Clinton News-Record, 1957-03-07, Page 8Arthur Payne, Termite, spent —„ the weekend visiting 'friends in thiS,.vicirlitY. • Mr. Itaithby, Auburn, visited, the -United Church Sunday School on Sunday Afternoon last and gave a Short address. Mrs, Melvin Webster and Miss Rachel Johnston, spent th4 Week- end. With their sister, Mrs. ledd- clington, in Cornwall, Ontario. Bed Cross • The annual Red Cross meeting will be held on Tuesday evening next for the election of officers and the appointment of colleotors. An obj4ctive of 8250 has been set for the Varna branch. Concert • The Clinton Junior Farmers and Junior Institute ,put on a very fine concert under the auspices of the 17PU. They presented their prize winning play "The First Dress Stilt" which was much enjoyed by a large crowd, Sleigh, Aide The Goshen and Varna United Church Young leeoples" Union went or a sleigh ride at the Goshen re- ceetlY. Bill -Elliott took charge af the horses which had been kindly leaned by hie father. On return - big the group met at Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Elliott's home where hot dogs and hot chocolate were ser- ved. .A. very enjoyable time was spent. /The president MisS Lola Chuter thanked Mr. and 'Mit. loft for their kind hospitality. At the end of 1955 some 6,600- 000 Cieritalians: were bovered by voltattary hospital insurance. 82111111111111111010111111=1110111011011111111111110111ll .N 0 I C E Toi4nash4 of Tuekersinith iadlitate snow reMOvial Operations,, the Public is re, quested net tojaric. ostrti or vehicles On " sideS during the Winter months,: ' And Netite is hereby give that the Township will 'ItOt be toSponsible for any damages emitted to -such vehicles itirea te8ult f stmloploWitig Opera"- : tient: P. tilESNEYr Clerk, Towoohip of Tookorioottit 40Afti SitiONIMINIANN 01M1111011000101 $940E MUT News. of giifield By MISS MAWJ. WQQDS OAltarie ChAmplOn Iterel Correspondent PHONE: BATR,IELD 45 r Miss Berbera Bassett LoTiclon, was beetle ever the weekend Mrs. J, Wallace, Oakvilla, is the guest of Mrs. J„ H. Colob this week. Mrs. Fred •IYIcEWee, London, visited her eister, Urs. E. Schnell, on Stinclay, Mr, and *Mrs, R. H. Middleton and BobbY, Hensall, visited Mls Lucy' Woods on Sunday, Mrs, Herbert Clark, Union, vis- ited her siter-ineave"Mrs, Charles Toros over the weekend, Mr., and Mrs. E. A„ Featlierstere London, nerd „Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Christopher Parker, D, A, Atkinson returned home on Tuesday evening after having -spent a month at Clearwater, Fie., Mr. arid Mrs. Dennis Bisback, Clinton, visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs, E. J. Sturgeon on Sun- day, Glehri Sturgeon, London, was ',with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Willard Sturgeon over the weeke end, Nies. DenalellelcLeod and Leetenne" whO accompanied them visited her brother Clarence Larson and Sidney Castle was able to leave Victoria. Hospital, Lendon, on Thursday last and return to his home in Siincoe. Gerald Sturgeon and Miss Aud- rey Solonik, Preston, spent „the weekendwith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon. Mr. and Mrs: Jack Murray, Owen Sound! are spending this week with his sister, Mrs. W. J, aWoLeod and airily. ,Mr. and IVIrs. Elden 1Vteener daughter lifaxIne, and Al Cleaber, London, Ndsito,d, the former's,atint, Mrs. E. J. Stargeon, on Sunday. ,Mrs. Charles Scotchmer was able ta Wine home o MOnday af- ter having been a patient inClin- ton Pnblic Hospital, from Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay and Carol accompanied by a friend from Paris visited theformer%• rnother,,,Mrs, J. Lindsay, 'on Sun- day. Corporal and Mrs. Lloyd West-, Ieke en4„Itic4p l'Cie_teh'enere. Were Nvith her parents, ivire.