HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-02-28, Page 5,. Tu*v 'rr"$, 1957' PAGE . NEWS -RECORD • FOR ' QUlOK. RESULTS .• A,T E' S *• No charge for .aniiouncemlents of Births, Marriages and Deaths ' Articles for sale, rent, etc., •Card. of 'Thanks, in Memoriam, engagements, 3c a word, minimum 75c, Bop' No, to this office 15e .additional. ReReat in sertions 2c a Word, minimum Oc, ' •QASif DISCOUNT: 14 if paid by Saturday fol• lowing last insertion, Hilling charge of 1Oc added each time bill .is sent. . Latest ',mime for Insertions •noon Wellnesday Accommodation For Rent' 1 -FURNISHED APARTMENT, suitable for couple. • Phone. HU •-2.9572. 2 p-3b-tfb DUPLEX, UNFURNISHED. \AV- ,ailable noW, . Phone Clinton HU x4708, 9-h SMALL COTTAGE, FURN+L•5HED. All utilities paid, On Hy 8, at , Cities Service Station, entering ''+Goderich Phone Goderich 664. 8-9-p "0 IVLF ORTABtY FURNISHED, steam heated, well iodated three - roan Apartment,' Suitable for - Cpl ,. Available now, Phone HU 3FIOUSE FOR RENT ON MARY 'Street, semi -furnished. Three 'bedrooms, kitchen, livingroom. 'R 'ossession at once,. P.O. Box 329, Clintgn. 6-p-t;fb EV>I✓ ROOM APARTMENT, un- Turnished. Heated,Available now,. :11horip Clinton HU 2-9708. 9-b OUE FOR RENT IN Bayfield. ,:Four .roor'hs, Hydro and' newly • •+decorated. Good garden. Posses - Sion immediately. Phone HU 2.9214. 9-+b :ThliSPRABI . LARGE 3 ROOM ..apartment, ftirmshed, ground floor, 'private entrance,' partly :heated. "Garden if desired. Available March 10. Rhone Goderich 1197W. 8p TWO R OQ M FURNISHED 'apartment, suitable for cotyple, 'Washing facilities. Available im- Itmediately, Phone HU 2-9504. 8-9-b HOUSE FOR RENT 'ON Princess Street, West, reasonable, ' call .London- 7-2613 In morning or rwrlte - Mrs. . L. Whittington, 54 (C1eitiarig Street, London; ' -Rb 'WO Rt)OM FURNISHED apart - :latent with ' bath, Available im- mediatei'y, rhea- Clinton HU :2-9708. 9-•b Al!'LARIPMENT VACANT THIS 'Weekend. Large living room, - kit- cher, two bedrooms, hall, bath. Phone HU . 2-7089. Visit Wednes- "'" day afternoon. or evenings except R Saturday: - "t• . 9=.p Articles For Sale :i~f EiC'r1 IC MON, IN GOOD con- dltion. Phone HU 2-9081. - 9-b :13tALED STRAW and Bean Straw mor sale. Albert Stryker, Bruce- field. Phone HU 2-9847. 9p ROYAL ALBERT BONE ..CHINA - ;.Dinnerware in open. stock 'or sets. See the new patterns in this fine ...dinnerware at COUN'hJWt'S Jewel- Z.ery Store. 9-p ;;SINGER SEWING MACHINE, table model, electric; baby's crib, • complete; small motors, i/z h.p. E. Wendarf, phone HU 2-7089 af- ' ter 7 p.m. 9-b SATLAN'IQ 120 BASS, PIANO Ac- • cordion, With case. Priced right for Eluic1 sale. Apply Reg. Smith,. cofner bf East and High Streets, Clinton, phone HU 2-$793:. 9b :. NL4 ME BRAND, QUALITY HOME FURNISHINGS direct from Man- ufacturer to you, at Prices no oth -et Dealer can give you, due to low - overhead, mass , purchasing ower and • tremendous turn -over. • .Make your Selections. from better grade Manufacturers such as :Peppier's, Knechtels,..Andrew Mal - cum, Deilcraft, Hardings & Tor- onto Carpet, Sklar, Snyder's,Mar- shall, Etc. Price Furniture and )3roadloom at your favourite store —Then Write or visit us for com- parison and Savings! Smitty's 'Shopping Centre, Ltd., Hanover, '"The Furniture Town of Canada," 7 & 9-b "8,000" 4.L LQ0R TILE FOR SALE. Yes, we have to clear ol.t in a ;hurry, 8,000 of the heavy gauge tile, all Al quality, absolutely no •seconds, We ,have:.,. "A" Gauge (Canvas backed) • JASPE TILE Reg. Price 24c each b YOURS f roR 15 c EACH Also "A" Gauge Ja.spe and : Marboleum. Tile (Felt Backed) Reg, Price 19c each TO CLEAR , • AT 13 c EACH 'Vett must COME EARLY t, in - p ect these exceptional buys, these tle will not last near as long here as they will in your home. Don't ,miss it. BALL & WITCH HARDWARE Clinton -4%00o 1.41U 2-9505 0- Parking at hear of Store , . Automobiles For Sale 1949 METEOR, li'our-Door, light blue practically new. tires. In goodcondition, Phone Clinton IltY 1yw3335.4,0 9p • Accommodation Wanted SMALL 2 BEmZO(nHiOUSt, or lower 2 bedroom apartment, Hy Airforce cquple with 1 child, $ • years.Reasonable rent Early: in April Phone Clinton HU 2-3411,, Local 327, • 9 -10.4) - Articles 1Q.4) .,Articles Wanted LARGE DOG HOUSE, URGENT- ly needed. Phone HU 2-9704. 