HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-03-14, Page 7THE ONE FLAG ON
ksymbol of all that is best in human nature... to
give ihelping hand when needed . . to show
kindness of heart to care for the sick... to
comfort the distressed.
We are allipPlig cantle 'every :Slimily for thili(ed
Co-operative of Ontario and solicit yoUr patronage. We will
'pick them up at your farm.
Please PHONE COLLECT- not later than Friday. nights.
Seaforth Farmers Co-operative
H. S. Hunt, Manager
Phone--Day 9, Eveninis 481w
• . 394th • •
4. 4 1,„ Sir
Chrysler Plymouth — Fargo
Sales, itrid Service 'Clintonlittron St.
flf$ near as your telephone
RASE D. PATEIRSON, Trust Officer
Cont4rio, Phone 51
• Estate Planning and 'Wills
e'Real Estate Services ▪ Inve'sunent „Management and Advisory ..9ervice
4%% paid on fixed 'term deposits
• 0 1/4 I ion „savincposits may be mailed
Or Contger 04flee. Of
Toronto •„ Montreal • Ottawa • Windsor Niagara Falls Sudbury • Sault Ste, Marie
Calgary • Vancouver
Township °of Stanley
' Will, be; received' for the drushietj and ,hauling of 4,090 cu. yds. :of gravel, to be crushed through' 34"
screen, and put on the roads by OctOber 15, 1957, under
the supervision of the road superintendent.
• Tenders to be accompanied by a marked chequ
for $200.
"CiirciVel to I. 'taker) from the fallOWirig, 1,0p0 yards•frOin McLetin pit; 1,000 yards from .the Faltnes-
Age pit'. 2,000 yards from either the Girigehch or the
Marks pit, )
Lowest or any tender' not necessarily accepted,
Tenders to' be in 'the hands of the clerk by Satur-
day, March 30, - 1957,. 'at noon.
Clerk: Fred Watson,
RR 3,- Bayfield, Ontario.
In case of fire, 'call any one of the following
Fire. Departments:
BRUCEFIELD Phone Clinton ,HU. 2-3232
BAYFIELD the :1400d Telephone 0116
ZURICH iiirikh 10
Clerk;, Fred Watson,
RR 3, Boyfield, Ontario. 11.4.41)
We have a complete stock of ALFALFA, RED CLOVER,
• Perma'nent Pe'sture MixtOres . . .
• . . . Place Orders While Stoat Is Available
We are quoting very attractive priees and replacement '
orders would require higher retail prices.
All Varieties available in. Registered No. 1; Certified No. 1
and Commercial No. 1. .
Treated,and Packed in New Jute
OAT VARIETIES:. Garry, Rodney, Sirncoe and" Beaver.
Registered and Commercial Brant and
Montcalm Barley.
High qUality seeds will be in short supply this spring. To ,‘
be sure of your requirements ORDER NOW!
We'll p Deliver To your..„F:atin
1. We are eotitioethig for Molting Barley
2. Registered Seed Oats.
Your geed can be' delivered and cleaned without being bagged.
Phone us and arrange a date to cleAn and treat
Your requirements.
..„ .
'G. Thompson & Sons
Phone 32 LIMITED
4). Ay:Ati$5,,,,PINT R, 1001)8
1905 Ontario chailk$0.0 144410 Oerree,Ondent
4r, and Mrs. William E. Park,
visited relatives in Mitchell on
Vir,and Mrs H 'Ornkind
re in 'Detroit from Wednesday
iii (cilia;,
Ar. and Mrs. James Fisher,
rry and Frank, Vtchener, were
the village on Sinalay,
Mr. and Mrs, William Bennett
d family; London, were at their
ttage over the weekend, ,
Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Atkinson
d baby David, Detroit, visited,
A. Atkinson, over the Week-
The Reveiend and Mrs.- V. TI.
lull, L1stowel, were the guests
Miss Lucy R. Woods, over Fri-
iy night.
Mr. arid Mrs, Martin AndreWS,
arie, Judy and Jimmy, London,
filled on Mr. and Mrs, William R.
