HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-03-07, Page 9Huron County /Farmers held a very successful Seed Fair on Mar- ch 1-2, in Clinton. A good display of grains and small seeds were shown. The number of entries was down but considering the very bad harvest season of 1„956 both the number and quality of entries was good.' There were interesting talks on the production of crops and meth- ods of• handling them, There was considerable emphasis on effic- ient production to increase -yields. This ,leads me to wonder about this question of efficiency of farm- ers. ,Perhaps I don't understand the meaning of this word but it seems to me 'that farmers are do- ing a pretty' good job when one farmer bow feeds 20 people in- stead of the six he was able to feed a few years ago. I am convinced that farmers to- day are remarkably efficient as -far as it is financially possible. There isn't much incentive to pro- duce two blades `of' grass in place of one if it is going to take three blades to be worth what' the one was.lorrnerly. 'Why produce TOO bushels to the acre at a loss if You can lose just as Much on a 50 'bushel crop' with .a. lot Tess work? This I, know 'is a pessimistic at- titude but r think there is a cure: '['he r, most neglected machine on the farm today is the marketing machine. This` is the farmers' 'greatest -need. Considerable has been done in this department as there are 18-"different marketing schemes at wor•L'V',Ontario. They are doing good work in their dif- ferent fields but there is a great' deal to be done yet. HARRY WILLIAM1 A 'Fieldman Says FartheesArOHEfficient (By Carl Hemingway) GOSHEN UNE Correspondent MRS. MeBRIpE Phone Henson 69/0.3 , The ...Woman's.Missionary Society • of GoShen, United Church met at the home of Mrs. John Armstrong on Thursday, February 21. Mrs. Elmer Hayter was at the piano. Mrs. Robert Peck led in prayer. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Roy 1VIcBridei, followed With a dis- cussion on the Scripture led by Mrs. Robert. McKinley. Following a prayer led by Mrs. Elmer Hay- ter, Mrs. John Ahristrong took charge of the business. The min-: utes were read by Mrs. Arnold Keys. There, were 21 members and, two visitors present. It was decided to send for a few extra World Friends magazines for the Mission Band, to be -paid: for by' the VMS. The society's share of the supplies for this year is $3 for a school paalet. Mrs. Russell Erratt and Mrs. William Hayter were appointed to visit the sick for the month of March. There were 14 sick calls reported. Thank-you cards were received from the Ccaema.n family, Mrs, Douglas Rebinson and Raye Arm- strong. An invitation was received from the Varna WMS to join them on March 8 for the World Day of, Prayer. Mrs, Robert Peck and Dianne sang a duet, accompanied by Mrs. E. Hayter, The study book was on Hcing Kong and Formosa. At the close' of the meeting,- Mrs. Bruce Keys read an address 'to Mrs, Wil- liam Taylor, and Mrs. William Hayter presented her with a gift on her departure for her new home in Varna, She replied fittingly. Mrs, Allan Armstrong's group served lunch. - i. During 1955 the average Canad- ian family income went up eight .percent to $4,460.." mers. Be Prepared For Spring Seed and Fertllizer, prices are at their' ,lOwest now. Order your `SEED' OATS while supplies are good and prices reasonable: ,, ::GARRY, RoDNEY, iiMc0E, AJAX " bead IEAVER SEED 'OATS INS' STOC K. Arley Contracts ore now available with Fertilizer Supplied Plan Your • Acreage Early Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd. PHONE 24 - HENSALL 7-10-13-14-15-16-b Every poultryman know the necessity of complete records on each phase of his loying hen operation, And it's-these records that can prove there's 'extra profits when flocks ore fed the SHUR-GAIN way. PRODLICtiON-:-ShiUR-GAIN' Super Laying Mash is a high efficiency mash providing the exact proportions of essential ingredients to promote steady, high egg pro- duction over a long perlod. The result-more eggs per bird, PEED cONSVMPTION--A decline in feed consumption is often •t ;e first indication of disease or other setbacks that can affect production---that's why it's so important to keep feed consumption records. And equally import- ant, these records allow you to determine feed conversion or the amount of feed required to produce a dozen eggs -the real test of value in a laying ration. • • Give Super Laying Mash