HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-11-30, Page 2fd c' ;•o: ' a� Ciro FltI»4 �' "OV, 30, 1888. WILL REPUUI.ICAN8 LOWER T1 • TARIFF? The Mail gives several reason for believing that the Republicans will lualie material reductions in the American tariff. It seems that al- though the Chicago Republican Con- ventien, opposed reduction, yet a few • weeks after the Republican Senate submitted a measure providing for a reduction of some $70,000,000, Apart from the rapid growth of the surplus, the result of the recent • election tends to show that public opinion is strongly in that direction. Mr, Cleveland carried New Jersey and • Connecticut and reduced the Republi- can pluralities in Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Ohio and Illinois, the States where the protective feeling runs highest. That something has to be done is apparent from the facts. On the first of the present month the sur. plus on hand was about $70,000,000. That Americans in their present mood are not disposed willingly to accord t5 Canada any great benefit in any reduce tion scheme, maybe readily admitted. THE MANITOBA. DIFFICULTY. The decision of the Manitoba legis- lature on the question in dispute be- tween the government and the 0. P. R. • may be learned from the following resolution which was passed without a division previous to the adjournment: Thatin the opinion bf this House the action of the Canadian Pacific railway in resisting the crossing of their lines by the Portage extension of the Red River Valley railway, is most unjustifiable, in view of the settlement made with them by the .Dominion Government last session,through which they received a very ;.substantial consideration for the relinquishment of their claim to monopoly in Manitoba and the Northwest Territories ; that the course - pursued by the company has clearly been for the purpose, of preventing the con- struction of railways westward from the Lied River Valley line, thus renewing, in another form, the resistance hitherto • offered to the construction of competing. railways in Manitoba by :them and the Dominion Government at their instance and for their benefit ; that such steps be, taken as, will enable the Province of Mau- i toba to exercise the powers conferred upon - it by the Constitution, without molestation or interference, and will compel recognition of the power possessed by this Legislature of building railways anywhere within the Provincial boundaries; and that in the , event of the obstructive tactics which have heretofore been pursued being adhered to, treasures should be adopted which will be ,-:calculated to indemnify the Province for the loss which may be caused by such ob- •struotion. EDITORIAL NOTES. SINCE January last 14',807 emi- grants have arrived in Canada: Tau Governor General is to visit Hamilton on the first three days in December. A MONUMENT is likely to be erected at Ottawa to the late Thomas D'Arcy McGee. A PLEBISCITE of the people, on the, liquor question has been agreed on by the North-west council. THE. Toronto school board recognize the principle of paying lady teachers the same salary as is paid for men for doing the same work. THE Parnell commission Investiga- tiondragsalong itsweary length. Whilst volumes of evidence is being taken, no successful effort halt been made to eonnect the accused with Specific charges, A fifteen year old girl in St. Thomas gave her reason for setting fire to a closet in a hotel that she was erased by reading beastly novels. The amount of evil done by this per- nicious poisonous stub is incalculable. THF Directors of the Ontario Pro- vincial Teachers' Association have decided to hold the annual convention next August on the grounds of the Niagat.t Assembly at Niagara on -the - lake. rzIt Louisville Courier Journal says: T'h'etorift today is brgnnlred robbery; It is 'lavery lt,galized. With that tariff" the f+e•noerre(3 party is at eternal War, end, in possession of the 44overt L rent or in oppuOtion, it will istelki.kd .;rorh at.4 vet.. mound his praises, says the Palmers. ton Telegraph. 