„' and Mrs.. Malcolm Toms from 'Friday until Tuesday. . Mr. and 'err's. Robert , Parker, London, and Williern .Parker, spent theweekend with, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will - lam E. Parker. Mrs, Fred WeSten, Elaine, Jaekl le and Cathy, spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Keith Ps and ,family. •Guests of the Rev. and Mrs, W. Outerbriclge at the Rectory over the 'weekend were her brother-in- law and sister, M. and Mrs, L. Wiight, London. Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Maltins are planning to attend the Hairdresse er's Convention at the Royal York hotel, Toronto, from Monday tO Thursday next week. Mr, and Mrs. T. M. Leckie, Miss Donna Leckie, accompanied by Miss Nancy Henning,„ London, were at their cottage hi Lakeside Park over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs, E. W. OddliefsOn, London, accompanied: by, the let- tere' cousin, JOhn Wood, Meese Jaw, Sask., spent the weekend at their home on Main Street, The Woman's Day et Prayer will be held M Trinity Church, Baedfield, on Friday afterpoon, at three o'elock, This service is Wer - Id wide in its Seeee and this year was prepared bY Hungarien. , Mrs, W, F. Metcalf, who *as a Patient in Clinton Public Hospital, returned to her home in the vil- lage on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. J. Hubbord, Blenheim, is at- sisting Mrs, A. Ctimmings in car- ing for Mrs, IVIeteaN. . Mrs. W. S. Outerbridge and Peter left on lkilanday morning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L Latta, leockpert, NX., for a - few days. They leave on March 8 for --Venice, Florida, via Melton Air Pert, Mr, Outerbridge will join them early in April to become vicar of St. David's Episcopal Chtireh, Englewbod and assistant to the rector of St, Mark's, Venice. Pertertiiin Wives e The firemen have recently re- decorated the fire hall and to show how nicely it has been fixed up, they entertained their' wives on :Tuesday evening': Reg. Francis Projected beautiful and interesting local views •,and others which he, had taken on trips. Winners at euchre were Mrs. J. Sturgeon, Jr., high; ,Mrs, Grent Turner, low; Clift letter, high; Fred Weston, This happy evening was brought to a close with a cold turkey lunch. • Elle' lire Party At the Etichre Club meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred Arkell, on • PERCE STRING'ART' pur-roiv - • „ FOP' BEST' VALUES TO .e.ee, Yee ”• DUTTON'S Potrf TAKE CHANCES ..'eYgorMIPEcriEW Mrs. A. E. Pollock Celera ties 921 -til Etiithclay, Mar, 12 (By iolg Bayfield OrxesPeluient) -Corigratilletions and best wish- es go to Mee? .Agnes ,Pollock, who on 11/larch, 12 will Celebrate her.92nd birthday. Mrs. PoLloeir wha is a resident at the HUron County Hone is in good health and -able to be up and 000 her room each day, he was or a Dry,siwei being the youeg. est -child of Mr, and Afro, James' Pollock.. She went West' where she married a cousin., James Pel - lock, • After living in Satkateheviran for some years, Mre. Pollock re- tnreed this district In. 1930. Ernest Pelle*, Varna„ end.1101- tore Pollock, Goshen Line, Stanley Township are nephews. • Thursday evening, February 28, the hostess surprised Mrs. Walter Westlake. It was her birtliclaY and Mrs. Arkell haa baked a cake and decorated it with candles to make the occasion quite festive, Motet Opened "Wildwood" Motel, built over the past year by Dr. W. E. Prid- harze. Mitchell, on