HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-02-28, Page 9ews or Auburn Oorrespon'dent IvERS0 Zap ,ROSS Phone Dungannon 91`.15 Charles Scott speht the weekend 'With friends in Toronto. WS, William Straughan wasa 'Weekend visitor With relatives at If.itehener, Donald I. Ross, Oakville, sPent :the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Tired R-Ose, A rehnher front nere. attended 'the service at Row Station Clin- ton Chapel, on Sunday night 1,10..SS Franeis /leustott, 40ndon, .Visited her parents, Mr. -and Mrs. J, Houston at the week- - ' oend, Ur, and sfts W. T, Robingelh e -WristM. R. lacksen andMiss Ekes ilflltch were Stratford viSiters last "Thalreday. ' Mrs. Donald Fowler e1%While , 'Working irt her home Saturday and 'broke her hip. he was taken loy ' ennfbulanee to •Goderieb, ho'spitel and later to Vitoria Ifoepital, ondon ' Congratulations to Mrs.' Wesley, Bredpeek, Auburn correspOnderit eof the Goderich Signal -Star, who • receiver "honorable Mention" cer- in recognition of her'ant- ' standing velirk as rural weekly neWsPaPer correspondent by the • 'Ontario Weekly NeWspaper Assoc- ,' ;Winn. - • • 1Fatber and Son Diner ' The first Father and Son dinner 'of the To boys and their fathers, ' • 45 in. ail, was held in the Auburn 'United Church, Saturday, Feb- ruary 28, The tables were' dec- -mated in the Tyro coleure, • bine And yelloW, and the dinner was fserved ,by the Rainbow Group of %the Wiatnan's Association. After the dinner, the leader Rev, 'R. Hiltz pesented 11 11.00A with the TYro "T's" and.. their first \ World Church Circles. A ',slant demonstration Of the TYro .writ was then presented epliaWing 'the ''114Yre, prayee,and .grip, • - William: L. (Craig thanked the iadles for- the excellent dinner, and PRA -VTR, }lilit talked briefly on the ?Melte ""...f3Ve need:. men." The TTYro 'D -nen. is John Arthur e.h.d assistant; leader Harold itaitiday. Herold Webster; spoke, a weed of ppreciatien to Mr, .for his ,eafforts>arnong the boys., West- •lield was represented by three i Junor' 41" Playoff AYS vs. SEAFORTH j Tuesday Night . „ 4 ‘50c -- Game iinte 8:30 SEAPORTII COMMUNITY ,ViSraff - ARENA mossm; rimmemeimaionk -TENDER.. WARBLE FIX SPRAYING • TOWNSHIP. OF TUCKERSMITH • • • 4NDERS are in,Vitect by the 'Township of T uck erg m it h for :Spraying tOattle for Warble Fly 'Centro! in 1951. Tender to state 'a flat rate per •head, per spray and. work to be none under the supervision and at the direction 6f an inspector ap- pointed by the township. Tenderer to supply all requir6ments includ- ing labour with the exception of povider which will be supplied by "the township. Tenderer must also state insurance coverage. Tenders must te sealed, marked 'Tender for warble fly spraying" and Mailed or delivered to reach - the .clerk by 4 p.fli, March 5, 1957. Lowest or any tender not neceS- •Sarily accepted. E. P, CHESNEY, Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith qwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwiswam • 'fennel; for Warble Fly Spraying Powder / TOWNSHIP OF • TUCKERSMITH TEXDgRS are invited by the "Vownship of Tuckersfnith for 600 lbs. OSnray Powder to use for Warble Fly Coatrol (15 lb. bags). Tenders to be sealed, marked • "'Tender for Spray Powder" arid Mailed or delivered to reach the clerk by 4 pan, March 5, 1957. Lowest or any tender not neeee- sarily aceepted. E, P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith • Application for Warble Fly Inspector •• TOWNSHIP OF - TUCKERSMITH J APPLICATIONS arc invited by • "the 't ownship ot Tuckersmith for a Warble Ply Inspector to act under the Warble Ply Control Act