HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-11-23, Page 5VI) lngtati mtgr ,,Not.innrwswommmart*Woos.0.404~4~O•no FRIDAY, NOV. 2a, 1888. gest Wasvan.Osia• Mr. P. Unfon, of the Oth eon,, had his arni brilt;en, a few days ago, be- tween tho elbOw and shoulder —Mr. P, Stewart and M. Thomas Sbiell left for the State of Wisconsin on. Friday last. They are two promising young lands, and will make their mark in the 'world.—Mr. John Currie effectively wielded the hammer at the auction -sule of Messrs, Linklater and Walker on the lath con. on Wednesday and ,on the whole good prices were realized. —De. W. Shorts, a native of this township, who has been practicing 7 dsurg,rery across the lines, spent a few /Nays among relatives here last week, —Mr. Wm. Bird has taken hie departure for the Old Land where tie intends spending the winter.—Mr. A. Lawarence, of Lonclesborough, has organized a singing class at Westfield .and it is being well attended —The swamps and woods were thtnagecl with sportsman ou Thursday of last week, .btit the game was mu3lt less plentiful than the hurs,--Messrs. J. Me - Omen and R. Henry have returned from their hunting tour.in Muskoka. They wererather unsuccessful owing to the dry weather. ---,A very interesting debate took place at the 'literary rneet- ling on Friday evening lastuthe subject being Whether has the miser or the spendthrift done most -to degrade society. The speakers were : Wightman, A. McDow'S11, P. W. Soott and C. '1Tightman. Those for the :spendthrift: J;Taylor, B. Coultes,s,40. Scott sand M. ill. •Harrison. The decision•was given 'in favor of the spendthrift 'by ',three .points.—Mr. T. 'Walker, of •the 'Salt Well, had the 'point of one • of his fingers badly crushed en Thursday morning. Lower Wingham. Mrs. William Netterfiekl, of the '"Soo," is visit friends in this locality Mr. Netterfield is going to make a tour throdgh Montana.—The young lad IVI orrison, that was injured last week, at school, has not been able to put in his appearance since.—Mr. James Currie, of the boundary, has returned from Manitoba, where he has been en- gaged farming, and intends remaining with his parents this winter.—News was ,received here , this week of the death rn Goderiii4 of Mr. iteng Guest; a former resident of this place. The deceased had been in poor health V. for some years. Be formerly carried on T. the harness making in Wingham, but had to give it .up on account of his health, when he removed to Lower town,,,thinking the change would be beneficial, but was disappointed, and then he removed. to .Goderich. He 'was held in high esteem by his many friends, being a christiftn in every sense of the word.. We offer our deepest . and heartfelt sym- pathy to the bereaved ones. He "'WM about 42'years of age. Lucknow. Mr. John Stewart, proprietor of the planing mills here, died suddenly ou Wednesday last, having been ailing only a few days. His death's supposed •Itsa have been induced by a complication ' of diseases, Bright's trouble having been aggravated by congestion of the N lungs. He was in his 44.1 yes and • leaves a wife and seven children.— About 225 car loads of apples have been shipped this season and at least 25 cars are yet to be sent. Pioneer Hardware Store STONE BLOCK. C It I S MI S GOODS, COMPRISING : CARDS, TOYS, GAMES, FANOY GOODS, BOOKS, BOOKLETS, ETC., ETC., IN WINGIIAM. A CALL SOLICITED BEFORE BUYING. GEO. MAS ["MA.SON BLCiCK,"] ONTARIO. EMS EMMY 1LITABLIEINT Has a most complete assortment of the LA.TEST, CHOICEST, and MOST CHARMING ARTICLES in Watches, Clocks, Jewellery and Silver Goods. TM CAN BUT AT 10- CLOSE ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING, AND WORK ALL WARRANTED. GO RIGHT TO GREEN'S BLOCK FOR YOUR JEWELLERY; , THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND RELIABLE 4:;/q/q/e/e/o/e/o/o/o/o/e/o/Olo/d/elo/o/o/o/c/o/o/o/o/o/e/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/oio The Leading Cross Cut Sawsl AMERICAN A-TIEAD OF ANY, AMERICAN RACER LANCE,' . SMITIPS LEADER. BEST LINES ---OP--- GROMING A2CESt CANTLE all'ILENS All at 130TTOM PRICES. vzrr:,s. VALt1"3 13,ffia L. pPI! ir, Tat _ FilSTAATRANT o/o/o/o/o/oHo/o/o/q/qoph/q/v/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/ •r.AEEJ8 TTIM TJMA.3D- '• BEST BALTIMORE 'OYSTERS SHIPPED DIRECT. 