HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-01-31, Page 8New: WestiptiOtoe.
This newest Westinghouse Laundromat with Agi,--Tumble
Action uses half the• detergent needed by other washers. It
uses 10 gallons less water per load than other washers.
And it doe's this without re-using cold,, .dirty wash or rinse
Weigh-tO-Save door and Soap'n. Water Saver . found
only on the Westinghouse Laundromat . . . let you match -
water and load exactly. You save soap . . . and' gallons of.
clean hot water . . . with every load. '
clinton Electric Shop
"Your WestinghoLise Dealer"
ALBERT ST. D. W. Cornish, 'Prop. 'CLINTQN
. • _ '
in CouadAt EtnillPMV.
Township of
opWerOottrZlitattel„, ronvuobwliolerog;000!
quested- .04* toPark ears or:
tvbeehl rote r na*on"444',4"
And Notice is booby givoll
trerrsos4131;1"sett:6:3141.fre.:17440°C,44.1441.44YVOPeWinickl.vvi:494444"I'41:P:;;F; opera- tions. .
49,0b.Tovfoship of tuckeromith
-We are shipping cattle every Saturday for United
Co-operative of Ontario and, solicit your patronage. We- will
pick them up at your tarn'. '
..-Please PHONE COLLECT, not later than Friday nights.
SeafOth Farmers Co-opera.live_
Phone--Day 9, 481w
• 'Freddie the Fox Baylis
Take the "Fairway"
In nand bu$plintt.
Rev: J. T; White-
At Inaugural
Hullett Council
three great-grandchildren,
SerVie.e was frOin .Sootlantl ,
1,3aptist Church to .Scotland Ceme-
terY, On Wednesday afternoon,
Richard Taylor Sr,
(By our fi[epataal. Vorresporedept)
Service - for Richard Taylor, Sr.,
73, . who died "Th.ttrsdaY evening,.
January 24 in Cainten. Public.N.Q$7
was .condtteted Saturday af-
ter/10o, .January 20, in the Win-
throp. funeral home„ Hensall,.. by
the. Rev, N, D, Knox. juterille
was in IVIcTaggart's Cemetery.-
, After coming from E.nglanft 52
years .ago he farmed near .Chisel,,
burst, until moving to 'HenselVow
years ago, Be was a member of
St,,Paurs, Anglican Church, there,
Surviving besides hls . wife, the
former 1111vy Richardson, are
three Sons, Richard, Jr., • and Ed-
win, Chiselhnrst; Jack, Seaforth;-
threedaughtei-s, Mrs. Lorne (War-
garet). Kaye, London; MA's, Myrtle
Young, „Toronto; Mrs, Gordon
(Jean) Munn, Hensall; two broth-
ers and three sisters in .England.
Two sons, Melvin and Sydney were
(By l ,Clorre0p9,,
Service for WILIAM R. Por.clson,,
0.% 'former Nvelirknown Hensall
boainessniani who died Thursday,'
'Urinary 24 in Port .Colborne
erai Hospital,. VMS -eendaeted last
Saturday, January 26, in the Cr-'
rip funeral home, at W.'inghion,
Xnterznent, -was made in. Winghem.
Surviving besides wife,
former Estella King, • is' one .0011,
Allan R. Davidson, funeral -direct-
poi,. Port. Colborne,
Thomas Mitchell
Services fpr Thomas R, Mitchell,,
772 8 Cambria Street, Stratford,
who died in Stratford General
Hospital, were conducted Monday
afternoon in the Heinbuek fiuteral
home, by the ReCi. F. J Barr, In-
terment was in Avondale' Ceme-
(Fiall-bearers Were John Mitchell,
Kirkland Lake; Archie Mitchell,
Chatham; Emerson and William
Kyle, both of Kippen; Carl Mil:
lard, Toronto; John Rands, Strat-
Born at Clinton, •he went to
Stratford 39 years ago, where he
was employed by Stratford PUG'
for 29 years. He attended. St.
