Clinton News-Record, 1957-01-31, Page 97FIVIARDAY,mw1917 ,
farmUnion County Director
Speaks n BrIeF To Gov't.
1.40# 40 members and theb.
• ,iftwetS ,AtiteaIded therapier meet,
:Ing of the 'Varna Farm Union
*Uoal in the Verna Se11001, on Mon-
eelay. %ley decided to Oitrenase.
gnip0. and saucers, and . lunch
committee wm, appointed Per the,
•Ilext Ateetinft
Robert Tayiork county suh.
o.r, gave. fin interesting :report
• !of but vecent trip to Tererlato,
where the Ontario Fenn Union
*Presented 'their .annual briefto the
TL brig egpreSsed' dermis
ter better mtftketing legislation
'Changes In agriculture COMModitY
egrOlPs, SChool tax on reeidences
leonlee- Inettranee , on government
aris) a national health and wel-
fare program, as wet as other
'Ireceleste, The Feria Union sop-
vorts1h sato of 'hogs on the open
40,0,rket through a marketing ag-
env but do ee not see the necessity
-of dumping at dire6ifjonal. points,
fat, Goodfellow° was extremely.
Interetted on; their ideas on, this,
:•subject, and asked fon. an appoint-
'Inent with A. V, Carmack, OtJ
eetnesident, to «th4 out more about
a Plan that had been. ettatlined, but
for some reason the Ontario Hoz
Eirotiugers refused to potent a trial
Lt fin spite of requests iv or-
ganized farmers.
Gordon county director,
spoke on achievements of the 1.4ro-
vatoW arni.1.144ims 4141 the Int-
erproseineal. Perin Union, Oeuncil
which le MAO unpj rePresent-•
atiVes friar), province. "The
Union now has the -support of la-
bour," said IN1r. MN, "and can
work ant mutual problems through
the recently formed rarmer-pabor
Egorennie Conncil. History was
made lest December Wien Labour
and„ Myers presented their first
joint brief .to the Federal eabinet."
Mr, Hill stated`, "Our organize, -
nem nae beep eritieised for its aLS-
satiation with labour, This criti-
cism originates n mot cages
front large fineneial interests, who
.greatly fear the OrganizerlabOurI
er and also an organized 'fanner.
It ie natural they wouldlear even
more a combination of the- two."
"Some Farm Union members in
the district have been doing some
research in relation to milk prices
The ,CKNX ,Born Dance
• r
• •••
Will originate from the
Saturday, Feb. 2
' •
reaturin •
• •
Adults: 75c -7.7. .Children: 50c "
4 VW, Ow NM WV W. W. W. WW OW ..?! ! W.
DANICETO FO(.1-0W — 9,30 TO 12 M
1101 MI AM VW VW VIS OM mi NM SW WW Ow 4. Om to INN
Sporisor Farm,..pniort
00 ISOM 4NTrolif4P MEN
This morning. over 30 farrnera
lett the County for TorestA where
they will attend the Ontario- $oll•
'Andop3#11rovement anttnal.
convenuon and , look cm the
machinery etthibits in. the
and produetion ecet. 'Their findings
have greatly impressed the local
members of parliament and, are
iheing• incorporated into the annual
Fenn Union brief to he PreSonted
to the goverment, in Ottawa earlY
in February,"
Mr. Hill, urged eyeryfele tosup-
ort the intim to keep abreast Of
the times and ha take a more ac-
tive interest in 41,1 phases of farm
onsines Ie $I 11; wee n:ote:
worthy When terdaY, egg Wees are
so low, that the government im-
ported 3,000,000 cases tar ens
from Ireland, Poland and the
USA, this 'pat year.
Menthers were rernindedto come
to the Union -sponsored OKNX
Barn Dance in the j..egion
Hall, Citinton, on Saturday
night, February 2, Ticketa will
still be available on the heifer, up
until the time of the clra,w. Mem-
bers are asked to get their ticket
stubs in by February 1, •The meet-
ing was adjeinned and lunch -was
served. t '
Beef Producers
On Tour Toward
Southern Ontario
' Seventy-eight beef producere in
the county took pet in the bus
tour south to Blenheim, St. Them -
as and Talbotville, last week.
The tor included a stop at the
farm ofe Dtm Wafters,. p.arkhill,
where he is wintering 230 head
of cattle in .the open. At Chat -
hem they- visited a pile barns
set up where Lawrence Herr
win -
tens ' around. 500 cattle. After
lunch in that city, they viaitecl the
Aberdeeen Angus herd of Harry
Wilson on the outskirts of the
eity, where 70"cows are kept, and
the owner operates 750 acres of
eholee land, all in one section.