the former Baechler property, a mile and a half -south of the village, was of- ficially opened on SuridaY. Dr, Pridharn was not able to be preseni,owing, te illness, but Mrs. Pridharn received about 300 guests for tea from 2-4 p.m. She was as- sisted by her two daughters and son, and brother-in-law and wife, Mr. and Mre. Fred. Pridham, Mit- chell, also the managers, Mr. and Mrs. D. McKnight and daughter Deiborah in serving. ,Conple Honoured - The • dance held in the Town Hall on Friday evening to honour Mr. and Mrs. Rebert-Parker, was well attended and quite anenjoy. able affair. The Hank Norris or- ehestra played especial waltz for the bride and • groom when they arrived. Before lunch Donald Warner read an address, an. Don- ald Bell presented theni with a picture onebehaft. of their many friends. The frame wife fOund to hold a inuidrecl dollar bill. Bob expressed thanks in a few well- chosen yvords. Later the couple received a ppm in addition to the "picture. in the frame." . Pancake Supper A paneake supper ,was held in the parish hall of Trinite A.nglican Church on Shrove Tuesday, with a large attendance. The rector, the Rev. W. S. Out- erbridge, was at .the door. Mrs. R. J. Larkin stitred the ingred- ients and.Mre, Percy Weston and, Lloyd Sebtchmer cooked the cakes prescribed by the ancient church for .this aye; • Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer, Mrs. A, M. Bassett, Mrs. W. J. McLeod, also „assiStedin.theekitchere, ,e/fre., J. B. Higgins was in charge of the tables, assistedby Mrs. C. Knack-, • Misses.Ilen, McLeod,Elaine Weston, Margaret Howard and noverley Heard waited on tables. THIS WEEK'S-i'SP.ECIAL • Acir1(e..;14EFrig RANGE. $19.4.00., f • OV IMUSEHOID APPLIANCeg JJ RCA VICTOR -WESTINGHOUSE BRUCEFIELD HU -2-3232 :lemememiwasonwinieraL HURRY! Buy Now, Before Spring Prices. Come into Effect .1952 PLYMOUTH Haiitop, Radio, Windshield Washers, New Tires. gitpharP ,,,, , i$1,175.00 1952' CliEVROLET Moor' Sedan • Very.Clein. $' 895:00 .ONLY ,, t ... .. .. 1949' PONTIAC 'Club Coupe • ONLY. $ 39100 1954 CHEVROLET 34 ton trua • Like new. ONLt .... 245 ... .00 Chrysler Sales Huron St ros • Plymouth ---- Fargo and Service Clinton ' • ' , Oa -N. Ilws.ar,co,to Juniors Vircie The Judges THURODAY", 1957' /le Larry Wheatley (left), RR. 1., Dublin (Seeforth Junior. Far- - niers), etel Beit ;Pepper, RR 3, Clinton, (Clinton Junior 'Farmers), were meinbere ef the Junior Farmers judging team at the Mid-' dlesex Seed Fair, Loden, a week ago, that placed second in the inter -club -Completitions. Bert was high man in the seed judg- ing. At the leurereCounty Seed. 'Fair, Leery placed second with 870 Points out of 1,000, coning next to Murray Gaunt, RR 1, .leicknow, Bert was rated fourth with -.83$ points, , (Ne"We-Record. Photo). Godefich T9wnship "77 Harry Torrance, 'whose house was inerned two months ago, has the frame up for a new house, Mr. and Mrs, H. E, Harrison, Weston, spent. the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James R.. Stirling. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Wallis, Bay- field, accompanied bY Mrs, gd, Welsh, Clinton, attended the funl eral of a cousin, the late Ernest F. Reed, London, on Monday. The Women's World Day of Prayer service will be observed in St, James' Cherch, Middleton, op Friday, March 8, at 3 p.m. The ladies of the -community are in- vited to attend this lovely service. The sympathy of everikne is ex- tended to the bereaved parents and family of little Andrei 1. Wal- lis, whq passed away on Sunday morning . in Clinton Public Hospi- tal. District AiUtion Sates AUCTION SALE of 60 Head of Cattle, Pigs and Horses far J. Scott Davidson, RR 1, Britton and. Elton feleLelland, Bervie SATURDAY, MARCH 16 lat 1.30 pm. tii J. .Seott Davidson farm, lot 14, eon. 10 (of .Mornington tovvn- ship, 4 miles north, of Milbank, 5 miles west of Linwood and 2 tulles south of Hesson Cattle: 22 Holstein heifers, 9 fresh, remainder due to freshen shortly; 30 Holstein bows, some freeli, the „rest due shortly;. 