HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-01-17, Page 1MV W, 1p. 0.) qAT SMACK DAO IN TH14 i di.9 lo , q 001404t And b1QW- n 1� o f th ,je $ Snowstorms so,, far this wln-� ter, and With About three 4, + marital 1 9, v;n. oeasori lef V cong-tes in the mAirou", Iil�,�t C a of but d", lettuce cobhAm terbea 66 tt'N ed, we rp4e, DC. )Board S cts ab. ed �atalogV _a Coldo'. r $till Fire Lcoelp Irvine, e gI I u 'rn Ap Cow green. Mor4o n earl. y rin -11 things, wa%­ House "I a` new;,)Ae?p frulteal giant I g 'wber d and I of a ' Rur ero,potaf9est And aj So A quick, comparispnof tom- 4- �CDCI Boar Ch evotea es. :$bun- pe,atures, in the we*lygha�t airman ring atra ,4. ovor-be4ring shed in the lower left good after tbisr The Clinton dstrict Collegiate A striking c( 64 .0 T14tiai corner, brings proof pos- � . D , 0 camp ed w th.er, , h, well, .-Ast Week ommitt.e. . inter we4 - eli? spring will come An($ with it the ltiviA that things are not as; Board ended 195,6 with a I�Irplu of the past president, president giant mffrw pettimlas and ScArlet Clinton ard,, 3�ay`field Fire Pem they once werp.—at least in of over $2,00% under the cQrs- and Johh 1,4mls, Clinton, brought, gein. nasturtiums; "fiery Scarlet part 4 answere.d. a call to the of Oe,(,r,,e L., Falconer, ljl a, slate of �c6mm, tted e4hirinen so fttr as weather a yev ago t e 'th a d., Tuckerarm Md. membe r hy". Sound$ R4r.ry'T9r- Is: * concerned ,rs 4$ fallaw$: .hading to Mahoga Qme of Mr, and Urs T4Dw ship repres ntative an the Agricultu 1, C. P-1climolid, almost good enough to eit. rance, RR 2 BaYfleld on SAturlay e, ra Thou nasea freeze PLL ab x nd the board, Mr, Falconer retAred- from pvehin,�,'on!Y to find, tbAt it WAS George J,,. neldi J, W. Vahgg- ph the bu warmost clothes are demah- ,wvv,B A-IIAWLmYs TWUGHT jinposs this position on U Mond, and'the Blyth represent - Ible to reA 'Ing ded.-In this W4 gaday hight at A qher, there�s , that X house, owing to. show drifts the inaugural me. Wig, Aft e or four tive; property, Dr, J, A, Addjson, eats may have gotten a lot bapoL for spring,. not too far of praise for his descri ive, color-: the lane. %TJpon their arrival flameo years at the head, of the board.. John Lavis, George Falconer gild poet had had consu roof of.. Ntxt Wednesday both Succeeding hiM as challa of C. J. Livermore; stud and wel, wed, the, is fare, John Leavis, C. J. f0l. writing. but th liul.laing, ;ind. it quickl the Huron Central Agricultur- the 11 -man appointed boa d�, 'Livermare, nothing on the editors of seed burned to al SVe which Plans- the ton, George Falcon& and !van Steck" the . ground'.. ty Irvinp Tobbutt, RR o% Clin alogueS7, , Chle th According to Fir Clinton Spring,$how— and , 0 the Goderich Township represen- I ; finance, George Reld, C. Rdch� f , Grant W Rath, Clinton, a dhlmney 'fire at 139,YM14' Agricultural 'SQ01P1tY tative. Secretary Havold C mond, Vw W. VAnEgmon.d and- Wal- CAISTAI)A REMAINS THE MOIST in oharge- of I e fa I fair At, L -as. rehired at a ter McGill; transpor ound tation, Ivan! talkative country in the world. about three e� clock bad, been f th h 'I awpon, Clinton, w Wake village, are plaiminj yearly Sala ry of $700 (raised $50 Steck le, J, W, VitnZgmona, -the at least by phone. . . Did YOJ by the family, and,they apparent. 