HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-01-31, Page 31 417WRSOAX, "30,11XIARY alt t "*" ef. Crown Warns Of Dangers In Poor Communications wouldn't matteri yOu had ten J. Edgar licxwers.,on the police forcei," exclaimed Crown Att6r114. ,ey Gern lays, in CloderiCh, re- centlY good you if yot. can't reach Mr,• gap reminded the 'Gnder, ich Council that, as ,crown .attorn.,„ likka power to .call in the Ontario Provincial Police: if be is ,not satisfied that the We and Property of 1000 residents are' being protects adequately, • 04. went• If there's going to; be., a robbery,4-aal there have ben rebberies i other Western. Ontario centres—or an .assault �r near murder, and police 'are need- ed in an instant and a -call comes in and there's a -dead silence on the end of the phone, it's putting it mildly to say it' s exasperating."' Conskier Visic To Far Countries 'Ole Mitten WOrnon's Institute m6t 4n the •agricultural office beard room on January 24, with the president, lVfrs, pAtilln in the -chair, 'The roll eallwas answer., ed by Aarning "Another Conti.), 1 Would Like To Visit and Why," rs. C. BIliott gave the Wilk, !..‘Histirreal Research" .and em- phasixed the differenee in prices The crown was speaking at the Inaugural meeting of the lake town's conncil, when be issued an appeal for immediate action to. set up a bettor Police comintmications 4system. Mr. Hays. had heard com- plaints from various citizens; no doubt similar to those heard hi Clinton from time to time, when they had tried tO telephone, 'to pollee help or advice and hadybeen unable to get an answer to their call. YearAgo and new, also tellmg of current ev,ents, A humorous read-, !log was given by Mrs, 'Wilfred Calolotigh and'soles by Miss Joan Jobrfston; 'The Rible,,Tells Me So" and "Open Up YourMead"'ac., CoinPaided by her siSter, Doris, on tile Plena dealcieus luilch was served by Mrs. Norman Carter and her com- mittee. These same 'conditions exiat in Clinton, and have been mentioned in council in the past, Expense has been considered a high item. In this regard Mr. Hays pointed out the low amount spent on pro- -teetioti in comparison with other serlices, and saidi "There is little use in having good streets, lights, water, and arena, and so on, if a person's life and property are hot safe. There'S little use in, baying fine schools if children are in danger of toeing run clowns, by driniken drivers on the way to •school " COMMEtICI4L (*EL' Sunday Speiall . Full Course -Meal nR • 0roN• wws,ozolgo Willespreeld..Caueer Societ, Gathersqin t Mrs. Fr.anit Fingland, (Mt) was bostess nearly 40 delegates at the annual meeting of the ' •Mnron-Perth• Unit of the.Canaan Cancer Son- dety last Thursday night, • With: her are Mayor W. J. Millerccampgn chairman for the Clinton • o*, Branch, and two delegates from the St. Marys-, ' Blanchard hraiiPh, Ws. Isl. F. ,McDonald ancl .3lut Stephenson, president, 'who probably travel- led the furthest to attend the ineeting. •Olitiebells ,On., With Work. Qrs. 94i1ts,. Nursing - The Bluebells ,are meetingin' the Cenimencial X.