HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-01-17, Page 9nn r and Get Fast Starts) with Citi eves es -- ornta-0---M2L4......40111111S7 ervice PREMIUM GASOLINE TRY A TANKFUL TODAY! CANTELON'S Service Station Corner Mary & King Sts. Carl Cantelon, proprietor Phone HU 2-9032 CLINTON -- ONTARIO , SORwifImuminimm T e LE Trowit$4ip of Tuckersmith To facilitate snow removal operations, the public is re, quested not to park cars or vehicles on .roadsides during the wittiter months. .And Notice is hereby given -that the Township will not he responsible for. any damages caused to such vehicles as a result .of snoniplowing opera- tions. , E. .0, CHESNEY, • Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith 49-tfb — 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111MIINT .01;.11111 11111111 mug YOU'RE NOT A GOOD DRIVER .IF you DRIVE, WHEN TIRED Driving a car when you are tired is acianger- ,, ous highway habit. You cannot ,drive safely in modern traffic if your reflexes are slow and your eyes are half closed, If you feel weary—pull off the road and take a rest. HOW GOOD ARE YOUR DRIVING HABITS ? DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS—ONTARIO AT YOUR LOCAL FOOD STORE ' ................................................................................................................................ Price withOut trade-in _r— I tit _ .111M1•01•1 ar rmstron de ° Toronto Nteeti peatUine for sending in ,applica, tions to take Part in the Soil ana` Crop Improvement Association bus trip to Toronto and the .annual convention there has been set for January 23, Send along Z4, pay., able to W, Montgomeryi at Clinton. The .conventiOo. this year in- cludes an exhibit - of machinery at the 'ColiSetun, and of course the Ostia.' speakers. - W, P. .Watsen, Live .StoolcComtnissioner will give his address, "The Agriceltural 5. est zeal in .thely .work and mak. MT better in love, work. And., prayer. Mrs, Sim Roobol favoured with a 'lovely solo, the .Garden,"' with Mrs. T. J. SherrItt accornp,' anist. Thank you notes were read from. Mrs, William ..1.4ferrry and Mrs. L. =ler; Mrs. W. Cross: reported that the orona.hed over- reached Their ,allegation of WO, The speaker, Rev. C, P. Daniel spoke .en ,the work of the WKS,- MrS. R, M, Peck presented the slate of offieers;-honorary presi- dent, Miss Al, Ellis; past- president, Mrs. W. Pi. Crop's; president,. Mrs. George Armstrong; vice-presid- ents, Mrs, T. .Coates,, Mrs. A. Clark, Mrs, Daniel, Mrs, H. Cook; treasurer, Mrs, W. B, .Cross;: secretary, Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie; assistant secretary, Mrs. E., SprOat; corresponding secretary, Mrs. -William Henry; 'Christian stewardship secretary, Mrs. A.-B, Roweliffe; friendship secretaries, Mrs. George Thompson, Mrs. E. Sproat, Mrs. M. Traquair; liter, ature secretary, Mrs. ga,ri, Rowe; 'associate helpers secretaries, Mrs, George Hoss,., Mrs. Sberritt, Mrs, S. Mitchell; supply 'secretaries,. Mrs, R, M, Peck, Mrs, W. R. Dou- gall, Mrs, James Smillie, Mrs, William Forrest, MrS. H. B. Jon- es, Mrs. A. Alexander; citizenship secretary, 'Mrs. W. R. Stephenson; Missionary Monthly secretary, Mrs. Jarvis. Horton; pianist, Mrs, Sherritt; assistgrit, Mrs. Coates; press-secretary, Mrs. R. M, Peck; assistant, Mrs. Hess; Baby Band superintendents, Mrs. Hess, Miss Ellis; baby band assistants, Mrs. E. Ohipchase, Mrs. R. Richardson., Mrs, H. 1VIeE`Wan„ Mrs, S. ell;mission band superintendents, Mrs. J, Cornell, Mrs. H. Arm- strong, Mrs. G, Munn, Mrs. Christ- - tie. . i*" 1.-#, .11i,y,...r.