HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-01-17, Page 7Progressive Conservative Association Federal Constituency of Huron. NOMINATING CONVENTION . e Monday,2 13Ffluary 28 at LEGION HA.LL, biINTON- • Guest Speaker: Geor4e Hees, M.P. for Toronto Broadview Eledion of Officers „CHAS. MacNAUGHTON, JOSEPH MURPHY, President . Secretary. rl EW! Liquid "Leatherizing" Coating! Liqui Leather e Covers Fabrics, Leathereftes, Plastics, Leather. • Transforms chairs, sofas, t kitchen chairs, shadeS, outdoor furniture, coyerings, purses, belts, etc., etc., in beautiful lasting leatherized ECONOMICAL — IfASTING, EASY TO APPLY 14 Beautiful Coiours SEE THE COLOUR CARD AT OUR STORE 1 pt. $1.39 quart $3.95 SUTTER-PERDUE LTD. "Your FRIGIDAIRE Dealer"' 414 MUMMY. t14.14k14.1W 3.BO'r referring to the General Folpistio og St. jalnes. .14rs. Nelson read the first chapter of St. Jam- es, in connection with Mrs, MAO," dOitald'a:address.. Fire Cans The p•Ayfield Fire Department had two cold runs last week. The first oall was to a chimney fire at, Dewar Talbot's home, Slue, Water Highway, Stanley Township, on Friday afternoon. It was soon brought under control. ' The second call Was. about o'clock on Saturday to Harry Tor- rance`s home on the sixth conces- sion, Goderich Township. Un- fortunately, neither the. Clinton fire truck, nor the ltayfield..trucic were able to get in the laneWay as it was so drifted with snow,. so they were ..unable to do .anything, and the -house was completely gutted by tire, o. "Deer Hunting By Automobile (By our Bayfield correspondent) When Logan Cleave and. Bert Greer were driving towards the village about seven o'clock on Sunday evening, four deer ran across the road in front of the car opposite George •lea.rd's fdm. The "car caught the hind quar- ters of the last one and broke its back, The accident' was reported to Constable George Little who aurinnoned the game: Warden, and then went out and shot the injured animal. Roy 13ellenger, Clinton, arrived and removed the carcass. Legan Cleave was fortunate in that there was only slight dam- age done to the 'grill of his auto- ews of liolmesville Correspondent MRS. r. Apouvwuciii Phone g-1418 Morgan Jones, Mrs, .C4=0. butt, Mrs. D. N. Olhfdon, Mrs. W. R. Lobb and Mrs. Harry CO:more. The meeting closed with the, hymn ."Praise My •Soul, The Kin,' of Heaven" and prayer by the' *sident, . HosteSses for the day were Mrs. D. N. Glidclom. Mrs. A, Grigg and Mrs, F, .McQtkliough, Mr's, ',4W4,0 .Grigg gave the treasurer's repOrt and Mrs. H.4r,,7. ry Cuchnore gave the secretary's report. Committees, were arranged to make ..plans for the ,eengtegatienel supper to be ,held -on .jahuary Members .of the ,cqnnoittees. are Mrs, Frank XeCtillaught `WMS moo* 'The Woman's Missionary Soc., ietg, of Holmesville united' Chun. ch, '1110 on January 8,. in the char- ge of Mrs, F. Potter's group, with ,Mrs, . L. Jervis, the presicieht, in the, chair, The call to worship was given by Mrs. Jervis, followed by the singing -"of the hymn "All Rail The Power of .Jesus.' Name „" Mrs, J. Huller read the. Scripttlre les- sor, with Mrs, Jervis giving the comments on it. .A .auestion and answer period was taken by'lyIrs, Jervis, Mrs. 13„ Potter and Mrs. F. Mulholland. Mrs T,, Gahweiler led in' Prayer. 'Mrs, E. J. Tre- wartha gave a reading "Thoughts for the Vew Year," Annual re- ports were given by; Mrs, M, Jones, secretary; Mrs. B. Potter, treasurer; -1Virs.. F. McCullough, • The Mission Band; Mrs. B. Mac- Math, flower committee; ^visiting committee, Mrs. Carman Tebbutt,. :WW2 Jean 'McLeod. _AY'Inler, Was home over the weekend. Miss Mildred. Fraser, Lender', spent the Weekend at the parental borne. William .Pftfield, Toronto, was the; .guest of George $e11, over . the weekend, Mrs. 