HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-02-21, Page 7n. Wailer) Rd111111V fficers; Plan Tour visit to the Ford Museum and 'Greenfield Village are being con- sidered. John Strclig, 4-IT Club Leader from Gorrie, succeeded Robert • P. Allan, Brucefield, as president of the group, and he will be suppor- ted by. Anson McKinley, Zurich, as vice-president. Maurice Hallahan, 13lyth, secretary-treasurer, was. re: elected. Directors for the various types of clubs are: Dairy, Irwin Trewar- ;tha, Seaforth; Beef, ,,James Coult- es, Belgrave;. Swine, Arnold Afton, Lucknow; Tractor maintenance, Lorne Hackett, Lticknowy Forest- try, .john Jackgon, Wingbam;„ Poultry,- Bob McKinley, Znrich; Grain;.It.,Norman Alexander, Lon- tiesborp; ,cash crop clubs", Datigall, Exeter. Representativeon the Comity Federation of Agrictd- ture is Robert, J=1`, Allan, Bruce- Durifig, •• „the program, G: W.: Montgomery, retiring agricultural: representative, thanked the Lead- ers' ter the work they had' been arid were .eontinuing to, do in 441' ;Club work, remarking on' the growth in the work since the first !PH Club Leaders dinner in 195. spoke ,:of leaving the county, and ,suggested. •his wish" to be of` any 'help 'he could to the' farniers lef Huron in his new position -as; grieulttu'al agent with the ,CnZR: .3,fentgomery leaves for, the city on March 4. • • Directqrs of the 4-H _Club Leaders Associa- tion were elected at the annual meeting of the group in Clinton last Friday; February 15. Front row, left to right, Irwin Trewartha, "Seaforth, director for the dairy clubs; Arnold Alton, Luck- now, director for swine clubs; James Coultes, Belgrave, for the beef clubs; Lorne Hackett, LticknOw, for the tractor maintenance clubs; ' hack row, Norman Alexander, Leiidesboro, for the grain clubs and William. Dougall, Exeter, for the cash crop chilis. ` (News-Record Meta) 41)/litif -LINE Corr pomiont 0, AtelInti) ifelaSell 09745 WIVIS Will Alfee0 • The February meeting. of ' the Women's 1Vassionary SOciety will be held, this 'week with Mrs. Rob- ert Peek In charge, of program. Mission. Band' 'Twenty-four .children, met on Sunday morning for the regular Goshen Mission Band meeting held in the Sunday School with Mrs, RObert McKinley and Mrs. Kenneth .Parke charge. poem franc WorldrriancIS. enti "Valentines for Peace," which. was followed with the Mjssion Band Purpose. Joan Elliott play* 4d. the :piano. for the hymn, Marlene Keys read a story "s- kix-no, Movie," with questions asked on it. Raye Armstrong read story called "Kie, the Indian Shep- herd Boy", an.(i Gerald -layter read one entitled "Geronimo," bwendoyn McBride took up the , offering which was followed by prayer, Twelve have :paid Mein- bership fees so far. The story "Swing Day," about Korean children was told by Mrs. K. Parke, The meeting-came to a close with prayer?.• • Attention Farmers NOW is the time to place yopr.arder for a silo, to avoid the shortage of cement and geol. Contact Me At Once For Full Information ELMER HUGILL SILO BUILDER Phone HU 2-9432 7-- Clinton — P,O, Box 40, Isaac St. 0 6 to 1,0-b , APPLICATIONS FOR., WARBLE PLY INSPECTOR FOR THE TOWNSHIP• OF STANLEY • The Council of •the Township of,Stanley receive applications for the position of Warble Fly Inspector for 1957. Applications to 'be hi writing and to be in the hands of the clerk by 12 o'clock noon, March 2, 1957. (Signed) FRED WATSON, Clerk, Township of Stanley, Hayfield, Ontario. 