Ate W. G. Thompson's farm at
13Ienheirn, anther pole barns sys-
tem was investigated„-where"1,500
head Of cattle are Viihrtered. At
the Ontario Hospital; St. Thomas,
they saw. 160 cattle wintered. •
The tour was organized by ag-
ricultural representatives in Hure
or.. in co-operation with • those
the host counties, and With Feder-
atiort fieldmen.
R oh e r t IVIeGregor, 10Ppeh, is
chairman of the Heron Beef Pete
ducers' As,sociation. •
• :
A tt,fly,
' TiO Dilthrop's Passport
40 Better Living
-8440,444/4 944e awi4
The Dilthrops are a Moderriday
family who ha* rediscovered a re-
cipe kr better living. It's not a new
recipe by any memos - it hasbeen
tried and tested for years. Here are
the iogfedients;
e a B of M Savings Account
• a Definite Goal to Save for
• a Dash of Determination
There's nothing more just
add deposits regularly.
Mom and Dad can point to "the
results"... that suit she's wearing ....
that easy chair. ...the sense of thrift
and selfeeliance in palmy and Carol
gained by operating their Own ' at -
counts at the 13 of M. There's. fun,
they say, in saving together and in
sharing the thrills of realizing their
Savings goals.
Why don't you opeti accounts kr
members of your family teday?
find a warm welconte awaitS
you at theBoM
CUt&tfiraodts WILLIAM MOIttOK, Manager
Londesborbugh (Sub.Ageney)t Open Mon, tit There
Vettltiti WO "Witt' teettAblANt
kW& aimbind
'"•• •
VEY WALlt .reP ,t1Pt• S•1444i.14-1/
Over 12 Percent Qt Huron Hogs
Now Being.Soid On Open Market
4 Piagtea flt t4e, on market' The mtolber of producers in
on C4intY signing direetives ran-
geS fturt -PO to 90 Pereent in the
different townehips,
ilowick F. of
Hears Of Work
In Federation
The, tiowlek TQwnsiap rodent-
tigrA Ixe Agriculture held their an,
nual meeting and banquet Fridey
evening in the WroXeter Column-
ity had, with guest speaker Jame
CS jaeldi4, provincial fieldman for
the Federetien,•
Jeciflin reported ori some
of the eceeMplishreents of the
Federation which Cents of about
40 minty organizations and 44Pro-
ducer groups, "It is the purpose
of the Federation to co-erclinate
• of these 'groups for the/ geed
of farmers as a whole," said iYir,
"Threugh the efforts of the Fed-
eration, marketing legislation has
been procured and amended from
time to time to make the neces-
sary improvements for an, advan-
"Since heePitelleatiten, at, slif-
fielentlY reasonable rates, was not
aVailablee to the average fernier,
ampaign hag' been ste4y. Word?,
ing to W. A. "Tied". 14obb,
4et of the County flog Producins'
AsSocilation.. Pining the past six
Weelie there have been 17 meet-
ings head at the township level,
te acqweint the Predneers vvith
the different angles, e.t. the earn
"palm .and explain to them the
reasiona flifr the change M market.
Mg methods.
At the time that the: open mar-
ket calthpaign was begun, only
five pettent of the hugs Sentto
the market in Huron, went onto
the open market, 'pie other 95
percent went direct tp the packer.
Now, heWeVer, there are 12 per,,
eent of the hop being directed
onto the open markt.
Tice weekly market report, for
_January 1448, shoWs a total of
2,107 hogs marketed in Huron.
.2g.j of them (or 12.7 perceat)
were snipped to the yards at Mt -
&otter and Stratford.
Thengh in implications of
the Supreme Court ruling in Tor-
onto have still to be ironed out,
hog producers, and Jake Koehler,
manager of the provincial. 0e:op-
endive, are taking an optimistic
view, and are forging ahead on
the cempaiger with, more confide
ence and enthusiasm than ever.
Newi of Hensall
Correspondent — MRS. M. REDDEN .
Phone llensa� 5
IVItiss Bonnie Kylehas accepted a
position on the staff of the local
Bell Telephone Company office.
