HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-01-17, Page 6Accommodation 'For 'Rent !FURNISHED APARTMENT, suitable for couple, Phone HU 2-9572, 2-p-3b-tfb •;LARGE BED SITTING ROOM -and kitchenette. Fully furnished • and heated. L, G. Winter, High * , :Street. ;SMALL FURNISHED apartment don Princess Street West. Harold ''Taylor. Phone -HU .2-9663 between and 6p m. '-SELF /CONTAINED A P A R T- -Merit, suitable for coUtp'1e. -Fern- :shed. Available January 23, :Phone HU 2-9508. 3-4-b 'SEI.1! CONTAINED apartment, 2 bedroom, furnished, heated. 1411 2-9390. 3-b 'THREE ROOiltir -HEATED, furn- :ished' apartment. Central location. Available -stone. Phone HU 2-9005. 3-b I.FIVE • 1160M UNFURNISHED ,-apartment; also 3 -room furniseied •apartment. Share bath: Avail - :able now. Phone HU 2-9418. 2-3b 1FOUR ROOM, SELF-CONTAIN- ed, EILFCONTAIN-ed, unfurnished apartment, Cent- rally located on King St. Avail- .able now. Phone HU 2-9477. ' 2-tfb !SIVIALL HOUSE UNFURNISHED ;all conveniences, suitable for 'couple, on Highway No. 4, near -RCAF Station. Phone HU 2-9270. -Norm Manning. 3-p 1ToUaT FOR RENT ON MARY 'St•Y'eet,i semi -furnished. Three tbedrooms, kitchen, livingroom. !Possession at once., P.Q. Box 329, •(Minton. ' 52-tfb -WC/COI/IODATION FOTO 0 N E lousiness •girl, or two -sharing, in ,ispacibes five room apartment, rwith .full. kitchen and large living room, ..Polly furnished. All con- 'venienc'es. Downtown location. :Phone HU 2-3844. 3-tfb Articles For Sale =$OYAL ,ALBERT BONE CHINO Dinnerware in open stock: or sets. =See the new patterns in this fine -dinnerware at -COUNTER'S Jewel- lery Store. " 3-p `TV FIT FOR A "KING" - We Rent - Move - Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. . 23-ttb .FOR QUICK SALE, ONE NEW :six can milk cooler, with General Electric unit and motor. Property :las been sold so this cooler has to be removed a at once. R. Johnston -and Son, Listowel. 'Rhone Listowel "936J2. 1-2-3-b "ONE: DOLLAR buys beautiful '42 ..'piece set of English Dinnerware, in hovely Flair pattern, when .you 'purchase 42 piece Flair Silverware service complete in tarnish -proof ,chest at only $89.95. Save $40.25, •See our window -Order today-. .Limited offer. Daffodil dishes and • ',Silverware also available. Coun- 'ter's Jewellery Store: ,` 3-p BABY SITTING ''AMIABLE MOTHER W I L L 9bbaby sit by the day or hourly. Rea- sonable rates. Phone HU 2-9765. ' 49-tfb Baby Chicks KITCHENER BIG -4 CHICKS. `'Ilhey should be your choice for 1957 markets. Whether fob eggs 'or meat. This Hatchery' has a 'wide choice of standard breeds, =crosses, and specials like Ames In- ' -Cross -Pilch. White Rocks. We :suggest you analyze your mark- ets, ask us for Big -4 price list, eahas. Scott, .Auburn, Phone 43r23, :Myth. 3-b Business Opportunities -OR LEASE. SERVICE Station, Clinton Area.' Room for restaur- -ant, living quartet's. Apply P.O. :Sox 244, Seaforth. 3-p OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Nigh Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton HU .2-6692, . • 13•.tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE • • FLACK PERSIAN LAMB Coat. 'Full length. Nice skin, suitable for jacket. Sell reasonably. Box :30; -Clinton News -Record. 3-b LIME GREEN FORMAL, SIZE 16. Worn only once. Also one 'boy's suit, size 14. For sale cheap. Mrs, Roy Mann. Phone HU 2-9552. 3•h CUSTOM WORK • 'WOOD CUTTING WITH 24" chainsaw. Arnold., Taylor, IHU 2-9155. 3-b 'CUSTOM WOOD CUTTING with ' 24" chain saw, Julius Bauer, 'phone HU 2-7505. 2-3-4-b DRESS MAKING AND MINOR alterations. Done by experienced newer. Phone Clinton HU 2-6622; any evening after five pen. ,3-4-b EMPLOYMENT "WA•NTED PAM' TIME WORD afternoons • or evenings or odd jobs. L, Nice Phone HW 2-9215, ; 2-3-b Furnitiure 'For Sale TWO END TAIIL1 S, TRI%YTI;', 'TV and antenna, daslc, two piece ka.