3� annU ther al meetings,' from last year). .,representative and C. Rich - know that in 1956 Canadians inade had thought it was out, How- Blyth mond an average of 446 calls each? and ever� two hours later it broke Qut pet that's couxitingchildren, too. . :In rr, is again, in -the ttic, n sio4 was granted for the Huron Soil and Crop Priprovemen-t t4e'United States, there were or. - The owner, his wife and small Association to hold "their annual children escaped in safety and.rej. # ly 409 convorsdtlow Per per- CancerBranch Re -Elects county seed, fair in th moved most Of the, furniture from e school as son. the downstairs floor L. of the t customery, . Storey veneer ceinent b] A complaint from parents that JUST TO. PROVE TH&T ONE'q a bus coming from'Blyth-was be, er Mr. rb' Prexy wo ock home. M. s.'NJo es, whole existance need 'riot revolve A year ago last � summ Ing driven by a 16-yqgrold boy, around. the Spoken word. an;] Torrance lost his barn by fire. was beard, 4nd a directive will be mind ypu, we�re beset with a good . . . . . . . . . . A meeting of the Perth -Huron Many a? the pLamplAets were sent to 411 -bus operators,, calling I - Sd. Dutch for the larg! 0 . ieir attention to regulatloh�- W ciety in Clinton next Thursday number of folk from the NQthe.,- Unt.of the Canadian *Cancer, Printed in _nany of them in this modern ThekersJ111t No ' 'Iday. . , both by�kietual,canversat- Irvine Tebbutt, RR'2, Clinton, the newly' elect/W btair hich linilt-age of.drivers to 18 16n and by r.1010 arid TV. We. of th Clinton DIStri _ man, night, January 'Z.4, in the home lands who now live in this area, w e ci Collegiate Institute Board, took Qver_h1s, and'over. -4si fties, at ihe inaugural meet! Has Co'wp'kti�,' �f Judge 'and Afrs. -Frank Fing- A report Of the campaign show. ited the excellent- library which now responsibil ng of the board, Mon- Word was received from. the Clinton. proudly owns... and took day night, " With him'.are H. C.. Lawson,� secretary -t , reasutd� of land, Ontarlo Street, was an- ed.-ithat $2,015 was raised, an in- nounced last week at the annual crease of $300 over County Clerk that the agriculture out a membership -agalh. Proof the Board, aridback raw, left, Ivan Steckle, RR 3, Bayfieldr, vice- Slate For Council the 'previous grant of $500 would be discontin- that, we live in. a friendly Uttl& chairman of the board and George FaJconer, Brucefieldl, t' meeting of the Clinton Branch. year. L of the total $48 was re- tied. Huron County has paid this 6hairman,'wh ears as 1 Elgin Thompson and. Arthur Congratulations were E�ivep Where people remember a has just completed four y r the ceived from memorial cardS. Ang the grant for tv�6 years follo-v board. (News -Record Pholo) Varl6Y, DeWcolner$ to "nic!PO various comm.ittees of th& local, e welf re committee reported time when'the Provincial depa pedPle. was the. remorse* felt politics,, received ahL acclamation Tb a rt. by, librarian Miss Hall when. she group, by the president, Mrs.. Nev" that a cupboard of dressings had ment decreed. that it was not com. mourned that our number' to the council , of - TucXersm1th !Ile Forbes, Who noted the accomp- been . placed in the new nurses' pulsory. Township last. we"Ojj�, ..When other lishineots of the bFqnch since it A. -was no longer AvOlable. . . after nominees at the -second riomin-itiGn inception two years -ago. residence. .. request'for increase in Wakes all, wed not used it for�'at least Howick Reev Ho owd last Wedhesa­ ' iled'L 0� A minute's silence was observed for school caretakers was left In C; I , I . . __ y fa to� qualify, fficers, for the coming year in memory of two years. But our new, card the late ElmerWeb.- the hands, of the propert� com- The men Will jolno. Cauncillor.1 will be: president,. Mrs. Forbes; ster, Varna, "o was ca'rilpaign mittee, for further investigation, number will no doubfdo us, just ur, Frank , 'Falconer . and I Vidtor Lee, vice-presidents, Mrs., C. H. Epps, chalrma� foil the branch prl,.)r to --dr, well, N -Warden- of on -whOL also receivOLin acclamation, and M4. WAlliani'Morlok; secreA� his Oeath last. summer. as was. a recommendat on from' OW I . the pr1helpal concerming a public but at the first namln'aiion. in, the tary-treisurer, Benson Sutter; o Films were shown,by Mrs. C. A MARTHA SAYS.'�- -(IN- T14Z : Judge� Frank Flnglan4L address system in the school, and Q.C., 'i1ssey,.'