HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-01-17, Page 10k . rr ACHIEVE IT -Fortino. Coisider Parity Mn o e 00.000111 TQW1100r F0.104/ (By 1$11. NO M> , The SS NO,. 4, Goderich Town, ship 'Farm ,Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, .J..aelt Mer, rill. The toPie was -"how Can. Parity Income' for Agriculture be Achieved'" Last week parity in- come for -agriculture was disci*, sod, This week the discussion centred. around the. methods. of .achleving parity income for .agri4 culture,. The Forum members thinly the most important ways Of securing parity income would be- for eon, trolled. production by deficiency payments, •I different marketing systems' and by ,having prices ail, tonneed • well in advance of 'the, production season; so that farmers, could make decisions abput pro, duction based on a knowledge of the prices they„ could expect'. The Forum js 4mi:tett to the home of Mr, and -Mrs,. William Lobb for the met ineeting Saerament Sunday was -obser- ved in the.T3rucefield United Chine ch on $1144417 .morning. There Veee• a small attendance, owing to the snow-filled roads .anal • siekness, Mr. 'and Mrs: R, MONAD,. formerly Of Blyth; Mr,eand Mrs. Fred, Mc-. Gregor,. formerly •Turrier'S. Church; were welcomed . to tile congregation. These -counlee transferred their certificates, Miss Mitchell, Parkhill, le Spell- 'ding a feeiedays wish the Rev, and Xre, S,*DaVisofe MISS Barbelle Themeon, ,Alex .and Wendt spent the weekend with frieude in Detroit NM, Wilson, Urs. Douglass, and Margaret McQneen, are all lin- previhg after their recent illness, Gordon MOANS= is in St. -josenh'e Hospital, London, where he Underwent surgery on. Monday, Measles are prevelante In and :eiround the village,e a number of echildren, as well as grown-ups are confined• to' their homes, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Scott are spending.. a few days with their eon-le-law and daughter,. Mr. and 'Mrs. Rusheali, Trenton. Their ''little granddaughter Lynn return- eed horde with them after spend-' 'ing 4 month here, Mr, and Mrs. James Paterson, London, spent the weekend with the formeers parents, Mr. and Mrs. A„ Paterson, Mee was able to 'resume his duties at RCAF Stat- ion Clinton on Monday after "sev- eral months. illness. A fair crowd attended the show- ing of "Pair of Country Kids" in 'the church on Tuesday evening. /t was sponsored by the church, choir. Mrs. Mac Wilson played -violin selections between the first and second acts,*accompanied by 1Virs. J. It, Murdoch. • DuWay-ne Illiott and Fred Lobb sang duets lbetween the other acts, eter • The children are'Inaking 'gtvat nee of 1.10'.$1caOng rinlc these ..91d end Mrs-, C.. Steitz ,quiet, oheerved 'their .58tn wedding .annIvorsary lpst PridaY, quite .a few friend's afid. neighbours called to wish the oole many mere annlversatieS. Mrs, Wes •Bradnock, Mrs. Don, aid halm% Mrs. Gordon noble, Laherland, Mrs. trod .Sianderson and Mrs. ss attended the. annual PreSbyter -Meeting .at Clinton Presbyterian Chsrch., last Tuesday, Mrs. Gordon McClirichey and her mother; Mre, William Ander- son have reterned from tWo. mptIths . Vieit to the west 'Mrs, Anderson remained in Toronto; to visit her eon Thomas and sister Mrs, Albert Shackleton. Kew WYO., 'United Vings The Woman's Missionary See, iety of Ienox United Church met ,Tanuary $, with 21 present. Mrs, O. Anderson gave the Call to Worship, by reading a short Poem entitled, "It is a Good ThiM ta Give Thanks' Unto the Lord/. followed by a hymn, Mrs, w "Craig was pianist, Portione Vphesians were read by Mrs. I-I, Webster. Mrs, C. Straughan offered prayer. The heralds, Mrs. G. Milian oh temperance and Mrs. F. Tall Christian stewardship, gave very interesting papers on their sub- ject A solo was sung by Mrs. E. Durnin, "Jesus Seaviotir Peilot Me." " The Study Book was capably explained by MI. E. Wightman, The story Went very deep int() the lives of the people in the Phil, lipines and Inclo China, both spir- itually and physically and was educational, as well as interest- ing. Mrs. O. Anderson thanked Mrs. Wightmart and all who had help- ed her with the program, Mrs, Wightman took charge for the business portion. Minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. R. Deepen. Treasurer's report giv- en by Mrs. H, Webster. Several "Thank You" notes were read, seat in by the shut-ins- who had been remembered by the MIMS at Christmas. Several items of business were discussed. Mrs. Wightman offer- ed