and Arnendirients thereto. A rate of '90c per hour and allearanci3o 1.0e per i(iite ter 'Use 'of car will be pad. Applications mut be sealed, marked “Applicatiorei and be 14 the clerk's hands by 4 p.m, March 6, 1psz, CH5SNV, Clerk, Towrighio Tuakefshilth t -q-15 Lord BadenTowel], Mgin , boys and Donnybrook by two. lgow that hockey is pretty vital ov- er, the Tyre will begirt their Meet- ings again on Saturdays, Ice Varldval Tha IceCarnival eponsoredhy the YOUng People's 'union Of Knox United Church, "held t t he rink Friday, was largely attended; MisSeS Rena' and Gladys Ciji- he aceordlan duets dur- ing 'the Parade, The follenVing were winnere; gh•lis comic, Gail Miner; bey's comic erald Dobio;- boy'e vvell-dressed, Stevie gaagitt and pougie Archanabaut; well - :dressed, /j -a rh gra -.MacKay, •Tanet For the races', ,seven. years, and under, girls, *Gall Miller, Bennie MeKinnon, Brenda. Archambault; .boys, Rebert John. iVfac- Kay, Ronald Arthur; 13 and Un- der, girls; Gail Miner, Janette Dobie, Marilyn, Daer; boys, Peter 1VieDonald, Kenneth Daer, Arthur During the evening the Auburo- ettes sang several numbers, Rev. Hiltz thanked all who had helPed: W. L. Craig for lumber and,Keith Arthur for freezing rink. A hockey game was played be•• tween USS No. 5, (Auburn) and SS l\to. 9, 1-lullett, USS 5, won • - I OBITUARY Wiiliarn f.'roCtor William proctor, Goderich, pas- sed !away . in .Alexandra Marine and General hospital, on Tuesday; _February 26. He was born in. aca- erith anti lived :in Clin- ton for abut ten yeare. He Was rillierIed here to ' the 'lete Jean fudence Fleming, e An .employee of the Goderich Public Vtilitiee Commission for 23 years, Mr. Proctor retired in July, 1955: he'was an adherent of. the, Goderich Baptist Church. SurviVing are three -sons, Percy and William, '..Detroite Cbarles,. Goderich (proprietor of Charles House of Ffeautif(Clintort); and three dalighters, Sybil (Mrs. Proc- tor Palmer, Goderich Township, proprietor of Paliner's Beauty Sal- on, Clinton); Margaret (Mrk. El- mer Wettlaufer) and Jean (Mrs. Bud Matheson), both of Goderich; one sister, May (Mrs. Wesley Van- denburgh), 'Clintoe; - eight grand- children and fiVe great grand- children. Resting at the Stiles funeral horneGoderieh, where funeral ser- vice will be4ortducted on' Friday afternoon, March '1, commencing at two o'clock •hy the Rev. S. H. Findlay. Interment will be in Maitland Cemetery. IIMINEli11111111010111110111;111111111101111111111111E NOTICE 'Tow-nshiti of ,Tuckeismith To -.facilitate snow removal, • operations,' the public is re- quested not fa' 'pat* earsor vehicles on roadsides puring the .svinter months. " • Awl icotice -is hereby given that the Township, will not be responsible for any damages caused to "'such vehicles as a -result of snowplowing opera- - tions. • E. *P. CilESNEY, Clerk, ' .Township Tuckersmitb 49 -Uhl VIIIiii1111111111111111111111E1111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111161 • TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Tenders for Gravel TENDERS will be received- by the undersigned, up to 12 o'clock noon, Friday, March 1, 1957, for CReSHING AND DELIVERING where 'required 12,000 cu. yds. of gravel more or less, crushed to % inch. ,All work must be done to hatisfattion of the 'mini super- intended*, Work to he completed by October 15, 1957. Contractor to strip and, maintain,pits. Mark- ed cheque for $200 must accomp- any each tender: Lowest -or any tender not necessarily accepted. , GEO. W. COWAN,' Clerk 4. LEN CALDWELL, „ Rbad Superintendent, • Londesboro, Ontorio Township of Fluilett mislammaimems-o-h tanteminiminunsir,maametai