1 Hol- stein heifet, registered, due short- ly; 1 Ayrshire heNer, fresh; 1 Ayr- shire heifer, ,yearling; Holstein heifer, 7 mouths old; 1 Holstein calf, 2 months old; 1 white faced steer„ 6 montha' Pigs: 4 sows, ,bred 12 weeks; 1 sow, bred 2 weeks; 1 pure bred boar. 20 started pigs. .. Horses: 'Watched team of greys, Weighipg' around 3,200 lbs.; geld- ing rising four; mare rising five; bay gelding, ten years old, weigh- ing 1,600 lbs. Whether your need be for found- ation stock or to add to your pres- ent herd, this is an excellent op- portunity to purchase holsteins of good size and type, carrying well balanced udders. A. number are progeny of Unit Bulls. A ,goodly number are artificially bred. In, case.of bad weather,. the sale will be held under cover. Terms: Casi on diy of sale lAnetioneers: . Doran McLelland and Edward Giesel 10-b Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm IStockoHay, Grain and Dairy Equipment, At Lot 30, Con- cession 5, Hullett Township, three miles north of Clinton, on the Base Line, on , Tuesday, 'March 19 at 1.30 p.m. 50 Head of Registered • and Grade Cattle, Including: Holstein cow, 7 yrs. old, calf at foot; Holstein cow, 3 yrs. old, freshened 2rnonths; Pure- bred Holstein cow, 3 yrs. old, fresh- ened 3 months; Purebred Holstein cow, 3 yrs. old, freshened 5 weeks; Holstein cow, 3 yrs, old, freshened 6 weeks; 4 Holstein cows, 3 yrs. old, bred Holstein and due May 4, May 15, April 20 and July 24; 4 Holstein cows, 4 yrs. old, bred Hereford and due April 2, April 15, March 19 and April 3; Holstein cow, 3 yrs. old, bred Hereford, due Sept,; 2' purebred Hereford cows, 4 and 5 yrs. old with ealves at foot; purebred - yearling heifer (these calves are suitable for 4 -el Calf-Clabs); 3 Holstein heifers, 2 yrs. 61d, bred Hereford, due Sept. and Oct.; Ayrshire cow, 7 yrs. old, due in April, bred Hereford; Hol- stein X ,Hereford cow, 4- yrs. old, due in May, bred Hereford; Dur- ham X Guernsey OW, 5 yrs. eld, due hi Angast, bred Hereford; Hol - stele heifer, 2, yrs, eld (Open); 20 yearling Durham x Hereford steers and heifers,. 300-700N.; 2 Holstein heifer calves; Ilieletein bull calf (from purebred herd). k 'Dairy Equipment: 12 Milk cans (nearly new); 1 Strainer; 1 cool- ingetrotigh, Pireet3 tow, carrying second lit- ter dtta time of sale;SCAir'carrying third litter, due time of sale; 'sow with 10 pigs4 weeks old; 2 Tam- worth Sawa, 'bred 4 weeks; 2 York SOWS., bred 4 weeks; Fork Mese, ;Feed end Miscellaneous: General purpose herse, 10 yr. old; Set of breeching harnest; approx. 40 ton mixed hay; approx. 600 bus. mixed giairi 2electrie brooders; 2 electric fencere; 200 -gel. gel tank and Pelinp; stoelt trailer;6 Steel pig troughs and MinierOUS other articles. No reeeeve as ,farrri L Sold. • .