.W1llIarn McKenzib, William towilftip. Reeve,ior Tuckersmith conveners of, committees, educa,-! Powell, Adagtral ParkiRCAF Sta- f Or- flood -lights -outside the buil.& vural scenp)_ . Those -who lack the Clinton, adnimistered the (lath of Jewitt; Adair and'ClaYtan in 1957 is, Ivan Forsyth, who'de- tion, Mrs. Frank Fingland; we]- tion Clinton. f use when, night meetings ing or patience and, -the endurance to Sit :office In Goderich on TUesday, Smith.' 'Named to'the crigiinal featLad James Doij-, in, an election fare, Mrs. D. J. Lane; publicit Bob�'Sperling, president- of the were bejng h�ld. on the ne9t should: not count their when Harold - Gowdy, reeveL Of audit board ate Y, Judge Frank held- last Monday,L January 7. Wt. Q.* A. Trott and Miss Wilma ch Branch, was guest speak- 71he study and welfa. financial chickens before they are I-10wick Townsh�p .accepted the he ex GoderL re qommitlo hatched I Edneand, Q.C., Reeve Gordon I first -xrfek of the ne�vlY Dinniq; service, Mrs. Al Haddy. er, and. told Of themailjr activities Position,-: of War. den of 'Huron. Ratz and Clerk-treagurer A: H. formed council was,beld'on Jan Represell; �Ge was left -in 6harge of a re;. 1.41 * * . L tatives in the districts withinthe unit in 1956, (continued on page -10) Colinty. Mr. GowdyAs a veteran Erskine. uary* 14. will be. Clinton, Willard Alken; ONE REASON WHY WE WERE of 11- years seivice in, m�clpal I Hulleft . Townsh P, Lloyd Flf�e- unable to provide, our own Story Iffe ith five years -as reeve and- Tudkersmith Township and RCAF. BOY SCOUT A, CTIVITIES along with the, other guests At 11 thr�� Y, oar�; as deputy reeve. i Mrs. C. A. Pofv�ell; cor6plime�tar� ',banquet last, week htl Bayfield, the Rev. Peter Renner; Station Clin&on,L vrom Thi's is the first time in �18 years, Telephone-Ratts To R se.. i y causeve catildWt 6 has ha - a warden. 0' 1 ' - L '' - H ounce tin, phrase in the that HoWick �d Stanley Township,, Reeve Harvey t.e,Lw The ia:s.t, time wasAn. '1929 whe'ii Coleman; Bruceffeld, Ross Scott. Leadei nfeke only stb we- could, remember. ' . eld the' post. s Co nc e ere Tom Inglis h V" h 'Other Distrdcl Mayor W 1 S" (We only 'achieved third, lorm Mr. Gowdy In L it J. Miller Will L be accepted the ward- rea. ou te Wo college- students in Canada of ex -warden J�hn+, V. Fisther, outgrown' its present teleph e area: cou District campi4ign chairTftan and past pres! A Latini It goes this way., . , ereg collar and WY-froni the hands . Because the Clintoli, a ' haA7 the 'present and ow rate Aji ps "deni Ross MerAll Will be campaign Nominating committee members made a motortour of th6 UrAted qVrnberry Township., 60 for th chairman for, the town.. Aftracts rt In States last summer. and found -rate group,_'increases will go, Into, Rekdimco Prewnt New (By �%Urb,,L RarW Reeve Harvey C01eman, "enter- effect on VebrujLry. 17, 1%71 to . were the Rev. D. J. Lane and Mr. MacLaren-, patrol leaders a4cf-leaders JVJd,,A that. the blazers they,were weapa Ing edunty:work,'for the,,,third con- Servb* Group Group Tr000) camp. Assistant Scoutmaster or No. 4 ''A' Leaders- tbnference 1' On, 'Art T�nda:ll, 'Ing -epawes�ofiid am br1r4­1.he., rates into .11ne-.. with and Mis. C,,Nelsori. Ist Clinton arged � in other rentres We year, wQx those ch t �Go d Seribbins secut, Mrs� :Fingland's report showed-, Patrol the people they met., Tho bliz- himsew on,the Huroxi County.road Individual 'III Was ,.held public P;L.."i:toh�. Magee-, P. Elvin. Par. e� op�ll , 'S J 1n;a6.tt With -a -similar number of tele- Rio ...... $��&45, $3.65 thab over 3,OW educational pam- at� the Clinton, kej� and , APL -Kon:LVark W&O'en ers th ege. Q.-,, committed -for- a three-year term phones, W. W. Hayspm, i'Q Tele. 71wo_Party_�Line 2.85%,.., 2.95 phlets,had been dist In 'h mt. warden, phone manager for— braneb during 1956. Thel oney- Leaders in c, arge, were District were present. Timor Deri principlum-sapientiae— He succeeds the prese Multi -Party (rural) , V. - , ributed in the School auditorium: on., Saturday-. ;'The7 fear of ihe Lord- in the be� who'has.. just completed three said this week6 this V .. region, Lihe ............ I ......... 2.75 2*85 less!:tag day, a. unique project in Comtnissl6ner DougiaS L Caraw Ken Van Riesen his been ap- . I guuung of wisdom.". . Then an years. o6 this commlittee4 the dklahorha Waitress asked them: Striking committed to The increases are relatIV4ely, Busiheop 4this, unit, proved an educational District Scout Maryter Jack Cor- pointed new Patrol Lpader of suggest W­ 'Iftere ire ydu-a1l from?" "Canar small. For example, the monthly Service ppoject in which,, �he brarnch as lls, Scouter -Ross Callienand Cub- the Eagle Pafrol.'� other committeemen is John Mor- dual ]L�Ine ...... 5.85 6.50 Usisted by the Boy, Scouts. The master t�rn Darlingf� 0 da," they answered. 410h, I see." charge for two-party residence Indiv! said the girl. "I've been. wonder- service will be only ten cents high-. Two�PartY Line .... 4.85 5,40 Unit, now, plans to use this method There was representatives fro MTs. Maria de Xurthy, ballet Ing. what language that was... er and individual residence seroce Multi-Party4rural) of . promoting the work in, other tAvo Goderich troops., Lucan, Ailsa bE�acher in Clinton, was overjoyed� Craig Centralia Air Force trooly, last week -to meet in CentSal a(- 20' cents higher. Line ...................... 4.10 branches,. St Clinton Air Force Troop and Clin- tiori, Tor�hto, her 24 -year-old, ANOTBER L177TUE; itern, picked DHI Gr'ouos ,Hold �Me move into 4 ;higher rate lius Dormandy, just up at a h6ekeygime. from the directed by the Board ton Troop. nephew, Ju lips of a rather rowd�; lype little of 71ransport Commissioners for discussed was arriving from Hungary., o[ One of. the topics 'teen-ager who apparently felt Canada, f6l rs 9$Why do we lose so many boys 0 Information. Meet, " was lowing B�11 company H tnesV i e OFU +-lea between the ages' of '14' and 117?" that to say.something.. no rnat- t on October $1. The report ter how Silly. �'was, better;than'OAC Man 'Speaks =that the �umber of tole- 'Me reason seemed to be that the ForUM Two Delegates At sitAingsileAt. "Why didnft my. phones in the Clln6n calling area boys. had -learned nothifig or very father come to the game? Why' L Al;but 50L f arme rs, 1�' either-mem- had increasbd by `more­4han I five Parit 'A ncome /lIttle about Ravef Scoats, 'which he was going out boot -legging and bers of a Dairy Herd Improvement. Percent beyond the maximum . T 'they may continue into when, they CDCl -Board'From be didWt have time to come . . . " �3roug,� or 1hterested in th�, pro- linlif Of' the Present.- rate Lgroup. Below freezing tem ratures reach the age limit- of 'Boy Scouts. Needless to say the 'young lady jo, -ton are kept attendance to a in , I, pe eral discussion arose following Far tto first time in- recent his .t, astended a meeting in the Telephone rates for Clin n1inum, at the Farm Forum Radia Broad-, was not. from Clinton-­bUt was lagricultural. Office board room governed by the number of tele- the , Holmesville Local Farmers' cast,of a panel discussion on par- tory oV' the Clinton Scout an, lage of Blyth. an out -of -towner. on Tuesday afternoon, when phones In the local calling area, union.meeting, Monday night, but' ity prices. Cubs,, a joint meeting is being H. L. Patt . erson, OAC, 4ead of an the Principle established.by the enthusiasm was warm as a gen- The members. felt 'disappointed held tornorrow night, with both '�wo men from Blyth attended W1r11H THE LATEST IDISAST- the economics braii-0i, discussed boar&that the service iner6ases in attending. On. this oc- in the broadcast as they thouilit grouPs who the inaugukal meeting of the Clin 'rous fire Goderich Towns ip.. the findings of records ke the radio