9-b OHE]ST .OF DRAWERS; approxi- mately 32 inches wide; Phone Clinton HU 2-3294, 9p BABY SITTING RELIABLE MOT,HEIR. will Baby sit by the day or hourly. Reason,- able easonable rates, Ph .one HU 2-9765. 7,tflb Baby Chicks GET CHICKS TO PRODUCE on the markets paying you best. Eggs, Meat. Big -4 Chicks are, bred fel- each. qreach. Standard breeds, crosses, 'specials' like Pilch White Rock. (broilers), Ames In -Cross (high egg production; low overhead), Hatchery has started_• pullets; im- mediate shipment, Special prices. All ages, -Agent: Chas. Scott, Auburn, phone Blyth 43r23, 9b WE HAVE'. SAID it BEFORE and we will say it again, if you keep r e c or ds you will keep Tweddle layers. We buy founda- tion.,stock each year (net once in a while) from the top breeders in United States and•. Canada, to give our customers chicks that will lay more eggs on less feed; Our best for eggs, Ames In -Cross Series 400, Shaver Cross Strain White Leghorn, Warren Rhode Island Red,Whyte Leghorn x Rhode Isl- and Red, California Gray x White Leghorn. We challenge you to compare any of these with any of the leading egg strains: If you do you will be back to Tweddle each year. W e have tops in broiler chicks, {lst generation 'Indian River Cross, lst generation Arbor Acres White Rocks. Turkeys: extremely Broad Breasted Bronze, Thompson Large Whites, A. O. Smith Broad Whites, special strain Beltsville._ August DeGroof, RR )1, Clinton; agent for Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 9b Business Opportunities OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton: Phone. Clin ton HU 2-6692. 13••tfb Board and Room. ROOM FOR ONE SINGLE GIRL, or two sharing. Large living - room, kitchen and bath. Furnish- ed. • Down town location. Phone HU' 2-3844. s- • CUSTOM WORK OtISTOM WOOD COWING with chain saw. Logs or firewood..Rea- sonable price. Apply John Heyink, phone Blyth 23r5 collect. 9-1041-p RADIO . AND TV SERVICE. Re- pairs on all makes of. radios and television sets. Phone Seaforth 656r2. ''Carl . Richardson, Bruce - field. 9 10-11-p TV FIT FOR A "KING" — We Rent Move — Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. 23-tfb ALL KINDS OF SAWS SHARP- ened. Years of 'experience. Leave saws at Cantelon's Service. Station or at my home on Fulton Street. I have for sale several new wheel- barrows, also heavy winch for moving bu1.'ldings.. Dave Elliott, phone HU 2-9765. '8-9-p SANITARY SEWAGE ' DISPOiM)+.L Septic tanks, Cess Pools, etc., ,pumped and cleaned with Sanitary equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligat- ion. Louis Blake, R1, 2, Brussels. Phone Brussels 42r6, • 6 to°•32-p FOR SALE OR RENT Floor Troubles? O For NEW FLOOR BEAUTY, Sand and Refinish your Floors. PHONE HU 2-9505 or drop in and talk over your floor problems, Our Sander and Edger are the latest in design, can be rented for a full day for only $7.00 (both machines) or $1.00 pe' hour for small jobs. ® Now yon can refinish a floor yourself and save dollars by using our Sanders, very simple to oper- ate, no trick to put on new sand- ing rolls, etc. --_.__ a -.-.