•41Pkettnst 'Cash Glituittlf31V NEU, trePtietat Edward Alit" Altetiotteet 104.16 Clearing . AUCTION SALE Of Farm Impietnents, at Lot 9, Concession Tuckerinaith Town- ship, 2' Milessouth of $eaforth and W infl east,.on . Wednesday, *arch 13 At 1.30 p.m., the following: Implements, etc.: Allis Chalmers model C tractor, with hydroulic, pulley &' PTO; set tractor chains; Fleury Bissell' 2 -furrow tractor plow (on rubber); John Deere No. 12A combine with auxiliary scour clean andhelt pickup; McCormick 7 ft. spring tooth cultivator (on rubber); McCormick 15 -disc power drill; John Deere 10 -inch hammer mill; 75 ft. 6 -inch drive belt;all steel wagon .with roller bearing (qp., rubber); grain box 1.4'x7'; dump rake; mower, 6 ft, cut; alummninebox wheel barrow; Ste- wart electric clipper; bag truck; LE.L. super chain saw (36 inch bar); jackeall leak; 2 fanning mills; 2,000 lb. scalee all steel 8 - compartment, hog feeder; Pollard %-ton vertical feed mixer; approx. 400 ft. of 4 -inch eave trough; quantity of conductor pipe; 100 - gal, gas tank with pump; Holland electric brooder -e600 chick capac- ity); six 50 -lb. steel hanging feed- ere;- a number of chicken fount- ains; 1953 Dodge 3 ton pickup truck with van; 3.drum steel rol- ler; 4 -section drag harrows and bar; quantity of ' ten -test siding 4x8; :block and ,tackle, forks, shov- els, chains, numerous other artic- les. Ternts: ,Cash. • No. reserve. H. GRANT. CHESNEY, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 10b Clearing AUCTION SALE Of farm Stock, Machinery and Household • Effects will be held at Lot 3, Concession 1, iStanley Town- ship, 1 mile north of Hippen, on No. 4 Medway, en Friday, March 8 e at 12 o'clock. Cattle: 9 Cows ranging from 3-7 yrs. old, supposed to be in calf, all pasture bred; 9 spring calves; 1, fall calf; 7 steers rising 2 yrs. old; 2 steer calves rising 1 yr. old. Implements: 60 Oliver row crop tractor with power -lilt and scuf- fler; McCormick Deering Standard tractor W4; 7 ft. stiff tooth cul- tivator; 4 -section drag harrows; 12 It, steel drum roller; McCor- miek-Deering 15 -disc fertilizer seed drill, 3 yrs. old; 4 -section of har- rows; McCormick -Deering 2 -fur- row tractor plow; MeCormiek- Deering manure spreader, tractor drawn; McCormick -Deering 6 ft. mower.'Massey-Ilarris side rake; new entle elevator, 32 ft. long; New Holland (baler, used 1 yr.; McCor- mick -Deering combine with rnotor, grain blower with pipes; grain grinder; rubber -tired wagon with flat rack and grain box; 6 ft, lVfassey-Herris binder; trailer, stock rack; gravel box; cement mixer; eircular save root pulpier; flat rack kr wagon; 14 ft. wooden gate; set of sleight; cream separ- ator; pump jack; 1/2 hp. Motor; 1/4 h.p, motor; fanning- mill, s'ereeese set 2,000 lb. scales; beltte lumber; planks; steel water trough; bar- rels; 2 wheel barrews; number of 3x6 rafters; chains,forks,. shovels; 3 rolls new barb wire; vase; sling ropes;.4 ft. land reeler; 3" tile; 6 rolls snow ,fence; steel Nets; ex- tehsion ladder; ehicken brooder; few tens baled hay; set &rebid hatte$8; horse collar's; 400 bus. of Reclney oats, grown from Reg. Seed; 50 bus. ivfontealtri barley, suitable for seed; alfalfa seed,. POultry: 175 laying hens, IiOusehold Vitas: Clare Jewel 4 -burner electric stove; Frigidaire cold -wall refrigerator; day lied; •kitchen ahairs;.dioing teem chairs; dressers, lamps, beds; grey 'rig 1242; thauve rag 7x12; rug 7x9; 2 tugs 9x12; stetter Mats; Nome piano and bench; ne,,A radio; quantity �f dishetr ehurn; milk tare latihdry seillerst kitchen eabinet; drep-leaf table.' Other artieles toe numerous to mention. Terris Cash' Ne reserve; farm, sold, atAilst itriqormoikt,alo untold. 4acksoo, Amduoiloi :t coemloy, cietit. 