was attended by a largo nunabor of relative,: and friends, witnessing to the respect in -which she wait held by all who knew bor.—Ship- - merits from tho ptation still •continue very heavy, though lighter than 'last week.—A largo rononut .4. freight that has been held b:..ck, for want of ears is now beginning to move. Mr. Irwin, the grain buyer, has .obout 18 coy loads of bailey which will ga nal. this Week if.cors aro precarable.--llev. J. Gray has removed to Kincardine. Ito IS MID. here by Der-, Atr. t5zoith. . 0 QP CO MPRISING : CARDS, TOYS, AMES, FANCY GOODS, nooKs, BOOK.LE'TS, ETC., ETC., IN WINGIIAM. • CyL SOLICITED BEFQEE NVENGIT."..zr, f."MAS° Elf) 1.J!I fl BUYING 0 Ng ONT ViP1 r1,1 T'111/1 , • LA} 1.1 Has a moskeomplete assortment of the LA.T2sT, CHOICEST, and. MOST CV:AWNING ARTICLES in JAS. W. IN GLIS, i 70•:.-41., ---c.* . ,....,-...- . /v\ ,/!,..1.1T,..- , ' t ,:t . •••-:•./..i : t'. '''/ ' I • i,'", 11 -• , z ,, • 7,,.. • . :, : . ' -. : TA , 7 I . (.., ' : -- • ::' ---;:.., y :, - ., j • \ c.,„; ,,,,, \, . 1 ',,,,, x 1 ...\ AS, A\ )/ ,'.;.e \,:.,i, ;•„// s. -..--,, Watches, Clocks, Jewellery • and Silver Goods. Tau wiz ame m BAZGAZES. ar CLOSE ATTENTION .GIV'EN TO REPAIRING, AND WO= 41..LL • WARRANTED. GO RIGHT TO. GREEN'S BLOCK FOR YOUR JEWELLERY. r...-romrat nr:4,....-.....s...,......cs,cruwareznratsmewerse.&,-,cragscres,aman..mtearavesactieseer.rtms, „ 1 IVUEn g L IL 4L_L Elll 01,101,101(.10p.livolopiop,ploh.phioloicloioloiolumoNoloiotoiqq,ic000tivo S 1-1•170Sr.E' ALITT-I'LE$ T o/6/(1'1''/(4/4)/°/°/"P'/*/"/.q. Piquil4h4H(Vc*/"K'N°/(01/6/(1/1101"/"/"fi')/ BEST BALTIMORE OYSTERS SHIPPED DIRECT. • • CELEBRATED NEW BRUN SWICK CREAMS. CHOICEST VARIETY OF ORA:NOES, LE.IfONS, GRAPES, AND ALL viuuraus 01? SEASONABLE FRUIT. THE DzsT CIGARS AND T1BACCOS, AND A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT •OF PIPES. GREAT QUANTITIES 01? XMAS, GOODS ON THE WAY. li7a=" PEANUTS. § ROASTE:D § DAILY. OPPOSITE TEM 0llisTRAL.:110211M, : • : : : *e.:47. %., .P L D 13.111 I T la' r , ,, • . 4-4 A I 0 peso 14,se ... . • re... ...II...A .4.7.4„..,:g—g ..iLA . _ . , . • • Is the place where. all can be supplied with Iretch%4,...-CW4Izo,'.- atweLl-oroy,' .51Iverwara aztel EittqtacZes Of the BEST QUALITY and at'the LOWEST PRICES. • Having just retttrned from the 'Wholesale Markets, where 1. have bought a very heavy stock of above articles for Spot Cash, 1 am in a position to on,: thorato my•Customers and the Public gonorally at, POOE E C t 72 3 3 .V17- C • • Call and see my Fine Assorted Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Gold Watches, Ladies' and Gents' Gold. Chains, the finest and cheapest lot of Ladies' 13J:oodl- es, Earrings, Ouff.bittons, •Sic.. in the Town. , • have. the, finest and largest stock of Gold Rings ever kept in Wingliatn, eonSisting of, Plain 'Rings,. Stone Set Eings, Diamond Rings and Scarf Pins. In 'Watch Movements I have them in stock from ail the leading manufac- turas of the United States : The Elgin, Walthami,,Hampaen, Roelcford, Columbus atei. Aurora Watches. 