HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-02-21, Page 4Mothers Club Invites -Members Mother's Study ,Cfrottp. of Wesley Willis United Church will hold their •Feibruary meeting On "Iluesday evening, reingery 26, at .6.30 P.m., at the home ..of Mrs, Mock. Mrs, Stoll, will be in .chargo.:1*1 call will be answered by "a Scrip, tore verso containing the word love, A special welcome is .extended to any mothers who have not joined this happy gathering. was won by Mrs. James Johnston, The club donated $5 for charity and sent a parcel of Christmas cards and books to the crippled children and to the Preventorium at Byron. • PERSONALS Mrs, O. W. Nott spent the past week with • her daughters, • Mrs. Garrioch, Windsor, and lgiss. Lee, _ Nett, Detroit, gr. and Mrs, Harry MeEtwan, and childron, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bann,; Brenda and Leslie, Waterloo, E..1 .. Menzies Tells Of .Estates, Wills J, Stanley presided for the meeting of Ontario.. Street Girls' Chtb. last Thursday, when B. Beecher Menzies gave an in- formative talk on, wills and estate administration. The speaker was. introduced by Mrs. J, BoWman. Plano solos were played. by Sherry and Allan. Cochrane. Miss Connie Ostland, E)ceter, gave a Lyric of Verse Reading and Mrs, Ruth. Knox favoured with two. solos, — „ • Group two Under the convener- ship of Mrs, Norman Tyndall and Mrs. Doug. Freeman, • were in ,charge of the meeting and refresh- ments, 0 ../"" COTTON RUGS 24x40-"Lwashable, 9942- skid resistant 4•Le0 TexMade SHEETS and PILLOWSLIPS Plain White and Pastel Shades. TABLECLOTHS TEA TOWELS - TOWELLING! DISHCLOTHS, POTHOLDERS Flannelette BLANKETS 70x90 4.50; 5.90 Rayon/Nylon BLANKETS' Pastel shades; satin- c bound; 72x84" gos v BEDSPREADS A good quality chenille. Lovely shades 5.25 ,000" Floor Tile For Sale Yes, we have to cleai out in a hurry, 8,000 of the heavy gauge tile, all Al quality, absolutely no seconds, , We have: - "A"gauge (canvas backed) Jaspe Tile . Reg. Price ilk each' YOURS FOR iSc EACH Also: "A"- ,gauge laspt & Marboleom Tile (felt backed), Reg; Price-19c each TO. CLEAR AT 13c EACH You must COME EARLY to Inspect these exceptional buys, these tile will not lost near as long here as they Will in your home, Don't miss it, II A It I) IN A It.t CLINTON " Phoi* 2-9505- • Parking at Rear of Store daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee, Clinton, received her can, • DA February 8, in a special-Cere- mony at the Ontario Hospital, Kingston, Miss Lee, who gained her secondgtry 'education.at Clin- ton District Collegiate Institute, is taking .a-three-year training. course at the hospital, • BRUCEFIELD Correspondent MRS. II, F. BERRY Phone dIU 277512 Attend 'Jour Church Sunday,• February. 24,-1957 Meh's Sunday In -Wesley-Willis SERVICES at 11.00'a.m. and 7.30'p.m, Under the auspices of the Wesley-Willis-Holmesville Men's Club John W. Nediger - President Mr:, STEPHEN V. PONTON Past President' LONDON CONFERENCE LAY ASSOCIATION' The Seaforth Male Quartette MALE CHOIR7-- DIRECTED BY MR. RENNIE HOLMESWLLE 1.30 pan.—CHURCII• SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL Come To The House of Prayer Christian Reformed Church REV. G. J. HOy'rE.111A, Minister 10.011"" a.m.—Service in English 11,30 a.m.—Sunday School 2.30 p.m.—Service in Dutch Everyone Welcome BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor 10,00 a.m.;--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m,—Evening Service You are cordially invited to these services. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, BA., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist (Sunday, February 24 10,00 a.m.—The Church School Hour 11.00 a,m.