HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-12-27, Page 14GIFT of LOVE! From man to woman, from heart , to heart, a diam- ond speaks in ten- der terms of happi- ness and love, Such an import- ant gift as a dia- mond, should be chosen with spec- ial care. Take Time - To Choose Your Diamond In Privacy.,.. Phne Collect for an Evening Appointment TERMS CAN BB ARRANGED Anstett Jewellers CLINTON (Phone HU. 2.9525) 'and WALKERTON Expert Witten Repairs and Engraving . IHTILOVA andtititEN 'WATCHES tom itivoit and BLUE BOW InAMONDS SPODE DINNERWARE "THURiPAY, j'ANuAnY 1957 WNW'NEMS-R RD - PAGE DrownEspecially for Clinton mid District Chamber of Commerce and Clinton News-Record by Ralph Too. HOW BOUT THAT RATES NEWS,,RECORD No charge 'for- announcements. .of Marriages: and Deaths Articles for sale, rent, -OW., Card -of Tlianlce, in Memoriam, engagements, 8g a 'wend,' minimum, 750, Bex No. to. this office 1.5c adclitlenal, Repeat in, sertions 2c a word, Minix-n=8,50c, CASH DISCOUNT: lig if paid by Saturday fol. lowing. last insertion. . Billing charge of 10c added each time bill is sent, Latest Time for Insertions 12 4904 Wetnesday WELL, THANKS ED, YOU'LL FIND ,THAT TRUE WHEN YOU BUY AS MUCH A$ YOU CAN FROM ALL OF US BUSINESS MEN HERE IN CLI NTON WE REASON I LIKE DEALING WITH le$,0 IS' BECAUSE YOU NEVER TRY 1,4! SELL ME THINGS THAT AREN'T Ai ::SALLY NECESSARY, AND THE ' THINGS I DO BUY, REALLY / GM ME MY MONEYS WORTH. WANT FOR QUICK'RESULTS. 1 i 1 I)istriet Bowlers To Compete In Region Finals The London-Sarnia Region-held their qualifying round of Mol- son's, Classic Ladies' Division re- cently with top-notch scores be- ing recorded for the five games. The region includeS such bowling centres as Delhi, Tillsonhurg, Ing- ersoll, Aylmer, St. Thomas, Ridge- Goderich, Clinton, Sarnia, Strathroy, St. Marye and London, with a total number of entries of 216 ladies. Regional finalists will libwl in Sairila, on January 12. Out of this 10 game block the highest bowler becomes this season's Reg- ional Champion, and the next im- mediate five high bowlers 'com- bine to form an "All Star" team. The London-Sdnia Region' is one of twelve such regions each one of whic hfollows 'this Same pattern. Thus the,• RegiOnal 'Champion goes, on to bowl against 11 other such champions at the Sportinen's Show' held in Toronto. The All. Star team meets 11 such other teams at Toronto, the top four of which then continue on at the Sportmen's Show. At the conclusion of the show the East- ern Canadian Singles Champion and the All Star Team will have been determined and these bow- lers will enjoy an all-expense paid' trip to Edmonton, to meet the'best from the West. Here are some of the districts bowlers who will compete in the regional finals: Marjorie laity Goderich, 1203; Sgt; Lil Nel- son, Clinton, 1184; Mrs. Loy May, Clinton, 1101e , 1Vles, C. Chapman, Goderich, 1097; Marilyn: Bennis- ter, .,Goderich, 9 WESLEY; WILLIS GOOD WILL CLUB MEETS ON JANUARY 8 The Wesley:Willis United Chureet Good Will Club will meet at the home of Mrs. F. Fingland, on Tuesday evening, January Pe Miss W. O'Neil and Mrs. Fingland are the conveners. Visitors are 'Wel- come. BIRTHS Holz/Es—In Clinton Publid Hos- pital, on Tuesday, January 1, 1957,. to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Holmes, Clinton, a son (Gregory MUTARD Russell), — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, December 28, 1956, to Mr,. and Mrs. Alex- daanudgehrt,Merustard, RR 1, Varna; a PARKS—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Saturday, December 29, e 1956, to LAC and Mrs. Raymond Parks,, Clinton', a daughter. REINSMA — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, December 30, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter ' Reinema, Clinton, a son (Law- rence Calvin). 