1 havo also a very Largo stook ni Clocks, from $1 20 upwards. If you. want a Christmas or Now Years present, VANSTON2'S is, where you can get it either in t;old or silver at Book Bottom Price:). As Halve -bought for spot cash, that is just the reason that 1 Can offer goods so cheap. acl inspga my oteek. do all kinds of repairing in watches, clocks, jetvelicry, ,Sr.e., at reasonable --vices and. all warranted. Thanking my'numereus customers or the vbry liberal patronave bestowed on the since coming to Wingliam, and soliciting a continuance of the same, I remain, yours truly, 211 CI 4 t' 11;1 rgri 7 pg 0; filt 9 I vi suconsson, TO II. PARK, Itntnotabor tho Ovid : Nott door to the Post Mice, STEAY ED STEER. TOWN PROPERTY 0_11:AVM. PUPA Tin:, Putitrfsp.gorTin scameriba, lot ti, in 13th eo».111st, Wawa:wit, about tho 14 of AiNubt, a red steer, one year old. The ritrht ear to Mit. Any person giving..4411,14 in. formation as will-It:ad to his recovery will 1,e suitably rawer:led. OEM PON, • aftitechurch P, rT7SICINV • A MPS NELL° ; 1/101.1Artrq. Oa* PILAttfillS VOILINSTRUCTION ON PIANO AND .Organ, in Voice Culture and Itarniony. • favise Room ; DUN'to 10011 BALA NiANITACTI.:IttUt AND .orAixa 74 Gattg.5.3o, c) -44f4,1, 14743v12;c41.e45, e,g„ Repairing. of all:kinds attended to. Ji.PXtiCES VEIV MODERATE... ,GIVE ME A CALL., HRIS T M GOO W have Eveiy Department filled with the Latest,*Choieest Gomls . • latark,ed at Lowest Possible Prices. HOLIDAY. GIFTS IN ALMOST .CO:UNT- LESS VARIETY. .."9 3 „--(6 w • -^ Kit LY24.3 q p' A-, (157rttttp 471 Oht9Z2172`11,2r7 Look in ivad examine our supply of Fancy Goods. what you want. IMIX,210.4.40 You will see jo...t tninnasromm nes DPCIDID) to. atr for tale neveral good Ktpertiro is the Town Plitt, (Lower Witurhatn,) colnpos at racer, 1: Lots Nos. lay anti 335 on tho North tido of W.tter St. and lots N. 137 ami 1145 on tho South silo of Victoria i... Theta lots aro all togotigx and tozavote a splendid comp.:S:1ot, Met:dent volt:a, mum, n ; Point I.oss-Zitutibers i1, 5l. 31 and r,t) tto Mat chic ef lIcrbert St., in the 'Pewit Plot, Fitlicr's Buren. Lutes:, 511 In the Dover:intent Mill Deserve, Pither's thnirey, Lot No. et on the Fact tide of NAM% a., Actit, oncolith of an s.acre, with o smell Sons and Ltaitio Par,1es wishin* to tee the properties anli. iv:certain terms can do so -by applying to str.S. T. PRICE, Lower Winghttin. magi.= r, (1. I "i • r,•,.•N::,,! .`h t 10 HAVE ISOW THEIR tfp'1,P,dr'its1.11:jaci:',•1',11' iLOittAPP 4 1 vRCA in vn ;Ir. -;-:‘ ..,. ., L.\ ,,.yt., li 11( 1 ''A 0 i..1 il 1,' •,(' ',1`..'1-1 ci„4 2'41?! 4 I n i:i t i .4'11 ff e 4i . f ww COMPLETE IN EVEltY DEPA VI Err, And wiannt attemi,ting to ivc ere:11 en outline :if the roily ii,Illortszit addit.lor,:i this .:cisoit to their nsnally fttt thy wouhl sAmply extend a most cordial am,.1 hearty welcome, ;:o OVery pc,r,-,on visiting itmt4v iii ak ilta4V,1 Viti7 tRacirt°1 kw..., e....wt,ta.t.wc% quota tti7S) 6, If goods and priev. •ftre satisfactory, iley i11 "he delightA to mak.) sales, and the larger the sales the more delighted they will be. OALL UPON TIIMI EARLY. IT WILL PAY YOtT TO DO 0, GP4p0.1q.. 8.t rani TY:1113, BIG 'MOWN