-._ What To 'Use For A Beautiful. Lasting Finish? Why, that's easy.,, ' ALIVCATEX No. 500 Epon Clear Plastic, • of cours"e. No sealer required, one gallon Covers 500 sq. ft. for the. first coat, 700 for second. Drop in folksor hone we' are ready to, helyou some floor problems, BALL and 11IUTC11 phone Clinton HU 2-0505 "Parking Galore at the rear • of Oar Store" 6-7 -8-9,1) MONEY WANTED WANTELY -.-•- $1,000 AT 6% FOR four years with option of paying off in tWo years. Box 90, Clin- ton l aws-1'00frrd 910-i142% FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale B, & C. ELECTRIC FEED Cooker, In .excellent condition. Apply Wes McBride, Varna, phone Hensall 687r21, • �P McCC RMICK-DEERING MIL1R With pipe and fittings for eight stalls. In very good condition, Also three milk cans, Harry Plum - steel, phone HU 2-3286. 9p HAY FOR SALE CHOLCE BALED MIXED HAZY. Apply H, Brandon, phone Bayfield 54r3, • 9b 600 BALES OF ALFALFA AND Timothy, Had no rain. Apply John Lindsay, RR 3, Clinton, phone HU 2-9197. , 9p HELP WANTED—FEMALE FEIVLAR m HELP WANTED—.For clean factory. work. Steady em- ployment Apply" in person to Par- Knit Hosiery, Albert Street, Clin- ton, 9-b FOR LAUNDRY WORK, Five- day week, 55e ,.per hour to start.. •If able to maintain production, 75c per hour. Phone Clinton HU 2-7064 or apply in person, prefer- ably, to A.Garen, Clinton Laund— ry and Dry Cleaning. • 3-tfb Help Wanted—Male CARETAKER (Part . Time)• $1,320.00 =.• Required by Federal' Department of Public Works to maintain Public B u i ], di ng and grounds at Clinton, .Ontario. De- tails and applications at Post Of- fices and offices of the National Employment Service. Apply be= fore March 11, 1957,• to the Civil Service Commission, 25 St. Clair Ave. East, Toronto 7, Ont. Quote competition number 57-T-643. . 943 Livestock' Wanted ATTENTION FARMERS: Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled" farm animals- and hides. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851.-11, Seaforth. Associated with .Darling and Co.. of Canada: Ltd. • 5-p-tfb - • • Livestock For Sale 13 PIGS,SIX WEEKS OLD. Ap- ply Ross Hoggart, RR , 1, Clinton, phone HU 2-9878. • 9b FOUR COWS, -Hereford, x Dur- ham. Due' in about one week. Lloyd Johnston, Varna, phone :Clinton HU, 2-9897. 9p FOUR HOLSTEIN COWS and one heifer 'to freshen within the next two weeks. Apply to Bob Rath - well, phone Clinton HU 2-9105. )9b ONE HOLSTEIfN. "COW, carrying second 'calf; Holstein heifer, both to freshen. ,shortly. Also 4 open heifers. All vaccinated. Apply, to Robert Rathwell. Phone HU 2-9105. -- 8-9-b Miscellaneous SPRING SPECIAL, at Elaines on Highway 21. Regular $7.50 'Cold Waves, for $6. 2 for $10. Phone Bayfield 54r3. Open evenings. 9b WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your satisfaction: Counter's 'Jewellery. Huron. County's Oldest Establish- ed Jewellery Store. 9-p PAPERHANGING AND Painting, Sunworthy wallpapers in. stock. Doug. Dalton, Seaforth. Phone Seaforth 320M. 7.8-9-p CHAIN SAWS—Models H.C. and J.B. See these and dependable used saws at Robert Glen's I.E.L., Sales and Service. Phone Clinton HU 2-9909. 7tolOp LET - US REPAIR AND MAKE your-rings,,,and- jewellery like new Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watchre- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter, ._ 9-p • Pet Stock GERMANSHEPHERD PUPS, purebred. Good strain. $20 and $15. Brownie Pump 22 calibre with 'scope. Don Campbell, RR 3, Hayfield., Phone Bayfield 58r41. 8-9-b Property For Sale FRAME , HOUSE, approximately 20x30, to be moved from premises. Apply John A. Keys, Varna. 9p DESIRABLE LOT FOR SALE on Raglan Street, near • t w o schools. D, S. Cantelon, phone rYTT A.AAOo o h Y. REST HOME BRAESIDE REST HOME FOR elderly people and convalescents Telephone Mrs, Boyce, 126:.- Mitchell. 