HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-01-24, Page 7Heinbuck)' .5,00. .'Westman (Rohfrit- sch)•10.45, a'—Clinton, Hanly (Hartley) 12,15 4—;mitebell, B. Hartlieb 16,15 Penalties; Anstett (4100er- enee) 5,00; Codunhonn and P. Hartlieb (roughing) 14,55; Hein- buck (interference) 1514. Second Period B, Hartlieb Meat,- - • Penalties:lri '6,°5 1knstett (5 minutes for drawing ,blood) 7,00; Rohfrit- seh TM; D. Hartlieb (interference) 11:25; Behfritsch (boarding). 13.10; Smith (inter- ference) 16.30; Anstett (tripping). 18.02; McMillan (elbpwing) 18.45. Third Period - MCMillan . (West- man) 2,18 Weber -(Delmage) 4.10 8—Mitchell, D. Hartlieb (West- man) 8.40 9---lVlitChell, McMillan (D. Hart- lief, 9:24 10-Mitchell, McMillin (Westman, '1-leiribuelc) 10.15. 17 Clinton, Hanly r (Anstett) 12- ili15tchell, Merton (Westman) p.4.50 13—Mitchell, Morton (McMillan) 18,50 Penalties; Heinbuck (charging) 5.55; '('slashing) 7.00; Hug- ill 12,55; Lucan 7,-Colts 3 OF THE MANY GOOD, SOLID REASONS .. at I, — JUST. A FE YOU CAN'T AFFORD To MISS X Pak of Country Kids' Three-Act -Comedy Play in 'ONTARIO $TRXET CHURCH HALL, Tuesday, Jan 79 8:30 p.m. Local Talent rBetween Acts Sponsored byk Happy lioubles Club Presented Halmesville and Varna Farm Union Locals ADULTS: '50c; Children (under 12) 25c Tickets -available from 'members of the Club-and at 'Aiken Bros., and Merrill Radio and Electric ' RUSH SEATS WILL .P. AVAILABLE' 4-b C . . . : ack UTO YOUR cities Service Distributor O Phone HU 2.9653 Budget Plan Available At No Extra Cost "The -Home %of Good Clean Fuels" W. D. Newcombe, Phm. B. Chemist and Druggist PHONE HU. 2-951 1 — CLINTON F IMPORTANT NOTICE TO MY MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS: I wish to announce that I baiTe dis'cOntinued my franchise with Western Tire and Auto Supply. In the future the business will be known as CLAYT. DIXON'S AUTO SUPPLY ' PRICES AND MERCHANDISE WILL BE COMPETITIVE WITH CHAIN STORES. I sincerely thank one and all for patronage in the past and hope_ we can continue to do business in the futilre. CLAYilpixON. ;•,.441, ttiki PA January 30 1:30 & 8 p.m. SeaIorth Memorial Arena January• 31 8:00 p.m. Blyth Memorial nail.- - FOR FARMERS AND THEIR FAMILIES ONLY — This interesting and'profitable program is one you will enjoy. Every farni family will have a good time. And, of course, there is the oppor- thrifty to win a Free Prize. JOHNNIE BLUE JOHN DEERE SALES and SIDIWiet ArOrtni ONTARIO L'SEE YOUR FARGO DEALER, TODAY! Choice of 19 wheelbase s .0. or 6 pow0i4 ... ran#6 of mOdels I F 'Ph"e;• MURPHY BROS.H.0.._ CLINT 01%b4, 6 itcholl and L.tatan.-.Defeat Colts; Zurich Here Monday. Lucan Irish Six dropped Clinton Colts 7-3 in a hard fought '`,Cy- clone" league hockey game on Friday night. "Hard fought" is the best way to describe, the gaine_as the Colts; tried desprately but faded in the last period. Clinton took the lead, . in the first period on a goal by, coach Harry McElwan who was in the 'lineup due toa player shortage.. Lucan tied the game early in, the second' and went out in front to stay just before the period en- ded. ' EaCh team scored .early in the final 20 minutes' and until the 10 minute mark the game Was Still in doubt when goals /by Fletcher, Bob' White and Storey turned, the tide in favour of the Irish. Holmes, Hanly and' 11/LeEwan were the marksmen for the short- handed Colts as the team came up with one of their best efforts of the season. Goderich Township rs, Fred LOtib, was hostess to the .