'SMITH InClinton Public Hospi- tal, on Saturday, December 15, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith, Clinton, a daughter (Brenda May). VERBAKEL -- In, Clinton Public Hospital; on 'Tuesday, January 1, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Verbakel, Egmondville,- a son. wmativxoRE--rn Scott Memorial, Hospital, Seaforth, on Monday, December 31, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Er lin Whitmore, RR 3, Seaforth, a daughter (Karen Willona). . • DEATHS • CAMERON—In Saskatoon City Hospital, on Wednesday, Dec- 'ember 26, 1956, Peter T. Cam- eron, Widower of Carrie. Monis, (formerly of Kippen) in his 73rd , year. Funeral at Kindersley, Sask. HEY—At hiS home at Blake, on Wednesday, December 28, 1956, Samuel Hey, beloved husband of Mary Meyers, (and father of Mrs. Archie Mustard, Bruce- field) in his 70th year. Funeral from the Evangelical U.B. ' Church, Zurich, to the Evangel- `ice]. Cemetery, Bronson Line". McEWAN In .Clinton• Public Hos- Pital, on Monday, December 31, 1956, Elizabeth Ellen Ross,ebe- loved wife of Murray MeDwan, and dear mother of Ross; Frank and Harey 1VIcEwan, all of Clin- ton, in her 78th year. Funeral froin the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, this afternoon, Thursday, January 3, commencing at two o'clock, with the Rev. H. C. Wilson officiat- ingt Interment will be in Clin- ton Cemetery. HELP „WANTED Accommodation For Rent eFOUR..,13,001VI APARTMENT, up- estairs, furnished,downtown, Plione • IX 2-9660,1-b 'TWO ,BEPROOM UNFURNISH, -' ed apartm 67 7 ent, available now. Phone UU 2-6. • 1-b • Smw-CONTAINED apartment for :rent, 3 rooms, • Apply to Roy Tyn- 'da1l, Phone Clinton HU 2-9928. 47-tfb CARETAKER for St, ANDREW'S Presbyterian Church, Clinton, Ap, ply to' 13i11 Mutch at Ball and Mutch Hardware, 1-b WANTED FOR OFFICE WORK, Stenographer, able tp stake short- hand, Full time employment,. pleasant working conditions, AP- ply Seaforth Shoes Limited, Sea- forth, Ont. 1-2-b Livestock For Sale AVAILABLE NOW ON RAGLAN -Street,• 3-room heated apartment. eonveniences. Phone HU :2-9483. 52-1..b r-SEPARATE FIVE ROOM apart- . -nient, all modern conveniences. -Apply Lloyd Lovell, Kippen, phone 4-Tensall 678r22. 1.2-b TEN PIGS, WEEKS OLD. John McGuire, phone HU 2-9993, r 1-b Fl Livestock Wanted ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm enimalS and hides. Call collect. Ed. Andrews; •851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada, Ltd. 48p-tfb 'l 'THREE R0014APARTM,ENT — rivate bath,' furnished. ' Central ocation. • Available January - 5. •Plione Clinton. HU 2-6665. Ib i• 4.0P7 I R1 147 14S6 flrATLIFItS., 41, 7 WO 1111.621201. HEATED APARTMENT at; 59 North St., Goderich. Furnished and utilities paid. Private bath. Phone Clinton HU 2-3289. lb Miscellaneous PARK THEATRE GODERICH ART SUPPLIES (Winsor New- ton); religious goods, pictures, picture framing, photographs for all occasions. MacLareires Studios, Clinton and Goderich; at Clinton, Tuesday and Thursday, 1.30 to 7 p.m. Phone Clinton HU. 2-9401. 29-tfb HOUSE FOR RENT ON MARY Street, semi-furnished. Three ;'bedrooms, kitchen, lfeingeoom. ;.Possession at once. P.O. Box 329, "Clinton. " ' 52-tfb Now Playing: Yvonne De Carlo in "'RAW EDGE" In Cdlor NOW—THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY !IDUR ROOM BUNGALOW, full 'dry basement, oil furnace, on •Higlevitay 4, between town and Station. Available now. -thane HU 2-7965. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY (Adult Entertainment) JAMES DEAN Natalie WOOD ,,& Jim BACKUS An unusual star in a unique' drama. Pointing up some deficien- dies in modern home environment. 46Rebel Without A Cause" LEI' US REPAIR AND MAKE your, rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. 1p Randolph Scott -- GailikRussell -- Marvin Lee He thought that his gun and a search for seven outlaws. were enough to fill his life—until he met a beautiful woman. ADDED ATTRACTION — "24-HOUR ALERT" 'iT!WO FURNISHED TWO-ROAM apartments, one heated Comfort- able and clean. Use of frig., and washing machine. Apply in person, Eavenings or weekend, Mrs. Marion &Seeley, Huron Street. 1-2-p ikTRNISHED HEATED apartment -eetatable for couple. Utilities-paid: 9gleettie refrigerator and stove. Teet electric washing machine 'and laundry. Phone Goderich 380. 444 Caledonia Terrace. 