�/ chesterfield, desk 1am,p, bed lamp, bedroom suite, two Marge 'size baby cribs, high chair, baby ,carriage, stroller,playpen, eriinn5 ode . chair, ironing board, wa hing itfachino, Washtub, lawn mower, hose, sleigh, mirror, . hea:Vy duty stove; 15 cu. ft, Coldspot -deepfreeze,, Al- tO children's winter clothing, 2 to 4 years. 29 Regina Riad, 3,5 FOR QUICK RPESULTS • Farm Produce, For Sale COB CORN, SOLD EITHER ground or on the cob. ,Bill Holl- and, phone HU 2-3245, 2.3-b For Sale or Rent BRICK HOUSE, FURNISHED, seven rooms, all conveniences, half a garage, for rent. Phone Bay- field 53r2. 41-tfb Help Wanted -,-Male A YOUNG EXPERIENCED EGG grading man, Apply in person\e Dale Produce, Seaforth. 3-4-p HELP WANTED= -FEMALE WAITRESS, . FULL TIME EM-. ployment, Apply in person. Bart- liff's Bakery. 3-tfb FOR LAUNDRY WORK. Five- day week, 55c per hour to start. If able to maintain production, 75c per hour. Phone Clinton HU 2-7064 or apply in person, • prefer- albly, to A. Garon, Clinton Laund- ry and Dry Cleaning. 3-tfb Help Wanted TAKE AN AGENCY WITH A future in it. Amazing profits! Repeats! Make your income as high as wanted. FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Dept, 27, Station :Co Montreal, . 3-b PANT TIME EMPLOYMENT is available as Telephone Operator No experience necessary ' Earn while you learn Qualifications: Two Years of High School ' Age 16 to 30 Apply To: Chief Operator MRS. D. E. SMITH Bell Telephone HENSALL, Ontario 3-b Lost and Found FOUND BROOCH, near Post Office, two weeks ago. Owner may have same by identifying to Mrs. William Pickett, Orange ;Street. Phone HU 2-6689. 3-p • Livestock' For Sale 25 ,CLUNKS OF PIGS. Phone HU 2-9290. 3-b gEVEN PIGS, SIX WEEDS OLD. Apply Ross Hoggart. Phone HU 2-9878. 3-p 12 YORK PIGS, EIGHT WEEKS old; one boar, six months old. Clark Ball,.,a:OR 1, Clinton. Phone HU 2-9816. 3-b 6 REGISTERED POLLED Here- ford bulls, nine month's old, Priced reasonable, Bayfield, nerth four miles on Blue Water Highway, John Wain, RR 1, Bayfield. 3-p Livestock Wanted ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. 5-p-tfb Miscellaneous CHAIN SAWS -Models H,C, and J.B. See these and dependable used saws at Robert Glen's I.E.L. Sales and Service. Phone Clinton HU 2-9909, 3-4-5-6-p BALLET LESSONS -experienced teacher wishes to add to begin- ner's class. Girls aged 6 to 9 years only. M. Zablocki, next to Cole',s Service Station. 3-p ART SI7PPLIES (Winsor 'New= ton) ; religious goods, pictures, picture framing, photographs for all occasions. MaeLaren's Studios, Clinton and Goderich; at, Clinton, Tuesday and Thursday, 1.30 to 7 p.m. 'Phone Clinton HU. 2-940i. 29-tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new, Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured -don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing, W. N, Cotiirtter, � 3-p Pianos For Sale PIANO, UPRIGHT. Fair condi- tion, Phone HU 2.9963. 12 Regina Rd,, Adastral Park, RCAF Sta- 3-p USED. PIANO, AND BENCH; Clough and Warren: Upright. Reasonable price, IVlust be sold iniitiedi,ateiy to Close estate. Phnne /lei 2;9168.3-h W000 FOR SALE RATES No .charge for ;announcements. of Births, Marriages and Deaths Articles for µale, rent, etc„ Cara of Thanks, in Memoriam, engagements, 3c a •word, minimum 75c, Box No, to this office 15e additional. Repeat, in- sertions 2c a word, minimum 50c, CASH DISCOUNT: % if paid by Saturday `fol- lowing last insertion, Billing charge of 19e added each tune bill is sent. Latest Time for insertions 12 noon. Wednesday PERSONAL PAIN OF RHEUMATISM, Sciat- lea, Lumbago, can be helped by taking RUMAO,APS. Receeninend• - ed by Lthouearids of thankful users, Ask your Druggist. 3-b REST HOME BRAESIDE REST HOME FOR elderly people and convalescents. Telephone Mrs, Boyce, 126W Mitchell. 