$S To. 4 Conimunity ,Club for 'the 4nuary meeting. The, Ares,, • ident .was. in charge. "rile roll :call was answered by ,paying of :fees. There' were pine -membet\s, •ate: • one visitor present, The •treasurer's and 41111114.1 were read, The afternoon was ,spent in quilting. ,Lunch was Annual Meeting TUCK:MPH= TOWNS FEDERATIO1Y AGRICULTURE Senforth 'District High School Wed., Jan. 30 1957, at B.36 P.m.' REV; DR, J. SEMPLE, :Egnionciville, Guest Speaker Elmer 6,*1 Jed, - %Ozark Mountain Boys of CKNX, as .Entertainers. Ladio Bring Lunch `;Speeial Invitation to ail Tucker- smith Farmers and their wives The January thaw has made it possible for -Cotierich TevvttshiP folk to once again see ,over the tops of the snowbanks, The WA of St, 4'atne.s' Church, Middleton, is: planning a social evening in SS, 0 ,(Tipperary} schoolhouse On, Friday evening`; January 25. The cernbrupity is urged to attend, The ladies are asked to please bring lunch, .Mr. and KM Reid Torrance at- tended a birthday party in Kippen last Friday for the lady's father Henry Ivison, who • was 93, years' old, Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Torrance and family; Mr, XviseWS i4x.„.Ur$, Brownlee and his, 91 year old brother Will- iam and Mr% and Mrs,.Ivison Tor- mice, Mitchell„ HOLMESVILLE Mitchell Legion.aires gave the young Clinton Celt* a lesson in passing on Monday night when they thumped the lowly '"blue and White 11.2 at the arena here. It was the 14th loss for Clinton- in. 16 games, 'Me Mitchell club was just too good, They outskated and out- hustled the Colts over the entire oo minutes and it 1514a, the mpg- niMent work of gooltender' Den Detiornme that held the score. down to 11, The second period. produced the best ' liOckey of the pine, The Legionaires spored the only mark- er of the period with B. liartliela Scoring on a .4reen shot from 30 feet out. Rohfritsch and Anstett locked .sticks. at -.centre ice 'And both received penalties. for 'their efforts, Anstett was given five minutes for inflicting a cut -on his opponents brow. The visitors pulled out oil the stops in the final 20 minutes and when the' dust of the battle had cleared Denorame had pigked the rubber out of -the net Seven times: Hanly scored the only Clinton goal, and it was a little tainted, With the shot coming from behinds the net to hit Dolson on the back of the leg- and' rebound into the twine. Mitchell—goal, Dolson, defence, Rohfritsoh, Heinbuck, Hen.nich, B. Hartlieb; forwards,,Weber, Smith, Dalmage, Westman, McMillan, D. Hartlieb, Morton. Clintone-gool, Denomme, - def- ence, Ana-tett, Bieman, Carter, Strong; forwards, Bartley,•Hugill, Hanly Hobbes, Edgar, Coleuhoun. • First .Feriod Mitchell, • Morton (McMillan, R(AF Lath) 90 The Iwo' Ladies Bowling, League was active again M. rri-: day evening• lEhtlitio4ors. remain in t,* opcyt with 62 Dints, ten up Trpiaps,. Third place is held by Hornets; and their .52 points are four more -th4n the fourth place Xing Prizes for the week were won' ky Mrs. .B. Pes'Arcline with 114 'for 'high cross and to Mrs. L. Pet-. tigrew for a. ,high single of 263, • 'Good gems of over 200 Were, Made by; Mrs, L., Pettigrew 2$7: and 263; Mrs. B, Posiardixte 250, 205; Mrs. ;N, Turnbull 230'; ' Mrs. K. Bnrkvitie .V.4 204; 1104. B. 'Thpmpson' 245; Ws. M. Pellne 242; Mrs, J., Mercer 216; - Mrs. K. Macaskill 215; Mrs, J. 'Cameron. 215; Mrs. :FP, Mon 210; Mrs. T. Clark 206, 203; Um 204; Mrs. L. Smith 202. 