'Harry .I>arnbrough is in viotoria, 1114,asPit4l; London, under- ,. goiav .sUrgery, Mrs. .Fred MeViven visited her sister,,.Urs, r: Schnell, for sev- eral lays last week. There 'was skating in the local arena! on Monday night for the first time this yoar"., Miss Helen Edith Forrester," Gaderieh, visited hen :mother, Mrs. James A. Cameron; over the weekend. WA.- Fred .Ford, .returned to Clinton, on Wednesday, after hay- ,ing'-been, the guest of. Mrs. '1,).. H, .Cobb for a few days. Mr, and Mrs, x?... S....Roddiela and, mr„.'andli/Lrs; I. Ormond 'were In London onaslreaday- ware they. attended the Little • Theatre play -4;44 night.- 1111=1111111111111111iii 101111111150180010111111M111 . • • -• - • • • •- • • • News of Constance Mr* and Mrs, II, H. Ormond returned home on Friday after having,- been in Petreit and visit- ed their daughter and family, in Ashtabula, little for ten days. George motored to Cath4rines on Wednesday - to take Mrs. Little's iephew, Prey- incial Constable William Johnston and family from Goderich. They are moving to that city since he has been posted to the St. Cath- erines detachment, Artiongst those who, went from I3 ayfield to attend the Community Concert in Goderich on Monday evening were. Mr. and Mrs, R, Roddick, Mrs, J. H, Cobb, Mrs. Fred Ford, Mrs. T. C. Bailey,* Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hovey, James. A. Cameron, Maynard Corrie, Miss Helen Edith Forrester, H. H. Or- mond, Mrs. J. MacKenzie,•Mrs. W. l3rOwn, Mrs. D. Kingsbury and Mrs. Malcolm Toms. , W. W. Higgins .had the mis- fortune to fall in his honie on Sunday morning and fracture a hip,. He was removed by ambul- ance to Clinton Public Hospital, where treatment "commenced on Tuesday. The accident occurred on his 82nd birthday. , Mrs. Alec Reoch, Toronto; Mr. and .Mrs. ,4 Smith, London; Mr. and Mrs: J. B. Higgins were in Clinton Tuesday to be with their father at the hospital. United WMS - The Woman's Missienary Soc- iety of the United Church held the first meeting of the year last Thursday afternoon, at the home of 'Mrs. ala. Makins. There was a good attendance and the new pres- ident ,Mrs, Harvey Hohner, pres- ided. Fees were received and plans made for• the coming year. The packing committee reported packing and shipping a bale of good used clothing, weighing 95 pounds for overseas relief. 'Knox WMS Thee Women's Missi6nary Soc- iety of Knox Presbyterian Chur- ch met at ;the home of Mrs.. J. J. Richardson, on. Wednesday after- noon, January 9. Mrs. C. W. Brown, president; opened the meeting with prayer and Mrs.' J; J. Richardion gave the Scripture r'eadin'g. Mrs. D. Macdonald gave a most interesting and enlightening ad-' dress on "A Book That Behaves," Mrs. II. -C. Wilson gave a few items on temperance, and Mrs, W; R. Lobb reported on. Christian stewardship. Mrs, Charles Wil- son read "The Road to Internat- ional Peace." With Ea Grigg at the piano, a duet "The Beautiful' Valley pf Peace" was sag by Mrs, E. Pot- ter and. Mrs. L,.Jervis. A short play, "Reports From. Delegates" was given, with Mrs, L. Jervis, Mrs, F. lAulhelland, Mrs, K. Harms AP and Mrs, E, Potter, The meet- ing closed with yGuide Me 0 Thou Great Jehovah" and prayer by Mrs, Potter. Womaks Auxiliary • The WA meeting followed, with Uri president," Mrs,, Stewart Far- quhar, in the chair, The Aherne for the WA for' the year, is to be "Ye Shall Be My Witness," and Mrs. •Farquhar read the Scripture lessen and .gave the comments, Mr. and Mrs., Robert Gritnoldby are both under doctor's care. Mrs. Joseph Riley and Mrs. Frank Riley were in, London on TuesdaY.. Herb Brigham, Hanover, visited his sister, Mrs. Borden Brown on Tuesday. Reeve William Jewitt is atten- ding County Council in Goderich this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter, visited Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dex- ter in Blyth on Saturday. Miss Muriel Dale, Brampton, visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Verne Dale over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Guy Cunningham, Auburn, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter, one day last week. 