= Hotel .next Saturday afternoon, 'February 2, .With something of interest for, -everY e in the group. Their '.'siogan i "Emnlating those that hix've Wile Wore," and, tunle.r the friendly guidance of • :Mrs. ,Ceriel' VanDeinme, the .group s eontin- iiing with their 'Work, A course in home nursing is being conducted:for the- young quilting is to be done, MrS. Van -Panne is -isng a. • (News-4RecOrd. Moth) • . . iruchnnsimarn ar..4.01os Presbyt!roan Women Hereillosteges.: TO 11IBBT WIDIONESDAY For Huron Presbyterial Annual win hold their mebting on Febru- , The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club ary 6 at the home of Mrs. Frank Walters at 2 pan. Roll call to be answered by "do you want a bus trip, if so, where,' The Huron Presbyterial of the Presbyterian Church was held in St. Andrew's Chtirch, January 8, with a very' large representation from the various auxiliaries, Mrs.,7 D. Glenn Campbell, president, spoke on the subject of "Forget- ting .the things behind. 'Let us look forvvard to the 'possibilities of our work for Christ in "the earning year.:" , • The period of meditations Was talten bY 'Mrs, 'D. -Ritchie whe, those as her subject 4What can we give Christ?" "One...thing we can give,"she :Said, "is the. Oft of self-sadraifice." She., told of some experiences in Seetland and urged Reece ,between ourselves and pod and • 'goodwill :toward' those- with ,whont vve- meet in Our daily lives. The minutes were read by Miss Belle Campbell and these were follevied bY.rep,orts ef the Various Offieers. These reports showed' a very successful' year for, nearly all the auxiliaries, ,Tlie report Of the treasprer was - Very. gratifying as it sKOsy04 anhstarfCial' increase for: 1058: t..-A*VNI.07( WE HAVE DECIDED -TO CONFINE 'OUR%r$LIVING 'mon ..stittro ,v0 -,1V170 MANUFACTURERS. . "All other, Suites in stock :are reduded as %sited below. All iteins are ' ,First Quality -- -Brand-Names .No -Better Value ANYWHERE: ...) This vStifa and 4(ohOlee 1 of any Ktoeliler iftEST ROCKER in - -to& a CE'MNG ROOM GROUP --- As Shown Our'Window. • A Real:Scoop at (Also Sold Individually) ••. 271i ‘ CE SUITS .,,--AitioalCushion-6,- .$155.1)0 Sofa by day "bed by Night,- lig.11.195.00 , 489 00 1 ONLY o . • DAVENPORT 2.1keeSUIT .•tombinatiOn In' Turqueise. 00140 , , , , , ,,, • , 4 J..' foot ,,,,,,, 3.Pieee SECTIONAL GROUP- '2 Half. Sofas atul Chair -- 3'Pleces fOr FULL PANEL STEEL BED—'-, Mat Spring,. 'Spring -Pilled Mattress., Reg. /0.00 — COMPLETE ,,, . . SEALY UN1T4RooKCASE S 1 at Spring) Sealy Special Mattress .and Reg. Value $1.10,00 ... . ........... : ... ,.„ ... ..... 160.00 $139.00 PANVit SOWN g Reg. $1.05 . . . . 11.4•411.111.4•04•44 ....i ty.r4.11.;14400k..111141 yir 9.75 9.95 1 0.45 ••• At tnei-clese of the morning's session a bountiful lunch was ser- ved by the ladies of the host chprch. A feature of the afternoon's nrogiam was a- the reading of a paper on the children's Wo'rk by Mrs. W, Geed and one on steward- ship by Mrs. G. BISSet,• An open discussion followed, led by, 'Vim. Cherry, TorOnto, who is editor of the '"Good Tidings." Mrs.-'C'herry has a charming persenality. Her remarks .proved a source of in- spiration and i'nformation to all these present. The report of the nominating committee was aCcepted and the pew officers were installed by Mrs. D, 3. /Lane. Mrs. D. Glenn CaMpbell then introduced the new president, 'Mrs. 3. T. Scott,. Sea - forth, who. res'Poridecl by telling Of her hopes for the year of 1957. , Other officers named for 1957, are past president, Mrs. D. Glenn Carnpbell;. ' first viceipresident, Mrs, J. B. Russell,- both of Seat, forth; vice-prelidents, 'Mrs. R. Venus, Goderich; Miss ,A. Blyth; recording and •• correspond- ing secretary, Miss. Belle ,Camp- bell, Seaforth; treasurer, Mrs: G. 13isset, 06derich; Secretaries: for Senior Mrs: W, • Shortreed, Blyth; young women's, auxiliaries, Mrs. ,V.