HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-03-07, Page 6" A-U(11611m Church Sunday, March 10, 1957 Mr, And Mrs. Keith Feagati, Goderich, and fainiiY,' Silent •$AAR- day with Mr. and Mrs.. David Vas* On. VII \ and Mrs. R. W. Boaskitl, Toronto, visited last week with Mrs, Affihner Warns and Mr, mid Mrs, Ed. Jenkins. Mrs, Ed, Welsh, Ed. Boyce and David. Icay,, Were in London on Sunday,, And,Called. at theArdeVah funeral chapel, where- a, relative, E. F, Reid, rested prior to the funeral on Monday,. Mr,and Mr's, Benson .CprIess, Susan and John, Milton, visited Mr. and Mrs: 4vf, T. Curless on Friday. Together on Saturday, they spent the afternoon in Zurich with • Mr. and - Mrs, Kenneth. BreakeY• r" • and Mrs, WillifOrn Piper aid two sOnst 'DPW and Brian, LOn don, were weekend visitors with. Mr. and Mrs, Art Groves, over the. weekend. Mrs. A. C. Xelly and children, former!' of Arvida, -Quebec, are Spending a fever days with Mr. and, ,Mrs., A. McGill, her parents, She will. leave this. week via WA to Los Angeles where she 'and her family ,will, make • their home. Forest ganger George Thonap, son, stationed at .Kaowe,' Eva Lake, Northern Ontario, is in. town visiting 111$' parents Chief ConH stable and Mrs.' Tl, R. Thompson and family. He intends. staying' a Pew days before returning to his. duties in the • north; This is the young- man's- first visit, 'home' in about 18 months, FLORA B-EAUTY SALON Formerly of Princess Street. Opening at New Location on Albert Street, opposite Ball & Mutch Hardware, on Wednes- day, March 13. Fol. Appointments Dial HU 2-9336 PERMS - HAIR COLORING - FINGERWAVES 10-b MEN'S • and BOYS' Black and Brown Oxfords Regular Values from ..$7.95 to $14.95 up to 1/3 off BROWN sacs 1 6 I -1 7 1 -181:-19 1 2 1 1 12.191111.41313P:116 1 4 1 1 1 BLACK SIZES 1 6 -.1 7 I-I 8 1-1 9 1 -1 10 1-111 1-1121 1314141415161613 .1 2 1 5 1 3 1 1 1 I 20 PAIRS .130Y'S BROWN. OXFORDS (Broken Size Ranges) AIKE Phone HU 2-9352 dri 4 ••••••,-„,„, • By Special Request. We Are Again Having Boston Cream Pies 211111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111 ,•• 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 E WATCHES DJAIVIOND,S RIIINESTQNE SETS HOLLOWARE SILVERWARE' GENT'S JEWELLERY COSTE4E JEWELLERY CRYSTAL CHINA All Greatly Reduced.. To clear Announcement: Our *ails are literally bulg- ing at ,all corners with the, finest stock of China, Watch- CS, Diamonds, Silverware and Costume Jewellery. To make room for the new Spring lines and to show you our appreciation for your con- tinued patronage, we are giv., ing you an opportunity to acquire some of the things you have always wanted at prices you can't afford to mks. • * * *. • OPEN EVERY * FRIDAY MOM * * • Watch Our Windows For -Additional gorgoins. SIIII11111111111111111111111111111117 1111111111111111111 -111111111111110111111 11111111111111111111E111114.1111111111 ANSTETT ,JEWELLERS STOCK --REDWING SALK GIGANTIp CLEARANCE of Conimignity and . 1$47 Rogers SILVERWARE. - - In T1t6t4o IrnatiOns. rattornat "FIRST LOVE" "ADORATION" ' "ETERNALLY YOURS" "MORNING STAR" "CORONATION" O.K.:Service for 6 a,...4posrOpen c IEAR 'l Stoc $ k Price--$48.70 A TO L „..- ....... . 29 22. 34.Pc. Service for 8.' . .Reg. Orion Stock Pria-471,50 • • ''1:410W. TO CLEAR ......... -----;42 . 90 42,Pc. Service foi 8,--Reg'- Open $14° Price--$91,50 ' "‘ NOW TO CLEAR _ $58.90 55.K. Service for 8- Reg. Open Stack Pirice,41t.00 , . . - --*-NOW TO CLEAR ....,...- ....... ...-..-.466.60 CheSt Ektra These Patterns" Also ;Available Opett Stock at 40% Off $SobitDOWN. .*0 $1000 :EACH %YEW 'These .'Tennis Apply To .SilverWare'Orify • Yaveito .111iikorA-46x to* i'VOitilt 11,6,s tlintort ',.OSZS. imimintliiiiiniammil noniiiinou R 111147MAY,,. Past Scout 'and Cub News Juniors Seeking 0,00 Names To. As C 'For: Sc ool .Cotwty‘„Junfor Farmers have undertaken a project which, invoiVes getting 6,000 signatures of guron County Residents, who support the request to have a new hospital school for retarded chi/d- ren.