Mr. and ma. William E. Hed-
dene Woodstock, were weekend
visitors .With IVirs. Catherine Heti-
dem i" •
Mrs. Nancy Kyle, who has been
a patient at. St.joseptes hospital,
London, has; reterned home and:•ist
doing nicely:* -
Roland. Vanstone, two-year-old
son of Mr. and 1VIes, Roland- Van -
stone,. who hat been in Victoria
tifeesPitai, London, with Pnettanon-
ta, after the measles, is home.
efiacolen MeEwan, young sten t)f,
A. -and Ara. Hugh • McEwarii` Jee.
who has been in St. Joseph's hos-
pital, fer the plot two
weeks' suffering with ^ pnetunonia,
following an attack of 'xneasles„
came home Monday,'
Kinette Plans
Hensall Kinettes met at the
borne of Mr's; 11.0S -s arkirs,,ort
uary 22. and deekled to have, a,
rummage salein,the town hall in
IVIercii.-Tirey made final, plans for
the Men's night On Fezibruare' 12;
Mrs. Don Joynt *On the lucky
draw.. prizee Mre4 Harokl knight,
Preiident of the -club, chaired the
Bible Study
• ,
An hour of Bible study was held
Sunda Y evening at the Inane- of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barra,' at the
Queensway •Nureting Horne. Rev.
Donald •MacDortald spoke 'on' the
.'Call ete'Abraharre• followed vvith
a discussion period' arising front.'
the' tirlk. This is. the Sec:end meet.
Mg of •thisteries, the first one was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
iC,K. Christian': Net Sunday
evening, February 3, its -Will be
held at the United Church inanse,
from 7.80 to '9 p.m Everyone is
welcome to .attend.
Mrs: Glenn. Campbell, Seafortle.
addretsed melhbers of the Arnold.
Circle at their meeting January
21, at Carmel Church man:se, for
which Mrs, Donald MacDonald
was hostets. Mrs. Campbell gave
an inspiring message en "Steward ' • • • '
The financial report disclosed
that- the group had overreached
their allocation.
The theme of the worship per..•
iod "Life's Highways" and was
condected by Mrs. William Brown,
with Scripture passages read by
Mrs. Harold Bell, and prayer of-
fered by Rev. D. lefacDonald. Ex-
cerpts from the Record and Glad
Tiding Were read by Mrs. Gord-
on Schwalm, Four new members
Were admitted -into membership,
and the meeting • was chaired by
the new president, Mrs. A. Orr.
Luncheon was served by the com-
mittee composed of Mrs. Harold
Be11, Mrs, Wenn Deitz„ Mrs. D.
Maelecniald. , Nineteen were Pres-
(Intended for last week)
Mr. and Mrs, William Lee of the
Kostt Korner Restaurant ,are leav-
ing Friday by inoier. for Medco,
where they will vacation for a few
' Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Sangster
and Sandra, London, spent the
Weekend with Mrs...IV/1mile Sang4
'ter and Met arid ' Met Robert
Mrs, John Hazelwood who has
teen a patient at South Huron
EXspita1EXeter, has been- admit -
Id to the Queensway Nutsirig
Home, Heneallwhere her husband
is aleot a patient,
Anthony VanDyke, St Etieene
Des Groes„ Quebec,' and Mr, and
IVire. E VanDyke, Loiiisvflje (tette,
bee, visited with M. and Mrs. She
Roobol last week and while here
Oared the coach werks,
William Vernier who has been a
patient at Scott Memorial
eke i,;:f
aniCX..4.1 Met._
0 N 5 WA I
L F•RN 81
tal, Seaforth, suffering with pneu-
monia, returned' to the herne of
his Son-in-law and daughter,. Mr,
and Mrs. William, Kyle last Wed
nesday where he will recuperate
fromhis illness, before returning
to his own home,
Kippen, Quilts
'Ilwenty latileeemet in St. And-
rew's United ChUrch,- F4Ppen,
schoolroom last ThUrsday and
quilted two quilts. They. expect to
complete more ,itt' the neer f uture-
Kippen East Women's Institute
sponsored. a successhe euchre and
dame in the tow % hall on Friday
evening, January 18, with winners
for euchre. asifellofvvetledies, Mrs.
Rs e Broaelfirot, ft; rs. Carl.Mcclha-
chey, Mrs, Stewerf Pepper; gentle-
men, Joe MoL,ellan, Wilbert -Dill-
Mg,' Mrs. A. SaundercockLlueky
itmeh prize lyIrs. Norman Deckert,
'Omen' Norris., orchestra farnish-
ed-music or the dance. .
William; Kerr sPent,. the week-
end:: at h4 home.
Harold Bonthren, attended tile
furniture conventical in. Toronto.
William Venner was •taken• by
ambulance, oit January' 16 to Seett
Memorial ,HOepital, Seaforth.
Mr. and WS. beerge Hess *ere
in Fairgrove, 1th., USg, attend-
ing the furleral of a relative, Mr.