Andrew Presbyterian Church in
'He is survived by his wife, the
former Rose Kaiser, two 'sons,
John and Thomas, Kirkland Lake;
one daughter, Mrs. Carl . Millard,-
Toronto; four brothers, Albert,
Clinton; Archie, Chatham; Jack,
Vancouver; Emerson, Windsor,
and one sister, • lVirs. Jean Kyle,
Clinton, si ;..1*
The Rev. T. 3, White; Londes-
_hero addreiSed the council, and'
thank,T for his inspiring message
was given by the reeve, seconded
by Mr. Leiper.
Dinner was served at the hothe
of 'Clerk G. W. Cowan, and the
meeting continued afterwards.
Grants approved were 825 to
the Huron Soil and Crop Improve-
ment Association -and $35 'to the
Salvation • Army. Council joined
the Good Roads ASsociation, the
Rural Municipalities Association
and the Association• of Assessing
Towhship officials • nained'"at
this meeting • include: „assessor,
George W. Carter; auditor, Frank
Tainiblyn; clerk-treasurer, George
W. Cowan; livestock and poultry
valuator, Clarence Ball; road sup-
erintendent, Leonard Caldwell;
school' attendance officer, Leopold,
Watt; grader operator, ,Arthur
Weymouth; 'power mower opera-
tor, John fence viewers, H.
Armstrong, F. Shobbrook, C. Ball,
H. TreWartha, J. Jackson, Donald
pounclkeepers, C. Morris-
on, Livingston, R. Grim-
oldby, William Hamilton, Wilmer
Hewett and Harry Durnin.
Hensall Spellers
To Semi-finals
(By our Hensall Correspondent)
'Winners were ',selected in the
inspectorate semi-final, conteasein
the Ontario Spelling: Bee competi-
tions,held at Hensall„ Public School
on January 16. They are Marg-
aret Eagle, grade 7, Hensall' P.S.;
Margaret Oke, SS L. Usborne;
John .Etherington, grade 8, SS 1,
Usbbrne; Leo' Tiberio, grade 8,
Hensall P.S.
The :inspectorate finalg 'will be
held in Exeter February. 12 when
the spellers will compete 'for the
right to advance to the zone finals
I to be held at Stratford.
LiquialLeatherizing" Coating!
Liqui Leather
'Tile Rev. C. C. „Anderson, form-
:Church, died on .S1,1314,Y? .JanUary
Orly ' • pastor of Clinton Baptist
Z, at his home at 'IA Cayuga
Street„ Brantford. He bad retir-
4"d .in 1954 after 54 years in -the
Born: at Midgic, bI.B,x he taught
*boo). in Dorchester, NA., and at,
tended •Palbetisie' Law •$C11001 in
Then he attended. Me-
Master VniversitY in, Hamilton
and graduated in theOlOgY in 1900,
1fe was ".ordained to the ministry
• At Iona, Station, where ..he married
Ile had held pastorates in Saskr
Jatchewan as well as in Ontario,
,5ncluding Meaford: Atiburn, Lang-
*. ton And Clinton,
Surviving besides his widow are
two daughters, Mrs. Robert Smith,
Kingsville and Mrs. H, W, Thomp-,
on, St,. Thomas; five sons, Ross,
St,' George; ' Glen, - Douglas and
Howard:, Brantford; Paul, Fort
Frances; one sister, Laura, Sask.
vale,. N.B.; • one brot • er;, Fred,
VancouVer; 23 grandchildren and killed in World War H.
Services for Mrs, James Fair,
service,- 86, wbq died at W:eigiali!-.
min, Alberta., were conducted ola
Tuesday afternoon, ilanUarY 29, in
the 1411 and Mach .funeral home,
High Street,. Clinton, " by the ,Rev
T, White, 1.4endesbero, .inter*
merit was. in 13ttrns Cemetery, HO,
lett Township,
Sir was "the former Effie Tar-
man, of concession eight, Hullett,
Her husband died two years .ago,
ii1VIrs, Thos.. Millar
TOMO Millar(. 74, -hied
at I.Jondesberu, on Saturday, Jan.,!
nary 26. She had lived at KOmOka.
before COMing, to. Londesboro
She was the former Maude Bell
Quackenlmsh, , and spent her early
life in,Michigan: She' was a.,,enem.,
ber of .tha United Churph, ILondeS-
:Surviving besides., hr husband,
are one son, Hugh,' X.,,ondesbOro;
one (laughter; Mrs; Frank, Potter,
Clinton; one stepdaughter, Mrs.