GRAVEL TENDER *TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH urrtasanats will bo received by the undersigned up to 3:30 p.m., Morel* 6t11, 157, • For Crushing and:KOuling approximately 10,000' cuyds. o gravol to Township Roads in 1957 Contractor to supply ell receliee- Monte except gravel. which will be supplied by the township at three locations, IYa. inch round screen to be uged and contract to be completed-b July 1, 1951„ under the supervision' And to the satiefaoilon ref town. ship road supatintendent. Tenders must be sealed,. Inarked "Tender" and Mailed or delivered to rea.ch the clerk by 3.80 min., IV/urcli 5, 1951, Lowest or any tender not noces- sarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk Township of Tuckergenith 6,04lo Lord readen-Penveil night in Clinton; Was. marked by big A party at the Clinton Public School, when tM youngest Cub and the yeungest Brownie had the honour er putting a. birthday cake. Fe* left to right are Cub lyie Kingewell, cUbmaster T, par, ling; Mr.. Percy -Drown and Prownie Linda IVioodie•, (News -Record Photo) ,Reaith Minister Martin; the federal cabinet minister respons- ible to Parlianient for Canada's civil defence, has said that what a community does for itself pro. vides the surest protection for its citizees. • Referring to the responsibility of all public officials, federal, Ply- Vincial and municipal, he added' "We canmake no mistake in providing reasonable protection for our families, our 'felloveecitiz- .• 1 oinsesville Farm TOwflSbip Federat licarneSville ram Uniot) Loo41,alltl 0Oderleh TeWilehip Fed- eratiori of AgrICUltire held a •1.,!PoseirusditriloiTo,nitenetitr o,}10Ttilumsesvittany4 setioco, for the purpose of discus- smg the two organizatIon'4 farm i"Thlkiegs'meeting was Wen attended. An irformai Panel disentsiion wan " set up with, Walter Forbes acting as cbairman, Everett Malwain and Frank Yeo represented the .rederation, while r,dgar Ratingen and Robert Taylor represented the Farm Vulom Questions Were .asked from the. floor' as the representative 111-0M1 ens and ourselves against the death and destruction of a pos- sible. enemy attack. — "In Annie yeare—if in our Iife- tithe, such a 'eelarnity should ever come to mar homeland—we will all want tOelook back with a clear conscience.. en the way in which, as Servanti. of the Canadian peo- ple, we honeured our reSponsibil- ities to them," In any, community, town, vil- lage or hamlet, the responsibility -•-eeeer•-•-••••*;•• ••,• • • '.\\N - • • .4 . , r , 2,7 „,..‘ 'N\c‘ • ' • ' • •s\' ' \\ A.PPLICA.TIONS TOWNSHIP OF_HULLETT The Counciref the ITownship of lIunette,vvill receive ApPlie,atione fora WARBLE FLY' INSPECTOR for the Township of 'Mullett ,for 1957. Duties to commence April 1. Salary to be'cen:ts per hour With 5c .per mile while working in the Township. Inspector to comply With- the ,Warble Fly Con- trol, Act. AppliCations to be in the hands of ,the Clerk, March 1, 1957. ', • Geo. W. Cowan; Clerk, Londesboro, ant. 8-9,b TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF, HULLETT. . The Council of the Township of Ifulle,tt will receive Tenders for the supplying of 900 POUNDS OF WARBLE FLY POWDER . - • 800 Pounds in 15 -pound bag* and 100 Pounds in nne,-pound bags. Powder to c ornpli with the Warble Ply Control Aet, 'renders te be in the hands of the Clerk, 'March 1, 1957. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- ,cepted, ' - • Geo.,W. Cowan, Clerk; LondeSbor‘o, Ont. 8-9-b TENDERS r • TOWNSHIP OF MULLETT The Connell of the 1rownshif) Ilullett will receive TENDERS for the *SPRAYING OF CATTLE ihiieTownslillf of Willett' 'ter Werble Ply at so much per head per spray. 