7-8-b CLINTON, ONT. [1,1 24341 r „ 19514 PrilaCe . 11.:4 4 1 1 • 1W-41 -21 I I T 44.4 — 44,4-17 • _ 111F(.•, 40. 464.14,104 T 14950 r1s TOM • • Iota , .. • :4952 -1sT•Placej fo-auratc.,-, •t; 1953 151 Place aiscoje10-, -1,144,0 :Arai--anisimmemir iseils ' Ir• • VIM 1954 In Place 4443' •4! •44)4.•44•1441: 1955 - lstfbce 1956 la Place •• •.• • 4 A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE LORNE B S LIMITED •/, 4/ ic CHEVROLET THE MOST MODERN EFFitotra ENGINES IN TIRE 'WORLD *Based on, official national tegistratlens supplied by an independent source. `C,I1,57C ,woogg;460,e4,sow,- vk7- Chevrolit -is famets for its winning ways. More people -buy Chevrolet than any other car. There isn't a car on the road can touch'ehevrolet's record! That's because no'other car has so consistently offered the styling4er- font:lance and 'dependability, that make Chevrolet an unbeatable value year after year. Again in '57" Chevrolet outclasses• them all! Here's a car that loves to go and look it I From bumper to bumper it has the sweet good looks and the fine-car luxuries 'of Body-by-Fisher, that put fashion,and function beautifully together! Try it on the road! See how Chevrolet outsteps them all! Try the smoothest, liveliest V8 or 6 you ever put a toe to. Try the most copied ride and handling on the road ! (Glide-Ride suspension, Outrigger rear springs!). Far from Testing on their laurels, Chevrolet engineers have made this beautiful ride even better for 1957! • Small wonder Chevrolet (Angelis* them all! More and more people Are taking to Chevy's winning ways because they're find- ing that Chevy's. value can't be beat! See,,yont Chevrolet dealer , now ... see why Chevrolet outstyles, outsteps, "outsells theni all! FUEL OIL'Ve.\,,Ni GASOLINE. MOTOR OIL Zif RIBRI(111115 R.R.2,(lINTON•dltagt HU 2-9832 •I• 101111 'II II I I II I I II III ill III I 1, lit! I 111111111111.: NARRY WILLIAMS ?sae Wiol.s- OUR. FUEL YOU •WILL. KINDLY NOTE; FOR COLO IS SUCH)/ • AN Ai-rnocrrE STOPS' COLO .1/4 TRACKS o LOCAL-r,i4ApE410144,...14, „ HARRY WILLIAMS 11 ,111,111 ,111100111011 1111 Iill IIUIIIIIIIIUIII 11 I III III EMMEN T EN DERS TOWNSHIP ;OF STANLEY SEALER TENDERS will be received by the Uncierideed for the SPRAYING OF CA'TTLE, FOR 'WARBLE 'FLY . • . and for ,the SUPPLYING OF .WARBLE FLY POWDER • for ,spraying in the TOWNSHIP Oir'eSTANIMY in 1901.. Tenders to be in the hands of the clerk by 12 o'clock noon, Mareh 2,1957. LoWest or any tender not necessarily, accepted, (Signed) FRED WATSON,' Clerk, Township• Of Stanley, Hayfield, Ontario,. 'WARBLt 'FLY 010AIGit .; Goptiticii TOWNSHIP • ,•,•... • TENDERS are. ,,stip.PWt*'ff 400 i;BL. OF ItTIARBILE-.PkT,LPOWDER,.- - tebetdellvered.- to the •TOWnisidi by MarCh. 23rd. -599-4bs.sof4he ; -total to be in 15 lb. bags and.210 to be in Ii lb. 'cartons. TENDERS are also ioiihO§ritA.Xiiic, of CIATTIeE is the Township under the Warble Fly •Caninalgu. Tenders to state, a price per bead lot the pPraying. -44MAXIMITAWIS)4.