'Whose, acid for what! Those of Rev. J', McAlister, Methodist clergyman at Palmerston, because be handed in .a local notice of a mission- ary meeting and accompanied it with 00 cents. The Telegraph never saw the like done in 12 years and brother Lacy claims to be an observant man. PREMIER 1'' IELl)ING', of Nova Scotia, is starting an experimental farm in connection with the school of Agricul- ture at Truro. The tuition is free and the students will he paid wages for their work, suflcient to cover the greater part of their board and class books. Tau people of New South Wales and New Zealand are : of the same mind with the people of Queensland on the right of a Colony to be consult- ed regarding the choice of a Governor and they approve the stand taken by Queensland in protesting against the appointment by Home Government of a Ivan who is held by the Colonists to be unfitted for the office. AT the regent session the Manitoba legislature enacted a hill providing for loaning money to municipalities for the purpose of aiding farmers to pur- chase seed wheat. It empowers the Government to loan to any municipality in the Province within the next six months a sum not exceed ing $5,000. The municipality may give to any settler, whose condition is such as to justify it, seed grain to the extent of $75, taking a note therefor. THE action of the Canadian govern- ment in increasing the export duty on pine logs has stirred up Michigan lam bermen who are interested in Cana- dian timber, and it is proposed to retaliate by agitating the passage of a bill doubling the import duty on Cana-, dian lumber,which is now $2 per 1,000 feet. + As Canadian logs thus far 'have been exported in limited quantities, while over 600,000,000 feet of lumber, is exported annually, it will be seen that the doubling of the import duty on lumbef; would prove disastrous to'• the Canadian lumber industry, as it would completely. shut them out of the American market: East Wawanosh- The township council inet on the 16th inst., members al present,' An account was received. from Thomas Nicholson, Auburn, claiming -further damages for the drawing of 307 yards of gravel, paid for at, last meeting of council. --Filed. The reeve handed over to the treasurer $81.65 received from treasurer of West Wawanosh, as settle went of the boundary expenditure between the two municipalities up to date Messrs. John Agaew an;:, Duncan Robertson, lot 38, mCon. 0, .were present and stated that they both sustained a grievance in having no sufficient outlet for water from drains lately put in on . their property along- side Con. 9, and requesting that they be given e. proper outlet.—No action was taken. The following debentures were passed: John Cowan, Sr,,refund. ed dog tax, $1; Messrs. Hart & Co., Toronto, two order books and postage, $1,09 ; Margaret Murray, Con. 5, taxes refunded, 95 cents; John Salter, 60 yarns gvavel, i$3 ; John Shiell,gravel- lin; at lots 84, Cons. 12 and 13,$18.50 David Robertson, Jr., cutting hill, sideline 83 and 34,:•Con. 12, $13.50; Wm, Roach, building culvert, sideline 83 and 34, Con. -11, $5; Thomas Dull', repairing culvert, sideline 39 and 40, Con. 9, $1; John Cole, cutting hid at lots 84, Cons. 8 and 9, $24; Wm. _Deacon, building culvert at lot 87, Coli, 10, $4.71; Mrs. Braddock, 54 yards gravel, per Messrs. Gibson and Johnson, pathmastere, $2.70 ; John McLean, cedar posts and filling approach to bridge,isideline 89 and 40, Con. 8, $5 90; Henry Horney, cutting hill east of river, Cons, 8 and 9, $18.- 90 ; l8.