47Vork to, be d& -to according to the Warble Ply Control, Act under the Supervision of the Inspector. Tenders to be in the hands of the Cleek, March 1, 1057. Lowest or any Tender not netcssarily ac eepted. ' for 'civil defence falis*PritherilY to the •mayor, reeve or other lode .diavernthent authorities. ' The Importance.; feadership ,by of-hole:Is, says F. F. Worthington, . Eederal • Civil De! fente Co:ordlnator, is vital. "In' those province's that have endotsed civil defence andisef up an operating:staff, the progress leas .been plithbmenally good." •a'14lewise In those communities Where 'the mayorand his' council have endorsed civil defence, prog- ress has also been good." The federal government can provide finknelal assistance, train- ing and a .plan." The proVincial government can supplement these and. help pass them down to -the local level. Bat :from there, the success or failure- depends entirely on- the community leaders. ' • If a community has a Well - organized civil defence settip, the mayor or ,reeve and , the -council- lors deserve a good deal of credit. .12.ut on the other side ot the pic- ture, they also ,must be prepared -to shoulder the responsibility of failure to protect their fellow - townsmen should disaster catch the community unprepared. The federal government can- not step into eerrenunities where municipal officials have negotia- ted this responsibility: Neither can the prOvince. For Canada's constitution carefully protects the rights of each level of govern- ment. . It is just this careful, delineat- ion of rights that throws ithe final responsibility for -deli defence, preparedness on the municipal government. It is only at that level that measures for the protec- tion .of eVery member of the Com- munity Carr be. properly ,put into effect.' tvery right or privilege bestow.' ed on a gotrerannent or, for that •matter, on an individual, auto- matically requires the responsi- bility that ssuch a right or privil- ege be fulfilled and not abused or neglected. • For the right to run Its awn affairs, the,munieipal government, therefore, /bust accept the respon- "sibility of running them in the hest interests of, its Citizens. Since the state Of world politica today has thrust civil defence on every individual In every western 4ountry, not only Canada, it can - rot -be set up effectively to protect every careen:nifty unless the pub - officials of every community are prepared to take an active .cart in it. '"*"""'"'"""'"''''"/•, W.HY DO ALL 'MAT WRITING? • When A Gets. W, COwarl, Clerk Lohdesboro, Ont., , 4444 -44 -414,444** -44,4444•44-4,40 Rubber Stanip *Hi db it faer, easier, 'and who knows? may-, be neate't, too, Order One at the, Clinton NewskItitord Delivery, Within 10 dayg, BRU(EFiELD 'corrivondeh* ans. U EntRx Phone. aff.T A-7012 Lorne Tbornson is home from a Toronto Hospital, where he under- went surgery. !Mrs. 1VIcNicitole London, is vier iting with. her Parents,. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Aubin. • Mn 'tleVIrd Lithou mTre.bbauntit mrSeas: Lorne Jervis in the village last Week. Mrs, D. '14lebner and Mrs. g 'Morrison entertained Group 3 of the W& at the kerne 'of Mrs. Thomson last week. Mae .Chesn,ey has sold his farm to Able BroadfOot. Mr, and Ms, Chesney and their daughter, 33Ilr- bare. are moving to Windsor after 'their sale on lVfareh 6. Mr. and Mrs. H.,. Dinnin, and Kathy, Petrone, .were With Mr, and Itirs. W. V,. Dinnin last wee1c7 end, Also visiting at. the. Dinnin home on SUnclaY wire 'and Mrs. Carl gtonemart, Cremarty, who are brother and sister-in-law of Mrs..