50 to 12-1, . Salesmen Wanted WANTED T ONCE; Rawleigh Dealer in Huron County. Write Rawleigh's Dept. B469 -R, Mant- real, P.Q. 9'b SEEDR FO._. SALE CARRY' SEED OATS, grown from registered seed, 97. percent germin- ation, cleaned and treated: $1.55 er bushel. William Coleman, first f Phone lien - saltwest of Kipper!. sall. 674122. 9-1041-p STOVES •FOR SALE WOOD AND COAL RANGE With white enamel front,, in good con dition, Also 44burner eleetrie stove, autocratic (yen, priced reasonable.. Mrs. Harry Plurnsteel, phone EU 2.3280. BIRTHS BAIRD-.-ln. Clinton Public Hospit- al, on I fon'ttay, February 25r 1957, to .Mr. 'and. . Mrs, George, (Baird, Clinton, a daughter. CLARE — In Victoria Hospital, London,, f#n Wednesday, Febru- ary 27, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs. Grover Clare (nee Joyce And rews), Blyth, twin son and`dau- ghter (brother and site for Susan and Sandra)., 000K—In Clinton .Public Hos$it al, on Tuesday, February 26, 1957,,, tq Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cook, Blyth, a daughter. JACKSON — In Clinton Public: Hospital, on Friday, February '22, 1957, to Flight Lieutenant /and M,rs, Edward Jackson, RC- AF Station Clinton, a son. MaeLAREN-: In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Felt- ruary27, 1957, to LAC and Mrs. David Maclaren, RCAF Station Clinton, a son, , N.r�.a913—.In Clinton Public Hospit- al, on Monday, February 25, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Neeb, RR 2, Crediton, a son. REID-In Clinton Public' Hospital, on Wednesday, . February 27, 1957, to LAC and Mrs. Frank' Reid, RCAF Station Clinton, a daughter..• SLOT In Clinton Public Hospital, • oh Thursday, February 21, 1957, to Private and Mrs. John. Slot, RCAF Station Clinton, a dough- .. ter. WEST --On : February 27, 1957 to Mr. and Mrs. William West, Stratford, tvlrin son and daugh- ter (brother and sister for Faye, Heather and Joan). - A y DEATHS ENG(EL—In Clinton, on Wednes- day, February 27, 1957, Edith R..Rozel], beloved wife of John Engel and sister of Mrs. R6y Plumsteel, in her 84th year. Funeral 'fr'Onr, the Beattie funer- al horne i s 'Rattenbury Street East, Clinton, to Clinton Cem- etery tomorrow afternoon, Fri- day, March 1, commencing at two ' o'clock. Rev. A. G. Eagle will officiate: • MoBiRID —Suddenly in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, follow- ing a car accident, on Tuesday afternoon, February . 26, 1957, Alvin S. •McBride, beloved hus- band of Rena. McBet'h, in his 61st year. Funeral from the Bonthron funeral home, Hensel], to Baird's Cemetery, .Brucefield, on Friday afternoon, March 1, commencing at two o'clock,. Rev. H. J Snell, Fiiceter, will officiate. • PROMO -.In Alexandra Marine and Genet 1';Hos¢ital, Goderich, on Tuesday, February 26, 1957, William Proctor, Goderich, be- loved -husband of the late Jean Prudence ' Fleming: , Funeral from the Stiles funeral home, Goderich, to Maitland Ce hetery, on ..Friday afternoon, March 1; commencing at 2 o'clock. Rev. S. H. Findley will officiate. RU1LL — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Feb- ruary 27, 1957, Clara G. Swarts, beloved wife of the late J. B. Rumlball, in - her 85th year. Res- ting at the Ball and Mutch fun- eral home, High Street,. Clinton, where the funeral service `will be held on Saturday, March 2; 1957, at 2.00 p.m. Interment in Clinton Cemetery. • Teachers Wanted PROTESTANT TEACHER F01 USS No. 10 Hullett and Goderich. Duties to commence September, 1957. School has oil heating sys- tem and water in the school. Ap- proximately 20 pupils. Application stating qualifications and salary expected to be in the hands of the secretary by March 9, 1957. R. J. Snell, secretary -treasurer, RR 1, Lon desboro. 8-9-l0b WOOD FOR SALE LIMB AND BODY 'HARDWOOD. Can be delivered. Arnold Taylor, Brucefield, phone HU 2.9155. 