prayer in memory of departed " members. Hneon Coutity Soil and Crop Im- provement Association. A. resolution forwarded to the County Federation, requested, that the floOr price of -hogs be raised frpm the present. `23 cents to 25 cents. Hullett Of Name Dqlegates , Oii .Many Groups • ''Twenty-two direaors of the Hullett Township Federation of '4l+griculture met for their first meeting in 1957 in the Londesboro Hall last Thursday, and appointed 'Percy Gibbings, as secretary-trea- surer again. The folloWing Idelegates to the various commodity gronps were named: George •Powell, poultey producer; Lloyd. Stewart, hog producer;. Getege Carter, beef Producer; Donald Buchanan, cream producer. . Mrs, Lloyd Pipe was named lady director. ' The group will donate $10 to- ward the Seed. Fair being held le Clinton• District Collegiate- Instit ute on March 1 and 2 by the mt.* L.Orn?.. PojcBy • CO:rierslondence Correspo.ndeiiee courses are of., fered by the Department of. g4- ligation to all those interested in advanced learning at home, Course designed for persons in, terested in becoming tradesmen. are available; in carpentry, auto- motive mechanics, machine shop practice, et the low fee of $10 course.. Information and applicae thin forms available from The Director, Correspondence Courses Branch, Department of Education, 206 Huron Street, Torthrto 5. These courses are provided in co-opera- tion with the Federal Government and are available in All provinces. In 'Ontario cotirses, in elexiee- tary• school level 'arithmetic and English and in a variety • of sub- jects in secondary school, level 'leading to full departmental Grade Mg standing, are avail- able, F • rAnn UWE Parr Line Rorum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon. Love, with 11 members present, Parity means that "the 'mote Of the farmer,", 'measured in abil- ity to purchase the goods and see- vices Which his family needs, should be -fair and just, when measured against' the income of other groups in the population." The forum does not believe that parity prices cart be maintained by government direction. Parity- prices can be improved by mark- eting boards being set up ' and maintained for ten_ Farm Pro- ducts, wheat, barley, corn for grain, cheese, butter; concentrat- ed milk products, Wore-hogs, and eggs. Government Price • Sup- ports should be maintained on all these products. Bean Boards have proved to be a stabilizing factor in the price of beans. Progressive euchre was then played. The winners were,Lladies, Mrs. Gordon Coleman and Mrs. John .Solclan; gentlemen; Wilfred Moussean 'and Gordon Coleman. The hostese served lunch. LIVE WIRE " The Live Wire- Farm Forum met at the home, of 'Mr. and Mrs. Clagence. Crawford, •with 13 ,adults and ,four children' Present. The• fere= could come to no agreement on how it could be achieved. In the niembers opin- ion it still ruled by the fact that supply and demand influences prices. , James McDougall conducted the' business peritid. Next week the OTA questionaire will be an. iwered. Next Meeting is at*, and Mrs. Bert ,'Sholirook's. • 5 GOderich -Township • VSIE • " " • '''''''' • • • ''''' — -.=A - Measles are spreading through " the families with children .in the SS 8 area. .They are attending • the Bayfield Public School. The Hohneeville-Varna Locals of the OFU presented their comedy,' "A Pair of Country Kids" in Wal- ton last Teesday night to rie house. .The WA of St. James' Church, Middleton, " is plaieding a sociel' evening' in SS 9,- (Tipperary) on Friday evening, January Z: -The neighbourhood is invited to attend and will the ladies please bring! luneh. ' r \JANUARY ,SALE '116,19uart Size. ' A new sense of motion is yours-in the '1957 Chrysler with Torsion-Aire Ride: There is no ' "feeling of leaning as you round corners, virtually no• bumpiness, even on rough roads, and no, uncomfortable dip of the hood when you brake: „A hew pride of ownerships is yours, too, with the -107 Chrysler. For its Flight-Sweep styling reflects not.only a look,gf superlative beauty,• but of quiet good taste. It is the car for those with an intuitive appreciation for the ,finest. A new feeling of smooth-harnesoad power, is- yours with Chrysler's new fully automatic 3-speed- • transmission. You merely ye BOTTLE * ing ize argains The new.Chrysler for 1957 has most ',assuredly earned the ,clistinction of being. called 'classic", • For 'in' its long,•graceful lines there is/a kind of beanty that is both timely and timeless. A beauty perfectll in harmony with today, yet possessed of an enduring quality that will make it b pleasure for many years. , And, as yoU'd expect, the engineer-, ing• of the new-Chrysler is as flawless as, its styling. Chrysler, this year, •brings .'"you many new developrnents, such as 2 Year Guarantee SUPER PL ENAM I NS—'144's $7.95:—(Save $2.41) CARA NOME HOME PERMANENTS $1.75 KLENZO MOUTH -WASH 16 oz. 98c (Save 42c) Only $1.69 • satin-smooth Torsion-Aire Ride .