50 to 12-b Salesmen Wanted MAN WANTED for RAWLEIGH business. Sell to 1500 families. Write today Rawleigh's Dept. A- 169 -SA, Montreal, P.Q. 3-b DEATHS' BOYES-•• In Clinton, on Wednes- day, January 16, 1957, Eliza Jane Armstrong, beloved wife of Edward Boyes, Clinton, in her 80th year. Funeral from the Beattie funeral home, Rat- tenbury Street, east, Clinton, to Bayfield Cemetery, by Rev. D. 3. Lane, on Saturday, January 19, commencing at two o'clock. GIANT=In Clinton Public Hospi- • tal, on Thursday, January 10, 1957, Miss Lucy P. Grant, Clin- ton, in her 77th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch fun- eral home, High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Satur- day afternoon, January 12, by the Rev. A. Glen Eagle. MACKT-At his late residence, Highland Road, RR 4, London, on Wednesday, January .9, 1957, William Mackt, beloved husband of Pauline Cooke, and son -in- ' law of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ,Funk, Hensall, in his 30th year. Fun- eral from the George E. Logan and Sons funeral chapel, to. Mount Pleasant Cemetery, on Friday, January 11. VIODDEN In Clinton Public Hos- ` pital, on Friday afternoon, Jan- uary 11, 1957, William Richard Vodden, Clinton, beloved ''bus - band of Lilly S. Brunsdon, in his 62nd year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, under the auspices of Londesboro Masonic Lodge No. 568, by the Rev. H. C. Wilson, on Monday afternoon, Jan. 14. o IN MEMORIAM In , loving memory of a dear. husband, . and father, Edwin G, Chuter, who passed away • two years ago, January 16, 1955: "This day we do remember The loving thought 'we give To one no longer with us But in our hearts still lives." -Ever remembered by wife and family. 3 - NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'In The ESTATE OF MELINDA ANNA BAKER, late of the. Town- ship of Stanley in the County of Huron, Married Woman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 21st day of January, A.D. 1957, after which date the assets will be dist- ributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 28th day of December, A.D. 1956. E. B. MENZIES, • `Clinton,, Ontario,' Solicitor for the said'Estate. 1-2-3-b Mitt) MAPS. , STOVE AND illin€ice Wood, Bi11 Tolland,. Phone ac 2.3245, 2W3 -b, K. W. Colquhoun Real Estate Broker t 0 EARLY POSSESSION of seven room story and a half dtdei- ling. Close to both Schools. Automatic oil heat; upstairs,_ three bedrooms and three piece bath; downstair, living room, dining room, and a den. Priced right for quick sale. $7,500.00-2 story stucco house, 2 blocks from uptown, 4 bed- rooms and den, 8 piece bath up, 2 piece clown, tiled floors and built-in cupboards in kitchen, heavy wiring, coal furnace. $1,000.00 clown, mortgage arran- ged, '7 room 1%Z storey,good location, newly decorated, tile floors throughout, 3 -piece bath up, oil fernace. 0 Insurance and Real Estate . a PHONE.HU. 2-9747 Royal Bank Building Clinton, Ontario BIRTHS DIXLE--In; Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on 'Wednesday;* January 9, 1957, to Squadron Leader and Mrs, John Dixie, RCAF Station Clinton, a daughter, GIBSON In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, January 15, 1957, • to Mr, and Mrs, Joe Gib- son, RR 2, Seaforth, a daughter,. GRAINGER--In Clinton Public Hospit 1, on Monday, January 14, 1957,7to Mr. and Nirs. Rus- sel Grainger, RR 2, Zurich, a daughter. HILLMAN - In Boston, Mass., U.S.A., on Sunday, December 23, 1956, to Dr. and- Mrs, Hillman (nee 'Lisbeth Sloman) a daugh- ter (Alison, ,granddaughter ,for Fred and Mrs, Sioman, Capreol and Clinton). KELLY -1n Saugenay Hospital, Arvida, P.Q„ on Saturday, Dec- ember 29, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Kelly, a son (Bruce Ed- ward.) • KLOPP-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, January 14, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Herb Klapp, RR, 3, Zurich, twins, a son and a daughter. McGILL-In • General Hospital, .Brampton, on