—Our Divine Worship together • Sermon Subject: "The ChUrch, the Servant of God" 'Children's Period' If you are not regular worshippers elsewhere you are welcome to attend with us Tuesday, Fab,-26, 10.00 a,m,—Pres-. bytery of Mean-Maitland will meet in St. Andrew's Church, Everyone Welcome Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL ouivToN Christians 'gathered in the name of the Lord.Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) 'meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of Meetings oil Loid'S day as follows: 11.00 aan,—,13reaking Bread 3,00 p.m.—Sunday School 7,00 p.m.—Preaching' the Gospel 8.00 nnt.--.Wednesday—Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. Come and hear how you can, be saved and -sure <xf Heaven, We preach Christ and Him crucified. ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Si. Paul's --' Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Frernlin, Organist / Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader ,Sexagesima Sunday 8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion 11.00 a,m.--Morning Prayer 4.30 p',rn.—Evening Prayer Tharsdei, Feb. 28--Chancel Guild at the hqfne of Mrs. Ray Gib- bon, Cars will leave from the Post Office at 8.00 o'clock. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.0,C. • Victoria Street, Clinton, X. L. SWEIGARD, Past6r Friday, February-22- 3.00 p.m.-1-.-Christ's Ambassador Sunday, February 24-- 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11,00 ann—IVIorning Worship 7,30 p.m„—Gosnel Service Tuesday, February 26- 8.00 pan.--LRegular Prayer and Bible Study Service. • ' A Special Welcome Awaits Maple Strpet GOSPEL HALL CLINTON' Sunday School - 9.45 tun Breaking e£ Bread 11.00 a.m. Gospel Service _ ....... 8.00 p.m. ,TIJESDAY, 8 p.M, — ;Prayer and Bible Study. 'A Hearty Welcome Awaits You" ONTARIO STREET UNITED. CHURCH "ult VniENtLY CHURCH" PASTOR—REV. A. GLEN EAGLE,B.A•11.0, 9.45 ant—Sunday School. 1.00 ani„—Morning Worship, 7.00 pan.---.'Union Service in Wesley-Willis Fri. 1.30 p.m.--Ontatio Street and Turner's Con- gregational Skating Party Tuirmtws ettlattiti 2.00 p.M.—Divine Worship 8.00 p.m.—Suriday. chool, CHARLES PROCTOR, .Proprietor, •• is again able to work, after six weeks with one arm irla cost, • Phone HU' 2-7065 for Appointment ' 'Cold )E.Vaves Hair Styling 8-9-p LOOK. AT THIS ONLY $198 Baby-Pram Suits Children's Snow Suits Children's Winter Jackets , Misses Skirts and Slacks 1/2 PRICE —All WINTER COATS —All WINTER DRESSES Children's & Misses-- CAR COATS • This is your last chance to buy before we move this merchandise to angther store . . Hurry!' • Iritin's. Ladies Wear CLERE-VU AUTO' WRECKERS Phone HU 2-3211 — - Clinton, Ont. NOW WRECKING '50 CHEVROLET '49 MONARCHS (3) '50 FORD '49 AUSTINS (3) '50 MONARCH , '48 PREFECT '49 ,CHEVROLET , '48 STUDEBAKER '48 CHEVS, DODGES, PLYMOUTHS, FORDS, MONARCHS, MERCURYS, PONTIACS. Parts, for Older Cars '42" FORD 2 Ton '49 CHEV. PANEL '46 INTERNATIONAL Y2 Ton '41 FORD Y2 Ton '50 - '49 CHEV. 34 Too, USED TIRES -- TUTEES — All Sizes TRACTOR TIRES—All Sizes • Readily Available, AUTO LITE BATTERY SALES & SERVICE DUNLOP TIRES 24-HOUR ROAD SERVICE Dial HU'2-3211 8-9-10-11-b The Freshest . . . Tastiest Bread' In Town Try Some Today!' Bar' des Enriched Bred a Oui Saturday • Special; tiiiiiuniii.caUST FRUIT LOAF 23 Reg, 29c for Earths Bakery Ltd. BAKERS and CONPECTIONERi filLInfor / 97/7 CLINTON N were appointed a committee to 'Wait upon Raymond. Scotchmer. He responded to their appeal, and will" be Scoutmaster with Percy Renner as his assistant. Goo4wiL flub Makes Donations Of Over $60.00 The Wesley-Willis Good Will Club met in the church parlour on TtleSday evening, February U. The 'president, Mrs. 1-1, G. Manning, 13X• 'eSided, "In His. Steps" was read by Mrs. T_,,` Jervis. Mis. A. Adams led in prayer', The minutes were • read and the treasurer's report given byNss L, Walkinshaw. The ,following:donations