#- Luncheen was, served by Mrs. N, Jones, Mrs, W. .11. ,Stephensen, Mrs. W. R. Dougall, Mrs, Hess. I _ • 4.11$ethlehein.' • 17 triernbers 41.0,ad Club, at the Decembe Mr ad; elected president of the London' we.red roll .call, Christmasbynr,. "O, „Little Town um. William Watkins. was re, oe pets Re s, Wm Watkins ans gopened presided with the 'Mrs. Anderson, Sr., and Mrs. Ilan were named vice-pre.sid- .0. Other °fife-Ors are, secret-- 417# Mrs, Norman 'Manning; trees,' urea, MrS. RoOth; floWer ,cenven- erN Mrs. ' Managhan; social .com- mittee,Mrs.' Managhan, Mrs. Ma- Jean Anderson, Nellie Nott gee, """ erv. (By verropmidego the annual niaeting. Of the nen4' Sall Won and installation of .ofv. fivers was held Jrannary 1 in the Legion Mall, preceded by a dinner served to. 24 by the 'Ladies' Auxiliary. President S. G. ante .was in the,chair for the meeting, The following officers were in. stalled by Zone ...Commander Tier, nisn Teong, Kincardine, assisted• by George Inglis, gowick, district service bureau officer; president, S. Q, Rannie; vice-presidents, Philip McKenzie, Henry Stasik.; sergeant-M..4ms, Leonard. Noak- es; secretary-treasurer, P, E. Mc Naughton; executive, S. Arthur, ft. E. Shaddick, , Beer and Roy Sr-pale, • and Mrs: Cann; buying committee Mrs. 13,, Plumsteel, Mrs, Rooth and Roberta Plumsteel; pianist Mrs. Magee. A card of thanks was received from Mr. and Mrs,, Engel for the club's remembrance of Mr, Engel ;Who has been in hospital for; some time. Bones were sent to shut-ins at Christmas. Roberta Plernsteel shad charge of the program which -consisted' of Christmas carols and instrum- entals by Mrs, Cann, Susie; Syl- via and Kathy Cann, Effie, .Carol and Ronnie Plumsteel; Resalee and Judy Watkins. •• Santa Claus -distributed gifts from' the tree. Lunch was served by Mrs. Doucette, Mrs, Magee, as- sisted by the hostess. The Jan- uary meeting will be at Mrs, .Ben- nett's home, 'Where Mrs. Manag- han will assist as hostess, There will be a. penny' sale at this meet- ing. - Mrs. F. Walters Presides Over Tuckersmith Club The January meeting of the Tuckersrnith Ladies' Club was held at the home of Mrs. Christ- ena Brown, with the new presi- dent, Mrs, Frank. Waltprs, in the• clialr. Ten members and five 'Vis- itors were present, The roll call was answered by "The most use- ful gift that I received at Christ-. The secretary's and treasurer's reports• were given, and a letter from the Children's Aid Society, C,,ederich, was read, thanking the club for the December donation of $15. At the December meet- ing, $50 to the Salvation Army and $10 to the Christmas Seal TB fund were also donated. The club voted to collect used cloth- ing and necessities for Hungar- ian immigrants in Ontario. Don- ations are to be left at the home of Mrs. Walter Pepper before January 26. In the program following the business meeting, readings were given by Mrs. Alice Lawson. Mrs. Frank Walters and Mrs. Howard Johns, and a- contest by Miss Ruth Crich: The meeting closed with the Hoineinakers' Prayer, followed by a lunch served by group one. The officers for 1957 are: hon- orary 'president, Mrs; E.. Crich; president, Mrs, Frank Walters; vice-president, Mrs. Bert Garrett; secretary, Mrs. William Pepper; treasurer, Mrs. Alice Lawson; as- sistant secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Ed. 