HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-03-14, Page 4• gion Auxiliary, Receives Four Applications • The regular meeting of the i:+ad-. nes Auxiliary to the Canadian Leg.-'. jon, was. held in the Legion. Hall, Menday, March 11, with president; Mrs. H, S. McAlpine presiding. Four new -.applications for 'mem- bership were received and Mrs. L. Desjardine was installed :as a member. A thank Yon .note .from the adop- ted veteran at Westminster Hopi- tal was read. The ,Auxiliary will. `Sent $15 towards a TV set for Westminster Hospital, Mrs, V. H:apgood will represent Otho group at the next ;Hospital Auxiliary meeting. The ladies accepted fan invitat- ion to the birthday party in Kin- cardine on Tohursday, March 2$. .Mrs. 1,,. Brown won the mystery draw. Following the meeting a few games of bingo were played and lunch Was served, Sullyd SO -vision ion. 117 Acre Arca Near •Goderich . A proposedd subdivision planned to cover,an area of more than 117 acres, was approved by the Gode- rrich Township council at a regular meeting Tuesday night, March 5. The project, which will be half a mile south of Goderich, near the Bl'uewater Beach, is being planned by J. A. Sully, a retired air vice marshal of the RCAF, now a 'prominent , Goderich businessman. Mr. Sully states that hel plans to "build a high=class residential suburb, making all necessary re- strictions to ensure ptirchasers and owners will be protected from in- dustry." Request for approval from the Ontario Department of Playliing and Development will be sought by the Goderich Township council. It is anticipated that the project Will get under way this spring. Although particulars of the sub- division, which has already been surveyed, have not been made pub- lic, it is rumoured that the sub- division will be undertaken in two` projects, with 'some 54 lots being developed initially. Lot sizes will range from l40"feet by 180 feet toas large as 132 feet by 300 feet: IThe subdivision: will have its own water plant, .the subdivider said. Per..on.al$ rRQW» a 24844 With Twins for This Column Asa 17eeves spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A, 7' Lucas, - Mr, and Mrs. Or�ille 3, Stanley and On Jimmy, left .on! .a trip Florida, Mr. and Mrs., Earl Flewellin St, Thomas, spent Sunday �l Mr, and Mrs. A. T. T,,ucas, Mrs, Gordon Harrison, John and Joy spent the weel€end with M and Mrs. Robert McBean, George- town, (formerly of Clinton');. Mr. and Mrs. W, A. ,Willa Buffalo, were the guests of their arenas, Mr, and Mrs, Wes Shoo ropk, over the weekend. 11�r, .and 'Mrs, W. R.' Miller and family, Windsor, were weeks visitors with their parents, May W. J. Miller and``Mr: and Mrs, Connell. D, CAn e George H. 3'effers��iin was one. three judges at Wingham Friday `adjudicating rite pub' speaking contest held there sp ored by the Lions Club. Mrs. Ursula Elliott, London, England, attended the baptism her first grand -daughter,,, Elizabeth Postill in Wesley: Ws United Church on Sunday, Ma conducted by the Rev. H. Wilson. The ;baby's parents Mr. and Mrs, Vern P'ostll, CWL Begins Rear Name Commi�:•we Re-elects Officers Mrs. van, Altena, president, w the chair• for the first meets of the Catholic Women's League, here in 1957; 17 members attend- ed in the parish- hall on March Delegate$ to the Clinton Hospi- tal Auxiliary's monthly will be the visiting committee. was voted to the League of Sacred Heart program. The visiting committees fpr' past ;three months.. reported calls made and six baby distributed. MTS. W. Swinbank, ,(�.. Shanahan and Mrs. S Spencer ,were• named the visa committee for March. •Tile president reminded mem- bers of the Catholic vocational in the CatholiaCultrxjre Lend in London from. March 22 to The mystery prize donated Mrs. Lloyd Medd was won by M Siwinbank, The present officers were re-elected for another. Lunch was served. The nex!;t m jig will be on April 1. =UM," 1.