44-tfb MONDAY,, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY \ "ALL THAT ALLOWS" ,R.; J. Wilson Instructor of Goderich Girls' Band 'Jaile Wyman -- Rock Hudson -- Agnes Moorehead Romantic smash hit of -the year. A love which defied tradition and snobbery. will instruct in ' Trumpet — Music Theory and . Reading of' Music for In Cineinascope & Warner-Color 0" THURSDAY, FRIDAY ' and SATURDAY Mickey ROONEY - Virginia Wells and FRANCIS the talking mule Ye're like to be skeered outta yer boots by this spine-tinglin' tale of a mule that kin even out-creep a ghost!! "Francis In. The Haunted House" 'BUSINESS GIRL WITH ROOMY downtown apartment, would like rte share it With one or two other [business women. Furbished. Self- (contained. Phone HU 2-3844 1-tfb COMING: "NORTHWEST PASSAGE" Spencer Tracy -- Ruth Hussey Instruments For rurthee Particu1lars PHONE HIV 2-7080 . • Pet Stock Articles For Sale T W 0 PUPPIES, • • PUREBRED Pomeranian, six weeks old. Phone HU 2-7092. 1-b aoyAt ALBERT BONE CHINA 1-Dinnerware in open stock or sets. See the new patterns in this fine dinnerware at COUNTER'S Jewel- lery-Store.' 14e TV IT FOR A "KING" -- We Rent — Move — Install. Complete service on :all makes of rotators end antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, • phone Goderich 1344M. 23-trb IN MEMORIAM Coming: "SHEPHERD of the HILLS" John Wayne & Betty Fields 0 ONTARIO STREET WMS AND WA TO MEET ON 'JANUARY 8 The. Woman's AssbCiation and the Woman's Missionary Society• of Ontario Street United Church will meet on Tuesday, January 8 at 2.30 o'clock in the church par- lour. A picnic lunch will be served. 0 From 1931 to 1951' the area of farmed land in Canada increased' from 163 million acres to.174 mil- lion acres, the number of occupied farms decreased from 728,623 to 623,091; and the total farm popu- lation decreased from 3,289,140 to 2,911,996. - REST HOME PARKER In loving memory of Mrs. Charles W: Parker, who pas- sed away,,eti. ;December 28, 1954: "Though, be, smile is gone forever And her hand we cannot touch, Still we have so many memories Of theenne we loved so much. Her memory is our keepsake, With which we'll never part, God has. her in His' keeping, We have. her in our hearts." . —Lovingly remembered by her family: - 1-h FARQUHAR—In loving memory ' of a dear wife, Mrs. John Far- quhar, who passed away one year ago, January 3, 1956: "I little knew when I awoke that morn, The sorrow' that the day would bring The . call was sudden, the shock ,severe, To part with one I loved so dear. • "Sometimes its hard to under- ., stand ' Why some things 'have to be. , But in his wisdom God had, planned Beyond our power to see. "God .gaye me strength to carry one And courage to bear the blow ,But what it meant to lose her No one will ever know." —Sadly missed \ by her husband, John .Farquhar. 1-p BRA:ESIDE REST HOME FOR elderly people • and convalescents. Telephone ,-Mrs. Boyce, 126W 50 to 12-b Salesmen Wanted DIVIDENDS CANARIES -BUDGIES -GOLD FIS Temperance You t h Conclaves . and Alcohol Education Weeks pay high dividend\ We quote one parent: "I was glad to hear you speak of the great youth rally. We were having a real problem with our teen-agers. Our own boy, 17, 'had been at one or two parties where liquor had been. served. When I heard of this rally being held by the Ontario Temperance' Federa- tion, I spoke to our boy, but he said 'No Dad, that's kid's stuff'. Finally we were able to get some 15 or 18 to go—and the results were wonderful. Our own boy has become quite a regular church, at- tendant, has joined the YPU and is altogether changed IN HIS AT- TITUDE TOWARD THIS SOCIAL DRINKING." The 'O.T.F: has sponsored eight such Youth Conclaves as th0 we held 'in Goderich, where more than 500 teenagers met ,fromall over the country. 1-b HURON COUNTY TEMPERANCE r'EDERATION WANTED: MAN FOR STEADY travel among• consumers• in. Huron County. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. A-169-131, Mont- real, P.Q. 1-b FOR QUICK SALE, ONE NEW *ix can Milk cooler, with General Electric unit and motor. Property - has been sold' so this cooler has to be removed at once. R, Johnston end Son, Listowel. Phone Listowel '936J2. 1-2-3-h Imported from Gerthany — GUARANTEED MALE SINGIN CANARIES in a good variety of colours. CANADIAN BRED BUDGIES in all colours from talking strain' of finger trained birds. • COMMON GOLD FISH, Calicoe Fantails, Calicoe Telescopes .Shubunkies, Comets, and Black Moor Telescopes. HARTZ MOUNTAIN BUDGIE and CANARY SEED, Conditio Food, Bird Cages, Fish Bowls, etc. Articles :Wanted CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank my many friends who sent cards and treats; and special thanks to the nurses and doctors for -their care while I was in hospital.