a iriol with your flock and keep records using our handy egg production charts, See for yourself how SHLIR-GAIN Super Luyelig Mesh produces a cloien eggs on less feed and makes you money, Canada Packers Limited Phtute :LW -Si.'235 clinton Ontar $ • PROVED NEW TRUCKS Second In placing WAS the Wing% hair: District Nigh School team made up of Peter Hemingway,, 691; Glenn Conites, 76$ And Ken- oath Coultes, 194; a total of Then came the Clinton Collegiate Institute team of john 7031 Donald 141k, 775; James Al- eXander, f87, a total The South Huron District High School, gXeteri team of .Glen Orel?, Deward McAdams and Melvin Fintribeiner, totalled 2,10.2 and. the Goderich District ,Collegiate stitute team or, James Blake, John aeziltt and Richard Harrison, tot- alled 2,048 points, ,.„ repaid at r„ate of 5% Percent -on member business. Increase of sales over 1955 . Was approximately $100,000, Quest speaker, Julian Smith, Toronto, assistant manager, locals division of United Co-operatives, spoke on Co-op Finances.. Alex McGregor was re-elected for a term of three years on the board of directors and Allan Arm, strong was elected to take the place of Roy McBride, who retired, Entertainment was provided by Mrs. R, Broderick and dance pup- ils from Hensall, and guest Soloist was Mac McDonough of RCAF Station Centralia. Harry Norris and orchestra provided music' sir prize II Parts of County COZY QUARTERS, QUARTERS, PLENTY HEAT; CHEER AND COMFORT, LIFE IS SWEET -10"if HIT 2-6633 211011111111MIBSOMBEIMINIESSI 0.° See them, Try them now • NEW 1957, (=SHUTT TRACTORS Folks; you just haven't seen anything' until you've seen the new rect'rcl-b1=eaking 1957 model CocV- shutt tractors. They're the finest .thing that's ever happened to modern farming. Why not stop by real soon and look them over. Or better still, just s6.ive us cc-call Or drop us a note •and 1pring one of these husky, new beauties out to your farm 'and actually let you try it yourself . . at hb Obligation' to you. You owe it to yourself to see them now. 'COCKSIILITT Fiv'm tourivENz at Brimfield Welding and Repair Only frauchismt,Choorotat doe/tots The co-operatives are develop- ing steadily, It might surprise you to know that United Co,;oper- atives are the second largest feed dealer in Canada. Local Co-ops are doing a much larger business in feed, fertilizer and eggs than we realize. The Clinton Credit. Union has had the most rapid growth of any rural Credit Union in Ontario, and now has assets"--totalling some, 084,000. All these successes have been actorhplished by people covoperat- lag to gain the things they desired. Fanners can co-operate with each other to produce better crops and better livestOck and also co-oper- ate to Market these products.' These things go hand-in-hand and can be accomplished if we so de- sire-it is -up to us. Seed F From 'Late rotatoeo. John "'son, RR 3, Clinton; 'Robert P, Al- lan, Brtteefield;. Andrew Turnbull,' arlASSelS; Torn Hern, WOoclhann;. IM red M.e.Clymont, Varna.; Willi .m VxOter. Oly . rotaxes; Andrew Yr ktrn b141 I 0 PR 2, Brnssels; David Mid, '4110tOn, .13.0 3, .Clinton;„ Mrs, "John GibSOn.;. Earl Love, Hensall; Wed :UOCIYirlont; R, Y. XaCLarell, Hen, rol woo: H. H. Q. Strang, • r.;,arly Oats; Andrew Tornbull, nedittla; :or Late DAtS.• Harold iPryoe, RR 1, Seaforth; iobert P, ,Allan; William T. Livingston RR rSeefortli; Gordon Strang, RR 1, Hensall; Donald Buchanan, R13, 1, • 71..4.011(tiesboro; James McElvven, Novice. Oat clOso: W. T. Living- ; aton; Kenneth J. Ryan, RR 1, Wal- ton; Joan .Coyne, RR 5; Seaforth; ;,-Gordon M. Greig, RR 1, Bluevale; 4, -Douglas. Jamieson, RR 4, Clin, 1 .ton; John. W. Theinpson, Ft,R 2, Saaforthi Malting Barley . Class: Pearson • (-Charters, P.R. 3, Kippen. -. • Barley (other than .malting); :;Eric Anderson, 'Londesboro; A•lexAncler; Londeshoro; Rae Hon- ton, RR 2, .Brussels; Robert P. -Allan, • 'Oats (half bushel harvested from •!club meMbers 1956 Grain Club ?plot); Donald Lobb, RR 3, Clinton; ,Ken J. Ryan; .Norman Cartwright, Tivelvo gairta 14for14 Om now- : Ara McCullough and Sons, RR L . Goderich:' 110bert R, Man; South Huron District High School; Leona' ard. Fischer, BE. 4, -Goderir31; Harry RR 2, Clinton; Piet, eher Fisher,. RR 4, $3oderich; Worolos (not waxed): Murray , Lendesboro; Rene Delherqn.e,, RR 2i Brussels; PearsOn..Charter :RR Ten Bushel .'Lot of Oats, graded:, Robert P. Allan; Oeorge,,,Vntler-, weed; Wroxeterz' Eric