Saturday, Jan- uary 5, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen N. McGill, 8 Marsden Crescent, twins, a son and a daughter (James David and, Carole Eileen). NICHOL-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, January 11, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Nichol, RR. 4, Brussels, a son: RYDER-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on -Saturday, January 12, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ryder, Clinton, a daughter. SCOrrr In Clinton Public Hos- pital, • on Saturday, January 12, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Scott, Clinton, a son. ZWE!P-In ,Clinton Public Hospi- tale on Sunday, January 13, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zwep, RR 2, Bayfield, a son. ADOPTION Pilot Officer and Mrs. William R. McKinnon, Cutter Street, Clin- ton, are happy to announce the arrival of their chosen son, Wayne Richard, born Saturday, January 5, 1957. Cards of Thanks I wish to thank all my friends for cards, treats and flowers, and special thanks to the nurses and the doctors for their care while I was a patient in the hospital. --,DON FORIBES. +r' 3-p We would like to thank every - One' for being so thoughtful to us at Christmas and since. Special. thanks to Rebekahs and Odd Fel- lows, neighibq rs and friends. -•Mr. and Mrs. H. Gould. 3-b I would like to thank all my friends and neighbours who visit- ed me while a patient •. in Clinton Public Hospital, those who sent Cowers, gifts and cards, and help- ed in any way. Special thanks to Drs. Newlands, Oakes and staff of the hospital. -Leola Taylor. 3-b I would like to thank all friends and relatives of our aunt, Miss Lucy Grant, for their kindnesses extended to her during her illness and during the many years of her life in Clinton and 'subsequently to ourselves. -The Grant Family. 3-p I would like to thank my many friends and neighbours for • their many acts of kindness and flowers and card sent while "Dick" was in the hospital; and for `their kind- ness at the -time of the funeral, those who • loaned their cars and helped in any wad. Also thanks to the nurses of Clinton Public Hospital and Dr. Newland and Dr. Oakes, -ears. Lily Vodden. T want to thank all my friends and neighbors for the fine gifts which -we received, and appreciate it very much, and am still ready to give a helping hand in need. With all our appreciation ---Mr. and 'Mrs. William Bender and Family. 3-p Harvey's Thxi: (At Mid -Towne Restaurant) ' PHONE HU. 2-9054 NIGHT HU 2:3880 Harvey Ashton Wanted: Mane over 45 WHY SETTLE FOR LESS THAN $14,009' in a YEAR The days are gone when a "few thousand",•.a year salary was enough for a man to take care of his family, buy a *new car, and "salt some away far the future." If you are a middle-aged man who has reached the 'ceiling" on your date -liege and now want td nittlw good ,itt ,itr Gw- field, we can make you a fine offer to join our organization, where .top men are paid up to $22,000 in a year. :incomes listed are exceptional. Our volume is expanding at a terrific rate, We have an Opening in the Clinton area for a man over 45. The man, we want must be high, grade (not high. pressure)., ainbitious- and sincere. E'arivngs are paid in advlane'e, tld investment is need- ed; do edlldc'tiotis, to tleliv'eries, Write a personal letter to aur plazzrmn. Dept, t.,1ll', T', 0b T3pk 1373 Fort Worth, Texas.., Drawn .y Especially for Clinton and District ChambCommercer of Commerce and ,HOW Baur Clinton News -Record by Ralpbr Tee. WHY, DID YOU TRY TO STEAL THE STUFF, ANYHQW F CHEEZE, 'I'M SORRY, GUT I ,JUST COULDN'T RESIST ALL THOSE BARGAINS THAT THE MERCHANTS HAVE HERE IN CU N TO H PARK THEATRE GODERICH NOW: "The Shepherd of the Hills" Technicolor .