-90; Robt.Tunney, gravelling, culverts, digging ditch and building new cul. verts on Con. 4 and eastern boundary $34 ; H. Taylor, filling up washout, sideline 30 and 81, Con. 6, $5 ; John Wilson, 76 rods wire fence at lots 36 and 37, Con, 8, $11:25 ; George Mo. Gowan, repairing two road scrapers, $3.25: Wm. J. 1?arks, 30 yards gravel $1 50 ; John Gillespie, Blyth, building Culvert, southera boundary, lot 89, Con. 1, $16. The Pennell adjourned ill Saturday', 15th Doe, P. PoR;rultriELD, Clerk.. r3atf.au's CURB will inime1 stew relieve Croup Wl:on; c gConch anti (;fionchitle, t'or file by. C. I. VPIllain . Is Seaforth. Rev. J. K. Howell, M. A., Seaforth, has accepted tho invitation, of the Berlin Methodist Church to beeetne their pastor. ,S1t'Ise1S. Percy White, of"Port Elgin, who formerly kept a livery stable in Brus- sels, received a cheque the other day for $5000 as payment of p legacy from the estate of a.dec d relative in Eugland, Gocterieh. Messrs. Harding & Leathoine, wellknown contractors, comp laying 40,000 feet of pipe for waterworks system at Goderi The water supply -will be obtained fro four artesian wells, sunk to the depth of 1,000 feet through the limestone near the shore of the lake,—On Friday evening the stables of M.r. A. Mop - Allan were destroyed by fire, the loss being about $300.—Mr,, 1V1idcol m McGillivary left 'this week as a mis- sionary to the Northwest, Glenannan. Mr. T. Gilpin returned on Saturday from a short visit to Michigan.— Thanksgiving ichigan—Thanksgiving services were conducted in Eaddies church by the pastor, Rev. A Y Hartley,—Glenannan's fair ladies are leaving us. Another of them, Miss Maggie Breen, took the ,prepara• tory step for departure on Wednesday the 14th Nov,' Mr, John Johnson, of Tgrnberry, was the happy man. We wish them all prosperity and happiness. —Tile young people around Glenannan spend pleasant evenings at the old pastime of paring bees. --Rev. 'Mr. Totten's pleasant race was again among us on Tuesday the 13th at his monthly prayerineeting in the Methodist church. •—%Ir. Gilpin has, sold his 50 acre lot ou the 11 con. of: Turnberry to Mr. T., Anderson of the 6th Con. for $1,000. f . ,. —J H Vanstone has the finest and largest stock of stone set riugs, keeper rings and platin gold. rings ever kept in Wingham at prices that cannot be beaten. Bruce County Iterns. • The County council Meets on tfie 4th December. Onas. Robertson, printer, • of Kin- cardine, was banqueted before leaving fur Detroit John Sinclair, of ' Tiverton, who for the past nine years has been,in British 001m -tibia, returned home last week. J. tip. Boss,' of Kincardine, had a carrot weighing 4•peunds. So "the Reporter says: The township of Huron has 'the requisite number of voters to entitle the municipality to a reeve and two deputies in the county council. -Kin • cardine Reporter. John McDonald, one of the early pioneers of Kinloss township, passed away a few days' ago at the age of 78 years. The deceased who was familiar. ly known as "Glencoe,' having 'origi- nally come from the historic place of that name in Scotland, settled in West Wawanosh about 38 years ago, where he hewed for himself a Bonne out of the then almost unbroken forests of the Queen's bush. Some -years afterwards he took up land in Kinloss in which township he has re- sided ever since. *UT will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will dive you immediate relief? Price 10c. 50o. and 01. For sale by'O. E.Williams. Joues—"Good morning 1 Beastly morn- ing, isn't it ?" Robinson—"Horrid day ' "Good day:" Tag Ray. GEO. H. TEexsn, of Bourbon, Ind., says; "Both myself and wife owe our lives to BELLOWS CONSUMPTION CUIIz,' For sale by C. E. Williams.., —Out of 500 toilets and 750 hats survey ed on a recent afternoon ou Broadway, Now York, no two were alike, while all. were fashionable, The gtiestioil then is Who leads in fashion ? Fon DrspsPIRA and Liver Complaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. For sale by C. E, Williams., r —Boys, try this; If 3 cats kill 3 rats in 3 minutes, how many oats will it take to' kill 50 rats in 100 minutes. SuxLoa'sOATAnan Rs Msbx—a positive cure for Catarrh,Diphtheria and Canker Mouth, For sale by 0. Williams, -The young man Bolingbroke, who ,fired Dr. Longliead's barn, near Petrolia, a few days ago, was sentenced to two years in the reformatory. A NASAL INsscTon free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Pete 60 cents. • E'er sale by C. E. Williams. Subscribe for THE 253533. Step That Co.4gh. Many; enple neglectwhat.M.,y call a simple cold, widen !f not ch aokud in i,,ic, LiaV lead to Lung trouule, k.tu:,t's 3'nuld'on of Pure Cad Levo 011 with Ily,..,phosphit:.,,Wlli not r nl" stoptlio tough but heal the Luras. Endorsed nv thousands of pity; sioiana. 