discussion, deNt with cas ton District Collegiate Institute h' pt by value as the number of telephone.,; ion Cub Paul Bateman, one of our oldest correspondents, rXM. group ffiembers. in Huron. increases. -The Bell company Is parity 'of income instedd & parity passed his Ltendert,6ot last night, Bo�rd- here on Monday night,.as there, James R. Stirlink, *started CDunty required to report to the board Card Party'At of prices., The members also. felt will becom& invested as 'a Scout. a result of some con -fusion, in their Films for both gro4ps. will b doing some adding up. . . He re- 'This*year two groups -will be twice yearly the status f that farmers with as much money e home village. Bernard Hall was 0 ex" Nurses Residenbe; I in. their Shown. ports that in the last 60 yegrgl Operated in Huron in place of the changes whose total telophones as they have invested appointed to the board by the 1956 there -havd been 37 barns -and 16 One doing the project last year. have increased Or decreased, mort. farms should not rank their in- ..,A course for group committee- council, and had duly. received his bouses burned in, the township. . .,. TWO fleldmen, Harry plumst6el, than five percent beyond the lim- Got'fteservation?' come with a city labourer but men in the Scouting mOVdmeht, appointment notice. Then with Clinton, for South Huron and its of their respective groups. with a businessman with at'least is being heldin Ekeitet, next Fri- the election, the iantiter 1956 court, one of the majovprojettsof the $30,000 Invested in, his business. day, January Z5, at 7.30 P.m. cil was, replaced, and when the S0�ANGE-AS IT MAY SEEM... Gordon Vall, ad, Dungannon for the The Clintfarl- area has, expanded one of the largest women Organ- north Huron , group, tour the steadily. in recent years and, its year for the Ladlesi 4-lospittil Au,". The, president, Edgar Rathwell Anyone interested in atteiiding new councillors took over, they izations, 1h town. . . one *whilch farms. taking -part and Ef9sist in progress has been acconipanied by fliary Is the bridge and Five Hun- mentioned that the, home local had this courge should get in touch ignored, the earlier �tppointmerxt,--- does a good, deal of work in an compiling and checking the rec- a. parallel growth in the number dred party at th� nurses resi- invited the Goderieh, Township with Scoutmaster PdrO Brown and named Carman . Hodgins as appreciative area—the hospital, ords. of telephones. Clinton rosidenis- dence, Friday, February 8, at 8 Federation of Agriculture . to, a by January 19, their representative, stating in a is being neglected by - its . own G. W. -Montgomery, agrIcultitral now have 2,140 telephones-irt their 0'010'ck. joint meeting Sometime in the First 01inton Troop has chang- letter iO the'CDC! Board that Mr. members, The Clinton Hosiptal representative, acted as chairman local -calling -area.' Prizes will be given and lunch near future. Some, plans were ed its ineeting night from Wednes- Hall was: unqualified to act. Auxiliary has 533.1noWbers... the for the meeting. Officials attenil- The new rates will Uecbrne of- served. Admission 50 cents. Those discussed as to a possIble chair- day to Friday night because of Both Hall and Hoftins 6ontend' -Aast regdlar meeting saw only Ing Included -R. J. Stewart, fiel& fective following the,30 days' no- wishing to get up a table or as- man, time and place for the meet- minor complications, but this, is ed there was no ill. feeling be-- sev ' en attending, . ..The Auxiliary man, Live Stock Branch, Ontario tice required by the b6ard, qWS Sist With one, please contact, Mrs. Ing, eto.' The members felt that not definite as yet. tween, them personally, and they has twdertaken the job of furn- ng would be cook house agreed to Make no motions, nor V Department of Agriculture and will be 'on February 1V �L. MeXinight, HU 2-9149 