Kirk. ---
. Mr% and IVIrs•xEkl. Dick. are va-
cationing in California, and had
the pleasure of yieyving the parade
of roses at Pasadena.
Mr. and Mrs. Rochus Faber, Mr.
and We. Bert -Faber, Mr. and'
Mrs. Harry Faber lefteon January
19 by motor for a. :vacation in
Mrs. John. Hazelwood who was
admitted to Stith Huron' Hospit-
al, Exefer, two weeks ago, uffer-
ing fractured ribsfell at
her home, is doing nicelY. •
Thonias .Kyle WhO has
been a ,Patient in • St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, the past three
weeks, Js responding to treatments
and coming along nicely.
YPU Reunion
Reunion of the Young People
from South Huron and district
was held in 'the United Church
last Saturday night, when the
gaest speaker was %Rev. Dr.,
Cedrick Sears, Chicago, who was
evangelist at the South Huron
Crusade For Ohriet meetings held
ih Zurich in July of last year.
Carmel WMS
At the January meeting of the
Women's MfiSionary &piety of
Carmel Church, held January 17,
Mrs: B. Edwards' and Mrs. D.
MacDonald presented highlights
Mts. Ritehie's speech 'at ,the
Presbyterial held at Canteen last
Tuesday, The president, Mrs., S.
Dougall chaired. the meetihg and
was in charge ef the- devotional.
Scripture passages read by Mrs,
P. Campbell, and prayer offered
by Mrs. Edw-ards. Mrs. Malcolm
Dougall favoured with a piano
solo. ,Guest speaker at the Feb-
ruary meetieg W111 be Mrs. ntiS-
sell,' teafbrth.
Call us
Whether Velar TV Set .needs
a, inapt overhaul belt Mettor
adjustment, tall eel Our
friotidlYi nOntteoiie SerIdee-
Mall. wkn give you. Ittonapt
servia, bathed by Mir gear.
Atwasro 4A11 u r tunteplette
satisfactory TV service,
and WV
the Federetien Wee iitStruPental
in organizing eck,op Medical which
in. turn may bring about hospital.:
ization on a Jiational scale."
It Iln Jain mentionell•
the import mice•orlite.suppott price
on lam .productS :which. has .help.:
ed farmers to retain their farms,
enablmifaotory workers 'to 'Pay rent
Q4' , meet the payMents on home%
The .only difference is that :about
,0Q0,004 s paid out :by the aoro
ernmont tor support prices pen,.
year while unemployment
rtnee, which le not available to
farmers, nests the -government
dust As mop grymeot Insurance;.04ent KM_ MO per year, •
scv The
Round Tooth'Comb
It's Newt with round bell
pointed teet
For ell the new hair styles<
Max Factor
.,- Pan Stick Makeup
and Color Fast Lipstick
lo•oz. 1' 6 oz, • LIQ
jar -010 "" Jar
See Our Display of
Get Your Supply Early
For The Best Seleotion.
Individual OardS ., 5c to L00
Cut -Out Books 25e
Individual Cut -Oats 20 for 25c
By Toni
-.with the New Plastic Rine
$2.00.. '
• Practically invieible under ,
regular hose.
• Authentic fashioning, Vively
.WLigittic"ji andree°Perdlnkiabi
roll tomtit orialow-nok.ksooff000
For Moo ad Wooer
W. C. Newco
PHONE HU. 2-9511
be, Phm. B.
and Druggist
. , . . ,..
:tickets good going and regiming same Saturday only..
• - t
, FgccuRszoN FARES FROMe . '
Allenford $4.75 Hanover „.. . . $4.30 • Soutitampton ..$5.90
Brampton .- :85 Harriston 3.75 Sarnia • 6.55
Brussels ' 4.30 Ingersoll 3.70 Stratford, 3.45
Chesley , 4.75 Kincardine 5.85 Strathroy 5.20
Clinton ' 4.75 leieeheeer • • 2.45 Walkerton ,...... 4.60
Elora ; 2.45 Listowel ....,..... 3.60 Watford '.."..... „... 5.75
Fergus ..e.....,2.45: Mitchell ." 4.00 Wingham ..? • 4175"
Georgetown ,•... 1.20 Owen Sound .;,; 4.75 Wyoming. 6:20
Goderich 5.05' 'Paisley- 5.20 , •
Guelph 1,90 Palmerstongo
Corresponding Fares .from Intermediate Points
Wanted by Students...
On Display And For Sale At
CiiiitOn .Newsulecord
atter sind down poyinelst