-10.cated in the .cetinty. Armed with. sheafs of 'petition Sheets, which• bear the resolution at the top, and have plenty of Voce for Signatures, the young people are approaching -'all those wheat' they know, in !order to get support, The Junior Farmers are sure of their-ground when asked what it's all about too, They are,aware of the boost to Hnron County's econ., Orny which would come with the -COTTON 'PRINTS SEERSUCKER. CORDUROY FLANNELETTE BROADCLOTH The annual Past Grands' Night :Of Clinton Lodge IOW was . held on Tuesday evellinW1 - Larch 5, evening started out with. a dinner served by the. lunch -committee of the ledge which etnitprises. Alvin Sharp, John Sang, Ster, James cox, Donald MacASItill and .Benson Sutter, The Noble Or,allei, Harold Tyndall,- and the Vice Grand, Bert Rowden, .were in charge.. of the meeting, On acconnt of illness and with • Other activities taking place, some of the past Grands were not able to be present, and some of the present . ()facers pinch-hit •i filling some of .the -chair, . Those taking the various chair's included: Charles Cook; MG., Nor- Man Counter; V.G., John, Sang- ster; - Benson Sutter; Harold Tyndall; Treasurer, Bert Rowden; Warden,- ,Alvin Sharp; • Con., J. E. Cook; '0.G.,„.charleS Nelson; LG., Norman Shepherd L, IVIittell; John .Sttirdy; G. H, Jef- ferson; . Barrett 'Taylor; Archie Robinson; L.S,S„ Tom O'Connell; chaplain, E. E Gibson. - During the'rneeting regret was expressed at the 'Passing' W. J, Falconer, the father' of Past Grand George Falconer. • , This meeting marked the Official. visit of DDGM Victor Lee, Sea- forth, who was introduced to those- present by Pcmacat Barrett- Tay- lor, In, his remarks Mr. Lee chal- lenged the members to do better work for the Order than' had' been. . ••• • , Needed For This District. (By' our Bayfield correspondent) relief maps of • the World and the North American ' continent on which he pointed out the physical geography from the glacial age to the present day, explaining the reason for deserts and mountains, etc,,e discussed conservation from the Garden of Eden, and practices through . the Trojan wars; the method of reclaiming lanolin Java, Sweden, and the prevention of er- osion. Speaking of the Bayfield district' he pointed out altitudes, climate and types of soil. "The pity of erosion here,-is that early settlers used such poor farming methods," stated the sepaker. Introduced by Mrs. J. E. Hbvey, president of the Club, Mr. Middle- ton was,thanked by Mrs. William E. Parker. Fourteen members of the Trin- ity Club answered roll call at the meet*, which was held' at the home. of Mrs. A. F. Scotchrner. The, devotional period, led by Mrs. Maynard Carrie was Carried out by Mrs. R. Fitzsimons reading the Scriptnre; prayer by Miss Berthena Sturgeon and the singing of the hymn, "As Pants the Hart for Cooling Streams." ' Mrs. Alf Scotchnier gave the secretary's report and Mrs. Bel- charnber the. ,financial statement. St_ was decided to switch the bake sale date to July 6 to co-operate with- the United Church. A spec- ial collection amounted to over $20, The president pointed out that Bishop Emeric, Detroit, in .whose diocese a former Bayfield rector the Rev. Laverne Morgan is serving, conducts a program over Station WJR commencing at 11.15 a.m. each Sunday. Following the speaker's re- marks, •Mrs. William Parker thanked him and Mrs. Scotchmer for her hospitality. - ST.' ANDREW'S GIRLS TO MEET ON MARCH 12 The March meeting of' the Girl's Club of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will be held in the Sunday School room of the church on Tuesday, March 12, at 8.15 p.m. 0 Reverse trend; The population of the Yukon Territory in 1.951 was only one-third of its popula- tion in 1901 when its gold was luring• folk north by the thous- ands. 1st Clinton Troop The Eagle Patrol. held hike , last Settlrday. '`hey met at Way- ne Stanley's borne, Members Present were Larry Bertrand, Paul Bateman, Wayne Stanley and Pat- rol Leader Van Riesen.. The Eagle Retro" has shown an all out effort on badges, :Lewis Ling, Wayne Stanley ii.o.?,14, ken Van Riesen passed their Dairy- men's badge. Lewis and p1,. Ken passed their