Were :made; $1,5 to C,A.R.E, and $50 to the manse fund. Mrs. R. Jenkins and Mrs. A, Adams are to repre- . unt the club at the Hospital Aux- Mary meeting. Mrs. .11(1.'" Nediger, accpmpanied by Mrs, I-learn, chose for her solos two old favourites, "Memories" and "Smiling Through", Mrs, RISY Vincent and Beverley Beattie play- ed two pleasing duets, "Dance of the Rosebuds" and "King's Re- - view," Mrs. E, H. Epps read an inter- eating letter from Rev. Marguerite Cesens, Japan. She also gave a short reading en the beginnings of Valentines, followed by a poem, A thoughtful article on "Being "a Ma- ture• 'Person" was read by Mrs. Paisley. hymn and the Mizpah bone- The February meeting Of, Wesley- Willis:Woolen's Missionary Society' was held in the church parlors on Thursday evening, February Mrs, Charles Nelson presided, Roil. call was answered by a verse from Epnesiens. Thank-you notes Were _read from Mrs, Livermore, Mrs. J. 114cLeren and Mrs. C. C, Washington, Some items were read on Temperance. Arrangements Were made; for Day of Prayer, on March S in Ontario Street., United Church end for the Presbyterial in Mareh. Miss aoyloverto, group were in charge, Scripture lessons were read by Mrs. F. Andrews and . Bertha Diehl, After a .short pray- er, Mrs. B, Sutter favored with a $010, "Jesus, Lover of MY S.'0111": accompanied by Mrs, N. Shepherd, Miss McRoberts lead the . study boob; Mrs. M, Addison told .of work, in Indonesia and Miss E. JamieSon of work in Malaya. After a • contest, a delicious lunch was served for the birthday party. diction closed the meeting after which group two with Mrs, Jenkins end Mrs, E. H. Epps as conveners; served, delicious refresh- ments: 1.98 KRINKLE 'COTTON , with flowers pattern en 36" ,wide, per yard -4,PUC DUSTERS Glazed Cotton,. 398 'Size 12-20 • BETTER QUALITY HOUSE DRESSES Cotton Fast COlours. Sizes 12-20; 16Y2-,24 .1112 and 0:S.- fach 040ajt, 'LOVABLE' BRAS • .1 i'All 4?. sizes 'PI to 1.50 PANTIES - - SUPS VESTS - NYLONS SHOE SALE! Children's Sizes. Boots-5.8 - ... , $2.75 81/2.12 .... $2.98 121/2-3 $3.50 Didn't Get Away! Oh, the joys 4)1 a southern holiday! Mrs. Milton Wilise is enjoying the winter at Lames City, Florida, • and "havin' fun • fishin"," This one, which she caught in the Gulf of Mexico weighed 14 lbs-„ 2 oz. We have .ne report, on how the finny one tasted after e trip through the roasting oven—or does one fry such a Ben Rathwell attended the fun- eral of his brother Samuel Rath- well in Lucknow Tliursday, Feb- rdary 14. Mr. and Mrs."Frank Anderson and son Francis, Science - Hill, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ed Sturgeon, Mr. and Mrs. .Ben RathWell at- tended the funeral in Stratford on Tuesday, of Mrs. Rathweli's sister, WS." George Gaul, who passed away February 14, Mrs. J. B. Higgins returned home on Tuesday night after hav- ing visited her father in Brant- ford. She also 'attended the meet- ing in London for I5eanery'presi-' dents and secretary-treasurers of the Women's Auxiliary convened by Mrs. R. M. Weeks,. 'Guides and Brownies The local association to'Guides and Brownies, met at the home of Mrs. Grant Turner on TtieSday evening with nine present. •-Miss Una McDonald, districf, commis- sioner, was present, Mrs. John. ' Lindsay,_ chairman, opened with the 'Lord's Prayer. rn the absence of the secretary, Mrs, Fred' Wallis, the minutes were read by Mrs. Fred Weston.' Mrs. J. Cluff, tDeasurer reported a bal- ance of 889,92, It was-decided to purchase two 'dozen Guides' hand- books. Mrs. Grant Turner, Captain, ap- pealed not only to all 'Members of the LA, but mothers, and otherS interested in Guide` for don, ations of apron material, tea tow- elling, material for potholders, or anything for the Guides to make. The plan is to hold a bazaar next summer of their own work. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction, after which the hostess served refreshments, The Guides and Brownies will par-' ade to service at Trinity Church on Sunday evening. • Scouts and (bibs The annual meeting of the group committee for Scouts and Cubs was held' in the rectory of Trinity 'Church, on Thursday evening last, when the year's activity was re- viewed. Attending were the Rev, W. S. Outerbridge, chairman; the Rev. Peter Renner, secretary- treasurer; Percy Renner, Alf Scotchmer (Lions Op represen- tative) and :Cubmaster Art Tur- land. -Mr, Outerbridge resigned as chairman owing to his intended de- parture from Bayfield and Rev!' Peter Renner -"'w as appointed chairman; Roy' Fitzsimons, sec- retary-treasurer, The next rector of Trinity Church will be a mem- ber of the committee, • In considering- someone to XIII the post, of Scoutmaster, caused by the resignation of George Sy- pions, the Rev. P. Renner, Rev, W. S, Outerbridge and Alf. Scotchmer Samuel Rathwell Service for Samuel C. Rathwell, 86, formerely_ of Lueknow, who died February . 11, in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, was conducted In Lueknow last Thursday after- noon, in the McLerman-MaeKen- tie funeral chapel, by the Rev. C. A, 'Mike! john. InWtnent was Made in• Greenhill Cemetery. HIS early life was spent in Goct erich Township, When a young man he learned the. shoe repair businesS alt Clinton, and worked at his trade more than 60 years, hav- ing operated a store in Lucknow for 40 years, The business Is now operated by his son, Gerald, He was an active lawn bowler and horticulturist and a member of the United Church, He is survived by one son, Ger. tucknorvv, •and a daughter, Mrs. Orine Moffat, Toronto, and one brother, Ben Rathwell, Bay- field; one sister, Alice, Mrs. Pen. Wick Stewart, (formerly of Stan- ley' Township), London. Receives Cap MISS MARIE. LEE, A. Ditch auction Which .saw . great excitement over a chicken at the February meeting of the tbnian .Club finally resulted in the bird being sold for .$7.$0. the highest bidder;, The eyept oc curred at the home of Mrs, Frank Layton, who was hostess to the. The president, Mrs, X, 420,' was. in the chair and Mrs. Moods, read the 105th Psalm, Roll call was answered by 33 members, and two visitors,. The club .accepted an inVitation from: the Cioclerich Mary Hastings 'veep to attend their 'birthday party this Friday, febru.ary 22. 'The mystery prize ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Fan- grad wish tof announee the en- gagement of their younger 'daughter Ole Martha to 114r. Scott 'Douglas Payne. The marriage to take place in the Salvation Army Citadel, ham, on Saturday,, March 2, at 3 pm, Sp News of Bayfield By MISS LUCY R. WOODS 1 1655 Ontario Champion Rural •Correspondent PHONE: HAYFIELD,- 45 r3 WYLS Headed By Mrs. G Nelson As Plans Are Made Now On Display PUMM11.01.1.10111.= . See These Items That Are Now On Display In Our Store Window BATH TOWELS COTTON PRINTS Sizes ft and wide. 23x42" 11...1:V up „ , FOUR yards Plastic TABLECLOTHS Green and Red. Per Yard L49 JILL'S CLOTHING .& FOOTWEATI "The Family Store" ALBERT STREET Phone HU 2-9641 '-•—• CLINTON Open Friday Evenings 'Tilt l,6 O'Glocl~ Mrs. T. A, Dutton and Miss Marie TIlliott visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mason, Acton, last week. 'Mr, and Mrs. George Griffiths, Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott. Mr, and Mrs, McQueen, Caro, ;Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird and other relatives over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Paterson spent a few days with Mrs. T. A. Anderson,.Toronto. Group Two of the Woman's As- sociation held a social and quilting at .theltorne of Mrs, Ross Scott on T'uesdaY afternoon. Clintonians Have Fun Over Auction On A Chicken