PPP .0.4:..§in;i44Y... Mrs. Malcom. Toms left.. on
ly to spend a week in Kitchener
ith - her daughter;. Mrs. • Lloyd
Testlake and family
The Rt. Rev., William.A..TOwn-
tend,_13D, Suffragan. .131S/lOPar,..9Qf
Enron, and Mrs. Townsend called
n friends in the village on Sat.
rdaY. .
Mr. 'and Mrs. WilIiem Barber
nd family, St. Thomas, visited
Ir. and Mre, Alf •Seotchmer,
nd J... Cluff and family over
he weekend. •
Mr. -and MU. John Elliott, ;..„11in-
ny, Nancy. and Susan, Kitchener,
vere-, 'weekend- visitor's
Griner's Perents, Mr. and Mrs. , Arilliain, Eallott. •
The Reverend W. S. Outer
Sunday, informing him that his
mother was seriously Ili, .Be left
On /VfOnday morning for Bermuda
to be with her.
Mr. and• Mrs. Stuart Sturgeon,
and the latter'S ParentS, Mr. and
Mrs. Bernard Davis,_ Gerald SO ,* X
gem and Misses Audrey and Der-
othy Soloniek, Preston, and Mr.
and Mrs. Dennis I3isback, Clinton,
spent Sunday With Mr, and Mrs.
Edward Sturgeon.
Last week was Education Week,
ph Thur$day, the teachers in Bay-
field Public School„ "LeRoy
Path and Mrs, William E, Park-
er threw, the ,sehaal 'Open to adults
for inspection, r Dare, .work by
pupils, text hooks and work books,
were on display. Bid the classes
were not interrupted, Twenty-
seven signed the VisitorS'_boak and,
watched, the lessons 'being taught,
onet s
Be Top Flight
Residents of •Goderieh and Stlr*,
rounding ilistriets, will be favoUred
this year with top .flight concerts
sponsored by the local Community
Concert Assochttien. s
The Wart House ,OrclieStra, Un-
der the direction of the world
famous. BoydN',eel has been tent-
atively •beOlced. for one concert and
is'. a sample of what may be ex-
petted in the coming season.
Plans for this year's member-
ship drive were made at a meet-
ing held at the home of John R.
Walls, God:erich. At this time the
executive was elected composed of
'Mr. Walls, president; George Pare
Sons, vice-president; Miss. E. A,
Cooper, secretary; D, 5, Gordon,
.treasurer; Miss H. M. Videan,
membership chairman; Bruce Clif-
ford, publicity chairman,
- Under prdent plans, a dinner
op March 1.8, at St, George's. Ang-
lican Chinch Parish Hall, will men
the membership eaniTheign, which
will continue through that week.
Prospective members ' for the,
1957-58 season, are being offered
as a bonus, the last of this sea-
son's concerts. This concert is be-
ing held on April 12, and is by '.a
Male quartet known as The Rand -
oilers, —
were Made for a quilting in the
near future. ,
'United WA
The Woman's Association met
at the home: of Mrs. M. Toms, fol-
lowing the WaVIS meeting, Thurs-
day afternoon, • Owing to the ill-
ness of the president, 'the second
vice-president Mrs. L. Smith con• -
ducted the meeting.
Plen.s were made for holding the
bazaar in the. surruner, and for the:
annual. event, the Irish Social, *on
Friday', evening,‘ Mareh
As the work of laying, a new
floor In' the church kitchen has
been completed, a ...(cleaning' bee
was arranged for next week.
A sei&ies RoUrid Robin Tias,
ix{ eid of a: furnace fund, are being
held throughout , the congregation.
During the lunch hour, models dis-
played ,samples-of choir-gamins; =re,.
ceived approval and those present
expressed their preference.