1 ,'stable milk Try ft, Sold by as druggletr .t 60o' and ti.,.) Per jo' printing )all en Tas'Y'Ilfltti, r � ' 'Chu ivew Cu,alrg Club. Hail to the Loyal City Club, Its bran now flog uih#arlln', It makes ser temp the vena ilub, The banner tquu for =nail When first I heard the club Walborn, It warmed ray bluid an' bane 4' I'll buy," says 1, " to -morrow morn, A bran new pair o' steam!" "For we mann do or verra best, Tae guard the weil•eu•rned fame That now attends, free east to west, The Guelph Club's honored mine," When,thatlong list o' names nread, An' counted' up, four scot,/ How different this, I musing said, From what it was of yore 1 ell remember when 'twas'hard Tae get enough tae play, Unless a match was on the card, Or it was Christmas Day. Twa masons an' a Puslinehlaird, Wi' here au' there a weaver, Now mayor au' banker, gent au' caird, Hae ta'eu the curlin' fever. Lang may the Royal laddies wave, They've made a gran' beginning, An' may their play be fair an' brave, . When losing, or when winning. An' when we get the welcomtle ice, Along wi' bleak December, May each that curling motto nice, Were brithers a' remesuber. Guelph. Ont. W. F. C. —If you want o. good reliable time keeper, either in gold or silver, or in ladies' or gents' watches Vaudtone's is the Place to go, where you' eau get •them at rock bottom prices. The latest' stylesin ladies' gold chins tiudbrouolies;• earrings, &c. Prices away down. —'.Che Commercial traveler's Benefit Association has a membership iif 1,500 and insurance risks amounting • 10 $1,500,000. C. P. It, TIME`TABLIh.' Trams arrive and depart al follows: LEAVING AR tIVtN0 6:27 4.10.... ,. ,...For Toronto...... ..5:27 a, ni 1:45 p.m '• 1:43 p.m 8:15 p. ni . .For Toesvater 3.15 " 10:20 p. in ". 10:20 '• C3^3:ZA.1\TD '2'.R -o-1 'K 'R' -X' A. C. srRATHDEE, Atom% W1Neiiin. Through tickets to all •5oints in America—North. West, Pacific Coast, etc:, ,via tho shortest and all popular routes. Raggagc checked. through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. • —TIME ?ABLE, LEAVE WINOnAM.ARRIVE, AT WiUOliAM. 6:30 e.m.Toronto,OuOlph,Palnmerston, &c. 8130 p.ln. 11:1.0 " '•14 " 10:10 ' 3:40 p.m. ' " " Clinton, " • 7:26 " ....Palmerston, Mixed.. .. ..10:20 n.m, 7:05 a,ni London, &c.. 11:00 " 9:40 p.m. 7:45 p.'.. 11:10 a.m.. .. , .. Kincardino, 3kc.... . 0:30 amt, 3:30 p.m "' 11:10 " 10:10 '. 0:50 p.m. ALEDONIAN HALL, This conpuodious hall can he secured, for enter. tainnnentp of every kind at a very low figure. • For terms &a., apply to ;JAME5.FLQUTIT, • at Cline & Co's store. MONEY TO LEND. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP Or Turnberry-bas ahout13,000 to loan on Mort- gages. For terms apply to, P. MoLAREN or IYAI.'11CPHE1tSON, Tr. TaNAstiaaa, Wingiiain. Rims; Glenfarrow Winghath, May RIOHA.Bi7' K'ERSL E, Having pur`cha,Od the Butchering,,t/bnsinessr of . T Drummond, ke�z constantly on ,i, 'd, the, choicest • and io t varied assortment of FRESH MEATS, SAUSAGES/AND BUTCHER'S SUPPLIESEN R4LLY. f$ w yenta fegps to Citizens of Wingham willlilt call and inspect"his stook." Wingiiam, Oct. 25th,,3 BANK OF 1-1213tra0N, Sterling Exchange and Diets on New York BOUGHT 'AND ;SQ1,4Q,1 OrrMOE IloOrs: 10 a. in. to 3 p. m. Saturday$, trona 10 a, m, to 1 P. in B. WII,LSON,' AGENT. WRYER & DI01£INsor, So1leStore. +� IS O'FFEt%IN G - ON. F'ARSVl� 1?R01�ERT'S2" AT 'UAW' LOW %ATE$, s=r2 s OFFICE—OPPOSITE THE MARKET, WxNonAMt gerossIt 4jrnl. 188!1. A. J. A>vDEE1011,, lT tEltTAit111. Caskets, Coffins. Robes, etc, always on hand. MST' 0L9:SS 1Y1:A!1S1' '"bit mitt. I'IRIGNE r*AMINs IIRIAI'tLY A1TttI0t0 to. n6dai IT nm .—IS I'VBL!$IIED— EVERY I.P EIDAY MORNING, -•-AT TIff,-. TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHNE STREET, WWGHA11'I, - ONTA IO, 'subscription.price, $1per year, iu fie, ADVERTISING RATES:. Space. 1 1 yi•. 