9-p REAL ESTATE On the :Highway, very good 100 acre farm. Building in (good state of repair. This farm has a val- uable milk contract. Can be bought with stock and implements and also ;With. 200 acres of land if so desired. Mortgage call be ar- ranged Garage with showroom, office, ear agency and very good two ap- artment house. Hot tvater heat- ing. Oil furnace, Including some Machinery. Full price $10,000. On Main Street In Clinton, store with three:apartnrents. Full price $8,500. Lovely large brick home with double garage. Choice location ht Clinton, only $8,500. •Lucknow, ten 'acres of •land,• a very goodhouse, barn henhouse, hydro, town 'water. Full price $4,200. Terms. Completely furnished •siiriimer eott•ago on• Lake Huron $2,200. Dungannon, .. 1Dim store,fine room In g house, bathroom, hot and ' told canning water, garage,* hill price, $2,800. Grocery and meat store, a real money maker,.. ,ILII '1NG OIL SELLING Contact O NES �a0 H '� REALTOR ." 40 Wellesley Street Cli7irfl(+:RIClFit.. V.t#Cy1VE 1108' Drown lspecialy )for Clinton and District Chaihba;r of Commerce •atnd �.-.._ Clinton •, News.Record :by Ralph Toe. THIS SEED 15 POSITIVE4.Y GUARANTEED TO MAKE 20 BUSHELS MORE TO THE ACRE • , -r 1'fhr0,14i!• \ • • i1% a4 to d,''� 440 I/ ie �•"OonerP avA. ►..,\\\l PARK ,THEATRE GODERiC;• ,H • NOW FLAYING: Jayne Mansfield in: "THE GIRL CAN'T HELP IT" ' (Adult ,Entertainment) With Tom well -'Scope & Color MondaY, Tuesday' and Wednesday "MIRACLE ,IN 'THE RAIN" Highly rated by drama critics everywhere; a story of everlasting love and faith with an unusual climax. Jane Wyman , -- Van' Johnson and Peggy Castle, • Thursday, Friday and Saturday "SHOWDOWN AT .ABILENE" _In 1Teehnicolor — An 'ex -soldier arrives back• in ,his home town to face „ and resolve a new, conflict.. Jock Mahoney -- Martha Ryer • and Lyle ,Bettger COMING:, "THE BEST -THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE" 'Scope and Color Auction'Sales On ,Page Seven ' • IN MEMORIAM WILTON: In loving memory of a dear mother and sister, Mrs: Pearl Wilton, who passed away one year ago, March 1, 1956: "We who loved you sadly miss you, As it daiwns another year; In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are' ever- near." --Ever remembered, by daughters, sisters and brothers. 9p PARTRIDGE: In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister, Isabel Dorothy Partridge, who passed away February 27, 196-6: "We will always remember the way you looked, 'rite way you spoke and smiled, • The wonderful things you said` and did Are with us all the while. • "Each thine we lookat your picture,y So young, so fair, so true, There's no wonder our hearts are aching, And longing dearjor you." —Too dearly loved to ever be for- gotten.—Mrs: Joseph Webster and fancily. - 9p CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends for the lovely cards, treats and flowersand special thanks ba the nurses and doctors for their care while I was a patient in the hospi- tl: ])DA M. WALKI_NSHA..W. Sb I wish to express my thanks to my friends and relatives who sent me Cards and treats while a pa- tient in Clinton Public Hospital. Also, special thanks to the doctors and nurses.—MURRAY CRIara. 9b We would like to thank the Hay- field Firemen for their prompt work in putting out the chimney fire at our home on Friday.—THE NELSON HEARD FAMILY, 9b I would like to express thanks to my friends and neighbours for cards and treats I received in. Clinton Hospital, Special thanks to Dr, Oakes, Dr. Addison, •and the nurses. MRS. ROY SCOTCH - MER. 9-p T would like to express heartfelt thanks to our many friends and neighbours for their kind messages of sympathy, spiritual bouquets and flowers, in the passing of. my dear mother, ,Mrs. Frank Jeffrey, 62 Elgin Ave., Goderich. --- MRS. W/LLIAII MCGUIRJE. 