$14,1.90? Day of Prayer 'Service Held At Ontario St A. to g, S with M r. e- t 'Willard, B p b gid. or C, of t last public on- s of Kim Wesley -Willis March 3,C. are Clinton, l $; +Mrs.... C, S. Ender, wife of the rector at St.,Paul's Anglican Church, was the guest speaker' at the Women's. World Day of Pray- er held in.Ontario .Street United Church last Friday, .She based her remarks on "Prayer," Mrs. W M. Aiken, •of the hos- tess church, was :nein leader for the afternoon and other leaders ,,. were Mrs, C. Nelson, for 'Wesley, Willis United, Mrs. Fred Hude for St. Paul's 'Anglican;. Mrs. Rob- ert.. McKenzie, St. Andrew's Pres- byterian and Mrs. K, L. Sweigard, the Pentecostal church. Mrs. Fletcher Townsend read the lesson, Mrs. Bruce Cann sang a solo., - Those who led in prayer were Mrs. L. M. McKinnon, Mrs, H. C. Wilson, Mrs, Ed, Farquhar, Mrs. 8, Schoenhals, Mrs, C, Bertrand and Mrs. M, Durham: A Mair .congregation took part in this service which is held annually across Canada and throughout the world, The offering an that day is sent to the Women's, Inter - Church Council -of Canada, in To-, onto, for distribution. ONTAILIO S. GIRLS CLUB WILL MEET ON MARCH 14 The regular meeting of the Ontario Street Girls' .Club will be held tonight, March 14, at 6.30, in the -form'` -of the annual pot luck supper. Films of Florida will be shown. All members are asked to attend and please bring a friend. ,as'I inmeeting e, nd- 4_ meetings $5 the the. 28 medals k, Sam visiting dis- playre 26. by year. set Notice To Our Customers: GALBRAI' RADIO .and TV Will Be Closed 10 Days Monday, March lath For Remodelling andTaintifig OPENING G -- MARCH 28th 4 0 HERB'SFDOD MARKED' SPECIALSMarch 14 -15 -16 PREMIUM SOCKEYE SALMON Ws tin 45c KRAFT DINNERSI 2 pkgs. 29e SNOWFLAKE SHORTENING; 1 ib. pkg. 25e SUNBEITE MARGARINE," 3 lbs. 85c TREESWEET ORANGE JUICE ---48 oz. titi • 39c BABE'S • GINGER or COCOANUT DROP$ ....,, bag ,29c STOKELY'S HONEY POD PEAS` t 2, 15 -(?z. tins 35c PITTED DATES..:............. bulk -2 lbs.µ 290 P.E.h, POTATOES L -75 lb. bag "„ ......,: 2.50 BIDE TOMATOES 4' c plcg, lotto !Slit ,000006. woo slit 69' 3t �,�.IrMro'lr CEL ERYv STALKS, , for 1 itrE G tbs.31 c, BArtt3NAs .... 25 1 I'%TDLE8S SIDE BA:Ct7N---i i s pkg." .. 73c WUY'EE'S 3? 'EWERS lb, SCy1I +"IDEIVS VITAE iG't)It ► SAUSAGE tb, ,ebekahs Give $25 ToCP T (By our' .Henson, 4 e*respona.ent) 'The Am,* He'bekah' Lodge, Uensall,. • last Wednesday ,received .4-' donation of *25 for the Cancer, Polio and: Tuberculosis Fund, from the McAllister family The lodge accepted an ..invitation: to be .guests of the Goderich Lodge No. $9 at a 'social evening on March: 19, Tfulse' intending to go will. meet at the lodge hall at seven •o''cloclt. 0. • • Wesley -Willis WA Meeting Marsh 7 The Wesley -Willis Woman's As- sociation° met in the church par - for on March 7. The Scripture lesson was read brlVlrs, Reg. Ship- ley and the thoughts on lesson and prayer were given by Mrs. Addis- on. Mrs. Douglas Andrews sang a solo. It was planned to have the new sinks ,installed at once. • SP elliri - Match At •.g Horticultural Meet In Auburn Skating Party ar.- For Ontario St, ^ a u School Sunday Sch oI, The Ontario S treet United Church skating party for the 'Sim - day School scholars was held on Thursday, March 7 with supper served after to over 200; Including children, teachers and officers, and the Mothers of the younger ones. rd All report having had a gop time but one wee lad's comment, was '"No jingle bells.? The .execrative .met after films had "been shown the ehildren,• un- der John Levis.' jurisdi'etion, Mr. Elliott, superintendent, presided for the ,meeting, Mrs. Elliott read the lesson on "Forgiveness" from Matthew 18. George Lavin ably conducted study from the study book on "God in Religious Experience. " with discussion following. Rev, A. G. Eagle announced the "teacher training" class had been postponed to a later date and June 2 was set as the Sunday School anniversary date, The hymn, "Now the day is over". and prayer by Rev. Eagle closed the meeting. Guides Pian Si.