1 0 mo, 13 um1 1 Ina. One Column 8110 00 835.00 I 420 00 83 00 Half " 35 00 SA 00 12 00 000 ',porter " 20 00 12 00 i 7 00 4 00 Inn Inch 600 0 00 " 100 Loral anti of or casua advertisements, Sc, per line 'or first insertion, and 3o. per lino foreKet subsequent . nsertion, Local notices, in nonpareil typo, 100. for first in- ertion, and 5o. per line for each subsequent insertion.. lo local notice will be charged less than 25c, Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Sitoations, - and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, 81 per month, Ileuses and h`ar'ms for Sale, not exceeding 8'l1nes, 81 for first month, 50c.,per sub:+uqudut month. These terms will be strictly adhered to. Special rates for longer advertisements, or for longer periods., Advertisements without specific directions, will be . inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tran. sitory advertise,neuts uiastbe paid in advance, Changes for contract advertisements must bo in the otfee by wedi esday noon, in order to appear that week. R. ELLIOTT, . . PRor5IETOa AND lYue fs11En. Dt,n, JIACDONALD, !• JOSEPHINE STREET,' ONTARIO., UR, J. A. AIELDRUM,• Honor Graduate of Toronto University, otsc0 and Residence—The old, stand tornierir noon. pied by •Dr. Bethune, at the corner of Centre 'and, Patrick streets, Wiseualt, . . • ONT. EYER & DICIUNSGN. BARRISTERS, 3:0. Soliojtorr for the Rank of llamilton, Comnsissione e for taking rtI idavfts for Manitoba, 'Private 5undp to lend in straight loans at lowest rate.,. Offices •••• Eunt's Block. Wingham, Imultncw and Gordo, 11. w, O. 111CYIiR, B. L. DIORINEOR. J. A. MORTON, BARItISTEIt, ere„ - Winghnm - Onts l . ' VANSTONE, 111•.' BARRISTER, " SOLICITOii, ' 1OTAR;Y PUBLIC , CONVEYANCER, F.m OFFICES—Beaver Dlock, 11 INOUAM•, Gomm; and BL'r nI, ONT. ' Private and Company funds to loan at low rate et interest. Mortgages, town• and farm property bought and sold. Mercantile collections a specialty DENTISTRY.- J. S. JERUAIE, li•INGHAM. d am making beautiful setts of Artificial Gun, "Teeth" for 88,00 'vr sett; and Plain fi'eeth, per sett; • $40. . Prices in all other branches of dentis• try in proportion. . Vegetable Vapor, Administrated for the pain lef•8 extraction of teeth, the only s fe anesthetic known: OFFICE • . Jn the heaver. Block, opposite the Brunswick Hotel. • DENTISTRY;- IL' MACDONALD, t ixoniis. y*+v Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy y Siivcr, Gold etc., etc., Plates, ranging - in prices from 8500 upward§ per set, crow,nng and ,bridgework. Teeth ex- tracted.without the least pain by the use gt vital- izedAir. Bead Moo, Wingham, side entrance op- poste the Queen's hotel, open daily (Sundrya except. ed) froin 9 a m to 6 p m, Will be, at „Myth every Saturday-OHico at Milno's hotel; Corrie, 1st, and 8rd Alondays of each 'Month -0111d at .Albion hotel • • Lucknow:2nd and 4th Monday and 'Tuesdays',ot each month -081m at WhitpI, 'e hotel. Extracting, ` 25 cents JOHN RITCHIE, !ice GENERAL INSURAI'iCE' AGENT, ' ONTARIO' iriiwRT CUNNINGHAM, INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, , GUELOI. • GEORGE 11IoIIAY,Wini,bdm, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of-Iluron and Bruce. • At moderate rates,, sales will lin conducted In any portioi, of the Countio 1. - Ordlers pati he left at the TIMES nffico. J011 EintriXE,'wniaizui, LICENSED AUCTIONEER: • Orders lefeatTnlis'oilicopronmptly attended to TERMS REASONABLE, .p. DEAN, JR., WnNOnAM, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended In any part of the Co,' Charges Moderate. JAMES HENDSERSON, Lioness AUCT;QN en 1''012 0011NTfta' Ilona AND Enuod.. Ail antes attended` to promptly* end oh the Shortest Notice. d. Charges sa,ryo arrangements 0515 be atistactfon made eat th* Tennis' oliee, WINo17An1, •, ONT. Money to Loan on Notes. • Notes • Diseetznited AT R,ASbNABLE' RATES, Money adveniied cit lifertgeges at 0 per cent. with aprivilegend ofaccounts payingcollectedat ,the' end et any year. Notes EOBT. 4MOINbiOO, Opafc0,--.11e6.ver Pick. Ont. ¥ou.h ll's ACM- ESTATE AND h:ittE 1NSUR' ANC ADENOY. Oi°FICE: KENT'S ISLOCK, WINGHAM, Private funds to loan, A number Of Buttdhis Lots and " tesidonce Prop: r - tics for Palo. These nothing to make a home in WI ghton should communicate with,, or appl:' lltt:atlion at my ontoWhere all cuss #ry internaktiQn erre by obta15, ,