'CELEBRATED NEW BRUNSWICK CREAMS.. CHOICEST VA TY OF ORANGES, LEMONS, GRAPES, &O., AND ALL YAW -RUES OF SEASONABLE FRUIT, THE BES CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, AND A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF PIPES. GREA QUANTITIES OF XMAS GOODS O.N THE WAY. PEANUTS § ROASTED .§ DAILY. PPOSITE THE'OENTRALHOTEL, : • 4 WINOTIAM, ONT. 111.1•1015••••00.5.1•41611101111.1•••••••••• OLDSMITITS HALL Is the place where all can be supplied with Watch% Gloag, $owellary, Sitircrwetro and Sviectaaeles Of the BEST QUALITY and at the LOWEST PRICES. Having just returned from the Wholesale Markets, where I have bought a very heavy stock of above articles for Spot Cash, 1 amin a position to offer, them to my Customers and the Public generally at 1R,0 0' IC 13011 -TOM. 3217Z,ICS_ Call and see my Fine Assorted Stock of Ladies' and Gants' Gold Watches., Ladies' and Gents' Gold. Chains, the 'finest and cheapest lot of Ladies' -Brooch- es, Earrings, Cuff -buttons, &c., in theTown I have the finest and largest stock of Gold Rings ever kept in Wingham, consisting of Plain Rings, Stone Set Rings, Diamond Rings and Scarf, Pins., In Watch Movements I have them in stock from all the leading manufac- turers of the -United States The Elgin, Waltham, Hanipden, Rockford, Columbus and Aurora Watches, 1 also a very large stock of Clocks, from $i.20 upwards. If you want a Christmas or New Years present, VANSTONE'S is where you can get it either in gold or silver at Rock Bottom Prices. As I have bought for spot cash, that is just the reason that I can offer goods so cheap. E0a1l•and inspect my stock, do all kinds of repairing in watches, clocks, jewellery, &a., at reasonable prices and all warranted. Thanking y numerous customers for the very liberal patronage bestowed on me since ing to Wingham, and soliciting a continuance of she same, I remain, yours truly, JAS W. INGLIS, ..jralsavos••••••=••••••••....1., / SUG'OESSOR TO II. PARK. "Remenibor the stand : .Next door to the Post Office. oss aimunomorgoomMormeaspremmtahormor .„........em...treanktrzn..eisato.reittar.sowerineriemoompan*Min 'TOWN PROPERTY • FOR SALE+, M1JS10- MTSS NELLO DlicHARD-Z, L A SSE S you INSTRUCTION ON PIANO ANI) JOrgan, in Voiee Culture and lIarglony. Mimic Itoomn :n BwiVaa 111,004. Strayed. Cattle. cyriyFt) ritom LoT no, cox. 13, tM Ct) Ilawotol 31,04 the 2)traaf Oetnin s year. 111,4 eqile, 4 lb ts ;Ind 2 .steers. Tu suers gi'Q Io or croy and (lie idaer 2 aro tot .14.y tilat iv ill to ti' recovery of thLso ' East MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Inc autterg, Sloighg, Buggiog, ewe, &@. Repairing of all kinds attended to. AV- PRICES VERY MODERATE, GIVE ME A CALL. CHRISTMAS GOO off Popular poot6 11111I1 UiNDERSIONED 10.8 DECIDP.1) to oit'or far sale several good properties in the Toss - riot, (Lowor Winghantjecanposed as fellows : • Patton : Lots Nos, 121 and 135 on tile North side of Water itt. and lots No. ist u0siS on tile South side of Victoria St. These lot.; are all toss4ther and compose a splendid 1 acre park lot, Excellent %vane. Fatten It ; ram LCYPS—IglIDIberi4 :10, 40, 01 alld xil on The Bast biolt, of Itorbort a., la the Tann Piot, Fisher's Snot, •v. 0D t .14ttn 110 Goveitant Mill Reserve, r;:yy CALL Fisher's litt5rey, Lot Ni. o n tits 1 Ado Lir Helena dt., about oacoliib of an acre, g itli Knall aad stable. Parties wislikg to FC•.3 pilipelliCEI and aseatain AWLLoney Winwliarni tur.; aLag du so by apt ‘iying t,o adh), ut!I ty:HoL'ALAy Mit% T. PRICP, "awati,-;:21, Nov, 22, tiai. —It Winghlan P. O. We haye Every Department filled with the Lates Marked at Lowest Possible Pric 0 HOLIDAY GIFTS IN ALMO LESS VARIETY Shelves Pull of Pretty, Charming 1:`ooks. Look in r-nd examine ,our supply of Fancy Goods: what you want, 3ORDO 011 Min HAVE NOW THEIR impanso hock of Fall Goods COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, And without attempting to give even an outline of the many important additions this season to their usually attractive stock, they would simply extend a most cordial and hearty welcome to every person visiting their House. They will take pleasure in showing thoh. Goods and quoting Prices. • If goods an' price a are satisfactory, they will be delighted tO sales, and the larger the sales the more delighted they will be. UPON T111,14 EARLY. IT WILL PAY YOU TO DO SO GOEDOBT &reitarTZT.i171, Bnows