- Patrick's Party Receive ve, Bades. . �, � e At a court of ho Hour Meeting. held after the xegular'xneeting on Monday night the Girl •Guides de- cided to hold, a ,St. Patrick's party :on March 1:8, The .girls working' on their hostess. badge will be in! charge, Plans Were made fpr the Easter tea and bake sale, During the regular meeting ten girls -were enrolled in the Tender- foot Class, They are; Marjorle Woods, Margaret Glidden, Joan Cudnzore, Nina MaoDonalDianne Cudmore, Gwen Fowler, 'Patricia Norland, Marilyn Hough, Bonnie Rathbun, and Eleanor Woneh. ► - ,SecoClass' Six girls recendived their badges; Dianna Murphy, Nancy Scruton, Mary Macaulay, Sally beeves, Gail Orpen, Joan, Johnston. The .following girls received pro- ficiency badges: singers, Joan Johnston, Janet Sharp, Mary Jean 'Oolquhoun; land girl, Joan John- Ston; • homemaker, Janet Sharp, �VIary Jean Colquhoun. Linda Jer- viswasre n awarded d her ha dyvvoman, thrift and hikers 'bad'ges. ' (By our Auburn: correspondent) The president Mrs. G. R. Taylor presided for the ]March meting- of the .Auburn Ho ticultUral Society, with Mrs. R. J'Phillips 'at the piano. The corresponding secretary stated that Dr. 'E. A. McMaster would be guest speaker at the April meeting when he would give a talkand show slides on his trip to Mexico. The highlight bf the evening was a spelling match between the pupils of Auburn and No. 9 school. Mrs. Maurice Bean and Mrs. Oliv- er Andersonwere in charge. Those taking part.from Grade four down from Auburn school. were Lorne Deer, Barbara Mac- Kay, Barbara Sanderson a n d Christine Tonkowicz. From No, 9 school were Hans Bakelarr, Sharon Ball, Linda Andrews, Ruth,; Schneider. From Grade 5. up, from Auburn were Bernice McDougall, Shirley Brown, • Joanne' and Leo . HoogiiiS- boom. From • No. 9 school were. Kenneth Hiinking, Lyn Bakelaar Eileen Schneider • and Kathleen Andrews. The winner from Grade 4 down was Baribara Sanderson and from Grade 5 up it was Bernice Mc- Dougall, These girls were pres-. ented-with a cheque. Other numbers on the program were a reading by Mrs. Arthur Grange; '"accordian numbers by Miss Rena McClinchey; piano duet by Mrs. D. A. MacKay and Bar- bara; duet . by Mary Kirconnell and Eileen Schneider and a two part chorus by the, Auburn -school. RCAF WA -Votes. Money To March,- Of arch,Of Dimes Project • Mrs, Gilmore, the president, call ledlthe meeting of the RCAF Wo- men's Auxiliary to order on Mon- day, March 4. Mrs. Brightwell suggested $5 be sent to the Marsh of Dimes, to which all agreed., The treasurer, Mrs. King, read her re- port and moved it be adopted, sec- onded by iVfrs. Sibbert. A °new member, Mrs. Ramsey; was introduced, Mrs, Lee reported on the site= cessful visits to the Huron . County ,,HHome in, • E'ebruary, and arrange- Merits rrangehients were made for 1VIrs. Black an� Mrs. Lee to visit the Hone on. Mal'ch 7, and Mrs. Laister and Mrs, Steeves to visit the Home on March 21. Mrs, Finley reported that the First Aid class now in ,progx'iss, is very successful, with a full class attending. Mrs, Turnbull gave an interest- ing repert on her Brownies' pro- ject of buying things for the Hu- ron County Home, With nroney they have raised: Mrs, Brightwell, the ways %and means convener,forth put suA e s tions for a rummage sale, which was approved and will be held on March 90 in the town hall, Hinton. When the business, Was finished' the meeting was moved ad jour ed by Mrs. Steev'es and seconded( by Mts. rinley. •Ml's, Sibbert 1th; Mrs, Mallen arranged tables of bridge and court whist, tri be played in the social part of the evening, after Clinton Is .Host To Horticultural Societies In Zone The Clinioti horticultural group is playing host to •other societies from all. over District No. 8 of the Horticul'tpral Societies Bran- ch Department of Agriculture, when they hold an open meeting in the auditorium ' of CDCI on Thursday evening, March 28, com- mencing at 8 o'clock. A special treat is in store for all who attend. Guest speaker will be John Clark 'secretary of the Ontario Hortichltural Association, who will give an. illustrated ,lecture; on his recently completed tour of Japan, Hawaii and other Eastern territ- ories. Mr. Clark has lectured on TV,, spoke at the annual banquet in Hamilton .;last month, and will appear over 'MINX -TV • Everyone, whether members df the- .Clinton Citizens' Horticultural Society dr -not, is invited to at.: tend. 0 Bluebells Tea At eonu ereial (fin March 16 The .Bluebells will be serving tea in'rhe dining room. of the Corn-. mercial Inn Hotel on, Saturday at< ternon from 3 to -6 p,nx, The girls, and their leader Mrs, C. VanDanune will be' pleased to welcome friends and those later ested in the founding of thist- ganizat1an, - The' group is accepting clothing still, f .O r Hungarian relief, A quilt will be up, that has been em,_ broidered by Grandma (Mrs, Mar.' the) Jacob, The Bluebirds retain ,a fend memory of Mrs, John Engel, who was a helpful supporter of 'the growth •ef the work during her lifetime, Clinton Native Is New Flag 1. g Of f icer. WMS Meeting Is Convened By Mrs, ' W. M, Aiken f Mrs. W. M. Aiken presided in the absence of the president, Mrs. W. S, R. Holmes. Mrs. A. 3. Mc- 1VInray had charge of the devot- ions. Mrs. Townsend had charge of the Study Book and Miss Wiltse, Mrs. S. Schoenhals-and Mrs. A, G. Eagle presented a short skit tell- ing of the work and need of work- ers.' Mrs. M. Batkin gave a paper on Christian Stewardship.- Miss. Em- ma. Plunisteel read a poem entitled "Do It Now." 'BA YFIEL4•�.! •• Mr. and Mrs. Huth McPherson returned' to Toronto on Tuesday, after having visited her father, James A. aid Mrs, Cameron for .a week. MIs. James A. Cameron .and Mrs. Robert •' McVean attended showers in Goderich given in honor of the former's younger\daughter, Miss Helen Edith Forrester, a bride -elect of this month. Mrs\ A, 1'Gliders entertained on Friday evening at a miscellan- eous iscellaneous shower and Mrs. Fowler, Goderich, on Tuesday evening, also a miscellaneous shower: Miss'For- rester was the recipient of many useful gifts. John R. McLeod, Port Stanley, visited over the weekend with is parents, Mr, and Mrs. .L. I3. D. McLeod. SUNDAY, MARCH 17,' 1957 ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR.--`3,EV. A. GLEN EA6L'.,13.A.. B.D. 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School. 11,00a.m.-Sacrament of Baptism 7.00 n,m. Inion Services in Wesley -Willis ' TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m, -Service of Worship 3.00 pat. -Sunday School. " e Xep=�l+ ifltigrtiteb a - C(I`. Calif REV. HUGH C. WILSON; Minister MRS. M. R, RENNIE, Organist M. R.. RENNI°E. Choir 'Director 10.30 a.rn,-Church. Membership ,Class. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "Makers of Peace" 11,20 aim: Primary School 12.15 pm. -Church School 7.00 is.m.--Evening Praise - Rev. C. S. Inder, of St. Paul's. HOILMESVILLE 1.30 p.m. -Church Service Sunday School. "Come to the House of Prayer" • Christian. Reformed Church REV. G., 3. HOYTEMA, Minister 10.00 a.n1,--Service in' nglish 11.30 a.m.--Sunday School 2.30:1.m, -,-Service in Dutch Everyone Weltonie - Maple Street GOSPEL. HALL CLINTON Sunday School 9.45 a.ni. Breaking of Eread ,...,11.00 a.rn.. Gospel . Service 8.00 pan. TUESDAY, 8 pan. - Prayer and Bible Study. 'Hearty. Welcome Aivadta�Y?U' Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL OLtivto " Christians gathered in the Warne of the. Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18t 20) meeting.iri the ,above, hall invite` you to come atid, hear this and Gospel, Ills Ltheove. old, , old :story of Semis ,' Order of meetings ort rArd'r telt as follows; 11.00 a,ni,-1 reaking Dread 8,00 p.m -Sunday School 7.00 p.m,-1?reachiiig the Gospel 8.00 p,m, ,W ednesday--•••Mayer MVieeting and alible Iteaditig� Colace and heat hMW roti Cali be ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. 3. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist Sunday, Match ,17 10,00 a.m.-The Church Schqol Hour , 11,00. a.m..--O'ur Divine Worship together Children's Period If you are not regular worshippers elsewhere you are welcome to attend with us Everyone 'Weiconie PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor `Friday, March 15- 8.00 p.m. --Christ's Ambassadors: Sunday, March 17--' 10.00 a.n'i.