A. McCool, Windsor; and one bro-
ther, William Quackenbush, Ko-
moka, -
.Serv;ice was from the Ball and
A/146h funeral home, High Street,
Clinton, on Wednesday afternoon,
Januarys 30, by the Rev. J. T.
White. Interment was in Blyth
Union Cemetery,.
Mrs. Elizabeth.
(By our Rensall correspondent) '
Service for Mrs.' Elizabeth
Moodie, 86, Brucefield, who died
in, Clintoon Public Hospital on
Thursday, January 24, 1957, Was
conducted Sunaay afternOon iii
Brucefield United Church, by the
Rev. S. Davison. /4,4
Interment was in Baird's Ceme-
tery. Her -hosband, James.Mood-
ie, died 12 years ago.
Stie was the follner 'Elizabeth
Thompson, Hay ToWnship, and she
and her huspand farmed near
Brucefield •until retiring to the
village about 40 years ago. She•
was a member of the United
Church there.
Mrs. N, E. Cook, Hensall, is a
Stanley' Johnston , •
Ai TuekersOth
Council Meeting
Rev. Dr. Semple, ggrriOndville
United 'Church, addressed Tucker..
smith Township. :09411e4 briefly et
the inangUral meeting last 1Vtoo-
daY,..,/anUary 12, and offered pray-,
er . invoking divine guidance upon -
the deliberations of the group for-
the coming ,ear.
The newly elected reeve .Yvan
Forsyth thanked the nilnister, 'and
received a motion, from the Sea.
for Town Councii hoping for the
same cordial relations between, the
two bodies as in the paSt.
Good Roads Association, the As-
The council joined the Ontario
sociation of Assessing Officers and
the Association of Rural Muni-
Roy Bell; Hensall, was re-ap
pointed member to the Ausable
Conservation Authority and Wil-
liam Cameron as member on the
Scott Memorial Hospital Board.
A delegation from the Farmers
Union, comprising Carl Dalton,
James Landsborough, Howard Al-
len, Milton Deitz and Kenneth
Carnochan, requested council to
discontinue the annual grant of
roo to the Federation of Agricul-
ture. The matter will be given
consideration by the council,
The township solicitor will be
asked to draft a by-law providing
fpr the lieensing oPhoust trailers
within the municipality. A .grant
of 815 was made to the 'Huron
County Soil and Crop Improve-
ment Association.
The February meeting will be
held on Monday, February 4, ow-
ing to the Good Roads Convention
falling on Tuesday and Wednesday
of that Week.
One of the greatest expanses of
uneultiVated fertile territory in
the World — 20 'million acres of
Virgin agricultural land -- awaits
deirelopment:in Northern Ontario.
TIRED of the same lunches week in•
week` out? Don;:t blame the wife. She's
doing the best she can. But meals for
that lunch pail of yours can be mighty
hard to vary with food prices going
tip all the time. -
Give the little woman — and yourSelf
-- a break. You can do it very easily
with the Fairway Home Freezer and
Food Plan. ; •
Buying through Fairway cuts more
/than 30% from your food costs each
and every week. With Fairway you can
regularly afford the kind of luxury
lunches , you usually dream about —
chicken or turkey sandwiches, cold
pork roast, rolled beef, for example.
Chalk up another food miracle for
'Fairway. With her Fairway Freezer the
little woman an prepare your
l'Ilmf,trrt•mrrrr:Tr?5:sTfl :
(By our. Auburn Correspondent)-
The feral of the late Stanley
Johnston was held from the Ar-
thtir funeral home, ;Auburn., on
Wednesday. and was conducted by
Rey. A. E, Silver, Ansa Craig, 'a
forMer pastor of ,the Auburn Bap-
tist Church. Mrs, J. E. Ostrom,
Clinton,-sang "Beyond the Sunset"
With harp,a,ccomPaniment by Mrs:
R. J. Phillips.
The, pallbearers were ; Charles
'Scott, Maitland Allen, George
Howatt ,Clarence Johnstonr Alvin
Letlaeriand and Bert Taylor.