•. . a' ush a button ...nudge remarkable new three-speed automatic the accelerator. . and transmission . . . and an engine with ease forward with a surge greater power than any in Chrysler history'. See the new Chrysler soon. We know you will be pleased,' „e, CHRYSLER CORPORATION .of quiet, self-shifting power you can experience , only in' the magnificent new Chrysler for 1957. • ADHESIVE TAPEc-1/2 " x 5 yds.--:-R9g. 33c NOW 29c i .., .PLAST1C QUICK-BANDS , reg. 75c for 67c -, 1., TIFFANI . • ABSORBENT' COTTOW-2 oz.. 45c, - NOW 39„c .... A-SA-REX TABLETS-- grain- , . 200's for $1.19 - HAND CREAM . COD LIVER OIL (high potency) 16 oz. „ $1.85 . Fdr QUICK SWABS—,-200's ,RR.eegg .. 21..2550- 1 Oft . ADRIENNE mow NET, 11 oz. $1.98 ()rats Saie $1.32) REXALL TOOTH BRUSHES LIMITED '1 00 PURETEST OLIVE OIL 59c 39c 49C " COLD CAPSULES 75c New Yorker 2-door hardtop 16 TIFFANY LIPSTICKS PINWORM TABLE-rp, enough for the family Only $1.25 Polymnlsion RUBBER GLOVES 3.95 Over the small,size 79c $1.50 NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM-10 oz. jar $1.25 PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE--reg. 33c 2 for 49c reg. 59c 2 for 89c KOLYNOS TOOTH PASTE— reg. 59c 2 for 89c COLGATE TOOTH PASTE-- reg. 59c 2 for 89c OF THE - YOU'RE ALWAYS A. STEk. AHEAD IN CARS 1oo's 1. Halibut Oil ITT , -",,IF Chemist and Druggist ' W . C. Newcombe, Phm. B. Youcs_f su,,LEis., 1 50c , Phone HU. 2-9511 ' --L —. Clinton FORWARD LOOK cL MIT ON Phone. MURPHY- HU. 2-9475 ININAtaaafaIall,~ • ermo:Ws Weat ..g Janialy -Clearince 'Sale SAVE 10 c to ON SUITS .TOP(OATS SWEAltRS SPORTSWEAR ETC. INTON aterloo Breeding. Association Has Annual Meeting tQrowth, in members arid' Service. was shown at the-manual meeting of the Waterloo Cattle Breeding. AssogiatiOn in, • Kitchener last Tuesclay when reports ehowed that 53,0.51 COWS had been inseminated during the year ending. November ; po, 1956, an increase of 6,454 over the year before, Also, 1,073 new members. joined the Association, brineing the total membership to 6,395. Directors remained . the same, with OM new ones, Sherwood I'd, lor, Galt, representing the Jersey breed and Stanley Shantz, Beden, representing the dual purpose Shorthorn breed: added,- New pres- idente of the association le Ward 4k,• Shantz, RR 1, Waterloo, • Guest .speaker; Dr, He A. lier- mare Columbia, Missouri, told of the-improved quality of cattle gained through artificial breeding, the tremendous arneunt. Of know- ledge that has.. been gained' in. cattle breeding methods and the tremendous growth this corn, peratively new industry, in a short time. 'The"Women's IVIisStionarY Soc- iety of Knox Presbyterian Chur- ch met at the. home of Mrs, Herb Govier with an attendance of 19. The president Mrs. Wes Beadnock presided and opened the meeting with a poem. Mrs. JohrieHoust- oil installed 'the neW officers for 1957. The devotional period was tak- en by Mts. F. Ross and Mrs. Bd. Davies. The Glad Tiding/ prayer was given by lefts. J. W. Graham. A -ehoet alit "What doee God re- quire of Me?" was taken by Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs. D. A. MacKay, Mrs. lier,b Govier and Mrs. F. Ross.° --The roll call was atistvverd'd by naming a woman in the old testa- ment: A letter of thanks Was' read from the' Hamilton saniter- hem for the Sunday School" pepers the Mission Band had, sent them. A vote of thanks was accorded Mrs. Gordon Chamney for prin- ting the programs., Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson gave the high lights of the annual Presbyterial. meeting held'in Clinton Presbyterian Cher- che, Mrs. DonaldHaines introduc- ed the new study :hook "South East Asia. Mrs.jeradneck theiiked' all who had tiari part and Mrs. R. J. PhilliPs for aecomPanYing the hy- mn on' her harp. e " Mrs. Lois Haines offered the closing prayer..-: The hostess serv: ed refreshmeritsi ews Brumfield . • CorretoPentleNt MRS- 4, F', •liVORY y. Auburn Q0M08P01400# WS, -FARO. ROSS Vhone Thlinannon 9 1'1'5 Windsor 4-door haidtop