-. with .John Wayne ALL WEEK January 21 to 26 NO advance* in our regular admission prices. Rodge}•'s & •Hammerstein's - sensational musical success "The King and Jn Cinemascope and DeLuxe Color Acclaimed by audiences and critics everywhere as the picture of the year! An even greater success on the screen than during its lengthy stage run. Starring Yul Brynner as the King of Siam and Deborah Kerr as, governess to his children. (Owing to length of this predud- tion second showing will start at 9.45 each night.) Coming: "All That Heaven Allows" Rock Hudson and Jane Wyman NOTICE MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained' in a cer- tain mortgage, there will be offer- ed ,for sale by public auction, sub- ject to a reserve bid, on Monday, the 4th day of February, A.D. 1957, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the residential property in. the Town of Clinton, on Albert Street, formerly occu- pied by Roy McLeod, the follow- ing ,property,- namely, 'Parts of Lots 455 and 456 on the East side of Albert Street, and Part of Lot 618 on the West side of Maple Street, all in the Town of Clinton, more particularly, des- cribed in said Mortgage Register- ed as Number 11678 for the Town. of Clinton, and on which proper- ty there is said to be located a substantial cement block residen- ce. Terms of Sale. Cash. 10% at the time of the sale and the bal- ance within thirty days. For further particulars and con= ditions of sale apply to the under- signed Solicitor, , January 15, 1957 Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer Oliver L. Fee, by his solicitor, - E. B. Menzies, Clinton, Ontario 3-4-5-b Clinton Community . 'Farmers AUCTION 'SALES -.EVERY FRIDAY at 1.30 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT . Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHbUN, Clerk r Don't Buy,Snow Tires . until you see us!! HAVE YOUR TIRES Skid -Defied Stops Slipping ---. Sure Grip • W ATKINS Service Station Huron Street Clinton Pho,ie HU 2-6661 51 to 3-b -.. ROXY THEATRE Clinton Two Shows Nightly Wide Screen Now: THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY "NAVY AIR PATROL" - Top-flight action tale of two brothers, Navy career men, and the girl who came between them. John 'Ureic -- ADiprna Lynn -- Kevin McCarthy , MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "THE CATERED' AFFAIR" The bride wanted a simple wedding -but getting it wasn't so easy.. Debbie keyaolds--- Bette Davis -- Ernest Borgnine Conning --Jan. 31 Feb. 1 and 2 "THE KING AND I". Cinemascope --- starring Deborah Kerr and Yui Brynner Is Your Subscription Paid Up? Check the . Label Now to be Sure SEE INSURANCE AS YOUR PROTECTION "FOR 'THE FUTURE. Be sure your future is secure! Let us plan a complete insur- ance program for you,today! H. E. HARTLEY Canada Life Assurance Company Phone HU 2-6693 - Clinton Clinton, Ontario - CALL US ... FOR Perfect Sound and Picture We're sure of the ability of our TV experts to ser- vice your set satisfactorily so to be sure you get top quality TV service, call us first. Our courteous, bonded repairman is an expert in TV electronics. 'ialbraith RADIO and TV I GIFT of LOVE! From man to woman, from heart to heart, a diam- ond speaks in ten- der terms of happi- ness and love. Such an import- ant gift as a dia- mond, should be chosen with spec- ial care. Take Time. To Choose Your Diamond In Privacy - Phone Collect for an- Evening Appointment • TERMS CAN BE'A1U ANGED • Anstett Jewellers ° OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT CLINTON (Phone HU. 2-9525) and WALKERTON • Expert Watch Repairs and Engraving r BULOVA - CYMA and GRUEN WATCHES BLUE RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS SPODE DINNERWARE Extra Special Values Thur.,iri., Sat., Jan. 11, 18, 19 Big 49< Celebration FOOD BUYS GALORE CHECK OUR HAND BILL THIS WEEK LOTS OF ROOM TO PARK STANLEY'S Red & White SUPER .M ... ARKETa ueen St. PHONE HU.' 23447 FREE DELIVERY Y QPIEN rRIDAY EVENING