Anderien;, srainies Iticeiwen; Harold Pryce;' John Tayilor,'RR 5, Winghom„ Ton Bushel tot of Barley; R. N, -*gander( Robert P. Allan. Any• Other Seed: R. N. Alex- ander; Merton T, Reyes; Donald Buchanan. Mixed Oraitt; Eric Anderson; Norman . Cartwright; Richard Proctor, RE 5, Brussels; Robert P, Allan; Donald BLIchanan; Ross St9lIen$011,, First Cut Hay; Murray ROY; Larry Perdue, RR 2, Brussels; Harold pryee; James .1VfcEWen; Andrew Turnbull;. Second :CO gay; James Me- Wen;• Hugh Rundle,,ER 3, Exe- ter; Robert Procter; RR 5, Brus- sels; Harold Pryce;' Rae Houston, RR 2, Brussels. • First Cut Field Chopped- 'Hay:. Alan - Wolper,- RR Harry Dougall, RR 3, Exeter; Nor, man .Stephenson, R.R. 1, Ethel; Ro- bert Procter; Richard Procter, Second` Cat Vield Chopped Bay; P, ,.'Norman Stephenson. 1 Ina 'Competition.* Seed Special awards were given at the Seed Pair last week', for 'the top teams from the secondary schools of 'T-TtIron who -entered the seed Judging competition, Winner this year was a team from Sear (forth 'District High School, mice Taylor. Robert .Pother- ingham, 800; William nit Apo- liengeb. 790, making a OW of 2,450. ,points. -tfensall Co-op Has Sales: $474,000 Pays 51 /2 Percent (0y, Coqespondent) The annual Meeting of Hensall District Co-operative Incorporated was held at the Community Cen- 'Itre, Zurich, on. Thursday night, February "28. Three hundred Sat down to a hot turkey banquet. chlanirmthaen„ Robert McGregor, president, was financial statement read byf Gordon Mathers, Exeter, area supen4sor eg.Vriited Co-operatives for this area, it was disclosed that the total sales for the year were 8474,582;, net savings fox' the year $29,863, Patronage loans, will be FARMER'S Co=operativeWar:f OstrapriingganedatIsloliertveyrYcoorSratrodna'ayge,WU:ilwati pick them up. at your farm. Please lqioiym COECTWT not later than Friday nights. Seaford'. Farmers Co-operative Phone--Day Hunt, 4: Manager * ngs 481w , 39-tfb AR 1, Loridesboro; Tom Horn; Ronald TIern, WoOdhaM; James Alexander, ;,4condeShorO. Hybrid Cora. (12 ears frOm 1956 Club 7nelaArs Grain Club plot) ; Bob 'Galloway, RR 1, Creditors; Glen Grdb, RR 3, Zurich; Ronald Hein; Gordon Strang; Gordon W. T:.anter,-kia 2, Goderich, - Agrionlitoral Society OXIbibltAt. oats field crop comPetitign in lOgt: noreld. Pryee; 'Robert P. Allan;, Andrew Turnbull; W. ston; Donald Buchanan; Arnold J..andeson. Agricultural .Soeiety exhibits, 12 ears hylbrid corn, field crop corn- petition in 1956: -.rm. Hern; Dor- ., don Strang. , 04cltwlieat: Donald Buchanan; Ross ,Stephenson, Ethel; Norman Stephenson, Ethel, .Field Beans: Marlene McLach- lan, RR 3, Kippen; Maty Charters,: RR 3, Kipp.en; Marjorie Charters, RA 3, Kippen; Anne Charters, RR 3, Kippen; Norma Geiger, RE Zurich. Soy_ beans: Jaynes Mc Ewan, Hen- sail; Merton T. Keyes, $eotorth. Timothy: R„ N, pAlexander; Arnold Jamieson;, Donald Buell- anan; Merton T. Keyes. Hod Clover: Alva McDowell, Beigrave; • :Merton T. Keyes; Don- ald BuChanan, Alfalfa: Andrew Coultes, Wal- ton; Donald. Buchanan; Merton T. Keyes. Lawrence 'Taylor; Londesboro, picked up a trophy at the Hur- on County Seed Fair here on .Saturday for the second year in a row, It was the Huron Connty Soil and prop ImproV•ernent Assoc- iation trophy for top place in- the junior section of the Junior Farmer seed judging cornpetition, (News-Record Photo) MUCEFIELD Phone Clinton Hit. 2-3272 HAROLO,.1.0B0 and FRED McGREGOR. 10-b Cr.8574 1 '1111111111101111,iptionmis,..........4.7„...7imilliitilliiIIIIINIII li i , -Heiele.mith the . most . 1 w modern ?power of the year! Econoiny -proved and performance Already proved iii the I proved on the world-famOus GM . 111k* hands of many ,thous- Proving Ground and on the Alaska anis of owners. Highway. .1111111111`14" "111 11111111111 THEY OFFER AN EXTRA SHORT STROKE ENGINE! Super efficient V8's with highest horsepower per pound, greater efficiency and longer life. They'r0 available in every model-either standard or as an extra-cost option. THEY'VE GOT THE LAST. WORD IN 6's TOO! ; The newest "savingest" editions of Canada's all- time favorite truck engine. You can choose a 6 in all light and medium-duty conventional models. 111111111,11 1, 4 1 1111111111 For modern, features you can be, surd of Biggest Seilers....Buggest SAvers • • • • • • • ''' ,••••••• • hr• °"' AiMaawasaa41;4044kftie,44!Ma!moy_.,....., / display this famous tradematA See Your 4uthori zed Chevrolet Deale'