-,Bradriock, Auburn; children's groups, Mrs, :Good, Blyth; home helpers, IVIrs. Fred ' Ross, Auburn; wekome and welfar, Mrs. J. C. 1Vraurney, Belgrave; literature, Mrs. Rob,ert, - Wilson, Goderieh; ',Glad Tidings, Mrs. 0. Anderson, telgrave; supply, -Mrs. B. Edwards, Rens/011. Thfe Mem- bership, ,Mrs.E0.44ane Clinton prets, Mrs. J. William .iliompson, Seaforth; historian, Mrs., A. Tay- lor, Goderieh. . • 40th Anniversary - for -Iiippen-Couple 1 correspondent), The 'lordly 'Of -Vr. 4and Mrs: Willtan-MCGregor, *ho reside east Of; KiPpen, gathered; at their hate tin ,Friday, jarnitity Si$, to honor 'Ahem fire `ASIceasion of t}tir'40th ,Wedding anniversary, and to -present them with a lovely and useltd.gift. Attending the,celebration were Mr., and -Mrs. Gladwin .Melick, Goderich; Mr. and 'qrs.. Wilmer McGregor, IVIcitintHOpe; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McGregor, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McGregor, pen; -Mr, "and Mrs. Edgar 'Mc- Clinchey and Jerry, Mensal'. Wane to out iniarter urge in the laihion' parade BVER-dy? Keep gala holt- ' day dresses looking freer - Luid preciOuS Woollens looking newer With Our fliespelialve dry • cleaning, •Saves your clothes, giweti, year clothes- , budget. WO do thorough, CAILIMIL job, -This 'Week thi LUthy 'No, Is 1116 Oheck your Oalendar. If the Ittithbbr •*katoheSi take the Oeletukat to our office •and claim your $8.00 credit. - 44-64-•-•-**-4-0-4,4,40-4*-6-4•444-«4- FOP Your torpreniente We Our Down ' Tow of Office on °King shoot (forroorty shoot000-sooro) HU eiLAUNDRY CLEANERS f ()A:r VO IT 4( TFTCN MRS, BOWAN WINS • OALBNDAR DRAW Winner of the weekly calendar draw at Clinton: Lattodry and Dry Cleaners, last week was Mrs. jack. BoWinan, 11-nron Street', whose number is 1.153. Happy Workers To Meet At Iloyne Of Mks. C. Brandon The. January meeting of • the Happy Workers' •Club was "held at the home of Mrs. George GlaZier,'5on 'Wecineaday, january 9; in the afternoon. -The president IVIrs• jack -Smith „If ) occupied the chair and opened the meeting by singing '"The 'Red • Itivi er Valley," folloived by h e "Lord's Prayer." • Secretary and treaStirer's reports were giVen with the new officers taking -part,' Roll call was answered- by the paying of, fees and tern members and oneguest were present, It was decided that the treasurer shouldpurchase material, for the members to .sew for the bazaaar. Themystery prize was won bY Mrs. Elmer Dale. A bale -of clothing 'was packed and will be sent up north. The next tneeting will be held at Mrs. •Charles Brandon's •home 'on February 14, in the'evenlig. Group ,.two will be charge of hinch. Roll.ein is. to be answer- ed with "a 'Valentine verse.'! Atite.r the meeting lunch was served by -the hostess' assisted by Mrs. Clifford Glazier and •Mrs. -Chatles Brandon. Modern Man Is The Vavouitte •Ladies. Vote: 11.49 In a debate held at the home of Mrs, John Wood on Wednesday, January 16, the ladies of Kippen East Wonten's Institute, proclaim- ed their .preference for modern man, over those of 50 years ago, with a slim majority. °it'll to 10. AffirnnatiVe of the subject, "re- solve& that mem of 50 years ago were better husbands than today" was taken: by M..rs. Carnpbell Ey- re and the negative by .Mrs, Will- iam Kyle. judges' were Mrs. Nor- man IYIeLeod and Mrs. W. J. F. BeL ' Mlss ki,rgaref McKay conunen- ted 'On the motto: Two Men look out through the Self -gime bars; one tees mud and the ether sees 'llvfrsArs." , John Sinclair was appoin- ted leader and Mrs. Wilier Broadfoot assistant leader of the garden alb. Members are asked. to bring to the February nieeting a 'knitted block six Indies settitre to finish tip an afghan started some thne• ago. It will be for- warded to the War Memorial Children's Mesiptal, London. Mrs. Brtice McGregor was solo- IVIra. J Drutrunond eoittribu- ted a ,pbent and tMrs. Ken MeXay a' piario solo. 