— ALEX PATER- SON. 1-b • -USED HEAVY DUTY Fq ECTRIC ,13.ange in gootheonclitiere ;Boe 293, -Wingharn. 172-p NOTICE TO CREDITORS Flowers Wired Anywhere For Any Occasion BABY SITTING 'In The ESTATE/ OF MELINDA ANNA BAKER, late of the Town- ship of Stanley in the County of Huron, Married. Wornan•, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the saideEstate, -on or,before the 21st day of January, AD. 1957, after which date. the ,assets will be dist.' ributed amongst the parties en- titled 'thereto, having regard' only to the claims of which 'notice shall have been given. DATED at. Clinton, Ontario,. this 28th day .of December, A.D. 1956.. E. B. IVIENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, • Solicitor for the said Estate. 1-2-3-b K. C. COOKE .RIFT TABLE 'MCiTHER WILL baby sit by the day or hourly. ,Rea- . aoneble rates. • Phone RU' 2-9765. 49-tfb to thank my many friends.for cards, treats and flow- ers; also. kindnesses received from the nurses during my stay in Clinton Public Hospital. MRS. Elizabeth Miller.' • 1-.b FLORIST Phone HU 2-7012 CLINTON ONTARIO Business Opportunities 'OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, • High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin. on HU 2-6692. 13-tib I would like to take this opPoe- tunity to thank all the friends who remembered me, with cards, elowers and treats while a patient in Clinton Hospital, and since re- turning home; else, the nurses, Dr. Oakes and Dr. Addison, who were so kind to me. — MRS. ALICIA. LEYBeRNE, lb LOOK FOR THESE Fir:Sale or Rent BRICK HOUSE, FURNISHED, --seven rooms, all conveniences, half e garage, for rent. Phone Bay- field 53r2. 41-,,tfb ,OMM#4 Harvey's • Taxi Amirwanompolori 'NINE-ROOM HOUSE in Holmes- 'Ville, equipped with bath, furnace, garage. Immediate possession. ,Phone Bert Lo.ble HU 2-7506. 1-b Used Skate CLEARANCE Boys' and Men's Some with Tendon,. Guards, 7 car: THEY ALL MUST GO RAY'S Shoe Hospital 1-p Don't Buy Snow Tirq FREE PANT SALE 'YOU' ;LUST. CAN'T BEAT . . . until you see us!! -Furniture For Sale HAVE YOUR TIRES `DAYBED. Mrs. T. Darling. Phone 'Clinton HU 2.3807. " lb Skid-Defied SAVE! , SAVE! SAVE! Cities Service (At Mid-Towne Restaurant) PHOltE HU. 2-9054 ASTRAL REFRIGERATOR, Can- adian Beauty Rangette, Chrdme Kitchen Set, Studio Couch, Trilite Lainp, Bed and Dresser, two small Spade Heaters, one medium size Space Heater. Call HU 2-9418. 1.2-b Stops Slipping — Sure drip qt, Ga Get—quick starts long mileage • WATKINS' Service Station NIGHT ' -HU. 2-3880k, Harvey Ashton Help" Wanted' Get an extra pant FREE. with your new Made-to-: Measure Suit. Choide of the House: W. IL JOHNSTON TIP TOP TAILORS CAMBRIDGE SPECIAL SELECTION of , WARREN K. COOK SAMPLES Save up to $20 on these fine suits. 13.ELIAELE, ID DLEAGED housekeeper for small village, 'three adults. Good home for right person. References reqiiired. Write 'stating wages, experience to Box '510 Clinton News-Record, 1-x Huron Street Clinton Phone HU 2-6661 51 to 6-b AVOID - Cold Weather „Freeze-pp It Will pay you to use Cities Service „ ; try a tankful today. 0,0,P4P4W4.0•0#00•0#1,4npans.,94,444•44..") , OFFICE CLERKS for Departnient of Natiqnql Defence (Air) Clinton,' Ontario., `CLERKS 1 $1620 - '$2016 RAY'S Cities Service No experience required =CLERKS 2A—:0910 'WU 2 yeaes Office experience or High ,School Graduation 'Details and application forms at, PoSt Offices and National EMpley. Ment Services. 'Apply before Jen- Aiary"14, 1957 to the Civil Service Commission 25 SC 'Clair Ave, E., Toronto 1. Quote competition number 56-T- 1308 for Clerks 1. 'Quote competition munber 56-T- 1309 for Clerks 2A. 14) Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY pt 1.30 p.m. TERMS CASH CORET, Sales Manager E. W. nurri.r. Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Cities Service Products' Ray ifoggarth -- Carl Cantelosli "The place where you never have to blow your thorn" "We Pick6p and Deliver"' Phone II J 2-9032 Clinton t r t Ontario PICKETT le CAMPBELL LIMITED Pito et HLI• 2.9732 Main Corner