4 04,0Mb News of Ilensall Vereeependent 111, BMW one netesell, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Pyrn spent last Friday in Toronto. Mr,. and Mrs. J. E. McZWari at. tended the Keys-MeWilliarns wed., ding' at Rodney Saturday last., Mr. and 1Vire, E. APPleton' and. Mrs. Herb Blatchford, Exeter spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, 0, jinke. Miss Betty Miekle, Toronta, spent the weekend with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Laird Michie and family, Mrs, Stewart MCQneeri who un- , derwent an operation at Septt Memorial Haspiter Seaforth, has returned holm. Mr. and Mrs, James Harkness and family, •Teeswater, Spent :Sun- day with Mr; arid Mrs Clarence Reid and family, Mr, and Mrs. W. J, McLean, Hamilton, and Miss With McLean, Exeter, were guests en Sunday last with John Passmore leippen. East WI sponsored a very -.succeseful bake sale on Sat- urday afternoon atDrysdale's hardware. The pratTeds were most gratifying, • Barbara Schwalm, daughter ' Mr. and Mrs. .Gordon Sehwahn, has returned 'home from $t, Jes- el:els Hospital, London, where she underwent surgery on her eye,. Mr, arid Mrs. William Cann, Hensall, entertained at their home last Friday to a fowl sapper in honor of their uncle e and aunts, Included on the ..gu.est wee John Passmore, Hensall, A rec- reational, period ef cords; rolincled out a most delightful evening. Cpl. Donald 'Orr, ROAF„ who has been spending a -few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, R.. A, Orr, and brother Jim at Hensel], left Halifax on Saturday aboard the SS. Scythia for Grier, Ger,. many. He has been stationed at Tonne, Vancouver Island, B.C., for the past year. CO, CO is a tele- phone and teletype technician and, has been with the 110447' for the, past four years. The town hall here was packed,' to capacity on Friday for a rem>, tion kr Mr. and Mrs, Keith Love (nee Pat Tuckey), The young couple were presented with a well- filled purse of money, Henry Geyer rend the address, and Ger- den Coleman presented the gift, Desjardine'e orchestra provided music for the dance. The affair. was arranged by Glen Weida and Gorden Coleman. • The Hensall 'Women's Institute - will meet 'Wednesday, IVIareh in the Legion Hall, 8,15 p.rre. Guest speaker will be W. P, Rob- erts, secretary -treasurer of Tuck- erernith School Area, who Mlle epeak on ?Education." Mrs. R. Elgie will comment on the motto, Politeness is like an Air cushion, there/might be nothing in it, but it eases up the jolts." Will Ca,14 "A notable Canadian." Hostesses:, are Mrs. E. Norminton and Mrse A. Orr; program conveners, Mrs._ T:, Sherritt and Miss Ellis. 0 IlArlPY WORKERS TO MEET ON THURSDAY, MARCH 14, The, Happy Workers' Club willr meet at the home of Mrs. Jack. Smith, Thursday afternoon, March:. 14; 'The- roll call will be "A sche011f day incident.that I remember." Clinton Memorial Shop - T. PRYDE.,and SON CLINTON EXETER SEAFORTH Thomas Steep, Clinton Representative — Phones Buis., HU 124400 - • Res., Htt 2-3869 . „ APPLEFOIRD'S WAXED PAPER 100'foot roll GARDEN PATCH offoxcA pts ,. for 31 C ' WESTON'S SALTINES Ib. 29c FISHERMAN SOCKEYE SALMON oi. tin 45c LIBBY'S D'REP BROW y' BEANS ' 237c 20 oz. tins for SHERD% SALAD • "211..• GREEN GIANT CORN , DRESSLNG 16 .oz. 44 rti 444 GIANT SIZE .69 NIBLETS • 2 for 37t PILLSBURY 2 OAKES MIXES 1.1 for di 600 ,DAINTY RICE 16c 1 •lb. pkg., MAPLE LEAF 39c WEINERS lb. DAVID'S VICTORIA MALLOWS 1 Full Pound 35 HU 2-3813 R. Brubacher — Free Delivery ...414,ekowizeffweid peting Maoh ISth -UNION. SEED STORE (Next to Post Office — fornierly• T. J.,ItileyisiGrocety) COMPLETE STOCKS AVI41LABLE .4. Clover Seeds ' Grass Seeds Pasture Mixture* Lawn. Mixtures Garden Seeds Agricultural Clienileals mt. MR. f RED 0, FORD will he the manager, His long MriptriEtite Vial be et you dkpbkii. - PIACIg X001; SEED 01110Elt