'Miss Jiayce Jewitt, .Thorildate, spent the weekend with• her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Jew- itt. HARRY WILLIAMS %At FUEL OIL GASOLINE MOTOR OIL LUBRICANTS R.R.% (LINTON saw. LONDESBORO MRS. H. DURN1N, Correspondent 0 Willing Workers '- Annual Meeting (By our Bayfield correspondent) The January. .meeting of the ,Wdlling Workers was held' at the home of Mrs, Kenteth Brandon an the ninth. Mrs. Grant Stir; ling took over as president, from Mrs. Robert Welsh. 'Mrs. George Heard, secretary for 1956 read the minutes of the last meeting which were adopted. Eleven members answered the roll call and one visitor with her daughter was present. - The treasurer's ,statement was given by' Mrs. Bert Greer. The round' robin supper sugges- tion made by Mrs. Kenneth Bran- don was carried, when Put to a Vote. Banquet and 'decorating committees were formed,. A candranctran is to be held at the February meeting at the home of Mrs. Arnold Maidns, Lunch committee for the next meeting his: Mrs. Kenneth. Bran- don, Mrs. Bert Greer, Mrs. = Reg. Francis, Mrs. .John ,Liridsay: 2-603$ I ' iilulfiuiiil nlirollltllpot '11110,,14,11,11,1I, 1'11111 Why Wait yp,i can use the - Westinghouse Autematie " R " Today Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barker and Miss Rtir_th, King, City,' and Miss Margaret 'McClymont, Tor- onto, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mri- Clymont. Skating Rink - The skating rink is open on Tuesday, Thursday and. Saturday evenings from 7.30-9.30 and Satur- day afternoon from-2.00-4.00. The committee would appreciate any donations for the upkeep of the rink. , -Royal Scarlet .a.• The Stanley Royal Scarlet Chapter met in the Orange Hall on Monday evening, and elected the follorring officers for 1957: W.C., •William, McElwain; D.C., James Hutchins; chaplain, Louis Taylor; recording secretary, John. Watson; •treasurer, Harold Stin- son; marshall, Lloyd Keys; lec- turers, Anson Coleinan and' Fred McClymont; condu€tors, Orrin Dawson and Wilfred Castle; her- ald, Robert McIlwain; sentinel, William McDool. . ,g , A.,11.,... , CIAS. -0-17- 811 C4/00 . _ • I G „ , .„ ,4 ,,, , , , k. ,. , -A Boys' One -T From WINDBREAKERS 100% hird $3.75 Wool Off up LOOK: $10.95 . COATS $7.95 Melton , . Boys' Now ,---Fur :-Melton R,Eci. , 'Collar $13•50 STROLLERS Cloth $10.50 . ... ,_ Boys' REG. BuiE 17.11, . Suburban One - . \ Up From -.l Men's To $12.95 Coats Off ' ' 'Color Winter From -PARKAS Men's (Olive) Weight $8.85 Men's Zipper From STROLLERS Quilt Fronts $8,95 Lined . BOYS' % 4 Reg. Now, FLANNEL SHIRTS SANFORIZED 2.25 $1.59 -' ' ''' • ' ' REG, . $L50 BROKEK RANGES NOW --- .$3.25 --- - . ° ' SANFORIZED 'THREE AliPN'S GROUPS MEDIUM WEIGHT SANFORIAED '11,EG, to $3,25 $2.29 SHIRTS . REG, .__.._. HEAVY. WEIGHT SANFORIZED , $2.89.. to $3.95 • FOOTWEAR I <.E:..' I LUGGAGE for and Men and goys . LEATHER GOODS *A trademark of tho Chrysior 'Corpora- tion of ,Canada, Rye° *cy . eigles. . . ,..ie s oweg . ,mo w row They're/mil : i i Power-lid' 10)gg AR af P DE pAg cot : II: ittexandiptoowtrrounvictritnosuragt OAR v. estconditions.thrycoPower- line Batteries are approved drolift drio.g0C/4 ' "" -' by Chrysler Engineers and recommended'for use in Chrysler-builtvehicles,l(nstall Si Cbryco Powerline Battery... ' li,$',. • ''''-ilt12-'7';- •-•., and be proi . - - - - - -";. ; lelb.1 0' ' 3 in 4, ,,„..... • 1 '' 4 ,"--)0 , 1 I: CH HYr ° ,. - . Do you often worry about the fact that you haven't a planned estate? Why not put your mind at ease right now by contacting Sterling Trusts? It will cost you nothing to have your estate planned during your lifetime, And it gives such a feeling of satisfaction—a certain peace of ;Mad, to know that all. is in order. , A qualified Sterling Trusts Counsellor Will triable you to enjoy the satisfactiOn that a properly plat can bring. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORAYIONN tom) OFFicE y MANCH OFFICE . 1.3 bongo St.; barrio III Sin VARNA Mrs E. Gaunt spent the week- end with her aunt Mrs. W. Lyon. Mrs.• Eleanor Throop, had the misfortune to fall on some ice and break her wrist. Mr. and Mrs. Allister Broad- foot, Seaforth, spent :Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. 1VIR. and, Mrs. Ernest Shaddick, Hensall, were with, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shaddick, on Sunday. Mrs. ',Mary Crawford spent the weekend with her!'Sdif-4ri-law• and daughter, Mr. and 'Mrs. Raymond Israel, Kitchener. 'M'r. and. Mrs. George Cowan"en= tertained the Members of • the Hullett Township Council at a dinnerain their home, 'on Monday, January 15. The 'congregational' meeting of the United Church, will be held in the church basement:, on Tuesday afternoon, January 2. All mem- 'berss of the church• are invited to attend. The. Woinan's MisSionary Soc- iety met, at the home of Mrs. Bert Allen. The treasurer, Mrs. Frank Tamblyn reported the allocation over-subscribed and 'all money sent to the Presbyterial. treasur- er. An interesting letter was read , from Miss Vera Lyon, R.N., Haz- elton, B.C., Missionary hospital, -telling of the .Christmas activit- ies among their people. Mrs. John Scott favoured with a solo. `Group 1 served light re- freshments, IVIur ZOS• Pargo Sales and Service v — iituroll St Cihttola th bay Oa Toronto 114 News of Bayfield By MISS WOW. 'I;/. WOODS 1•905 ,Ontario .+Ohamploak Rost • Clorreapondent ,PHONE:. DAMAO 45 "ra Owing to the storm and cold weather the Friendly Few Farm Forum cancelled their Monday night meeting. The annual meeting of Con-, stance. church will be held in the Sunday School rooms, Friday night and a social evening is be- ing planned. Everyone is asked to attend .and enjoy an evening with the congregation. WA and WMS The WA and WMS met on Jan- uary' 9. Mrs. Verne Dale presi- dent of the WA opened the meet- ing by singing a hymn, and all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Dale• gave a short reading. The roll call Was 'answered by 12 lad- ies' paying fees. All reports of 1956 showed a , most successful year. All, ladies are asked for a donation for the WA and this donation can be given to the treas- urer, Mrs. Kenneth Hulley any time,,of the year. The 'auxiliary will give a single rose instead of a container .of flowers in the time of death. Quilts were discussed and the WA decided to quilt. Collection• was taken and the meeting turned over to the WMS... Mrs. McGregor presided. .The Scripture lesson was mad by Mrs. T. 3. Whyte. The roll call was answered by 12 ladies paying fees. Mrs. Borden BroWn gave, the stewardship paper. The I WMS will 'pack a bale. The 'ladies de- cided to entertain' the YPU some evening. A temperance reading was *given by 'Mrs. William. Jew- itt. ANSWER ' - TO THIS WEEK'S • - X-iiuge OWSMO LOOMS NUOUM =WWI EdW37114 0[0: AM R.Sdki0 UV man ulidu cknocl AAUOW [[MOW AMMO OWDO A"W MOMANU AN [MOWN ',!]:MULA =AMA UNMUM 01.11AArl dAAMW . . HARRY WILLIAMS' DONT PLAY A Toro° WITH YOUR KNEES, HEAT WITH OUR OIL 014 DAYS LIKE THESE /1\ a Lae/a; irRa ltra iala "Pa ; Ci*, Bad drying weather is here new , . . don't try to beat the weather :a get your WEST- MCI-HOUSE Automatic DRYER right awaY. —AT ' "Puq-loel . Clinton Electric Shop "Your Westinghouse Dealer" - ALBERT ST. D. W. Cornish, Prop. CLINTON , • Buy: owt • ..........