**# *0 ;MI 4i* tiAir:itnite position of VE-4Rfir.Ej FEY- INSPEPTOK -.Aul,-aiii)licatioiik to state; the hourly -wage 'expected and a, price, per mile for the Use of ear • , ,A11 tern cars and 19.Pplicatiens tto. ;be' in, -the :clerk's hands 13y Mar& Lowest or Any tender Or ajOication not .i ecessarkly'accepted. , R. IP- leHOMPA01441; :Rietb, The GOLDEN NECK 223 is bred for high-income performance in farm flocks . ... under farm •conditions! Dual-purpose strain for high production, _unusual vigor and good adaptability. Swift's GOLDEN NECK and SKY-HI Layers are picked for you by professionals. Order today, Sky-Hi and. Golden Neck are trademarks of Swift Canadian Co., Limited for chicks sold in this area by' ELGIN NOTT for new 'highs in farm - performance CHOOSE FROM-- - GOLDEN-NECK .221 GOLDEN .:NECK *23 • Sielf411. 31 Slefiiii41. 3i3 • SKY-HI 314 , 7-8-b .early 60 legtlem of the 4-4-.gram. baoperating in Klaxon County, In the dairy Club work, he hoped. re vests of. the Ontario Depart,,. for more continuity in • the pro- nt of Agriculture last Friday, gram, where a 4-1i club Member a steak dinner served in Hotel woldd not.start off each year with aeon at noon, The occaaion was another 'calf, but would continue annual meeting of the 4,41 ;he care and feeding of the one . ,Leaders; .Association. • with which he started,.,.with the idea of increasing the productivity of the animal in futhre years. He suggested that the grain. clubs, which have done a ...geoid deal. to introduce new 'varieties should be making even more use of 'infor- mation gathered for costing, and should be malting some fertilizer 'trials:- . .. In conclusion, Mr, Gill said, "We are pioneers .of a. new day. It is essential to •ntive farmers .and leaders that are well trained, Even with all the new industries being brought into being, agriculture is still the basic one, .and is a 'ehal- lenge to any man." County LOL Will Celebrate Annual "Walk" In Listowel, on July 13th ohn Gi11,. of the animal InIsball- Department of OAC, Guelph, the gnest,speaker, introduced A. S. Bolton, assistant agricul- sl representative, He was• inked by the new presideht, Mr, m Strong! Carrie. Gal, based his remarks on importance of fitting the 44,-I .113 program to the changing Oa in agriculture; suggesting a stress on showyard standards; more . on rate of gain and ec- Any of gain. He suggested easing utility Value ih steers,. :b perhaps a commercial steer ding program for older club mlbers. At the dinner speakers included ['he speaker suggested that too Warden Harry Gowdy, reeve of at an emphasis was put on live Howl* TaWnsliip; Reeve William ging, whereas it could he laid Jevvitt, Lonclesboro, Hallett Town- e effectively on beef carcass ship; Mayor W. J. Miller, Clinton, "ff we don't know our who welcomed the group to the a product," said Mr. Gill, "how county and A. S. Bolton, and IT. we expect to sell it to the pub- deVries; zone forester. David. McLean, who is replacing university man reported a Duncan F. Waller as passenger at Jack of knowledge of sound agent on the ONIT, was in attend- natal-Lent practiees among On- mice, and.-putlinetivosts, .etc, con- k) farmers, and even a,laek of cerning .a .proposed. 4.H Club tour basic knowledge of balanced to Detroit this • stunmer. The ling. He indicated that -it was Leaders decided on holding this e to think of ways of starting tour , when it could be arranged nerd performance, testing pro- during, the week of July 15. . — The Tucicismith Township Scholl Area Board- Cordially. Invites Parents and Ratepayers =of the School Area to attend THE OFFICIAL OPENING 'of the New Addition to the Egmoildville School On FRIDAY MARCH 1 1957 The ceremonies wilr carnMence at 2 .p.m. in the , EgmondVille