The Ontario Hog Producers
held their annual meeting on Mar-
ch and 7, in the King Edward
:Hotel, Toronto, Thia was the
largest meeting yet,withaorne .0.0()
delegates, and yisitors attending,
'Charles McGinnis was returned
as president as were the other, of—
•ficers. This was fortunate --a.$
these men have been .in closes can,
tact with the: problems of the past
year's Organi4ation • anal are un-
!ley. N, D. McLeod
(By our Hensel'. correspondent)
Rev. Norman D, IVIeLeocl, min-
ister of St. Andrew's United Chur-
ch, Kippen, died suddenly Monday
morning at the manse' with a heart
condition, in, his 63rd year, Mr,
IVICLeod, had been, confined to his
ihlohimeees,thbeutphaisst• ctolildetetiowneelvkasS wneityh-
er considered serious at any time
and he expected to be. back in
the 'pulpit in the near future;
Mr. McLeod was, indgete,d into
theIcipPen charge on Augostl, and
assumed pulpit duty on August 3,
1952. '
ge was born, in the province of
Quebec, 'and took his high• school
work at Lennoxville Academy and
later his I3.A, 'degree at Bishop's
-College, I.ennoxville. He went
overseas in World War 'I as, a earn-
bata,nt, in the 5th C.M.R., and wes
wounded at MapleCopse In, 1-916
and again at Peascliendale in 1.917.
ir • !Mr. McLeod 'took his TheologiCal
stiidiee in Robertson . college Ed-
Matitan, Alts.„ (now St, ptephen's
CAlleke) and serVed,ln 'the north-
land ,as ‘Student, Missionary, After
Rrdinatpwn he served two congre-
gations in Alberta, first at Lavoy;
then:at Lamont, wherepie „el-With
liad an litiportarit,MissAoxiary
Wak.f ealied to
church..his bonnie in Lennaxville
Where he served for almost 11
Yeah ,
'retIerYf-°Or the 'QtecLoeTeffi;PCreess-h°Yrteecry,
past chairman of both Presbyter-
fif.,which he, served;',.VerinilliCat
In 'Alberta and , Sherbrooke, in
Quebec. He also 'served as pres-
ident of , . the,,,Sherbcooke And
Asidelation. He
r,eceived •his, BD. degree. from the
University. of Alberta. •
...Surviving are his widoW, `the
fanner' Mary Beatrice Farwell, a
native of LennoXville, one, son,
Norman, in Civil, SerViCe, and one
„daughter, (Marian) -Mrs. Garth
Mosher, both of. Ottawa.
Miss Carol Williams, Clinton',
spent the weekend with Miss Bon-
ita Williams.
,Miss Badbara Yea is at her
hofrie, folloWing an qiperation in
Clinton Public Hospital. „
W. R. Lobb is 'confined to ..bis
home wi.-th`laii shOulder in a cast
fallowing a, tall at his homey
Mr: and•MrS. Gordon SteePe and
family have moved into the Elliott
dogatecily better .eqUipped to ban,
die the problems of 1957..
Dr. Kagann.,am, president of
the „Canadian Federation , of Agri,
tmc,la.urt:ineg, aodnd
resusersdaayh t, e vilvuinngcheaonn
outlook on the world trade situa-.
The followingresolutions were
ft wArs, resolved that- the Prov-
incial Government be requested to
provide truckers with free, clean-
ining.ta;1;chceaat the yards under
the Department of ,Health of An-,
iws r
It, was resolved that the prem.
Min on Oracle A hogs, be inereased.
to $5 and the preraigni on Grade
13 -continue at $1. Also- that the
weight for Grade A he 130 pounds
to 160 pounds dressed weight.
-The Marketing Agency, under;
the capable management of 'J, R.
Kehler was heartily approved.
.Producers were urged-to supply
greater wilurnri of hogs to . the
Ppen Market in order to give
greater' .bargaining. .power to the
-salesmen. . There :.also seemed to
be a 'gene
ral feeling that, thottgh
the Marketing Agency would soon.
reach maximum control, of the
marketing of hogs, the •produCeis
will likely have • to consider a Co-op.
Packing plant before they. will be
able to ,pontrol their product as
close to the as is nec-
essary. -
Ladies' Club In
Vcites Donations
The 'March meeting of the Tuck-
ersmith, Ladies' Club was held at
the home of Mrs. William PepPer.
Fourteen ladies were:present, and.
answered• the •roll •call, 'Whet
am giving ill:V.-for Lent.", '
The club members pldii to take
a 'bus trip.to interesting places in
and around Hamilton about the
last week in May.
It .was voted. to donate $25 to
the Cancer -Research Fund; also
$10, to .the St, John's Ambulance.