pathfinder badge (a Queen Scout Badge). They also passed their artist's badge, Lewis Ling has passed his Ambulance- rnam,badge (a Queen Scout badge). This troop has shewn more en- thuslasin in obtaining proficiency badges these past couple of year4 than 'in years before that, The hadge4 are very comprehen- sive and take in many difterent • fields of skill and expert knoiv- ledge. They are ,. very helpful guide to stouts' future occupation, This summer there will be a National Jamboree at Valley For- ge, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. and a World Janiboree in England. ONTARIO STREET UNITED _CHURCH "'ME FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR-REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, BA.. B.D. , 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School. .0, 11.00 a.m.-MormIng Worship , 7.30 p.m.-Movie Film produced by the Moody :,- Instituteof Technology. TURNER'S CHURCH . , 2,00 p.m.-Service of Worship 3.00 p.m.-Sunday School. - done in the past. He also felt that it was most oommendable the way that Clinton Lodge,had been able to bold the membership together through a series of Social gather lags, Announcements were made that the annual Friendship Night Would be held on eatilrday,..Oril 0, and that the .district meeting would be in Seaforth on Wednesday, April 10. With regard to the Friend- ship Night the special guests this year are. to be degree teani' of the Cantons at Niagara Falls, This team comprises both men 'and we- men, so that both the Subordinate and Rebekah Ledges. • in the area will be invited. Further details- of this event -yvIll'be announced later, At the close of the meeting DDGM Lee. conferred the Past Grand's Degree on all the past Grands present. Film Council Will. Need All Support A small turnout last Wednesday at the Clinton Film Council or- ganizational meeting made it int- posgible to accomplish much for this organization, However, the County group met the day follow- ing, and on a Huron-Wide basis, the council seems to be getting underway. If it is to succeed, it Will need the assistance and co- operation of all those who wish/to take part in its services. • "if we in this district were awake to the needs for conservat- ion in all its branches," Ross_Mid- dlegin predicted 'in Bayfield on Tuesday, "we would lose no time in' forminga Bayfield River Aitth- Ority.7 Mr.'Middleton, who is on the staff at Clinton DiStrict Col- legiate Institute, /as speaking to the'" Trinity. Club of the Anglican Church in the village. ""Conservation," he said, "is not only prevention . of erosion, but means flood cOntr51; conservation of. wild life and woodlats." Mr, Middleton gave a fine and comprehensive address, He had CLINTONIANS WILL MEET ON WEDNESDAY, IthiRCH 13 The March meeting of the Clin- tonian ChM will be held on Wed- nesday, March 13, at 2 o'clock, in the Council Chamber. Members are asked to bring a-donation for the sale to be held then. - • • T'HR'EE CHILDREN BAPTISED AT .WESLEY-WILLIS -CHURCH The Sacrament of Infant Bap- time was administered on Sunday Morning " in Wesley-Willis United Church to the follOWing: Clifford Jahn Holland, son of Mr. and Mrs,' William Holland; Brian LaVerne Keys, sou of Mn and Mrs, Clay- ten Keys; Kim. 'Elizabeth Postill, slaughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Postill. , Christian ReforMed Church REV. G. J. HOYTEMA, Minister 10.00 a.m.-Service in Dutch 11.30 a.m.-Sunday School 2.30 p.m.-Service ih English Everyone Welcome 11. 41,11.-M11,,N40,0•MO•11.111.••••-••• Maple. Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday School ..„ ..... 9.45 a.m. Breaking of, Bread 11.00 a.m. Gospel Service' - 8.00 p.m. TUESDAY, 8 'P.m. - Prayer and Bible Study. - 'A Hearty Welcome Awaits You'' Joseph Street, GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the' Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18.'20) meeting in the above hail invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of 'meetings on Lord's day as follows: 11,00 a.m. Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.