United Church basement, to' be follow- ed by. the Official .9pening of the new Classroom and Public InsPection Of the modern school facilities now provided for the. pupils. ROSS J. FORREST, thairman ,pf the Board. sociate. County Marshall, Earl Cooper, 182 Goderich; Auditors, Asa Deeves and Norman Sly, both of 710 Clinton. Immediate Past County Master,Joseph Caldwell. Approximatey: 100 people were present., A dedication of new County Officers' collars was giv- en 53,- the`Rev, Bro. Slade, Wood- ham, BRUCEFIELD Correspondent „ MRS. H, F. BERRY shorts tHU, 2-7512 tkilF — The monthly meeting of the -Wo- man's Missionary Society was held, in the scnoolroom of the church an February 11, Mrs. W. Fothering- ham was in charge of "the, devp-t dens and opened the meeting with bytim "73•: The 'Scripture readings were giVen 1;4Y1 Mrs, J. Cairns) from Ephesiant 4;• 1,7-23 and Mrs: `Wilson read Ephesians -5: 11.1.20: , • H. ,Dalrymple ,gaire the anal*: els to the questions for discussion,: S. PPIXOPJ :t4Ok s,the Alain The roll-call was Answered with a verse of "Your ;Favottrite,Hymn".; Thank-you, notes, were 'received froth Airs. T. Baird, Sr., Mrs.'-J. Henderson, Miss Margaret Me- Queen and Miss Leala Taylor. It was. decided to purchase the book` Si11!,4:#04iP cthis YAW.' -41,1414e 01 silence was `observed in.meniory Mrs, .Tames MOndie, who had been a Isife -Member ;for ,a number 'of Years. Mrs. T.,13. Iia._irdArave a Splendid reading on Christian stewardship, and Mrs. Allan, •.• Sr.) "gave prayer for the WM.,S missionary, Miss Mabel Brandon. The World Day of Prayer ser. vice vcrill be,held At three o'clock, Friday, March 8. Tbe missionary program from the study Book," South East Asia, was led by Mrs. N. Walker, as- sisted by Mrs. L. Wilson, Mrs. -W. Fotheringham and Miss Edith Bowey. The story of the work in' Hong Kong and Formosa was most 'interesting • • The annual meeting of the Loy- al Orange • Ledge for the County of Hnion South was held in God- crick on Monday evening, Feb- ruary 18. The coutity has had a very successful year. They decid- ed to celebrate the Battle of the Boyne on Saturday, July 13, in. the town of Listowel, •• • Present were County Mastets and Past Ootinty,Mastera of neigh- bouring' counties. Also Right Wor- shipful Brother Charles Smith, .Kitchener, Grand Master of On- tario West; and• Worshipful "Bro- ther Hammond, Orange Insurance, representative, The folloWing efficers Were duly elected andinstallecl by the Grand Master 'assisted •by Worshipful Brother Hammond •as • installing Marshall: Worshipful °aunty Mas- ter Kenneth Betties, 1..OL No. 831 Winthrop; DePuty County Master BOrden , Brawn, 793, Seaforth; COttrity 'Chaplain, Oliver' jacnies, 3249 'Exeter; County Recording. Secretary, William Cu. Riehl, ,,71() Clinton; County `finance, secretary, 71,0 Clinton; „County frr Cast-trek, F.rank Falconer, 710 Clinten;:County Xecturer, Fred Ife0131110t4, 1035 -Varna; Second. :Lecturer, ,Fred Jamieson', Woodham; COunty :Marshall; Williatii McElwain, 24 Sayfield; As- S.M.0**141 i;114' R.R. 4, CLINTON, ONTARIO Telephone: Seaforth 847R5 Order Swift/Nicholas Peults—proved best in just 8'weeks! IX,;*7Itnitzt:1;2":1%'>'" • • • S'IW 441%;':X,WIt'S.":. 744-` Sara0•4•17142.4,ti Ora X.04:431440, Free!• Marie Fraser's new Evaporated Milk recipes. Write today DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 'HO e•bei Stedet, 'room* 1