The April. meeting of the. Club
with, their, families,, will be held
the-- evening, of April 3 ,,at SS 4,
with Mr. and. Mrs, .Cliff EPps, Clingy
ten, "es guest, speakers. They ere'
to show films of their AAP to
Florida, and also give a talk, and
answer questions on horticulture.
-A very interesting talk was giv-
en' by Mrs. N. Sillery, on the life
of the first lady member of Peri-
iament,...341s5:4gnes McPhail. Mrs.
Sillery conducted an amusing 'con-
test. A delleious lunch was served
by, group three.
home, which they recently bought.
Mrs. Neldon Brown, Detroit,
aViich.., -is visiting at the home of
her ,oarents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E.
Mr; and Mrs, S. Brown and Mrs.
Cudinore, Willowdale, were re-
cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.
Sgt. and Mrs. L. E. Morton and
family are now living in the Lavis
apartments, which was formerly
the harrie of Miss Susie Acheson.
rMiss Frances McCullough has
returned home from Clinton Ptib-
lie Hospital, wherd she-was a pat-
ient following an appendix opera-
Mission Band
The Wilhelmine Mission Band of
'Holinesville United Church met in
the school for their March meet-
ing. Dominique Gahweiler was in
Charge of the program, which op-
cried with the hymn "The Church's
One Foundation," followed by the
Mission Band purpose.
Leonard Wilson read the Scrip-
ture lesson and Berthena Critick-
shanks led in prayer. Marion Lie-
bold read a peace story, "A Good
Idea." The president Paul Cud-
more took the business period.
The hymn ',Tether We Thank
Thee" was sling' and Jim McCul-
lough read a temperance story,
"What IS Your Real.Narne?" Eric
Gahweiler read a pooh, "Jesus'
and The Children."
A contest Was enjoyed,, and the
Study Bookperiod was taken: by
Mrs. Jack ,Yeo and Miss-Ann Shad-
dock. 'pie 'hymn "God Sees The
Little SparrOW Pall" bene-
diction brought the meeting to a
r ,-
m• it$4v1,.,7 'REDDEN • Phone - Hensan
C - -
Mrs. Dorland,Evans and ffem
ily, Waterloo, spent _the wee, end
with Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. McLaren.
Mrs. George Hess is, spending
this 'week with her daughter and
Uon-hi-law Mr. and -Mrs. J, L. Mc-
Cloy and family, Toronto.
Mr. anti Mrs. Archie Noakes left
on Saturday, March 9, by:bug for
a three weeks vacation ,with rela-
tives in Tucson, Arizona, and San
Jose, California.
LAIC Victor Stan who is sta.-
tioned at St.' Johns, Quebec, .and
his wife and son Jimmy, London,
spent the weekend with Mr. arid
Mrs,. Leonard -Noakes. -
Mrs, Earl McKellar and family,
Chatham, Mrs, L Selmanand
Christine, Caledonia are staying,
With Mrs, Annie Richardson,, tor'
three weeks, during the absence
Mr, and Mrs, A.. Noakes
illMani Fanner,,- Jr., Windsor,. bridge received a cablegrl'am, on
home over the weekend,
The teachers appreciated the in-
tercet. of those who..;.isited the
`schoel to see the progress of ed-
ucation here.,
W1VIS Meeting.
A•highlight of ' the United Chur-
ch Woman's Missionary Society
meeting last Thursday afternoon,
Alva.% a talk given by Miss A M.
Stirling, on South East Asia, the.
VMS ,field for mission study this
year. Miss Stirling illustrated her
talk with a map of The area and
;told ,samething ,,,the geography;
li.titary,and'religlai of these far-
off lands, • until recently so little
known 'to Canadians. She noted
the fact that all the great relig-
„ions Of :the,worldpAtaddhism, Con-
fgeitiiiiSm,,MalOrkinetianism, Jud-
aism aild,ChriStianity had all had
their beginnings in 'Asia. Pieria
Keep this flag flying in Canada!
$, ^A •`'t IIE 1 . . ,, '.•
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If you are nol at hame,yrIken the canvassers call,
You May send your contribUilans direct tar
c array 6100 4 tci m poi”. Chairman
Clinton, Ontario
HOUSE-TO-HOUSE CANVASS Planned March 274849
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