'Layton; pianists, Mrs. E. Crich, Mrs. William Pepper; Social committee, Mrs. Warren Whitmore, Mrs, Warren Gibbings, Mrs, Eldon O'Brien, Mrs. Walter Pepper; floWers and cards, Mrs. G. Orich, Mrs, Bert Garrett; press reporter, Mrs. Howard Johns. Auditors for 1957 are, Mrs. N. Sillery and Mrs. Christena Brown. -SNOW TRAVEL- barga"in in Winter ' driving safety... With a pair of Snow-Travel Tires on your rear wheels you're safety-sot'1111 winter long. PULL AWAY font ice- rutted curbs quickly and easily CLIMB HILLS without slipping or sliding. NO BOGGING DOWN, even in deep snow, slush or mud. Hundreds of flexing lugs grip and bile their way through heavy snow, slush or mud. Sturdy 4-ply Super-Flex Rayon Cord with longer-lasting Jet Cold Rubber Treads. Super -Leslie SNOW TRAVEL is priedd away below. the market. 600/16 670/15 Reg. List Reg. List $18.95 $20.70 12.95 13." and your -and your Class "A" Class "A" ' trade-in trade-in 0 Because of the variable Canadian climate and because'Canadians en- joy one of the highest Living stand- ards in the world, Canadians use textiles at a rate about three times the world average, (BY our lifeasallt PorreoPoadorit) The annual meeting of the Wo,, man Missionary Society of Hen, sailUnited'. Church, was held Thursday afternoon', January' with Mrs. C. D. Daniel in the chair.„ Mrs. O. Armstrong presi- dent, read" an excerpt from the Missionary Monthly, written by Rt. Rev., Jams 5, Thomson, Mod- erator, Whb expressed his aderat- lop for the work of the WiNIS and hoped that in this new year they Would cOntinue to keep the earn- 'go 147;77#4,1, • 4 • ER 5/1 ow it Ir 670 15 . rik1V n Price without trade.in 15 o and 'Our A. Cioss ade !n 4 ^ ..;••::1::-• • {z„. --,.. . . 4444. „IP' • ti e ssaaffiliss and your Class "A" ii$:;*/ fracre-in.. I SUPER MS Pr 670/15 Clinton Memorial Shop PRYDE and SON LINTON EXETER SEAFORTH Thema% Steep, Clinton Roptotentotiro Pi;oniOs Bus,, HU 24600 2-3869 EXPRESS WINTER Natural Rubber Tread 610/15 With class "A" E„95 trade-in Qp Regular List Price $29.05 181.4,0td/a1,52J,tWithtrat. re cnia ue $ tis TN GE GOING — when others can't pull ' away. SEEP GOING — when others slip and slide. WINTER-EXPRESS "100-Level" Snow-Mud Tires, with identical quality construction features as new car tires, at alt honest-to-goodness savings bi you .of • $13.10, (with trade-in) on the 670/15 size. Enthusiastic motorists who switched to WINTElt-EXPRESS lard winter tell us that they have never before used a tire with more dOwnright PULL. The deeper shoulder buttresses dig in to take a bigger blte•— get, you away -fast and easy In heavy snow or mud. Smooth- riding centre tread ribs wipe Slippery, treacherous film off ice end wet roads for sure "GO"\ and Safe "STOP". WINTER- EXPRESS 4)111 PULL you through any- where that ohains will. Run smoothly and quietly,' on, dry or bare roads. Priced for Odra savings! Jim's cheque is one of - two million It's pay day--arid' in one quick trip to the bank Jim will have his cheque cashed, a deposit mad; his bank book written up. He' likes this safe, convenient way of handling money. aim's cheque is only one of two million written every day by Canadians, paying each. other for goods and services..They represent , 90 per cent of all transactions involving money, and speedy, skilled handling of cheques by the chartered banks is essential ) to the smooth functioning of the economy. , -meamor,m, alremmi — Rrvele Wiltra Mei customer's who write cheques frequently, there is a current account; for people whose main purpose is to save, a savings account. . Your local.branch provides these and other banking services of value 'to everyone. - • GUARANTEED and 160/15 With class "A" n gs ROAD HAZARD INSURED0 trade-in L Regular List Price $354(1 THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR"-COMWAITY # • NORTH ST, oodooth, Ont. !a w L. Whetstone