0 Calendar ,Contest' Sponsoed By Clinton 'Lauidry Sonlething new this year in con-" tests, is the weekly '-event spon, gored by Clinton -Laundry and Dry Cleaners, On their 1957' colend- ars,.a number appears, Each week a number is drawn, and the owner 'of the lucky calendar,. by present- ing it at the plant or downtown office, may claim a $3, credit: The first winner was Mrs. W. M, Eger, Vleterio. Street—No, 1200, o . . MODE Crash At RCAF Station Blinding snowstorms in the area ,on the weekend was blamed for : the two car crash on IiighWay 4 at, RCAF Station Clinton,.'when automobiles 'driven, by George Stanley and -Eldred Einmerson in- curred -several hundred dollars damage. served by .the hostess', with Mrs, M. Forbes And Mrs. Merrill. ,as,, sisting. - The meeting next month will, be- at the home at Mrs. JamesLobb., - Zurich. Lumberkings led by Don Hesse, Pen and,Poug O'Brien will b..0 the opposition for the' Clinton Colts at the local arena ,on Mon- day night, Zurietrhas, won . two games in the three meetings be- tween: the two teams Fans, .of the di Strict should come; out and get behind-their team and help to keep Clinton the bestt hockey town in the district. Mrs. William IVfeClinchey is a patient in Clinton Public Hospi- tal, Gordon Steepe has purchased the home of the late Thomas El- liott from the Elliott estate. The annual congregational sup- per of Holmesville United Church will •be held on Thursday, January 31, at 7 p.m. Ail members and adherents are cordially invited to attend NATURAL CURL PIN CURL For Masa • tit* Wafer'. sonar, more casuai wave. ft Nam. 101 to.. t Infd atYlea ono, o. oor FAST has professional waving lotion, famous Neutralock Neutralizer and fabric end papers , „ all for giving you a lovelier, inagar-lasting rave, Gentle, Regular; Super, Cara Nome Permanents are custom made for aft types of hair . • NATURAL CURL for LITILVGIRLS A SPOCIIII,gentlet formula made , aFelallyfor d mita hair of ilnran. Safe ewes In ta& only a law War are sound buys for every hauling j BED s piNti pEERE PAW -No lesson comes easy to Torn Gordon, cantankerous and humorous John Deere Day favourite. Living up to his established reputation for gtubborness, and contrariness, he appears this year in the latest of the Gordon family. series, "Please Pass the Pasture." This is one of the enter=' tainnient treats awaiting you at Johnnie Blue's John Deere Day, 1. Forgo's new Forward Look styling—With distinctive hooded headlights--is itoetiona/ as well as handsome. Its windshield (largest of any truck) gives you 1,023 square inches of vision area for greater "see-safety". Ita.optional wra -around rear window adds extra vision area, too. I 'elfton models, like the 0100 express above, are avail- able with exclusive push-button automatic transmission. 2. New high-compression. short-stroke V-8's are the most powerful in Fargo' history—up to 232 h,p. And Pargo's exclusive full-opening hood allows the most elbowroom for SerVieing. Saves time, money. 3. Extiosiire dome'shaped combustion chambers in Fargo V-8's get more GO out of every gallon, make "regular" gas fire like premium, minimize power.robbing carbon deposits, Fargo Sizes are extra thrifty, too. 4. Fargao°s new comfort Cab has a 5-way adjustable seat, extra roominess, centre-located dispatch box, many other features. Independent parking brake adjtists from intide *•••••••••.,.. 'f.,•.,:t:a• • • • Fargo trucks range from 4,250 lbs to 46,000 lbs. G.V.W., and up to 85,000 lbs. G.C.W. Many with greater capacities. Frames and other chassis components are built stronger than ever, toot Chogier Corporation of Capad,a, F NO TRUCKS OUILT TO FIT VOILIII JOS, cab without tools or troUble. 5. Fargo offers a complete range of husky models to meet every hauling requirement.