Johnston .'hat been in poor
health for sorne.thile. and passed
away at his home in Auburn on
Monday evening. at the age of 65
He -was the son of the late Ro-
bert Johnston and Margaret How-
itt, of East Wawanosh, and was
born March 19, 1892. In 1915 he
married Mary, Raithby, Auburn.
Following their marriage they
4rined in East Wawano.lh until a
few years ago wh'en they moved
to Auburn,
• He was an adherent of the Bap-
tist Church. SurAving are his
widow, one son,• Lloyd, London;
two daughter, Mrs, Ray (Marj-
orie) Perdue, London; Mrs. Dodald
(Elaine) Caniphell, Goderich; six
grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs,
Thomas Taylor, God'erich; Mrs.
Clarence- Clark, and one brother,
Leslie, Blyth. Interment took
place in Ball's ,Cemetery.
. ,
months in advance, including all her
'fanciest taking. She quick freezes your
favorite dishes with all their natural
goodness sealed in. They march out of
the Fairway Freezer into your lunch
boxAvhenever you get that craving for
something "special".
And here's the facts about cost. You
save more than $6.00 a week on your
food bills with the Fairway Freezer
and Food Plan. Yet you pay only $6.25
for your Freezer plus the food of your
choice. Figure it out you can buy
your Fairway,Freezer and a full supply
of food for not a cent more than you're
now paying on food -alone. So save
money, eat better. Get rid of those
lunch box blues with your Fairway
Home Freezer and Food Plan.
ruary 20t
Birthday Party
(By Our 3110.114001 Correspondent)
The Amber Rebekah Lodge met
Wednesday with 28 present, Witt ,
discussed plans for their 'annual
birthday -,party to be held VebrU»
,ary 20. The Pride of Unroll Lodge,
Exeter, will be guests,
A. social hour was spent playing
progressive euchre and the win-
ners: ladies, Mrs, George Hess, Mrs. Myrtle Orr; gentlemen, Ale*
llifol3etb, R. M, Peck, Winners of,
a dutch auetion were, cake„Harold
Bell; crocheted hand bag, W. H.
Dougall; guest towel, Mrs, llahert
McGregor, Kil)Pen. 'Luncheon was
Clinton Memorial Shop
Thomoi! Steep, Clinton RePresentotiye
— Ph-ones —
-Bus., HU 2-6606 - - Res., HU 2-3869
home freeze 'ern away, with
195 CHRYSLER — __. $3,200
1955 CHEV. SEDAN , — $1,750
Automatic Transmission
1954 PLYMOUTH — =--. — $1,395
1951 CHRYSLER SEDAN $1,275
1951 STUDEBAKER V-8 /$ 675
1952 AUSTIN — $ , 495 FAIRWAY FOODS,
Chrysler Plymouth
Sales and Serviee
•norm St
Murphy Bros
Covers Fabrics, Leathere'ttes,..
Plastics, Leathel-.
Transforms chairs; sofas, kitchen chairs, shades,
outdo furniture, coverings, purses, belts, etc., etc.,
in beautiful lasting leatherized finish.
14 Beautiful Colours
1/2 pt. $1.39 quart $3.95
"Your FitIdIDAIRE Dealer
Sudbury ,'-- CKSO-TV — 5 p.m. SUNDAY
' Wingham— CKNX4TY — 10 p.m. THURSDAY
London ....! C FP I,- T V — 6 p.m. MONDAY
... .. S . ... . . . . ......
Please send me full information on tie Fairway Food Plan with absolutely no, obligation.
NAME ,.,,,., 00404•06••••••,;00”, l i ll l .1.4, lllll . 000000 000 0000 fp.111141".
ADDRESS 011.11,1411'.' .1.404
x..o....n•_..... ........ . *gin •• ..... ...... beg..• ...... vs
PHONE NOMBER70.00•40•404.V.00001MiiiiVI.1(4146 o 0000 ...... 004.1 ..... ... 0••••.04••11•01•00,0i, ... .... 00..140 . .. if•Mittot .................. Pfie:r0i*goW14001141,10.11
$ I do not have a,Home Freezer 0 have a Home Freezer 0-
We' WI o_ amii *Flo oar al* mei 00.4 eimo EP. 4.1 "aft 11111111 Mull aims ilia