9b To nay friends and nurses. Drs. Addison and Oakes, my splendid specials, Mrs, Martin, Mrs, Craw- ford and Mrs, Campbell, my extra specials "J" and Edna, also all those who sent such !beautiful flow- ers, get -well cards, for lovely treats, calls, both personal and telephone, and not the least,my Specialdelivery letter from. Margie Jean I Wish. to say a very big thank you, Ifow could one help getting well with all the grand care and attention and 1 ant rrlore than thankful for their kindness and care, Very sincerely. MRS. NORMAN HALL, Op. SO THE MAN SEZ'— TROUBLE I5•r-HE ISN'T AROUND AT HARVEST TIME WHEN YOU GET 40 BUSHELS LESS. PLAY SAFE AND TRADE WITH PEOPLE YOU KNOW—YOUR FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS HERE IN CLINTON .' ROXY THEATRE Clinton" Two Shows Nightly Wide Screen yr NOW:`Thuirscday, Friday and'Sa'tury da • "A THE LAST WAGON", Cinemaseope and DeLuxe color make this a much better than average Western. Photographed against the breath -taking beauty of Arizona's Oak Creek Canyon. Richard Widmarlc -- Felicia Warr -- Tommy Retig ;, MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY THESE WILDER YEARS Should a son be loyal to those who gave him love—or to a father who turned up.twenty years too'late? James leagney -- Harbors StanwyclA -- Betty Lou I eim • COMING NEXT: ' • ,r -"LOVE ME TENDER" Elvis Presley -- Debra Paget -- fRichard Egon MacLaren's -Studio - Telephone 401 _ Goderich Portraits -.- Weddings . -= Children's Groups ALSO Artist :Supplies -- Religious Articles Picture Framing,;-. Framed Prints .Studio Located At Our Residence 196 St. David Street — Goderich (Near the High Water ower) • .ANYTIME—DAYS or, oi4'. EVENINGS' ' Is Your Present Car Socially Acceptable? Does it drink too much gas, smoke too : much, or "cough" at the wrong time? We have the best selection of Tate model cars. Some with vely.low mileage; all well behaved, with perfect manners. 8tfb '57 PONTIAC Cpach Deluxe, • Pathfinder. New. • .Dis- count $400,00. '56 METEOR; Rideau Sedan; 2 tone; whiteshoes; 9,260 miles. '56 FORD Country Sedan. V8. Holds entire family. '56 CHEV. SEDAN: Step out in this. '55 BUICI; 4- Door Hardtop, Automatic. Big Reduction. '55 CHEV. 210 SEDAN. Can't be told, from new. '55 DODGE Crusader Sedan. 14,000 miles. Spotless. '55 DODGESmooth Mayfairns4vo;�y! Sedan. '54 BUICK Sedan. Automatic. Radio, 2 tone; luxurious comfort. '54 DESOTO Sedan, Automa- tic. 2 toner Tinted glass. '53 DESOTO SEDAN V8 \A.utomiitic; Radio; W -W Tires; P o w e'r Steering, Brakes, Windows, Original. '53 PONTIAC SEDAN. '53 PONTIAC DeLuxe Sedan. Extras. Real Sharp! CHEV. Belaire Hardtop— Automatic; Radio; W -W Tires. Under 20,000 miles. '53 CHEV. DeLuxe Sedan,— Radio, '53 MONARCH Sedan. Auto- matic; Radio;,.,Tops in beauty! '53 '52 CHEV. SEDAN. Radio. Here's , a' looney! '52 DODGE SEDAN. Purrs like.a kitten! -,. '51 STUDEBAKER COACH— Custom Radio. '51 STUDEi3AKER SEDAN— 'Loadedawith extras. '51 DODGE Coronet Sedan— Automatic. To value lov- ' ers. '51 CHEV. SEDAN. None better;. • a. '51': METEOR COACH. Over drive. Absolutely none better 'to be had. '50 FORD SEDAN. Real' clean. '50 FORD COACH. Rush! Hurry! The boss said 'sell 'em cheap'! '50 Studebaker Sedan '49 Dodge •Caacb '40 Studebaker Sedan '49 Chev. Sedan '49 Ford Coach '49 Mercury Sedan • Harley-Davidson Motorcycle '45 Vargo :r/2 Ton -Excellent shape. • THE 'ONLY WAY y . i isthese beauties To .-sell telt the #rue con' iti�n 10 see yourself! It's 'the difference that counts! COMPARE! COMPARE! COMPARE! Dollar For Dollar, You'll Get More Bon Coo.K MOTOR SALES Phone 1743 Hensall for Demonstration or Transportation Open Evenings — 0 to '10 pan. Located Nerii to O,N.IL. trroeito Tama SALESMEN' TO SERVE V0I1 9-h