-Sunday School ' 7.00 p.m.-Preaching the Gospel 8.00 pm. -Wednesday- Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. Come and hear how you. can be saved and sure of Heaven. We preach Christ, and }lint crucified. Einiteb. • REV. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir 'Director 11.00 am,-Morning Worship First Sunday in Lent. "The ,Pure in Heart" 11.20 a.m.-Prirnary School 12,15 p.m, -Church School Union Evening Service in the Ontario Street Church TIOLIVIESITILi4E 1,30 p.m,--=Church Service Sunday School. "Come to the House of Prayer" BrownieS Awarded Service Stars Servi9e. Stars were presented to the foliovying Brownies of the First Clinton Pack on Tuesday by Brown Owl, -Mrs, Percy Brown; second year stars, Pat CtleintOret SharOn. Switzer, Dianne ..Garon, awarpret ,lean Addison, Sherry Brophy, - Betty Jo Peeves and .SP- anne Bertha; first year stars, Coreen Spell and Faye Johnston, Dianne Garon passed her tests and received her Golden Hod Badge. new structure.. Xt 14 expected. that about 000 civilians would be employed in the SehOol, and. .of these at least 400 would be local civilians, Besides that, as One Junior Farmer stated: "There's ail the construction work to he done, to,, and thatwill mean work for a lot of men." -J 4 • rands g t ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D: J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist Sunday, March 10 10.00 arn.-The Church School Hour 11.00 a.m.-Our Divine Worship together Children's Period i If you are not regular worshippers elsewhere you are welcome to • attend with us Everyone Welcome BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor 10.00 a.xn.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning 'Worship 7.30 •p.m.-Eveeing Service You are cordially invited to these .•• services. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P-.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARO, Pastor , - Friday, March 3-- .8.00 p.m.-Christ's Ambassadors: DEBATE "SHOULD CHRISTIAN YOUNG PEOPLE DANCE" Sunday, Mar& 10-;-- 10.00 am.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m,--Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-Gospel Service- Tuesday, March 12- 8.00 p.m.-Regular Prayer and Bible Study "Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You ANGLICAN -CHURCH OF CANADA St. Paul's - Clinton • REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin,,Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader First kunday In: Lent 8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion 11.00 am,-Choral Communion 4.30 p.m.-Evening Prayer Wed., March 13-7.30 p.m.-Lent- en Service and' Seinion. WESLEY-WILLIS WMS ' ' WILL MEET MARCH 14 , The Wesley-Willis United Chur- th Woman's Missionary • Society Will hold- their regular 'monthly meeting on Thursday, March 14, at 8,90 p.m., in the church parlors. Mrs. N. Holland's group will be in charge, BE YOUR OWN "PRIVATE EYE" Learn to detect the warning signals that MAY mean cancer. - For hoe litsoture write. Benson Sutter, Secretary Phone HU. 2-663'5 OPEN MEETING 'TO BE HELD BY 000D WILL CLUB • The Wesley-Willis Good Will .010 will held an open meeting in the Sunday School Room on Taps- day evening,' March 1.2. Miss .Shir» ley Hamilton Will show coloured slides of her trip through Western Canada and the• Ladies and gentlemen are cordially invi- ted. -o ONTARIO STREET WMS WILL MEET MARCH 12 The' regular meeting of the Wo man's Missionary Sopiety of On- tario Street • United Church will be held in the church parlour :on March 12", at 2.30 p.m. or, Warm weather ahead will bring other worries. We have all kinds of New Materials and Fabrics --- See them' 'now! Don' River Ginghams Glazed Cottons (printed and Plain) Woor-Coatings and Suitings Nylon and Terelene ' Blouse Materials ZIPPERS THREADS BUTTONS BUTTERICK PATTERNS 'On Saturday " From, Our . Store only - Reg. 60c for . 49c DON'T BE' DISAPPOINTED ORDER TODAY! k itit+Buns: 45c dozi Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. -BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS H unter! 2-9727 CLINTON