'Mrs Charles Byte Was �d -hosts. Lunelleon Wes, served by MM. Sinclair, Verna AiderditeMrs. Rags Broad - Ida, Mrs. Charles Eyre and Mrs. Wiuilant Xyk, Ilensall Legion , Ladies Eleet 1957 Exeentive correapondent) The following °Mears were el- ected and Installed at a meeting of the Ladies' AUXiliary to the Coadian Legion, Rensa.4 Branch; President, Mrs, E. 0.11: Davis; vice-president, Mrs, W1111 a in BrOwli, Mrs, Goren Minn; see - pets*, Mrs, L; itton; trees - titer,• Mrs. William Parke; serg- eant-at-0MS, Mrs. IL Irorton; tetitive ittrg. Iton:Ubek, Iwt.q. In- ez mothottarf, Mrs, Reward Smote, Mrs, Robert MeXerle, Mrs. Gar- net Allan, Tale group will este to n bon - spell which the Legion, is sponsor- ing on Armory 2&ConVenerS are Mrs. Davis and 1Wrs, S, Ramie. fey ;Will aIso orgiOdZe a Red Cross tolleetio(t this year, Harry Horton volunteered welcome to all 'women who wish, to work _along with the girls, Part of the work undertaken. se far, is In visiting the aged and shut-ins and, by sendineeach week (ever since the revolt) .elothing, for the Hungarian refugees as Z4 tri=0: they arrive in Toronto. night•now the.Blueballs ere terested in raising money for th0 girl s sq. that thy may be more suitably dressed, and MAY heCOMO known. and respected 1;1 the town. They're making rugs, and will gd1y..accept 114ed nylon stoett,, ings for this•projeet, WHY DO ALI. 'THAT WRITING? When A Rubber Stamp 100 do It fe'ster, easier, 0114 wko knows? may. beneoantaritool Orderoatthe Clinton News -Record Oeilvery, Within ' 10 days. AW 1Comrtitiv9 Prices Plus Personal Service you need -,A 'GOOD- • :.:T0110 Pkasoit AMPO LES EXTRACT of COD LIVER COMPOUND helps fight winter itis, lack ,of energy --brings new vital- ' aity and lift. You'll like the taste. ONLY $1.35 at your drug store I.D.A. SPECIALS Jan: 28 -Feb.. 2 COLD CREAM 1 Ib. jar .7.-• 69e HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 4 oz. — 15e $ oz. — 23c 18 oz. — •39e • ir5AMALT 1 lb. 59e • 2 lb. — 08c 4 lb. — 8E69 SACCHARIN TABLETS gr. 500 .— 29c SHAVING CREAM STOMACH POWDER 4 oz. — 59c IA oz. — $1.49 WASH _CLOTHS c- 101/4 x 12 for 89c DEEP MAGIC Reg. 75c — 2 for 99c MAX FACTOR PAN STICK MAKEUP and LIPSTICK Both for $1.25 HALOSHAMPOO Reg. 913c for 19e PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE -. Reg. 59c — 2 for' 89e BAYER NOSE SPRAY With .FREE ASPIRIN ,,sso ItifION' AQUA 144ARINE HAND -LOTION -Reg. $2,00 for 8145 ODORONO !SPRAY DEODORANT Reg. .$1.25 for 98c - CUTEX HAND CREAM — 2 for 89c - • SERVICE FII B. PENNEBAKER I2-6626 DRUGGIST BOYS''' JACKETS— - . *Melton Cloth—AssortedColours & *Sizes—Reg, 0.951/2, Price at .. EACH StBURBAN COATS. ,Tweeds and :-Pleeces, 4/2 Price Iteg. $27.50 MEN'S JACKETS 4 Only BOYS' SUBURBAN COATS 3 Only --42-14-i6 years. t/71g thas Reg. $13.05 — SINCIAL .irti 41" / cts . 72 rnee SPORT SHIRTS gaclIG from $1.98 uP 1' SOCK -CLEARANCE SPECIAL TABLE .. . ...... . Vi Price PICKETp" CAMPBELL 1 ittam,66+. Ulf 6,44