or Mrs. such a ineett' nef it , iThe insulation.of the fshing.a good bit, of the newly Ahares 14blmensdn, ift, Canada The following table Provides e)e- F, Fingland, HU 2-7007, at once, greatly -it clearing up any niis- ai"Camip Chippewana. has �been take Part in -the meeting Monday renovated "old" section, of the about three years, v�ho I will be in amp I les of the' new monthly rates ag the space at the Residence is und6rataftdings , between the -two c6mpleted, both inside, and out. niflit. The Board has no auth- bos!pitaL and to do this a lot charge of the" ll�M records at fai t�plcal classes of serVice In limited. farm groups. During the'sChristmas L holidays the ority in this situation, and must of plan -ring and committed work OAC. 'Mn Holmetson has,liad ex- watt for the village- council tq is necessary. . . It can only be' perience in this Work in Norway straighten the matter -out. done if more of the members, turn Featured'in� Toronto Daily X out to the me�tlhgs Oand lend a and in Eur9peaA q9uhtA-4 Clinton "The Hub Of Huron�' ewspaper In* hand, We undorstand that r ire, Brigade there's lunch served at these meet- IV Of Ings. so it should be rather at- XA C, Ready For NNI-g. tractive. Anyone on Re -Elects Officers ,A diet can stick to tea. _0 1957 -Memberslu'p ....... .. . For 1957 F'Ofl A., To M' eet S Grant Rath along ales Campaign Fire Chief with all of his offiters- were rd - MPs At Dinner The Annual Aeeting date Of the A let Chamber Of narmd to their positions by the The Federation, Of Agridulture Clinto' and Distti Clinton Fire Brigade at their re - Dairy Oo-otdinatfbg Committed Commerce bag 'been set for Jan- gular monthly meeting on Mon - and Polftichl Action Cbinmittee uary 31, 6brhmeneing With a din- 0 X"':, iX: Will meet With the local medikers served Irf the Hotel Clinton. day L nor g g -*Agade plan to re4 In. the eoun- The 20 Man: Of Parliament at a dinner meeti, The directors meeting I iAl decorate their room. in the town. Ly'night, ih-9 11) Ubtdl Clinton, on Saturday, Cil chamber on Tueidt laid hall in the near future. An acous- January 19, Notice of the meeting plang for a memb�rghip dampaigh tic ceiling, newpaint and a, Stain - HMO' will be sent to the committed �111nlldr to that carried out last less steel sink areincluded Ift the xhombers, concerned, Year, I plans, All twelve directors will theet in Officets at. the company are: 8artliffIg rdstatitaftt on Monday Grant Rath chief; Frank Dixon 16'Week's WIfiather January Pl, at 9,30 for coffee, and Assistant eli[Ok; Robert Drapo�,, allotment of tontdets to be Made. lieutonant; Pr"k Mekwah sea. High Low High Law Membership will be' sold until rotary; George Vanloy, enghneer, 1957 1956 Thursday, with fed including ad- Plr�6m0n, are: Toth TwyfoM a ,!aft, 10 29 4 98 V miggl6n to the dinner, ...... J. "BU& SChoorhals, Howard L Z 11 37 30 - Last year 96 m6mberg in the. 0D.Wan Caiinan McPherson HA 12 M, 10 82 23 ChAmber of Conimeto Clinto 110 1 Ap" last Satkitday in the Weekly come oftnonplate tfidg winter, Alsd Ineft6d in tho Tetes; look 01' W, J. Miller, a 4.1161gh rido �y iLMWan, Joseph Rurphyr" e was a hear 13 �1 4 26 18 ilei�ord, and made It possible for lubilohe the Job at 4011ht". Were photog of Mayot d, We' f HtUiterla horses bind Sled, With his nephew NllthL��' Dennis giab#kk, Robert C16&tor, 14 0 .8 94 10 the atgafflZati6ft to Carry Out 'a 'In f featuring Len, the Aaft & R,6y Habkirk), phig-& bovy of School thildron; a quartet rArl Reynoldsp Perey Lfvotm6ro�, 19 10 40 41 5 numborof ptoletta. 1%19 year, ah of RCAP persobbot, a plAP of"ClifttOft 8'-�l ft find VII&O d tfiLK Alex Cudoibrey I T'hed. rmmllft, 14 4 27 16 equal or larger m6thibeft'hip will 6 pa't t -, h!t d1de4t Oltfge�, 93 year bld �Attdh Roy4t Pt6hilln), X6nhetb Co6k6l., br t - 4 Ing. SftW: Nom lngtir6 the ediAW _Ztd" th Saville" P _"ow, Uatito of these, Xift&Woll"