---Sunday ,School '11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 pall:: Gospel' Service' Tuesday, Marsh .9-... . 849 pat. - Regular Y'rayer and Bible Study. Service, A Special Welcome Awaits You ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. pottl',s Clinton REV. C. S. INDE t, Rector 'Mrs, Theodore rremlin, Organist Second' Siuiday in Lent 8.30' aim. -Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.---Morning Prayer 4,30 span. --E ening Prayer and Holy Baptiain.. Tues., March 19-2.46 pan. - - St, Paul's WA will- meet at the , hbnieo'fxVlrs,� Bar ,tliff. Wed., March 20 .30 pat. -Lent. ett Service and Serntioti,t aWitat is Paradiset° RA fFIELD�{/BAPTIST• a CHURCH X, '1301.11 NHA.1Vx, t'aStor 10.00 a,nt,- Sun"iay School 11.,00 aaµM,-'Mo�Arthtg Worship 'x,30' �°p',d+•r�'YCVVF•�,Ui�il` r,'7tei Ott ore sadist invited to these OPP, Safety TA& Given For Men Of Wes1eyyWi its The Men's. Club: of the Wesley. Wi11is�Ioimesville .Charge held its, regular meeting in the Wesley- Willis United .(lilurch on. Thursday evening last.' The dinner was. in charge of the lunch committee and was prepared 'by Reason Sutter, Dewar Norman and Ash Deem. John Nediger, president, was in, charge of the meeting, With Frank McCullough, secretary,' and T. J. Riley, treasurer; in their respec- tive posts. Devotions were eon - Rear Admiral Herbert 8, Ray- ner, Ottawa, who is chief of naval personnel and a, -member' of the naval board, is slated to become flag officer of the Pacific coast on August 17. Rear Admiral Rayner's home town is Clinton, where his father was in -the gram business at one time at the location where Canada Packers feed mill is now on Huron Street, Ile is a cousin of Hugh R. Hawkins, Clinton. Forthe past two summers he and Mrs. Rayner have visited Clinton, and called at the home of Miss Win O'Neil. - ., Rayner' succeeds Rear -Admiral 'H, F. Pullen, who is taking - over the position of flag qfficer Atlantic Coast, being vacated by Rear - Admiral R. E. S. Bidwell, who is retiring from the Royal Canadian Navy in September, ducted by the minister, Rev, H. C. Wilson. \During 'the, business period it was decided to join either organiz- ations in the church and join_ the lgcal, film council which is in: the process of organization. It., was also deeiddd that the Men's •Club would take on the project of land - seeping the new manse: property,. The gdest speaker of the even- ing, introduced by Wesley Holland, was Constable Al Hardy of the OPP Detachment at Goderich, Con- stable Hardy gave a very In- structive' address on safety, and purged every driver to follow the three C's of the road -Care, Cour- tesy, and Concentration. He stat- ed that a great many accidents could be avoided if drivers would follow these three simple rules. He peinted the staggering loss of life and property damage, which should make every driver think twice before doing things reckless- ly, He deplored drivers who drov.e while under the influence of al- coholic1beve'rages. He also show- ed .a film which illustrated • his driving tips. Mr. Hardy was. thanked on behalf of the club by 11. N. Irwin. Fabulous "LOVABLE' S les at 2$LOO' $i.50 X2.00 Terrific Value Anywhere, "Circle Stitch" BRA Broadcloth. Sizes 32 - 40. Cut out front with, elastic tab.: ONLY $1.00 "Ringlet". style BRA • . ' Cups completely . lined with non -shrink fabric $1 . S /t bands. Won't curl, won't twist. SATIN 1 V "Interplay" BRA Sizes 32 - 88. Embroidered Cups. $1 50 A and 8.eups • "Lovable"•long line BRA 5" elastic back hook . closing. $1.50 White .Broadcloth o New"Sweater BRA" • Completely rounded NO SEAM BILA. Lightly padded. Jersey -lined Cups., -Stitched. $2 •O,O No' -curl anchor band. c�� "Lovable" GARTER BELTS Broadcloth Sizes •24 - 30, • ONLY MOO TT. � � � CLOTHING Ji� JFOOTWEAR "The Family Store ALBERT STREET - Phone HU 2-96417- CLINTON s.2• • • • • Combination Special: Saturday From Garr Store Ont STRAWBERRY CHIlicFON PIF., 55c 1 Doz. Honey -Dip., ...,.' .1 " 400 1 Save 16ie Oath for L 9c Not 95c Buns .45c doz; Bartliffs Bakery Ltd '4 BAKER* dad CONFECfi1ONERS leper 22971?e r CLINTON