-Dinnin. The 100F held a successftd-pro- greseive euchre party in theOdd Fellows Hall on Thursday evening. Mrs. Lorne Wilson received the ladies prie.e for most dames and Lorne Wilittn'catitiired the men's prize. Tickets Were sold on a box -ef chocbla,tes and Mrs. Simon McKenzie was the lucky winner. Mrs. T. 2. Baird -has received Werd that Mrs. Edna 'Bremner passed away last Wedneaday. Mrs. Bairds father, the late Rev. BremnerWilliarn was minister in Brucefieicl United Church for a rininber of 'years.Palgtearers ftm Brucefield were J. K Corn- ish, William McIntosh, '1'.. B. Baird, 'Ross' Scott; Joseph 1VIeCiilly- and Duncan Alkenheed, Setiforth:' Goderich Mrs. Clara Dutote. • Brucefield, hes. -been visiting her seri, Alvin Dutot. •.• TIME TO GET.- A LUMCATION 'Guard the friction points .-ofyour car with our ex- pert lubrication. Drive in for, a, LUBE•••JOB every 1,000 miles. • .• OIL CHANGE . Get better pefformance from, your car., Drive in now and (et us dram and refill your crankcase wish Koolmotor. CITIES SERVICE , MOTOR -OIL • CANTELON'S Service Station Cartier Mary' & King Sts. Carl Cantelop, Pioprieter Phone HU 2-9032 firOLINiON — ONTARIO , rtaiNr.v.poina#4•Andivise.**4•44.01\44•44,•ininf+ Jack RUT TO UR tities Service Distribitio! Union, Local And ion *id Meeting hers 41 the panel .answered, nos. o -4V.terviii Radio and VI- eetric, Clinton, attended the meet - Ina'. and provided the use of a port- abey jor the ten o'clock. oCIRVC-TV 'program Almanac, This program patitred. An interview be- tween go carbert and Albert rrottelq, president of the ram. ears Tinto -h. Some of the main ollestionS that had been Oiled at the fleeting vitere diaOnsSed again mere fully on this program. It seemed to Make a suceesenl ode minatien 'to the Meeting, vete of thanks to. Ross Merrill was Mend by MeIlWein, seconded by Robert Taylor. 'rem general feeling was that the meeting iladbeena success in that Some of the differences of oro. had been Otight tO the fereground aid explained. f$ENEFIT tiOCKEY '-PROCEEDS FOR PEEWEE TEAMS Sat., March ''GoderkitMemorialLAterie Clinton Lions 'Juveniles • „(19/10-411 ONTARIO CHAMPIONS) — Goderich Louson Flyers 1946-47 ONTARIO JUNIOR "C" CHAMPIONS Speciai ,Attractions ADMISSION 50c — Children Free 9:10,13 fast NATURAL' Clink:: No other wowed will outlast F AST nor eve yaw suck • lovely, nisei_ looking war. 1;15 • • to ROPbr.. •S•POT Alta Natwi Doi PIN CURL toi the mai ways sad athreI Curtioe LITTLE VINSfartbe safe, chlidtlifs , tOtfit REYALI. DRUG STOVE MOTH CRYSTALS— Reg. 59c lb.' • 2 lbs. 69c COLGATE TOOTH PASTE— Reg. 33c 3 for e6c Reg. 59e 2 for 89c 1'EPSODENT TOOTII PASTE Reg. 33c 2 for 49c Reg, 59c. . 2 for 89c 'TUSSIT-11ANii LOUON— Reg. 2.50 for $1.25 TRUSHAI-HAND CILE,A1VI and .DISPENSER— Reg. 1.24 for 99c ".; .CONSTIPATION RELIEVED W ILA TATUTTI E s Take, DM Capsules 6b cispildep,-- $1.95 A Gentle 'Non -Laxative Softener. A Big Special Bargain! VU- U740SE ,SPONOES '19:c Only, Give 'Your 'Dentures A Real Bath InSpecial Dental Rath. FREE vilth Pgrchase of STERADIENT DENTURE CLEANER Both for 98c MEN; Stop Thinning Hair Use •CREAM 'OIL .FORMULA' No. 2 ---'73c DEEP MAGIC-- • Deep Pere Cleanser Reg. -75c 2 for 99c • r. thernIs,i'dn‘ Druggist i' ' PONE • • • ,1•• 41r' • • - ' - • - oi r".. .4111•0110.1.111•001••••1001111111111.11111C*1•102.. Phone 1111 24653, couN1R,i!TERN rlf "*. • (* * •••• 2Ct NC:5 BAND A'‘' ••• ; • ONPCI,' Talent conteat It you play 6,n instrument sing, dance ot entertain in any ast;ay, illgister at plede below, eight of dance/ by 7 pon. Midget. Ofali MaDabIe At No E3ttiO COS, 'The Home of Good ' MARCH it 9.00,p.m. Goderich Pavilion